The Children of Mu
The Children of Mu
The Children of Mu
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Halftone Plates I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X: A symbolic figure of Mu The foot mark of an ancient man Photograph of a group of Niven's tablets Niven Collection Show Case No. 6 showing carved stone tablets Types of South Sea Islanders The Owl Vase and the Bird Sphinx The Irish and Caribbean Walls and an Easter Island composite figure The Great Pillars at Baalbek Carving of a Semitic head Two ancient Gold Masks found at Mount Alban
Line Cuts The Eastern Lines of Colonization from Mu Prehistoric North America The alphabet of Mu, Mayax and Egypt The volcanic conditions in and around Mexico and the West Indies Tablet No. 1231. The Key of Universal Movement Tablet No. 1584 from Niven's Collection showing the Creation of Woman The Mysterious Writing The Mysterious Writing In the form of a keystone Writings on Inscription Rock An altar painting A group of tablets symbolizing the Dual Principle of the Creator The Division of Crops and Lands The Workings of the Primary Forces A group of bird tablets symbolizing the Creative Forces The Watersthe Mother of Life Ancient symbols of the Sacred Four A group of tablets showing the workings of the Four Great Primary Forces South America showing the ancient Amazon Sea and canals, connecting it with the Pacific Ocean The Lines of Colonization from Mu through the Amazon Sea to Africa, Atlantis, the Mediterranean and Asia Minor Position of Atlantis The course of the Great Central Gas Belt from Mu to Asia Minor The Canary Islands Volcanic conditions of Asia Minor and surroundings Tablet No. 150. The Dual Principle of the Creator Western Lines of Colonization from Mu Volcanic conditions in and around Cambodia Volcanic conditions of the Malay Archipelago Map of Ancient India showing the submerged land on the West The Great Uighur Empire during the Tertiary Era
The course of the North Running Wave over Siberia CHAPTER I THE ORIGIN OF MAN FOR the benefit of those who have not read The Lost Continent of Mu a short synopsis of its contents follows. The Land of Mu was a large continent situated in the Pacific Ocean between America and Asia, its center lying somewhat south of the equator. Basing its area on the remains which are still above water, it would have been about six thousand miles from east to west, and about three thousand from north to south. All the rocky islands, individually and in groups, scattered over the Pacific Ocean were once part of the continent of Mu. About twelve thousand years ago cataclysmic earthquakes rent Mu asunder. She became a fiery vortex, and the waters of the Pacific rushed in, making a watery grave for a vast civilization and sixty millions of people. Easter Island, Tahiti, Samoas, Cook, Tongas, Marshall, Gilbert, Caroline, Marianas, Hawaii and the Marquesas are the pathetic fingers of that great land, standing today as sentinels to a silent grave. The existence of this great continent is confirmed by: Naacal tablets, books, writings, inscriptions and legends found in India, China, Burma, Tibet and Cambodia. Ancient Maya books, inscriptions, symbols and legends found in Yucatan and Central America. Remains, inscriptions, symbols and legends found among the Pacific Islands. Stone tablets found in Mexico near Mexico City. Cliff dwellers' writings and inscriptions found in Western North America. Books of old Greek philosophers. Books and writings of the ancient Egyptians. Legends throughout the world. These confirmations are all given in The Lost Continent of Mu. They show that: There was once a large continent of land in the Pacific Ocean called the Land of Mu. On this great continent man made his advent on earth about two hundred thousand years ago. The Land of Mu and the Biblical Garden of Eden were one and the same land.
Both the Naacal and the Mexican tablets show clearly that man is a special creation. They also show in what way he differs from all other creations. An account of the creation is given in both sets of tablets which is very similar to the Biblical account.
At the time of Mu's destruction her people were in an exceedingly high state of civilization; as regards science she was far ahead of the present time. (No wonder! She was at the end of two hundred thousand years of experience and development. -We today cannot claim five hundred.) The great civilizations of the old Oriental empires - India, Egypt, Babylonia, etc. were only the dying embers of Mu's great civilization. They were her children, who withered and died without her care. All tablets, inscriptions and writings which I used in The Lost Continent of Mu are accompanied by keys for reading them. Every assertion made is accompanied by reasonable proof. The facts are there. The theories will have to take care of themselves. I wish it understood that what is revealed of the past in my writings must not be considered discoveries by me. I am simply stating what I find in writings that run from 12,000 to 70,000 years ago if the mode of keeping time was correct. What is disclosed in these writings is startling, yet archaeology and geological phenomena corroborate the facts without calling to our aid legends which also confirm them. Lao Tse, the Chinese sage 600 B.C., speaks of the great learning and advancement of his prehistoric forefathers. The ancients were wise and thoughtful for those who were to come after them. They left indestructible records written on clay and stone. This wisdom is spoken of by Souchis priest of Sais to Solon the Greek, as recorded in Plutarch. These writings have been broken up and many of them lost. As they were universal among the ancients, scraps and fragments of them are found in all quarters of the earth. When put together they supplement one another to a great extent, so that by combining them we can make a beginning towards unraveling the wonders of the earth's First Great Civilization. For over fifty years I have been hunting these scraps and putting them together so as to form the beginning of an intelligent tale of the Creation and Man.It rests with those who come after me to complete the tale. ANCIENT RELICS.Relics that can be traced back as coming directly from Mu, the Motherland, are extremely rare. During the past few years I have been singularly fortunate in finding two that are at least intimately connected with Mu. Both are symbolic figures in bronze. They were either made in the Motherland or in one of the ancient Uighur cities before the eastern half of that great empire was destroyed by the north running-wave of the last Magnetic Cataclysm which was the Biblical "Flood." This wave destroyed all the country over which it ran, the people were drowned and the cities washed away or buried under the drift. The Uighur Capital City today lies under fifty feet of boulders, gravel and sand. It is situated in the Gobi Desert, which today has large areas of rock only, the soil and everything with it having been washed away by the "Flood."
I am using one of these relics as Plate I (see halftones between pages 158-9). It is, without question, one of the two oldest bronzes in existence. If Uighur, it is about 18,000 or 20,000 years old. If from Mu, the age cannot be estimated. This figure is a symbol of Mu as the great ruler. The fineness of the workmanship is not to be found surpassed, and very seldom equaled in any of the prominent jewelry stores in our big cities today. Both symbols have been in America for about 150 years. I know their history, but the less said about it the better, since in the Oriental home from which they were taken, they were without question sacred relics. The British Museum has three scepters which undoubtedly were manufactured in Mu before she went down.
In Mu,1 the Motherland, there were ten distinct tribes. Although they were physically easily differentiated, there were few variations in language, and these only of a minor character. A greater change is seen in their glyphs or writings.
In the Motherland each of her people occupied its own territory; and, when various tribes took part in the colonization of a new country, they did not settle down indiscriminately, but each tribe took its own land and built its own cities as their fathers did in Mu. They settled down adjoining each other and formed a homogeneous whole.
1 Every letter in every word in the ancient language of Mu is pronounced. Mu is pronounced Moo; A is pronounced ah; U is pronounced oo as in moon; Ta is pronounced tah; Tau is pronounced ta-oo.
This original form of isolation grew with time so that the tribes eventually became separate peoples, and finally nations. And as the isolation became greater, changes in language crept in. CHAPTER II THE EASTERN LINES
COLONIZATION.When Mu, the Motherland, became overcrowded, or, among her great navigators, some ambitious and enterprising company found new and available lands, a colonial development was started. These emigrant children of Mu were called Mayas. All who left the Motherland in any direction were called Mayas. Colonization must have started at least 70,000 years before Mu sank, for there are Naacal writings in the Orient stating that the Holy Brothers carried the religion and the sciences of the Motherland to the colonies "over 70,000 years ago." One of these colonies was said to "have a population of 35,000,000 people."
From the remains of man of great antiquity found in all parts of the earth, and of which in many cases a fragmentary history is given in the form of symbolic writings, tableaux, tablets and in ancient documents, I am enabled to plot out the courses or lines taken by the colonists from the Motherland. From these remains it is very clearly shown that two main directions of colonization were followed, with many branches from the main lines, and many independent short lines. The two
main directions were east and west from Mu. I have found no records showing which of these directions was first commenced, or the approximate date when Mu's first colony was established. The date of only one colony is to be found so far, the Maya Colony on the Nile Delta in Egypt, which was set-tied about 16,000 years ago. Records point to the possibility that the first colonies on each of the main lines were started at about the same time. We know definitely, however, where the first colonies were started. In an easterly direction settlements were made on what are now the West Coasts of North and Central America. Westerly colonization first took place on the Eastern Coast of Asia. A symbol was assigned for the colonies: the sun rising on the horizon without rays. (Fig. 1.)
When a colony had advanced far enough to govern itself under the suzerainty of the Motherland it was turned into a Colonial Empire, and a ruler appointed. Its symbol was the sun with rays rising on the horizon. (Fig. 2.) The ruler had the title "Son of the Sun" bestowed upon him by the Motherland, which meant that he was a subject or son of Mu, "The Empire of the Sun." THE EASTERN LINES.The accompanying map will show the lines taken by the various colonists from Mu in an easterly direction.
There were probably two principal or main lines. One of these has left behind it a blazed trail in the form of many records. It ran from Mu to Yucatan and Central
America. From there to Atlantis and from Atlantis through the Mediterranean Sea and Asia Minor, and through the Dardanelles to the southeast corner of the Black Sea. From the west coast of America a branch ran down the west coast of South America, traceable as far as Chile. From the east coast of Central America a branch ran down the east coast of South America, traceable as far as Argentina. Another branch ran to the north and east, ending in Scandinavian Europe. From Atlantis branches ran to southwestern Europe and northwestern Africa. Along the Mediterranean, branches were thrown out north and south. The last of these Mediterranean colonies was the Nile Delta, Lower Egypt. This line I have called the Eastern North Main Line. The other Eastern Main Line has no records, only evidences and an ancient map. It started from the southwest of the Motherland to South America. From the west coast of South America it passed through canals to the Amazon Sea, now the Amazon Swamp. After passing through the Amazon Sea, it crossed to East Africa with probable calls along the southern shores of Atlantis for supplies. The colonists of this line were the black races, the Negroes and Negroids. They still have distant cousins in the Pacific occupying Melanesia (the southwestern Pacific Islands). In addition to the black line there was a white race known as the Caras or Carians who are the Greeks today.
There were three other very important Eastern Lines from Mu that went no farther than America: First, to about Nevada. Second, the Mexico Valley. Third, to Peru. The canals mentioned above are still in existence but in a broken, wrecked condition. They are found on the top of the Andes Mountains near Lake Titicaca. NORTH AMERICAN PREHISTORIC CIVILIZATIONS.I have drawn a free-hand conventional map of North and Central America showing approximately where remains of prehistoric civilizations have been found. Single circles show one civilization only; two circles where two have been found, and three circles where three or more civilizations can be seen. Remains of extremely ancient people are found from Alaska to Cape Horn. One prominent fact stands out boldly: no very remote remains of man are found close to the shore line. This I will take up later.
Remains of three or four civilizations are found in our western states. All but one are shown to have been destroyed by cataclysms and the remaining one was destroyed by the raising of our western mountain ranges. Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Mexico and Central America afford the archaeologist of today one of the most prolific fields to work in. Nowhere else on earth is there such an abundance of varying material for him to study. Not only this, but some of the oldest records of man are to be found among this archaeological wealth, dating far back into the Tertiary Era with some few cases probably extending back as far as the Miocene Period. These remains are hoary with age. There they stand awaiting intelligent, sympathetic, believing students who will listen to their tales and truthfully recount what is told. The student must read the writings on their wrinkled and weathered faces and interpret them intelligently. They are too old and venerable to be bluffed into giving up their secrets. The student must come to them with an open mind, capable of receiving what they tell him. He must come to them knowing their language and their alphabet. The evidences which tell of these civilizations vary from flint arrow and spear heads to exquisite pottery, jewelry and paintings, even to great cities built of concrete and stone.
QUETZAL LAND.The Quetzals, who were the first people to occupy any part of North or Central America, have left nothing but traditions behind them, unless some of the oldest remains of man which have been found belong to the Quetzals without our knowing it, which is quite possible. In the Lost Continent of Mu, I gave a few out of the many legends about the Quetzals to which an additional note is added here.
Back in the 90's during my trip to Central America, I obtained from Indians the information that far back in the dense forests of Honduras and Guatemala there still existed villages of blond white Indians. One of these Indians claimed to have lived for several weeks in one of their villages. He obtained from them the most authentic account of the Quetzals that I have heard. Their language is Maya and they claim that they are the descendants of those who fled to the forests when their King Quetzal was conquered and overthrown.
THE PYGMIES.Very few writers on Yucatan have said anything about the Pygmies. Yet they must have been an important little people judging by what they have left behind, for all along the coast line of eastern Yucatan and on many of the islands lying off the coast are to be seen their houses and little temples. Among the natives of this region are found many legends about the Pygmies who once lived there, and not so very long ago. At Niscute, Mexico and elsewhere are to be seen many of their stone remains. Everything about them is dwarfed, the rooms are small and the ceilings low. On the island of Cozumet there is a little temple whose doorway measures only three feet in height and eighteen inches in width. This is a typical doorway. The question is, are they all extinct in America? I am told not, for when I was in British Honduras I was informed that hunters and explorers occasionally meet them back in the dark valleys of the mountains. They are about three feet tall with dark complexions and an abundance of very long black hair. It is said that they speak the Maya tongue fluently. CHAPTER III ANCIENT NORTH AMERICA WHEN the Motherland started out to people the earth, North America and Eastern Asia were the two lands where she planted her first colonies, so that here, in our own home, we may look for the earliest records of man not in Europe, Egypt or Babylonia. They were the tail-enders. Going to these countries to find the early records of man is like a shepherd going everywhere to find a lost lamb while he is carrying it under his arm all the time.
Let us commence by mentally carrying ourselves back to the time when the first foot of man trod American soil, and reconstruct a probable scene. We assume, basing our assumption on modern history, that Mu expanded while her civilization was in its early stages. We, therefore, picture to ourselves an ancient craft leaving the shores of Mu, the Motherland, manned by a crew of stalwart, young adventurers with milk-white skins, blue eyes and light, flaxen hair. When their craft was fairly launched upon the Eastern Sea, they pointed its prow towards the rising sun. A hundred thousand years or more, after man first appeared on Mu, found him so increased in numbers that the area of available land of the Motherland became insufficient to sustain the ever growing population. So these young men had started out to find other lands, if they existed anywhere on this globe.1
1 The time I have given as the time man had been on earth may appear long but it is taken from two tablets written by the Naacals, which state that about the time Mu went down man had been on earth 200,000 years. There are many Oriental legends Mating the name thing.
They were called Quetzals in the Motherland on account of their making the venomous serpent Quetzacoatl their symbol for the Creator and creation.2 At the end of a moon's journey,3 as the rays of the morning sun were lighting up the horizon ahead, the crew saw ahead of their craft a long line of surf breaking on a low, sandy shore, with a low, rolling country beyond. On nearing the surf, they turned the prow of their craft and skirted the shore line until they came to a stretch of less turbulent Water. This they crossed and found themselves at the mouth of a river. They proceeded inland until they came to a suitable landing place where they drew their boat up on the bank and made camp. From the camp they explored the surrounding country, finding it unoccupied by man and eminently adapted for a settlement. They then returned to the Motherland with the good news. The country which they discovered was America, as we call it today, and the particular spot in North America where they landed was Mexico as we now know it. This was more than 50,000 years ago, and it might have been tens of thousands of years before that. After the arrival home of the explorers, expeditions were formed and a regular colonization of this new land set in. Soon it became a large and thriving colony. Other tribes settled to the north while the original colony spread to the south, eventually settling in Yucatan and Central America. What is now Guatemala is where they built their capital city and elected a king. THE VALLEY OF MEXICO.There is no spot on earth that has a greater attraction and fascination for the lovers
2. I have found in ancient records that in various parts of the Motherland, the tribes or people were called after the name of their symbol for the Creator and creation. The Nagas are another noted example. 3. In so far as I have been able to find out, the ancients kept track of time by the itars. Dates in this book, whenever given, are based upon astronomical charts found engraved in ancient writings.
of the ancient than the Valley of Mexico. A series of tragedies has followed man in this valley, starting from the very beginning of his appearance in America. Take the first settlers. After many years of successful development, extension and expansion, and after building great cities and imposing temples, a huge cataclysmic wave from the ocean rolled in over the land, leveling the cities and temples and blotting out all human life. When the waters finally subsided they left behind a stratum of boulders, gravel and sand which blanketed the whole country, burying the remains of the cities and temples. The remains of this, their first great city, lie 29 miles north of Mexico City. 4 Four known settlements followed the original in the Valley of Mexico and each was wiped out by cataclysmic waves. The last one left behind indestructible writings on stone. Twenty-six hundred of their tablets have been found by Niven. They are not of the settlement previously mentioned. Some of these will be shown in my next chapter with their decipherings.
A short account of how this civilization was wiped out gives one of the most interesting and one of the most valuable little geological tales ever told.
A gas chamber 5, which had been underlying the Valley of Mexico blew out: the roof collapsed and crashed to the floor of the chamber, carrying with it all life thereon. The waters from the ocean rolled in and filled up the abyss caused by the land sinking. This submerged the Valley of Mexico. The submersion was accompanied by terrific volcanic workings. Earthquakes followed one another in quick succession. The land opened and volcanoes burst forth, vomiting fire, smoke and rivers of lava, which
4 See The Lost Continent of Mu, page 206. 5 See The Lost Continent of Mu, page 252
spread out over the country, carrying death and destruction in their wake. Some of these ancient craters with their lava flows still remain. A noted one is called Xitli: its lava flow extends about 25 miles and ends on the very edge of Mexico City. The flow is about 25 feet thick, showing the enormous ejection. I have not sufficient data to give the date of this submersion. An Egyptian temple record refers to a submersion of land in Central America about 16,000 years ago. This may be the one referred to or it may not. An Aztec tradition, sent to me by Niven a short time since, supports the temple record. The legend runs as follows: "At the time of the conquest of Mexico by Cortez (A.D. 1521) he was told by an Aztec priest that: 'Long, long ago a great flood of water covered the Valley of Mexico and drowned all humanity. So great was the flood that it drowned out the Sun and left the world in darkness. By and by the gods created a new Sun, and this new Sun ruled a new age in the history of the world.' " This is a typical Aztec production but lacks the usual amount of Aztec frills, ribbons and inventions. It comes out of two separate and distinct legendsone the submergence of the Valley of Mexico, the other the destruction and submergence of Mu, the Motherland.
The submergence of the Valley of Mexico took place long before the submergence of Mu because after the valley had emerged again and become habitable for man, it was repeopled more than once. Mu was called "The Empire of the Sun" and was suzerain over all the world. She was the Sun referred to in the legend. Thus, when Mu, the Sun, was submerged, she, the Sun, "was drowned out." The Empire of the Sun was the ruler of the whole world. Her laws governed all people. When she was gone, all laws throughout the world became chaotic. New forms of government had to be arranged for each colony and Colonial Empire: each one from then on had to be self-governing. This certainly was "a new era in the history of the world." Shortly after the last repeopling from Mu, the great gas belts began to form along the western parts of North America and in forming raised mountain ranges. Two of
these mountain ranges run down through Mexicoone on the west side, the other on the east side, forming a broad valley between. As these ranges were being lifted they carried the valley between them up several thousand feet. If at the time these mountains were being raised Mexico was inhabited, it is safe to say that nearly all of the people perished, as was the case in all other areas where mountains were raised.
The various phenomena which are shown throughout the Valley of Mexico today demonstrate without the possibility of controversy that the mountain ranges in western North America are not over 11,500 years old, if as much. The two Mexican ranges are continuations of the Rocky Mountain and Cascade Ranges.
The bed of the Valley of Mexico during its submergence was a stratum of boulders, gravel and sand, interspersed with seashells which were brought in by the flood from the ocean waters when they filled up the abyss caused by the sinking land. Evidently the water was not very deep nor was the land very long submerged, as there appears to have been insufficient pressure to form a very solid compact rock. Today it is found as a crumbly, unfinished, immature conglomerate rock called tepetate in Mexico. This tepetate rock is found not only in the valley itself but high up on the mountainsides which surround it. Egyptian records say that this rock was laid down about 16,000 years ago. How long afterwards it emerged again is not known but from the character of the rock, if we may judge from that, it could not have been very long under water, comparatively speaking. A civilization occupied the land again after it emerged. This civilization was also wiped out by a cataclysm from the ocean. This clinches the fact that the Mexican Mountains are of recent origin. The Mexican Mountains being of recent origin, and being continuations of our own western ranges, proves that all of the mountain ranges in western North America are of recent origin.
AMERICA 12,000 YEARS AGO.I now come to Niven's second great discovery in Mexico. In little hamlets and villages 4 to 6 miles northwest of Mexico City at a depth of from 17 to 18 feet below the surface, Niven discovered still another Mexican prehistoric civilization. Among the many treasures which he found were 2600 stone tablets. He has gone to the extreme trouble and monumental labor of making tracings of every one and sending them to me. When sending some of the first tracings he wrote: "I have been informed by professors (mentioning the names of many) and dozens of others, both American and foreign, that they were symbols unlike anything they had ever seen." Not one of our prominent archaeologists, either in Europe or in America, has been able to decipher a single one of these tablets. This is not surprising for it is impossible for them to decipher any tablet or inscription that is over six or seven thousand years old. To read them one must know the language, the symbols, the alphabet and the cosmogony of Mu. Mu, the Motherland, is the key to all ancient writings. The most ancient writings that I have ever seen are of either a religious or a scientific character. Some are about Mu and nothing else. The alphabet of the Motherland consisted of 16 letters and many diphthongs. Each letter had three different glyphs expressing it. The first is the hieratic letter which also carries a
hidden meaning. The second is used in the body of words generally, and the third is used as an adjective or to emphasize. The esoteric or hidden meaning of the hieratic letters was known only to the priesthood and not even to all of them. In most cases the hidden meaning symbolized somethingM was the alphabetical symbol for Mu, H the alphabetical symbol for the Sacred Four, and A for the Creator, the Deity. On examining the tracings of the tablets sent to me by Niven, I saw old friends and found that the keys to the Naacal tablets applied in a general way to these writings. These tablets are the first spoken words from America's prehistoric past.
Besides the tablets Niven found many carved heads, specimens of which he sent to me. If these are truly representative of the people, we have nothing today identically like them. Niven seems to think that they have a Mongol cast. To me, however, they appear more like a coarse Semitic. Strange as it may appear, the writings on some of the tablets are identical in their religious conceptions with what has recently been found in Babylonia. When Niven discovered these tablets he found them generally around altars. Each one had a coating of clay, evidently for the purpose of preserving the colors of the glyphs. Being found around altars leads to the impression that they might have been sacred relics and much older than the date of the people in whose possession we find them.
After deciphering and reading a number of these tablets, I found that the bulk of them are extracts and sentences from the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu, and that in most cases the esoteric or temple glyphs are used. At this I find myself confronted with a peculiar condition hard to explain satisfactorily to myself. 1. Many of these tablets are exceedingly crude in workmanship. The drawings and carvings are those of novices. Others are perfectly drawn and carvedthe work of experts. 2. The tablets themselves have not been shaped. Their shapes are very irregular, their sizes equally so. They appear to be just water-worn stones with a smooth surface. The figures are drawn to conform to the shape of the stone. 3. The designs, although in some extremely crude, show a highly educated mind with a profound knowledge of the ancients' conception of the origin and workings of the Great Forces, and a perfect knowledge of life and its origin. This civilization was in no way primitive. On the contrary, in science they were far ahead of us today. Their knowledge of the Cosmic Forces, which our scientists today call "energy" for want of the knowledge of their origin, was evidently perfect. A primitive civilization could not have written these tablets. They are the exposition of the knowledge of a profound science which has only just dawned on the scientific world of today and which has not as yet been learned and mastered by modern man. How can we account for such profound knowledge, in some cases so crudely written? Their pottery and terra cotta figures are the work of experts. The writings are queer; yet queer as they are, they are the first words spoken for us to understand from those, who lived in America over 12,000 years ago.
On these tablets is told the form of government among these people. From the decipherings which will follow, all who read must feel convinced that their religious conceptions and cosmogony were of a very high order. What is more, they thoroughly understood what they were writing about. One of their great themes was the Creation, which they systematically follow down from chaos to the advent of man. They state that: "In the beginning all was chaos and, the universe was soundless and darkness prevailed over all." Their principal symbol was the Sun as the monotheistic or collective symbol of the Creator. Their religion was monotheistic. They acknowledged only One Supreme which they worshiped through a collective symbol, the Sun. The Supreme, the Creator was given many attributes each of which was symbolized. Great stress apparently was laid on the fact that these attributes were only powers of the One Supreme. They had a communistic form of government. All crops were divided according to their laws. I have found no mention whatever of money. Whether they had any or not I cannot say. Throughout this work, especially in the translations, I have avoided using the word God as being the Infinite, the Deity, because the name god did not mean the Deity among the ancients. To make this clear I will give the origin of the word god.
THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD GOD.In all very ancient writings one comes across the word god. It reads the god this, the god that. Generally we find a name given to the god such as the Chaldean "the god Belmarduk," the Egyptian "the god Thoth," etc. The ancients did not refer to the Creator: to them He was the Supreme. Their meaning was a Cosmic Force originating with the Creator.
In ancient writings we constantly come across the marriage of a god and a goddess who produce or accomplish something. The ancients knew perfectly well that to create anything Two Cosmic Forces were involved. This they were taught in the Sacred Inspired Writings. In these writings they were taught and shown that it was the combined action of two forces that created. As it was the combined action, or the joining together or coming in contact with each other, it was popularly symbolized as a marriage of the godsmarriage of the two forces. It was probably expressed as a marriage to enable the ancient layman better to understand the phenomenon. Thus we find he was taught that the god A married the goddess B and they produced C. In the Sacred Writings we find the same phenomenon expressed in temple language, Commands in Creation. "The arrows of the Sun met the arrows 6 of the earth."
6 May be read as arrow, spear and javelin.
The foregoing is the form of temple writing and not the form of teaching the layman. The Priesthood in turn, to make it more understandable to the layman, symbolized the forces as godsthe first four gods were the Four Great Primary Forces.
Later in the history of Man the souls of man after they had left the material body were added to the list of gods, such as the Egyptian Thoth, the god of learning. This was not out of place, for the ancients knew perfectly well that man at his creation was given Cosmic Forces, that these Forces are under control of the Soul, that when the Soul left the material body it carried the Cosmic Forces with it. So the soul of man possessing Cosmic Forces was appropriately added to the list of gods. Still later on we find the word god added to the names of the Creator. The earliest of these applications which I can find is in the Bible where the Deity is called God and Lord God. Since then it has become His most popular name.
The volcanic conditions in and around Mexico and the West Indies
From about 2500 years ago we drop down to present times. Our scientific men, being unable to comprehend the difference between the ancient past god and our present God, have assumed that to the ancients all their gods were Deities and thus they conceived of and worshiped many Gods. Thus science has formed such a scramble that it has clogged and badly stuck the layman's attitude on this subject, but this is nothing new in man's history.
VOLCANIC CONDITIONS OF MEXICO AND SURROUNDINGS.Before closing this chapter it does not seem amiss to explain why the Valley of Mexico was so often overrun with cataclysmic waves from the oceans. I have made a sketch which seems to me to be sufficient to show what is required. The broken lines running from a northerly direction to a southerly direction are parallels or divisions of the Great Pacific Circuit Gas Belt, 7 the largest within the crust of the earth. On the west of Mexico underneath the ocean three parallels or divisions of this gas belt are shown. Another two divisions of the same belt are shown coming down underneath the land. Running from east to west are shown the two divisions of the Great Central Gas Belt which runs completely around the earth. This belt has a vast number of parallels, splits, loops, etc., commencing out in the Pacific Ocean, doubling up through Yucatan and Central America and tapering down again after leaving the Continent. At the time these belts were forming every thrust of the gases when forging sent in a cataclysmic wave over the land. Before these belts could be formed many gas chambers had to be blown out. All those which lay under the ocean, when their
roofs were being raised previous to their blowing out, sent cataclysmic waves in over the land. The divisions of these belts which lay underneath the land were the responsible agents for the raising of the mountains.
7. See The Lost Continent of Mu, page 252.
CHAPTER IV STONE TABLETS FROM THE VALLEY OF MEXICO No better or more authentic account of the discovery of these Ancient Tablets can be given than the one sent to me by William Niven himself. NIVEN'S ACCOUNT OF HIS FIND."Since the days of the Spanish conquest the Valley of Mexico, an area some fifty miles long by fifty broad with Mexico City for its center, has been a veritable paradise for seekers of archaeological treasures. Many of the finds, including the Calender Stone, the Monolith of Tizoc and the Graven Tablets of Azcopotzalco region with their mysterious writings, are without equal in the world. My discoveries in this region of the carved Stone Tablets which are attracting so much attention in the scientific world, originated as follows:
"During 1910 after my return to Mexico City from my explorations among the ancient ruined cities in the unknown and uninhabited portion of the State of Guerrero, I began to receive periodic visits from local Indians who came with terra cotta figurines and other objects for sale. They pretended to have found these objects at the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at San Juan Teotihuacan, a distance of over 25 miles from the capital but having learned that they made the journey to and fro from their 'tierra' in little more than an hour, I offered to pay one of them five pesos ($2.50) if he would reveal to me the real locality where he found the 'idolitos' which he was offering for sale. He gladly accepted my proposal.
"It was in 1921, however, in the course of my excavations at Santiago Ahuizoctla, a hamlet contiguous to Amantla, that I came across the first of the now famous carved stone tablets at a depth of 4 meters from the surface of the ground. This discovery was at once so singular and so startling that I became instantly fired with an immense desire to find more of these tablets, if more indeed were to be found. To this end, I made a systematic exploration of all the clay pits, sand pits and tepetate quarries that existed within an area of 20 square miles and my arduous labors were amply rewarded, for by December, 1923, or in less than three years, I had unearthed 975 of these mysterious tablets. (Now 2600) "Many of the most important of these were found at Ahuizoctla under and around an altar which had an outline figure upon it painted in red and yellow. The paints used were mostly from oxide of iron. In 1924 Dr. Morley of the Carnegie Institution said that the strange symbols on the carved stones and altar were unlike anything he had ever seen in Mexico or elsewhere."
While the story told by William Niven is extremely interesting, yet the stories told by these old stone tablets are still more so. They are the first spoken words to be understood by present man from America's prehistoric past.
I cannot carry the age of these tablets back beyond 12,000 years although they may be much older. There is nothing on them to determine their exact age or even approximate age. If we were to start at the beginning of man's history in America we should have to go back beyond 50,000 years ago and possibly more than 100,000 years ago. Geological records show very high and advanced civilization in North America more than 50,000 years ago. Immense cities built of concrete and stone, beautiful pottery, gorgeous jewelry and wonderful fresco paintings.
THE KEY OF THE UNIVERSE.This tablet is the "Rosetta Stone" of all sciences in which movement is involved. I consider it the most valuable tablet in the whole of Niven's collection of 2600.
The figure on the stone is a vignette, a symbolical figure of what has been known for a hundred thousand years as The Sacred Four. This writing gives their origin and workings. These Great Sacred Four have been known by many, many names among the ancients. They have always played a prominent part in Man's religious conceptions, and do today.
Although I find over three dozen names which have been given to The Sacred Four, not a single one of these tells us what The Sacred Four are. This one does. They are the Four Great Primary Forces which emanate from The Creator. First, they evolved law and order out of chaos throughout the universe. Second, by command they became The Creator's executive in creating all things. Third, when all was created they were given charge of the physical throughout the Universe. This clearly shows that The Origin of Forces is The Creator himself. All other forces
are subsidiary and dependent on these four. Atoms generate forces; the movement of atoms depends on The Great Four. The Hidden Meanings of the Numbers 1 to 10. In English, Naga and Maya. ENGLISH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NAGA Hun. Cas. Ox. San. Ho. Uac. Uuc. Uaxax. Bolan. Lahun. MAYA Hun. Ca. Ox. Can. Ho. Uac. Uuc Uaxax Bolan. Lahun. ESOTERIC MEANING The universal One. The Dual God. Who by his power caused. The Four Powerful Ones. to come. To bring order out of chaos. to create, and to make man to stand erect and to make his parts revolve on themselves. He is two in One.
As will be seen the above refers to the creation of man. The number 10 was the numeral of The Creator, and looked upon as being too sacred to be spoken. The symbol Lahun was always used instead. To further avoid speaking the word ten the ancients divided their counts into fives up to 20 thusTen would be twice five, fifteenthree times five, and twentyfour times five.
THE FIRST PAIRMAN AND WOMAN.It has always been a conjecture how woman came into the world. There are many legends relating to her advent but they are all symbolic. They tell us nothing definite.
The Biblical Legend: "And the rib which the Lord took from man, made He a woman."
Polynesian Legend: "Out of the bones of man He made a woman and called her Evi."
Chinese, Lao Tse, 500 B.C.: "Reason Tao produced one. One became two, two produced three and three produced all mortal beings."
Greek, Plato: "Human beings were originally created with man and woman combined in one body. Each had four arms and four legs. The bodies were round and they rolled over and over, using the arms and legs to move them. By and by they began to treat the gods badly. They stopped their sacrifices and even threatened to roll up Mount Olympus to attack and overthrow the gods. One god said, 'Let us kill them all. They are dangerous.' Another said, 'No, I have a better idea; we will cut them in half. Then they will only have two legs and two arms. They won't be able to roll, they won't be round. Being multiplied by two, they will offer twice as many sacrifices, and what is most important, each half will be so busy looking for the other half that they will find no time to bother us.' "
To the foregoing I will add another which I have found inscribed on Niven's Tablet No. 1584. This one has the advantage of being purely American and hoary with age, being over 12,000 years old.
This tablet is the illustration of a passage in the Sacred Inspired Writings, coming directly after the completion of the 7th command (the creation of man). This tablet
explains the creation of the first pairAdam and Eve of the Bible and the Chinese "one became two."
Fig. 1. The head of this figure is that of a human being. The eyes are pictured sightless, therefore in sleep (sleep of the ancients is the same as our death today). Therefore, the head is that of a dead man. From the head two forces are shown extending outwards. Below the head on either side is a circle, the symbol of The Creator. Being two, it says the dual principle is involved.
Figs. 2 and 3. The body is composed of two Cosmic Eggs. As they are joined, it implies that the dual principle exists in the body. The upper egg, the top half of the body, is shown as producing forces only. There is no reproduction shown. Therefore, this egg symbolizes the male principle. From the lower egg, the bottom of the body, cosmic eggs are being shown as hatching, in the act of leaving the body. Fig. 5. Cosmic eggs symbolize reproduction. Therefore, the lower half of the body symbolizes the female principle.
Fig. 6. Forces. Subsidiary Forces are here shown as leaving the forces of the male principle and entering the Cosmic Eggs which are coming from the female principle, thus showing the necessity of connection between the male and female to accomplish reproduction.
Fig. 7. Shears or Cutters. Two forces closing in on each other symbolizes the act of cutting or separating. These forces separate the two Cosmic eggs forming the body of the first man and from his parts two bodies are formed, one having the male principle, the other the female.
Legend. The first man created was with the dual principle. The Creator caused sleep (death) to come over him and while in this sleep the two principles were separated and he awoke as two, one having the male and the other the female principle. This was done for the purpose of reproduction and the continuing of the race of man. In the Egyptian cosmogony down to about 2000 B.C., and perhaps afterwards, there is a strong reflection of the foregoing, namely, that first man was created with the dual principle. Plato was one of the Greek philosophers who, when in Egypt, was initiated into the Egyptian Sacred Mysteries. Did he there learn about first man, and upon what he had learned did he write the funny tale about rolypolies for the benefit of the layman? THE FIRST PAIR AND THEIR DESCENDANTS: TYPES OF MEN.William Niven's Mexican stone tablet No. 150 tells how and through what source the earth was peopled. The writing is in the ancient esoteric temple numeral alphabet, or script. On this tablet it says;
"The Creator made one. This one became two (Fig. 1.) "The two produced three (Fig. 2.), and "From these three all mankind descended" (Fig. 3.). This same legend with very few variations, and the variations in no way material, are found among the writings of all ancient people. Niven's tablet No. 150 is more than 12,000 years old. Legends also persist among all ancient writings that the original pair had white skins. As the first pair of human beings had white skins, and all mankind descended from them, it should follow that all human beings today should have white skins, instead of which we find them from milk white to jet black, with all shades of brown and yellow between. At the time when Mu was submerged records say:
Man on Mu had developed into ten distinct tribes and types of men. (Fig. 4.) What was the cause of ten different types developing from a single pair and both identically alike?
