Nikola La Svanin: Historians of The Ottoman Empire
Nikola La Svanin: Historians of The Ottoman Empire
Nikola La Svanin: Historians of The Ottoman Empire
C . K a fa d a r H . K a r a t ek e C . F l eis c h er
Nicolaus à Lasva, Nicolaus Marcsincussich
(b. ca. 1703; d. 2 September 1750)
Biographical data on N.L. is very scarce. Though his toponymic surname indicates
that he was born in the Catholic parish La¸sva (Lasva), few kilometers from Travnik
in Bosnia,1 his real surname that appears in official documents was Marcsincussich.2
The date of his birth is unknown. According to the list of novices of the Franciscan
monastery of Fojnica (Foyniçe), N.L. entered the order in 1132/1719.3 Since the age
of entry to the order was fifteen or sixteen, it seems plausible to suppose that N.L.
was born around 1114-15/1703.4 There is no information on N.L.’s education, but it
is very likely that he, like other Bosnian Franciscans of the period, studied theology
and philosophy in one of the Italian universities. N.L. indeed visited Italy in his early
twenties. The fact that some of the stopping places on a journey from Bosnia to Italy
and back (Uskoplje/Gornji Vakuf-Maccerata-Fojnica) and those on Italian tour (Assi-
si-Padua) appended to the Kronika dated Rajab 1138-Safar 1139/April-September
1726 (e.g., Padua, Ferrara, Bologna, Cesena, Maccerata, Rome, etc.) are cities with
famous universities and libraries, seems to indicate that the journey was not only a
pilgrimage, but might have had educational relevance as well.5 Furthermore, a strong
influence of Italian is evident both in the vocabulary and syntax of parts of the text
written in the Bosnian-Croatian language.6
In 1142/1730 N.L. was elected as the teacher of novices in the monastery of
Fojnica and remained on duty at least a year after 1147/1734 when he was re-elected
for the fifth time.7 A petition sent by the Catholics of Kre¸sevo (Kresevo) to the Con-
gregation of the Propaganda Fide in Rome (1153/1740) concerning the renewal of a
privilege of educating Franciscan novices in Italy was ratified by N.L. as Guardianus
Cresseviensis et Vicarius Foraneus (‘The Guardian of the Monastery of Kre¸sevo and
The Representative of the Local Community’).8 As heads of monasteries, Franciscan
guardians possessed not only ecclesiastical but political authority over the Catholic
community (Latin †’ifesi) as its official representatives.9 In 1153-1154/1741, the
chronicle of Bonaventura Beni©c (Benich), another Franciscan who was N.L.’s con-
temporary from the monastery of Sutisqa (Kraljeva Sutjeska), refers to N.L. as pater
agregatus, an honorable title given to meritorious Franciscans.10
As a senior member of the monastery of Fojnica, and as Franciscan representative,
N.L. was involved in several litigations with Ottoman authorities.11 During the litiga-
tion of 1155/1743, he was imprisoned with other Franciscans for five days in Trav-
nik.12 After Pavao from Jajce (Yayçe), the custodian of the Franciscan Province of
Bosna Argentina, died in the first year of his mandate in 1157-58/1745, N.L. suc-
ceeded him13 and became the highest authority over the Franciscans in Bosnia.14 In
this capacity in 1160-61/1748 N.L. went to Vienna with Filip Lastri©c O©cevac (Philip-
C . K a fa d a r H . K a r a t ek e C . F l eis c h er
pus ab Ochievia), former Bosnian provincial and chronicler, to ask the Habsburg em-
press Maria Theresa for support and mediation in a dispute between Bosnian Francis-
cans and Slavonian Franciscans and clergy, who were Habsburg subjects, over seni-
ority in the Province of Bosna Argentina and three parishes in Islavonya (Slavonia).
The empress passed judgment in favor of the Slavonian clergy, but ordered the pay-
ment of three hundred florins annually to the monastery of Sutisqa as compensation
for lost income of the parishes.15
Shortly after he wrote his last entry in his Kronika in the summer of 1163/1750,
N.L. died on 1 Shawwal 1163/2 September 1750 while visiting his relatives in
N.L.’s Kronika is a compendium of various historical and ecclesiastical texts. The
first part of the work is based on Kronika aliti szpomen vsega szvieta vikov by Cro-
atian writer Pavao Ritter Vitezovi©c (published in Zagreb in 1107-08/1696) and covers
the period from the Creation of the World to 1101-02/1690.17 With Christian Europe
as its primary focus, the work also provides basic information on the emergence of
Islam, starting with Prophet Mu˛ammad’s birth and early Islamic conquests. N.L.
