Project Report E-Campus

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Project report

On E-campus

Mr. Virendra Kumar Lecturer (CSE Deptt.) CET-IILM-AHL

Saurabh Singh (0615010089) Satish Kumar (0615010083) Rajesh Kr. Yadav (0615010072) Sandeep Kr. Singh (0615010078)

Many persons have contributed to make this software on E-CAMPUS a reality. I would especially like to express my appreciation to Virendra sir for his unstinted support, encouragement and his painstakingly and meticulous effort towards developing this software. We acknowledge the help and cooperation received from all the faculty members of CET-IILM-AHL Greater Noida. Several colleagues and students have contributed directly and indirectly to the contents this software, as they had given me numerous ideas. Their criticism gave me the much-needed hints about the areas that needed elaboration and amendments and also to present them with greater clarity. We would Welcome Constructive Suggestions to improve this software, which can be implemented in my further attempts.

Thanking you!

SAURABH SINGH (0615010089) SATISH KUMAR (0615010083) RAJESH KR. YADAV (0615010072) SANDEEP KR. SINGH (0615010078)


SL No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.



When A Computer Software succeeds-when it meets the needs of the people who use it, when it performs flawlessly over a long period of time, when it is easy to modify and even easier to use-it can and does change things for the better. But when software fails-when its users are dissatisfied, when it is error prone, when it is difficult to change and even harder to use-bad things can and do happen.

We all want to build software that makes things better, avoiding the bad things that lurk in the shadow of failed efforts. To succeed we need discipline when software is designed and built. Many individuals and companies still develop software haphazardly, even as they build systems to service the most advanced technologies of the day. As a result, the quality of the software that we produce suffers and bad things happen.

This project report is intended to serve as a guide to the software developed on ECAMPUS. We have tried to follow the principles and rules as suggested by the software engineers as far as possible, in order to make this software a Successful one.

The report starts with a comprehensive introduction to the project undertaken as its very First Section. It includes objectives and scope of the project; about the front-end tool used i.e. ASP.Net with C# and the back-end tool i.e. SQL Server. The second part presents and discusses the theoretical background of the project. The third section encompasses all the problems of the software that includes what is expected from the software, the demands and the requirements of the end-users. The fourth part is the System analysis and design section. This part focuses on requirements analysis and specification, analysis issues, detailed procedures and the database designs. In The fifth section, different approaches to formal evaluation and review techniques are explored. The sixth section highlights the methodology adopted for this project. The seventh part suggests the steps required to implement the software on the user machine. The eighth part discusses the hardware and software requirements of the user machines. The ninth part deals with the cost benefit analysis. The

tenth section contains the data flow diagrams. The next section is the flowchart part. The next section is for the entity relationship diagram of the project. The thirteenth part explains the methodology used for testing. The fourteenth section is the test report. The fifteenth part is the most important part of the project i.e. the code for the software. The sixteenth part is the user manual section. The seventeenth part is the annexure for the topic that includes some details about the organization, the data dictionary, definitions, acronyms and abbreviations used in the report. The final section is the reference part that contains a list of the books and reports that were referred during the development of the project and the report as well.

The emphasis in this report is to document the important concepts and techniques used for the successful development of this project.

We do hope fervently that, through this report, the readers will get a real picture of what the project is all about. I also wish that may this software satisfies all the needs and requirements of the organization, for which it is meant.

Before Starting the project we should fully know about the meaning of project. There are seven letters in the word PROJECT each character has its own technical meaning.

This deal with the idea at thinking and which are required for the project.

The money problem will be solved and resources from which collected.

The procedure from which the getting job is prepared in a systematic way is known as operation.

Joint effort
This is directly proper to a operation output is made of several person working sincerely is known as joint effort.

A well-educated engineer can do this work in a better way to find out better result. Hence the project is as engineering function.

To make the project successfully, it is necessary for its success and completion of project.

It must as it gives a better shape. It is not possible to complete the project without technique.

Introduction of E-Campus

This project is aimed for improving the education system in Institutes. Since in current time the quality of education is depreciating day by day. This project will establish transparent environment in institutions so that it may enhance the quality of education. The parents, teacher and students may all link together with each other so that there may be proper communication among them.

The site will also give information about all the upcoming events in the campus including extracurricular activities and important events going inside the campus. It will maintain all the records of the student like fee details, library records and so on.

