Spoken English

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Flourish Your Language

Edited and Compiled by:

Robert Carmen


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronically or otherwise, in print, photoprint, micro film or by any other means without written permission from the publisher.



Revised Edition


Published by ABHISHEK PUBLICATIONS, S.C.O. 57-59, Sector 17-C, CHANDIGARH-1600 17 (India) Ph.-2707562,Fax-OI72-2704668 Email: abhpub@yahoo.com

English is a universal language and it is understood all over the world. In fact, in today's world speaking English has become a necessity. It is not only that but today's generation looks down upon anyone who is unable to speak English. It has become more like a status symbol. All the companies are recruiting only those people who speak fluent and correct English. With the coming up of the call centre and Multinational companies the need for English language has increased ten folds. With all this, happening one cannot afford to live without speaking English. In this book we have tried to do just that and that is to improve your English speaking skills. This book will help you in speaking better and correct English. Mter reading this book you will feel much more confident and better-equipped at speaking English. The book is divided into chapters and each chapter deals with different aspects of spoken English. Each chapter is given in a detailed manner so that you get the full knowledge about the given topic. The book also contains a chapter on tongue twisters. They will help you in practicing how to speak English correctly and fluently. The chapter on slangs is also very interesting because it familiarises you with the usage of latest way of speaking in the modern world.

The book also has interesting chapters like common errors, which will help you in avoiding all the mistakes we usually make while speaking English. All and all, this book is your free ticket world of speaking better and fluent English.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Contractions............................................................... 8 Pronunciation ........................................................... 24 Vowels ...................................................................... 42 Stress in English Language ....................................... 49 List of English Symbols ............................................ 63 Conversation ............................................................ 71 Common Errors ...................................................... 100 Tongue-Twisters ............. :......................................... 114 Phrasal Verbs .......................................................... 118 Prepositional Verbs .................................................. 192 Cliche ...................................................................... 194 Slangs ...................................................................... 208

"This page is Intentionally Left Blank"


If you're a person whose mother-tongue is not English, the chances are, you've learnt English in the 'non-natural way'. That is, you've learnt English in a way that is opposite to the way of natural language acquisition. You know, the natural way of acquiring a language is to learn to speak it first and then to write it. Those people who do not learn English the natural way, know reasonable English - or even excellent English. And if you ask them to write a report or something in English, they may do it fairly well. But, if you ask them to speak to you about the same thing, they find it hard to do. Or even impossible. When they start speaking, most of the words remain on the tip of their tongue and don't readily come out. And often, what words do come out sound disconnected and random. And, they find themselves speaking in a clumsy and unclear way, with long gaps and intervals of indecision between every two words. And they keep fumbling for something to say. Not only this, they fmd it difficult to go on beyond one or two lines, without tripping up and without stumbling over the sounds or sequences of sounds. And then, they tend to fall back upon their mother-tongue - or become tongue-tied. This book will help you to overcome all these problems and will also help you in developing better speaking skills.



Contraction means to shorten a word or phrase by omitting one or more sounds or letters from it. The word so formed is also called a contraction. Discussed below are the various contractions used in spoken English. The apostrophe has two uses:
1. To show that we have made words shorter. We have contracted them.

2. To show that something belongs it. (possession) Here are two examples. My dad's car is red.


someone, i.e. they possess

Here we hive only one dad but we have put on the letter's' because we have put an apostrophe. It shows that the car belongs to dad. "I'll tell you that later," he whispered. I will has become I'll, we have joined two words and missed out the letters WI and put in the apostrophe instead. We use apostrophes because it can make our writing easier to read. In the list below we are going to look at apostrophes for contract-



Contraction Letters missed out
0 0 0 0 0

ing words.

Can not Do not Should not Could not Would not Has not I will They will He will There is Who is You are They are Would have They have

Can't Don't Shouldn't Couldn't Wouldn't Hasn't I'll They'll He'll There's Who's You're They're Would've They've

a a ha ha

Let's start with Let)s. Except for some set phrases (example: 'Let us pray') let us is almost always expressed as a contraction: Let)s. Example: Let's go! It is almost always used to express an imperative, thus: Let's do it! However, sometimes it is used to express something like an admonition, thus:


Spoken English


Let's do what we ought to do. Sometimes it is used to make suggestion, thus: Let's keep this just between us. The negative is 'let's not', but you will also come across 'don't let's' .

That's = That is
That's all = That is all That's all I want = That is all I want That's it

= That is it

That's my son = That is my son That's my child = That is my child That's my daughter = That is my daughter That's what I wanted to say

That is what I wanted to say

That's a good idea = That is a good idea

What's = What is
What's going on = What is going on? What's that? = What is that? ""'hat's happening? = What is happening? What's going to happen?

= What is going to happen?

What's = What has

What's been happening? = What has been happening? What's been going on? = What has been going on?


= -ould not have

Because ofvoicless [t], the sound that follows, '-ve' sounds like of, which is where we get the erroneous spelling -ouldnYt of



it's = it is
It's a man
= It

is a man

It's a woman It's a boy It's a girl

= It is a woman

= It is a boy = It is a girl

It's a good thing

It is a good thing

It's not a good thing It's time to go


It is not a good thing

It is time to go

It's a good day to die It's a good speech It's hot It's cold

= It is a good day to die

= It is a good speech

= It is hot

It is cold

It's winter

= It is winter It's summer = It is summer


= it has
= It has been a good day

It's been a good day

It's been one of those days It's been good It's been fun

It has been one of those days

= It has been good = It has been fun


It's been a wonderful life It's been a trying time


It has been a wonderful life

It has been a trying time

= there is

There's one

= There is one

There's another

There is another

There's a red balloon

Spoken English


= There is a red balloon There's gold in those hills = There is gold in those hills

Where there's water there's life = Where there is water there is life There's a lot of water in the river the river

= There is a lot of water in

- There's not a lot I can do about it. There isn't much I can do about it.


= will not


I don't want to do it, so I won't do it. I won't do it unless you make me do it. I won't promise you anything. I won't do anything. Why won't you help me?
It won't work.

He won't work. She won't work. They won't work. We won't work. From those last five sentences, we can plainly see that nobody wants to work.



The nots:

= has not = do not

isn't = is not don't

doesn't = does not won't = will not haven't can't

= have not

= can not

wouldn't = would not shouldn't = should not couldn't = could not mustn't = must not

He hasn't been here in a long time. He isn't here now. I don't know when he will be here. He doesn't know when he will get here. I won't know until he gets here. I haven't been told. I can't find out. I wouldn't tell you if I knew. I shouldn't tell you. I couldn't tell you if I wanted to. I mustn't tell anyone.

be less likely to occur.

Spoken English "

+ the BE 'shan't' for 'shall not'. More and more, 'shall' is restricted
to questions and formal language, where the contraction would

he:1s she:1s

he is

= she is it's = it is what's = what is


who is

= there is where:1s = where is


He's not here

He is not here

He's somewhere else = He is somewhere else He's not in his room


He is not in his room


He's not answering the phone He's from France


He is not answering the phone

He is from France

He's not my brother He's asleep


He is not my brother

He is asleep

He's not awake She's here She's well

= = =

He is not awake

She is here She is well She is quick


She's quick

She's from Canada

She is from Canada

She's living in Japan = She is living in Japan She's my friend


She is my friend



She's not my sister = She is not my sister She's sleeping on satin sheets It's a good thing

= She is sleeping on satin sheets

= It is a good thing = It is time to get up

It's morning = It is morning It's time to get up It's dark outside

= It is dark outside

It's going to be a rainy day = It is going to be a rainy day What's that? = What is that? What's the matter?

= What is

the matter?

What's the time? = What is the time? What's for breakfast? = What is for breakfast? Who's there?

= Who is there? Who's that? = Who is that? Who's calling? = Who is calling?

I don't know who's driving the bus = I don't know who is driving the bus There's a freckle on your face = There is a freckle on your face There's a woman in the race

= There is a woman in the race

There's a girl whose name is Grace = There is a girl whose name is Grace Where's my hat? = Where is my hat? Where's my wallet? = Where is my wallet? Where's my head? = Where is my head? Where is the train? = Where is the train?

he's = he has she's = she has it's = it has what's = what has who's = who has there's = there has where's = where has Examples

Spoken English \\

He's been my friend = He has been my friend He's not struggled

= He has not struggled

He's never been helpful = He has never been helpful He's always been a nuisance = He has always been a nuisance He's never bled = He has never bled He's never been dead = He has never been dead He's been here since last Tuesday = He has been here since last Tuesday She's been here before She's been to the store

= She has been here before = She has been to the store

She's been asleep for an hour = She has been asleep for an hour She's had the power = She has had the power It's been fun = It has been fun It's been a good day = It has been a good day What's been going on? = What's been going on? What's been going on here? = What's been going on here?




