Professional Bodies
Professional Bodies
Professional Bodies
Professional bodies can offer you access to a wealth of information, new developments, policies, resources, networks and opportunities relevant to your research field. In some cases professional bodies offer industry-recognised qualifications, provide benchmarks for professional competencies or membership may be necessary to practice a profession. The following list of professional bodies (with a science, technology, or management focus) is not exhaustive, but will provide you with a good starting point for finding the organisation that best meets your professional development needs. The British Computer Society (BCS) ** is the leading body for those working in IT and aims to promote the study and practice of computing and to advance knowledge of and education in IT for the benefit of the public. With a worldwide membership, BCS is the qualifying body for Chartered IT Professionals (CITP). See Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists is the professional institute representing professionals working and studying in the field of Architectural Technology in the UK and overseas. CIAT is internationally recognised as the qualifying body for Chartered Architectural Technologists (MCIAT) and professionally qualified Architectural Technicians (TCIAT). See Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland (CIOBS) aims to develop and maintain the highest industry wide standards in the financial services sector. It provides quality financial services qualifications and has relationships with the main powers and influencers in the banking industry. See The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) promotes the career of building services engineers by accrediting courses of study in further and higher education, by approving workbased training programmes and providing routes to full professional Registration, including Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician. Once qualified, CIBSE offers a range of services, focussed on maintaining and enhancing professional career excellence. See Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is a professional, awarding and campaigning body at the forefront of environmental and public health and safety. It sets standards and accredits qualifications for the education of members and other environmental health practitioners. CIEH provides information, evidence and policy advice to local and national government and environmental and public health practitioners in the public and private sectors. See Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) is the leading professional body for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers. CILIP speaks out on behalf of the profession to the media, government and decision makers, and provides practical support for members throughout their entire careers, helping them with their academic education, professional qualifications, job hunting and continuing professional development. See
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Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is the professional body for those involved in the management and development of people. See Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) is the chartered professional institution, charity, learned society and qualifying body for an integrated approach to water and environmental management and sustainable development. See Chartered Management Institute is the only chartered professional body that is dedicated to management and leadership. Committed to raising the performance of business by championing management, they do this through supporting and advising individuals and organisations, or through engaging policy makers and key influencers in government and the management profession. See Chartered Quality Institute is the only chartered professional body dedicated entirely to quality. They offer training and qualifications and promote the benefits of quality throughout the UK and international marketplace, governments and other authorities. They are active and vocal advocates of quality, developing and disseminating quality knowledge and practices and through competent quality professionals. See Chartered Society of Designers (CSD) is the world's largest chartered body of professional designers and is unique in representing designers in all disciplines. CSD promotes concern for the sound principles of design in all areas in which design considerations apply, furthers design practice and encourages the study of design techniques for the benefit of the community. It seeks to secure and promote a professional body of designers and regulate and control their practice for the benefit of industry and the public. See Energy Institute (EI) is the leading chartered professional membership body for those working in energy. Providing an independent focal point and a powerful voice to engage business and industry, government, academia and the public, EI promotes the safe, environmentally responsible and efficient supply and use of energy. Offering learning and networking opportunities to support career development, EI provides a home to all those working in energy, and a scientific and technical reservoir of knowledge for industry. See Engineering Council UK (ECUK) maintains internationally recognised standards of competence and commitment for the engineering profession, and to license competent institutions to champion the standards. See Geological Society of London is the UK society for geoscience, providing a wide range of professional and scientific support to a national membership. As well as boasting one of the most important geological libraries in the world, the Geological Society is a global leader in earth science publishing and is renowned for its cutting edge science meetings. It provides a forum for earth scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines and environments to exchange ideas, and is an important communicator of geoscience to government, media, those in education and the broader public. See Institution of Analysts and Programmers (IAP) s Britain's leading professional organisation for people who work in the development, installation and testing of business
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systems and computer software. People join principally for the prestige and privilege of associating with some of the leading professionals in this sector of the industry. Membership of the Institution is an endorsement of your professional competence by your peers in the industry. See Institute of Biology (IOB) promotes the biological sciences, to foster the public understanding of the life sciences generally, serves the needs of our members, enhances the status of the biology profession, and represents its members and the biology profession as a whole to government and other bodies in the UK and abroad. See The Institution of British Engineers (IBE) is dedicated to the promotion of the engineering profession. See Institute of Chartered Foresters is a chartered body for forestry and arboricultural professionals in the UK. Its members practice in every branch of forestry and arboriculture relating to forests, woodlands and trees. It provide services including support and promotion of the work of foresters and arboriculturists; information and guidance to the public and industry; and training and educational advice to students and professionals looking to build upon their experience. It also regulates the standards of entry to the profession and offer examinations for professional qualifications. See The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) ** is an international professional membership organization for people who have an interest in and relevant experience in chemical engineering. IChemE is the hub for chemical, biochemical and process engineering professionals worldwide. IChemE promotes competence and a commitment to sustainable development, advances the discipline for the benefit of society and supports the professional development of members. See Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a charity that promotes and progresses civil engineering. It is a qualifying body, a centre for the exchange of specialist knowledge, and a provider of resources to encourage innovation and excellence in the profession, worldwide. See The Institution of Engineering Designers IED is the UK's most prestigious professional body for designers operating in the many fields of engineering design - product design, architecture, the marine, automotive and aircraft industries. It is licensed by the Engineering Council UK to assess candidates for inclusion on ECUK's Register of Professional Engineers and Technicians and accredits courses for their training. Once members have achieved the appropriate academic and competence standards they are rewarded with Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer or Engineering Technician status. See The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) ** is one of the worlds leading professional societies for the engineering and technology community. IET has an international membership and offices in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. IET provides a global knowledge network to facilitate the exchange of ideas and promote the positive role of science, engineering and technology in the world. See