2.1 Salient Features of the System

Among the various salient features of the system some of them are as follows: Administrative Security: Appropriate security arrangement has been made so that invalid users may not be in position to alter the data. Only registered users can use the facilities available on the system. Every user has to enter their username and password before getting access to the facilities. Their accounts are regularly checked by the system. After the expiry date user account will become invalid. To use it again he/she has to register again. Access Rights: Registered employers have access to the facilities available to the employers only. Different employees can access different options as mentioned in permission list of users and only

administrator can assign these permissions. List of permissions and users list is maintained by package and stored in database. User Security: While registering to the system user have to enter their userID and password. The user knows password only. Users are suggested to user difficult password containing a combination of text as well as numeric, so that unauthorized user cannot guess and access the account. Duplicity Check: While registering any new user the User id is checked in the registration tables. No two users should have the same Use rid. Seasonal discounts: Company gives seasonal discounts to the users of the system on the registration fees. Searching: System gives facilities to search details of customers on the basis of connection details or on other searching criteria. Verification: System provides all facilities to check or verify connection details or to check all relevant entries are filled at the time of creation of new connection.

Project Life Cycle

Identification of the need Since the world is growing for globalization, every organization wants to beat its competitors and want to grow. Enterprise Resourceful Planning (ERP) is the need of todays organization. Survival on manual system is difficult so , thats why organization of the corporate world wants to computerize their departments. The modules should be complete database driven and interactive that should provide the proper information about the Placement and Training Organization. Success of a system depends largely on how accurately a problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out to the choice of solution. Analysis is a phase in which the requirements for the new system are identified. System analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationship within and outside of the system. The question is: what must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related system. During analysis data are collected on the available files, decision points and transactions handled by the parent system. Data flow diagram, interviews, onsite observations, questionnaires are used as a logical system model and tools to perform the analysis.

Tasks, which are performed as analyst: Gathered all facts about the present system from the employees. Studied strength and weakness of the current system. Determined what must be done to solve the problem. Prepared a functional specifications document.

In order to reduce the time, there is a need for computerized system that cans retrieve data, insert data, update existing data or delete existing data. These modules are developed with the aim of reducing time, reducing manpower, reducing cost so that the records can be easily maintained. The volume of work and complexity are increasing year by year. This system reduces complexity and workload.

Preliminary Investigation: A request to take assistance from information system can be made for many reasons, but in each case someone in the organization initiate the request. When the request is made, the first system activity the preliminary investigation begins. This activity has three parts: Request clarification Feasible Study Request approval Many requests from employees and users in the organization are not clearly defined. Therefore, it becomes necessary that project request must be examined and clarified properly before considering systems investigation.

The feasibility study is carried out by a small group of people who are familiar with information system techniques, understand the parts of the business or organization that will be involved or affected by the project, and are skilled in the system analysis and design process.

Request Approval: It is not necessary that all request projects are desirable or feasible. Some organizations receive so many projects request from employees that only a few of them can be purchased. However, those projects that are feasible and desirable should be put into a schedule. In some cases, development can start immediately, although usually system staff members are busy on other ongoing projects. When such situation arises, management decides which projects are more urgent and schedule them accordingly. After a project

request is approved, its cost, priority, completion time and personal requirements are estimated and used to determine where to add it to any existing project list. Later on, when the other projects have been completed, the proposed application development can be initiated.

Analysis is a process of studying a problem and to find the best solution to that problem. System analysis gives us the target for the design and the implementation. Analysis is one phase, which is important phase for system development life cycle. System development is a problem solving techniques. Analysis involves interviewing the client and the user. These people and the existing documents about the current mode of operation are the basic source of information for the analyst. Analysis is the process of studying a problem to find the best solution to that problem. System analysis gives us the target for the design and the implementation. Analysis is one phase of the very important phase of the system development life cycle. System development is a problem solving techniques. Analyses involve interviewing the client and the user. These people and the existing document about the current mode of operation are the basic source of information for the analyst.

FEASIBILITY STUDY The result of the feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is simply report-a formal document detailing the nature and the scope of the proposed solution. The proposals summarize what is known and what is going to be done. Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis: economic, technical and operational behavior.