Who's been sleeping in my bed? Who has been sleeping in my bed? Who's taken my keys? = Who has taken my keys? There's been someone in my room one III my room Where's he been?
= =

There has been some-

Where has he been?

Where's the time gone = Where has the time gone?


I will

we'll = we will she'll = she will he'll = he will they'll they will you'll = you will Examples

I'll be right back. We'll be there in a little while. She'll be riding a white horse. He'll see you now. You'll be sorry for that.

I'm =Iam
I'm twenty years old = I am twenty years old I'm looking forward to it = I am looking forward to it I'm not looking forward to it = I am not looking forward to it I'm not going with you = I am not going with you I'm a man = I am a man


Spoken English


I'm your friend = I am your friend I'm nearly forty = I aJJl nearly forty I'm an American = I am an American I'm going to come back = I am going

come back

I'm blessed with a wonderful family = I am blessed with a wonderful family I'm behind him 100 percent = I am behind him 100 percent


you are

we:lre = we are they:lre


they are


You're supposed to be there at eight = You are supposed to be there at eight We're meeting them at nine = We are meeting them at nine They're supposed to meet us at the station = They are supposed to meet us at the station

Pd = I would
I'd like

meet her = I would like to meet her

Pd = I had
I'd been doing well until I got hit by a car = I had been doing well until I got hit by a car

you:ld = you would

If you lived here you'd be home by now would be home by now

= If you lived here you


= you had

You'd better watch out! = You had better watch out!



weYd = we had
We'd better be getting back = We had better be getting back

weYd = we would
We'd like to do it again some time = We would like to do it again some time

sheYd = she had heYd = he had

She'd better listen if she knows what's good for her = She had better listen if she knows what's good for her He'd better be more careful = He had better be more careful


= she would

heYd = he would
She'd like to go to the concert = She would like to go to the concert He'd like

meet her = He would like



meet her

She'd like to go

college = She would like




He'd be better otT not going = He would be better off not gorng

howd = how did

How'd he do that? = How did he do that?
Pve = Pve

I've been waiting for an hour = I have been waiting for an hour I've got something to say

= I have got something to say

I've gotten a letter from my sister = I have gotten a letter from my sister



Spoken English


I've been looking forward to hearing from her = I have been looking forward to hearing from her I've been wanting to talk to you = I have been wanting to talk to you That's what I've been thinking = That's what I have been thinkmg

we-'ve = we have
We've been there before = We have been there before We've seen that movie already = We have that movie already We've go to see that one = We have got to see that one We've been waiting in line for an hour = We have waiting in line for an hour

you-'ve = you have

You've been told not to do that = You have been told not to do that You've been there before, haven't you? = You have been there before, haven't you? You've earned a reprimand = You have earned a reprimand You've been misbehaving = You have been misbehaving You've seen her before, haven't you? = You have seen her before, haven't you? You've been quite helpful = You have been quite helpful

could-'ve = could have

I could've done it if I had wanted to do it it if I had wanted to do it

= I could have done

I could've done it, but I didn't do it = I could have done it, but I didn't do it



would've = would have

I would've finished had I had the time = I would have finished had I had the time I would've got there sooner, but the train was late = I would have got there sooner, but the train was late We would've had the picnic had it not rained = We would have had the picnic had it not rained

should've = should have

She should've introduced herself = She should have introduced herself Perhaps I should've been politer = Perhaps I should have been politer We should've done a better job of it = We should have done a better job of it

should'nt've = should not have (primarily spoken)

She should'nt've introduced herself = She should not have introduced herself

what'd = what did

What'd he say? = What did he say?

that'll = that will

That'll be all = That will be all

couldn't, didn't
I couldn't hear her, so I didn't respond = I could not hear her, so I did not respond

I couldn't've done what you said I did = I could not have done what you said I did

It'll = It will
It'll be a while

Spoken English


It will be a while.


= That will = That will be the day.


That'll be the day

That'll never happen again

That will never happen again.

Which'll = Which will

The bus, which'll be along in a while, will take you to the station. = The bus, which will be along in a while, will take you to the station.

I ain't going and you can't make me.

There're = There are

There're some words that have no opposites words that have no opposites
needn't = need 1Wt

There are some

"John needn't leave for another hour." "You needn't have done that."

Who're you?

Who are you?

What're = What are

What're you doing?

What are you doing?

What'll = what will

What'll you be having?

What will you be having?


= you are

You're dizzy and I'm busy

You are dizzy and I am busy.



it'll = it will I'm sorry. It'll never happen again = I am sorry. It will never happen again. that'll = that will That'll be all

That will be all

that'd = that would That'd be nice

= That would be nice

what'd = what did What'd you do on your vacation? = What did you do on your vacation? what'd = what would What'd be the best thing to do? to do? it'd = it had It'd better be good = It had better be good it'd = it would It'd be a nice thing to do = It would be a nice thing to do

= What would be the

best thing



The first English lesson should deal with pronunciation. When you don't do pronunciation first, you have to do something else than pronunciation. And then whatever you do and if it involves speaking, then bad pronunciation habits are formed. If you don't know how to pronounce and yet you pronounce your own way at the beginning of your learning, then you are building your habits in the wrong way. Learning words without pronunciation on the first lesson is damaging. There are two possibilities that are recommended: (1) learn pronunciation from the beginning and speak from the beginning, (2) learn without pronunciation, but do not speak (you will start speaking at a later stage - after learning pronunciation). The idea is not to have 'perfect' pronunciation from the beginning but 'correct' - understood in the following sense: (1) use the right sounds - perhaps your own versions of the English sounds, but make sure that there is a clear correspondence between your own sounds and the English sounds (2) always stress the right syllable. Additionally, it's a good idea to be able to phonetically transcribe your own English output. This means that you will have conscious control over your output. You will have a 'digital perception' of your pronunciation - as opposed to an 'analog perception', which is usually developed by learners.

1\ Pronunciation

25 11

If you have a digital perception of your pronunciation, you have the following advantage: If, through practice, you have mastered the ability to produce a particular English sound, say [@], you will be able to incorporate this new ability into each occurrence of this sound in your utterances because in every word you utter you know whether it contains this sound or not. (Learners who don't have a digital perception can learn to perfectly pronounce 'cat' and still be unable to say 'man' properly.)
DEfiNiTioN of Good PRONUNCiATioN

Definition of good pronunciation is: ( 1) easy to understand by advanced users of English, (2) pleasant to hear for advanced users of English, (3) easy to pronounce for oneself.

English learners are often worried about their lack of fluency. They need much time to build sentences and this worries them. They would like to speak as fast as in their native language. Please notice that building sentences in a foreign language is a real challenge for the brain. There are chemical processes that take place in the brain before a sentence can be built in a foreign language. Those processes take more time than building sentences in one's native language. At least in the beginning. Fluency comes with time and practice and it should not to be expected in the beginning of learning. If you are an English learner who worries about lack of fluency, please remember these words: When you speak too fast, your brain does not have the time to build correct sentences. You have to speak so slowly that your brain has the time to think about building sentences in English.



Spoken English


It's a general opinion that it is a good habit to speak slowly and carefully in a foreign language. Learners should accept the fact that speaking in a foreign language is more difficult than speaking in one's native language. There is no need to worry about this. There is little fluency in the beginning and this is okay. Don't worry about lack of fluency.

