Mosquito Life Cycle: Antenna
Mosquito Life Cycle: Antenna
Mosquito Life Cycle: Antenna
compound eye one pair of wings
mouth parts
Mature mosquito
The mosquito lays a raft of eggs which floats on the water mouth parts
water surface
Mosquito at rest
breathing tube breathing tube
Larva Pupa
The pupa also breathes at the water surface but it does not feed though it can still move. The adult organs can be seen through the cuticle. The pupa eventually breaks open at the water surface and the adult wriggles out. The wings expand and the adult flies off. The eggs hatch into larvae which swim in the water by wriggling movements. At rest, they hang from the surface film of the water and breathe through a breathing tube. Their feeding brushes flicker all the time, wafting microscopic plants from the water into the mouth. The larva moults its cuticle several times but at the last stage it has become a pupa
D.G. Mackean