follows the tradition of European chronicles of the time, which identify all medieval
Muslims regardless their ethnic origin and identity as “Turks.”18 The history of the
“real Turks,” i.e. the Ottomans, from fiOˇsmn Beg’s ascent to the throne (699-700/
1300) is covered sufficiently. The early conquests in the Balkans are depicted in de-
tail, concentrating on important events like the battles of Chermanon (Çirmen), Ko-
sovo (Qosova), Nicopolis (Niÿbolu), Varna, the conquest of Constantinople, the an-
nexation of Serbia, etc.
N.L.’s Kronika follows events in the West as well, such as the rise of the House of
Habsburg, the Venetians, and the situation in Central Europe. Ottoman wars in the
area are thoroughly treated, with particular attention to the fall of the Bosnian king-
dom and warfare in Croatia. Although N.L. clearly sympathizes with the Christian
side, he does not pass in silence over misdeeds and cruelties of Christian soldiers.
Since Vitezovi©c, the author of the original chronicle, was an active participant and
protagonist of the events of the late 11th/17th century, especially during the war of
1094-1110/1683-99, the exhaustive descriptions of warfare, massacres, expulsions,
migrations, or forced Christianization of Muslim population in territories conquered
by the Habsburgs are especially interesting.19
The second part of the work is a special chronicle of Bosnia covering the period
between 1092-1164/1682-1750. The first section (until 1107-08/1696), seems to be a
copy of a lost chronicle of Stipan Margiti©c, the Franciscan guardian of the monastery
of Fojnica.20 Of great importance is Margiti©c’s eyewitness account of the turbulent
situation in Bosnia at the end of the 11th/17th century, and of the migration and expul-
C . K a fa d a r H . K a r a t ek e C . F l eis c h er
sion of Catholic population from the country during the war of 1094-1110/1683-99.
N.L.’s account based on his first-hand experience of the period between 1143-63/
1731-50 represents the genuine part of the chronicle.
The inner crisis and instability Bosnia suffered in the aftermath of the Treaty of
Karlowitz was intensified by the wars of 1128-30/1716-18 and 1150-52/1737-39. Re-
lations between ethnic and confessional groups were dangerously tense; the economy
was in ruins. While hunger and plague severely struck the population, anarchy and
corruption of local officials further worsened the situation. New taxes introduced by
the central government and the annulment of exemptions (mufifiyyet) in Bosnia
caused unrests and rebellions throughout the province.21 N.L. describes several legal
suits when the Franciscans tried to avoid paying new taxes by referring to their
previous privileged status. Their complaints and petitions, however, were largely re-
jected.22 After describing the changes in the structure and institutions of the local go-
vernment and the rise of the power and influence of local notables (afiyn), N.L. ob-
serves that in 1149-50/1737 a council of “Bosnian lords” (afiyn-i vilyet) met in
Travnik. The institutionalization of their function (afiynlªq) was further indicated by
the fact that rebellious Muslims were attacking afiyns and qıs as government
representatives during major unrests eleven years later.23 N.L. describes in detail the
war of 1150-52/1737-39, during which the Franciscans were suspected for treason,
and guardians of Franciscan monasteries of Fojnica, Kre¸sevo, and Sutisqa were taken
into custody in Sarajevo (Sarybosna) to be released after paying a high fine.