The following list of 70 groups of homophones contains only the most common homophones, using relatively well-known words. These are headwords only. They will help you in speaking individual words with correct pronunciation. No inflections (such as third person singular's' or noun plurals) are included. Most of these are pairs. In a few cases, a third homophone is also possible but has not been included for simplicity. Please note that different varieties and accents of English may produce variations in some of these pronunciations. The homophones listed here are based on British English. alr aisle anteeye bare be brake buy cell cent cereal heir isle antiI bear bee break by sell scent serial bear



course compliment damn deer dye fare fur flower four hare heel here hymn whole our idol

coarse complement dam dear die fair fir flour for hair heal hear him hole hour idle

knight knot know made mail meat mormng

night not no maid male meet mourmng


Spoken English


none oar one palr peace plain poor pray principal profit real right root sail sea seam sight sew shore sole some son stair stationary

nun or won pear plece plane pour prey principle prophet reel write route sale see seem site so sow sure soul sum sun stare stationery



29 II

steal suite tail their to toe waist walt way weak wear

steel sweet tale there too/two tow waste weight weigh week where

liNkiNG iN ENGlisJ.t
When we say a sentence in English, we join or 'link' words to each other. Because of this linking, the words in a sentence do not always sound the same as when we say them individually. Linking is very important in English. If you recognise and use linking, two things will happen: 1. you will understand other people more easily 2. other people will understand you more easily

TJ.tERE ARE bASiCAlly TWO TypES of liNkiNG:

consonant > vowel We link words ending with a consonant sound to words beginning with a vowel sound vowel > vowel We link words ending with a vowel sound to words beginning

Spoken English


with a vowel sound


To understand linking, it is important to know the difference between vowel sounds and consonant sounds. Given below is a list of English vowels and consonants: Vowels: a, e, i,
0, U

Consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, 1, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, V, w, x, y, z The list shows the letters that are vowels and consonants. But the important thing in linking is the sound, not the letter. Often the letter and the sound are the same, but not always. For example, the word 'pay' ends with: the consonant letter 'y' the vowel sound {a' Here are some more examples: though ends with the letter ends with the sound


unifonn begins with the letter begins with the sound



When a word ends in a consonant sound, we often move the consonant sound to the beginning of the next word if it starts with a vowel sound. For example, in the phrase 'turn off': We write it like this: turn off



We say it like this:



Remember that it's the sound that matters. In the next example, 'have' ends with: the letter 'e' (vowel) the sound 'v' (consonant) So we link 'have' to the next word 'a', which begins with a vowel sound: We write it like this: We say it like this: Can I have a bit of egg? Ca-nI-ha-va-bi-to-fegg?

liNkiNG vowEl TO vowEl

When one word ends with a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we link the words with a sort of W or Y sound. If our lips are round at the end of the first word, we insert a W sound: We write it like this: We say it like this: too often tooWoften who is whoWis so I soW! do all doWall

If our lips are wide at the end of the first word, we insert a Y sound: We write it like this: We say it like this: I am IYam Kay is KayYis the end theYend she asked she Yasked

How TO pRONOUNCE "'Ed iN ENGlisJ.t The past simple tense and past participle of all regular verbs end in -ed. For example:


Spoken English


base verb (vi)

past simple (v2)

past participle (v3)




In addition, many adjectives are made from the past participle and so end in -ed. For example: I like painted furniture.

The question is: How do we pronounce the -ed? The answer is: In 3 ways - II or II or II

If the

base ve1-b ends in one of these sounds:

example example pronounce extra base verb*: with -ed: the -ed: syllable?

ItI Voiced Idl Ipl IfI unvoiced lsi lSI ItSI Ikl
unvoiced Voiced

want end hope laugh fax wash watch like

wanted ended hoped laughed faxed washed watched liked played allowed begged




all other play sounds, allow for beg example ...


* note that it is the sound that is important, not the letter or spelling. For example, 'fax' ends in the letter 'x' but the sound lsi, 'like' ends in the letter 'e' but the sound Ik/.




The following adjectives ending in -ed are always pronounced with IId/; aged blessed crooked dogged learned naked ragged wicked wretched

Normally, we pronounce 'the' with a shon sound (like 'thuh'). But when 'the' comes before a vowel sound, we pronounce it as a long 'thee'.

vowel sound

we write
the apple the egg the ice-cream the orange the ugly fruit

we say
thee apple thee egg thee ice-cream thee orange thee ugly fruit


It is important to understand that it is what we say that matters, not what we write. It is the sound that matters, not the letter used in writing a word. So we use a long 'thee' before a vowel sound, not necessarily before a vowel. Look at these cases;

we write


we say


w .....

the house the hour

consonant (h) consonant (h)

thuh house thee our thuh youniversity thee umbrella

consonant sound vowel sound consonant sound vowel sound

the university vowel (u) the umbrella vowel (u)

It is often found that some of the words are not spoken correctly. The table below gives you an idea how to speak these words correctly.

Applicable Forte Precedence Calm, psalm, palm Available Mischievous Deluge

Often said:
uh-PLIK-uh-bull for-TAY PREH -sid-ence calm, salm, palm uh-VAIL-yable mis-CHIEV-ee-ous DEH-looj

Should be: AP-li-kuh-bull FORT pri-SEED-ence cahm, sahm, pahm uh-VAIL-able MIS-chi-vus DEL-yooj

More info:

The L is silent. Say it .wrong a few times and it ~ starts to sound right.

Duty Err Era Ye (as in ye olde forte)

doody or dootee aIr AIR-uh ye

DYOO-tee ur EER-uh the The Y is actually an old AngloSaxon character, which was pro nounced TH. This spelling is a throwback to old English anyway and should be avoided except for effect. The first syllable rhymes with say, play and tray. No TH on the end.







HIGH-nis, HEE-nis HAY-nis (and a variety of other corruptions) heighth YOO-man NOO-kyuh-lur kiln AHF-ten PEE-uh-nist height HYOO-man NYOO-klee-ur or NOO-klee-ur kil AHF-en pee-AN-ist

Height Human Nuclear Kiln Often Pianist

The N is silent. The T is silent. PEE-uh-nist is the put-on,

w ~ --

Spoken English


snobby way to say it. Usurp Vice-versa VUR-suh

ENqlisl-t PRONUNCiATioN Tips



V Y- s u h vlCe-versa Each word has two syllables.

Tip 1
Do not confuse pronunciation of words with their spelling! For example, 'threw' and 'through', although spelled differently, are pronounced the same. Also, identical letters or letter clusters in words do not always produce the same sound. For example, the Cough' in 'though' and 'through' represents a different sound in each word. Learn to practise what you hear, not what you see.

Tip 2
Imagine a sound in your mind before you say it. Try to visualise the positioning of your mouth and face. Think about how you are going to make the sound.

Tip 3
While listening for specific sounds, pay attention to pauses, the intonation of the instructor's voice and patterns of emphasis. This can be just as important as the pronunciation of sounds.

The English language has many different dialects and words can be pronounced differently. It is important, however, that you pronounce words clearly to ensure effective communication.

Tip 5
You must practise what you are learning! Remember that you are teaching your mouth a new way to move. You are building muscles that you do not use in your own language. It is like going to the





gym and exercising your body. Use the program to exercise your mouth a little bit each day.

Silent letters are letters that you can't hear when you say the word, but that are there when you write the word. There are no rules, you just have to learn them.
Silent N Silent D Silent G Silent U

Autumn damn hymn column

egge hegge Wegnesday hangsome handkerchief bagge wegge

gnome gnarl SIgn reSIgn design foreigner

ggest ggess ggitar ggard byilding gyilty rogge vogge biscyit tongge

Silent H

Silent T

Silent [(

Silent B

what when why which whether ghost

witch fasten castle watch butcher scratch

knife knee knot knitting know knob

lamb thumb numb crumb clim!2ing bom!2


Spoken English


honest hour while white where rhythm Silent L almond palm yolk calm salmon calf half chalk talk walk folk

listen match Christmas mor!gage soften often Silent W wren wrote wrestling wriggle wrinkle sword whole wreck two wrap wrong wrist writing

knock knickers knuckle knight knack knew

comb doubt plumQer limb debt tomb

Mb at the end of a word (silent b), e.g.


lamb) climb.

Sc at the beginning of a word followed by 'e' or 'i', (silent c),

e.g. scene) scent) science) scissors (except for the word 'sceptic' and its derivations!).
Kn (silent k), e.g. knift) knock) know.

\\ Pronunciation


Mn at the end of a word (silent n), e.g. damn, autumn, column Ps at the beginning of a word (silent p), e.g. psalm, psychiatry, psychology Ght (silentgh), e.g. night, ought, taught

Gn at the beginning of a word (silentg), e.g.gnome,gnaw,

gnu Bt (silent b), e.g. debt, doubtful, subtle (but not in some words, e.g. 'obtain', 'unobtrusive'!)

The letter H is silent in the following situations: At the end of word preceded by a vowel, e.g. cheetah, Sarah, .