Naacal writings explain this phenomenon as follows, but whether I can translate them, so as to convey the original meanings in every minor detail is quite another thing. Words are used, and names given which apparently have died out, as I can find no counterpart of them in modern language; so that my translations may be, to some extent, inadequate, and again they may be absolutely correct in all details. I will, however, give the translations as I made them many, many years ago. But before I do so, it must be appreciated that I am not speaking of present-day types and races, but those of the Earth's First Great Civilization, and which are referred to as being on Mu when she went down. In nearly all cases the races and types of man today would be unrecognizable with those that formed the Earth's First Great Civilization, or those who had left the Motherland as colonists. I do not know where to go to find a pure descendant of any one of the ten original tribes, except maybe on some of the Pacific Islands, and since the Europeans and Americans found them and carried to them their ideas of civilization as we now see it, these "Children of the Sun" are rapidly dying out, or are so mixing with these, to them, newcomers, that it becomes only a question of time before all of the Polynesian races will be of a mixed blood and changed. One of the causes which has led to the changing of the ancient types and races to the modern ones has been intermarriage. The United States and Brazil are examples of one sort. Conquering and annexing countries with intermarriages following is another. The greatest cause of all for our present-day races and types was what followed the raising of the mountains. As the mountains were forced up from the bowels of the earth, most people in the area were destroyed, a few small communities and single families here and there went up with the mountains where plateaus and broad valleys were formed. Here they were marooned. Here they had
to remain. The country below was made impossible for habitation. Some of these small companies survived in the mountains and multiplied. When they became so numerous that the mountain valleys could no longer sustain their ever increasing numbers they forced their way back to the lowlands which by this time had again become productive and habitable. When first marooned in the mountains there were so few in a company, that close marriages, marriages of close relations, was the only possible way of surviving. These close marriages formed a distinctive family type, and they became afterwards known as a distinctive race. The foregoing refers to present races and types, but does not tell how the original ten types came into existence. During their development there were no mountains on the face of the earth, so the mountains cannot be made the scapegoat for them. Without further theory, let us ask those wise old Naacals. They'll tell us: "The ten tribes were developed since man came on earth. The people becoming crowded began to spread out. Some families went to far distant settlements; here they were virtually isolated from the rest of mankind. They were so few that sometimes brothers and sisters even had to marry to carry on. These close marriages gave them all a family likeness, so they became a type: time, climate, temperature and food completed the type and they became known as a tribe." I feel that the foregoing translation could be improved upon, had I a more profound knowledge of the ancient. I'm sorry to say it but it's the best I can do.
COLOR OF MEN'S SKINS.The question as to how and why men have changed the color of their skins has always been a question and still remains a question. Let us go back 25,000 or 30,000 years and see what the old Naacals thought about it:
"The cause and causes which have been instrumental in causing the color of men's skins to change are various, but the principal cause has been unbalancing between the Life Force and the elementary compounds forming the skin. This unbalancing was the result of an over or an under stimulation of the glands which carry the Life Force in its secretions through the blood to the various parts of the body including the skin. Each gland controls certain parts of the body and each gland has a normal volume of the Force which it carries. The secretions of the glands are governed by the character of the food, so that food may produce either a surplus or a shortage of the Force used by a certain glandin turn the Force carried by its secretions may either underbalance or overbalance the elementary compound it is controlling, resulting in irregularities of form or color or both in the elementary compound. The Life Force excites the cells to do their work. When there is an overplus of the Force the cells are unduly excited and work too fast and, on the contrary, when there is an unsufficierit volume of the Force to form a balance there are irregularities. The principal irregularities in man caused by these vital unbalancings are: size of body, character of the hair, color of the skin and sometimes change of features. The general cause of vital unbalancing is: character of food, combined with temperature."
As before stated, this is the best I can do to crack this hard old Naacal nut. I may be right in all details and I may have missed some minor details, but in all essential details I feel I am about right. The foregoing is an extract from the Naacal writing The Origin of Life and What Life isone of the most wonderful writings I have ever
read. A hundred thousand years and more had gone on developing and perfecting these types called tribes in Mu before her destruction came, so that, when she went down, many of these types and colors had become very distinct. Shape of head, features and family likeness and characteristics have, I think, been brought about, principally, by inbreeding. The South Sea Islanders have had much to do in forming my opinion on this subject. In each group of islands the communities are smallone group of islands have not married with those of another group, but each group have kept their marriages within themselves, resulting in types. Anyone who has spent a few years among the South Sea Islanders can tell on sight to what group they belong.
BEFORE THE MOUNTAINS WERE RAISED.Mountains have not always formed a soft graceful sky line to the landscape; they are of recent origin. Many records show that from 12,000 to 15,000 years ago mountains were unknown. As a matter of fact they were thrown up by the formation of the gas belts which now permeate the crust of the earth at depths of from a few miles down to about fifteen miles below the surface of the earth. They are the result of the planning out by the Great Creator for the ultimate construction of the earth. With the forging of the gas belts, the areas of land and water were settled and the topography of the land. Before the gas belts were formed, wherever an old gas chamber was blown out the land above went down and was submerged. Gradually by degrees the earth was made habitable for man, and according to the natural laws of this creation, when the earth became habitable for man, he appeared. From the beginning it has always been that new conditions were constantly developing and with the development suitable forms of life accompanied it. Let us travel back over the past and read the lessons that have been written in the rocks.
As far back as the Lower Silurian Era we find that terrestrial life existed. At that time little or no vegetation is shown in the rocks, but insect life appeared, a life that was armor plated to resist the great heat of this period. Eons of time afterwards we come to the Devonian Era at the end of which appears luxuriant vegetation all of a super-tropical swamp growth. During the Carbonic we find the same class of vegetation but of a slower and harder growth with reptilian life accompanying it. During the Jurassic time we find the reptilian life of a different class, suitable for harder ground, but still swamps. About the middle of the Cretaceous we find still harder vegetable growths with great changes. The old swamp growth was shown to be disappearing. At the end of the Cretaceous the ground had become soft and marshy with hard ridges traversing it. At the commencement of the Tertiary this was also the class of ground, with a new form of life, mammals; the old reptilian life had died out with the destruction of the swamps. The earth was still unfit for man, being too damp, soft and miasmic. No mountains had yet appeared, and did not appear until after the last Magnetic Cataclysm. Apparently about the end of the Miocene Period, the earth had become habitable for man, but as yet there were no mountains, but vast dry cultivatable plains. The temperature had dropped to a point where hard winters were experienced. The Codex Cortesianus, an old Maya book, written about 5000 years ago from temple records, which are now in an
underground cave in Yucatan, in speaking of the destruction of Mu, the Motherland of man, calls the country"Muthe land of earth hills"rolling plains probably. Mu was submerged about 12,000 years ago. The Bible relates that the waters of the "Flood" rose 26 feet and covered the mountains. In Psalms there is a reference "before the mountains were raised." Many of the Central Asiatic tribes date their time from the raising of the Himalayas and mountains of Central Asia. The Zulus claim that they came to South Africa from the north, as their country in the north was ruined by the raising of the mountains. Legends say that hundreds of millions of lives were lost during the raising of the Asiatic mountains. Geological phenomena throughout the world confirm the fact that mountains are of recent origin. But the greatest exhibits of all are: the Valley of Mexico and the Andes in South America. In the Valley of Mexico civilization after civilization was destroyed by cataclysmic waves of water, rolling in over the land from the Pacific Ocean. The Valley of Mexico is now 7000 feet above the level of the ocean with high mountains enclosing it on all sides. When these civilizations were destroyed, the valley was only a few feet above the ocean's level. The last civilization to which I am referring was destroyed by a cataclysmic wave less than 12,000 years ago, as is shown on some of the writings of these people. Here in the Valley of Mexico are the remains of extremely highly civilized people of more than 50,000 years ago. Here and in Eastern Asia are to be found the oldest remains of man on earth. Remains that antedate by eons of time anything found in Babylonia, Egypt, and Yucatan over which so much fuss is being made at the present time. The old ruins are the remains of the First Great Civilizationthe Babylonian, Egyptian and Yucatan remains are but the dying embers of that great civilization. About a year ago I received from a Tibetian Monastary a pencil rubbing of a map of South America. From the position of the stars on it (their way of registering the date) I am told by astronomers that this position would indicate an age of about 20,000 years. On page 81 is given a reproduction of it, with an outline of presentday South America. This map is an astounding revelation of the past. I have known of its existence for more than 30 years, but have been unable to get a copy of it until recently.
THE CREATION OF WOMAN FROM MAN. A glyph consisting of a circle with two parallel lines drawn through the center, dividing it into three parts, as shown on Niven's tablet No. 2379, is a common and universal symbol. It is found among the cliff-dwellers' writings of Nevada. It is found in inscriptions on the Mexican Pyramid at Teotihuacan and in Maya writings. It is to be seen on Inscription Rock, Northeast Brazil, near the boundary of British Guiana, and in various other ancient American carvings. It occurs in the ancient writings of the Uighurs, Hindus, Babylonians and Egyptians.
In the Oriental Naacal writings it is one of three glyphs forming a paragraph. This paragraph reads "The Creator is One (Fig. 1.) Hun. He is two in one (Fig. 2.) Lahun. These two engendered the SonMan (Fig. 3.) Mehen."
Thus this glyph refers to the Creation of Man and, by the ordinary extension in ancient writings, covers producing, production, a continuance from an original.
LAO TSE.In Tao te King, a Chinese Book written about 100 years before the time of Confucius (500 B.C.) we find "Reason Tao made one. One became two. Two produced three. From these three all mankind descended." In deciphering and translating this glyph collected from many parts of the earth, I have invariably found that in the ancients' explanation of it three words persist in every translation: made or created, became and produced, thus; the Creatorcreatedman, Man became two. These twoproducedthree. In each case clearly showing and defining the form of the step in progression and the difference in each step.
AN ORIENTAL LEGEND.An Oriental legend relates that the reason for calling this glyph the mysterious writing was: that whichever way it is read, commencing at either point of the triangle, it always reads the same one, two, three, with the numeral esoteric meaning. The above, Figures A, B and C, show my meaning.
The Mysterious Writing. The Creator created one. One became two. Two produced three. On page 58 is shown an example where this glyph is placed as a Keystone, Niven's tablet No. 1256. An ancient glyph, which the ancients called "The Mysterious Writing," is an esoteric temple numeral writing conveying the same conception. The Mysterious Writing consisted of either six small circles or six small disks, placed so as to form a triangle or a pyramid or a keystone. The rows are so placed
that they count one, two, three. These two figures are written with the Naga form of numerals, sometimes they used circles, sometimes disks: this appears to have been optional according to the taste of the writer.
The Uighurs, generally, used a bar or line to express their numerals but quite often reverted to the Naga when inscribing the Mysterious Writing. At times, however, they expressed the Mysterious Writing with their popular form of glyphs. (Figs. 1, 2 and 3.) Sometimes these lines were drawn horizontally, sometimes vertically, apparently dependent on the form of space available. (Figs. 4 and 5.) THE MYSTERIOUS WRITING AS A KEYSTONE.Here is an example where we find a combination of the Naga and Uighur forms of numerals used in a single inscription. The Keystone (The Mysterious Writing) is the Naga form. The lines are the Uighur form, also the Sun, the symbol of the Deity. I will next show that the Hindu A U M is the same conception as the Mysterious Writing.
CARA OR KARA INSCRIPTION, BRAZIL. Out on a large prairie-like plain in Northeastern Brazil near the boundary of British Guiana stands an immense rock, having many smooth faces or areas. These smooth faces are literally covered with very ancient inscriptions which are written with the characters of the ancient Karas or Carians. In the neighborhood it is called Inscription Rock.
The following is one of the inscriptions with its deciphering and translation: A universal symbol as before stated (Fig, 1.). The Northern or Uighur form of symbol for writing the numeral one (Fig. 2.). Numeral 2 (Fig. 3.). Numeral 3 (Fig. 4.). Numeral 3 is specialized by not having one end closed. The significance of this will be shown in the deciphering and translation hereafter.
Legend. One became two, two produced three, from these three life was continued on.
Continuation is shown in the glyph for numeral 4. In this glyph the bars on one end are not enclosed. The end of a line unattached to anything was the ancient symbol for incompleted, being carried on but unfinished.
I must also note the numeral 1 glyph, a single enclosed bar. A similar bar was used by the Nagas as the glyph for the numeral 5. They made their count in 5's to avoid naming the numeral 10. Ten was the numeral symbol for the Deity, and for this reason was looked upon as being too sacred to use or mention. Thus they made their count two fives for ten, three fives for fifteen, and so on.
TEOTIHUACAN PYRAMID, MEXICO.On this celebrated pyramid there are many inscriptions. I have selected one in particular for this work.
The first line reads one, two, three, same as the Brazilian writing. The lines or bars here are the pure Uighur. They are not enclosed as with the Carians generally. In the second and third lines the ancient Uighur glyph for man is shownMehen.
First line one, two, three. Second line Mehenman is given; having two bars, it says man with the dual principle. In the third line we find one of the bars omitted leaving plain MehenMan.
I will now cross the Pacific Ocean from North and South America to China in Eastern Asia.
LAO TSE IN TAG TE KING, A CHINESE BOOK WRITTEN 600 B.C."Reason Tao created one. One became two. The two produced three. From these three all mankind descended." Most of the Tao te King is made up of extracts from the Uighur copy of the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu.
A U M is an inscription that has baffled all scholars and scientists throughout the world, the Hindus included, for more than 2300 years. Its import was lost when the Naacals were driven out of India by the Brahmins. Many scholars have attempted to fathom its meaning. None have, however, arrived at any satisfactory meaning or conclusions; even the oldest are very indefinite, as examples: Manava Dharma Sastra, an ancient Hindu book. Book 2, Sloka 74. "In the beginning the infinite only existed, called Aditi. In this Infinite dwelt A U M whose name must precede all prayers and invocations." Book of Manu, Ancient Hindu. Sloka 77. "The monosyllable A U M means earth, sky and heaven." J. T. Wheeler, "History of India," Vol. 2, page 481, says:
"As regards the three letters A U M little can be gathered excepting that when brought together in the word A U M they are said by Manu to form a symbol of the Lord of all created thingsBrahma." H. T. Colebrook in "Asiatic research" says:
"According to Noruka, which is an ancient glossary of the Vedas, the syllable A U M refers to every Deity. "The Brahmins may reserve for their initiates an esoteric more ample than that given by Manu." Noruka is a Brahminitical version of the Vedas. The Vedas were stolen from the Naacal writings and changed by the Brahmins to accomplish a diabolical end, and to foist the sublime thoughts on the world as their own writings. The original Vedas are Naacal writings. The Naacals acknowledge ONE Deity only; therefore, when the Noruka mentionsEVERYDeity, it means that there are more Deities than one. This is clearly an alteration, a Brahminitical change from the original writings. A U M conveys identically the same meaning and conception as the Mysterious Writing, and Niven's Mexican tablet No. 2379. The only difference between the two is in the form of writing. The Mysterious Writing and the Mexican tablet are written in the old temple esoteric numeral writing, while the A U M is written in alphabetical Hieratic symbols, thus: A..... .Ahau... .Masculine... .The Father U...... Female pronoun she.... The Mother 1 M .... .Mehen. The engendered.. .The Son.
1. The female pronoun for she is evidently here used to avoid a repetition of the letter M. M for Ma, Mu or the mother, and M for Mehen the engendered.
The Brahmins formed a complicated theology around the original conception, absolutely incomprehensible to the people. During the thousands of years that have passed this theology, with now and then new additions, was all that was learned and taught; and then generally in Sanskrit, not Naga. With the lapse of time the reading of the Sacred Writings was forgotten. The later priesthood were incapable of comparing their present teachings with the original Sacred Teachings.
The Brahminitical theology became what was intended, a wonderful breeder of superstition and awe. The people became the slaves of the priesthood. The priesthood dragged the nation down from the highest pinnacle of civilization to almost the last rung of the ladder.
When their religion has been cleansed of the extravagances, superstitions and inventions, the scales will have been torn from the eyes of the people and they can and will rise again to their old magnificence. The weeds are thick, but still among the weeds some of the old flowers remain.Dig out and burn the weeds, soon then will India be one of the great leaders in all sciences and learning. Hack off the slave chains from them. That is all that is required. AN ALTAR PAINTING.The dissection and translation of this writing is given in The Lost Continent of Mu. I am simply giving the legend in this work.
Legend. This Temple is dedicated to the Great Creator at whose command the Four Great Primary Forces emanating within Himself evolved law and order out of chaos throughout the universe and created all things. This Temple is under the jurisdiction of Ra Mu,2 the Hieratic Head of our Motherland, Mu, and he is the mouthpiece of the Great Creator.
2. To be distinguished from Ra Ma. Ra Mu was the Eraperor and Hieratic Head of Mu, The Empire of the Sua. Ra Ma was the first Emperor of the Naga Empire of India.
This is a particularly valuable writing as it shows that this civilization flourished at the time Mu was above water because this Temple was under her jurisdiction, therefore, before Mu was submerged. Mu sank about 10,000 B.C., thus showing these tablets to be over 12,000 years old and that this great American civilization also dates back more than 12,000 years. Many American civilizations had preceded this one as shown in Niven's first discovery 29 miles north of Mexico City.
Figure I, Group 1. This is the original symbol (See 1.) of the Creator having the dual principle. It is the symbol used in the Sacred Writings of Mu and there called Lahun "all in one" or "both in one." As shown, the glyph is a circle, bisected through the middle by a line. The circle symbolizes the Creator; the two halves, His dual principle. In the ancient Oriental writings the dividing line was drawn vertically by the Nagas and horizontally by the Uighurs. Both, however, have the same meaning. The conception of the Creator having the dual principle was taught tens of thousands of years before these Mexican tablets were written.
Figure 2, Tablet No. 1430. This symbolism of a creation refers to something on this earth as shown by the shape of the eyes of the female principle which are square, the earth symbol (See 2.). That the two faces both belong to the Creator is shown by His symbol, being on both sides of each face (See 3.). This symbol is of the Naga pattern. Corroborating the foregoing are the two inscriptions (See 4 and 5.).
Figure 3, Tablet No, 150. This is another symbolization of the dual principle. The upper half of the figure symbolizes the Sun as the male principle and the lower half the Moon as the female principle. This is corroborated as in the previous tablet by the symbol of the Creator (See 5.) on each side of each face. Below the upper symbols of the Creator are two lozenges or enclosures reading: "one is two and two are three." The lower face symbolizes the Moon as the female principle. Thus the Sun and Moon in this picture are shown symbolizing the dual principle of the Creator. Below the moon on either side are two glyphs (See 4.) both of which read "five," the full godhead all in one. When a temple or pyramid was dedicated to the Sun, it was to the male principle of the Creator and when dedicated to the Moon it was to the female principle. Thus in both cases the dedications were to the Creator and not to the Celestial Orbs. They were only used as symbols. Figure 4, Tablet No. 1006. On this tablet the dual principle is symbolized by a This pattern of the Sun serpent as shown by the two symbols of the Creator. was generally used by the northern people of Mu and the Uighurs. Figure 5. This is an exceptionally interesting little bit of symbolism and shows the high state of art of these old Mexicans of 12,000 years ago. The head symbolized the Creator. On this head is a crown containing 7 rays, the numeral symbol of Creation. At the left end of the rays is an arrow, spear or dart head, the symbol for activity, in operation, etc. The body is that of a chrysalis, the glyph used by these old Mexicans to denote the home of forces. There are 4 lines repeated, one set above the otherthe Four Great Primary Forces. On either side is the symbol of the Creator, who is carrying out creation through the Four Sacred Ones. The Creator's symbol being twice shown denotes the dual principle. These are only four typical tablets in Niven's collection referring to the dual principle of the Creator. There are scores of others too numerous to be shown in this work.
Group 2. This is an interesting group of tablets from the fact that they show a form of communistic government as far as land and crops are concerned among these people of North America 12,000 years or more ago. These are only four out of dozens of tablets in Niven's collection treating on the subject of crops and lands. From this group of tablets it would appear to be shown that all land was held by the government. Certain of the people raised crops on it, which were divided according to requirements.
Similar writings are not at all rare and are to be found in all Oriental countries. How far the communistic form of government went with these people, I cannot say. I find no mention of money of any description in any of Niven's 2600 tablets. These writings when put together say that after the crops are gathered in they are bulked and then divided. I find in certain of the tablets that a certain percentage went for the government and upkeep of the temples and a certain percentage for each person. If after such a distribution, there remained a surplus, it was placed in a communistic granary and kept to cover any contingencies that might arise in the future, such as short crops, famine, etc. Then the accumulated surplus was drawn upon and given out to the people so that poverty and want were unknown among them. A similar form of government was found to exist among the Incas when they were first discovered. In some of the small Oriental states it exists today. Both in these tablets and in Oriental writings it is shown that the divisions were not everywhere alike. In the Naga countries, as a rule, one-sixth went for the upkeep of the government and temples. In most of the Uighur districts it was generally one-ninth for the same purposes. Nothing is known as to why these variations in divisions were made. In these tablets I find the variations run from one-sixth to one-twelfth for the government and temples. The division going to the temples is called "The Holy One's Share." In Oriental writings I have found it referred to as "The Lord's Field." In an Oriental tablet where the division in one-
ninth, I have found the center square with the symbol of the Creator within it. In fact, it is quite common in the Orient.
Tablet No. 1647. Shows 9 divisions with the divisions allotted to the government and temples and a common granary for future contingencies. No. 237. Shows 6 divisions and their distribution. This is the general Naga division and still practiced in some of the small states in India. No. 921. Shows 9 divisions, the general Uighur percentages. No. 535. Also shows 9 divisions with their final allotments. These four tablets are typical of a group of over 100. Group 3. There is a group of 116 of these wonderful symbolic figures in Niven's collection with no two identically alike. They are purely conventional figures and were not in any way intended to represent any form of life. They show the origin of the Primary Forces and how they move. The body is in the form of a pod or chrysalis, the ancient symbol for the "home of forces and refers only to the Four Great Primary Forces. The body or pod has various lines engraved upon it. These lines are writings telling us what the figure symbolizes. Line writing is one of the oldest forms of esoteric writing, a script with a hidden meaning. The numbers used in this form of writing ran from one to ten. Ten was a numeral never written, but the glyph Lahun was used in its place. Ten was not used because it was the numeral of the Creator and it was considered sacrilegious to use it, so a substitute was given in its place. Numeral writing continued to be used by the priesthood down to a very late date in man's history. It was used in Egypt down to 500 B.C. and probably still later. When Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, was in Egypt he was entrusted with the secrets of the Egyptian religion and taught the numeral writing. Greek history tells us that on his return to Greece he taught his pupils "to honor the name of God with numbers," and "the number four represents the mystic name of the Creative Powers." All crosses down to and embodying the Maltese cross are symbols of the mystic Creative Forces the four arms are the four forces.
On every figure in this group the line writing on the bodies of these figures mentions the Creator as the Great Primary Force governing all other forces. All of the Four Great Primary Forces are shown as His commands.
The trunk is the symbol of the direction in which certain forces are moving throughout the universe. It represents both circular and elliptical movements. It also covers the movement of bodies on their axes. Every one of these figures without a single exception faces west with the trunk curling towards the east The number of limbs found on these figures varies from none to four. They mark the movements of the forces in the universe.
In this group of tablets it is shown how the great centripetal forces which collected the gases, brought them into a compact mass and then molded them, evolved into the earth's gyroscopical force which now keeps the earth in an upright position and prevents its rolling over. The details of this I am reserving for another workThe Cosmic Forces.
Group 4. This group of tablets is, without question, one of the most unusual relics handed down to the present generation by those who have gone before us.
Among all ancient people certain birds were held sacred, with a great number of hazy legends connected with them from which nothing definite can be said. Among my researches in the Orient, I found only one bird referred to as being sacredthe goose. On a stone carving I also found the children of Mu, when emigrating, pictured as geese swimming on the water. Another prominent example is the Egyptian god, Seb, whose headpiece is a goose. In the Book of the Dead, Seb is spoken of as the father of the gods, and as the goose that laid the egg out of which the earth and man were formed. Seb has an important part assigned to him in the legend called "The destruction of mankind by Ra." Altogether it is unquestionable that with the Egyptians Seb represented, as a symbol, the Creator.
Among some of the Alaskan Indians, the symbol of the Creator is a bird.
In Ellis' Polynesian Research 3 he records a legend that fits in with the foregoing. Ellis says: "In the Sandwich Islands there is a tradition that in the beginning there was nothing but water when a big bird descended from on high and laid an egg in the sea, the egg burst and Hawaii came forth."
3. Vol.-1, page 100.
I have found many bird symbols among Niven's tablets. The writings on them show them to be symbols of the Creator. From the various data about bird symbols which I have collected, I am led to believe that in one part of the Motherland a bird was selected to symbolize the Creator instead of the usual adorned Serpent.
These are the only tablets I have ever come across containing symbolic birds, although writings and inscriptions are plentiful in all ancient lands.
Group 5. The Serpent was always the symbol of the waters. From the beginning, Khan, the unadorned serpent, has been the only symbol.
There are at least fifty tablets among Niven's collection symbolizing passages in the 5th Command in Creation as detailed in the Sacred Inspired Writings. I have selected 16 as being typical of them. Since space will not permit of my giving the decipherings of all, I have selected just one, No. 328.
The tableau on this tablet symbolizes the first of nature's lives which appeared in the waters. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Khan, the unadorned Serpent. A Cosmic Egg, the life germ of today. Compound glyph, divided in Figs, 4 and 5. An abyss, a deep hole, depth, etc. The Numeral four, Uighur form of writing.
The 5th Command in Creation: "And the Creator said, 'Let the waters bring forth life.' Then the arrows of the Sun met the arrows of the earth in the mud of the waters and out of particles of mud formed Cosmic eggs. From these eggs came forth life as commanded."
Only one egg is shown in this tablet and that on the outside of the coils of the serpent, so that the serpent is shown as being in the act of laying the egg. Being the only egg, it is the first. Therefore, the first life to come forth in the waters and the first life to appear on earth. In the Sacred Writings, the serpent is shown as having a nest of eggs within her coils, indicating that various forms of nature's lives appeared at the same time.
Below the serpent laying the egg comes the compound glyph. The bottom of the abyss is the ocean's bed. There the mud is settled out of which the cosmic egg is to be formed. The numeral 4 symbolizes the Four Great Primary Forces, the executors of the Creator's commands.
Legend. "The Creator's command to the Sacred Four was, 'Let the waters bring forth life.' The Sacred Four acted and a cosmic egg was formed out of the mud, the bed of the waters, from which the first of nature's lives on earth came forth as commanded."
This tablet alone is sufficient to show that these old Mexicans obtained their cosmogony from the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu, the fountain head.
The Sacred Four. (Fig. 1.) Strength. (Fig. 2.) Established. (Fig. 3.)
Group 7. Each of these tablets shows action bv one or more of the Four Great Forces.
DURING my early studies of the prehistoric past South America puzzled me more than any other spot on earth. There it stood a vast continent of land next door to the Motherland, so to speak, yet not yielding a word about the Earth's First Great Civilization although adjoining lands, Central and North America, were full of records. To think that South America contained no such records seemed to me to be inconceivable, especially when we find both Oriental records and South Sea Island legends telling us that the children of the Motherland sailed all over the world in their ships. If all over the world, South America being next door, then South America must certainly have been included and remains of the Earth's First Great Civilization had to be found there somewhere. But there she stood with me like a piece of a jig-saw puzzle that did not fit into my checker board of Man's First Great Civilization. I was thrown off the scent by accepting the scientific reports about the Incas, which when gone into proved perfectly erroneousthe theories of untrained archaeologists.
South America showing the ancient Amazon Sea and canals connecting it with the Pacific Ocean from a tablet 25,000 years old in one of the western monasteries of Tibet.
During my last trip through Tibet, at one of the western monasteries I found some large tablets which on examination proved to contain maps of various parts of the earth. Among these maps was one which I recognized as South America. Its date was marked by the positions of certain stars in certain constellations. Astronomers tell me it was twenty-five thousand years ago that these stars were in the positions given. This map gave me a clue to many things I had previously failed to understand. South America, although unquestionably one of the richest archaeological fields on earth, has yet to have the first archaeological sod turned on it. Twenty-five thousand years ago, according to this map, two great streams of colonists were crossing the center of South America in boats; not flying boats, but honest-to-goodness, sit-tight-on-the-water boats; boats propelled with sail and sweep. They were going from the Motherland in the Pacific Ocean to Atlantis and points beyond, even through the Mediterranean Sea as far as Asia Minor. No scientist or archaeologist appears to have connected South America with an ancient civilization, yet a great civilization existed there before the Motherland was submerged; and tens of thousands of years before those pesky, old monkey men of Europe scattered their bones around very promiscuously to baffle and mystify future scientists.
Before going into the ancient, I shall reverse the regular order of things and review what has been written about the ancient history of South America. The most prominent of these writings are about the Incas of Peru. Let us see what has been said about them because, instead of being ancient, they are only of yesterday. PERU.Peru is celebrated for her Inca civilization. The Incas were not a prehistoric people, nor can they even be classed as an ancient people. The name Inca was taken from the name of their king or ruler who was called "The Inca." Previous to their election of a king, they were a mixed people. Among them were Quiches from Central America who emigrated to Peru from Guatemala and settled with the people who were occupying the land, who were called Aymaras. The influx of the Quiches into Peru was of a friendly character, just as Europeans come to the United States today and settle down among us. The Inca Empire was not prehistoric, nor can it in any way be claimed as such. It was formed by a highly civilized people who had been shut in and unknown to the outer world up to four hundred years ago when they were discovered by the Spaniards through whom this great civilization was wiped out. The Inca Empire commenced between A.D. 900 and A.D. 1000 and ended with the Spanish conquest A. D. 1532, so that it lasted only about 500 years.
The Inca Dynasty was composed of thirteen Emperors or Incas. The name of the first and founder was Manco Camac. Traditions say he married his sister which was the law so as to preserve untainted the royal blood. As is so well known, this practice also prevailed in ancient Egypt and Mayax. The birth of Manco Camac is surrounded with various myths. One tradition or myth says he was born of the Sun. This myth intimates that the celestial orb had quite a large and interesting family in Peru. Another myth states that his mother was an unmarried woman of high family. Finding herself with child, she went and lived on one of the islands of Lake Titicaca to hide her shame until her son had reached manhood. She then came ashore with him and presented him to the people as being of divine conception, sent to be their King. The people believed her tale and elected him Inca.
There is an unpublished Peruvian manuscript in the British Museum, London, written in the beginning of the year A. D. 1631 by a Jesuit priest named Anello Alivo, which states that the ancestors of Manco Camac who founded the Inca Dynasty were colonists from Central America called Quiches. The native language of Peru today is called Quichua from the Quiche branch of the Mayas.
Manco Camac was evidently a descendant of one of the royal family of the Motherland, The Empire of the Sun, for when he ascended the throne he assumed the colonial empire title "Son of the Sun." Out of this came the myth that the celestial orb was his paternal parent.
The Quiche colonists from Central America found the civilization of the Aymaras (the people who owned the country and with whom they settled) so much higher and advanced than their own that they adopted it but retained their own language, so that the great civilization of the Incas was not Quiche but that of the Aymaras. Some writers have stated that the Incas invaded and took Peru. Where they
obtained this idea I cannot imagine. Both traditions and written documents state that it was a friendly colonizing similar to the European settlement of our country. Again, there were no Incas until Manco Camac was crowned; before that it was the Aymaras and Quiches. When Manco Camac was crowned and called Inca both the Aymaras and Quiches adopted the name of Inca in honor of their new ruler.
The fascinating part of Peruvian history, however, is not the tale of the Incas or the Aymaras but of those who preceded them. Sixteen thousand years or more ago Peru enjoyed a civilization as prominent as the civilization of Yucatanthis was about the time Egyptian history commenced. There was an ancient, now prehistoric, city in Peru the ruins of which are now called Tiahuanaco on the shores of Lake Titicaca, now 13,500 feet above the level of the Pacific Ocean. This city when built was on a plain but a few feet above the level of the ocean. Since then the Andes Mountains have been raised and the city was carried up with them. There is a remarkable monolith covered with symbolical figures and writing at Tiahuanaco which I deciphered and translated in The Lost Continent of Mu. The characters are all what is called Maya. It shows when it was built. That it was constructed at or near sea level is shown by various marine shells in the neighborhood.
The mention of this civilization and this city is made in an Oriental tablet with an accompanying map which I have succeeded in getting a tracing of. It will be given hereafter.
When the Spaniards conquered Peru they asked the natives who built the great structures of Tiahuanaco. The answer they gave was: "They were built before the sun shone in the heavens," which means before the country became a colonial empire. The same expression is used by Valmiki, the Hindu sage-historian; regarding the Naga Empire, he says: "Before the sun had risen above the horizon." That the structures around Lake Titicaca were built before the mountains were raised is not my opinion alone, for E. B. Enock, the great South American geologist, evidently has arrived at the same conclusion as is shown in his book on Peru. If we can judge by what occurred in other parts of the world where mountains were raised, it is reasonable to assume that when the Andes went up nearly all of the people of Peru were wiped out with a few survivors here and there. Probably these survivors escaped to somewhere among the headwaters of the Amazon and there fell into savagery, so that there is quite a possibility that some of the savages who now occupy the headwaters of the Amazon are the descendants of the builders of Tiahuanaco. When Charles Darwin was in Peru, 1835, he met at Lima a Mr. Gill, a civil engineer, who advanced the theory that the sterility of the country around the ruins on the shores of Lake Titicaca was due to the artificial water courses (canals) which he said were made by the Incas having drawn off the surface water. The Incas did not build these water courses or canals; they were built 16,000 to 18,000 years before the time of the Incas. They were ruins when the Aymaras first came to Peru, which was long before they became Incas. The present condition of these canals confirms the fact that they were built before the mountains were raised and when Peru was a low, flat country. Instead of denuding the country of water, these canals were waterways for ships to pass through.
The map referred to above is said to be about 20,000 years oldthere is no date on it, however. It shows for the first time the canals referred to which connect the Pacific Ocean to an inland sea which occupied the whole of what is now the Amazon Swamp. On its eastern end a strait is shown, leading out into the Atlantic Ocean. Tiahuanaco is shown close to the canal. Other cities are shown on the map including Manoa, the Golden City of legend.
The Peruvians practiced ceremonies that have been considered Oriental only and had caused much speculation among scientists. These can be traced as coming through two sources: first, from the Motherland, Mu; second, through their Spanish conquerors. The Spaniards who invaded and conquered South America came from the south of Spain where everything partook of a Moorish atmosphere and they themselves were half Moors in all of their conceptions. The present-day Peruvians retain many of the ancient customs. Before drinking from a vessel, a few drops of the liquid are poured on the earth, and before eating anything solid a few crumbs are scattered on the ground as they repeat; "to Pacha-Mama," thus acknowledging to Mother Earth that all that sustains life comes from her. Here we have a shadow of the Motherland. Mama is a word direct from the mother tongue. Mu means Ma and Ma or Mama means earth, depending on where and how used. A Peruvian legend relates that originally there was an empire around Lake Titicaca adjoining the Incas whose people were of another race called Chancas. They came to Peru about 2000 years ago from the center of South America by way of the Amazon River and one of its branches. "They were from a country far beyond the forests," a powerful empire whose boundaries were great mountains. These mountains surrounded the empire. They had a wonderful capital city which they called Manoa (Golden City). It would appear that this Chanca Empire was brought to its end by the Incas conquering and assimilating it. The full legend appears in notes on Brazil. VENEZUELA.When in Central America, I obtained various legends about the Caras leaving Central America and going to the south where they formed settlements on some great rivers. These legends referred to a time more than 16,000 years ago. Let us consult the reports of travelers and explorers in South America. Leonard V. Dalton in his book "Venezuela" says: "There are many ancient remains of the Caras in the mountains and forests along the frontier between Venezuela and Colombia. "Along the Orinoco River and throughout Guiana there are many rock inscriptions representing a very early date of picture writing.