The third part of the Kronika, a copy of Pavao Ritter Vitezovi©c’s Bosna Captiva,24
is a pamphlet on the last days of the Bosnian kingdom and its conquest by the Otto-
mans, with a description of the death of the king Stjepan Toma¸sevi©c (867/1463). The
list of the provincials of the Franciscan Province of Bosna Argentina including their
short biographies for the period between 929-1185/1523-1771 was continued by an
anonymous Franciscan following N.L.’s death.25
The work continues with another chronicle covering the period between 699-1109/
1300-1697. N.L. mentions the levy of Christian children (devsirme) in 1075-76/1666,
which Christians opposed en masse, because the collector “did not want to take
Turkish but Christian children.”26 Due to the privilege of Bosnian Muslims to enlist
their sons in the Janissary corps and the Palace services (qapuqulu ocaqlarª), the per-
centage of Christian boys in the levy sometimes might have been relatively low,
while the levies in second half of the 11th/17th century were very rare.27 These factors
might have been the cause of such Christian opposition. Conflicts between Fran-
ciscans and the Orthodox Christian clergy, who were attempting to collect church
taxes from the Catholic population, were quite frequent in those years. In 1108-
09/1697, the dispute was solved in favor of the Franciscans in the court (ma˛keme) of
Sarajevo, by a decision of the Bosnian governor ‰zı Me˛med Pasa Qorça (1103-
09/1691-97). This section of the Kronika is based on an anonymous text found in the
monastery of Fojnica referred to as Fojni¸cka kronika (The Chronicle of Fojnica) and
C . K a fa d a r H . K a r a t ek e C . F l eis c h er
includes additions made by N.L.28 Following a list of Bosnian bishops, the Kronika
ends with a few paragraphs on issues related to everyday life, such as horticultural
instructions, a recipe for ink production, etc. Although interesting in itself, the para-
graph including twenty Turkish proverbs and phrases written in Latin script with Bos-
nian, Italian, or Latin translation recorded under the title Aliquot Turcica Proverbia is
not enough to determine the extent of N.L.’s knowledge of the Turkish language.
Except for the part entitled Bosna Captiva, which represents 1/18 of the text, the
Kronika was written in the Bosnian-Croatian tongue in old Bosnian Cyrillic script
(bosan¸cica). While preserving some characteristics of the language of older Bosnian
chronicles, the language of N.L. resembles today’s dialects of central and western
Bosnia. The aforementioned influence of Latin and Italian in terms of syntax and
vocabulary, as well as the presence of Turkish loan words is noteworthy.29
Although some parts were copied from earlier chronicles, the original information
the Kronika provides for the period between 1143-63/1731-50 is of crucial impor-
tance for the study of unrests and rebellions of Muslims, the rise of afiyns, the war of
1150-52/1737-39, and the complexity of the confessional situation in Bosnia, written
from the perspective of a Bosnian Catholic. Furthermore, N.L. preserved the other-
wise lost chronicle of Stipan Margiti©c. N.L.’s Kronika strongly influenced his con-
temporary Bonaventura Beni©c in his writing of Protocollum conventus Suttiscae. The
influence on later chroniclers is obvious as well. In the 13th/19th century, Mato Kris-
ti¸cevi©c Kolo, a Franciscan from the monastery of Fojnica, and Mato Miki©c, a chro-
nicler of the monastery of Sutisqa, interpolated some parts of N.L.’s Kronika in Latin
characters into Enchiridium seu frequentius ad manus... 1823 and Arkiv, respecti-
vely.30 N.L.’s work is an indispensable source for the historians of the period in ques-
tion as well as those of the Franciscan order and Catholicism in Bosnia.
Manuscript: (1) Livno, Library of the Franciscan Monastery “Ss. Peter and Paul,”
Gorica; 181+ 2 pages, ca. 42 lines, Bosnian Cyrillic alphabet (predominantly) and
Latin (12.5 pages). (The manuscript is located in the aforementioned library since
1882. The handwriting belongs to N.L. with the exception of a few notes on the
margins and a list of the provincials, i.e., Franciscans that were the official leaders of
the Franciscan Province of Bosna Argentina, after 1163/1750. Before the renovation
and preservation undertaken in 1982, the manuscript was damaged by humidity, and
some parts are now blurred and hard to read).
Editions: ¡Ciro Truhelka. “Izvadak iz ljetopisa fra Nikole La¸svanina.” Glasnik Ze-
maljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, 1/3 (1889), 77-80, 127-134; 2 (1890), 220-
225, 304-305 (Partially published abridged extract for the period between 1688-1750,
transcribed into Latin script). Julijan Jeleni©c. “Ljetopis fra Nikole La¸svanina.”
Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, 26 (1914), 335-367, 555-583; 27
C . K a fa d a r H . K a r a t ek e C . F l eis c h er
(1915), 1-35, 269-312 (Original Bosnian Cyrillic script of the original is preserved in
rather small print. A few shorter paragraphs of minor importance are omitted. The
edition has a critical apparatus, a detailed index of names and places, and one facsi-
mile). Julijan Jeleni©c. Ljetopis fra Nikole La¸svanina (Sarajevo, 1916) (Reprint of the
second edition in one volume). Nikola La¸svanin. Ljetopis. Trans. Ignacije Gavran
(Sarajevo, 1981; 2nd edition: Sarajevo, Zagreb, 2003) (Transliterated into Latin-script,
with Latin and Italian parts translated into Croatian. It contains critical apparatus, an
introduction, and indices).