Between two vowels, e.g. annihilate, vehement, vehicle Mter the letter 'r', e.g. rhyme, rhubarb, rhythm Mter the letters 'ex', e.g. exhausting, exhibition, exhort. Many people are perhaps not aware of the astonishing fact that
nearly every letter of the English alphabet is silent in some word. (Si-

lent letters are also sometimes called mute letters.)

a is silent in head, bread, deaf, meant b is silent in debt, lamb, bomb, tomb c is silent in muscle, blackguard, yacht, indict d is silent in wednesday, handkerchief, handbag e is silent in pirate, more, have, give

is silent in stijJ; cujJ; scoff

9 is silent in gnaw, gnome, phlegm, straight h is silent in honour; heir; ghost, night

i is silent in business, fashion, cushion


Spoken English
k~ knee~ knock~ talk~ folk~ salmon~


k is silent in
1 is silent in

blackguard colonel

m is silent in mnemonic

n is silent in hymn
o is silent in

jeopardy receipt

p is silent in psalm~

pneumatic~ cupboard~

q(u) is silent in lacquer r is silent in


catarrh mess mortgage

s is silent in isle~

aisle~ viscount~

is silent in

often~ thistle~ fasten~

u is silent in build~ guild~ plague

w is silent in

whole~ write~


y is silent in praye1j mayor z is silent in rendezvous


Some words in the English language are often mispronounced when spoken. Here are a few commonly mispronounced words with their correct pronunciations and most common mispronunciations. across (a-CROSS) - Incorrect: (a-CROST) athlete (ATH-leet) - Incorrect: (ATH-a-leet) Arctic (ARC-tic) - Incorrect: (AR-tic) comfortable (COM-fort-a-ble~ COMF-ta-ble) - Incorrect: (COMF-ter-ble) electoral (eh-LEK:-tor-al) - Incorrect: (eh-lek-TOR-al)





espresso (ess-PRESS-oh) - Incorrect: (ex-PRESS-oh) February (FEB-roo-air-y) - Incorrect: (Feb-yoo-air-y) figure (FIG-yer) - Incorrect: (fig-er) forte (FORT) - Correct only as the music term: (for-TilT) insouciant (in-SOO-see-ant) - Incorrect: (in-SOO-shant) lambaste (lam-BASTE) - Incorrect: (lam-BAST) library (LIBE-rare-ee) - Incorrect: (LIBE-air-ee) menstruation (men-stroo-A-shun) - Incorrect: (men-STRAYshun)

minuscule (MIN-uh-skyool) - Incorrect: (MIN-ih-skyool) nuclear (NUKE-lee-ar) - Incorrect: (NUKE-yoo-lar) nuptial (NUP-shul) - Incorrect: (NUP-shoo-al) often (OFF-en) - Incorrect: (OFT-en) percolate (PERC-o-late) - Incorrect: (PERC-u-late) plenitude (PLEN-i-tude) - Incorrect: (PLENT-i-tude) probably (PROB-ab-ly) - Incorrect: (PRAH-bal-ly, PROB-ly) pronunciation (pro-NUN-see-A-shun) - Incorrect: (pro-NO UNsee-A-shun)

supposedly (sup-POSE-ed-ly) - Incorrect: (sup-POSE-ab-ly) taut (TAUT) - Incorrect: (TAUNT) toward (TOW-ward) - Incorrect: (TOR-ward)


Vowels are formed by retraction of the back of the tongue, as in 'father' by advancing the front of the tongue, as in 'bit' or else they are mixed, as in 'bird', in which the tongue is in a position half-way between back and front. By height they are high, as in 'hit', mid, as in 'hate' or low, as in 'hat'. The vowels of these three words are all front, but the distinctions of height apply to back and mixed vowels as well. Thus the u of 'full' is high-back, just as that of 'hit' is high front. All these vowels may be further modified by labialisation or rounding. Thus, if the ee of 'feel' is pronounced with narrowed lip-opening, we obtain the French u in clune' - the high-front-round. There are besides other modifications caused by the shape of the tongue itself. Of the large number of possible vowels only a small proportion is employed in each language. Again, among the special vowels of anyone language we must distinguish between those differences, which are distinctive, that is, to which differences of meaning correspond and those which are not. Thus the first elements of the diphthongs in 'by' and 'out' vary considerably: some people sound them broad as in 'father', some thin, as in 'man', with various ihtermediate sounds. And yet the meaning of the words remains unchanged. The distinction between the vowels of ,men' and 'man', on the other hand, though really slighter than that of the different pronunciations of 'by' and 'out', is a distinctive one.



It often happens that two sounds, though formed in different ways,

have nearly the same effect on the ear. Thus the English vowel in 'turn' is formed in a totally different way from the French one in 'peur', the former being an unrounded, the latter a rounded vowel and yet they are hardly distinguishable by an untrained ear. The consequence is that two such vowels are never employed together in the same language to distinguish the meanings of words and for practical purposes they may be considered as variations of the same vowel. Hence we have to distinguish not so much between sounds as between groups of sounds. One of the most important distinctions of these groups is that of 'close' and 'open', the open vowels being generally formed by a 'low' position of the tongue or by some other widening of the mouth passage. Disregarding special exceptions in individual languages, we may assume the following as the chief distinctive groups in language generally:

(1) the dull-back, (2) the clear-back, (3) the mixeda, (4) the high-front, (5) the close-front, (6) the open-front,

but. father. tum, father, gabe (German). bit, beat.

etC (French).
men, mare, man.

(7) high-back, (8) close-back, (9) open-back, (10) high-front, full, fool.

so (German). folly, fall.

lune (French).

( 11) close-front, (12) open-front,

Spoken English II

peu (French). peur (French).

Diphthongs are, of course, symbolised by the juxtaposition of their elements. The following are the English diphthongs: al au



" " " "

boil. veil. soul.

el ou

Diphthongs in all languages vary greatly in their constituents and the above combinations must be understood as simply denoting general tendencies. Thus ai does not literally imply a combination of the a in 'father' and the i in 'bit', but merely a movement in that direction. We may start, not with a full-back vowel, but with a mixed one, which may move towards i, but without reaching it: in fact the commonest pronunciation of 'aisle' may be represented by el. In the same way ei only implies a front vowel moving upwards and, as a matter of fact, the starting-point may be either a close or open e or even the a of 'man'. Indeed ei often begins with a mixed vowel, in which case 'veil' is confounded with 'vile'. Note that ei and ou in English supply the place of close long ee and 00, which most English people are unable to pronounce.

ii and uu are often diphthongised in a peculiar way in English, by being made to end in the consonants y and w respectively, wiin (ween) andfuul (fool) becoming wiyn andfowl.
Having thus laid a general foundation, we may proceed to discuss some special modifications required in English. As there is no short or close e or 0 in English, it is superfluous to use & and to denote the quality of sounds whose openness is always implied by their shortness. We can, therefore, discard altogether in English and employ & to denote the peculiar a in 'man',



for which it would otherwise be difficult to find an appropriate letter. The longs of and be expressed, as with the other vowels, by doubling - ) . But as this is inconvenient and as is not used in English, it is better to denote the long of byae, the separation of the letters implying length. Long may, on this analogy, be denoted byao. The vowel in 'rum' is open-mixed, that in 'gabe' close-mixed.

R ANd iTS ModificATioNS.

The consonant r in English only occurs before a vowel, either in the same or the next word, as in 'erring' (eriq), 'far off' (faar aof). When not followed by a vowel, that is, either by a pause or a consonant, it is weakened into - the er of 'father'. Mter aa and 00 'the' ois absorbed, as in 'bar' (baa), 'farther' (faadha), 'her' (hoe), 'heard' (hoed), the first two being indistinguishable from 'baa' and 'father'. ois sometimes dropped after ao, especially before a consonant, as in 'floor', 'floored', although the fulljlaoo,jlaoad are most usual in careful speech, especially when the a is final. Mter other vowels a is preserved throughout, also when the r is sounded as a full consonant: compare 'air' (aea), 'aired' (aead) and 'airy' (aeri) with 'far off' (faar aof), 'her own' (hoer oun) and 'flooring' (flaoriq). The following table will give a general idea of these changes: faar aof (far off) hoer oun (her own) fliOriq (fearing) aeariq (airing) muuariq (mooring) flaoriq (flooring) faiariq (firing) faa hoe fiia aea

faadha (farther). hoed fiiad aead (heard). (feared). (aired).

muuad (moored). flaoad (floored). faiad (fired).

flaoa faia

flauari (flowery, floury) flaua leiariq (layering) louariq (lowering) leia loua leiad

Spoken Engfish


flauad (flowered). (layered).

louad (lowered).

Note that eia(r) and oua(r) in rapid, especially in vulgar speech, often pass into aea(r) and aoa(r). When r is preceded by a short vowel, as in 'hurry' (hari), 'merry' (meri), no ais generated.