"The Carians still persist in Venezuela. One of their present-day tribes which have come down from the ancient stock is the Godjiros. Each of their villages has its Caciqueheadman."
Here is a remarkable coincidencea number of the Cara words are the same as the Pueblo Indian, intimating that at some ancient date they probably were geographically adjoined either here in America or in the Motherland. Cacique is a prominent word in the Cara, the Pueblo and other Indian tribes. There is a race named Guaharibo living in the most inaccessible parts of the forests of southern Venezuela that has many of the characteristics of the lost tribe of Central America, those with the misshapen heads. These people are reported to be fierce and unapproachable, the worst savages of Venezuela. BRAZIL.When the first settlement was made by man in Brazil, the whole of the Amazon basin was an inland sea, a duplication of the Mediterranean. There were no mountains between the Amazon and the Pacific Ocean. The Amazon basin only became a swamp after the great island of Atlantis was submerged. To fill up the immense hole in the Atlantic Ocean caused by the sinking of Atlantis, all surrounding waters were drawn in until a level was found. Where the waters were shallow the water was drawn off and the land emerged. The waters of the Amazon Sea were shallow, the waters were drawn off to such an extent that only a huge swamp remained where once the Amazon Sea had existed. Into the great inland Amazon Sea, many rivers flowed which are now the arms and feeders of the great Amazon River. The Caras from Central America made one of their settlements in South America on one of the southern rivers running into the Amazon Sea. A present-day Guatemalan tradition as related to me says: "A company of Caras left Central America from the shores of the Caribbean Sea and sailed south to a great river. They found a fair land and settled on it and became a great nation. They built a great city around fairy-like lakes and erected golden temples and the name of the city was Manoa." This refers to a time more than 16,000 years ago. Some time since Colonel Fawcett discovered in the center of Brazil, 1500 miles inland, between the headwaters of the Rivers Huigu and Tapajos, an ancient city. This part of Brazil is an immensely large unexplored region. The Rivers Huigu and Tapajos are the two principal southern branches of the Amazon. A few years ago Colonel Fawcett brought out a small statue across the breast of which was written an inscription. I saw it only for a few seconds. The inscription, however, was easy to read as it was Cara Maya and not over 2000 years old. I think Fawcett must have run across the ruins of Manoa. Two of my friends who have been exploring this very region returned a short time ago. They found many remains, also the remains of the ancient bridge called Tia Chanca. They tell me that about 500 to 600 feet remain intact. The roadway is 300 feet above the ground. The Peruvian Legend. "The Chancas came to Peru from the central part of South America from a mighty empire hidden within a ring of mountains whose capital city was called ManoaThe City of Gold. "The King of this empire had two sons and when the king died both sons claimed the throne. Civil war resulted, first one brother gained the advantage, then the tide turned and the other brother had the advantage. At last the younger brother drove
the elder with all that was left of his followers and their families into the forests. There the conquered people built boats and descended the river that runs through the forests. At its mouth they turned and went up on the big river. After many hardships, trials and wanderings they arrived at Lake Titicaca, here they settled. They grew and became a great nation and called themselves Chancas."
The Chancas were conquered by the Incas and their country annexed. The time is given from their arrival at Titicaca to the time they were conquered by the Incas, but as the time is computed by generations and the years of a generation are not given, the length of time in years cannot be given, probably about a thousand years. ARGENTINA.Some prehistoric ruins are to be found on the banks of the River Platte, Argentina. Some time since a tablet was found in these ruins with an inscription which was discovered to be an exact duplication of one found in Mongolia, Asia. Here are three confirmations of the Central American legend. There is no smoke without a fire. There is no legend without a fact behind it. Find the fact and history will be enriched. THE ANCIENT.And now, to me, comes the most fascinating part of South American historythe distant past. Strange as it may appear to us today, the fact remains that in ancient times South America played an important part in peopling the world, for she was the road or passageway that two important lines of colonists took going from the Motherland in easterly directions. The topography of South America today is totally! different from what it was 20,000 years ago, the time when droves of Carians, or Karians, and Negro colonists were leaving the Motherland to find new homes and more room upon the earth. When this exodus from the Motherland commenced we have not as yet been told, but there are various records of emigration some 35,000 years ago andt others 70,000 years ago. Then South America was like the rest of the worldflat and without mountainsfor up to less than 15,000 years back no mountains had been raised to protect man from constant destructions by cataclysms and submersions, nor could there possibly be until after the earth went into Final Magnetic Balance. What is now the Amazon Valley, which is intended to include the Amazon Swamp and the Amazonian watershed, was then an equally large land-locked Sea like the Mediterranean Sea today. The Amazonian Sea at its eastern end was connected with the Atlantic Ocean and at its western end with the Pacific Ocean by canals. These canals were intact up to the time the mountains were raised. There was an uninterrupted waterway between the Motherland and Atlantis, West Africa, and even as far as Asia Minor at the eastern end of the Mediterranean. The shore lines of this Amazonian Sea are very distinctly marked today: the northern shores were along the foothills of the Venezuelan highlands; along this shore line are some wonderful white quartz beaches. The southern shores are along the foothills of the Pan Alto Mountains. The eastern shores are along a mountainous spur that runs into the Pan Alto, and the western shores are along the eastern foothills of the Andes.
My attention was first called to this Amazonian Sea by one of the beforementioned tablet maps in the monastery in Tibet. I discovered that these maps were dated. Their dates were given by the position of certain stars in certain constellations.
Just beyond the outlet of the strait into the Atlantic Ocean a point of land is shown but no name is given to it. This I presumed to have been Atlantis and have so marked it. Various cities are shown, some with names, some without. One to note especially is situated quite close to the canals. It has no name showing but it stands exactly where the ruins of Tiahuanaco are today. The second city is situated along the southwest shore of the Sea. It bears a name which reads: "The Jewel City" or "City of Jewels." The third city was situated about half way along the southern shore but a little inland and was called "The City of Gold," without doubt the legendary Manoa. Another one lay far south on the sea coast about, I think, where the River Platte is today. No name is given to it. Still another lay to the north of the Sea. From its position I should think somewhere in Venezuela. There is no name given to this one either. The inscriptions at various spots show that these cities were built by Carians or Karas.
The Carians came direct from the Motherland and formed settlements along the Amazonian Sea. Along the southern shore they eventually became a kingdom. For future reference I will call this the Carian Kingdom although there is much reason to believe that they called themselves Chancas. Whether the canals were formed before the Carian Kingdom was established or afterwards, I have found no records to say. Either this kingdom or a successor was in existence up to within 1500 years ago. Apparently as soon as their settlements were firmly established along the shores of the Amazonian Sea these Karas or Carians commenced to extend themselves in an easterly direction. They made settlements along the eastern coasts of South and Central America. Maya records state that they were along the coasts of Central America (Mayax) during the time of Queen Moo. She lived, according to the Troano MS., 16,000 years ago. The Carians still persist along the Central American States. They are not pure-blooded, however; they have been very much mixed with Negro blood and generally are in a degraded state. The Caribbean Sea was named after the Carians.
They made settlements in Atlantis and from Atlantis made their way through the Mediterranean Sea to its eastern end. There they settled in Asia Minor and on the lower point of the Balkan Peninsula. Here they apparently broke up into semiindependent tribes, taking new names from the names of the territories which they occupied. One tribe or set called themselves Athenians. From Egypt we learn that one of the Athenian capital cities, ancient Athens, was destroyed by earthquakes and submerged 11,500 years ago, about the same time that Atlantis was submerged. The Egyptians further tell us that ancient Athens was built 17,000 years ago. From the time of the destruction of ancient Athens, we hear nothing of the Carians in history until about 1104 B.C. (The First Olympiad.) Their
descendants are now known as the Greeks. Some of their old philosophers boasted of their Carian descent. Herodotus claimed to be a Carian. Having followed the Carians to the end of their line I will return to South America and see if there are any remains to corroborate the foregoing. On the top of the Andes Mountains, 13,500 feet above the level of the Pacific Ocean on the shores of Lake Titicaca, are the ruins of a prehistoric city called Tiahuanaco. This is at the exact spot shown on the Tibetlan map. Among the ruins of this city there is a wonderful monolith called by archaeologists "one of the archaeological wonders of the world." It is completely covered with inscriptions, most of which are Cara-Maya. The stone, as I have shown by its deciphering and reading in the companion book to this, The Lost Continent of Mu, is about 16,000 years old. Near the ruins of this city are remains of ancient stone-lined canals, thus again corroborating the Tibetian map. These canals have been the wonder of all who have seen them and much speculation has been indulged in as to who built them and for what purpose. They are now very much out of alignment and broken up. They are up and down like the swells of the ocean. At many spots west of the ruins of the city and canals one comes across many sea shells, showing that much of the land west of the city was emerged when the mountains went up. It also proves that once both city and canals were at sea level. The remains of the ancient city of Manoa are known but have never been explored as far as I know. In the Matto Grosso district, which was a part of the Carian Empire, there is a river, the name of which is spelt Xingu but pronounced Shingu. This pronunciation appears to me as a shadow of the Motherland. In the alphabet of Mu there was a glyph very much like our letter X. It was formed by crossing the hieratic letter N
(Fig. I.) of the Motherland's alphabet (Fig. 2.). This was a diphthong pronounced Sh. In the present-day Hindu language, all words commencing with Si are pronounced She. As an example Siva is pronounced Sheva, The brown-skinned savages who occupy this region (the Matto Grosso) today call all whites Caraibas. This certainly comes out of Carib, showing that these savages know the color of the men who occupied the land before them.
The end of the South American Carian Empire was similar to many other ancient empires. Civil wars so reduced and weakened the people and country that they became a tempting morsel and an easy prey to the surrounding warlike tribes. The men were wiped out by their enemies and the fairest of the women only were let to live and these became the slaves of their conquerors. In Peru I came across an old Chanca legend. The legend says: "The Chancas did not always live around Lake Titicaca. They came from a far-off country in the center of the land (Brazil). They came from a great nation surrounded by mountains. They had a wonderful capital city built on the shores of a beautiful lake. The name of the city was Manoa, the
Golden. The King died and left two sons. Each claimed the throne of his father and civil war ensued which lasted many years. Fortune first favored one brother, then the other, and so it went on until both the people and the country became exhausted. When at this low ebb, by a piece of treachery, the younger brother gained a decisive victory. He drove his elder brother with all his adherents and families into the forests and cleared the land of them. In the forests the elder brother and his followers built boats and sailed down the stream until they came to the big river. Then they went up the big river as far as boats could be taken. Then they landed and after many wanderings, hardships and trials arrived at the shores of Lake Titicaca. Here they settled and appointed their leader, the defeated brother, their King. Here they called themselves Chancas, grew, multiplied and became great." According to this legend the great war between the two brothers was fought "thirty generations ago." How many years constituted a generation is not said, and the generations have to be counted back from about A. D. 1500. There are many legends in Central America about the Carians and Manoa, their Golden City, and their final destruction. They are, however, so hazy that it would be futile to repeat them. EASTER ISLAND.It appears to me that to complete the tale about the Carians, I shall have to include that mysterious little speck of land, Easter Island, which stands all by its lonesome out in the middle of the great Pacific Ocean and which apparently was so intimately connected with the Carians in the infinite days that are past. The history, such as it is, of Easter Island is given in The Lost Continent of Mu. I reserved the following for this work as it appears to me to be a shadow of a connecting link between the Easter Island statuary, the puzzle of the scientific world since the discovery of the island, and the Carians. A little colored boy asked another little colored boy, who was eating a slice of watermelon, to leave a piece of the rind for him. The boy eating answered: "Dere ain't goin' to be no rind."
This section is on Easter Island, but like the boy eating the watermelon, I will say: "Dere ain't going to be no ancient Easter Island" because at the time I am about to refer to there was no Easter Island. What is now Easter Island was then a part of the great continent of Mu, man's Motherland.
By all who have made a study of the Easter Islanders and the statuary found on the island, the consensus of opinion is that the present inhabitants are not the descendants of the people who carved the images but are inferior to them. This leaves an open and an interesting question. Who were the people who carved the Easter Island images? And what has become of them?
Hitherto no one has attempted to answer these questions. Upon what I have found in Oriental records and remains on Easter Island and Asia Minor, I am about to offer a suggestion for some enterprising archaeologist to follow up. First let us marshal what facts there are and lay them out in order and see to whom they point. The Tibetian ancient tablet map shows that in ancient times there were no mountains and that which is now the Amazon River Valley was then a land-locked
Sea. The canals referred to in South America lie directly opposite to Easter Island, then Easter point and port. A tribe of colonists left the Motherland from Port Easter and migrated east as far as Asia Minor. They were called sometimes Karas, sometimes Carians. Their remains and records are to be traced from the western shores of South America, through the Amazonian Sea, on to, and including, Asia Minor. The southeastern parts of the Motherland was the Carian country. This would have included what is now Easter Island.
In the quarry at Easter Island, there is today an unfinished statue 70 feet long. It is being carved in a pit formed in the side of a cliff. From Easter Island let us go to Baalbek in Asia Minor. Here at Baalbek we find a stone 1200 tons in weight ready to be taken to the building for which it was intended. The method of quarrying these stones is peculiar to these two stones only, as far as I know, and I might say most unusual; for instead of being brought out in the rough and tooled in the open they are cut, carved and finished in horizontal positions lying in pits out of which they have to be lifted. How did the ancients lift a 70 foot monolith out of a pit? And how did they lift a 1200 ton stone out of a pit and transport it to the top of a hill and there set it up? These are questions for our mechanical engineers to answer, it's beyond me.
As shown, the original homes of the Carians were in the section where Easter Island now stands. The early people in Asia Minor were Carians. As the two stones mentioned are being quarried in the same identical and unusual manner, it suggests that the people who were quarrying the stones were the same. It may be argued that the Easter Island work is crude and the Baalbekwork par excellence and not to be surpassed today. This is true, but some thousands of years transpired between the two carvings. The Easter Island statuary was carved before the mountains were raised, and the Baalbek work was done after the mountains were raised. It has always been an interesting question to be answered : what became of the people who carved the Easter Island statuary? We can only judge by what we find on the Island today. We find unfinished work which means a sudden stoppage of the work, that was not resumed. This indicates a destruction of some sort. One of the Easter Island tablets says that the Island was once a part of a big continent The thought impinges itself on me that possibly during the destruction of Mu, when the land was being torn to pieces by earthquakes, great cataclysmic waves rolled in over Easter Island and drowned all the inhabitants. THE ANCIENT AMAZON ROUTE.Two of the most puzzling questions I've had to solve to be the slightest bit satisfied with my work was to tell how Negroes got to Atlantis and how Negroes got to Africa. Two facts had to be faced: Fact One, all the earth was peopled from Mu, the Motherland. Fact Two, the home of the Negro in the Motherland was at the southwest corner of Mu which is now represented by various clusters of islands called Melanesia and here today are Negroes, descendants of those who were saved when Mu was engulfed. The Tibetian tablet map answers the questions, the inhabitants of the Melanesian Islands prove it. We must first differentiate between the two typical black-skinned races of Africa.
First: the black-skinned, Grecian-featured, straight-haired Ethiopian. He is not a Negro, he is a Tamil who first settled in the lower part of India which he called Dravida. He came from the Motherland to India via the Malay Islands and then from India came to East Africa. He called his settlements in East Africa Ethiopia, and he himself became known as the Ethiopian. There are Hindu records stating that "companies of Tamils from Southern India migrated from India to a great land in the west. There settled and became a great nation."
Second: the black-skinned, kinky-haired, flat-nosed, thick-lipped, coarse-featured Negro pure. The original home of the Negro where he was given his black skin and developed his coarse features was in the southwest corner of Mu. The Bismarck Islands, the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides and intermediate islands are his home today. Here his descendants are pure Negroes and the worst savages among the islands of the Pacific Ocean.
One of the characteristics of the children of the Motherland was that, when they emigrated or went on long journeys, they invariably selected all water routes. As will be seen by the accompanying map, there was a clear unimpeded all-water route fom the Motherland to Africa and Asia Minor by way of the Amazonian Sea. The Negroes and Negroids coming from the southwest corner of Mu would skirt the coast until they came to Easter Island Point. From there they would cross over to the American canals, then through the Amazonian Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. On arriving at the Atlantic they would make for the lower point of Atlantis. From this point they could go directly east and strike the shores of Africa a little north of Nigeria; or they could follow the coast line of Atlantis as far north as the Canary Islands where they would be only 70 miles from the African coast
In 1878 when in the Caroline Islands, the natives told me that "the people who occupied these islands when the islands were not islands but a great land, had very large boats in which they sailed all over the world and were sometimes gone for more than a year before they returned." Valmiki, the Hindu sage-historian, writing from ancient temple records, said: "that the children of the Motherland were mighty navigators who took their ships from the eastern to the western oceans and from the southern to the northern seas in days so remote that India was only a colony and had not yet become an Empire." It was more than 30,000 years ago that India was turned from a colony into a colonial empire. The South Sea Islanders in their native craft today often make thousand mile trips.
As is shown by various documents, Atlantis had a colored population in the south. I have never come across any documents showing that any Negroes were known in Central and North America. Being in Atlantis and none being in Central and North America, the question was: how did they get into Atlantis? Subsequently the Tibetian map answered the questionthey came through the Amazonian Sea, therefore, never touched Central or North America.
In Africa the Negroes and Negroids spread themselves out, multiplied and prospered up to the time the mountains were raisedthen they suffered. The Zulus have a tradition that "they did not always live in South Africa. They only came to South Africa from their home in the north when nearly all the people were destroyed by the raising of the mountains. A company escaped with their lives and came to South Africa. These were the forefathers of the Zulu Nation." WHAT TURNED THE AMAZONIAN SEA INTO A SWAMP? To make the record complete this question should be answered. The answer is: because the water was drawn out of it by the lowering of the level of the Atlantic Ocean. This necessitates the answering of another question: why was the level of the Atlantic Ocean lowered? Answer: Atlantis was submerged; this made a great hole in the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of miles from east to west and thousands of miles from north to south and thousands of feet deep. To fill up this hole and level off the waters again, the water had to flow in from all sides. So much was drawn in that it resulted in lowering the level of the ocean hundreds of feet. The lowering of the level of the Atlantic Ocean drained out the Amazonian Sea, the Mississippi Valley and the St. Lawrence Valley. It emerged Florida and extended the coast lines on both sides of the Atlantic, and a few other interesting little things that have escaped the notice of geologists. CHAPTER VI ATLANTIS ATLANTIS has enjoyed only a legendary history up to within a few years. Research and archaeological discoveries have, however, put her into the class that has a
written history, vague it is true at present, at the same time beyond controversy. Every day something new is brought to light about Atlantis. Quite recently records have come to hand proving conclusively that Atlantis is not a myth. Atlantis was a large continent island situated in the North Atlantic Ocean with North and Central America to the west and Europe and northwest Africa to the east. Atlantis was in existence up to within a few thousand years ago. Much light has been thrown on this great and important land of past history by the indefatigable work of Schliemann, to whom is due the honor for finally clinching the fact that Atlantis did once exist Plato 400 B. C. relates that Solon said! "Atlantis was the center of civilization and conquered the whole world. The most famous of all Athenian exploits was to overthrow the Island of Atlantis. This was a continent lying over against the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar) greater in extent than Libya and Asia Minor put together and was the passageway to other islands and a continent beyond of which the Mediterranean was only the harbor within the Pillars. The Empire of Atlantis reached to Egypt and to Tyrrhenia. This mighty power arrayed itself against Egypt and the Hellenes and all the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. Then did Athens bravely, for, at the peril of her own existence and when the other Hellenes had deserted her, she repelled the invader and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the Pillars. A little while afterwards there was a great earthquake and the island itself disappeared in the sea.
"Poseidon was the founder of Atlantis. A temple was erected to Poseidon. There the people gathered every fifth and sixth year and with sacrifice of bulls swore to observe the Sacred Inscriptions which were carved on the Pillars of the Temple." Plutarch in his "Life of Solon" says: "When Solon visited Egypt (600 B.C.) Souchis, a priest of Sais, and Psenophis, a priest of Heliopolis, told him that 9000 years before the relations of the Egyptians with The Lands of the West had been
interrupted because of the mud which had made the sea impassable after the destruction of Atlantis and the country beyond by cataclysms and floods." Solon visited Egypt in 600 B.C. Atlantis sank 9000 years before. Add A.D. 2000 plus 9000 plus 600. According to this record Atlantis sank 11,500 years ago, but I shall hereafter show that she did not sink to her present level for a long, long time afterwards. I found in an old Greek record that when Atlantis disappeared there were 3000 Athenian soldiers on her, probably an army of occupation. An Egyptian papyrus states that Poseidon was the first king of Atlantis and that he was followed by a long line of Poseidons, thus forming a Poseidon Dynasty. The crown of Poseidon is shown as having three points, the numeral of the Motherland. His scepter was a trident, again showing Mu to be suzerain. The trident was the form of the Uighur scepter 20,000 years ago and later we find it as the scepter of the Khimers of Cambodia. Le Plongeon found inscriptions in Yucatan stating: "The first settlers in Atlantis were a company of Mayas from Mayax," also, "Atlantis was first torn to pieces by earthquakes and then submerged." In this respect Atlantis' fate was a duplication of the fate of Mu. According to Dr. Henry Schliemann of ancient Troy fame: "In the Museum at St. Petersburg, Russia, there is a papyrus roll, one of the oldest known. It was written in the reign of Pharaoh Sent of the Second Dynasty. The papyrus relates that: 'Pharaoh Sent sent out an expedition to the west in search of traces of the Land of Atlantis from whence, 3350 years before, the ancestors of the Egyptians arrived carrying with themselves all of the wisdom of their native land. The expedition returned after five years with the report that they had found neither people nor objects which could give them a clue to the vanished land.' "Another papyrus in the same Museum by Manetho, the Egyptian priest-historian, gives a reference of a period of 13,900 years as the reign of the Sages (Kings) of Atlantis. This papyrus places the height of the civilization of Atlantis at the very beginning of Egyptian history, approximately 16,000 years ago." The Sages referred to in this papyrus were the Kings of Atlantis. They reigned 13,900 years. Atlantis disappeared 11,500 years ago. Therefore, Atlantis was governed by a king 25,400 years ago, that is, Atlantis was a kingdom 25,400 years ago. Dr. Schliemann made some wonderful discoveries about Atlantis which have been published by his grandson Dr. Paul Schliemann: "When in 1873 I made the excavation of the ruins of Troy at Hissarlik and discovered in the second city the famous treasures of Priam, I found among that treasure a peculiar bronze vase of great size. Within it were several pieces of pottery, various small images of peculiar metal, and objects made of fossilized bone. Some of these objects and the bronze were engraved in Phoenician hieroglyphics with a sentence which reads: 'From the King Ckronos of Atlantis/ One of the objects among the treasures of Priam is a vase with a peculiar owl's head upon it (see Plate VI). "Among a collection of objects from Tiahuanaco, South America, in the Louvre in Paris is another vase identically the same as I found among the treasures of Priam.
It is beyond the range of coincidence for two articles in such widely separated areas as South America and Troy to make two vases of the same shape, the same size, and with curious owl's heads arranged in just the same way." Another article from the treasures of Priam is a bird sphinx engraved: "From the King Chronos of Atlantis." To my mind, there is no question as to what and to whom this bird sphinx refers. It shows the connection between Atlantis and Mayax. It is an ornament, probably from a piece of statuary in Mayax erected to the memory of Queen Moo. Queen Moo's totem was a macaw. This sphinx has the body of a leopard and the head of a macaw. A sphinx statue was erected in Mayax to Queen Moo's brother husband, Prince Coh. Prince Coh's totem was a leopard. Prince Coh's piece of statuary was a dying leopard and is now in the National Museum, Mexico City. Dr. Henry Schliemann found an inscription on the Lion Gate, Maycarne, Crete, which relates: "The Egyptians descended from Misor. Misor was the child of Thoth, the god of history. Thoth was the emigrated son of a priest of Atlantis, who having fallen in love with the daughter of King Chronos, escaped, and after many wanderings landed in Egypt. He built the first temple at Sais and there taught the wisdom of his native land." This clears up two points in history: ist, who the first people of Lower Egypt were; 2nd, Thoth was not mythical but once a living man. The Troano MS. states that the first colonists who settled on the delta of the Nile were Mayas. As the people came from Atlantis and were Mayas, it shows that at least a part of Atlantis was peopled by Mayas. Orpheus, a Greek, philosopher, wrote: "In Chaldea the twin sister of Egypt, daughter of Poseidon, King of the lands beyond the sea and Libya." Some writers have confused in this sentence "lands beyond the sea" with "The Lands of the West" and from this assumed that Atlantis was Mu, the Motherland. I will correct this error before proceeding further. First I will quote what the priests of Egypt told Solon: "9000 years before, the relations of the Egyptians with The Land of the West had been interrupted because of the mud that had made the sea impassable since the destruction of Atlantis; i. e., 'the lands beyond the sea.' " In one of the Oriental temples there is a long history of Atlantis written 20,000 years ago. I will now stop quoting old Greek and Maya and Egyptian records about Atlantis and give what no one else seems inclined to dothe geological tale of Atlantis which I think is as convincing as any written records.
THE GEOLOGICAL TALE OF ATLANTIS.I will first take you to one of the most inaccessible valleys in Central Asia. In this valley springs one of the headwaters of the Brahmaputra River. On a large spur from the main range of mountains there is a large secluded monastery. In this monastery there are a great number of very ancient tablets of clay. These tablets have been divided into sections, one of them being on geology and history, going back to the time before the foot of man trod the earth. They have an extended history of Atlantis with a queer map on a tablet about two feet square. The map shows Atlantis with the contour of the lands around the Atlantic Ocean which are vastly different from today. I will quote what struck me as being remarkable: "Atlantis was not always an island. In the days that have gone, before man appeared on earth and great monsters roamed the earth and the seas were filled with monstrous forms, Atlantis was joined to both America, Europe and Africa.1 A great volcanic convulsion took place and the American end was broken and a number of islands formed. Subsequently, another great volcanic convulsion took place on the other side of Atlantis. Land was submerged and a sea formed. Then Atlantis became a great island with water on all sides." I have added this bit of very ancient history to show my readers that one never knows what he is going to bring forth when pawing among old cellar-like holes with a foot of dust covering the floor. It's like deep-sea fishing, you never know what's going to take your hook, it's all a toss-up. Whatever strikes, you haul it in. So, directly your fingers find something solid in the dust, out it comes. I will now go over the geological phenomena which bear directly and indirectly on the submersion of Atlantis. First: the bottom or bed of the North Atlantic Ocean is phenomenal. There is an enormous submarine plateau with some short ranges of submarine mountains running through it. This plateau is known as the Dolphin Ridge. The location of this plateau is between 25 degrees and 50 degrees north latitude and between 20
degrees and 50 degrees west longitude. The Azore Islands are the tops of one of the submarine mountain ranges. At different points along the boundary of this submarine plateau there are perpendicular breaks or walls, thousands of feet in height, giving the appearance as if the roof of a house had fallen in leaving the walls standing. Other parts of the boundary are sharp declines like the flat roof of a house having broken off on three sides and fallen leaving one side still attached to the top of the wall.
1. I am using the modern names of lands and seas so that anyone can easily locate them.
About 600 miles west and a little south from Ireland is to be found one of these walls similar to the illustration in Plate VII. The bed of the ocean here drops suddenly thousands of feet. This I have designated the Irish Wall. Another similar formation is found at the edge of the Caribbean Sea. (See map page 109.) From the Banks of Newfoundland, marked on the map, there is a southerly slope similar to the roof of a house with a very sharp pitch. The bottom of the Caribbean Sea is remarkable in itself. It looks as if in some past time there had been a long, supporting wedge under the land keeping it above water, the thick end having been towards the Atlantic Ocean; that this supporting wedge was withdrawn, allowing the land to sink below the level of the waters, leaving long broad stretches of very shallow water over the thin end of the wedge, the shore line waters today.
The plateau itselfthe Dolphin Ridgeis nearly level but in places very much broken up and jagged, submarine surveyors tell us, so that at spots it appears to be a confused mass of rocks jumbled together. I have yet to examine any jumbled together or disturbed strata that could not be duplicated by the falling of a flat roof of sufficient thickness and depth to fall. Fully four-fifths, if not more, of the disturbed stratifications of rocks throughout the world could not have been brought together in their present and confused state by an upheaval. No such confusion and disturbance could be accomplished except by the material falling. The foregoing are well-defined points in the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, showing that at some time in earth's history some very profound volcanic workings changed the topography of the ocean's bed. My next step will be to show the cause of these profound volcanic workings beneath the North Atlantic Ocean. THE GREAT CENTRAL GAS BELT.On the map, page 109, I have shown The Great Central Gas Belt as it runs from Mu, the Motherland to Asia Minor. After passing under Mu in two parallels or divisions, it proceeds in an easterly direction under the Pacific Ocean until it reaches Yucatan and Central America. Both divisions split up into parallels before passing under America. The Northern passes under Yucatan, the Southern under Guatemala and Honduras. From America they pass out under the West India Islands. Here the parallels close in together again and form two trunk lines. The Northern division passes under the Atlantic Ocean to the Azores. There it splits into several parallels. Leaving the Azores these parallels pass on and enter Europe under Spain and Portugal. From the West India Islands the Southern division proceeds under the Atlantic until it reaches the Canary Islands, here it splits into parallels and enters Africa near Morocco, forming the Atlas Mountains.
The two divisions of the Great Central Belt were not forged at the same time, the Southern was formed later than the Northern. Neither are they at the same depth from the surface of the earth. The Southern is thousands of feet further down in the bowels of the earth and possibly miles. This difference in their depth is confirmed by the fact that when Atlantis was first submerged she only went down deep enough to be awash at low tide so that at low tide mud banks appeared with masses of seaweed which made the Northern Atlantic Ocean impassable to shipping. This fact is recorded in the temple histories of Egypt. It was only after the Southern division had been forged, which sank her to her present level, that ships could again cross the Atlantic. Atlantis was in some respects in a similar position to Mu, both lands were being upheld above water by isolated gas chambers, both lay over the pathway of a forming belt. In both cases the isolated chambers were tapped by the forming belt and blown out, in both cases the land went down and was submerged, and, strange to say, the same belt was the double assassin.
From the fact that this great belt was formed where it is and the land above submerged we gather that there must have been a great depth of rock, free of chambers, between the chambers which helped to form the belt, and the isolated chambers which were upholding Atlantis and the Land of Mu. Had chambers existed between the belt chambers and the isolated ones above, these continental lands would have been submerged thousands of years before. Had no isolated chambers been upholding Mu and Atlantis, there would have been a sufficient thickness of rock over the belt to have formed retaining angles when the gases escaped after uplifting the land. Then these continents would not have been submerged; instead, mountain ranges would have been raised upon them.
From a geological standpoint there is no date shown when Atlantis was submerged except that it went down when the Great Central Gas Belt was formed under the North Atlantic Ocean. But what geology lacks, history provides and shows us that Atlantis first went down to awash 9500 B.C. and subsequently to where she lies today, Atlantis was a large continent and ultimately went down thousands of feet below the surface of the water. By her sinking an equally big hole was made in the waters in the center of the North Atlantic. The surrounding waters flowed in to fill up this hole, which drew off the waters from surrounding shores and from all shallow parts because a new lower level to the ocean was formed. Somewhere about this time in the earth's history the Appalachian-Iceland-Scandinavian Belt was formed. This belt commences in the Eastern Southern States, runs up through Labrador in Canada, from Labrador it passes under the Ocean to Greenland, Greenland to Iceland, and Iceland to Northern Europe, then to the Ural Mountains. This belt has an immense number of ramifications. The main belt is shown on the map as a broken line. Before this belt was formed there was no break in the land between America and Europe. They were connected by the submerged land shown in a shading and marked A, B and C. This land is geologically known as "The Overland Route to Europe." During the forging of this belt this land bridge was broken up and parts of it submerged.
The submergence of Atlantis and the "Overland Route" affected, by extension, the coast lines of Eastern America, Western Europe and Northwest Africa. The extension of these coast lines was due to the lowering of the level of the Atlantic Ocean, by taking the water to fill in the abysses made by the sinking of Atlantis and the Overland Route. Not only were the shore lines extended, but where the water was shallow it was drawn off and the land emerged. Does geology confirm this statement? It certainly does and as prominent examples I will call attention to: The elimination of the Amazonian Sea. The drying out of the Mississippi Valley. The drying out of the St. Lawrence Valley. The emerging of Florida, and The general extension of the Atlantic Coast Line of North America. At one time both the Mississippi Valley and the Valley of the St. Lawrence were shallow arms of the sea.
I have said that geology confirms my statements, so it does but in a reverse way. Poor old geology, it has ever been guilty of putting the cart before the horse. Geology is all right but only hitched up the wrong way.
Geology records "a general rise of the Atlantic Coast Line of North America during a recent period in the earth's history, also similar phenomena on the West Coast of North America." Geologists have apparently based these opinions on the many marine beaches found inland in Eastern North America. These have been geologically called Champlain beaches. In Europe similar phenomena are found. The geological Champlain Period is a part of the Pleistocene. It was during the Pleistocene that the gas belts were formed and mountains raised and the great submersions of land took place, many stretches of land emerging which had been in shallow water. When geology states that the present elevations of the Champlain beaches are solely due to the raising of the land, geology is in error. Their present positions are due to the work of two agencies: the first was the lowering of the level of the oceans, the second was volcanic workings elevating lands in the formation of the gas belt. THE CANARY ISLANDS.The Canary Islands lie over the Southern Atlantic division of the Great Central Gas Belt. They are situated off the northwest corner of Africa and distant from 60 to 120 miles. They are directly opposite where the belt goes in under AfricaMorocco. The Canary Islands are of exceedingly great interest when looked upon from a volcanic standpoint. There are many volcanic craters on them, both ancient and modern. By ancient, I mean they existed before the gas belts were formed and never had any connection with a gas belt.
Some of these ancient craters point directly to the submersion of Atlantis. The volcano best known on the Canary Islands is the Peak of Teneriffe whose snowcapped head pierces the blue sky at an elevation of 12,000 feet. The ones, however, that are the most interesting to me are: the Grand Caldera, La Palma Island, and the Grand Caldera de Bandama, Grand Canary Island.
The Peak of Teneriffe is a modern volcano having been formed by the gas belt. One crater on Teneriffe Island is questionableChahorra. It has many earmarks of the ancient with just as many of the modern. I can find no record of its ever having been in eruption. La Palma Island lies between 50 and 60 miles northwest of Teneriffe, The crater on this island is called "the Grand Caldera." This crater is unquestionably an ancient one and has never been connected with any gas belt. It is the largest crater that I know of. Its diameter exceeds anything that is found among Pacific Islands. Ancient Kilauea, the monster on the Hawaiian Islands, measures three miles across its mouth while the mouth of the Grand Caldera is between four and five miles across. The crater has a depth of between 6500 and 7000 feet. An examination of its sides discloses the fact that originally it was not of its present depth and the evidences tend to show that the drop from its original depth was not of a sudden character but took the form of a gradual subsidence. Personally, I believe that when the gases were exhausted and the sides fell together to seal it, the seal was loosely packed. Then time and subsequent earthquake shocks gradually packed and sank the surface to a lower level. Being an ancient crater, one which was formed by the escaping gases from a gas chamber when overcompressed, it is, to my mind, one of the craters that helped to empty out the gases from under Atlantis and then submerge her, that the Island of La Palma was once a part of Atlantis. The natives of La Palma Island relate a myth about the Grand Caldera and the Peak of Teneriffe which goes to show that La Palma Island was once a part of
Atlantis. The legend is: "The Peak of Teneriffe was merely thrown up out of spite by the Grand Caldera during a most terrific volcanic upheaval." It does not take much thinking to see how this myth originated and the reason. During the terrific volcanic workings during the formation of the gas belt running underneath these islands, the land which now forms the Peak of Teneriffe lay directly over the forming belt. Here was a line of least resistance. The Peak of Teneriffe was forced up and punctured, so the gases for the time being escaped. The Grand Caldera being 40 to 50 miles away and in no communication with the forming belt remained inactive. On Grand Canary Island 40 miles to the southeast of Teneriffe there is another ancient crater, a small one only a mile across the mouth. It is called the Grand Caldera de Bandama. All other craters on the Canary Islands are "modern," all being connected with the gas belt.