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The Institute of Healthcare Engineering & Estate Management (IHEEM) is the relevant learned society and professional body licensed by the Engineering Council for all those working in healthcare engineering, estates and facilities management. Membership is applicable to architects, builders, engineers, estate managers, surveyors, medical engineers and other related professionals. IHEEM promotes the art and science of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management and advances research, education and training. See Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) is the UK's premier management organisation. ILM partners with individuals and employers across the world to improve leadership and management performance through a flexible range of learning and development solutions. See The London Mathematical Society (LMS) ** was founded for the promotion and extension of mathematical knowledge. It is the major British learned society for Mathematics, with a nationwide membership and several hundred overseas members. See Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) is an international professional membership body and learned society for all marine professionals, working to promote the development of marine engineering, science and technology, providing opportunities for the exchange of ideas and practices and upholding the status and knowledge of marine professionals. See The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3) ** is a major UK engineering institution whose activities encompass the whole materials cycle, from exploration and extraction, through characterisation, processing, forming, finishing and application, to product recycling and land reuse. It promotes and develops all aspects of materials science and engineering, geology, mining and associated technologies, mineral and petroleum engineering and extraction metallurgy, and is a leading authority in the worldwide materials and mining community. See Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) supports the advancement of mathematical knowledge and its applications and promotes and enhances mathematical culture in the UK and elsewhere, for the public good. It is also the professional and learned society for qualified and practising mathematicians. See The Institute of Measurement and Control is Britain's foremost professional body for the Automation Industry providing members with routes to Engineering Council registration as Chartered and Incorporated Engineers, and Engineering Technicians. See Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is the leading body for professional mechanical engineers with a worldwide membership. IMechE is the UKs qualifying body for Chartered and Incorporated mechanical engineers. Members work in research, design, development, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, contracting, consulting and teaching, in fields as diverse as lubrication, satellite launching, surgical implants and in power stations. See
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The Institution of Nuclear Engineers is a learned society and the only qualifying body concerned solely with the advancement of nuclear engineering technology and its allied fields. The Institution acts as consultant to government, professional and statutory bodies in the formulation of decisions affecting the nuclear industry and is recognised as the representative of the profession. The Institution is able to register suitably qualified nuclear engineers as Chartered or Incorporated Engineers and registers Engineering Technicians. See The Institute of Physics (IoP) ** is a scientific membership organisation devoted to increasing the understanding and application of physics. It has an extensive worldwide membership and is a leading communicator of physics with all audiences from specialists through government to the general public. Its publishing company, IOP Publishing, is a world leader in scientific publishing and the electronic dissemination of physics. See Society of Operations Engineers (SOE) is a leading membership organisation for engineers in the transport, plant and engineer surveying industries. Whether you're starting, progressing or finishing your career the SOE can assist you in gaining professional recognition and career development. See Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) is the world's largest professional body dedicated to structural engineering. It is committed to excellence in structural engineering and expects the same standards from its members. Members are qualified by rigorous exams that test professional competence in structural engineering design; as a result members are recognised worldwide for their technical and professional expertise. It is a leading source of expertise on all structural engineering and public safety issues in the built environment. See Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) is Britains national academy for engineering, bringing together the countrys most eminent engineers from all disciplines to promote excellence in the science, art and practice of engineering. Its strategic priorities are to enhance the UKs engineering capabilities; to celebrate excellence and inspire the next generation; and to lead debate by guiding informed thinking and influencing public policy." See Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) is a multidisciplinary professional institution dedicated to the entire global aerospace community. RAeS aims to support and maintain the highest professional standards in all aerospace disciplines; to provide a unique source of specialist information and a local forum for the exchange of ideas; and to exert influence in the interests of aerospace in both the public and industrial arenas. See Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) is the UK's leading professional body for astronomy and astrophysics, geophysics, solar and solar-terrestrial physics, and planetary sciences. RAS organises scientific meetings, publishes research and review journals. The Society also awards grants and prizes, maintains an extensive library, supports educational activities and lobbies government See Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG) is the learned society and professional body for geography. It aims to advance geographic research nationally and globally to improve understanding of our connected world, support teaching and education through formal
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learning, fieldwork and expeditions, promote the relevance of geography and foster the recognition and understanding of geography to policy. See Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is the UK body for architecture and the architectural profession, providing support for members worldwide in the form of training, technical services, publications and events, and set standards for the education of architects, both in the UK and overseas. RIBA works with government to improve the design quality of public buildings, new homes and new communities. See Royal Meteorological Society (RMS) is made up of enthusiasts, practitioners, students and scientists from across the world and is based in the UK. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in meteorology or related sciences. Associate fellows may be any age and do not require any specific expertise in meteorology. Fellows normally require a formal qualification in a subject related to meteorology plus five years experience and must be nominated by two other fellows. See Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is the largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences. Supported by a worldwide network of members and an international publishing business, its activities span education, conferences, science policy and the promotion of chemistry to the public. It is the professional body for chemistry in the UK, with the ability to award the status of Chartered Chemist (CChem) to suitably qualified candidates. See Royal Statistical Society (RSS) is an international membership organisation with members in over 50 countries worldwide, promoting public understanding of statistics and provide professional support to users of statistics and statisticians. See The Science Council is a membership organisation representing the learned societies and professional institutions across the breadth of science in the UK. Its purpose is to provide a collective voice for science and scientists and to maintain standards across all the scientific disciplines. See
Footnote: ** Indicates free membership of professional bodies for EPSRC funded students. For details see:
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