The two chief unaccented vowels in English are aand i, together with the rarer o. The former may be regarded as a shortened oe, as in 'her', into which it always passes when emphasised or prolonged, but it is really nothing but a voice murmur without any defInite confIguration. The i is an intermediate vowel between i and e and might as well be written e as i. It may be regarded either as a very open i or a very close e. The following are examples of 0: 8temt (attempt), Cpouz (oppose), apon (upon), tadei (to-day).
soufa (sofa), menshan (mention), peishans (patience), krer8t (car-

rot). faadha (father), ona (honour), mezha (measure). faowad (forward), shepod (shepherd). feivarit (favourite), mezhariq (measuring).

a is often dropped before l~ n and m~ always when the Cis preceded

by t or d and followed by I or n:met! (metal), gaadn (garden), gaadniq (gardening), mom (mutton). iivl (evil), loukl (local), simbl (cymbal, symbol). When two or more unaccented as or is follow one another, one of



them is often thrown out, as in hist(a)ri (history), feiv(a)rit (favourite), vedzh{aji}tabl (vegetable). i is less common than a. It is most usual as a weakening of front vowels, especially when i or y is written: piti (pity), mandi (Monday). divaid (divide), ditekt (detect). r:ebit (rabbit), fishiz (fishes), abiliti (ability). It is the regular unaccented vowel before dzh, even when a is written: vilidzh (village), k:eridzh (carriage), kolidzh (college). In rapid speech i is apt to .pass into

a, except when fmal.

Unaccented 0 in ordinary speech is simply Orounded. When dwelt on it becomes ou. Examples are pteito (potato), folo (follow), felo (fellow).
In rapid speech this

passes into a.

These vowels occur also in unaccented monosyllables. Compare 'a man' (a m:en) with 'against' (agenst), 'to go' (to gou) with'today' (to dei), 'for all' (fOr aol) with 'forgive' (fOgiv), 'of course' (av kaoas) with 'offence' (Ofens).
the and to have two distinct unaccented forms. Before consonants they both have a, while before vowels they assume the fuller forms dhi and tu: -

dha m:en (the man), dhi ena mi (the enemy).

to gou (to go), tu enta (to enter).

As regards the use of the letters there can be no question about

Spoken English


the values of the following: - b, d, f, g, h, k, 1, m, n, p, r, s, t,



This leaves c~ j~ q~ x undisposed of. We also have y, which is not required as a vowel-symbol in English. If we allow y to retain its present value, we can also retain j as a convenient abbreviation of dzh. For tsh we have ch, which, by the omission of the superfluous h, can be reduced simply to c. We thus have c andj perfectly parallel. q may very well be taken to represent the back nasal ng. X lastly, if employed at all, must in consistency be extended to all kss in the language, not only in such words as six, but also in rex (wrecks), cex (cheques) and c. These contractions fully counterbalance the necessity of retaining the digraphs th and sh, to which must of course be added dh and zh. Wh is very generally made into w in Southern English, but it is well to keep up the distinction on the chance of its being afterwards revived. The breath yh sometimes occurs in such words as 'hue' (yhuu), more commonly, however, pronounced hyuu, with a separate h before the y. Consonants are often dropped in English. Thus the h of the personal pronouns is generally dropped when they come after a verb and are unaccented, as in ai sao im (I saw him). Saw her and soar are both pronounced sao. The d of and is generally dropped before a consonant, as in ct n em gen (cut and come again), where the vowel is dropped also on account of the t and n. Assimilations also occur in rapid speech. Thus, many people who pronounce the q of 'going' and c. quite distinctly in most cases, regularly change the back into the point nasal (n), when it is followed by a point consonant (t, d, n), as ingouin t ... (going to ... ). In I can~tgo the t is generally dropped and the point nasal is often assimilated to the g by being made into the back nasal q - ai kaaq gou.


TRY Tl-tis SI-tORT

Say this sentence aloud and count how many seconds it takes.
The beautiful Mountain appeared transfixed in the distance.

Time required? Probably about 5 seconds. Now, try speaking this sentence aloud.
He can come on Sundays as long as he doesn)t have to do any homework in the evening.

Time required? Probably about 5 seconds. Wait a minute the first sentence is much shorter than the second sentence!
The beautiful Mountain appeared transfixed in the distance He can come on Sundays as long as he doesn)t have to do any homework in the evening

You are only partially right. This simple exercise makes a very important point about how we speak and use English. Namely, English is considered a stressed language while many other languages are considered syllabic. What does that mean? It means that, in English, we give stress to certain words while other words are quickly spoken (some students

Spoken English "

say eaten!). In other languages, such as French or Italian, each syllable receives equal importance (there is stress, but each syllable has its own length). Many speakers of syllabic languages don't understand why we quickly speak or swallow, a number of words in a sentence. In syllabic languages each syllable has equal importance and therefore equal time is needed. English however, spends more time on specific stressed words while quickly gliding over the other, less important, words. Let's look at a simple example: the modal verb 'can'. When we use the positive form of 'can' we quickly glide over the can and it is hardly pronounced. They can come on Friday. (stressed words underlined) On the other hand, when we use the negative form 'can't' we tend to stress the fact that it is the negative form by also stressing 'can't'. They can't come on Friday.
As you can see from the above example the sentence, 'They can't

come on Friday' is longer than 'They can come on Friday' because both the modal 'can't' and the verb 'come' are stressed.

So, what does this mean for your speaking skills?

Well, first of all, you need to understand which words we generally stress and which we do not stress. Basically, stress words are considered Content Words such as: Nouns e.g. kitchen, Peter (most) principle verbs e.g. visit, construct Adjectives e.g. beautiful, interesting Adverbs e.g. often, carefully Non-stressed words are considered Function Words such as Determiners e.g. the, a, some, a few


Stress in English Language

Auxiliary verbs e.g. don't, am, can, were Prepositions e.g. before, next to, opposite Conjunctions e.g. but, while, as Pronouns e.g. they, she, us Let's return to the beginning example to demonstrate how this affects speech.
The beautiful Mountain appeared transfixed in the distance. (14

He can come on Sundays as long as he doesnJt have to do any homework in the evening. (22 syllables)

Even though the second sentence is approximately 30% longer than the first, the sentences take the same time to speak. This is because there are 5 stressed words in each sentence. From this example, you can see that you needn't worry about p,ronouncing every word clearly to be understood. You should however, concentrate on pronouncing the stressed words clearly. Now, do some listening comprehension or go speak to your native English speaking friends and listen to how they concentrate on the stressed words rather than giving importance to each syllable. You will soon find that you can understand and communicate more because you begin to listen for (and use in speaking) stressed words. All those words that you thought you didn't understand are really not crucial for understanding the sense or making yourself understood. Stressed words are the key to excellent pronunciation and understanding of English.
Short Vowels Long Vowels Digraphs 2 Letters 1 Sound

R Controlled DIPH
Vowels THON -GS 2 letters 2 Sounds

short a short e

long a long e


ar er

00 -



Spoken English


long short i short


long i long 0 longu

Ie oa ea (2) ay au aw

Ir or ur

00 -


ew ow -long ow - short

short u


a pronounced in the alphabet as ay (as in the word mate) e pronounced in the alphabet as ee (as in the word edict) i pronounced in the alphabet as ei (as in the word life) o pronounced in the alphabet as ob (as in the word only) u pronounced in the alphabet as yu (as in the word union)

y pronounced in the alphabet as why is usually considered to be a

consonant (as in yet). But it also is used as a vowel (as in merry) and then functions as a letter i. The vowel a may be pronounced:
1. a as in apple


2. a as in father (long a) 3. ay as in mate (peculiarly English a) 4. as a schwa *. 5. 'e' as in many. 6. 'aw' as in mall. 7. '0' as in alter. 8. 'eh' as in Mary. The vowel e may be pronounced:
1. e as in get (short e)

2. e as in beta ["bay-ta"] (long e) 3. ee as in edict (peculiarly English e)


Stress in English Language

53 11

4. as a schwa*. 5. "uh" as in mercy. 6. or it may be silent as in life. The vowel i may be pronounced:
1. i as in pit (shon i)

2. i as in machine (long i) 3. ei as in life (peculiarly English i) 4. as a "schwa" The vowel 0 may be pronounced:

as in font (short 0)

2. oh as in only (long 0) 3. "uh" as in some. 4. as a schwa* The vowel u may be pronounced:

1. u as in full (short u)

2. u as in brute (long u) 3. yu as in union (peculiarly English u) 4. "uh" as in cup *a schwa is an unstressed vowel such as the a in comma, e in model, second 0 in common, i as in one American pronunciation of mobile [mob'uh'l], all pronounced as 'uh' by many speakers.

Consonant sounds
B, sounds almost as sharp as p in English. Bh, is like V, sometimes the sound of bh in the middle and at the end of certain words is like u and sometimes it is silent. F, is like f in English. Fh, is silent, except in the three words jhein,jhuair,jhathast, when it has the sound of h. M, is like m in English.

" 54

Spoken English


Mh, is like v and more nasal than bh. It is silent in the middle and end of some words and gives a nasal sound to the vowel. In some districts it has the sound of u, as, samhradh, pronounced sauradh.