THE AZORES.The Azore Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean lie directly west of Spain and Portugal. The Northern division of the Great Central Gas Belt passes directly underneath them. As a matter of fact, the gas belt was the agent which emerged them. They are the tops of a submarine range of mountains that were raised above the water level. When Atlantis went down on the blow-out of the first gas chamber, this land was submerged. When the gas belt formed it raised this stretch of land into mountains, sending their tops above water level. There is only one thing showing on the Azores that might possibly connect them with Atlantis: The Cavern Furna de Furnao Forge, This cavern is the remains of an ancient crater that has been placed iin another position from the original. What suggests itself to my mind is: this crater was one of many craters employed in emptying out the gases that were upholding Atlantis. When the roof fell it fell pretty flat around this area. Thus the crater would have maintained its original position vertical. (See Fig. I.) Then when the belt was forming the gases found the least resistance to an uplift at d1.
The surface a was raised to position d2, thus throwing the crater b1, Fig.1, from a vertical to a horizontal position b2, Fig. 2. In this position it became a cavern, entered from the side of the hill.
In giving this little geological sketch I have only touched the high points. A detailed account could be given which would naturally consume a lot of space. What I have shown, however, seems to me that geology shows the one-time existence of Atlantis. CHAPTER VII
THE NORSEMEN.Man first trod the soil of Europe in the northwestern part and that was before the "Overland Route" was wrecked, before the British Isles were separated from the continent and before a settlement was made on Atlantis. That part of Europe which now forms the Scandinavian countries had a settlement made from Central America at least 50,000 years ago. Did any of the descendants survive the Great Magnetic Cataclysm? That I cannot say. The first men to settle on European soil were Quetzals from Central America headed by their King Quetzal who had been driven out of his own country by invaders who were later to become the forefathers of our present-day Latin races. "Some escaped in their ships, others fled to the forests and were never heard of again. Those who took their ships sailed away to a far-off country in the direction of the rising sun. They prospered in their new country and became great." Such is the Central American tradition. They apparently followed the coast line until they came to Scandinavia where they settled. Unquestionably the spot where they landed is now under the sea. Some years ago remains of an exceedingly ancient race were discovered in Scandinavia. The discoverers claimed that they were the oldest people in Europe while the orthodox scientists, in holy horror, maintained that the first people in Europe appeared on the Caucasian Plains, Asia Minor, coming from somewhere in Central Asia. As I recollect, the controversy ended in a draw, "no decision." However, it led to the formation of two cults. The Northern cult based its decision on remains which had been found, therefore facts. The Asiatic cult based its claims on poorly built-up theories. As a matter of fact, as will hereafter be shown, the remains or traces of what was found in Asia Minor (Caucasian Plains) date in the Pleistocene Period after the mountains had been raised. What was found in Norway dates tens of thousands of years before the mountains were raised. As well as I can recall the Northern scientists said the people were called Givetz or Givetzies. This I am not sure about. It seems strange and even amusing to see how Asia has always been made the scapegoat for all scientific problems that could not be solved. Within the last 50 years so much has been learned about the central parts of Asia that it has almost ceased to become available as the Scientific Scapegoat. The scientific trend is now towards Africa, the Dark Continent.
It seems reasonable to believe that the Northern European find is a discovery of some of the ancient Quetzal remains. The Central American tradition says that the Quetzals "had milk white skins, blue eyes and light, flaxen hair," the characteristics of the Scandinavians today. We have still some of the descendants of the Quetzals here in America. Their villages are far back in the almost impenetrable forests of Honduras and Guatemala. My best Quetzal legends come from them, obtained through a friend who spent several weeks in one of their villages. Their traditions go back to the time the mountains were raised.
In Norway there is today an ancient language called Quanlan. From a piece of Quanlan writing which I have examined, I find quite a number of words from the original language of Mu; other words which have their roots in words from the language of Mu. But what is most astonishing is that numerous words in the Quanlan language are identical with words found in one of the Southern Indian tongues and conveying identically the same meanings. It does not take a strong imagination to connect Quanlan in Norway with Quetzal Land in Central America. No possible date can be given to the arrival of the Quetzals in Northwestern Europe except that it was before either Atlantis or Southwestern and Southern Europe commenced to be settled, for all of these three regions were first settled by the people who came to America and drove the Quetzals out. It was a long time after they drove the Quetzals out before they could commence colonizing Atlantis and Europe. THE UIGHURS IN EUROPE.The Uighur Empire was a great colonial empire embodying the whole of Central Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains with colonies and outposts throughout the central parts of Europe. Only the Atlantic Ocean stopped them from pushing on farther. There were two migrations of the Uighurs into Europe. The people of the first migration were pretty generally wiped out by the Great Magnetic Cataclysm and subsequent mountain raising. They were not entirely wiped out as three small communities or families were saved. The descendants of these today are: the Bretons of France, the Basques of Spain and the "ginuine Oirish." They are all linguistically related. Some few years ago a New York contractor undertook some work in Cuba. It was stipulated that local labor should be emploved but that supervisors could be brought by the contractor. The contractor accordingly took down his Irish foreman upon whom he could depend. When the party arrived in Cuba they found a group of Basques awaiting them to be used as day laborers. The contractor looked them over; turning to the foreman, he said, "I'll have to get an interpreter. Stay here until I return." Coming back in an hour with an interpreter, he was amused to find his Irish foreman squat in the midst of the Basques enjoying rich jokes. "Send away your interpreter," said Pat. "These people and I spake the same languidge, Gaelic." A similar story comes from India. Some British soldiers were passing near Nepal on the borders of Tibet, with them an Irish drill-sergeant. Passing through one of the villages the sergeant halted, cocked his ear, then broke ranks and went over to a bunch of squatting natives, exclaiming, "Begorrah! These little divils are talking in me own languidge!" The New York Times of Sunday, August 18, 1929, carried a news item from Leningrad in which it is stated that Professor N. Marr, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, asserts "that the Irish and Armenians are racial cousins and links them with the Scythians who were among the toughest fighters known to antiquity." He further states that these Asiatic people do not include all of the
present inhabitants of Ireland, but only those who are descended from the earliest known dwellers in the Island.
After the Magnetic Cataclysm, the Biblical "Flood" and the subsequent mountain raising, small companies of Uighurs, called Aryans today, drifted into Eastern Europe from the mountains of Central and Western Asia. This has been noted by Max Miiller in his writings. They were descendants of those who had survived the flood and the mountain raising in Asia and Europe. There are Oriental records which speak of both the first and second migrations of Uighurs into Europe. The first entered Europe during the Pliocene, before the mountains were raised. The second migration took place during the Pleistocene and after the mountain raising, many thousands of years after the first migration. A few remains of the first Uighurs have been found. Probably the most important is the one found a short time ago in what is now Moravia. Here a community had been buried through the flood and mountain raising. The ruins of the entire settlement were found below the foothills of the mountain. FRANCE AND SOUTHERN EUROPE.I have no written records or inscriptions to fall back upon regarding the early settlements in Southern and Southwestern Europe. All I can do is to call attention to facts and let each of my readers build up his own theory.
The race which first comes into prominence has been called the Cro-Magnons. There are many and various proofs that the Cro-Magnons were not the first people in this part of Europe but were, comparatively speaking, late-comers. In the first case we find their remains in elevated and mountainous regions, showing that their existence in Europe commenced after the mountains were raised. Then we find bones of man and remains of his works in the gravel beds formed by the waters of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm. This Cataclysm occurred before the mountains had gone up. Therefore, the bones of those men which are found in the gravel beds lived ages before the Cro-Magnons. That man was living in this section of the earth in a high state of civilization thousands upon thousands of years before the mountains were raised, is shown in the road cut, Capital Hill, Smyrna, Asia Minor (noted in my next chapter). As these remains show a high civilization at one end of the Mediterranean Sea many thousands of years before the Cro-Magnon man lived at the other end of the Mediterranean Sea, it is reasonable to suppose that the other shores of the sea were also peopled by highly civilized races at the same time as Asia Minor. There is no question but that the western parts of Europe were colonized and recolonized over and over again as has been the case in all other parts of the earth. The remains of ancient man in Europe are limited because the mountains of ice which were brought down on the waters of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm ground everything to a pulp, leaving but few traces of life behind. This was so in Eastern North America where only one solitary evidence of man's remains has been found, and that is Gilder's Den Men of Nebraska. In Europe, as elsewhere, the scientists build many of their theories on the character of the flint instruments they have found. The result of this I showed in The Lost Continent of Mu in the chapter on "The Origin of Savagery." These crude tools, flint and stone, are evidence of the
stop-gaps between the civilization that has gone and the civilization we are now entering upon. In Osborn's fascinating book Men of the Old Stone Age, page 477, we read: "A buried nest of skulls from the large grotto of Ofuet, all facing westward" These skulls were placed looking west, that being the direction of Mu, the Motherland, from whence they or their forefathers came via the Western route. Full description of the Eastern and Western routes will be given in the chapter on Egypt. In the Orient and on all of the western side of the Pacific Ocean all objects are made to face east, that having been the direction of the Motherland from Asia. This is very prominently shown by the statuary, gates, faces of temples and roadways at Angkor, Cambodia.
As I have repeatedly shown in The Lost Continent of Mu, the history of man on earth has been one continuous series of destruction. Race after race and people after people have been blotted out all over the earth. Many races and civilizations were unknown to present man until archaeologists came across their remains. The oldest remains of Egypt are but of yesterday in the history of man, the oldest relics of Yucatan go but a day farther back, and the oldest of Niven's buried cities in Mexico go but another day beyond that. When shall we come across the remains of very early man? In some of the Himalayan monasteries, writings of 70,000 years ago are to be seen. Some of these date man back 200,000 years or 270,000 years, I do not know which. It is a problem for the scientists of heavenly bodies to determine. The dates are given by the positions of stars, one to the other. These writings, however, tell us about man from his very beginning. THE BISON.One of the principal animals painted by the old French artists, and unquestionably their most prominent animal, was the true bison. While the bison is the most prominent animal among the French paintings, I am informed that not a single drawing of the bison has ever been found among the American cliff paintings. Among the American cliff paintings we find the bear, deer, ibex, mastodon and even the great reptiles, but never a bison. In view of this fact, I am induced to offer a suggestion as to the origin of the bison and I beg further to say that it must be considered as a suggestion only. There is not a single fact to back such a theory.
The bison has an unknown history, for although now known as an American animal, it did not always exist here nor is there any idea when it made its first appearance upon the American stage of animal life. Bison are said to have lived in Europe. No doubt they did, otherwise where would the old French artists have got their models from which they have depicted the animal so faithfully? Buffalo are said to have lived in Europe. No doubt they did, their remains prove it, but was the variety called bison indigenous there? This is questionable. That the true bison was in Europe the French paintings prove, but whether it was native or imported is another question. My personal opinion is that the bison may have been imported into Europe and also that they were imported into America, and I further think that they were imported into Europe before America. Now comes the vital question: who could have brought them to Europe? To answer this we must first ask where the old French artists originally came from. Like the bison, they did not originate in Europe. Various records show that the southwestern parts of France, Spain and Portugal were colonized from Atlantis.
As the bison is not found in any of the galleries of the cliff painters of America, it is good evidence that the bison had not yet appeared in the western and southwestern parts of America. The natural inference, therefore, is that the bison was brought to America from Atlantis and the French artists, when they migrated from Atlantis to France, took some bison along with them.
Was the bison a native of Atlantis? Was the bison taken from Atlantis to France? Was the bison brought from Atlantis to America? These are questions to be determined in the minds of my readers. I am supplying a few facts only.
The bison is not a native of America and, therefore, must have come from somewhere and subsequent to the time when the old American artists were decorating the stones in the canyons of our West and Southwest. The bison must have made its appearance in America subsequent to the last Magnetic Cataclysm, otherwise the waters and ice of that flood would have wiped them all out as the Den Men of Nebraska were wiped out. Our scientists have always supposed that the bison came to America from Asia, via that much abused and overcrowded strip of land known as the "Bering Land Bridge." What a godsend that old strip of land has been to modern scientists, for whenever they have got into a hole, they have always got out of it by laying the whole of the blame to this poor old bridge. It has certainly bridged them over many embarrassing positions. Some time ago a scientific furore started on the news that the horns of an ancient bison had been found in Asia. The excitement of scientific minds was at the breaking point. Then it was discovered that the horns in question were those of a musk-ox. That the bison did not come to America from Asia is self-evident because no remains of the bison have ever been found in Asia even among the bone islands of the Arctic Ocean (Llakoffs Islands), The great southern wave of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm rolled up over the plains of Mongolia and Siberia, gathering up myriads of forest animals and depositing them in the Arctic Ocean off the mouth of the River Lena. There their bones are found today but not a bison bone among the lot. Not so very many moons ago the scientific world was wrought up to the highest pitch of excitement by a celebrated scientist reporting that he had found a bison horn in a cretaceous deposit. Volumes were at once started about the age of this bison. Where it would have ended no one can tell. Fortunately for the public, a short time after the discovery of the bison horn a thorough search was made to find more of the departed beast. Close to where the bison horn was found, the skull and neck armor of a triceratops was brought to the surface but it had one horn missing. On putting the fractured end of the bison horn on the fractured end in the skull, it was found to fit exactly. The excitement died out and science went on, looking for another surprise. This relieved the public of a whole library of theories.
CHAPTER VIII THE GREEKS WITH the Greeks we commence a series of present-day nations that have survived from ancient times. Some fragments of Greek history have come to light, dating back as far as from twelve to fifteen thousand years ago, showing that the Greeks then, under the name of Athenians, were a highly civilized, enlightened people. What formed the gulf between 12,000 years and 30,000 years ago will be my endeavor to show. The first actual, recorded Grecian history commences with the beginning of the first Olympiad, 1104 B. c. The Greeks under their ancient names, however, had passed through tens of thousands of years of trials and tribulations before the first Olympiad. Their first settlements were made in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula and adjacent islands if there were any at that time. Various remains, traditions and geological phenomena confirm this. Much has been written about the legendary or ancient history of the Greeks. Many writers have declared these legends to be myths, but where archaeological remains confirm the legends, it is impossible to look upon them as myths. It seems to me unquestionable that the builders of the great structures at Baalbek were ancient Greeks, the forefathers of some of the present Greeks. In Asia Minor I find the same conditions as in Mexico, Central America and many other parts of the earth: namely, prehistoric cities lie buried one underneath the other and, in nearly all
cases, due to the same agent of destruction cataclysms. The evidence is incontrovertible. Some writers speaking of Greece before the Dorian Migration refer to that period as "the dim twilight of legendary Greece." My endeavors will be to work back from the time of the Dorian Migration commencing 1104 B.C. I will first take extracts from Plato's Timeus as translated by Benjamin Jowett, M.A., Oxford, England. "Now the citizens of this city (Sais in Egypt) are great lovers of the Athenians and say that in some way they are related to them.1
"(O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are but children and there never is an old man who is a Hellene.' Solon hearing this said, 'What do you mean?' 'I mean to say,' he replied, fthat in your minds you are all young. There is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition nor any science which is hoary with age, and I will tell you the reason of this. There have been and will be again many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes, the greatest have been brought about by fire and water.2 Whatever happened either in your country or ours or in any other country of which we are informed, any action which is noble and great or in any other way remarkable which has taken place, all that has been written down of old.3
1 This is absolutely correct, they were related to each other. Both the Greeks and Egyptians were together in the Motherland, they were together in Mayax, and again in Atlantis from which the Greeks went to Asia Minor and the Egyptians to Sais in Lower Egypt. They were the same people who drove the Quetzals out of America and took their land. 2 This is decidedly confirmed by both geological and archaeological phenomena throughout the world.
3 This is a poor piece of translation. A better one would read: "A record was made at the time and preserved in our temples."
Whereas you and other nations are just provided with letters.4 And then at the usual period the stream from heaven descends like a pestilence and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education.5 And thus you have to begin all over again as children and know nothing of what happened in ancient times either among us or among yourselves.' "
The term "the stream from heaven" does not convey the meaning. Some old Cara-Maya language is used. The meaning to be conveyed is: the waters, not stream, was by the will of heaven. A stream is not definite. It might be a stream of anything whereas by taking the whole interview, it is definitely shown to be a flood or a cataclysm of water. Cataclysms and floods are spoken of many times in the old Egyptian writings. There was no usual time for these appearing. In fact, they were most unusual, being dependent on the blowing out of a gas chamber, or the forging of a gas belt under the ocean or a block in a belt under the ocean.
Most of the ancient nations kept in their temples imperishable recordswritings on either stone or burnt clay tablets like bricks. The oldest I know of is in Tibet and some were written, according to the astrological dates on them, 70,000 years ago.
There are hundreds in India dating back 35,000 years and some are even older but without a date. But to turn to Plato again: "As for these genealogies of yours which you have recounted to us, they are no better than tales of children; for in the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas there were a number of them. And in the next place there dwelt in your land, which you do not know, the fairest and noblest race of men that ever lived of which you are but a seed or remnant. And this was not known to you because for many generations the survivors of that destruction made no sign"
4 A better translation is: "You and other nations did not keep imperishable records." 5 "And then after a time the usual, etc."
The people here spoken of were forefathers of those who started to build the magnificent temples at Baalbek. These temples were never finished. They were shaken down by earthquakes and volcanic workings around them during their construction. "Made no sign." I do not translate it this way from the Greek text. My personal translation reads: "Kept no records." All of the older Greek works are permeated by the Cara-Maya language and unless the translator knows the CaraMaya he is at a disadvantage. Although the changes in vocabulary and alphabet were made during the archonship of Euclydes, the old philosophies only went about half way in the changes that were made. The Greek vocabulary was three times changed to modernize it.
Plato again: " 'For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all when the city which is now Athens was first in war and was preeminent for the excellence of her laws.' Solon marveled at this and earnestly requested the priest to inform him exactly and in order about these former Athenians. 'You are welcome to hear about them, Solon,' said the priest, 'both for your own sake and for the sake of the great city, and above all for the goddess who is the common patron, protector and educator of both our cities. She founded your city (Ancient Athens) about 1000 years before ours (Sais), receiving from the earth and Hephsestus the seed of your race.'"
This is purely symbolical. The priest fell back on his mother tongue and the This symbol brings it down to popular language. It mother tongue of Solon. means "mother" and "earth" and by extension "Mother Earth" and "Mother Country," or "Motherland," so that it should be translated, "Receiving from the Motherland the seed of your race." In other words, your forefathers came from the Motherland. There are many records stating that Asia Minor, the Lower Balkans and Egypt were first colonized through Mayax and Atlantis. According to the temple records of Sais, a city existed on the spot which Athens occupied 11,500 years ago and which was built 17,000 years agoa thousand years before the history of Lower Egypt commenced. The priest then goes on to relate the war between the Athenians and Atlantis which I gave in the chapter on Atlantis, all except the ending which was retained for this chapter:
" 'But afterwards (after the defeat of the Atlantians by the Athenians) there occurred violent earthquakes and floods (this should read violent earthquakes and cataclysms) and in a single day and night all your warlike men sank in a body into the earth (this shows the fate of Ancient Athens which had not been given before; the land sank, was submerged, carrying most of the people down with it) and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared and was sunk beneath this sea (this confirms the fact that Ancient Athens was submerged and now we come to an exceedingly interesting geological fact, a fact which shows that Atlantis twice sank). And that is the reason why the sea in those parts is impassable because there is such a quantity of shallow mud and this was caused by the submersion of the island.' " According to this, it was not so long ago that Atlantis lay awash. Therefore, the Southern division of the Great Central Gas Belt must have been forged at a very recent date.
ANCIENT TROY.King Priam, whose treasures t)r. Schliemann found in one of the ancient Trojan cities, lived 1194. B.C. The details of this discovery were given in my chapter on Atlantis. Schliemann found that no less than six cities lay one on top of the other. The date of the early ones goes back to a time before the mountains were raised as will be shown at Smyrna when we get there.
The map on page 109 shows the comparative positions of the various and numerous gas belts which underlie the Bal-kans and Asia Minor. Many remains of ancient cities and civilizations are found in these regionsthese remains as far as they are known today are marked with circles. Some of these date back more than 25,000 years. This is corroborated by the ancient Trojans and the road cut on Capital Hill, Smyrna, The Greeks like the Egyptians are fully qualified to claim that "they descended from the oldest men on earth." As far as can be traced, the original Greeks came from Central America via Atlantis and made their first settlements in Asia Minor, the lower part of the Balkans, and on what islands there were then of the Grecian Archipelago. In Central America I find them called Kars, Karas, Caras, and Carians. They spoke their own dialect of the Maya tongue. Some of their American settlements were within the boundaries of the Mayax Empire. They, however, extended themselves far south on both the Eastern and Western Coasts of South America.
The first knowledge of the Carians and their colonies is found in old Maya records where I find the following settlements spoken of: along the shores of the Caribbean Sea, on some of the West Indian Islands, and three settlements on the East Coast of South America. One record dates back beyond 16,000 years; how far back beyond this date, I am not prepared to say. THE GREEKS
From Central America I next pick them up in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula and adjacent islands. The Greek legendary history says that their first settlements were along the Mediterranean shores of Asia Minor. The Carians are as bad as the Irish, they never would stay put. As an example, Gaelic, the Irish tongue, is spoken in Tipperary, Ireland, the Basque Province of Spain, and in Nepal, the northern part of India. Take a native of Nepal, a Basque and a genuine Irishman, set them down together and they will jabber away as if they were all born in the same village and brought up together. M. De Voltaire, "The Universal History & State of All Nations," A.D. 1758, Vol. 3, page 13: "Be that as it may, the Indians were no longer that people of superior knowledge into whose country the ancient Greeks used to travel for instruction." 6 This confirms my previous statement that India was the schoolhouse of the Greek philosophers. Not only the Greeks but the Chinese as well. The Carians are just the same in various parts of the earth. How long after the first Carian settlement in Asia Minor was wiped out by a cataclysm cannot be said, nor can it be said how often subsequent settlements were made and wiped out Smyrna registers more than three and Troy more than four. The Carians extended themselves back into Asia Minor a great distance but not as far as the Caspian Sea. For on the Caspian plains around the southern end of the sea, a settlement was made by another race which was Semitic. And now let us see what some of the old Greek philosophers said about their forefathers. Homer: "Iliad" 10, 428-9. Homer says: "The Carians were among the earliest inhabitants of Asia Minor and the Greek Archipelago."
6 This extremely rare and old book was published by A. Donaldson, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1758 A.D. It was kindly loaned to me by ray friend, J. Z, Adams, in whose family it has been since A.D. 1780.
Herodotus: Lib. 1-171. Herodotus was a Carian himself. He says: "The ancient Carians called themselves Heleges." "A warlike sea-faring people that when requested manned the ships of the Minos." Max Miiller: "Fragments Hist. Greece," Vol. 4, p. 475. "Philip of Theaugela, Carian historian, said that the idioms of the Carians were mixed up with a number of Greek words." Thucydides: "Hist, of the Peloponnesian War." Lib. 1-8. Thucydides called the Carians "pirates" and asserts that "King Minos expelled them from Cyclades." Strabo: Lib. 7-321, Lib. 13-611. Strabo says: "The Carians had been the occupants of all Ionia and the islands of the AEgean Sea until driven out from them by the lonians and the Dorians when they established themselves on the mainland." It is quite apparent that the ancient Greek philosophers were not all in accord about the Carians but they connect the countries Central America, Greece and Asia
Minor with the Carians. The most pronounced of the ancient Greek patterns and even many of their patterns today are identical with the traceries and patterns of the Cara-Mayas of Central America and Yucatan. Their distinctive symbol, the Greek Cross, is taken from the central figure of the royal escutcheon of Mu, The Empire of the Sun, the meaning of which I gave in The Lost Continent of Mu; and in the same volume I showed the picture of a vase found in Niven's Mexican Buried Cities with distinctive Greek patterns on ita vase that was over 50,000 years old.
Besides the Carians there were other tribes that settled alongside them in Asia Minor and the Balkans. With these they eventually got into wars.
I think I have shown fairly conclusively that the original settlers in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula, and the islands of the ^Egean Sea were Caras or Carians coming from Central America via Atlantis. I will now review some of the archaeological and geological phenomena found in Asia Minor. It goes far to show what the condition of this part of the earth was, let us say, 25,000 years ago. This date is a mere figure of speech to carry the mind of the reader back to a very distant time. The actual date may be 50,000 years ago or even more, we have no means of telling without 'written records; dates without this are mere guesswork or at the best approximates only. Geologists have a happy knack, when writing about the ancient, of saying, so many hundreds of millions of years ago, so many millions of years ago or so many hundreds of thousands of years ago. As a matter of fact, they have no more knowledge of the actual date than the street peddler. I think their great idea is the more o's they put after the initial number, the more it will be appreciated by the public, and the more the public will think of them. There ought to be an institution provided for time and temperature cranks where they could be taught a little about natural laws. It would save printers a good deal of type.
Many cities were built in Asia Minor before the gas belts were forged or mountains raised. These early colonists of Asia Minor, like the early colonists of America, passed through many vicissitudes. Volcanic workings and overwhelming cataclysms followed one another, each time destroying the cities and wiping out the population. A city and a country were wiped out, later the country was repeopled and a new city built only to fall victim to the next cataclysm whenever it might come. And so it went on until the gas belts were formed and mountains raised. The only calamities of this description that can now happen must be minor as they can only arise through the blocking or choking up of a gas belt.
Language is one of the great connecting links between various peoples and is more to be depended on than any other form of evidence except written records. The old Greek language was pure Cara-Maya and today has more Maya words in it than any modern language except Cingalese. The Greek alphabet today is pure Cara-Maya. Each letter is either a Maya vocable or a combination of Maya vocables, and forms an epic relating the destruction of Mu, their Motherland and the Motherland of all mankind. It is a phraseological monument to be ever before the eyes of the Greeks to remind them of what befell the forefathers of all men and the Earth's First Great Civilization. Tales of the destruction of the Motherland have been written by the Mayas of Yucatan, the Egyptians, the Hindus, the Chaldeans, the
Uighurs and later copied by the Israelites who called it The Garden of Eden in their Biblical legend.
In The Lost Continent of Mu, I gave the full translation of the Greek alphabet. Probably many of those who read this work have not read the earlier book, so for their benefit and convenience I will repeat it in this work.
Straight free reading. Heavily break the waters over the plains. They cover the low places. Where there are obstructions shores form. The earth is struck with water, the waters spread on all that lives and moves, foundations give way submerged is the Land of Mu, Peaks only appear above the water, whirlwinds blow around and gradually comes the cold air. Before where existed valleys are now great depths, cold abysses. In circular places mud banks form. A mouth opens out of which vapors pour forth and volcanic sediments.
This revision of the Greek alphabet was made during the archonship of Euclydes, 403 B.C. Comparing the revision with the old, the principal changes apparently consisted in changing initial letters such as: Gamma was Kamma, Delta was Telta, Rho was Laho, and Sigma was Zigma. It is possible these changes were made to conform with the general pronunciation of the words, as some are attempting to do today with the English language which badly needs such a revision. More extensive changes were made in the vocabulary itself.
Some phenomena in Asia Minor show that this region was inhabited at a very early date by highly civilized peoples, tens of thousands of years before history began to be recorded as we have it. Who were they? Where did they come from? What has become of them? Remains at Troy, Baalbek, Ephesus and Smyrna show remains of these civilizations. A good popular description of the ancient remains at Smyrna is to be found in Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad, commencing at page 131: "Riding through the town we could see the marks of the Six Smyrnas (corresponds with the Six ancient Troys) that have existed and have either been burned up by fire or knocked down by earthquakes. The hills and rocks have been rent asunder in places. Excavations expose great blocks of buildings that have been buried for ages. "The ascent of the hill to the citadel is very steep. In one place 500 feet above the sea, the perpendicular bank on the upper side of the road was 10 to 15 feet high and the cut exposed three veins of oyster shells. The veins are about 18 inches thick and 2 or 3 feet apart, and they slanted downward for a distance of 30 feet or more and then disappeared. Where the cut joins the road, among the oyster shells are mixed many fragments of ancient broken crockery ware." This is a wonderful geological picture, showing us that far back in the prehistoric past here in Asia Minor on the direct opposite side of the earth to the Motherland were highly civilized and enlightened people. That three overwhelming cataclysms occurred, wiping out three great civilizations before the mountains were raised in Asia Minor. That a long time elapsed between cataclysms is shown by the fact that there was a sufficient time to re-colonize and build up the devastated areas. That
the remains now being found 500 feet above the sea with the strata conforming to those of the mountains whose side they are on, demonstrates beyond all controversy that these civilizations existed before the mountains were raised. The mountains were raised during the Pleistocene. Therefore, these civilizations are prePleistocene, dating back into the Tertiary Era. It is quite remarkable that in all of my research work among ancient records I have found only two references to cataclysms in Europe and Asia Minoran Egyptian and the Bible. Plato's reference cannot be considered purely Greek as it came from Egypt through Solon. Yet records of floods and traditions of floods and cataclysms are prolific all over the world and among all peoples. Geological phenomena confirm all these records and traditions in all parts of the earth. BAALBEK (Plate VIII).The ruins of Baalbek lie to the northeast of Beirut between the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern end of the Syrian Desert. They are the most majestic and the most notable of the earth's ancient structures. They have caused more speculation among scientists generally and archaeologists in particular than any other group of ruins on earth, for it is generally conceded that there never has been found a single vestige of information intimating or showing when, or by what people, they were erected. I have several descriptions of these ruins before me. The one of all others which seems to me would appeal to the layman as strongly as to the scientist is Mark Twain's and, as this book is written for the people, Mark Twain's description is the one I shall select to use. There is no reason why the scientist should not read this book. He can if he likes, but it contains a big bagful of hard nuts for him to crack.
"At eleven o'clock our eyes fell upon the walls and columns of Baalbek, a notable ruin, whose history is a sealed book. It has stood there for thousands of years the wonder and admiration of travelers. Who built it, is a question that may never be answered. One thing is very sure though, such grandeur of design, and such grace of execution as one sees in the temples of Baalbek, have not been equaled or even approached in any other work of man's hands that has ever been built within the last twenty centuries past.
"This great Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Jupiter, and the several smaller temples are clustered together in the midst of these Syrian villages miserably dirty. They look strange enough in such plebeian company. These temples are built upon massive sub-structures that might support a world almost. The material used is blocks of stone as large as an omnibus, very few of them are smaller than a carpenter's tool chest. These structures are traversed by tunnels of masonry through which a train of cars might pass. With such foundations as these it is little wonder that Baalbek has lasted so long.
"The Temple of the Sun is nearly 300 feet long and 160 feet wide. It has 54 columns around it, but only six are standing now, the others lie broken at its base, a.confused and picturesque mass. Corinthian capitals and entablatures, and six more shapely columns do not exist. These columns and their entablatures together are 90 feet high, a prodigious altitude for shafts of stone to reach, and yet one only thinks of their beauty and symmetry when looking at them. The pillars look slender
and delicate, the entablature with its elaborate sculpture looks like rich stucco work, but when you have gazed aloft until your eyes are weary you glance at the great fragments of pillars among which you are now standing and find that they are 8 feet through, and with them lie beautiful capitals apparently as large as a small cottage and also single slabs of stone superbly sculptured that are four or five feet thick and would completely cover the floor of any ordinary parlor. "The Temple of Jupiter is a smaller ruin than the one I have just been speaking of, and yet it is immense. It is in a tolerable state of preservation. One of nine columns stands almost uninjured. They are 65 feet high and support a sort of a porch or roof. This porch roof is composed of tremendous slabs of stone which are so finely sculptured on the undersides that the work looks like fresco from below. One or two of the slabs had fallen and again I wondered if the gigantic masses of carved stone that lay around me were no larger than those above my head. Within the Temple the ornamentation was elaborate and colossal. What a wonder of architectural beauty and grandeur this edifice must have been when it was new and what a noble picture it, and its stellar companion with the chaos of mighty fragments scattered around them, made in the moonlight. "And yet these sculptured blocks are trifles in size compared with the rough-hewn stones that form the wide verandah or platform which surrounds the great temple. THE GREEKS One stretch of that platform composed of three stones is nearly 300 feet in length. They are 13 feet square, two of them are each 64 feet, and a third 69 feet, long. They are built into the massive wall 20 feet above the ground. "We went to the quarry from whence these stones of Baalbek were taken. It was a quarter of a mile off, downhill. In the pit lay the mate of the largest stone of the ruins. It lay there just as the giants of that old forgotten time left it when they were called hence, to remain for thousands of years an eloquent rebuke to such as are prone to think slightingly of the men who have lived before them. This enormous block lies there squared and ready for the builders' hands, a solid mass 14 feet by 17 feet wide and 70 feet long." This stone weighs over 1200 tons. Its mate already forms a part of the platform of the outside of the temple. The last three columns of the Temple of the Sun that fell, fell during the earthquake of 1759. In Wonders of the Past, Vol. 1, pages 129-130, Richard Curie says:
"The buildings we see are mainly Roman dating from the era of Antoninus Pius 86161 A.D.
"They were quarried about half a mile away, and lying still in the quarry is an even larger stone 68 feet by 14 feet which may simply have proved too titanic to shift into position."
A wilder or more erroneous statement than the foregoing is hard to conceive. Neither Roman, Greek nor Egyptian history speaks of the building of Baalbek, yet all these nations were faithfully recording all happenings and principal events and works at the time Curie mentions. The Greeks especially, a few hundred miles off only, had been recording minutely history and works, buildings, etc., for 1200 to 1300 years before Curie says these structures were being erected, but not a word is to be found about it in Greek history. To think that they could not move the stone which is now in the pit, as they did its mate before, is more than childish, and further to show Curie's ignorance of the subject, the architecture is not Roman nor did the Romans build temples to the Sun. Authorities on architecture and everything else say that some of the pillars which are of marble came from the central part of Egypt. They may be right, but why is there no record in Egypt of such a prodigious transportation, why no record in either Roman or Greek histories? The great stone in the quarry demonstrates beyond all question two things: first, that the structures at Baalbek were never completed, and second, there was a sudden ending to the work. Unfinished or incompleted work signifies a sudden ending to workmen or circumstances which made further work impossible. It is selfevident there was a sudden ending to the work at Baalbek. What was it? On looking at the monolith in the Baalbek quarry, one is vividly reminded of the great unfinished monolith in the Easter Island quarry 8000 to 10,000 miles away.
Without the slightest doubt the destruction of the buildings themselves at Baalbek was the work of earthquakes when they were well on their way towards completion. But what became of the builders? This neither I nor anyone else can answer, we can only surmise. They have been so obliterated that not a single trace of them has been left. Possibly some day some old Greek record may turn up telling us all about Baalbek. One thing, however, is certain. The Baalbek structures were not built by either of the civilizations shown at Capital Hill, Smyrna, because these existed before the mountains were raised and Baalbek was built after they were raised.
Nothing definite can be said as to who the builders of Baalbek were, we can only compare notes. The pillars of the Baalbek temples were of Corinthian pattern. The oldest patterns of Greek pillars are Corinthian. Presumably here in Baalbek, thousands of years before the Corinthian style of architecture became known in Greece, were pillars of Corinthian pattern, and we can go still further back and say that the Corinthian pattern was simply a development of the Cara. The first settlers in Asia Minor had among them the forefathers of some of the present-day Greeks. Were the builders of the Baalbek temples the forefathers of some of the present-day Greeks and the Greeks who formed the Hellenes? Judging by the writings of Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, Strabo and the Egyptian priest of Sais, Souchis, there seems to be good ground for believing so. How small we are today, in many respects, compared with our forefathers of the First Great Civilization. The veil of darkness is continually lifting and present man is emerging into greater knowledge. Man today is inferior in many mechanical workings and he knows absolutely nothing about the Great Forces which our forefathers knew so well.
SMYRNA.Recently the skull of a man has been found at Capernum in Asia Minor which has caused quite an excitement among European scientists who assert that the man lived 30,000 B.C. and that he was among the first men on earth. The age of the Capernurn skull is based purely on theory which is the case with all such discoveries. No comparative attention whatever has been taken of the three ancient civilizations shown in the road cut, Capital Hill, Smyrna, although they go back a greater distance than the date claimed for this skull. They were in existence before the Capernum man lived. The Smyrna civilizations geologically tell their age. Here is a fact. The age of the Capernum skull is a theory. Therefore, not proven by fact. Mere skulls of unknown vintage reveal nothing about the past. CHAPTER IX EGYPT
IT is not my intention to write a history of Egypt. Many histories of Egypt have already been written, enough to fill a library by themselves. My sole object in this work is: First, to show by records, not theories, who the original Egyptians were. Second, to show that the original settlers in Egypt were the children of Mu and came directly from Mu, the Motherland, to Egypt. This will unravel the apparent mystery encountered by ethnologists as to the origin of the Egyptians and show the reason why, from the beginning of the Egyptian history, the Egyptians have been found to have been a highly civilized, cultured people.