General bibliography: Julijan Jeleni©c. “Ljetopis fra Nikole La¸svanina.” Sarajevski
list, 39 (1916), 138. Hamdija Kre¸sevljakovi©c. “Dr. fra Julijan Jeleni©c, Ljetopis fra
Nikole La¸svanina.” Nastavni vjesnik, 24 (1916), 699-701. B. Inhof. “Dr Fra J.
Jeleni©c: Ljetopis fra N. La¸svanina.” Vrhbosna, 30/7-8 (1916), 104-106. Donkovi©c.
“Fra Julijan dr. Jeleni©c: Ljetopis fra Nikole La¸svanina.” Glasnik biskupija bosanske i
srijemske, 44/8 (1916), 63-64. Julijan Jeleni©c. “Izvori ‘Ljetopisa fra Nikole La¸sva-
nina’.” Na¸sa misao, 30/4 (1916), 61-62. Julijan Jeleni©c. “Necrologium Bosnae Argen-
tinae.” Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, 28 (1916), 347. Spomenici
kulturnog rada franjevaca Bosne Srebreni¸cke, ed. Julijan Jeleni©c (Mostar 1924), 22,
24-26, 67-69. Aleksandar Mladenovi©c. “O jeziku ljetopisa fra Nikole La¸svanina.”
Grada Nau¸cnog dru¸stva Bosne i Hercegovine, 10 (Sarajevo, 1961), 53-123. Miroslav
D¸zaja. “Pravo prezime fra Nikole La¸svanina i fra Filipa La¸stri©ca – O©cevca.” Dobri
pastir, 11-12 (1962), 288-292. Anonymous. “La¸svanin, Nikola.” Enciklopedija Ju-
goslavije, 5 (1962), 475. Andrija Zirdum. “Banjalu¸cki rat u franjeva¸ckim kronikama
(izvje¸s©ca fra N.L. i fra Bone Beni©ca).” Juki©c, 3 (1973), 99-106. Andrija Zirdum.
“Franjeva¸cki ljetopisi u Bosni i Hercegovini.” Croatica Christiana Periodica, 9/15
(1985) 50-51. Ivan Alilovi©c. Biobibliografija hrvatskih pisaca Bosne i Hercegovine
do god. 1918 (Zagreb, 1986), 42-43. Anto Slavko Kova¸ci©c. “La¸svanin-Mar¸cinku¸si©c
Nikola.” Leksikon pisaca Jugoslavije, vol. 3 (Beograd, 1987), 590. Anto Slavko Ko-
va¸ci©c. “La¸svanin-Mar¸cinku¸si©c, Nikola.” Biobibliografija franjevaca Bosne Srebrene.
Prilog povijesti hrvatske knji¸zevnosti i kulture (Sarajevo, 1991), 210-211. Bosanski
franjevci, ed. Marko Karamati©c (Zagreb 1994), 43-47. Veseljko Koroman. Hrvatska
proza Bosne i Hercegovine od Matije Divkovi©ca do danas (Mostar, Split, Medugorje,
1995), 41-45. Anonymous. “La¸svanin, Nikola.” Hrvatski leksikon, vol. 2 (1997), 8.
Ivo Pranjkovi©c, “Jezik fra Nikole (Mar¸cinku¸si©ca) La¸svanina,” Zbornik radova sa
Znanstvenog skupa u povodu 500. obljetnice smrti fra Andela Zvizdovi©ca (Sarajevo,
Fojnica, 2000), str. 439-458. Mirko Marjanovi©c. “La¸svanin, Nikola.” Leksikon hrvat-
skih knji¸zevnika Bosne i Hercegovine od najstarijih vremena do danas (Sarajevo,
2001), 145.
Ignacije Gavran, “Uvod” in: Nikola La¸svanin, Ljetopis, tr. Ignacije Gavran (Sarajevo, Zagreb, 2003),
7; Miroslav D¸zaja, “Pravo prezime fra Nikole La¸svanina i fra Filipa La¸stvi©ca-O¸cevca,” Dobri pastir,
11-12 (1962), 291.
C . K a fa d a r H . K a r a t ek e C . F l eis c h er
D¸zaja, 288-289.
Liber Inductionis Clericorum pro Conventu Fojnicensi Jussu Adm. Rndi Patris Gregorii a Varess
Minri Provlis Provisus. 1784. In quo tamen prius refererntur quidam olim induti, & ex pervetusto, ac
obsoleto libello fideliter excerpti (The Provincial Archive of Bosna Srebrena, Sarajevo), 4; cf. D¸zaja,
290; Gavran, 6-7.