P, is like p in English.
Ph, is like f in English. C, is always hard, before a, 0, u, it has the sound of c in can, after a, 0, u, it has the same sound in some districts, as, cnoc, like ck in lock, but more generally the sound of chk, before e, i and after i, like c in came. Ch, preceded or followed by a, o. u, has a gutteral sound like ch in loch, in contact with e, i, it has a more slender sound: Chd, has the sound of chk, as luchd, pronounced luchk. G, has a flatter sound than c, before and after a, o. u, it is like g in got, in contact with e, i, it sounds nearly likeg in get. Gh, is flatter than ch, before and after e, i, it has the sound of y in English, in contact with a, 0, u, it has a broader sound. In the middle and end of certain words it is silent.

T, has a flatter sound that t in English, when preceded or followed by a, o. u, the sound is like th in than but stronger and is produced by putting the point of the tongue against or between the teeth, in contact with e, i, it has the sound of ch in chin.
Th, beginning a word has the sound of h, silent in the pronoun thu and in certain tenses of irregular verbs when preceded by d'. In the middle of some words it has a slight aspiration, in others it is silent. D, is the flat sound of t, in the same position it has almost same sound as t, but softer. Dh, is equal to gh in the same position. S, in contact with a, o. u, is like s in English, before or after e, i, like sh, after t- (with hyphen) it is silent.


Stress in English Language

Sh, has the sound of h. L, before or after a, o. u and II after a, 0, u, have a flatter sound than I in English and is produced by pressing the point of the tongue against the teeth as in the word that, in contact with e, i, the sound is like II in million. It has a simple sound after i and when aspirated it is like I in English. N, in conjunction with a, o. u, is like n in English, m has a flatter sound, with e, i, it has a slender sound like n in pinion, n aspirated has the sound of n in English, after c, g, m, t, it resembles the sound ofr. R, rr, like r in English. Monosyllables ending in Ib, lbh, /g, 1m, nm, r;g, rb, rbh, rm, are sounded as two syllables, thus, flar;g (fearug), dealbh (dealuv), marbh (maruv). The letters 1, n, have an aspirated sound, though the aspirate letter is not used, so also has r though much slighter.

ENqlisli is NOT pliONETic

Always remember that English is not 'phonetic'. That means that we do not always say a word the same way that we spell it. Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation, for example: I like to read [ri:d]. I have read [red] that book. Some words have different spelling but the same pronunciation, for example: I have read [red] that book. My favourite colour is red [red].


Spoken English



Word stress is your magic key to understanding spoken English. Native speakers of English use word stress naturally. Word stress is so natural for them that they don't even know they use it. Nonnative speakers who speak English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two problems: 1. They find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those speaking fast.
2. The native speakers may fmd it difficult to understand them.

TI-IREE kiNds of WORd


1. Syllables with primary stress are in uppercase.

2. Syllables with secondary stress are in lowercase. 3. Syllables with reduced stress have a line through them.

INtellect exPOnent transPARent OScilate eQUIPment preLIminary Each unstressed vowel has a line through it. Each syllable with primary stress is in uppercase.

2. RANdem 3. STAms

4. cemPOnent 5. VErify


Stress in English Language

6. msTEriftl 7. phtLOsephy 8. inDIgenffifs 9. CHALlenge 10. deFIcient 11. exPLIcit 12. inCORperate A multi-syllable word has a prominent syllable. This is called a stressed syllable. Stressed syllable is longer in duration, higher in pitch and louder in volume. Duration is the primary attribute to the prominence of a syllable. Usually 2 syllable nouns (90%+) have the stress on the first syllable. 2 syllable verbs (60% +) have the stress on the second. Except for the compounds, stressed syllables in words with more than 2 syllables never stand next to each other (Stressed syllables and weak. syllables alternate). When a word has more than one syllable, one is more prominent than the others. When this happens, we say that the syllable has a stress or that it is stressed. In the following examples, stressed syllables are expressed with italics. word tea.cher beau.ti.ful un.der.stand con.ti.nue pattern

Spoken English


con.ti.nu.a. tion
black. board

When a syllable is stressed, it is pronounced: longer in duration higher in pitch and louder in volume
Two-syllable words noun verb

produce record present conduct contrast

Three-syllable words

pervert convert conflict project contract

in.stru.ment ca.len.dar


ar.ti.choke hur.ri.cane ap.pe.tite cro.co.dile con.grenate


sen.ti.mem do.cu.mem
Four-syllable words


pos.si.bi.li. ty




Stress in English Language


as.to.nish op.po.nent
iN ENGlish


Sentence stress is the music of spoken English. Like word stress, sentence stress can help you to understand spoken English, especially when spoken fast. Sentence stress is what gives English its rhythm or 'beat'. You remember that word stress is accent on one syllable within a word. Sentence stress is accent on certain words within a sentence. Most sentences have two types of word: l.content words 2.structure words Content words are the key words of a sentence. They are the important words that carry the meaning or sense. Structure words are not very important words. They are small, simple words that make the sentence correct grammatically. They give the sentence its correct form or 'structure'. If you remove the structure words from a sentence, you will probably still understand the sentence. If you remove the content words from a sentence, you will not understand the sentence. The sentence has no sense or meaning. Imagine that you receive this telegram message: Will you SELL me CAR because I'm GONE to FRANCE This sentence is not complete. It is not a 'grammatically correct' sentence. But you probably understand it. These 4 words com-

Spoken English


municate very well. Somebody wants you to sell their car for them because they have gone to France. We can add a few words:
Will you GONE to SELL my FRANCE CAR because Pve

The new words do not really add any more information. But they make the message more correct grammatically. We can add even more words to make one complete, grammatically correct sentence. But the information is the same: Content Words
Will you SELL my CAR because Pve GONE


Structure Words In our sentence, the 4 key words (sell, car, gone, France) are accentuated or stressed. Why is this important for pronunciation? It is important because it adds 'music' to the language. It is the rhythm of the English language. It changes the speed at which we speak (and listen to) the language. The time between each stressed word is the same. In our sentence, there is 1 syllable between SELL and CAR and 3 syllables between CAR and GONE. But the time (t) between SELL and CAR and between CAR and GONE is the same. We maintain a constant beat on the stressed words. To do this, we say 'my' more slowly and 'because I've' more quickly. We change the speed of the small structure words so that the rhythm of the key content words stays the same.

Will -you -SELL -my -CAR -because -Pve -GONE -to- FRA NCE beat -tl -beat -tl -beat -tl -beat


Stress in English Language


The basic rules of sentence stress are: 1. content words are stressed 2. structure words are unstressed 3. the time between stressed words is always the same The following tables can help you decide which words are content words and which words are structtl,re rPm-ds:
Content words Words carrying the meaning Example

main verbs Nouns adjectives Adverbs negative auxiliaries

Structure words Words for correct grammar



pronouns prepositions .Articles conjunctions auxiliary verbs

'to be' as a main verb

he, we, they on, at, into a, an, the and, but, because do, be, have, can, must

are, was

The above rules are for what is called 'neutral' or normal stress.

Spoken English 1/

But sometimes we can stress a word that would normally be only a structure word, for example to correct information. Look at the following dialogue: "Have you seen ET?" "No,I haven't' but he has." -


LisT of ENGlislt SYMbols
The following table gives a complete list of the English vowel symbols, together with those consonant ones which require elucidation, with examples.

aa: papa, far, glass~ after, aunt. [Before s andfor before two (pronounced) consonants aa is sometimes shonened and some-

times becomes te:gls) tent.]



ae: aerate, bear, fare. [Always followed by. ]

ai: Isaiah, aisle, wine.

ao: extraordinary, broad, more.
au: Faust, now, noun.


ei: they, veil, name.

i: ill, fishes.
ii, iy: machine, feel.

not, cloth, cross, soft. [Often becomes ao before th) s andf klaoth, kraas) saoft.]


Spoken English


oi: lxry, boil.

ou: flow, soul, stone.

u: full, PUt, good.


uw: truth, rue, fool.

: up, come, father, here. oe: her, turn, heard.


c: church, catch. dh: then, with.

j: judge, gentle.

q: sing, ftnger.
sh: fISh.
th: think. x: six, wrecks.

y:young. -. zh: roqqe, pleasure.