Many Egyptologists find enigmas concerning the two Egyptian religious cults. These apparent enigmas are brushed aside when it is known in what way Egypt was first peopled and by whom. Egyptologists have gone far astray in their many theories and deductions on many points simply because they have not understood the sym-bology of the ancients and their symbolical writings, nor could they comprehend the esoteric meanings of these writings. For this they cannot be blamed, for no key has been found and no school existed where they could be learned. These secrets, for many hundreds of years at least, have been known only to a very few old, Oriental sages. And these old sages spend their lives in their temples and monasteries, seldom coming in contact with the outer world. When they have done so, the information given by them is so unorthodox to present theories that the recipients have looked upon it as a pack of nonsense. Egypt was colonized by two sets of people, commencing at two separate and distinct parts. One set coming to Lower Egypt from the West, the other set coming to Upper Egypt from the East. The colonists coming from the West made their first settlement at Sais on the Nile Delta and were anciently known as the Nile Colony. The colonists coming from the East made settlements on the East Coast of Africa from Cape Guardefui to the head of the Red Sea. In India I find the name Maioo given as the name of this colony, but whether it included all of the territory heretofore mentioned, or only a part near Suakin on the Red Sea, I cannot say. Maioo was their Capital City, at least at the time of the writing of the Indian records, and it would seem to have been the name of the district as well. From the coast they worked back until they came to the Nile. Here they extended themselves
both up and down. Eventually, the Upper Egyptians met the Lower Egyptians on the Nile, thus forming another complete chain of man around the earth. About ten thousand years after the first settlement was made at Sais, war broke out between the people of Upper Egypt and the people of Lower Egypt, resulting in the overthrow of the Lower Egyptians. The two were then joined and thereafter formed one empire. I will now go back and trace the Upper Egyptians to their colony from India. THE MAIOO COLONY.After the Babylonian Colony was formed, how long afterwards is not known, the Nagas from India took another step to the West. From India they went to northeast Africa. They made settlements in the Gulf of Aden and at different points on the West Coast of the Red Sea. Both Indian and Egyptian records speak of their settlement at Maioo in Nubia, Upper Egypt. Maioo was on the Red Sea near where the modern town of Suakin is situated. This colonization took place somewhere in the neighborhood of 15,000 years ago. At that time the country was fiat, for up to this time the African mountains had not been raised. It is also doubtful if any of the present desert lands then existed in this part of the earth. Later the settlers are found to have worked their way inland as far as the headwaters of the Nile, namely, to the White and Blue Niles. This Naga settlement grew, flourished, and became very powerful. Eventually, they made war on the Mayas, the Lower Egyptians, conquered them and turned the two Egypts into one Empire. Mena or Menes was the first dynastic king to reign over both Upper and Lower Egypt and with his appearance on the historical stage of Egypt, the title of "King of the North and South" was adopted. The origin of the Upper Egyptians is easily traced by their principal symbol of the Deify, the Sun, which is verified by written records in both Indian and Egypt. The well-known Egyptian winged solar disk, with its pair of serpents, was introduced" into Lower Egypt by the Upper Egyptians. The Egyptian winged circle is the only one among the many designs of this symbol found in all ancient countries, that has a serpent in the design. This is not accidental, nor was it added for the sake of artistry. It was their expression of reverence for the Creator, and to retain the memory that in their olden times and mother country, they used principally the symbol Naga, the Serpent, to symbolize the Deity as the Creator. In this design the Sun is made the principal symbol, being placed as the central figure in the design. While the Sun became their most sacred symbol of the Deity, the Serpent as the Creator came next. Beyond these two, no other of the many symbols of the Deity are used without their being shown as secondary, symbolizing attributes. Even the crown of the king was adorned with the serpent as the symbol of the Creator. The Sun was not used in the crown because the Sun was the Infinite, the Almighty; thus to have used the Sun would have been sacrilege. Thus we see the reflection of India in Egypt. These people came from India and retained that which reminded them of India.
Philostratus, in "Life of Tyana," page 146, says: "The first Egyptians were a colony from India." Valmiki, the Hindu sage-historian, whose works were written from the records of the Rishi Temple at Ayhodia, says: "The Mayas from India established a colony in Egypt, giving it the name of Maioo." Records state that Narana, the High Priest of the Temple, read the records to Valmiki and Valmiki wrote them from his dictation. Valmiki in "Ramayana," Vol. I, page 342, Fauche's translation reads: "The Naacals first established themselves in the Deccan, India, and from there carried their religion and learning to the colonies of Babylonia and Egypt" Brunsen, in "Egypt's Place in World's History," Vol. 4, page 58, says: "The latest date at which commencement of Egyptian life, the migration from the Euphrates district, can have taken place was 9850 B.C." I cannot imagine Brunsen saying that a migration from the Euphrates Valley to Egypt took place unless he had found some sort of a record to warrant it. This leaves an open question. Did his record refer to Oman and did he include this as a part of the Euphrates district, or did some of the Akkadians actually join the companies going to Egypt from Oman or Akkad? Personally, I have never come across any records stating that the Akkadians took any part in the colonization of Egypt from India, but I have not seen all the records there are by a very long way.
Yet another possibility remains: When the Mayas first commenced to go to Egypt from India, Akkad may have been their supply station en route. Brunsen may have come across some old record saying that the colonists had left Akkad for Egypt, thereby inferring that the colonists were Akkadians, not Hindus. Valmiki's record stating that the Mayas from India formed a colony in Egypt, is not the only Hindu record stating the fact. There are many, but Valmiki's being a temple record, I have looked upon it as being all that is necessary from India with the corrobora-tion of Brunsen and Philostratus. The Hindu temple records distinctly state that the Egyptian Colony was formed from India and not from the Euphrates Valley. Philostratus corroborates it.
Now I will go to Egypt and take up the other end of the line. There is no Maioo on the Egyptian map today, so we must hunt up some old Egyptian records; first, to find out if ever there was a Maioo in Egypt, and secondly, to find out its exact location.
Brugsch Bey, considered one of the most reliable authorities on ancient Egypt, in his "History of Egypt under the Pharaohs," Vol. 2, pages 78 and 174, says: "The name Maioo is comprised in the list of lands conquered by Thotmes III. . . . The name Maioo is found in a list of lands in a sepulchral chamber in Nubia."
This is a perfect confirmation by Egyptian history of Valmiki's record. Nubia lies in Upper Egypt on the west coast of the Red Sea. Nubia commences a little north of the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb. Suakin is one of the present-day seaports of Nubia.
Some Egyptologists have tried to get away with the raw proposition that the original Egyptians came from the Euphrates Valley, crossed the Assyrian Desert, entered Lower Egypt, and from there worked up to the White and Blue Niles, then split up and formed two empires. They have not a record or legend to warrant them in putting forward such an absurd statement. Such a contention as crossing a waterless desert, thus selecting the most physically impossible route when a very easy, safe, natural water route lay before them, is the top notch of absurdity. Did not Berosus say that the people first met by the Semit-ics on the Euphrates were "half fish and half human," and does not Valmiki tell us that "the Mayas were mighty navigators whose ships went from the eastern to the western oceans and from the northern to the southern seas"? Yet these were the men who preferred to travel over a waterless desert twice the distance they would have had to go by water. By the water route they would have saved hundreds of miles of travel, they would have been in sight of land all the way, and could reach their destination without a single obstruction. If any reader will take a map and plot out the two routes, the result will be more convincing than any pen could write. Again, no sane being could imagine colonists leaving the fertile lands of the Nile Delta when they got there, to pound their way through trackless deserts to where they knew not. The foregoing is the story of Upper Egypt. I shall now proceed to show byvarious records who the Lower Egyptians were and where they came from. The history of Lower Egypt is so interwoven with the history of Atlantis that nearly all known records refer to both, so I am forced to use over again many of the records I used for Atlantis. It is reiteration, I know, but I think the subject justifies it and hope my readers will look at it in the same light. One loses the continuity of a subject when he has constantly to be turning back to previous pages.
THE NILE COLONY.The Nile Colony was the original name of Lower Egypt. It was started at Sais on the Nile Delta by Mayas, coming from Atlantis under the leadership of Thoth about 16,000 years ago. The Nile Delta appears to have been neglected by the early Mediterranean settlers, as geological phenomena show that Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula and islands, and the Caucasian Plains were occupied many thousands of years before 14,000 B. C. At that time the lower end of the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor and the Caucasian Plains were ideal lands for settlers, rich soil and well watered, with an ideal climate. The Nile Delta to them then, apparently, appeared to be only a hot, sandy country. Therefore, it may be rightfully assumed that it could only have been a scarcity of land for the ever increasing number of settlers or some untoward event that took the first settlers there. Records will tell, we need not theorize.
Schliemann: A tablet found in Maycarne, Crete, by Schliemann says: "The Egyptians descended from Misar. Misar was the child of Thoth, the god of history. Thoth was the emigrated son of a priest of Atlantis. He built the first temple at Sais and there taught the wisdom of his native land."
Troano Manuscript: "Fleeing from the wrath of her brother Aac, Queen Moo directed her course towards the rising sun and at last reached the Maya settlement which had recently been established on the banks of the Nile. There she met Thoth, the founder, who became her friend and preceptor in religious matters." Egyptian Papyrus, time of Pharaoh Sent, 2nd Dynasty: "Pharaoh Sent sent out an expedition to the west in search of traces of Atlantis from whence 3350 years before the Egyptians arrived carrying with themselves all the wisdom of their native land." Rawlinson: "Origin of Nations," page 13 : "The Egyptians themselves claimed that their ancestors were strangers who in very remote times settled on the banks of the Nile." Herodotus: "The Egyptians boasted that their ancestors in the lands of the W e$t, were the oldest men on earth."
Diodorus: "History," Vol. 1, page 50: "The Egyptians themselves claimed that their ancestors were strangers who in very remote times settled on the bank of the Nile, bringing with themselves the civilization of their mother country, the art of writing and a polished language. They had come from the direction of the Setting Sun and that they were the most ancient of men."
Teiss: "A Miracle of Stone," page 40: "The Egyptians came from Kuiland, the country of the gods in the west."
Plutarch: "Life of Solon": "When Solon visited Egypt Souchis, a priest of Sais, and Psenophis, a priest of Heliopolis, told him that 9000 years since, the relations of the Egyptians with the Lands of the West had been interrupted because of the mud that had made the sea impassable after the destruction of Atlantis by earthquakes and the country beyond by floods." Orpheus: "Egypt, the daughter of Poseidon" (Atlantis) . Lepstus: Lepsius found the same sacred symbols among the ceremonials of the Egyptians as he found in the ceremonies of the American Mayas. The foregoing is evidence that: The first Egyptians were Mayas; the first settlers in Lower Egypt came from Atlantis; the first settlers in Upper Egypt came from India; subsequently both colonies were augmented by colonists from the Motherland via India and Mayax; that the inhabitants of Mu were the first men on earth; that Atlantis was destroyed by earthquakes and submerged; that America was destroyed and made impassable and uninhabitable for a long time by cataclysms; that in Egypt Mu, the Motherland, was also called the Lands of the West and Kui Land; that Mu, sometimes called the Lands of the West and Kui Land, did once exist and was the original habitat of Man; that Egypt was once a colony of Mu and after Mu went down, became an Empire.
Osborn: "In Egypt it is notorious that there is no indication of an early savagery. All authorities agree that however far we go back we find in Egypt no rude, uncivilized time out of which civilization is developed. The reasonable inference from these facts appears to be that the first settlers in Egypt were a company of persons in a high state of civilization, but through some strange anomaly in the history of man they had been deprived of a great part of their language, and the entire written system which had formerly been the means and vehicle of their civilization," I am afraid that when Osborn penned the foregoing, he was depending more on imagination than research such as his subject deserves. Had he read the works of the Greek philosopher, Diodorus, he would have found before he turned the fiftieth page that his "reasonable inferences" were without foundation, for the Egyptians brought a written language and maintained it throughout Egyptian history. The sixty-fourth chapter of the Book of the Dead was written by Thoth at the commencement of Egyptian history. The hieratic alphabet of the Egyptians is given on page 34. Down to a few hundred years B.C. many of these letters will be found retained in all of their subsequent symbolic alphabets. They permeate the writings of the Book of the Dead.
Osiris. Egyptologists differ widely concerning who and what Osiris was. Many claim he was a myth; others that he was simply a symbol; while others declare he was a living man. Some Egyptologists assert that he was a king somewhere. The Egyptians themselves affirm that he once lived and claim various places in Egypt as his birthplace thus showing that not one of them knows anything beyond the fact that he was at the head of the Triune of Lower Egypt.
Osiris was a man and his history has been rcorded by the Naacals. Their writings say: "Osiris was born in Atlantis (about) 22,000 years ago. On arriving at young manhood, he left Atlantis and went to the Motherland to study in her colleges. He entered a Naacal college where he studied and remained until he became a Master and a Holy Brother. He then returned to Atlantis and there purged religion of the extravagances and excesses which had crept into it. He then became the head of the Atlan-tian Church, a position which he held through a long life. The people so loved him for his gentleness and gentle teachings that they wanted to dethrone the King and place Osiris on the throne. This he would not permit and positively refused to allow such a thing to be talked about."
When Osiris died he was deified and religion called after him, just as our religion today is called the Christian religion after the teachings of Christ. There is no mention in the Naacal writings as to the cause of the death of Osiris. The Egyptians have their own tale. According to them, the end of Osiris was a tragedy. Osiris, according to the Egyptians, was murdered by a brother called Set. Set became fanatically jealous of his brother Osiris on account of the great love of the people for Osiris, which ended in Set murdering him. About ten thousand years after the time of Thoth, the vile, unscrupulous Egyptian priesthood, to bring fear and dread into the hearts of the people and so enslave them for their priestly purposes, turned Set into the devil of today. Before a devil was invented by the Egyptians, a devil was unknown. Before that it was a fight between the Soul or Divine Force and the material affinities for control of man's mind and, through his mind, his bodily actions. The Soul's endeavor was to raise the material man to a higher plane. This the material affinities fought against and tried to keep him down to their own level.
It would appear quite remarkable that the teachings of Osiris, Gautama and Jesus should have been so very alike in wording. In many cases they are absolutely
identical word for word. And in the case of some sentences I would defy anyone on earth to say which of these three great masters uttered the words. And yet, when one stops to think, it is not so remarkable because they all preached and explained the first religion of man as told in the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu, the Motherland. The Egyptians affirmed that Osiris was born in Egypt which is a perfect myth as the following shows: Thoth was the founder of Lower Egypt. He built the first temple at Sais and there taught the Osirian religion as he brought it from Atlantis. This is verified in the Book of the Dead. Why the Egyptians assigned Osiris to the charge of Amenti does not appear clear except that it was to carry out a symbolism. ISIS. Isis is shown in the Triune godhead of Lower Egypt as the sister wife of Osiris. What was she? Was she once a living woman or a symbol only? Without question she was a symbol only, carrying out a conception that had come down from the very beginning of man's teachings. In the Egyptian religion, Isis was the symbol representing nature, and nature was the productive principle of the Creatorthe female principle. So many attributes were assigned to her by the Egyptians that she really appears as the feminine attribute symbol of the Creator. She represented the creation of all things. Thus she appears as the great attribute of creation, the executrix of the Creator's commands. I have never seen her depicted in mummy form. I find that those who have actually lived are often depicted as mummies, and occasionally as a god with a special head telling who he was. That Isis was assigned as the wife of Osiris is simply a symbolism. An old Egyptian writing says: "Isis can never die although from age to age her vestments may change." In other words, she may be known under different names among different peoples and ages. I think Rider Haggard explains the esoteric meaning of Isis better than any other man who has written about her. In one of his works he depicts a scene in front of the Sphinx, after the overthrow of the Egyptians by the Persians. The Egyptian gods are standing in front of the Sphinx saying: "We bid thee farewell, Mother Egypt, our shelter for thousands upon thousands of years. Out of thy mud we were created, into thy mud we return again."
Sphinx: "Tell me who gave you these monstrous shapes and who named ye gods?"
The Gods: "The priests gave them to us and the priests named us gods. Now the priests are slain and we perish with the priests because we are but gods made out of thy mud, O Egypt." Isis appears: "Behold me. I am thy lost spirit, but thou, O Egypt, did not create me, for I created thee by a divine command. I am she whom men know as Isis
here upon the Nile, but whom all the world and all the worlds beyond the world know as nature, the visible garment of the Almighty God. Yet I remain and thou remainest, O Egypt. Aye, though we be called by many names in the infinite days to come, as we have been called in the infinite days that are gone, ever shall we remain."
Rider Haggard does not say whether he took this speech from some ancient document or not. Without doubt he had a good foundation for it One very prominent point stands boldly out, where Isis says "by divine command." These are the identical words used in the Sacred Inspired Writings of the Motherland referring to Creation, as shown in my last work, The Lost Continent of Mu.
Isis was the symbol of the Moon. The Moon was her head ornament during all religious ceremonies. The Moon was the ancient symbol for the feminine principle of the Creator. Therefore, His productive principle, that principle which commanded that living things should appear.
Niven's Mexican Stone Tablet, No. 150 ( Size). Found 4 miles N. W. of Mexico City at a depth below the surface of 17 feet. This tablet is over 12,000 years old.
Deciphering and translation: The upper face represents the Sun as the male principle of the Creator, confirmed by His symbol on either side, a circle with a dot in the center.
The lower face that of the Moon, the symbol of the female principle of the Creator, also confirmed by two circles with dots in their centers. The four box cartouches contain writings in the ancient temple numeral esoteric writing. The Creator created one which became two. The two produced three. From these three all mankind descended. Corroborated by repetition. Legend. The Creator made man. Then divided him into two principlesmale and female. The two produced three, and from these three all mankind descended.
I find the same conception prevailed among the Hindus, the Incas of Peru and the Mayas. Also the people who carved the Mexican Stone Tablets over 12,000 years ago. Their legend runs: "The Moon was the sister wife of the Sun." Thus making both the Sun and Moon symbols of the Creator, but as His principles. This symbolism dates far back, back beyond the Egyptians and back beyond the writers of the Mexican Stone Tablets. It originates in the Sacred Inspired Writings more than 70,000 years ago and was then used to teach early man that the Deity was dual in Creation. (Lahun, Fig. 4.)
HORUS. Horus was the third of the Lower Egyptian Triune Godhead. He was the son of Osiris and his sister wife. Isis. From some of the Egyptian writings it is made to appear that Horus was once a living man. In others he appears as one of the symbols of the SunRa. I have found nothing about either Isis or Horus in the Naacal writings, so presume that they were Egyptian symbols only. The head of the lower Egyptian Church was called the Horus, just as today the head of the Catholic Church is called the Pope. To me it appears that Horus being a symbol of the Sun and the Sun the symbol of the Deity, Horus was second-handedly the religious symbol of the Deity. Early Egypt was ruled by the Church before it became a kingdom. Many Egyptologists have endowed Horus with a grand old age. He commenced life at the time of Osiris 22,000 years ago and kept up his health and strength down to the time of Menes 5000 years ago. A grand old age of 17,000 years. This goes the Hindu mistranslation about Rama one better. Rama lasted only 10,000 years. Methuselah was such a youngster he was never in their class. Whether the first Horus was a living man or only a symbol I am not prepared to say. There is the possibility that the first Horus was the son of Osiris, and at the death of Osiris became the Hieratic head of the Atlantian Church this I cannot say. Herodotus, "History," Lib. 11-144: "Horus was the Hieratic head of Egypt before King Menes commenced to reign."
Manetho, the Egyptian priest-historian: "The reign of the sages in Egypt was ten thousand years. The sages were the Hieratic heads."
In the writings of Manetho there are references to six different Horuses as Hieratic heads. In certain ceremonies the Egyptians substituted Horus for Ra, thus showing that Horus was the symbol of the Sun. In the Motherland the Hieratic head assumed the title of Ra Mu as the representative of the Deity in religious matters. So later in Egypt the Hieratic head assumed the title of Horus. From the commencement of Egyptian history, and apparently for thousands of years, Egypt was governed by the Church with a Horus. The last Horus as the Hieratic head of religion in Lower Egypt was the Horus that immediately preceded King Menes, according to Manetho. When Upper and Lower Egypt were united under King Menes, there were two forms of religion involved: in Upper Egypt the Sun was the most sacred symbol, in Lower Egypt it was the Triune with Osiris heading it. For two thousand years there was a bitter fight between the two priesthoods, each one trying to proselyte the other. Even the Kings were affected, some taking sides with the priesthood of Upper Egypt, others with the priesthood of Lower Egypt. These details are to be found in most histories of Egypt.
THE EGYPTIAN PRIESTHOOD.I have previously stated that the greed and avarice of the Egyptian priesthood led them into committing the most horrible crimes recorded in man's history. It reached its climax after the priesthood of Amon had amassed unmeasurable wealth. This wealth gave them the dominant power of the land which wealth always does, and as is always the case when a set of individuals gain control of the wealth of a country, it has invariably ended in the downfall of that country. There is not a single exception to this rule to be found in history. Even the Egyptian kings became weak tools in the hands of the Priests of Amon so that ultimately their priestly aspirations were gained, for they usurped the throne itself. On the face of things this did not alter much; for before it was the King-High Priest, now it became the High Priest-King. After usurping the throne their priestly soon came to an end, for the army rebelled against the priesthood and the Priests of Amon were obliged to flee from Egypt into Ethiopia.
It has been written that the Egyptian priesthood never entrusted their religious secrets or Sacred Mysteries to anyone outside of their own fraternity. This is not strictly true as many of the Greek philosophers were entrusted with the Egyptian religious secrets, among them being: Solon, Thales, Pythagoras, Herodotus, Eumolphus, Plato, Orpheus, and possibly others as well.
FIRST EGYPTIAN TEMPLE.The first Egyptian temple was built at Sais 16,000 years ago. The age is well authenticated as it was built by Thorn at the commencement of Egyptian history. This is confirmed by a tablet dug up by Schliemann at Maycarne, Crete. This tablet states that: "The first Egyptians were Atlantians headed by Thoth, the God of History. They settled on the banks of the Nile at Sais where he built the first temple." The discovery of this tablet was not reported at the time except to his grandson, Dr. Paul Schliemann, who subsequently undertook the unearthing of the Sais temple. The following is his report on what he found:
"We have been excavating the ruins of the ancient temple at Sais, in Egypt, for five months. Among many other interesting archaeological discoveries we have found a burial chamber of the musical celebrities of that era. Here in one of the catacombs, supposed to be from the time of the 3rd Dynasty, we found a huge casket of stone and with it a most unusual collection of musical instruments. It contained also a papyrus that has not been deciphered yet but I am of the opinion that it is a peculiar kind of Egyptian musical writing unknown to us. The hieroglyphic inscription on the Sarcophagus says that the musical instruments belonged to the orchestra of the Temple of Sais, and were used for the crowning celebration of Pharaoh Amen-emhat I. Among the instruments that we discovered, there were some that produced such sounds as, for instance, the roar of the wind, the waves, and songs of certain birds, and various mysterious voices of nature. "Our music at least has not reached that degree of development. It is only the celebrated FinnJean Sibelius who has made slight attempts at making his latest compositions imitate the voices of nature. But for the Egyptian composers this was a vital issue of their work. There is a huge wood trumpet among the discovered instruments of Sais which produces the weird sound of an angry roaring lion; on the other hand their flute has produced the sweetest tones I have ever listened to. It has an enchanting timbre, and thrills the listener with magic rapture, even if one plays but a single tone on it I can imagine how that instrument could really make an audience wild with enthusiasm if it were played by a virtuoso.
"Most of the instruments of an old Egyptian orchestra were of wood and porcelain. There is only one horn of brass like metal. The strings of their harps proved to be made of a fiber absolutely unknown today. It is exceedingly thin and strong and has almost the appearance of silver wire. But then again there are strings which our chemical experts declare to have been spun from human hair. Thus the strings of the highest notes of an Egyptian violin are made of exceedingly long hair taken from the head of some beauty of that age. An orchestra of sixty-five instruments and a chorus of eighty singers were required to perform the majestic anthem of the Sun. The instrument that seems to figure as the most important piece of the orchestra produces a hollow monotonous tone of haunting effect. The instrument is made out of a bleached human skull, the cavity of which has been made like an artificial throat of some supernatural monster. It is evident that this instrument produced a register of unmem-orable sounds, but it required a musician who knew the secret of his instrument, therefore it played a unique role in the orchestra. An inscription on the small bone says that it contained not only the sounds of other instruments, but that also of the human voice. It was called the dead throat. Thus my discovery is first in archaeological records that gives such striking information of the music of the most remote periods. It will throw a new light on the ancient art, and serve as the most powerful impetus to all composers, musicians and singers of this age by suggesting a new style and form of musical expression.
"The Egyptians carried the culture of Atlantis to their colony on the shores of the Nile, I have found in my various excavations that the older Egypt was, the more it was cultured. The nation simply degenerated after Atlantis vanished."
In the body of my work I have called attention to the fact that after the sinking of the Motherland Mu, all civilizations throughout the world either degenerated or came to a standstill, not only Egypt, but all others, including India.
WHO WERE THE ETHIOPIANS?The origin of the Ethiopians has ever been a mystery to ethnologists. There are traditions in Southern India that: "In ages gone by companies of Tamils took their ships and sailed towards the setting sun. They arrived at a great land and settled there, prospered and became great." If I could obtain some of their language and writing, I could tell at once whether they were Tamils. CHAPTER X THE WESTERN LINES
VARIOUS important lines of colonization were followed from Mu in westerly directions. There were two main lines, two secondary ones, and some small independent ones.
The lines about which most is known is the southern main line which ran from Mu to Burma, Burma to India, and from India to Babylonia and Upper Egypt (Nubia), and to the White and Blue Niles. The people who conducted this line were originally known as Nagas. Afterwards they took the names which they gave to their various settlements.
A secondary line ran from Mu to the Malay Islands, from the Malay Islands to Southern India which they called Dravida, from India to Africa. They settled south of Nubia. These people were a black race with finely chiseled features and straight black hairthey were called Tamils. Without question the most important westerly line from Mu was the northern main line conducted by a people called Uighurs, the forefathers of the Aryan races. The Uighur Empire was possibly the first, and unquestionably the largest, most important, and most powerful, of all the colonial empires belonging to Mu.
A short independent line was carried out to the Malay Islands by a people known as Quiche Mayas. The color of the Quiches varies more than that of any other race of man, from a white to a dark brown. They appear to have joined several lines of colonists from the Motherland for they are found in Central America, South America, South Sea Islands and the Malay Islands. The Japanese are one of the branches of the Quiches. Another line, how important cannot be said, was that of the Mongols who settled in the northern parts of Asia. A secondary line of yellow Mongols made their settlement north of Burma, what is now Cochin China. The Chinese coolies of today are their descendants. Deductions about anything are likely to be erroneous. In the past, archaeology has consisted largely of deductions and every day one or more of these is refuted by newly discovered records that bring the truth to light. In archaeology a single discovery is only a link and should be treated as such until the next link is found and attached, and so on until the complete chain is forged. Speculations, as such, are not only admissible but valuable, but deductions stated as facts, emphatically no. These errors are prominent in various archaeological writings. Hindu ancient written history, legends, records and traditions so clearly dovetail into one another that all questions regarding their accuracy are eliminated. Traditions exist saying that settlements were made in the Malay Islands. The Karangs in Java, through their religious rites and ceremonies, clearly show that their forefathers came from the Motherland. This is tradition verified, BURMA.Very little is known about Ancient Burma. Apparently it included the whole of the Malay Peninsula and lands to the north and east, of it. Traditions state that when Ancient Burma existed the southern coast lines were not as they are
now, that lands have been both submerged and emerged. Burma was the first stopover place of the Naga line of colonists. Burma is composed of two vocables of the mother tongue and means The New Land. The Nagas took their name from their symbol for the Creator Naga, the Seven-headed Serpent. Valmiki, the ancient Hindu historian, who took his facts from ancient temple records, says: "The Mayas came from the Motherland, one moon's journey towards the rising sun. They first came to Burma where they became known as Nagas. From Burma they came to the Deccan in India. "The Naacals, Holy Brothers, teachers of the religion and sciences of the Motherland, left their homes in the Motherland in the East, and first went to Burma and from Burma to India."
The name of the ancient city in the Motherland from which the Nagas sailed was called Hiranypura. The remains of this city are to be seen to this day on one of the Caroline Islands due east from Burma. The first Naga-Maya settlement in Burma was of an exceedingly ancient date. Tablets in the Himalayan monasteries, relating to the first settlement of Uighurs just north of Burma, state that colonization commenced more than 70,000 years ago. The first history that we know about Burma commences only a thousand or fifteen hundred years ago, but remains of ancient cities are found in Burma and Valmiki's writings confirm a very ancient date.
CAMBODIA.Modern Cambodia is a part of Ancient Burma. The great river Meikong runs through the center of it. Along this river and its branches are a great number of remains of ancient civilizations. Whether any of them belong to the first civilization is still an open question. The bulk of them, however, date back only to
about 1400 to 1600 years ago. This is fairly well authenticated by research work and excavations by French archaeologists. At Angkor are some wonderful remains which are now claiming attention from the world, for while the bulk of them are apparently not of a very ancient date, their magnificence is unsurpassed by any architecture in the world. The French archaeologists, who have been studying these ruins, tell us that there have been three eras in their building. The last one was subsequent to the 7th Century A.D. The preceding one has been called the Khimer architecture which ended during the 7th Century A.D., and back beyond the Khimer is a third erected by an unknown people. These may be the works of the first civilization. I do not know and cannot say without first examining the ruins and reading the inscriptions on the stones, if there are any. The carvings on these stones, judged from photographs only, seem traceable to the ancient Maya of Yucatan and Central America. The most notable structure is at Angkor Vat. It was built during the time of the Khimers and finished during the first half of the 7th Century A. D. It is one of the most wonderful structures in the world and contains 1025 yards of sculpture, with hundreds of thousands of figures. In Hammerton's Wonders of the Past, Vol. r, appears an article by Edmund Chandler from which the following extracts are taken:
"Angkor is the scene of ancient ruins in Cambodia. The founders of Angkor have passed away from the face of the earth, leaving no trace. There are no traditions in Modern Cambodia of the builders. "The riddle of these enigmatic ruins so far as being solved is, if anything, obscured by the contradictory conclusions by French archaeologists, sent out by the French government to study early Cambodian architecture and history. "The style of architecture has been called Khimer. "The earliest inhabitants of the country were called Campias whose cult was Serpent worship. Later they were known as Khomen. "Founereau fixes the Aryan invasion from India in the 5th Century A. D. under Prea Thang who was founder of the Khimer Empire. The Khimer Empire ended A.D. 650."
Chandler says, "leaving no trace." While they have left no trace, nature has. Again Chandler asserts that they were "Serpent worshipers." They were not as I shall hereafter show.
From the very little I was able to see in Angkor, before a shovelful of dirt was removed from the ruins, there is not a particle of doubt but what the Khimers came to Cambodia from India. Authentic history tells us that some of the Malay Islands were, invaded from India about this date and Cambodia is but next door to one of the greatest known Hindu settlements in the Malays. I will further quote Chandler: "Among the carvings are seen Rama and Hanuman fighting with the wildest fury the Rakshas. The ferocity displayed in features and gestures of the Rakshas is very realistic."
"Angkor Thorn, which lies three miles north of Angkor Vat, was the capital of the Khimer Empire. The builders here are of a very much earlier date than Angkor Vat. The city is spread over many miles. One creeps through crumbling galleries, scrambles over fallen pillars, and in the struggle to keep one's feet, finds one's self clasping the knee of an elephant, or the waist of some grotesque goddess,"
Conditions at Angkor Thorn do not warrant the dates fixed. Chandler states that Angkor Thom was the capital of the Khimer Empire and that the buildings are of "very much earlier date" than Angkor Vat. The Khimer Empire lasted only about 200 years. There is no margin here for saying "of very much earlier date." Chandler's "grotesque goddesses" are sacred symbolical figures telling a tale or recounting history.
"Everywhere lifted above the vegetation you meet the cobra's cowlthe sevenheaded Naga,its fan-shaped hood erect, the genius of Angkor. Sometimes it forms an immense horizontal balustrade supported by squat archers, its head the newel, as it rises lifelike from the center of a tank. Rows of them guard the terraces and causeways of Angkor and figure on the friezes." The serpent rising out of a tank of water is one of the ancient symbols for Creation. "Right in the heart of this forest is a shrine only less immense than Angkor. It has 37 towers grouped around a pagoda. Each has four Brahminic faces which embrace the four points of the compass."
This is a symbolic building, the four faces point to the four cardinal pointsthe Sacred Four ruling and governing the material universe. Details of the carvings on this shrine would enable me to give the whole tale.
"The mystery that veils the origin of the Khimers and the manner of their disposition is as mysterious as the waves of migration that established themselves in the basin of the Meikong."
The origin of the Khimers is clearly and accurately told by the histories of nearby lands. Beyond this Fournereau has clearly established their land of origin as India.
The best and most reliable work I have come across describing Angkor is a work called Angkor the Magnificent written by Helen Churchill Candee. The details given by Madam Candee are so minutely given as to be of the greatest value to the archaeologist. The book is charmingly written. I shall take only one quotation from this work: "It is Naga. It is like nothing else. The form is the result of many centuries and belief, the tangible evidence of past religion and story. It is not the fantastic creation of artist or architect but the symbol of a demi-god. His attributes, his history are matters to dig out of inscriptions." Madam Candee is quite correct when she says Naga is a symbol, only she has not placed the symbol high enough. It is not intended for a demi-god but for the Great Creator Himself. An inscription in
the temple reads, "This temple is dedicated to Naga, the seven-headed serpent, who by His will created all things."
A close examination of the carvings on all of the structures at Angkor show them crying out: "Motherland! Motherland! Mu, the Motherland!" The royal lotus, the symbolic flower of Mu, is profusely used in the decorative carvings. The trident, the royal scepter of the Empire of the Sun, is prominent. The head dresses of many of the figures carry the numeral symbol of Mu. All buildings except the last at Angkor Vat face the east, the direction of the loved and revered Motherland. Conventional figures, called by the French archaeologists "lions," appear prominently. They are in rising positions and all face east. Their mouths are formed by the letter M (see page 34) of Mu's hieratic alphabet. M was the alphabetical symbol of Mu. Now I will try to show the cause of the sudden disappearance of the Khimers and the destruction of Angkor Thorn. THE GEOLOGICAL TALE OF ANGKOR.-The manner of the sudden disappearance of the Khimers is more than suggested by consulting the geological phenomena around the fallen structures of Angkor Thorn and along the Meikong Valley. It is shown everywhere that more than one great cataclysmic wave has rolled up the Valley of the Meikong. This feature has evidently been overlooked by the archaeologists who have worked in, or written about, Angkor. To bring this more than possible cause for the sudden disappearance of the Khimers and the destruction of their edifices more vividly before the eyes of my readers, I have prepared a map showing the volcanic condition in and around Cambodia.
The network of gas belts is shown in various lines on the map. It will be noticed that there are three belts running from north to south through the country itself. There are two other belts running underneath the oceans, one on each side of Burma. All but the extreme eastern belt connect with a huge belt running under Sumatra, Java and to the east. Today, as it has always been, this is one of the greatest volcanic areas on earth. Japan only surpasses it. Untold thousands of lives have been lost through volcanic workings and upheavals in this region.
