SFD and BMD in Ansys APDL
SFD and BMD in Ansys APDL
SFD and BMD in Ansys APDL
For the loaded beam shown below, develop the corresponding shear force and bending moment diagrams. The beam is in equilibrium. For this problem L= 10 in.
Tutorial Overview
This tutorial is divided into six parts: 1) Tutorial Basics 2) Starting Ansys 3) Preprocessing 4) Solution 5) Post-Processing 6) Hand Calculations
This tutorial assumes minimal knowledge of ANSYS 8.0; therefore, it goes into moderate detail to explain each step. More advanced ANSYS 8.0 users should be able to complete this tutorial fairly quickly.
1) ANSYS 8.0 in house Structural Tutorial
Objectives 1) Learn how to define keypoints, lines, and elements 2) Learn how to apply structural constraints and loads 3) Learn how to find shear and bending moment diagrams
1) Learn how to start Ansys 8.0 2) Gain familiarity with the graphical user interface (GUI) 3) Learn how to create and mesh a simple geometry 4) Learn how to apply boundary constraints and solve problems
Some Basic ANSYS functions are: To rotate the models use Ctrl and MB3. To zoom use Ctrl and MB2 and move the mouse up and down. To translate the models use Ctrl and MB1.
Output Window
The Output Window documents all actions taken, displays errors, and solver status.
From this toolbar you can use the command line approach to ANSYS and access multiple menus that you cant get to from the main menu.
Note: It would be beneficial to take some time and explore these pull down menus and familiarize yourself with them.
Second, is the ANSYS Main Menu, as shown to the right. This menu is designed to use a top down approach and contains all the steps and options necessary to properly preprocess, solve, and postprocess a model.
Third is the Graphical Interface window where all geometry, boundary conditions, and results are displayed. The tool bar located on the right hand side has all the visual orientation tools that are needed to manipulate your model.
In order to know where all the output files from ANSYS will be placed, the working directory must be set, in order to avoid using the default folder C:\Documents and Settings. > File > Change Directory > then select the location that you want all of the ANSYS files to be saved. Be sure to change the working directory at the beginning of every problem. With the jobname and directory set, the ANSYS database (.db) file can be given a title. Following the same steps as you did to change the jobname and the directory, give the model a title.
Look at the ANSYS Main Menu. Click once on the + sign next to Preprocessor. > Main Menu > Preprocessor The Preprocessor options currently available are displayed in the expansion of the Main Menu tree as shown to the right. The most important preprocessing functions are defining the element type, defining real constraints and material properties, and modeling and meshing the geometry.
Select the + next to Element Type or click on Element Type. The extension of the menu is shown to the right. > Element Type Select Add/Edit/Delete and the Element Type window appears. Select add and the Library of Element Types window appears. > Add/Edit/Delete > Add In this window, select the types of elements to be defined and used for the problem. For a pictorial description of what each element can be used for, click on the Help button. For this model 2D Elastic Beam elements will be used. The degrees of freedom for this type of element are UX, UY, and ROTZ, which will suit the needs of this problem. > Beam > 2D Elastic 3 > OK
In the Element Types window Type 1 Beam3 should be visible signaling that the element type has been chosen.
The Real Constant window for Beam3 will appear. From this window you can interactively customize the element type.
The material properties for the Beam3 element need to be defined. > Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models The Define Material Models Behavior window should now be open. We will use isotropic, linearly, elastic, structural properties. Select the following from the Material Models Available window: > Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic The window titled Linear Isotropic Properties for Material Number 1 now appears.
Enter 30e6 for EX (Young's Modulus) and 0.3 for PRXY (Poissions Ratio). > OK Close the Define Material Model Behavior window. > Material > Exit
KP # 1: KP # 2: KP # 3: KP # 4: KP # 5:
X=0, Y=0, Z=0 X=2, Y=0, Z=0 X=4, Y=0, Z=0 X=6, Y=0, Z=0 X=10, Y=0, Z=0
Select OK when complete. In case you make a mistake in creating the keypoints, select: > Preprocessing > Modeling > Delete > Keypoints Select the incorrect KPs and select OK.
At times it will also be helpful to have a list of keypoints (or nodes, lines, elements, loads, etc.). To generate a list of keypoints: > List > Keypoint > Coordinates Only
With the mesh parameters complete, the lines representing the beam can now be meshed. Select: > Preprocessing > Meshing > Mesh > Lines From the Mesh Lines window select Pick All. > Pick all Selecting Pick all will mesh all of the line segments that have been created. The meshed line should appear similar to the one shown below. This completes the preprocessing phase.
The way this problem is setup, no constraints need to be added. Other problems which ask you to find shear and bending moment diagrams may require the use of constraints. The forces and moments will now be added. It will be easier to select the keypoints (the locations of the forces and moments) if the keypoint numbers are turned on as previously explained. However, the current view probably shows just the elements and not the keypoints. You can see both the elements and the keypoints on the screen by selecting: > Plot > Multiplots To see just the keypoints; > Plot > Keypoints > Keypoints Use the plot menu to view your model in the way that will make it easier to complete each step in tutorial.
In the Apply F/M on KPs window that now appears change the direction to of the force to FY and give it a value of 400. > Apply Repeat these same steps to apply the rest of the forces and moments. Moments are applied in the same way except that in the Apply F/M on KPs window MZ is chosen as the direction. Select Apply after each one you create and close the window when you are done creating all of the them. Location KP1 KP2 KP2 KP3 KP4 KP5 Direction MZ FY MZ FY FY FY Value 400 -400 -400 200 -200 400
When you are done, your screen should look similar to the picture below.
The expanded Apply Pressure on Beams window should appear. From this window the direction of the pressure and its magnitude can be specified.
Enter 100 in the Pressure at Node I value field which will apply the pressure over the beam from keypoints 2 to 3. A positive entry in this field is defined as a downward pressure. > OK
Now when you rotate your model using CTRL + MB3 , the model should appear to be 3D. You should see something similar to the image below.
The Solve Current Load Step window will appear. To begin the analysis select OK.
If a Verify window appears telling that the load data produced 1 warning, just select Yes to proceed with the solution.
The analysis should begin and when complete a Note window should appear that states the analysis is done.
Close both the Note window and /STATUS Command window. If your model is still in the 3-D view use the view icons on the right of the screen to bring the model to a front view again.
> Add...
We will define the element table items by using the By sequence num option. For the Beam3 element, the sequence numbers for the I moment (at left end of beam) and the J moment (at right end of beam) are 6 and 12. The sequence numbers for the forces in the Y direction are 2 and 8. The sequence numbers can be found for any element in the help documentation. Simply do a search in help for the element that you are using, and then scroll down in the text to find the table that lists the sequence numbers.