PlmNETic vALuES of '~ETERic' vowEL cOMbiNATioNS

Most combinations of vowel symbols in the present 'heteric' spelling have more than one phonetic value in any given accent of English. Some have numerous possible sound values. Following is the list of combinations of vowels:

a: [ei] in hating, [a:] in father, [0:] in water, [e] in many, [ce] in hat, [0] in want, [] in brilliant, [e] in various, [i] in village
ae: [i:] in minutiae, [e] in aerial, [ei] in Israel


List ofEnglish Symbols

65 "

ai: [ei] in sail, [e] in said, [CE] in plait, [eii] in dais, [ai] in aisle, [aii:] in naive
ao: [ei] in gaol, [eio] in chaos, [u] in pharaoh

au: [ei] in gauging, [a:] in aunt, [0:] in haul, [u] in chauffeur, [0] in laurel
aw: [0:] in awful ay: [ei] in pray, [e] in says
e: [i:] in be, [i] in pretty; [e] in let, [] in open

ea: [i:] in heal, [ei] in great, [i] in guineas, [e] in head, [i:CE] in react, [i] in area, [i: ei] creator eau: [u] in beau, [ju:] in beautiful

ee: [i:] in feet, [i] breeches

ei: [i:] in conceive, [ei] in veil, [i] in forfeit

eo: [i:] in people, [u] yeoman, [i] in galleon, [e] in leopard, []

in dungeon, [i:] in theologian, [i:o] in theology

eu: [ju:] in feud, [i:ju:] in reunion

cw: [u] in sew, [u:] in brew, [ju:] in new ey: [i:] in key, [ei] in they, [i] in turkey, [ai] in eying

i: [i] in sin, [ai] in bind, [j] in onion

ia: [] in parliament, [iei] in mediate, [i] in carriage, [aiei] in

hiatus, [iCE] in triviality; [j] in Britannia

ie: [i:] in grief, [i] in sieve, [e] in friend, [ail in lie, [i:i] in earliest, [ai] in science, [] in conscience ieu: [u:] in lieu, [efJ (!) in lieutenant

iew: [ju:] in view

ro: [] in motion,

[iu] in mediocre, rio] in mediocrity; [ail in violation, [aio] in ionic, [j] in million



Spoken English


[u] in go, [u:] indo, [i] in women, [0] in on, [] in son, [u] in woman, [] in colonel

oa: [0:] in broad, [u] in coal, [uei] in oasis, [ure] in coagulate

oe: [i:] in foetus, [u] in doe, [u:] in shoe, [] in does, [ui] in poet
oeu: [u:] in manoeuvre

oi: [wa:] in chamois, [] in connoisseur, [oi] in noisy, [ui] in

stoic, [u:i] in doing

[u] in brooch, [u:] in brood, [] in flood, [u] in wood, [u:] in wological, [u:o] in wology

ou: [0:] in ought, [u] in soul, [u:] in soup, [0] in cough, [] in doubling, [u] in would, [au] in noun, [] in various

ow: [u] in know, [0] in knowledge, [au] in now

oy: [oi] in boy

u: [u:] in rule, [i] in busy, [e] in bury, [] in cut, [u] in pull, [ju:] in using, [w] in persuade

ua: [a:] in guard, [wei] in persuasion, uay: [i:] in quay


in guano

ue: [u:] in true, [e] in guess, [u] in cruel, [ju] in duel

cue: [u:] in queue

ui: [i:] in mosquito, [u:] in fruit, [i] in build, [ai] in guiding,

[wi] in languid, [wi:] in suite, [u:i] in fruition

uoy: [oi] in buoy

y: [i] in marry, [:] in myrrh, [ail in fly

ye: [ai] in dye, [ai:] in hyena

-TERic EQuivALENTS of ENGlisli vowEl SOUNds

" list ofEnglish Symbols

The vowel sounds of English all have several different symbolisations in the present heteric orthography.
[a:] a in father, au in aunt, ar in card, er in clerk, ear in heart, uar in guard

[e] a in many, ai in said, ay in says, e in let, ea in head, eo in leopard, ie in friend, u in bury, ue in guess
[i] e in pretty, ea in guineas, ee in breeches, ei in forfeit, i in pit, ia in marriage, ie in sieve, 0 in woman, u in busy, ui in build, Y in physics, ey in money

[0] a in want, au in laurel, 0 in on, ou in cough, ow in knowledge


in woman,


in wood, ou in would, u in bull

[~] a in sat, ai in plait

n u in humble,

in son, oe in does,


in flood, ou in double

[i:] ae in minutiae, e in be, ea in each, eae in fleaed, ee in feet, ei in conceit, eo in people, ey in key, eye in keyed, oe in foetus, ie in grief, i in magazine, uay in quay, ui in mosquito

[0:] a in fall, aor in extraordinary, au in haul, aw in awful or in fork, oa in broad, ou in ought

[u:] ew in brew, ewe in brewed, eu in rheumatic, 0 in do, oe in shoe, oeu in manoeuvre, 00 in too, ooe in wooed, ou in soup, u in ruling, ue in true, ui in fruit, wo in two

[ail a in naive, ai in aisle, ei in height, ey in eying, i in bind, ie

in die, ui in guide, uy in buy, Y in fly, ye in dye
[au] ou in noun, ow in cow, owe in allowed [ei] a in mating, ai in pain, ao in gaol, au in gauging, ay in play, aye in played, ea in great, ei in veil, ey in they, eye in conveyed

[oil oi in noisy, oy in boy, oye in enjoyed, uoy in buoy, uoye in


Spoken English


[uJ ao in pharaoh, au in chauffeur, eau in beau, eo in yeoman,

ew in sew, ewe in sewed, 0 in post, oa in oats, oe in doe, 00 in brooch, ou in soul, ow in know [] a in brilliant, eo in dungeon, io in cushion, 0 in motion, iou in conscious, oi in tortoise, eu in amateur, u in suffice, oa in cupboard, ou in viscous, e in condiment

Nearly all-consonant combinations in the present heteric spelling have multiple sound values, despite the fact that defenders of this spelling point to the consonant letters as having fairly constant values.
b: [b] in be, mute in lamb
c: [k] in can, [s] in cell, [S] in special, mute in yacht

ch: [tS] in chain, [dZ] in spinach, [k] in architect, [S] in chef, mute in yacht
d: [t] in sucked, [d] in deep, [dZ] in soldier, mute in handker-



[f] in foe, [v] in of, mute in stiff

g: [dZ] in gem, [g] in geese, [Z] in rouge, mute in gnaw

gh: [p] in hiccough, [g] in ghost, [f] in laugh, mute in straight
h: [h] in hat, [] in eighth

j: [dZ] in just
k: [k] in kill, mute in know

1: [1] in lace, mute in salmon


m: [m] in am, mute in mnemonics n: [n] in can, [] in fmger, mute in hymn

p: [p] in pity, mute in cupboard

II list ofEnglish Symbols

lJu: [k] in quay; [kw] in queen, mute in lacquer r: [r] in ray; mute in myrrh

69 11

ph: [f] in philosophy; [p] in shepherd, [ph] in haphazard, mute in phthisical

s: [s] in see, [z] in as, [S] in sugar, [Z] in vision, mute in isle
sh: [S] in shine, [sh] in mishap

t: [t] in toe, [S] in motion, mute in soften th: [t] in thyme, [] in thigh, [] in the, [t] in eighth

[v] in veal

x: [z] in xylophone, [ks] in vex, [gz] in exalt, [k] in except

y: [j] in yard, mute in prayer

z: [tsJ in pizza, [z] in zeal, [Z] in azure, mute in rendezvous.

ENGlisJt pJtONETic spElliNG

When speaking on the telephone, it is sometimes useful to spell a word using English Phonetic Spelling. To spell 'Club', for example, you would say: 'C for Charlie, L for Lima, U for Uniform, B for Bravo'.


Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel


Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec


Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whisky X-ray Yankee Zulu





Spoken English




It is very easy to learn English Phonetic Spelling. Start by spelling

your name, then your company or address. Soon, you will know the whole alphabet. It also helps to remember that there are several groups of words that go together: Dances: Foxtrot, Tango Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet Men)s first names: Charlie, Mike, Oscar, Victor Cities: Lima, Quebec



Using dialogues to help anybody develop their conversation skills is common practice in English. One of the main advantages to using dialogues is that people are given a rubric as a basis on which they can then build. Once they have become comfonable using a dialogue, they can then go on to have related conversations building on their familiarity with the dialogue and the vocabulary specific to the situation. Here are links to various dialogues, which can use in the daily life. Each dialogue is presented in full and focuses on a specific topic.

A. Hello. My name's Peter. What's your name? B. Janet.

A. Where are you from Janet? B. I'm from Seattle. Where are you from? A. I'm from Madrid. B. Are you American? A. Yes, I am. Are you Spanish?
B. Yes I am.


Spoken English


A. Hello, Peter. How are you? B. Fine, thanks. How are you? A. I'm fme, thank you.
A. Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow! B. Bye bye, Peter. Have a nice evening.

A. Thanks, you too!

B. Thanks.

WhAT TiME is it? .. I

A. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?