Gavran, 7.
N.L., Ljetopis, tr. Ignacije Gavran (Sarajevo, Zagreb, 2003), 301-302.
Gavran, 8; Julijan Jeleni©c, Ljetopis fra Nikole La¸svanina (Sarajevo, 1916), 1; Aleksandar Mladeno-
vi©c, “O jeziku letopisa fra Nikole La¸svanina,” Grada Nau¸cnog dru¸stva NR Bosne i Hercegovine, vol.
10 (Sarajevo, 1961), 122.
Spomenici kulturnog rada franjevaca Bosne Srebreni¸cke, ed. Julijan Jeleni©c (Mostar 1927), 22, 24-
26; D¸zaja, 288.
See: Julijan Jeleni©c, Spomenici kulturnog rada franjevaca Bosne Srebreni¸cke (Mostar, 1927), 67-69.
See: Andrija Zirdum, “Franjeva¸cki ljetopisi u Bosni i Hercegovini,” Croatica Christiana Periodica,
9/15 (1985), 47. I am indebted to Boris Nik¸si©c for his explanation of the term foraneus as “of a market-
place, square, fair, town, place, community.”
Bono Beni©c, Ljetopis sutje¸skog samostana, tr. Ignacije Gavran (Sarajevo, Zagreb, 2003), 161; cf.
Gavran, 8-9.
La¸svanin, 219-221, 223-225.
La¸svanin, 219-221.
Beni©c, 67; Gavran, 9.
Gavran, 9.
Beni©c, 68-69; Filip Lastri©c, Pregled starina bosanske provincije (Sarajevo, Zagreb, 2003), tr. Igan-
cije Gavran and ¯Simun ¯Simi©c, 81-82; Andrija Zirdum, Filip Lastri©c-O©cevac 1700-1783. Prilog
kulturnoj povijesti Bosne i Hercegovine (Zagreb, 1982); Gavran, 10.
Jeleni©c, “Necrologium Bosnae Argentinae,” Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, 28
(1916), 347; Jeleni©c, Ljetopis, 2; Gavran, 11.
Gavran, 14; Jeleni©c, “Izvori 'Ljetopisa fra Nikole La¸svanina',” Na¸sa misao, 30/4 (1916 ), 61.
La¸svanin, 88.
La¸svanin, 182-192; Marin Frani¸cevi©c, “Vitezovi©c Ritter, Pavao,” Enciklopedija Jugoslavije, vol. 8,
(Zagreb, 1971), 507-508.
La¸svanin, 193; Gavran, 16; Jeleni©c, “Izvori,” 62.
Avdo Su©ceska, “Selja¸cke bune u Bosni u XVII i XVIII stolje©cu,” Godi¸snjak Istorijskog dru¸stva
Bosne i Hercegovine, 17 (1966-67), 171-172, and passim.
La¸svanin, 219-221, 223-225.
La¸svanin, 209, 230; cf. Su©ceska, “Vilajetski ajani (prilog izu¸cavanju organizacije turske vlasti u
na¸sim zemljama),” Godi¸snjak Istorijskog dru¸stva Bosne i Hercegovine, 13 (1962), 196-197.
Gavran, 17.
Ibid., 18.
La¸svanin, 273.
V.L. Ménage, “Devshirme,” EI2 (CD-ROM edition).
Ibid., 19-20; Jeleni©c, “Izvori,” 62.
Mladenovi©c, 122.
See Jeleni©c's introduction to “Ljetopis franjeva¸ckog samostana u Kre¸sevu,” Glasnik Zemaljskog
muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, 29 (1917), 7-8; D¸zaja, 288; B. Inhof, “Dr. Fra J. Jeleni©c: Ljetopis fra N.
La¸ s vanina,” Vrhbosna, 30/7-8 (1916), 105; Andrija Zirdum, “Franjeva¸cki ljetopisi u Bosni i
Hercegovini,” Croatica Christiana Periodica, 9/15 (1985), 58-59. The evaluation of these fragmental
copies of the Chronicle in the literature is somewhat complicated. Furthermore, the civil war in the
C . K a fa d a r H . K a r a t ek e C . F l eis c h er
1990’s, during which some monasteries were damaged or destroyed, adds to the difficulty of locating
the manuscripts which might have contained interpolated parts of N.L.’s Kronika.
May 2006