Trimester Subject Studied:: Koi Student Survey Trimester 0212 October 2012
Trimester Subject Studied:: Koi Student Survey Trimester 0212 October 2012
Trimester Subject Studied:: Koi Student Survey Trimester 0212 October 2012
1. Are you happy with your decision to study at KOI? Yes / No
(please circle your response)
2. Is there anything that you would like to change at KOI that would improve your level of satisfaction with study at KOI?
3. Are study workloads fair across the subjects that you have studied this trimester? 4. Please list one (or more) thing /event/activity that KOI does well? 5. Please list one (or more) thing/ event/ activity that KOI does NOT do well?
Yes / No
Yes / No
7. Are teachers and staff at KOI always professional. If not, can you provide any area/s for improvement?
8. Do you feel respected as an individual at KOI? If not, can you indicate an area/s for improvement?
Yes / No
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Very Uninvolved
Fully Involved
A great deal
Strongly Disagree 1 11. Course objectives were met? 12. Course plan and assignments were helpful? 13. Amount of reading is reasonable? 14. Amount of assignment writing is reasonable? 15. My overall rating of academic staff? Academic Staff Overall, my teachers: 16. Communicate clearly? 17. Consider my needs? 18. Teach me effectively? 19. Are enthusiastic? 20. Overall course rating? 1
Disagree 2
Neutral 3
Agree 4
Strongly Agree 5
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