The ancient civilization of Burma was wiped out about 12,000 years ago, during the forging of the various gas belts heretofore mentioned, and the raising of the mountains which run down through this area. The Khimer civilization was wiped out by a great cataclysmic wave that rolled up the Meikong Valley. The marks of this wave are very prominent at spots and around the bases of the ruins at Angkor Thorn. This wave was undoubtedly caused by a belt block, on the belt which runs from near the mouth of the Meikong to Krakatoa. The gases could not force the blocking material ahead so had to forge a new section of belt around it. In forging this new section the bottom of the ocean was raised, which displaced the water above. This displaced water took the usual form, a cataclysmic wave, a part of which rolled up the Meikong Valley and wiped out the Khimers. CHAPTER XI INDIA
INDIA, the land of mystery and mysterious sciences, the cradle of the philosophy of the old Greek sages, Bharata (the ancient name of the Deccan), glorious, magnificent Bharata carried on and maintained the civilization and learning of the Motherland for nearly eight thousand years after the great volcanic forces had torn her body asunder and the ocean waters had swallowed up the fragments. It was India who stood foremost for thousands of years, holding together and carrying on the earth's first great civilization after the destruction of the Motherland. Other nations held the civilization for a time but all except India soon began to fall back and many disappeared. It was India that stood foremost in religion, philosophy, astronomy, sciences, music, art and medicine from the time of the destruction of the Motherland down to about 500 B.C. No other nation could stand as hdr rival or compete with her in all branches of knowledge. The world generally knows nothing of this. Historians have utterly failed to show and to credit India with a civilization
of ancient date, yet the Akkadians, Sumerians, Babylonians and Upper Egyptians were her offspring. It is not necessary to quote ancient writings or bring forward traditions. We have only to examine the western shores of India to prove the extreme age of her civilization ; for here, lying on the bed of the Indian Ocean a few miles from the present shore line, are to be seen beneath the waters remains of great imposing structures. History does not relate this submergence, yet here it is, an incontrovertible fact that in bygone times India enjoyed a high civilization. The physical proofs are there. How does this compare with the nonsensical histories of India, that say India's civilization only dates back 4000 or 5000 years?
SUBMERGED LANDS, WEST COAST OF INDIA.In the Indian Ocean, adjoining the West Coast of India, there exists a large area of submerged lands with structures showing thereon. Like the remains of the South Sea Islands, these structures are prehistoric. These submerged lands commence at about 21 degrees north latitude, or just below the mouth of the river Indus, and extend south to about the equator. These submerged lands are apparently of an elongated oval shape. The Lacadive and Maldive groups of low-lying islands are within the boundaries of this oval. Although I have several times passed quite close to them, I have never been on any of them, so cannot say whether they are parts of the sunken land still above water, or whether they are the subsequent work of coral insects. There is a long stretch of very shallow water both north and south of these islands with various channels of deeper water crossing them, through which ships have to pass going to
or from India. This geological phenomenon has never been noted by any geologist or archaeologist as far as I can ascertain or by any historian. On days when conditions are favorablethat is, water and skyimposing remains of ancient structures are clearly to be seen on the shallow water within the oval mentioned. These submerged lands are well known to the fishermen along the coast; as a matter of fact, it was through them that I became aware of this submersion. Hindu scientists also know of them; no one, however, can account for structures being at the bottom of the ocean as the submergence is not spoken of in Hindu history no matter how far one goes back. This is not at all to be wondered at as Hindu history does not go further back than 3000 B.C. In India, at various spots, there are hundreds and maybe thousands of old tablets dating from some 15,000 to 35,000 years ago. The possibility is that if these old tablets were brought out and deciphered, an account of this submersion might be forthcoming. The loss of the Mother Tongue and the Motherland's form of writing was the result of the Aryan domination. From the time the Aryans controlled the civilization of India, it has gradually gone down to where it was found two hundred years ago. It fell from the highest to almost the lowest rung in the ladder; and, strange as it may appear, historians have placed the commencement of the Hindu civilization at the point where the actual decline commenced about 4000 years ago. What a travesty on facts and truth! These submerged lands with their great structures are positive proof of India's high civilization tens of thousands of years before the rough, coarse Aryan hillmen of the Hindu Koosh trod the soil of the Saraswatti Valley in India. Against the modern histories of India, the ancient temple records carry the civilization of India, India the Mother of Babylonia and Upper Egypt, back beyond 35,000 years. I have never come across any references to this submersion either in India or elsewhere, so the probability remains that it took place during those five to seven thousand years when apparently no history was being written in any part of the world. Yet this submergence is a fact because the submerged structures can be seen. To my mind, there is not the slightest doubt what caused this submergence and that the present island of Ceylon was raised through it. ANCIENT INDIA.India was not always called India. As a matter of fact, India is a modern name for the peninsula; it has only been called India for about 2300 to 2400 years. What the ancient name of the Hindu peninsula was, or whether there was a name embodying the whole of the peninsula, I do not know. In all the ancient records which I have read, the Naga Empire, the Maharalta Kingdom and Dravida are only mentioned. The name India came out of the Greek. When the Greeks under Alexander the Great invaded India 325 B. C., they found in the northwestern parts a large river which the natives called Sindhu. The Greeks transformed the name, first to Indu, afterwards to Hindu. Finally the river became known as the Indus and the people as Hindus and Indians. This section of India is called Sind today. Ramayana, from Hippolyte Fauche's translation:
"The first people in India were Mayas who had left the Motherland; they first went to Burma and there became known as the Nagas. From Burma they established themselves in the Deccan, India, and in India subsequently became known as the Danavas.1 "The Mayas were mighty navigators whose ships passed from the eastern to the western oceans and from the southern to the northern seas in ages so remote that the sun had not yet risen above the horizon.2 "That being learned architects, they built great cities and palaces." This shows the exceedingly high civilization of the Hindus at this very remote date. "The Mayas likewise being great warriors, they conquered the southern parts of the Hindustani Peninsula." 1 Naacal writings in a Tibetian monastery state that the Mayas settled m India over 70,000 years ago and were of a swarthy complexion with dark piercing eyes. 2 "Had not risen above the horizon" is a symbolical sentence. It does not refer to the celestial orb but to the turning of the Hindu Maya colony into a colonial empire. With the crown it had an escutcheon bestowed on ita rising sun with raya coming up on the horizon, showing the Empire to be under the suzerainty of the MotherlandThe Empire of the Sun. This victory was over the Tamils who called their country Dravida. This war took place tens of thousands of years before the Aryans entered India. When, thousands of years afterwards, India was split up into a number of little kingdoms, the Tamils again gained their independence and formed monarchies. "The Maya adepts, the Naacals or Holy Brothers, started from the land of their birth in the east as missionaries of the religion and learning of the Motherland. They first went to Burma where they taught the Nagas. From Burma they established themselves in the Deccan, India, from whence they carried their religion and learning to the colonies of Babylonia and Egypt."
I never think of the Ramayana without feeling that I am about to shake hands with an ancient friend. Valmiki, the Hindu Herodotus, appeals to me more than any other Hindu writer, possibly because it has been my fortunate lot to see so many of the ancient writings from which his were taken. I can mentally bridge the gulf of time between us and picture him sitting at the feet of the old master, Narana, and like myself later from another great master, deriving pearls of wisdom from the ancient teachings. The Ramayana was written from temple records and temple histories, dictated from the originals by Narana to Valmiki. When Valmiki turned the tale of Rama and Sita into verse he used poetic license. Thoroughly to understand it and to appreciate it, it should also be read in the prose. To make things perfectly clear, I quote:
"Then Valmiki went to Narana, a Rishi, one of the seven principal priests of India, and asked for the history of Rama and Sita. Then Narana from the temple histories read it to Valmiki."
From the history given him by Narana, Valmiki wrote the verses forming the life of Rama and Sita, one of the greatest epics ever penned by man. Valmiki would make it appear in his verse that Rama was the son of the celestial orb, but in his prose writings he carefully shows that "Son of the Sun" does not mean a son of the celestial orb but a son of the Motherland, The Empire of the Sun, a colonial designation to which he was entitled being of the royal family of the Motherland.
Although Rama and Sita is the principal theme in Valmiki's writings, it is not the only one. There is a great deal of history in prose. I quote from two translations, the historical parts from Hippolyte Fauche, and Rama and Sita from Romesh Dutt's. "The synopsis of Rama and Sita is the celebration of the life, wanderings, exploits of Rama, the love of Rama for Sita his wife, the abduction of Sita by Ravana, the demon king of Ceylon, the final overthrow of Ravana by Rama and the return of Sita to Rama." Valmiki has indulged in a great deal of symbolical writings in the poem which are fully explained in other Hindu texts. From Rama and Sita (Romesh Dutt's translation) : "Vain her threat and soft entreaty, Raven held her in his wrath, As the planet Budda, captures, fair Rokini in his path. By his left hand, tremor shaken, Raksha held her streaming hair, By his right, the ruthless Raksha lifted high the fainting fair. Unseen dwellers of the woodland watched the dismal deed with shame. Marked the mighty armed Raksha lift the poor and helpless dame, Seat her in his car celestial yoked with asses winged with speed, Golden in its shape and radiance, fleet as Indra's heavenly steed. Angry threat and sweet entreaty Raven to her ears addressed, As the struggling, fainting woman still he held upon his breast. Vain his threat and vain entreaty, "Ramal Ramal" still she cried, To the dark and dismal forest where her noble lord had hied. Then arose the car celestial o'er the hill and wooded vale, Like a snake in eagle's talons, Sita writhed with piteous wail.3 "Still the dubious battle lasted, until Rama in his ire, Wielded Brahmin's dreadful weapon flaming with celestial fire. Winged as lightning, dart of Indra, fatal as the bolt of heaven, Wrapped in smoke and flaming flashes, speeding from the circle bow, Pierced the iron heart of Raven, laid the lifeless hero low."
3 Romesh Dutt evidently ran up against the same obstacle in translation of this poem as everyone else has who has tried. The passage "yoked to asses" involves in the original a word hard to translate, because apparently we have no corresponding word in our language. Romesh Dutt used the word "asses" but calls attention to it in the type. The word used in the original evidently means a majestic power, or force. Notwithstanding Romesh Dutt's masterly and wonderful translation, there is a
something insinuative in the original that apparently cannot be translated into another language. By translation the poem loses some of its beauty. Romesh Dutt's translation is, however, the best ever written.
Hindu Manuscript, Date unknown (B.C.): "When morning dawned, Rama, taking the celestial car which Pushpaka had sent to him by Vivpishand, stood ready to depart. Self-moving was that car; it was large and finely painted. It had two stories and many chambers with windows and was draped with flags and banners. It gave forth a melodious sound as it coursed along its airy way."
Hindu Manuscript, Dated 500 B.C.: "Rawan, King of Ceylon (?), flew over the enemy's army and dropped bombs, causing many casualties. Eventually Rawan was captured and slain and his flying machine fell into the hands of the Hindu chieftain Ram Chandra who flew it all the way back to his capital Adjudhia in Northern India."
Without question both of these manuscripts were taken from the same temple records at Ayhodia, as was the Rama and Sita poem, referring back 20,000 years ago.
Maha Bharata (1000 B.C.) : Mention is made in this ancient book of the "gift of a flying machine" by a king to a brcfther monarch as a token of friendship.
These are the most detailed accounts I have found about the airships of the Hindus 15,000 to 20,000 years ago, except one 'which is a drawing and instructions for the construction of the airship and her machinery, power, engine, etc. The power is taken from the atmosphere in a very simple inexpensive manner. The engine is somewhat like our present-day turbine in that it works from one chamber into another until finally exhausted. When the engine is once started it never stops until turned off. It will continue on if allowed to do so until the bearings are worn out. These ships could keep circling around the earth without ever once coming down until the machinery wore out. The power is unlimited, or rather limited only by what metals will stand. I find various flights spoken of which according to our maps would run from 1000 to 3000 miles.
All records relating to these airships distinctly state that they were self-moving, they propelled themselves; in other words, they generated their own power as they flew along. They were independent of all fuel. It seems to me, in the face of this, and with all our boasting, we are about 15,000 to 20,000 years behind the times. Dropping bombs from airships is a new sport with us, less than twenty years old; yet here we see that it was done 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. Rawan was shot down with a circular gun that spit fire and made thunder which is uncommonly like some of our machine guns today. Yet the world is flattering itself today that never before during the history of man has there ever been such a brainy lot of scientists as are with us at the present time. Pure egotism crowned with ignorance. I feel like the sage of old who said: "There is nothing new under the sun." There are many Chinese records of about the same date regarding these ancient flying machines.
While modern Hindu historians look upon the Ramayana and some other Hindu writings as myths, the Hindus themselves do not: they know better; so do I. We
know their origin and from what they were taken. They are not myths; they are histories written in the usual style of their timCi They are, generally speaking, extremely symbolical, and because historians have failed to understand these symbolical writings, they have classed them as myths. Wheeler, "History of India" (Vol. 3, pp. 56, 57), says: "The Mayas became known in after times as Nagas and Danavas." Wheeler might have been more explicit and have said the Mayas came to India as Nagas and afterwards became known as Danavas.
"The traditions of the Nagas are obscure in the extreme. They point, however, to an ancient Maya or Naga Empire in the Deccan where the modern city of Nagpoor stands." The traditions of the Nagas are not so very obscure. The Nagas formed the first Hindu Empire. Their first king was called Ra Ma.4 At what date the Empire commenced or at what date it ended, only traditions remain and these, as Wheeler says, are obscure.
Tradition says that the Naga Empire commenced more than 35,000 years ago. From various other legends I think this is conservative. An empire followed the Naga and lasted 10,000 years. Some of the temple records say that this empire ended about 3000 B. C., or 5000 years ago. Wheeler has fallen into the same error as Chandler about the Nagas being serpent worshipers. Naga was the name of the cobra de capella in the Motherland and was selected by these people as their symbol of the Creator. They gave it seven heads to correspond with the seven commands of the Creation and adopted the name of Nagas for their distinction among the other people of the Motherland whose symbol for the Creator was different from their own.
H. T. Golebrook, "Asiatic Research" (Vol. 2, pp. 369, 476), says: "Maya (Prince Maya) is considered the author of Souyra Siddhanta. Souyra Siddhanta is the most ancient treatise on astronomy in India. Prince Maya is represented as receiving his science from a partial incarnation of the Sun."
Prince Maya was the son of one of the early kings of the Naga Empire. Tradition says "he lived more than 20,000 years ago and when a young man went to the Motherland to attend her colleges where he learnt his sciences." This would account for the representation that he was "A partial incarnation of the Sun." The word "incarnation" is the wrong word. 4 See footnote page 63. "This work on which all Indian astronomy is founded was discovered in Benares by Sir Robert Chambers. It is a work of great antiquity, since it is attributed to a Maya author whose astronomical rules show that he was well acquainted with trigonometry, proving that obtuse sciences were cultivated in these remote ages." My personal opinion regarding the original Souyra Siddhanta is that it was written in the Motherland and brought to India by Prince Maya when he returned from his studies.
The Rig Veda, The Rig Veda is one of the old Hindu books and is supposed to have been written about 1500 B.C. The meaning of the name is: Rigverse, and Veda knowledge. Knowledge given in verse. The Rig Veda is unquestionably written from two sources, namely, temple histories and legends; therefore, the Rig Veda tells of the then past and not of the then present, 1500 B.C. Some of it unquestionably refers back tens of thousands of years as it is found in the writings of the Motherland.
There are several remarkable passages in the Rig Veda which correspond with the Sacred Inspired Writings. As an example: "Desire was formed in His mind." This refers to Creation. In the Popol Vuh, the Quiche Sacred Book, written in Guatemala, Central America, also taken from the Sacred Writings, it appears as: "First desire was formed in His mind to create." In the Nahantl writings of Yucatan it is given as "He expressed a desire to create."
In the Rig Veda is written: "He who measures out the light in the atmosphere." In the Nahantl it is given: "In the atmosphere which contains the light." In the Sacred Writings: "The arrows of the Sun met the arrows of the earth in her atmosphere and gave life to light."
I am definitely sure, although without proof, that the original Rig Veda was composed by a Naacal poet and was stolen by the Aryans who afterwards claimed it as their own production. At the time the Rig Veda was written, the Aryans were neither highly educated nor competent to write such verse. The Naacals were. They were the adepts of the wisdom and sciences of the Motherland. I am not criticizing histories on modern India. I am simply attempting to throw light on the writers of the ancient history of India who have all, except Robertson, evaded details about ancient India. They go back to the first settlement of Aryans in India and make that the start of India's civilization. When Indianologists decided on writing histories of India, why did they base their history on myths which are self-evident, instead of facts? The temples, most of them, have some sort of records of the ancient past, some more, some less, and a few none at all, so they say, but this is open to doubt. There are numerous figures and bas-reliefs carved on walls throughout India. Nearly every figure and group of figures is a tableau describing some historical event. All these are lines in history. The foregoing is all sufficient to show where the expressions found in the Rig Veda came from. A. E. Smith, commenting on the Vedic literature, says: "The age of the Vedic Literature is unknown but it is exceedingly remote." Here Smith is absolutely correct, for it is "exceedingly remote," being translations from the literature written in the Motherland and brought to India by the Naacals, tens of thousands of years before. Historians say that the Vedic literature was written by the Aryans. This is impossible. The Aryans were not sufficiently cultivated and advanced to compose such verse at the time the Rig Veda was
written. The Aryans did not become known as scholars until a sect known as Brahmins began to form colleges of their own based on the teachings they had received from the Naacals before they drove them out of India. And what extravagances did these Brahmins introduce into the pure religion taught by the Naacals? Let us read:
Vamana, one of the Hindu Sages. Vamana has many scornful and bitter words for the Brahmin ritualists and ascetic devotees who set their hopes of salvation upon formal ceremonies. "What are you better for smearing your body with ashes? Your thoughts should be set on God alone; for the rest, an ass can wallow in the dirt as well as you." "Oh, ye asses! Why do you make balls of food and give them to the crows in the name of your ancestors? How can a dung-eating crow be an ancestor of yours?" W. Robertson, "An Historical Disquisition, India," published 1794, page 247, says: "While among the Greeks and Romans the only method used for the notation of numbers was by the letters of the alphabet, which necessarily rendered arithmetical calculations extremely tedious and operose. The Indians had from time immemorial employed for the same purpose the ten cyphers, or figures, now universally known, and by means of them performed every operation in arithmetic with the greatest facility and expedition.
"The Arabians (Moors)introduced the mode of notation into Europe. Men of business relinquished the former method of computation by letters, and the Indian arithmetic came into general use in Europe." 5
Page 249: "The epoch of these astronomical tables is of high antiquity and coincides with the beginning of the celebrated era of the Calyouhan or Collee Jaque which commenced according to the Indian account 3102 B.C." 6
5 The ten cyphers, figures or glyphs did not originate in India. They originated in the Motherland and were there known as the "cardinal numbers" and alsc carried an esoteric meaning which translated was "The Creation of Man by the One God."
6 The year 3102 B.C., or about 5000 years ago, IB one hundred years at least BEFORE the Aryans made their first small settlement in the Saraswatti Valley.
"The Brahmins, it is well known, borrowed their system of cosmogony and acquired the knowledge of astronomy, as well as all other sciences of civilization, from the highly civilized Nagas, whom afterwards they relentlessly persecuted."
Page 254. Here Robertson again refers to "The early and high civilization of India. It is accordingly, for those very remote ages, about 5000 years distant from the present time, that their astronomy is most accurate and the nearer we come to our time, the conformity of its results with ours diminishes." Here it is plainly seen that the Brahmins were responsible for dragging India down from her foremost place among nations. It is here illustrated that when the wisdom
and teachings of the Nagas were withdrawn the Brahmins at once commenced a downward fall in the sciences, giving evidence that is incontrovertible that the persecution and driving out of the Naga scientists, the teachers of the Brahmins, was the death knell to India's supremacy in the sciences and her high position among nations. When the Nagas could stand the persecution no longer, those who could took their books and records and went into the mountains on the north, settling in monasteries on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. Subsequently they were forced to take another step further north. They then settled in Tibet on the northern slopes of the Himalayas. Very few remained in the south.
Page 298: "From this long induction, the conclusion which seems obvious is that the Indian astronomy is founded on observations which were made at a very early period, and when we consider the exact agreement of the places which they assign to the sun, moon and other heavenly bodies at that epoch with those deduced from the tables of De La Caille and Mayer, it strongly confirms the truth of the position which I have been endeavoring to establish concerning the early and high state of civilization in India"
The foregoing confirms my own research work. It is clearly and distinctly shown that the civilization of India ranked amongst the foremost in the world, thousands and tens of thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of years before the Aryans made a settlement in India; it clearly and distinctly shows that the Aryans were inferior in civilization, arts and sciences to the highly civilized Nagas into whose country they entered; it is clearly and distinctly shown that the Aryans obtained their civilization and what arts and sciences they knew from the Nagas. The Brahmin priesthood first learnt what they could and then persecuted the Nagas to extinction.
M. De Voltaire, "The Hist. & State of all nations," A. D. 1758, Vol. 3, page 13: "The school of the ancient gymosophists was still subsisting in the great city of Benares on the banks of the Ganges. There the Brahmins cultivated the Sacred language, which they call Hanferit, and look upon it as the most ancient of all the east. They admit of genii, like the primitive Persians. They tell their disciples that idols are made only to fix the attention of the people and are different emblems of the deity; but as this sound theology 'would turn to no profit they concealed it from the people and leave them in their ignorance in which they find their own account. It seems as the heat of southern climates rendered the inhabitants more inclined to superstitution and enthusiasm than other countries." This needs no further comment on my part having heretofore shown what the Brahminitical Priesthood were. It, however, strongly confirmed Robertson and my own researches.
The Manava-dharma Sastra, according to Chezy, was written 1300 B.C. from very ancient works of the Brahmins. To me it seems unquestionable that Chezy is wrong about its being written from "very ancient works of the Brahmins." This is without question another Naacal work. The work refers to times thousands upon thousands of years before the Brahmins developed in India. Competent Hindu sages tell me that this book refers to times more than 20,000 years ago. This I have
corroborated by tablets found in temples. The Brahmins may have stolen it and published it as their own.
The Maha Bharata is one of the great Hindu epics. Apparently it was written about 1000 B.C. Its author is unknown. I have been unable to find any temple histories from which this may have been taken. In all probability the basis of it was legendary. It recounts the great war the Bharatas fought during the 13th and 14th Centuries B.C. between Kurus, whose ancient kingdom was situated along the Upper Ganges, and Panchatas of a neighboring tribe. Kaurarus and Pandavas fought for the capital city of Hastinapur. The following is another headline which I have found condensing the details of the Bharata war: "The Kavarus, the 100 sons of Dhritarashtra, led by Durgodhana, made war against the Pandavas, the 5 sons of Pandu, the brother of Dhritarashtra, who was led by Yudhishthira." The Maha Bharata having been written 1000 B. C. and the Bharata war having occurred 1400-1500 B.C. shows the book to have been written 500 years after the event, therefore upon legendary records. The Maha Bharata like the Ramayana has not remained in its original form. Alterations have been made and many additions to the original writings. It would seem that, although the great theme of the Maha Bharata was the Bharata war, it includes other events as well. Omen's translation, page 118, says: "Now Maya was the chief architect of the Danavas." Maya, the great architect and scientist, was a Prince of the Nagas, subsequently call Danavas, of the First Colonial Indian Empire dating back over 20,000 years. Page 133: "Arjama carried war against a tribe of the Danavas, the NivataKavachas, who were very powerful numbering 30,000,000 people whose principal city was Hiranypura."
As these date back to very ancient times they are in all probability two of the additions made to the original. The Nivata-Kavachas being Danavas, were Nagas; and being Nagas they were Mayas.
Hiranypura is a word composed of Naga-Maya vocables and means "the home of those who dwell on the ocean," navigators and sailors. One of the western seaports of the Motherland was called Hiranypura. The remains of this city are still to be seen on the Caroline Islands. This city was lost some 12,000 to 13,000 years ago with the destruction of the Motherland. I have added this note to carry recorded Indian history back over 10,000 years beyond the date of Hindu authorities. As a matter of fact, written records in a northern monastery carry the civilization of India back more than 50,000 years. This corresponds with what is found written in Yucatan. Like Egypt, "there never was a time of savagery in India from which civilization might have been developed." India was the pearl on the brow of the Motherland. This does not entirely agree with many Hindu historians, so I must disagree with them on the grounds that I have studied the subject before writing about it.198
The Dzyan is a Hindu book written in Sanskrit about 1500 B. c. The book is accredited to the Brahmins and it certainly looks like their work. In this book the Naacal copies of the Sacred Inspired Writings of the Motherland have been taken as a base to work on. The Dzyan is the most incomplete and the most ambiguous ancient work I have ever come across. It takes the Sacred Writings and with evident deliberateness misinterprets and adds to them. Misstatements permeate the whole text. The book reads as if it had been designed to breed distrust, fear and superstition in the people. There is very little symbolism in it. It is, rather, filled up with comparisons, unphilosophi-cal and absolutely one-sided. No point is proven. Most sentences read like the headline of a chapter, leaving the chapter unwritten. There is no continuity of subjects, which leaves the whole thing indefinite. If the writer was only committing stray thoughts to writing, he admirably succeeded, but to follow the workings of his mind by his writings is absolutely impossible. If it was a work written with a view to breeding schisms and sects, without doubt it is admirable.
Let us be generous. Did the writer know himself what he meant? What he was driving at? I doubt it. To me it looks like the writings of a disordered brain, wandering about in a fog. There is a fantastic tendency throughout with mythical thoughts ruling the mind and a leaning towards the Cosmic Sciences which he did not understand in the least, as is shown by the following: Sloka 9: "Light is a cold flame, a flame is fire, fire produces heat, and heat produces life." In the Sacred Writings it is particularly shown that light is an earthly force, not an element. Flames are superheated elements passing off in the form of gases after an analysis of the material by the earth's heat force. Life is produced by the combination of two forces working on an elementary body. Another paragraph: "Heat produces water." Heat is a force, water is composed of two elements, forces do not make or produce elements. Pages of such nonsense can be taken from the Dzyan equaling in absurdity the foregoing Sloka. THE SACRED INSPIRED BOOKS: THE BOOKS OF THE GOLDEN AGE."The Books of the Golden Age" is an Oriental name given to "The Sacred Inspired Writings" of Mu, the Motherland. Among all ancient people and people of great antiquity they were also called The Sacred Mysteries. The reading of these books was known only to masters, high priests, and some selected priests. Neither the lower members of the priesthood nor the people could read them.
Many chapters in these books or writings have been horribly mutilated by unscrupulous priests for purposes of their own, so that misconceptions and inventions have been handed down for thousands of years. Sir Edwin Arnold in the opening chapter of his charming epic, The Light of Asia, hit the nail squarely on the head where he says: "The extravagances which disfigure (religions) are to be referred to that inevitable degradation which priesthoods always inflict upon great ideas committed to their charge." "Religions invariably become discordant in frequent particulars and sorely overlaid by corruptions, inventions and misconceptions."
Had Sir Edwin been capable of deciphering, translating, and reading The Books of the Golden Age which he refers to as "The Books" he would without question have expressed his feelings in still stronger language. The Hindu priesthood were not alone and some were even worse, we have only to look at the records of the Egyptians, Phoenicians and Aztecs to see this confirmed. In many cases it is very apparent that the Hindu priesthood's object was to breed mystification, superstition and awe in the hearts of the people and so bring them, body and soul, under priestly control. The priesthood would give a part only of what was written on a tablet, declaring it to be the Sacred Inspired Writings,
I have made an accusation against the priesthood. It is, therefore, only right that I should prove my assertion. To do this I will give a few examples of what is actually written in the Sacred Writings and what the priesthood, subsequent to the driving out of the Naacals, have given out to the people. My first example will be an extract from the Section on Creation:
"Let us make man after our own fashion and let us endow him with powers to rule the earth." "Created man and placed within his body a living imperishable part or spirit, and man became like the Creator in intellectual powers." Thus showing that man is a special creation. I must now take another extract from the Sacred Writings, also coming out of the Section on Creation.
MAN'S LENGTH OF LIFE.Extravagant lengths of lives have been doled out by the priesthood for the purpose of accomplishing their own ends; which was, receiving payment from those who wished to prolong their lives beyond the ordinary period assigned to man. It worked well, fortunes rolled into the priesthood's coffers, and if the man did not live as long as paid for, it was his own fault because he did not follow implicitly the priestly instructions. "Man may live a thousand years." This extravagance was handed out to the people thousands of years ago and has been religiously brought down to present time. The people have been taught that it was their material body that could be made to thus survive if they would follow the instructions of the priesthood and pay a little for it just a little, only all the worldly wealth they possessed. The complete translation of this tablet reads: "Man may live a thousand years. It is The Man, the Divine Spark which thus survives but not his material body; that returns to mother earth." When Moses translated this sentence he put the right construction on it He translated it as: "The span of man's life is three score and ten years," etc., etc. When Valmiki, the Hindu Herodotus, wrote his wonderful epic the Ramayana, he made omissions from the original which entirely changed the meaning. I refer to the passage where he says: "And Rama reigned 10,000 years." Valmiki left out the preceding words "the descendants of." The old Rishi and I deciphered either the original tablet or an old, old copy of it. This tablet says: "And the descendants of Ram Chandra sat upon his throne for 10,000 years." In other words, it was the Rama Dynasty that lasted 10,000 years and not the reign of the first Rama.
"By His will the Almighty created all things" Upon this passage they advanced and taught the theory that Everything was a part of the Creator Himself, which naturally means there is no God when everything is God. This being the case the worship of a piece of wood or stone is not idolatry because the piece of wood or stone is God. And the cannibalistic savage when worshiping his fetish is all right because his fetish is our God! Can a more horrible conception be conceived?
The Sacred Inspired Writings distinctly state and frequently reiterate that Man only has been made a part of the Creator; then, not the material body but the soul or the Divine Spark that exists within the material body. All creations, other than man, are mere works or products of the will of the Creator. A picture is the product of the artist, but not a part of the artist himself. A box is the product of the carpenter, but not a part of the carpenter himself. A seed sown in the ground by the gardener, germinates, shoots up and bears flowers and fruit. The flowers and fruit are not a part of the gardener, they are the product of his work. A tree sends forth leaves and flowers, these leaves and flowers are a part of the tree. So here on earth, all and everything except man are products of the Creator's work and not parts of the Creator himself. Man only is the leaf upon the tree.
AN INVENTION.One of the rankest of the early Brahminitical teachings was: "Man started from nothing, then became a grass, then followed to a fish, from a fish he became an amphibian, from the amphibian he advanced to the reptile, from a reptile he became a mammal and from a mammal man was produced." The passage from the Sacred Inspired Writings from which this invention was worked out reads: "From Mother Earth the material body comes and to Mother Earth it returns." In these teachings they do not show how man became possessed of a soulthey could not.
A careful comparison of the old Brahminitical books and writings with the Sacred Inspired Writings clearly shows why there are so many sects and divergent religious opinions in India. Most of them widely different from the religion brought to them by the Naacals. It generally arose from their taking sentences out of paragraphs. Tens of thousands of years have passed since the original Sacred Writings were etched on clay tablets. Each time they have been translated since leaving the hands of the Naacals, greater and more numerous inventions, extravagances, additions, omissions and misconceptions have been engrafted into the translations by the cunning, unscrupulous priesthoods. Another example of priestly infamy is shown in the early Buddhist priesthood of Northern India.
THE EARLY BUDDHIST PRIESTHOOD OF NORTHERN INDIA.With a view to enslaving the people, both body and soul, to the aggrandizement of the priesthood, further to gain absolute control over the minds and worldly possessions, the priesthood invented obtuse doctrines and used them in place of the simple, pure and plain teachings of Gautama Buddha. They turned the Buddhist religion in Northern India into a metaphysical, mystical, mythical doctrine which not one in a thousand could understand.
The priesthood invented a succession of earthly Buddhas with a series of counterparts called Dhyani Buddhas with spiritual emanations called Dhyani Bodhisattvas. Later to complete their program by adding fear and dread to awe and superstition, they introduced into the Buddhist religion the degrading worship of Siva, the.mythical man-devil in connection with a mythical hell. Egypt had taught India a great lesson with its man-devil Set and his mythical hell. The Hindus were not slow in any way to see the great advantage a devil and a hell would be to them.
THE ORIGIN OF VIRGIN BIRTH.The origin of an immaculate conception and virgin birth is to be found in the Sacred Inspired Writings. It originates from the 5th Command in Creation, "From these cosmic eggs life carne forth as commanded." In a subsequent chapter explaining Creation, cosmic eggs are referred to as "the Virgins of Life." The sentence reads: "Hoi Hu Kal." Hoi: closed. Hu: virgin womb. Kal: to open. Free reading: to pierce or open the virgin womb; and by extension: to pierce or open the virgin womb of Life. For this reason the ancients called the waters "The Mother of Life," for up to this period of the earth's development the womb of Life had been closed. The advent of Life had opened the virgin womb in the waters.
Later, when the Four Great Primary Forces were given the names of Gods by the ancients in their theogony, they made them of immaculate birth to correspond with the teachings of the Sacred Writings; namely, that first life, either of the gods or nature, came from the result of Ho] Hu Kal. Upon this ancient conception modern priesthoods have invented immaculate conceptions and virgin births for various men who have lived. Our learned scholars tell us that the ancient kings claimed virgin birth because they called themselves "Son of the Sun." These kings claimed nothing of the kind, they were emperors of colonial empires under the suzerainty of Mu, the Empire of the Sun, and "Son of the Sun" was a title bestowed on these kings by Mu, thus showing their allegiance to her. "Son of the Sun" meant son or child of the Empire of the Sun. THE FIRST RELIGION.The Sacred Inspired Books were written for the purpose of teaching early man religion; therefore, man's first religion was the teachings of the Sacred Books. The basis of this religion was Love. Man's Love for the Heavenly Father and His works. The Divine Love of the Heavenly Father for His son Man.
Every teaching was plain and simple without a particle of theology. The most ignorant could understand every phrase in it. There was nothing of any kind indefinite. It was impossible not to understand it thoroughly. Man was taught to approach the Heavenly Father, not with fear or dread, but with confidence, and above all, Love: as a child would run to its earthly father who is standing with outstretched arms to receive it. Love stood at the head of the 12 great virtues, because Love governs the Universe and the Heavenly Father is The Great Love.
After studying the teachings of these writings, if I were asked, "Where is God's greatest temple on earth?" I should answer: "In the heart of man; the perfect temple for the adoration of God; the perfect temple for silent meditation and Love; the temple available at all times and in all places, any hour of the day or night,
whether it be in crowded city or desert plain, for the Love and Adoration of the Heavenly and the temple where man can become at one with the Heavenly Father." Tell me, what other temple can fill its place? THE TWO GREAT SYMBOLS.There were many symbols for the various attributes of the Deity, but only two for the full Godhead. The perfect understanding of these two great symbols is an important factor in tracing the various lines of colonization from the Motherland.
The Sun and the adorned Serpent were the two symbols. The Sun was the most sacred because it was the collective or monotheistic symbol. The adorned Serpent was the symbol of the Deity as the Creator only. As the monotheistic symbol of the Deity, the Sun was called Ra and sometimes written La. When the Sun was spoken of and referred to as the celestial orb it was given its name according to the language of the country. Originally the Sun was pictured as a plain circle. Later the circle was used for other symbolizations such as The Universe, Infinity, etc.; then, to specialize it as the monotheistic symbol, additions were made to it. The Nagas added a dot in the center and the Uighurs, their northern neighbors, a smaller circle instead of a dot.
The adorned Serpent as before stated was the symbol of the Deity as the Creator. The Nagas selected the cobra de capella and gave it 7 heads to correspond with the 7 Commands in Creation. This symbol was apparently used from the southern half of the western shores of the Motherland, inland how far there is no telling. To the north of the Naga region, a conventional form of the Quetzacoatl was used which they called Khan or King. This form is known as the Dragon. On the eastern central, and to the north, the venomous feather-covered serpent, Quetzacoatl, was the symbol. Among the people who settled in western North America we find many variations in the conventional forms of Quetzacoatl. Following the two Suns mentioned and the forms of Serpents, goes a long way in telling us who any particular ancient people were originally. It is a foundation to work on and distinctly shows us where they commingled.
THE ARYAN INVASION OF INDIA.All historians speak of "The Aryan Invasion of India." This has been misleading to the public, for the public generally has been left with the idea that the Aryans sent an army of soldiers into India and conquered the country. This was not so. The same misconceptions have been taught about the Incas of Peru who superseded the Aymaras. Instead of the word invasion being used, the more appropriate word would have been infiltration which would have given a correct explanation.