Economic Feasibility: Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a candidate system. More determine the benefits and the saving that are expressed from a candidate system and compare those costs. If

benefits outweigh costs. Otherwise, further justification or alterations in the proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle. Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility center on the existing computer system hardware etc. and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. For example, if the current computer is operating at 80% capacity - an arbitrary ceiling then running another application could over load the system or require additional hardware. This involves financial consideration to accommodate technical enhancements. If the budget is a serious constraint then the project is judged not feasible. Operational Feasibility: It is common knowledge that computer installations have something to do with turnover, transfers, retraining and changes in employee job status. Therefore, it is understandable that the introduction of a candidate system requires special efforts to educate, sell, and train the staff on new ways of conducting business. Choice of Platform? In any organization a lot of data is generated as result of day-to-day operations. In the past, all kind of data be it business of a company. Since the task was performed manually, it was time consuming and error prone. With the advent of computer, the task of maintaining large amount of data has undergoes a sea change. Today computer system have become so user friendly that even first time users can create their own application with the help of tools such as MS-Access, Fox-Pro and SQL Server. These tools are very visual and hence user friendly. They provide a point and click environment for building applications that can interact with large amount of data.


Computer Aided Software Engineering can be as simple as a single tool that support a specific software engineering activity or as complex as a complete environment that encompasses tools, a database, people, hardware, a network, operating system, standards, and myriad other components. Each building block forms a foundation for the next, with tools sitting as the top of the heap. It is interesting to note that the foundation for effective CASE environment has relatively little to do for software engineering tools themselves. Rather, successful environments appropriate hardware and systems software. In addition, the environment architecture must consider the human work patterns that are applied during the software engineering process. The environment composed of the hardware platform and system support (including networking software, software management, and object management services), the groundwork for CASE. But the CASE environment itself demands other building blocks. A set of portability services provides a bridge between CASE tools and their integration framework and the environment architecture. The integration framework is a collection of specialized programs that enables individuals CASE tools to communicate one another, to create a project database, and to exhibit the same look and feel to the end user (the software engineer). Portability services allow CASE tools and their integration framework to migrate across different hardware platforms and operating system without significant adaptive maintenance. The building blocks represent a comprehensive foundation for the integration of CASE tools. However, most CASE tools in use today have been: constructed using all these building blocks. In fact some CASE tools remain point solution: That is, a tool is used to assist in a particular software engineering activity (e.g. analysis modeling) but does not directly communicate with other tools, is not tied into a project database, is not part of an integrated

CASE environment (l-CASE). Although this situation is not ideal, a CASE tool can be used quite effectively, even if it is a point solution. At the low end of the integration spectrum is the individual (point solution) tool. When individual tools can provide tools provide facilities for data exchange, the integration level is improved slightly. Such tools produce output in a standard format that should be compatible with other tools that can read the format. In some cases, the builder of complementary CASE tools work together to form a bridge between the tools (e.g. an analysis and design tool that is coupled with a code generator). Using this approach, the team develops synergy between the tools separately. Single source integration occurs when a single CASE tools vendor integrates a number of different tools and sells them as a package. Although this approach is quite effective, the closed architecture of most single source environments precludes easy addition from other vendors.

GENERAL: All information about college like history of college, alumni information, events and other activities. Information about library, campus, faculties and so on. It will serve as a homepage for the institute.

Student: A student will able to access his information like his attendance library records academic records, messages and so on.

Teacher: A teacher is required to enter all the details of the student, lecture information, events and so on.

Administrator: Use to administer the entire database like password management and so on. Editing and deleting accounts

Parent: Check mail from teachers regarding his spouse performances and may send e-mail to teachers, also can check information regarding campus, etc.









At the time of registration student will be given user id and password and his profile will be created. After that teacher will update detail of attendance and lecture details and student will receive information according to his profile Administrator will have access for creating and modifying user record. Updation of records mainteenace of web site. Security responsibility . Parents will have access there wards record. Have access to sending and receiving mails. Will have direct mail to teachers and other management members.

Tools/Platform Hardware and Software Requirement



: Pentium IV, 512 MB RAM.


: .Net 3.5 framework ,iis component.


: Sql Server 2005


: Windows NT or 2000 or Later


: Hard disk, Floppy, CD



The application is built to perform and deliver the best in terms of:

Ease of operations. Completeness, as judged by the customer (the organization). Efficiently delivering what is required? Adaptability to required changes and updating.

Goals that are successfully achieved

Automation of the existing Education system. Connection to a Database on Application for a form based development. Storing all the relevant data about the Student, Teacher, Parent. Manipulation for the functionally working of Education System and the others related information about the Organization.

Make it more environment friendly for the data entry operator, functionally as well as graphically.

Conveniently upgraded and moderately usable.


1.) This software can be easily upgraded in the future. And also include many more features for existing system.

2.) It is connected with the network for easily retrieved data and many Location or many districts or cities in different states.

3.) All the information can be easily accessed by the student like their attendance , assignment , books, dues etc. It can be modify and the others details can be easily provided to customer. 4.) Report on the different basis will be easily created on the demand.

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