Vremeplov Uskoci
Vremeplov Uskoci
Vremeplov Uskoci
, Turkish: Veli Mahmud Paa; 1420 1474) was the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire in 1456 1468 and again in 1472 1474, who also wrote Persian and Turkish poems under the pseudonym Adni.[1][2] -1469 - d. 1497 Ishak Pasha (Turkish: Ishak Paa; fl. ) was a Serb who became an O ttoman general, statesman and later Grand Vizier.[1] Halil Inalcik believes that Ishak Pasha is created by the confusion between several Ottoman Ishak Pashas (p articularly Ishak bin Abdullah and Ishak bin Ibrahim) and Ishak Bey. The confusi on can be illustrated with Beltaci's statement that Ishak Pasha was of Croatian or Greek origin and that he served three different sultans -1470 Hersekli Ahmed Pasha (Stjepan Hercegovi) was son of Duke (Herzog) Stjepan V uki Kosaa of Bosnia and younger half-brother of Queen Catherine of Bosnia. Since 14 70, after converting to Islam,[2] Stjepan Hercegovi was called Ahmed-pasa Hersekz ade. Hersekli Ahmed Pasha was great-grandson of the Croatian nobleman Dragi a Vuki, brother of Hrvoje Vuki Hrvatini. Hersekli Ahmed Pasha was Grand Vizier and Grand Admiral to the Sultan. He was th e first great vizier of Bosnia several times in the period from 1497 to 1515. He was married in 1482 to Fatima, daughter of Sultan Bayezid II, and he left desce ndants. He died of natural causes, toward the end of the reign of Selim I.[3] -1500 10 July 1561 Rstem Pasha Opukovi (Turkish pronunciation: [da?'mat ?ys'tem pa '?a]; Ottoman Turkish: ???? ????, roen u Skradinu -1515-1578Piyale Pasha, (Turkish: Piyale Paa),roen na pelje cu,zarobljen na Mohau -1551.Senj, 1. marta Popis uskoka pod kapetanom Ivanom Lenkoviem -1580.Mleani su u svoje diplomatske aktivnosti protiv uskoka uvukli i papu, koji je 1580. primio u Rimu Jurja Daniia i ostatak uskokog izaslanstva te ih nagovorio z a rat protiv Turaka, kako bi pustili Mleane na miru - 1581. sklopljen je ugovor izmeu Anela Trogiranina i nadvojvode Karla o zajednikim operacijama protiv Klisa, Solina i Sinja, s poetkom zakazanim za 1583. godinu. J uraj Danii je sa svojim uskocima i pridru enim Dalmatincima stigao pod Klis 2. sijenj a, ali je zbog lo e taktike pripreme odbijen i bio prisiljen uzmaknuti. S njima je izbjeglo i oko 800 kr anskih porodica -1590 Catholics from the region often visit Katarina Kosaa's tomb in the Roman ch urch of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.[15] Her tombstone features a life-size portrait and the coat of arms of the Kotromanii and Kosaa at each side. The inscription, o riginally written in Cyrillic (Inscription, external link) but in 1590 replaced with a Latin one, which reads:[10] Catharinae Reginae BosnensiStephani ducis santi sabbae sororiet genere Helene et domo principisStephani natae Thomae regis Bosanevsori Qvanrum vixit annorum LII IIet obdormivit Romae anno DominiMCCCCLXXVIII dei XXV oteobrismonumentum ipsus s criptis positiv. The memory of Queen Catherine (Katarina Kosaa), who was beatified after her death , is still alive in Central Bosnia, where Catholics traditionally mark 25 Octobe r with a mass in Bobovac 'at the altar of the homeland'. Some of the artifacts b elonging to the Queen and the Kotromani family were taken in 1871 by Josip Juraj Strossmayer from the Franciscan monastery in Kraljeva Sutjeska to Croatia for sa fekeeping until 'Bosnia is liberated'. They have never been returned