The first Aryans in India were a small company who left the bleak mountain valleys of the Hindu Koosh and came down into India. They settled among the Nagas7 in the valley of the Saraswatti River in the Punjab. They were received kindly by the Nagas and made welcome, so they sent back word to the mountains for their relatives and friends to come. They came, not a laggard among them; and they kept coming for hundreds of years, by families, by scores, and by hundreds; and as they came, the newcomers settled to the east of the previous ones until
they had completely overrun the land and settled themselves throughout the whole of the northern parts of India. Hindu historians disagree as to the date when the Aryans first came to India. E. G. Tillac says: "The Aryan Invasion of India took place 6000 B.C. to 4000 B.C.," a slight difference of 2000 years. V. A. Smith entirely disagrees with Tillac and says: "The Aryans first commenced to come to India 1500 B.C." For certain reasons hereafter given, I believe that Smith is much nearer right than Tillac.
These Aryans subsequently became known as the Hindu Aryans. The Medes and the Persians commenced to leave their mountain homes in the neighborhood of about 1800 B.C. to 1600 B.C. and completed their exodus about 1500 B.C. The Hindu Aryans were the descendants of a company of Uighurs who were marooned in the mountains of Afghanistan near the Hindu Koosh when the mountains were raised. The Medes and Persians were a continuation of these in the north.
For thousands of years they had existed in these bleak, inhospitable parts. During this time they had so multiplied that these mountain valleys could not sustain the ever-increasing population. Then they followed down the mountains until they came to the fertile plains and valleys of India. Being well received by the inhabitants, they stayed and sent for the rest to come along. Owing to their hand-to-mouth existence in the mountains, they were exceedingly hardy but low in education. In their bitter struggles to sustain life, all learning and sciences were neglected. Apparently they retained the art of reading and writing only, so that on their arrival in India, they were only rough, uncouth, hardy mountaineers.
As the migrations of the Aryans streamed down into the plains of India through Afghanistan and Kashmir, continuing for hundreds of years, they gradually obtained possession of the land along the whole of Northern India. Thus they crowded out the aborigines, the Nagas. This meant a displacement of population because there was no war or slaughter. The aborigines had to clear out. What became of them? Where did they go? A great many intermarried with the Aryans so that there was a mixture and produced a type which is very prominent in India today. This mixture is now classed among the Aryans. What became of those who did not marry and were crowded out? I can find neither record nor legend that is acceptable. I will give what appears to be a reasonable deduction. It must, however, be thoroughly understood that these are deductions, not assertions. They may or may not be correct.
The ancient Maharatta Kingdom first extended from the northern boundary of India to an unrecorded point south. The next time the Maharattas appear on the stage of India's history is when they are located in what is now called Central India, having been crowded out this far south by the encroaching Aryans. At this time the Maharatta Kingdom had as its capital city Gwalior. Rajputana the Kingdom extended down to Goa. There is a Sanskrit writing saying that the Maharattas were driven thus far south by the Aryans. I think the word "driven" is an error, and the words "crowded out" would better convey the actual meaning. I think as the Aryans crowded in from the Hindu Koosh, the Maharattas gradually went farther south. The Maharattas again come into prominence A.D. 1650 to A.D. 1680 when they broke
the power of the Mongul conquerors of India. From the time of Savaji, the Mohammedan power declined. The Maharattas were in India when the Aryans first began to arrive. Their traditions say they were among the first comers to India. The Maharattas are not of the Aryan stock but belong to the Nagas, so that in the Maharattas we find the descendants of the first people who occupied Northern India. Intermarriages may have changed much of their blood but the stock is Naga. No date can be given of the first Maharatta Kingdom. It was, however, back beyond 10,000 years ago. Legends seem to indicate that the first Maharatta Kingdom was contemporary with the adjoining Ra Ma Empire which apparently succeeded the Naga Empire. Another small Hindu colony found in the Madras Presidency at Ootakamund in the Nilgiri Hills has all the earmarks of the ancient Nagas. They are known as Tudas. Their number is small, less than 2000, and they are steadily disappearing. They are a white, handsome race, tall and athletic, with Roman noses, beautiful teeth, large full expressive eyes. They never wear any head covering but let the hair grow six to seven inches long so that it forms a thick, bushy mass of curls around the head. They are honest, brave, inoffensive and live as herdsmen. They have a temple which is dedicated to Truth. They look upon the Brahmins with scorn and contempt; probably on account of the past. In the Kashmir Valley there is a secluded people known as Nayas who still worship the Deity through the symbol Naga, the seven-headed Serpent. Are these Nayas of Kashmir a still surviving, pure-blooded remnant of the ancient Nagas? I have never had the opportunity of getting their history or legends. These people may be the descendants of a small company who left India under the persecution of the Aryans and took refuge in the Kashmir Mountains. It would be interesting to know their origin.
As previously stated, the Brahmins, after gaining what knowledge they were capable of absorbing from the Naacals, persecuted them. Robertson says "to extinction." This is only partially true. It is true that they drove them out of all temples, colleges and educational institutions but not to absolute extinction, for many went north into the Himalayan Mountains and to the mountains beyond in Central Asia, and these formed colleges of their own out beyond the world, so to speak. The descendants of a few, very few, are still in existence. Among these very few there are those who have managed to maintain and retain some of the sciences and learning of the Earth's First Civilization. Those retained have been principally about the science of man's great Divine Force; the other sciences have either been neglected or forgotten. PATALA.Pundit Dayanand Saraswatti and Swami Vive Kananda in their writings assert that the Nagas came to India from Patala and that Patala means antipodes, directly opposite, on the other side of the earth. I must take exception to this definition of the word Patala by these learned Hindus. Without doubt the Nagas came from Patala, but Patala does not mean antipodes. The word Patala, is composed of three Naga vocables. Two are of the Motherland's vocabulary and the third is a Naga modification of the Motherland's.
Pa or Paacover over, extend overby extension shine over. taground, place, where. Lathe Sun. Both the Nagas and the May as occasionally called the Sun La instead of Ra. Patala, therefore, means "The Land of the Sun" which was one of the names given to Mu, the Motherland. When the capital city of Babylonia was built by the Akkadians and Sumerians, they called it La Ka which means The City of the Sun and, by extension, The City of the Lord. When Alexander the Great was compelled to turn back from his intended conquest of India, he built a port for reentry at the head of the Indus Delta and called it Patala. This city still remains but modernized in both structure and name. It is now called Tatta. CHAPTER XII SOUTHERN INDIA THE original people in Southern India were a black race called Tamils. Ethnologists have also called them Dravidians from Dravida the name which they gave to the southern part of the Hindu Peninsula. Their original home was in the southwest of the Motherland. They came to India by way of the Malay Islandsnot through Burma as did the Nagas. They must have come slowly through the Malay Islands because much of their language is composed of Malayalam words. I have been unable to find any records that even hint at the time when they came to India, whether before or after the Nagas, so this question remains unanswered, The Tamil language is a very composite language, being composed of Tamil, Telague, Canarasse and Malaya-lam. The Tamil language is one of the Oriental languages that fifty years ago I could read, write and speak as fluently as English. I cannot find any historian seriously attempting to show from whence the Tamils came to India. This point is generally glossed over by saying: "It is supposed the Dravidians (Tamils) came to Southern India from somewhere in Central Asia." On what they can base such a supposition cannot be fathomed. There is not a native black race anywhere in Asia, nor has ever a trace of a black race been found there as far as I can learn. So we must fall back for the reason, as a decision made at a scientific tea party. In this case the Bering Land Bridge was not available so they borrowed the European subterfuge by saying, "somewhere in the central part of Asia." A. V. Smith in his "History of India," says: "Someday, perhaps, the history of the Dravidian civilization may be written by a competent scholar, skilled in all the lore and language required for the subject. Early Indian history as a whole cannot be viewed in true perspective until the non-Aryan institutions of the South receive adequate treatment."
Smith is absolutely correct. A history of India without including the Tamils is like a building without a window. I have gone through many of the Southern temples in
search of legends and tablets, but never found anything about the very ancient. One record I came across said, "A company of Tamils took ships and sailed in the direction of the setting sun. They came to a great land where they settled." There is no date given, nor are any details given of any communication with them after they settled. Nothing is said about their prosperity or even whether they survived, only the bare fact that a company sailed and arrived safely at the other end. The "great land" was presumably Africa. CHAPTER XIII THE GREAT UIGHUR EMPIRE THE Great Uighur Empire was the largest and most important colonial empire belonging to Mu, The Empire of the Sun. Next to Mu herself, the Uighur Empire was the largest empire the world has ever known.
The eastern boundary of the Uighur Empire was the Pacific Ocean. The western boundary was about where Moscow in Russia now stands, with outposts extending through the central parts of Europe to the Atlantic Ocean. The northern boundary is undefined by record but probably extended to the Arctic Ocean in Asia. The southern boundary was Cochin China, Burma, India and a part of Persia.
The history of the Uighurs is the history of the Arynn races, for all of the true Aryan races descended from Uighur forefathers. The Uighurs formed chains of settlements across the central parts of Europe back in Tertiary Times. After the Empire was destroyed by the great magnetic cataclysm and mountain raising, the surviving remnants of humanity or their descendants again formed settlements in Europe. This was during the Pleistocene Time, The Slavs, Teutons, Celts, Irish, Bretons and Basques are all descended from Uighur stock. The Bretons, Basques, and genuine Irish are the descendants of those who came to Europe in Tertiary Times. The descendants of those who survived the magnetic cataclysm and mountain raising.
At the time the Uighur Empire was at its peak, the mountains had not been raised and what is now the Gobi Desert was a rich well-watered plain. Here the capital city of the Uighurs was situated, almost due south from Lake Baikal. In 1896 a party of explorers, upon information received in Tibet, visited the site of the ancient city of Khara Khota. They had been told that the Uighur capital city lay under the ruins of Khara Khota. They dug through these ruins and then through a stratum of boulders, gravel and sand fifty feet in thickness, and finally came upon the ruins of the capital city. They unearthed many relics but, their money giving out, they had to abandon their enterprise. They met the Russian archaeologist Kosloff and told him of their find. Subsequently, Kosloff formed an expedition and continued their work at Khara Khota. Kosloff gave a report of his findings which I have already given in The Lost Continent of Mu. Legends all through Oriental countries say: "The whole of Central Asia including the Himalayan Mountains was at one time a flat, cultivated land of fertile fields, forests, lakes and rivers, with magnificently constructed roads and highways
connecting the various cities and towns with each other. These were well built cities, huge temples and public institutions, elaborate private houses and palaces of the rulers." Today are to be distinctly seen in the Gobi Desert the dried-up beds of rivers, canals and lakes in those parts of the Desert where the cataclysmic waters did not wash away all the soil down to bare rocks. There are several of these washed-ofT areas in the Gobi Desert. Legendary history gives all sorts of conflicting dates as to when the Uighurs were in power. Fortunately, we do not need to rely on legends, for in one of the Tibetian monasteries are some Naacal writings. I quote from one: "The Naacals, 70,000 years ago, brought to the Uighur capital cities copies of the Sacred Inspired Writings of the Motherland." Legendary history states that the Uighurs from the Motherland made their first settlement in Asia, somewhere on the coast of the Yellow Sea of today. "From there they extended themselves inland. Their first exodus was to a flat well-watered plain (the Gobi)." After this records are found of them all through Central Asia to the Caspian Sea. Then through Central Europe to the Atlantic Ocean. Written records tell us that the Uighurs had many large cities. Today these are either washed away or buried under the sands of the Gobi and surrounding lands.
Some Chinese records, bearing a date of 500 B.C., describe the Uighurs as having been "light-haired, blue-eyed people." "The Uighurs were all of a light complexion, milk-white skins, with varying color of eyes and hair. In the north blue eyes and light hair predominated. In the south were found those with dark hair and dark eyes."
I will now consider the following: The cause and date of the destruction of the Uighur capital city.
The cause of the rich, fertile Gobi becoming a desert, and at what period in the earth's history it became a desert of sand and desolation.
An ancient record in a monastery states: "The capital city of the Uighurs with all its people was destroyed by a flood which extended throughout the eastern part of the Empire, destroying all and everything." This ancient record is absolutely corroborated by geological phenomena:
From the roofs of the capital city up to the foundations of ancient Khara Khota the stratum is composed of boulders, gravel and sand, the work of water as acknowledged by all geologists throughout the world. This flood unquestionably was the north running wave of the Last Magnetic Cataclysm, the Biblical "Flood." Back in the 8o's I was with an expedition making a geological investigation from a point south of Lake Baikal to the mouth of the Lena River and to the islands beyond in the Arctic Ocean. Our examinations along the route disclosed the fact that some thousands of years before a huge cataclysmic wave of water without ice had passed over this area, traveling from south to north. We found no traces of this flood beyond the no0 East of Greenwich, but we found the evidences of this wave to the limit of our easterly travels. We did not find a single ice marking in any part of
Siberia that we covered, that could in any way be connected with this wave. Everywhere the proofs were positive that the wave had passed from south to north. The valley of the Lena appeared to be the main course of the water.
Off from the mouth of the Lena is Llakoff's Island. This island is composed of the bones and tusks of mammoths and other forest animals which had been swept up from the Mongolian and Siberian plains by the flood and carried to this, their final resting place. In these bones we find a confirmation that no ice accompanied the wave, for had there been, their bodies and bones would have been mashed into a pulp, and as in eastern North America, no remains of them would be found and Llakoff's Island never formed. Geologically this flood occurred at the time that geology claims that there was a glacial period in the Northern Hemisphere. The records tell us that the eastern half of the Uighur Empire, including the capital city and all of the living things on the land, were destroyed and wiped out, but that the western and southwestern parts were left untouched.
Mountains intersect Central Asia in all directions and are especially numerous around and through the parts which comprised the Uighur Empire. Sometime after the flood, I have found no record telling us how long, the mountains were raised. As the mountains went up, the land was literally shaken and torn to pieces by earthquakes when the rocks were raised out of the bowels of the earth, with here and there volcanoes belching out their fiery streams of lava thus adding to the general destruction. How many of the remaining Uighurs, after the flood, survived the destruction caused by the raising of the mountains, cannot be estimated, but very few. This has always been the case in all areas where mountains have been raised in all parts of the earth. The history of a few remnants of the Uighurs that survived, that escaped with their lives in the mountains as they went up, is told in
another chapter. The various mountains running through and around the Gobi changed its watersheds. The broken condition of the rocks underneath drained the water from the surface and formed underground rivers. With all water gone from the surface, the Gobi became what we find it today, a sandy, rocky, inhospitable waste. Without question water can be found today within a few feet of the surface in the sandy areas. We found water from 7 to 10 feet below the surface.
Legendary history states that the Uighurs extended themselves all through the central parts of Europe. The Book of Manu, an ancient Hindu book, says: "The Uighurs had a settlement on the northern and eastern shores of the Caspian Sea." This was probably the migration spoken of by Max Muller as having taken place during the Pleistocene, the second migration of Uighurs into Europe. It seems to me unquestionable that the early settlers in eastern Europe, as they are called by scientists, were remnants of Uighurs that found their way out from the inhospitable mountains. This seems verified by Max Muller, who wrote: "The first Caucasians were a small company from the mountains of Central Asia." He further states that they came to the Caucasian plains during the Pleistocene, therefore, after the mountains were raised. As before stated, the Uighurs were in Europe before the raising of the mountains. Many of the Central Asiatic tribes today count their time from the raising of the mountains.
In The Lost Continent of Mu I have shown some symbolical pictures photographed by Kosloff at Khara Khota. I also give their decipherings. TIBET Tibet lies in Central Asia. It is bounded on the east by China, on the north by Mongolia, on the south by India, and on the west by Kashmir and Turkestan. The Gobi Desert is a part of the northern boundary.
Tibet was once a part of the great Uighur Empire. This was before the mountains were raised. The country then was flat and fertile. Now it is one of the highest plateaus in the world with masses of high mountain ranges, most of which run from a westerly to an easterly direction. In the south is the highest mountain range in the worldthe Himalayas. Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain, is in this range and lies within the boundaries of Tibet. Tibet has been called "the roof of the world."
While India has been called "the land of mystery and mysterious sciences," Tibet is her twin sister, if not her rival, in this respect.
In Tibet, in the most inaccessible parts of the mountains, are many monasteries, lamaseries and temples. Shut in from the outside world these monastic orders live their quiet secluded lives, away and aloof from the rest of mankind, unknown to all except a few herdsmen who live in their valleys. Some of the monks in some of these Himalayan and Tibetian monasteries claim that they are the descendants of the Naacals who were driven out of India by the Brahmins about 3000 years ago. These appear to have preserved the Original Religion and some of the Cosmic Sciences of the Earth's First Great Civilization I have emphasized the word "some" because these monasteries out of the hundreds in Tibet can be counted on the
fingers of one hand. I know of only three. Most of the monasteries follow a form of Buddhism.
Some years ago Schliemann found in the Old Buddhist Temple at Lhassa a writing relating to the destruction of Mu. This record is a translation from an old tablet written in Pali and Tibetian mixed. The whereabouts of the original is unknown; probably, however, it is lying amongst hundreds of others in one of the rooms of the temple; lying on the floor, dust covered, with a corner or an end peeping through its foul blanket of temple germs. In the depths of the mountains, on one of the head waters of the Brahmaputra River, are some temples and monasteries. I cannot recollect the exact number now. In one of these monasteries are preserved what is said to be a complete Naacal Librarymany thousands of tablets. It was stated to me that this was the Naacal Library which had belonged to the Uighur capital city. They have a weird, legendary history connected with these tablets. I mentioned this fact to my old Rishi and asked him if ever he had heard of them and their weird history. He told me he had in his younger days visited this monastery and was told the history of the tablets. I will repeat it as given to rne. The Legend of the Naacal Library as told by the old Rishi. "When the great flood swept up over eastern and northeastern Asia, it destroyed the Uighur capital city, drowning all of the inhabitants, and buried a great library which had been brought there by the Naacals from the Motherland. Many years afterwards the Naacals of the west, whom the flood did not reach, went to the ruins of the capital city, dug the tablets out and carried them to a temple in the west. There they remained until the mountains were raised which destroyed the temple and buried them again. Many, many years afterwards the descendants of the Naacals who survived the mountain raising, went and dug them out again and brought them to the temple where they now repose." Neither this monastery nor the tablets are unknown; they are well known to Oriental scholars. To my own personal knowledge, three Englishmen and two Russians have visited this monastery.
After recounting this legend, I asked the Rishi whether this library was the only complete one in existence. His answer was, "I think not, my son. We have a legend which states that when our Rishi City, Ayhodia, was sacked and burnt by the invading army, the Naacal library was in the secret archives of the temple and never discovered by the enemy. So that if our tradition is correct, buried beneath the ruins of the temple the Naacal library still remains intact, as it has never been dug out." It has been suggested to me that in my writings I withhold all names of places, routes, passes, etc., in Tibet. Kashmir and Northern India generally, which might be of value in a political sense. The reason given for withholding this information is a perfectly valid one. I feel it my duty and pleasure to comply with the suggestion. CHINA.The Chinese civilization is referred to and looked upon as one of the very old ones. As a Chinese civilization it dates back only about 5000 years. It is
popularly believed that the Chinese themselves developed their civilization. They did not The Chinese civilization was inherited from their father's side. Again, the Chinaman is looked upon as a Mongol; he is only half Mongol, his forefathers were white Aryans. During the time of the Uighur Empire, many of the white Uighurs intermarried with yellow Mongols whose country lay to the south of the Uighur Empire, and the descendants of these intermarriages formed the first Chinese Empire. The record reads: "Uighur men married the best of the yellow savages." This without question is a mistranslation, for at the time these marriages were taking place, savagery had never been known on the face of the earth, so that what was meant was unquestionably "the yellow inferior race." This is borne out by traditions which say that "the yellow Mongols were much inferior to the Uighurs, their civilization was below that of the Uighurs." Many of the Chinese today, especially the high class, have quite white skins. This is the Uighur blood showing in their veins. The regular Chinese coolie, the lower classes of the Chinese today, have no Uighur blood in them. They are the descendants of the ancient yellow Mongols. The Uighur parents of these intermarriages were very careful to have their children educated up to the Uighur standard, so that when the Chinese Empire was first formed it was by those having Uighur blood in their veins and educated in the Uighur great civilization. The Chinese civilization, therefore, was the Uighur civilization handed to them by their fathers. There are many writings in the Chinese Tao temples confirming the foregoing and any Chinese scholar can without question confirm it. Another tradition prominent in China is: "The Chinese did not always live in Asia. They came to Asia from a far-off country towards the rising sun." I have endeavored to find a collection of the numerous Chinese legends in the form of a Chinese Legendary Historyit may exist but I have been unable to find it. I take from China by E. H. Parker, page 17, the following:
Parker says: "The Five Monarchs are altogether mythical. The Hia dynasty is legendary and largely mythical. The Shang dynasty is chiefly legendary. The Ten Chow is semi-historical and the Twenty-five Chow historical."
From the foregoing one must infer that Parker believes only what he sees and nothing that he hears. It would appear that it matters not how true a legend may be, it is a myth unless he sees writings which he can believe in. It has been one of my hobbies to trace myths back to see what they come out of. Ninety times out of a hundred I have found that the myth has its origin in a tradition or legend. The tradition or legend has been so garbled that it has become a perfect myth. It should be remembered that there is no smoke without a fire. I do not doubt for a minute that in many cases what Parker calls myths are really legends slightly garbled. They are traditions only to the people, for behind them in the old Tao temples are to be found written records of the various phenomena. Parker gives a good and very exhaustive history of China from about 200 B.C. down to present time. He shows the rise and fall of the various Mongol tribes and nations. He is, however, absolutely wrong about the Japanese ; and, being wrong about them, other assertions of his are left open to doubt. From his style of writing he would be one to put poor old Marco Polo in prison because he did not bring back a big-horn sheep to show. How Parker accounts for the Gobi ruins and other great prehistoric ruins, I do not know. Apparently, such things mean nothing to him.
Some seven or eight thousand years after the destruction of the Uighur Empire, innumerable little nations came into existence in Eastern Asia. All, apparently, were of the Mongoloid type. The most prominent of these Mongol nations was a Tartar race of which Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan were the principal figures. Kublai Khan lived A. D. 1277, about 600 years ago. Confucius, the great Chinese scholar and philosopher, lived from 551 B. C. down to 480, about 300 years after Chinese history commenced to be recorded in China. The Emperor Che Hwang-te, 214 B.C., ordered all books and literature relating to ancient China to be burnt. A vast amount was seized by him and burnt. Some of the works of Confucius and Mencius were included in this conflagration. It was this king who built the great wall of China to keep back the Heung Noo Tartars from constantly raiding northern China. Che Hwang-te did not succeed in burning all of the ancient writings, for many were saved and hidden in the Tao temples where they are now religiously kept and on no account shown to anyone outside of the priesthood of the temple. This completes my chapter on Eastern Asia. The next will be on Western Asia. This closes the coffin lid of the Great Uighur Empire as far as Eastern Asia and their capital is concerned. THE TERTIARY UIGHUR EMPIRE.When I say the Uighur Empire of the Tertiary Era, I mean the Uighur Empire of 20,000 years agobefore the Magnetic Cataclysm which was the Biblical "Flood," before the mythical geological "Glacial Period," and before the time when the mountains were raised. The map on page 214 is simply a sketch, adapting present land areas to show the extent and size of the Great Uighur Empire. Since 20,000 years ago, many lands have been submerged and many emerged. I have shown a line running across the central parts of Asia and Europe from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. This line is also about the center of the Empire.
Remains of Uighurs have been found in the Balkans. The last western outposts were Ireland, Breton in France and Basque in Spain. How far north in Asia the Empire ran is not knownancient Uighur cities have been found far into Siberia. The shaded parts on the map represent questionable boundaries. The only two well-defined boundaries are the Pacific Ocean on the east and the Naga Empire on the south. Whether the Uighurs extended clear across the center of Europe to the Atlantic Ocean, or only outposts were established, is a riddle yet unsolved. Today, however, we find their descendants on the Atlantic Coast, whose origins no one has attempted to tell.
In an old Oriental document it is stated that the Uighur Empire was made up of something such as petty kingdoms, principalities or states, each having its own head or ruler yet all forming but one empire under one supreme head or emperor who in turn was under the suzerainty of Mu, the Empire of the Sun. Looking at our own form of government, it is not a difficult proposition to imagine the Uighur Empire to have been an enlarged United States. Mu herself was only the United States of the world. CHAPTER XIV BABYLONIA
THE history of Babylonia is made up of the histories of the Akkadians, the Sumerians, the Chaldeans, the Assyrians, the Medes and the Persians; only one of which exists today as a distinctive people. The recorded history such as has been found, referring to what historians have called "the old Oriental Empires" and recorded by our scientists, consists of the reading of a few tablets and inscriptions written in cuneiform and then matching up their translations with the Biblical Legends. The furthest any of these go back is less than 5000 years ago. The commencement of Babylonia dates back 18,000 years or more when a settlement on the river Euphrates was made by a company of Naga-Mayas from India. In after times they met the end of the Eastern Line from Mu. The people they met were Semitics. THE AKKADIANS.The first Akkadians were a company of Naga-Mayas from India who came through the Persian Gulf and made their first settlement at the mouth of the Euphrates River. They called the place Akkad. Akkad is a Naga-Maya word meaning "soft and marshy ground" which today is the character of the ground on the Euphrates Delta. When the settlement was formed the people adopted the name they had given to their settlement and thus became known as the Akkadians. Temple records in India speak of this settlement but give no date. Contemporary records have dates of about 18,000 years ago, so I think it permissible to assume that the Akkad settlement was made about 18,000 years ago. After the Akkad settlement was firmly established, the Akkadians worked inland up the Euphrates River and became known as: THE SUMERIANS.Sumer is another Naga-Maya word meaning "flat lands or plains." From this they took or were given the name Sumerians, plainsmen or men
of the plains. It is thus seen that the Sumerians and Akkadians were one and the same people; the difference being that one set lived inland, countrymen, and the other set lived on the seashore, shoremen. Historians, however, have written as if the Akkadians and Sumerians were two different peoples, which is erroneous. Valmiki, the Hindu sage-historian, in his works written 1300 B.C., tells us that "these colonists ... of the Euphrates settlement" (the Akkadians and Sumerians) "called their settlement Babylonia and their chief city, Babylon." Babylon was also called "Ka Ra" which is Naga-Maya meaning "the city of the Sun." Valmiki also states "that the Naacals left India and went to Babylonia, there to teach the religion and the sciences of the Motherland."
The Akkadians and Sumerians, the real and ancient Babylonians, were far in advance of a Semitic people living to the north of them, as regards both civilization and learning. Surrounding the settlement at Akkad, and at various places along the river, there were large areas of tall reeds, the homes of vicious animals. To protect themselves against these marauding beasts the settlers built stockades around their homes and villages. These stockades they called Chaldi. All of their colleges and temples of learning were within an enclosure. This enclosure was also called Chaldi. Later, Chaldi was the name given to the learned class and their colleges, "the Chaldi Temples of Learning." These colleges were open to all people who wished to learn, regardless of their nationality. The students were taught the ancient Naga-Maya language, the sacred mysteries, arts and sciences. Many of the Israelites, when they were in captivity in Babylonia later on, availed themselves of this privilege and some reached the highest degree, that of master and adept. Daniel was one of them. "The handwriting on the wall" was written in Naga-Maya; Daniel understood it and read it to the King. At the court of Nebuchadnezzar when he was King of the Babylonian Empire, the Chaldi were classed with the astrologers and the magicians.
THE CHALDEANS.After a time the Sumerians and Akkadians were attacked and conquered by a Semitic people coming down from the North. I can find no records giving the name of,these people before they settled in Babylonia. Historians say they were the Chaldeans, but the name of Chaldeans was adopted by them after their settlement in Babylonia. These Semitics finding the civilization of the Akkadians and Sumerians so far in advance of their own, instead of putting them to the sword or enslaving them, assimilated them, that is, they were placed on an equality with their conquerors and intermarried. Their scientists were given the greatest honors. So successfully did this work that in the absorption the Akkadians and Sumerians were never known again as a separate people. They disappeared from history. History relates: "There was an earlier civilization in Babylonia than that of the Chaldeans which was that of the Akkadians and Sumerians. These races were conquered by the Chaldeans and disappeared from history." Can anything more erroneous and misleading than the foregoing be penned? The Chaldeans were not a nation or a people, but a sect, men of great learning and advanced civilization.
Herodotus, Lib. 1-181, says: "Berosus, who was an Early Babylonian priesthistorian, wrote, 'the first inhabitants of Babylonia were foreigners of another race.' Berosus then proceeds to establish distinctions between the foreigners and the Babylonians, and between the Babylonians and Assyrians, and follows by saying, 'Civilization was brought to Mesopotamia by Cannes and six other beings, half man and half fish who came up the river from the Persian Gulf.' " Cannes or Hoa-ana is Naga-Maya: nawater, athy, and nahouse. In plain English it reads, "he who lives in a boat." From the foregoing it is seen that Berosus used the Naga-Maya language which was natural seeing that he was a Chaldi or Chaldean. Berosus shows that the earliest Babylonian settlers came up the Euphrates River in a boat from the Persian Gulf, and Valmiki and Hindu temple records show that these men came to the Persian Gulf from India, thus forming a perfect, unbroken chain of evidence showing that the first Babylonians were Maya colonists from India. Yet a point still remains: Berosus says that civilization was brought to Babylonia by those who came in their boats, thus confirming the other writings which say that the civilization of Sumeria and Akkadia was far in advance of the civilization of the Semitics who conquered the country.
An old Greek manuscript was loaned to me by a Greek professor in Athens, who knew I was interested in the ancient. It relates the first meeting between the Sumerians and the Semitics in an amusing manner: "A small company of Semitics were prospecting along the banks of the river. They were soldiers in armor. On their way they met a boat coming up the river with seven men in itthey were Akkadians. When the Akkadians saw these soldiers on the bank glittering in their armor they became so frightened they all jumped overboard, dived and swam a long distance down the river under water. When they came up for breath they looked back; seeing these uncanny glittering men still standing there the Akkadians took another dive and before they came up again they were out of/sight of the soldiers. The Semitics returned with-the report that on the river further down there was a new form of creation, a thing which was half fish and half man." I showed my translation to my Greek friend and asked him if I had translated it correctly. He laughed, saying, "It's not bad, you've done pretty well, so we must let it go at that."
Again I will quote history: "The beginning of the civilization of Babylonia is held to date back 7000 B. C." This is absurd; Hindu records and temple records at that, which are always the most accurate, speak of the Babylonian colony over 15,000 years ago, and Brunsen shows that 14,000 years ago it was in existence. Babylonia is older than Egypt, and Egypt is 16,000 years old. It may be, however, that the historian that gives 7000 B.C. came across some record that referred to the date when the Semitics conquered the Akkadians and Sumerians and absorbed them. For thousands of years the Sumerians and Akkadians formed the literate people of Babylonia. It was they who followed the arts and sciences; they wrote many books and were the inventors of the cuneiform form of writing. Their Semitic conquerors to a great extent adopted their Maya language, which ancient language only began
to fall into disuse in Babylonia about the 13th Century B.C. The Naga-Maya tongue remained the language of science down to about the 6th or yth Century B.C. When the Country was finally settled the Semitics adopted the name Chaldi or Chaldeans taken from the many prominent institutions of science and learning; so, to be exact, there never was a people or nation called Chaldeans, for Chaldi or the Chaldeans were a sect only. To confirm what I have written about the Maya tongue being adopted by the Semitics, I will call attention to the following Babylonian and Akkadian translations of a series of words authenticated by high authorities:
The foregoing Babylonian and Akkadian words are the decipherings of Dr. Hinks, Sir Henry Rawlinson, Dr. Appert, M. Grivel and Professor Sayce of the tablets that composed King Asurbanipal's library. M. Lenormant has published an elementary grammar and vocabulary from the findings of the foregoing authorities. Out of this vocabulary the foregoing Babylonian and Akkadian words are taken. In a central column against each of these words I have put the Hindu Naga-Maya corresponding words. This clearly proves my findings regarding the use of the Naga-Maya tongue in Babylonia.
THE EARLY BABYLONIAN EMPIRE.History is not quite as bashful as Dame Science for although Dame Science will never permit herself to be interviewed, always leaving interviews in the hands of her office boys, Dame History is totally different. She boldly parades before the eyes of everyone and may be met with and interviewed in all good bookshops.
History asserts that the first or Early Babylonian Empire "was formed by an invading race of Semitics coming to Babylon from the north whose origin is mysterious." History is partially right and partially wrong. First: there is no mystery about the origin of the Semitic race which came from the north. They left Jie Motherland, Mu, and first made a settlement in Yucatan calling their city Zahia, the remains of which are to be found a few miles from Uxmal. From there a company migrated to the east, forming a settlement on the Caucasian Plains and around the foot of the Caspian Sea. This is the hinterland of Asia Minor and where we find the Biblical historical mountain, Mt. Ararat, raising its imposing head some 15,000 or 16,000 feet above the level of the plain. The Egyptians called this country Zahia after the Yucatan name. As they grew in numbers they extended their holdings in a southerly direction. The Semitics who overpowered the Akkadians and Sumerians came from the Caucasian Semitic Settlements. Second: the Early Babylonian Empire was not composed entirely of these Semitics, for the Akkadians and Sumerians were associated with them, having been absorbed by them.
ASSYRIAN BABYLONIA.The Assyrians were also a Semitic race, originating from the Caucasian or Zahian Colony. They take their distinctive name Assyrians from the land which they occupied. Assyria lay between the Upper Tigris River and the Zagros Mountains. During the early period of Assyrian history they were a vassal state of Babylonia. The Assyrian warlike spirit first enabled them to cast off the yoke of Babylonia and to become independent. Then they effected conquests among their neighbors. Eventually they gained the ascendency over Babylonia.
The rise of the powerful Assyrian Empire brought about the-downfall of the Babylonian Empire, although the Babylonians were enabled to maintain their independence down to the 9th Century B.C. Warlike, splendid, proud Assyria was conqueror but a short time, for she fell before the assaults of the Medes in the year 625 B. C.
THE MEDES AND PERSIANS.The remnants of the Uighurs which had been marooned in the mountains that were raised along the southwestern parts of the Uighur Empire, come prominently forward upon the historical stage about 8000 or 10,000 years after the destruction of the Uighur Empire. During this eon of time the several little communities grew and waxed strong; when the bleak valleys of the mountains could no longer sustain their growing numbers, they had to find new homes. Then a general exodus took place from the mountains to lower lands where the conditions were favorable to growth and development. This exodus took place from about 2000 B. C. down to about 1500 B. C. They left their mountain homes in four streams following the available passes to the lower lands. Apparently the first to leave the mountains were those who were living in the neighborhood of the Hindu Koosh. They went to India by two routes
one set went down via Afghan-istan anp1 the Khyber Pass, the other set traveled down through Kashmir into the Punjab. The commencement of their migration was about 2000 B.C. to 1800 B.C. The migration ended about 1500 B.C.
About the same time, their neighbors to the north of them descended through available passes to a country lying between the Desert of Iran and the northeastern shores of the Persian Gulf. These became known as the Persians. This district is mountainous with large plateaus and broad valleys, but not of so high an elevation as their mountain home which they had left. The third left the mountains by available passes and settled on a large tableland lying to the south of the Caspian Sea and to the east of Armenia and the Zagros Mountains. This was Media and from the time they became masters of the land they were known as the Medes. When they came down from the mountains they found a people called Scythians occupying the land. These they drove out and took possession of the country. Both Medes and Persians were Aryans coming out of the Ah ra ya tribes of the Motherland through the Uighurs. Both Medes and Persians developed into empires from small communities of Uighurs that had been marooned in the mountains. These were survivors of that great Colonial Empire which had stretched her embracing arms from the Pacific Ocean across Asia and into Eastern Europe. In race, language and religion these two peoples were closely allied. How could it be otherwise, for originally they were the same? About 600 B.C. we find the Medes grown into a powerful mountain empire. During the early known history of Persia we find her subject to the Medes. Cyrus was the founder of the Persian Empire. He defeated and dethroned Astyages, King of Media, 558 B.C. Then Media in turn passed under the control of Persia.
The Medes and Persians were the last to occupy Babylonia as an Empire. Their appearance in Babylonia gave the death knell to the Semitics there who had been masters of that country for so many thousands of years. Babylon was defeated and embodied into the Persian Empire 538 B. c. The Persian Empire ended 331 B. c. after having been in existence only 227 years. During this time the Persians were on one big jamboree of conquest with a view of subduing the whole world. They had absorbed the western and southwestern parts of Asia, carried their conquests into Egypt and into a small portion of Europe, when their triumphant march was stopped by the Greeks under Alexander the Great. This was the second time in the history of nations that the Greeks stopped empires which attempted to enslave the world. The first was the overthrow of Atlantis 9500 B. C., and the second the overthrow of the Persian aspirations 331 B. c. The Persian flag today carries the emblem of a colonial empirean emerging Sun on the horizon with raysthus connecting themselves with the Uighurs and Mu, the Motherland. Babylonia is one of the greatest of historical spots on the earth. In this land one of the greatest connections between the eastern and western lines of colonization from the Motherland met, thus forming a complete girdle of man around the earth. In the Akkadians and Sumerians we find an end of one of the western lines of
colonization from Mu, in the Medes and Persians we find an end of another western line, and in the Semitics we find one of the ends of the main eastern line of colonization. Nowhere else on earth did so many ends meet. In Egypt there were only two and in western Europe two.
It must/be remembered that I am not attempting to write a history of the old Oriental Empires. I am simply endeavoring to show that the various peoples who from time to time have controlled Babylonia, all originally came from Mu and were, in fact, Mu's children. CHAPTER XV MISCELLANEOUS MEXICO-OXACA.Two ancient gold masks found at Monte Alban near Oxaca were taken from an ancient tomb by Dr. Alphonso Caso recently. Monte Alban is not far from the pyramid Xochicalca. The symbols on these two masks refer to the submersion and disappearance of Mu. I give herewith the dissection and deciphering on the smaller one above (see Plate X).
This tells us the head symbolizes Mu, that her eyes are closed in sleep, she no longer sees, that breathing has ceased because the forces prevent her from breathing through her nose, and the letter M covers her mouth. There is not sufficient space to give the deciphering of the lower one but it says the same thing in more flowery language. From the fact that the great pyramid is near by and is, as I have shown previously, a commemorative monument to Mu, and ancient temples being near by also, it seems to me to warrant the belief that these masks were worn by the priests during commemorative ceremonies for Mu either at one of the temples or the pyramid. These masks are not so very old, probably contemporary with the earlier life of the pyramid, which would be some time after Mu went down, neither are they modern for they long antedate the Aztecs.
JAPAN.Traditions exist saying that some of the Malay Islands were peopled from the Motherland by a branch of the Quiche Mayas. These colonists, after establishing themselves on these Malay Islands, for a cause untold left their Malay home en
masse and migrated to some islands farther north where a new settlement was made. These colonists were the forefathers of the Japanese of today. On inquiry among the Japanese themselves I find these traditions accepted by them. Their own traditions are a little different but agree on all material points.
When the Japanese arrived in Japan they were a highly civilized people, enjoying the culture they had retained from the Earth's First Great Civilization. This they retained down to within the memory of living man. Then they commenced to adopt the new civilization. Today they are modern in all respects and of high rank and standing among the most advanced people on earth, and all this change has been made by themselves during the past 50 or 60 years. If we could go back 100 years and look in on Japan we should see a reflection of Mu 15,000 years ago. The Japanese flag today has been brought down by them from the Motherland. It is a Sun, the emblem of Mu, the Empire of the Sun. Beyond their flag, the Japanese have among themselves many of the ancient religious conceptions and symbols of the Motherland. Various customs also connect them with the First Civilization. It is quite a popular belief, even among educated people, that the Japanese are Mongolsthey are not. They are as distinct from a Mongol as a white man is from a black. They have descended from the Quiche Mayas of the Motherland, one of the white tribes. The Japanese language today embodies fully 40 per cent of QuicheMaya words. CEYLON.Ceylon is a small island lying close to Cape Comerin, the southern point of the Hindu Peninsula. It is a very beautiful island and has been called "the pearl on the brow of India."
The present Cingalese are newcomers to the land. Their records show that they built their first capital city at An-arajapura, 250 to 200 B. C. I could find no definite records saying from where they came to Ceylon except that they came by boats. Their language is the Italian of the Orient, soft and musical, the bulk of their words commence and end with a vowel. They have more words of the Mother Tongue in their language than any other language I have learnt anything about. The present Cingalese are undoubtedly from white stock. They are not Aryans; lying between them and the Hindu Aryans is a black race occupying the southern parts of India and called Tamils. I have failed to find their language or anything like it spoken anywhere in the Orient, the Malays or South Sea Islands. Their language was fully developed and they were highly civilized when they came to Ceylon only a couple of thousand years ago. It is a unique position, the land is exceedingly productive. If it was unoccupied when the Cingalese came, why did not the Tamils who were only across a narrow strait come in and occupy it? That they are a branch of Naga Mayas I do not doubt
for a moment because all the names of their towns, rivers, etc., are pure NagaMaya words.
As previously stated they first built their capital city, Anarajapura, in the northern part of the Island. Soon trouble developed for them in this spot for hordes of Tamils from the southern parts of India descended upon them, sacked their city and carried off all the fairest of their women. These raids became so frequent that life became unbearable, so they moved farther inland and built another city. They did not remain long in peace here for the Tamils found them again, sacked the city and once more carried off their young women. Then the Cingalese made another move and went up into the heart of the mountains. Here the Tamils could not reach them. They built a new city and called it Candee. Here they remained in full possession of the mountainous part of the island until Ceylon was occupied by the English.
The Cingalese have always been strict Buddhists, faithfully adhering to the original teachings, allowing no schisms to creep in. Candee, or Kandy as it is now called, is the center of the Buddhist religion today. They have a plain but unique temple at Kandy.
EAST AFRICA.The ancient history of East Africa is a sealed book, the cover has never been opened. If, however, all that is told by hunters and explorers be true here is an exceedingly rich field for the archaeologist. In India I found references to companies of Naga Mayas going to East Africasome on the shores of the Red Sea, others farther southbut absolutely no details on which one could work. When one looks back over the conditions at the time the Children of Mu were stretching themselves all over the world, it becomes inconceivable that, when they struck the African Coast from India, they should not have worked south as well as north.
Modern travelers tell something about what they have run across. The following is an example:
"Near Kilwa on the East Coast of Africa, about 400 miles south of Zanzibar,1 . . . is a cliff which has been recently formed by the waves. On the top of this cliff are Persian tombs known to be 700 years old by the dates still legible upon them.
"Beneath these tombs is a layer of debris representing a city. Farther down the cliff is a second layer representing an older city, and farther down still are the remains of an-othei city, older still, of vast and unknown antiquity. Beneath the bottom city were recently found some specimens of glazed earthenware such as are usually met with on that coast today."
This description is one of three which I have come across, but not one mentions anything about the character of the fillings between the cities or, in fact, anything about the geological aspect. The character of the fillings between buried cities is the most important point of all in arriving at a deduction as to the age of the cities and the cause of their destruction. I have found records of the Phoenicians trading along the East Coast of Africa. This shows that East Africa had a population. It is an exceedingly strange phenomenon that three ancient cities should so often be found lying one over the other in such widely separated parts of the earth. This leads to
the following question: were each of these three civilizations contemporary with each otherAmerica, Asia and Africa? If so, being so widely separated from one another, did the earth in these past ages undergo three great convulsions that each time virtually destroyed the greater part of mankind? 1 According to my map, Kilwa is just 200 miles south of Zanzibar, not 400. This difference lies between the map and the traveler. They have got to fight that out between themselves. It must be fully understood that all I have said about East Africa is based on travelers' tales and I am not responsible for their veracity. I have given them for what they are worth. NEW ZEALAND.Authorities are not all in accord as to the origin of the New Zealand aboriginesthe Maoris. My personal conclusions are that New Zealand was one of Mu's small distant colonies, a separate and independent line. New Zealand lay about a thousand miles south of the southwest corner of the Motherland, a distance not insurmountable when we recollect that the ships of the Motherland "passed from the Eastern to the Western Oceans and from the Southern to the Northern Seas." In all probability the settlers in this distant New Zealand would have been, comparatively speaking, few in numbers but of the best and most enterprising type. Being few in numbers they would naturally devote themselves to the tilling of the soil rather than to the arts and sciences and manufacture. They would naturally, like colonists of today, draw their manufactured supplies from the Mother Country. When the Motherland was destroyed and submerged, the New Zealanders, not being skilled artisans but tillers of the soil, were unable to manufacture such supplies as they had been obtaining from the Mother Country, so they were compelled to fall back on primitive methods. New Zealand, being a large area of land with great natural resources, could offer these colonists within their settlement the wherewithal to get along, so that this colony of Maoris did not fall quite as low as did many of the poor remnants left upon the jagged rocks of the Pacific Ocean. The Maoris belong to the Polynesian white race. O'Brien tells us that the classic language of Polynesia today is the Maori tongue. He advances the theory that the Maoris came to New Zealand from the Polynesian Islands, whither they had come from Asia. I feel that he is wrong in both cases. As before stated, there are many evidences showing that the Maoris went to New Zealand before the submersion of Mu. I base these deductions on the following: First, the Maoris have traditions about the dim past that are not found on any of the Pacific Islands. Second, they have very prominent symbols which originated in Mu and are not found among any of the Polynesian Islands. The natural inference from these facts is: the Maoris came direct from the Motherland to New Zealand. From the log book of Captain Cook, recounting his first voyage around the world A. D. 1770, I take the following: "They [the Maoris] were not always in New Zealand. Ages ago they came to New Zealand from Heawice." I have been unable to trace Heawice or to connect it with any of the South Sea Islands or the Malays.
Heawice may, therefore, have been the name of that part of the Motherland from whence they came. Personally, I have been unable to find out anything from them beyond what Captain Cook relatesthey came from Heawice. "They acknowledge one Supreme Being and several subordinate deities." This might simply have been symbols of the various attributes of the Deity which Captain Cook would not have understood. "They are eaters of human flesh, the flesh of their enemies when killed in battle."
The Maoris of New Zealand, the descendants of the white race of the Motherland, have weathered the storm magnificently. They have passed through the fires of adversity, trials and tribulations, and have come out of them worthy of the grand old race from which they sprung. With the disappearance of their Motherland from whence came their necessary supplies, everything was lost to them except their bare homes and land. This great loss was no fault of theirs, only their misfortune. Notwithstanding this staggering blow, thousands upon thousands of years have been insufficient entirely to eliminate all of their original civilization. Their brains and the better parts of their nature have remained for, with the new civilization taught them by the English and the opportunity given them, the Maoris have made unprecedented strides in learning and in regaining their place among the most enlightened and civilized people on earth.
Within the memory of living man the Maoris were in a savage state. Today,- the children of these savages are many of them highly educated, filling positions in the professions and in the government of New Zealand. England is proud to reckon the Maoris among her family of children, for under her tuition their advancement has made gigantic strides. The springing forth of the Maori into the bright light of the New Civilization has not been a step in evolution or even a development. His development took place in the Motherland eons of time ago. His great leaps and bounds in enlightenment and learning are simply due to the freeing of his brains from thousands upon thousands of years of imprisonment. It has been an awakening from a long, long sleep.
The Maori is a living example of the falsity of the modern scientific theories that civilizations come up from savagery, taking many generations and hundreds of thousands of years to accomplish it. Savagery left alone never advances but gradually falls lower and lower. It is only when civilization is brought in contact with savagery that change takes place. A savage can only rise above his savagery when he is taught to do so by civilization. When the savage is left alone, civilization does not meet him. Then he constantly falls lower and lower. The most prominent marks connecting the Maori with the Motherland are: language, traditions, sacred symbols,' religion and totem pillars. The Maori traditions are many "and very interesting. Among them is the story of "Cain and Abel." CHAPTER XVI INTIMATE HOURS WITH THE RISHI
Do tell us some more about the old priest, is a request I have received from many readers of my last book, The Lost Continent of Mu. What am I to tell? This old Rishi was simply one who for some reason or other had taken a great fancy to me when I was a young man. He taught me how, to learn to read ancient writings and inscriptions, ItyWas a hobby of his and mine also. I have said learn advisedly because his parting words to me were: "Go forth into the world, my son, and learn that which is written by nature. Nature is the great school-house provided for man in which to learn. Nature does not theorize, Nature does not lie. Nature is truth personified.
"Every rock has a tale written on its wrinkled and weathered face, and the tales are true. Every blade of grass, every leaf on tree and shrub has a whisper for listening ears. I have taught you a little about the reading of ancient writings, inscriptions and symbols but what you have learned is only the beginning, the A.B.C. of your alphabet. It is only the gateway to the road of knowledge." And I had been flattering myself that I had learned so much/
I can only tell you a few out of the scores of incidents that occurred during my various periods with him, those which so irripressed me that I wrote them down at the time for fear of forgetting them in the years to come. I have entitled them: "Intimate Hours with the Rishi" MAN'S DIVINE FORCE.It is stated in the 7th Command in Creation that man was endowed with a special gift at the time of his creation for the purpose of ruling the earth. One part of this gift was a Force or Intellectual Power, in this respect a copy of the Creator. This Divine Power in man was not only for the purpose of governing elementary matter, but earthly forces as well as far as man himself 'was concernedbut man can only govern earthly forces when he has learned how to control and use the great Divine Force within himself. To show how the Forces work and are controlled, I must show their workings and relativity.
I want my readers to appreciate that this is not a scientific lecture but an explanation of the writings with their translations of what I have found in records written over 70,000 years ago. They are, however, a science and beyond anything known to our great scientists today. They are written so simply that an ordinary high school pupil can understand them. The ancients used no scientific smoke screens called technology to hide ignorance and to mystify their hearers by abstruse wording. The ancients knew their subjects too well to require any such subterfuge. They tell us that:
All Forces are vibratory. That some have a high vibration, others lower vibrations. A high vibration either nullifies or repels a lower one with which it may be opposed. In some cases it dominates, as the Rishi will hereafter show. The vibrations from all earthly forces form waves in the atmosphere. Some of the waves form their waves in the essence 1 or un-analyzable part of the atmosphere. Others form their waves in the analyzable part. The length and rapidity of the force waves are governed by the initial vibrations of the Force. The waves of man's Divine Force are formed in
the essence. Man is capable of producing higher vibrations than any of the earthly Forces; consequently, when he can control his own force he can either nullify or repel any of the earthly Forces. Hereafter, examples will be shown of the Rishi doing it. I will give the answers which I received from the old Rishi on certain subjects which I asked him. I could fill a book with what I have got, but the few examples I give are all sufficient for this purpose. 1 Essence of the ancientsether of our scientists today. THE FORCE OF GRAVITY.Overcoming and nullifying the Force of Gravity as it is known to us today, but which to the ancients was known as the Cold Magnetic Force, was one of the sciences practiced 100,000 years ago. I told the Rishi of having read accounts of savages both in Africa and in the Pacific Islands being able to float in the air and asked him if he thought it could be a fact. His answer was:
"Yes, my son, man has the power over what you call gravity. He can raise his vibrations (put forth a force) above the Earth's Cold Magnetic Force and nullify its effects. It is only this Force which draws and anchors him to the ground. When the Magnetic Force is nullified, man's body being matter and matter in itself having no weight, enables him to raise his body and float through the air. He can walk or float over water as on land. Weight measures the degree of attraction and pull which the Magnetic Force is enabled to exert on it. Without the magnetic pull there is no weight; and this magnetic pull being confined to the body or sphere itself, bodies, as a matter of fact, have no weight. The largest heavenly body, star or sun, has no weight in space. Jesus, the greatest master that has ever been on earth, gave a practical example of this when he walked upon the water as related in your Bible. He was simply using to him a well-known science, a science which was known and practiced 100,000 years ago by our great forefathers of the Earth's First Civilization. My son, these ancient Cosmic Forces must all be regained and brought back again to us before this world can come to its end, for without them man cannot be perfect. It is destined that man shall be perfect before the end." While on the subject of Jesus, I will diverge a little. It may interest those who read these pages to know where and how Jesus spent his time when absent from history. There are several temples and monasteries in India and Tibet that have records about Jesus during this time. There are also some Oriental legends about him. One thing about these records struck me as being noteworthy. Not in a single record or legend do I find him called Christ. He is always referred to as Jesus or the Oriental equivalent.
A record in the Hemis Monastery at Leh, Kashmir, written in Pali, is without question not an original, but a copy and not many hundreds of years old. This one states that "when Jesus left his home country, he first went to Egypt and there for two years studied the ancient Osirian religion. From Egypt he went to India and in many cities, including Benares and Lahore, he studied the teachings of Gautama Buddha. After this he entered a Himalayan monastery where for 12 years he studied the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu, the Motherland, and her Cosmic Sciences. At the end of 12 years he became a master."
In another monastery I find a record stating that: "Jesus became the most proficient master that has ever been on earth." Today the name of Jesus is more revered in this monastery than by any sect of Christian priesthood, simply because these old monks knew him better. In addition to this record I found that they had a legend about Jesus. The head of the monastery told me that for a long time this legend was oral only. Then, to prevent it being forgotten or altered, it was written down about 1800 or 1900 years ago. This writing now runs: "When Jesus was about to leave the monastery, a controversy arose between him and the masters on the subject of the reincarnation. Jesus maintained that the Sacred Inspired Writings of the Motherland stated: 'that it was not the material body of man that was reincarnated out of the original atoms that formed his previous material body, but the Soul or Spirit only that was reincarnated.' The masters maintained that it was both the soul and the previous material body that was reincarnated, and that the identical atoms of the old body were used over again in the new (succeeding one)." Through the courtesy of the head of the monastery and as a special favor and compliment I was allowed to see and examine the tablets over which the controversy arose. I deciphered and translated them. They read: "The material body returns to mother earth from whence it came. The elements are then used to form other bodies." The masters maintained that "other bodies" means the subsequent bodies of the man. Thus the question hinged on the meaning of "other bodies." Did it mean the subsequent bodies of the man? Or did it mean bodies of nature's makingsoulless?
I then took the following tablets, deciphered and translated them and found they read as follows: "It is the man, the spirit, which comes into being again. Imperishable man is a Divine Spark upon which a house or an encasing body is built out of elements. This encasing house is commenced by elementary cells being formed and brought together and joined by the ziis of the Life Force.2 After the usual period, this elementary compound wears out and returns to Mother Earth, thus setting the Divine Spark free. At the appointed time3 a new set of elementary cells is brought together and a new house is built again, encasing the Divine Spark. Being elementary, this house also returns to Mother Earth, again releasing and setting the Divine Spark free. And so it continues, the Divine Spark occupying one house after another until called, it then returns whence it came, The Divine Source." 2 A zii is an electron subdivided into four parts, the last and final division of the Life Force. 3 Determined by the Creator. The foregoing tablets are in the section of the Sacred Inspired Writings of Reincarnation. They are exceedingly hard to translate although very easy to decipher. They are hard to translate, to give in modern language every minute detail as written on the tablets. I do not profess to have done so. My efforts were
aimed at getting a correct general meaning. This I feel confident I have done. The minute details I have not comprehended. The teachings of Osiris and Jesus are wonderfully alike. Many passages are identically the same, word for word. Yet this is not to be wondered at, for they both taught the first religion of man as given in the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu, the Motherland. Both Osiris and Jesus were selected instruments of our Heavenly Father, the Great Nameless, sent on earth by Him to teach His children the road to eternal happiness. I will now end this diversion and return to my dear Rishi, sit at his feet and listen to pearls of wisdom. MOSES AND THE EGYPTIAN PRIESTS.One gloriously bright tropical morning I wandered down to the temple to see my old friend and preceptor. He received me with one of his indescribably sweet smiles and led me to our favorite bench beneath some palm trees. For some moments he was silent, then turning towards me he said: "My son, it is strange how little the Christians know and understand their Bible. Take, for instance, the legend where Moses' serpent swallowed up the serpents of the Priests before Pharaoh. This they have taken literally and regard it as a miracle, whereas both Moses and the Priests were only practicing a little of the Ancient Cosmic Sciences on each other. Moses conquered. You will better understand it if I call it mass hypnotism. Both Moses and the Priests had the power of raising their vibrations above the people and Pharaoh. Moses could raise his higher than the Priests' also because he was a more proficient master. Moses raised his vibrations until he had even the Priests under control. Being under control they were compelled to see things as Moses formed them in his mind. Moses concentrated on his serpent swallowing up theirs. The Priests, being under his control, saw Moses' serpent swallowing up theirs, so did Pharaoh and all the people, for they also were under control. This miracle as it is called was simply a mirage of the brain brought about by Moses' control." With twinkling eyes and smiling lips, he took my hand and said: "My son, you never see clearly without a practical demonstration, so I must give you one. Holding my hand your vibrations will partake of mine and you will see clearly what occurs." A few yards away were two coolies sweeping up the Temple Compound. A little way ahead of them were two dead branches that had fallen from a tree during the night. As they arrived at the sticks the Rishi said, "Now watch them." They stooped down to pick up the sticks and directly they touched them they screamed out, "Snakes! Venomous snakes!" They then ran off and came back with two long bamboo poles. With these they at once set in to kill those snakes. After allowing them to thrash the fallen sticks into pieces, the Rishi dropped his vibrations and things became normal all around. They looked dum-founded. They looked at the long bamboo poles in their hands and then at the broken fragments of the fallen branches. Then they scratched their heads, wondering no doubt what had
happened. The Rishi called them to him and asked: "What have you been drinking?" "Arak," was the reply. "We only took two drinks." The Rishi simply shook his head and frowned. With profound salaams and a declaration that "hereafter they would never take but one drink of arak at a time," they returned to their work. Thus, as an object lesson, three thousand years afterwards was enacted in an Indian Temple Compound the Biblical scene of Moses, the Egyptian Priests and the serpents. THE PROFESSOR'S HISTORY.One morning as we were sitting on our usual seat in the Temple Compound, discussing the ancient past of mankind, a tall, pompous European accompanied by servants carrying papers, etc., entered the compound and came to where we were sitting. Adjusting his monocle, he said: "I have come to see the High Priest of this temple and have brought letters of introduction to him. Can you lead me to him, old man?" The Rishi answered, "I have the honor of filling the position of High Priest of this temple." The Englishman then said: "I am Professor of University, England. I am writing a book on Ancient India and have been told that you know more about ancient India than any other native. I want you to give me all the information you can." Handing an envelope to the Rishi, he said: "This is a letter of introduction to you from ." The Rishi read the letter and said: "I will gladly give you all the information I can, which will be telling you what our temple records state." He then called an attendant and ordered a table and chairs to be brought. On the table the coolies deposited large pads of writing paper with an immense number of sharpened pencils. The Professor took a chair, deposited his hat, cane and umbrella on the table. Taking a pencil in his hand and placing one of the pads of paper in front of him, with a readjustment of the monocle, he commenced with:
"Now go ahead, old man, I am ready to hear all you know." The Rishi answered: "As I do not know how far you have advanced with your work, I think it will be well for you to put in question form the points you wish to know, and I will give you what our temple records state on each question as we go along." Professor: "Now tell me about" Rishi: "Our temple records relate that" Professor: "That is all wrong. Dr. A., in his work on India, says" Rishi: "Dr. A. may be right and our temple records all wrongmaybe." Professor: "Next I want to know" Rishi: "Our temple records say" Professor: "You are all wrong again. Professor B., who has made a special study of this subject and written upon it, saysj"
Rishi: "Perhaps this great Professor B. is right and perhaps all temple records may be wrong." And so it went on for more than a dozen questions, the same result in all cases. At last the Professor banged his papers together, rose and said: "Here I've come a two days' journey for the purpose of gaining some information from one who is supposed to know something. A clear waste of time! Why! Old man, you know nothing! Absolutely nothing!! I could find out ten times as much as you know in a couple of hours in any library."
The Rishi edged a little closer to me, reached out and took my hand, his brows contracting the least bit. Then I knew something was about to happen. The Professor banged on his hat, seized and opened his umbrella, then grabbed for his cane. With a yell he threw it across the compound and exclaimed: "Great Heavens, it's a snake!! How did it get up on the table?"
One of the coolies picked his cane up and brought it to him; he backed away yelling: "Don't bring that beastly thing near me 1" The Rishi said: "Why, Professor, are you touched with the sun?" He then placed his hand on the Professor's head but for a moment; the Professor sank into a chair, groaning with pain. The Rishi then sent for a cocoanut shell of water which was given to the Professor to drink. The Professor drank the water, the Rishi released his control, and at once the Professor became normal. After a few minutes, the Professor held out his hand to the Rishi and said: "Although you know nothing about the history of India, old man, you certainly are an adept in medicines. Your potion certainly ought to be known to science." He turned and left.
As he was passing out of the Temple Compound, the Rishi looked at him and said: "Soon, my son, we shall have another wonderful history of India. Come, my son, let us walk, all this with the Professor is too childish and undignified." And the wonderful history appeared two years afterwards.
I have used the word "vibrations" in connection with the workings of the brain, because that is the word which is the equivalent of the ancient word used in the Sacred Writings of Mu.
As it may not be quite understood, or may be even misapplied, let me further explain it according to the ancient writings. Every thought causes a movement of the brain.
Every movement of matter of any and every description is the result of an active force, a force is the agent which accomplishes the movement. Forces connected with the brain are Cosmic Forces, therefore, a thought results from the workings of a Cosmic Force. Now I will give the manner of the working of a Cosmic Force as explained in the Sacred Inspired Writings. Attached to the explanation is a vignette which I give herewith with its deciphering.
The text explaining this symbol states that Cosmic Forces start from a given point: some are limited to the earth's atmosphere; others travel throughout the universe like the Sacred Four. They travel in the form of waves radiating from the point of origin. These waves result from the vibrations of the Force, all Forces are vibratory. The waves of Cosmic Forces are formed in the essence which forms a part of the earth's atmosphere, and which fills space. In the earth's atmosphere the waves and the Force carried in them diminish in strength in ratio to the diminishing density of the atmosphere. It is here explained that a movement of the brain is a Force vibration.
Vibrations formed in the essence go completely around the earth, as fast as light travels or faster. When this thought wave strikes another brain which is keyed up to the same vibrations the receiving brain perfectly understands the thought formed by the sender. This is Cosmic Telegraphy or thought transference. With two brains keyed in and concentrated on one another, it is perfectly easy to carry on an actual, soundless, wordless conversation. My old Rishi Priest and I always communicated with each other in this manner; we need never send a note. If he wanted me at the temple I felt it and went and always found him waiting my arrival. He thought so little of this accomplishment that he called it the kindergarten lesson in the Cosmic Sciences. He called it the letter A in the alphabet. One of our great financiers once said to meif you can read men's thoughts like that you can make millions a week down in Wall Street. He was absolutely wrong. It could not be done, for, directly the money part comes in, materialism has the ascendency and the spiritual cannot act, which reminds me of the words of the Great Master: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to attain heaven." Materialism controlled the man to accumulate the wealth. The care of it after he has got it necessitates materialism to prevent his losing it, so that he has no time to improve the spiritual to prepare him to return to the Great Source. He's got to "be born again," reincarnated, to make a fresh start. BIBLICAL LEGEND OF FIERY FURNACE.The Rishi was particularly fond of referring to our Bible. The greater part of the early chapters he knew by heart; in fact, all chapters throughout the Bible where Cosmic Forces are shown. He considered the Lord's Prayer the greatest and most beautiful epic ever written. He was not entirely in accord with the apostolic teachings but he always qualified his opinion by saying: "It is quite possible that they have been misquoted in translating."
One evening, our usual time for talking about the past, he said: "I have been thinking, my son, about the great Biblical miracle where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walk through the fiery furnace without being burnt or in any way touched by the fire. It was no miracle; they were masters. As I have told you, man has the power to raise his inner vibrations above those of earthly forces and so nullify them. Heat from which comes fire is an earthly force; therefore, man can raise his vibrations above the heat force. When he does this, the heat cannot touch him because a neutral zone has been formed between him and the heat force, through which the heat cannot pass. The man's raiment partakes of his vibrations, as you partake of mine, when you take my hand. So that even his raiment cannot be touched by the fire.
"Those who have attained the knowledge of controlling and using their inner or spiritual vibrations have been termed mastersthey have mastered the Cosmic Sciences. Even masters vary greatly in their proficiency. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were masters, and when in the furnace raised their spiritual vibrations above the vibrations of the heat force; consequently, the fires could not touch them."
I then asked him how these Israelites gained their knowledge in Babylonia to become masters. His answer was: "These Israelites were captives in Babylonia. In Babylonia there were many colleges for learning which they called Chaldi. They were first formed about 18,000 years ago by the Naacals who left India to go there for that purpose. They were instituted for the free teaching of the language of the Motherland, the teaching of the Sacred Inspired Writings of the Motherland and the Cosmic Forces. It is from the name of these colleges Chaldithat the Semitics from the north, who thousands of years afterwards took the country, formed a joint kingdom out of it calling it Chaldea. The Semitics assimilated with the Babylonians who were the Akkadians and Sumerians. The Chaldis were free and open to all who wished to come to them for learning, free of all and every expense. The slave was as welcome as a prince; directly their foot crossed the threshold, they became the equal of one another. There they became brothers in truth for when within the Chaldi they were symbolically standing at the footstool of their Heavenly Father." After finishing this, for him, long discourse, the dear old fellow with a twinkle in his eye said: "Now I suppose as usual to make all perfectly plain to you, I must give you a physical example." He then called one of the attendants and told him to bring a large live coal from a fire. As soon as the coal arrived, in an open chattie, he took my hand and deliberately picked up the coal with his fingers and placed it in the middle of my hand. He then asked me if I felt any heat from the coal. I did not. He then told me to light a cigar from it, but the cigar would not light. He then turned my hand over, the coal fell to the ground. He dropped my hand and invited me to pick the coal up and put it back into the chattie. I innocently attempted to do so, and although dropping it instantly, it left blisters on my fingers that took a long time to heal. He then deliberately picked up the coal with his fingers and put it back into the chattie. Smiling, he turned to me and said: "Now light your cigar from it!" I did so, with no difficulty. The demonstration was complete. He asked whether I believed in this bit of Cosmic Science.
My friends, I assure you that I did then, and I do now! The conviction still remains with me. CONCENTRATION.On one occasion'! asked the Rishi what was the best course to take to become proficient in concentration. He answered: "Relieve your brain of all material work. To do this a reclining or lying position is best. A position where every muscle in your body relaxes. This relieves the brain of looking after these parts of your anatomy. Cover your eyes, or close them so that no object strikes your attention; this is another relief to the brain. Do not eat too much or too littleboth are bad. If you eat too much your stomach is overloaded and calls for brain work. If you have too little in your stomach hunger is occupying the brain. Your material body should be perfectly normal; nature should be working smoothly without a jar. Sounds must be avoided as much as possible as they divert the brain. "You have now given over the command of your brain to the spiritual; the material is in subjection. Concentration is hard at first but becomes easier and easier as you continue." VISIONS OF THOSE WHO HAVE PASSED ON.What is generally termed the occult is attracting the attention of the layman, and some of our most prominent scientists as well. For seven years I had the great privilege of being the only pupil of the greatest Rishi who has lived during the past two thousand years, and yet generally unknown. It may well be said, "the world has never known her greatest men." He would willingly and gladly explain to me various phenomena, what to us today are the Mystic Sciences. I could never, however, induce him to teach me how to perform any of the phenomena along certain of the lines. Whenever I appealed to him to do so, his invariable answer was: "My son, I am teaching you how to learn the ancient history of man. I cannot go beyond that science with you because you have not been prepared to advance into others."
Occasionally he showed me practical demonstrations of some, at the same time explaining the phenomenon. On asking him one day: "Do we occasionally really see beings who have long since passed on? Or is it imagination, mirages of the brain?" His answer was: "Son, it is not imagination, nor is it a mirage of the brain; but an actual fact that sometimes some people receive visitors from the world beyond. All people have not the faculty of seeing them; this depends on the plane of their inner vibrations. Again it may be some people are never visited at all." From personal experience, I can tell my readers that a camera will see what the human eye does not and register it. I have had this phenomenon happen three times and have submitted the plates to prominent photographers desiring an explanation. All acknowledged it was beyond them. The most perfect of these three photos revealed a young lady sitting in the crotch of a tree. Her mother recognized her immediately and told me that she had been dead ten years, and that crotch in the tree had been a favorite seat of hers. I have wandered away but will now return to the Rishi. He further said: "There are various ones who are in the Great Beyond who may reveal themselves to you. First, one who had attained the rank of master before he passed on. He can come before
you and has the power to lower his vibrations to the plane of yours so that his are keyed in with yours. You then by vision become aware of his presence. More often, however, the ones who may appear to you are neat and dear relatives and near and dear friends. Ones that have been intimately associated with you here on earth. The reason for this is that your inner vibrations were on the same plane here on earth. They cause theirs to come back to their earthly plane and when keyed in, by vision, reveal themselves. These visitations are not infrequent between two people whose hearts have been one here on earth. So you see, my son, Love is the great ruler, both here and hereafter. Love is the image of our Heavenly Father, and Love is the reflection of our Heavenly Father in man."
I then said: "Father, have you not told me that by and by these visitors cease to come? Where do they go?" "Where have they gone, my son? I cannot say. I do not know. It may be that they have gone to other worlds. They may have been reincarnated here on earth. It may be they have returned to the Great Source. This is a closed book that may not be opened by man." After waiting for a short time, he continued: "It is more common for us to feel the presence of these visitors from the world beyond without seeing them. Occasionally, they seem so close that you feel like holding out your hand to welcome them."
I asked him what the circumstances were that prevented our seeing these visitors. His answer was: "Because their vibrations, although close enough in unison with yours to cause your brain to receive them, are not sufficiently in unison to produce vision; and sometimes it would appear that they did not wish you to see them. Personally, I have come to the conclusion that those who do not wish to be seen are great masters who are using you as an instrument for communication and information to this world from the world beyond." I then asked him if he could give me an example or illustration of such communications. He answered: "Yes, some artists, some sculptors, and some writers; writers especially. The master, or whoever he may be, keys his vibrations in on the writer's brain and with these vibrations expresses his desire or command of what to write. The brain of the writer receives them and while he is receiving them he can write nothing else. If he tries to pen something from his own mundane reasoning, after completed, he finds he has only penned nonsense. He can only write reasonably that which is being given to the brain by the master. He is under a spell. The unseen is governing him. This is what the ancients called 'inspired writings,' which are writings from the world beyond through a selected agent."
On another occasion I asked him, "if it were actually possible for man so far to advance himself in the Ancient Sciences that at will he could separate his Inner Man from the corporeal body, then for the Inner Man to travel long distances and bring back information." His answer was: "Yes, my son, it is perfectly easy to do this by one who has mastered the Ancient Sciences, but for one who is not perfectly accomplished it is an extremely dangerous undertaking, for, not being perfected in the science, the Inner Man might fail to find his way back to the material body. Then the material body, being without the Inner Man, follows nature's course to Mother Earth. It takes a lifetime to become proficient in this branch of the Ancient Sciencesyou must never attempt it."
I then asked him to teach me this branch of the Ancient Sciences. This he absolutely refused to do, saying, "Your time with me will not be a tenth long enough to do so." At unexpected times he gave me demonstrations of this very phenomenon. Do WE TAKE A LONG JOURNEY?One evening just before I was leaving India, placing his hand on my shoulder, my old friend said: "My son, would you like to take a long journey with me tonight?" I quickly accepted and at the appointed hour, 9 P.M., arrived at the temple. One of the attendants received me and took me directly to the Rishi's sanctum. The room was dully lit, some incense burners were sending their pungent smoke throughout the room. On my entering, the Rishi rose from a divan on which he had been sitting, came forward and took my hand. Dismissing the attendant, he gave orders not to be disturbed until his regular morning call. When the door closed he led me to the divan and said: "My son, we are going back to look at ourselves during our last incarnation." This was the first intimation from him that we had been on earth together before.
We sat on the divan together, my hand in his. He told me to close my eyes and concentrate on him and to pick up his vibrations. Gradually, consciousness appeared to leave me. Soon he and I were floating across a great flat land with many cities. To one particularly large city we floated. When there we came down to earth and walked through the streets which were crowded with busy people. Days, weeks and years appeared to pass. Then I saw myself a soldier fallen in battle with a spear wound. The Rishi, who was my father, received me from the bearers; lifting his hands above his head, he cried: "My only son and fallen in battle!" and as he thus cried my soul passed on. It would take a volume to describe all that I saw during these weeks, months and years.
At last I awoke and in a short time was myself again. I shall make no comments on this journey. I shall not say whether I believe it was real and that my Inner Man was separated from my material body or not, or whether it was all a mesmeric vision. This I leave my readers to decide for themselves.
This was one of the last interviews I had with my dear, gentle, old friend. I have often wondered since I last saw him whether he loved me more than I did him. I hardly think it possible.