B. Yes, of course. It's seven o'clock.

A. Thank you. B. No problem.

WhAT TiME is iT? .. II

A. What time is it? B. It's half past three. A. Thanks.

B. You're welcome.


A. Can I help you?



B. Yes, I'm looking for a sweater. A. What size are you? B. I'm an extra large. A. How about this one? B. Yes, that's nice. Can I try it on? A. Certainly, there's the changing room over there. B. Thank you. A. How does it fit? B. It's too large. Do you have a smaller size? A. Yes, here you are. B. Thank you. I'll have it, please. A. OK, how would you like to pay? B. Do you take credit cards? A. Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express. B. OK, here's my Visa. A. Thank you. Have a nice day! B. Thank you, goodbye.

A. Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please? B. Here you are. A. Thank you. Would you like smoking or non-smoking? B. Non-smoking, please. A. Would you like a window or an aisle seat? B. An aisle seat, please.

A. Do you have any baggage? B. Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag. A. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight. B. Thank you.

Spoke!1 English


A. Good morning. Can I see your passport?

B. Here you are. A. Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business? B. I'm a tourist. A. That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.

B. Thank you.

A. Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?

B. Yes. There's a bank on the corner.

A. Thank you.
B. You're welcome.


A. Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here? B. Yes. There's one near here. A. How do I get there?

B. At the traffic lights, take the first left and go straight on. It's on the left.
A. Is it far?



B. Not really.

A. Thank you.
B. Don't mention it.

A. Good evening. Can I help you?

B. Yes, please. I'd like a room for the night. A. Would you like a single room or a double room? B. A single room, please. How much is the room? A. It's $55 per night. B. Can I pay by credit card?

A. Certainly. We take Visa, Master Card and American Express. Could you fill in this form, please?
B. Do you need my passport number? No, just an address and your signature.

A. (fills out the form) Here you are.

B. Here's your key. Your room number is 212. A. Thank you. B. Thank you. If you need anything, dial 0 for the reception area. Have a good stay!

A. Hi. How are you doing this afternoon? B. Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please? A. Certainly, here you are.

B. Thank you. What's today's speciality?


Spoken English

A. Grilled tuna and cheese on rye. B. That sounds good. I'll have that.
A. Would you like something to drink?

B. Yes, I'd like a coke.

A. Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your meal!

B. Thank you.
A. Can I get you anything else?

B. No thanks. I'd like the check (bill - UK English), please. A. That'll be $6.75. B. Here you are. Keep the change!
A. Thank you! Have a good day!

B. Bye.

WhAT shAll WE do?

A. Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend? B. Sure. What shall we do? A. I don't know. Do you have any ideas? B. Why don't we see a film?
A. That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see?

B. Let's see 1\ction Man 4'. A. I'd rather not. I don't like violent ftlms. How about going to 'Mad Doctor Brown'? I hear it's quite a funny ftlm. B. OK. Let's go and see that. When is it on? A. It's on at 8 o'clock at the Rex. Shall we have a bite to eat before



the fIlm? B. Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant 'Michetti's'? A. Great idea! Let's meet there at six.
B. OK. I'll see you at 'Michetti's' at six. Bye.

A. Bye.

A. Hello. This is Kenneth Beare. May I speak to Ms Sunshine, please?

B. Hold the line a moment, I'll check if she is in her office.

A. Thank you._
B. (after a moment) Yes, Ms Sunshine is in. I'll put you through.

A. Hello, this is Ms Sunshine. How can I help you? B. Hello, my name is Kenneth Beare and I'm calling to enquire about the position advertised in Sunday's Times. A. Yes, the position is still open. COuld I -have your name and number please?
B. Certainly, My Name is Kenneth Beare ...

A. Hello. Could I speak to Jack Parkins, please.

B. Who's calling, please?

A. This is Fred Blinkingham. I'm Jack's friend. B. Hold the line, please. I'll put your through. (after a moment) I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a message? A. Yes. Can you ask him to give me a call? My number is 345-


Spoken English II


B. Could you repeat that, please? A. Certainly. That's 345-8965

B. OK. I'll make sure Mr. Parkins gets your message.

A. Thank you. Goodbye. B. Goodbye.


A. Hello. This is Richard Brown. I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Habi.
B. Certainly. What seems to be the problem?

A. I'd like to have my annual check-up. B. Fine. When would you be available to come in to see Dr. Habi?, A. Any day next week in the morning would be great.
B. How about next Thursday at 10 o'clock?

A. That sounds fme. Thank you. B. We'll see you next Thursday, Mr. Brown. Goodbye.

A. Hello, what's the matter?

B. Good morning. I have a terrible ache in my lower back.

A. How long has your back been bothering you? B. I've been having pain for about the last two weeks. A. Do you have any history of back problems?
B. No, this is the ftrst time.




A. Are you taking any medicine at the moment? B. No, just an aspirin from time to time to kill the pain. A. OK. Let's have a look at your back. Please take off your shirt




A. Hello, my name is Jane and I'd like to ask a few questions about getting fit.
B. Hi Jane. What can I do for you?

A. I need to get in shape. B. Well, you've come to the right place. Have you been doing any exercise lately? A. I'm afraid not.
B. OK. We'll start of slow. Which type of exercise do you enjoy doing?

A. I like doing aerobics, but I hate jogging. I don't mind doing some weight-lifting, though.
B. Great, that gives us plenty to work with. How often can you work out?

A. Twice or three times a week would be good. B. Why don't we start with an aerobics class twice a week followed by a little weightlifting? A. Sounds fme to me.
B. You'll need to start slowly and build up gradually to three or four times a week. A. OK. What kind of equipment will I need?

B. You'll need a leotard and some sneakers.

Spoken English II

A. Is that all? How do I sign up for the classes?

B. We'll need you to join the gym and then you can choose which classes fits your schedule best.

A. Great! I can't wait to get started. Thanks for your advice.

B. No problem. I'll see you in aerobics class!

A. My friend Rich is coming to town next week. Have you ever met him?
B. No, I haven't.

A. He's kind of crazy, but a great guy. B. Yeah, why do you say so? What's he like? A. He's really hard working, but very much a loner. He's pretty talented and can do just about anything.
B. Sounds interesting. Is he married?

A. No, he isn't.
B. What does he look like? Maybe my friend Alice would be interested in meeting him.

A. He's tall, slim and quite good looking. I'm sure your friend would find him attractive. What's she like?
B. She's outgoing and very athletic.

A. Really? What sports does she like playing?

B. She's a great tennis player and also goes bicycling a lot.

A. What does she look like?

B. She's kind of exotic looking. She's got long dark hair and piercing black eyes. People think she is rather beautiful.

A. Do you think she would like to meet Rich?

1\ Conversation

B. Sure! Why don't we hook them up?

A. Great idea!

A. Tom, take a look at this! This guy's won ten million dollars in the lotto!

B. What luck!
A. What would you do if you won ten million dollars?

B. Well, I know wha.t I WOULDN'T do! If! won so much money, I wouldn't spend it. I'd put it in the bank!
A. You've got to be joking! I'd make sure to spend at least the first two'million having a good time and buying things I've always wanted. I'd definitely spend a lot of time travelling.

B. Use your head! If you spent money like that, you'd soon have spent all your winnings!
A. You are so boring! If you were in his shoes, you'd just put money in the bank.

B. That's right. I'm sure I'd eventually start spending some money, but I'd be very careful to make that money last for the rest of my life.

A. What use would that be, if you didn't have any fun?
B. Oh, I'd have fun. I'd just be careful about how much fun I'd have.
A. I can't believe you!

B. Well you know the saying 'different strokes for different folks'!

A job


A. Good morning Ms Brandies, please have a seat.

Spoken English


B. Good morning, it's a pleasure to meet you.

A. Could you tell me who you work for at the moment? B. I work for Frank and Banowitz importers. A. How long have you worked for them?
B. I've been working for Frank and Banowitz for the past three years.

A. And how long have your been working in the accounting department? B. I've been in the accounting department for the past six months. A. You know this job requires a lot of travel. Have you done much travelling for business?
B. Yes, the job I had before Frank and Banowitz required me to travel monthly.

A. And why did you leave that position? B. I was offered a more interesting positi~n at Frank and Banowitz. A. Have you had any experience in sales? B. Yes, I've spent a few years working part-time as an advertising consultant for schools offering summer language courses. A. That's interesting. How successful have you been?
B. The schools I've worked for have all had increased registra-

tions as a result of my collaboration. A. Very interesting...



Young woman: Men are all alike. Eliza: In what way? Young woman: They're always bugging us about something spe-

" Conversation

cific or other. Eliza: Can you think of a specific example? Young woman: Well, my boyfriend made me come here. Eliza: Your boyfriend made you come here? Young woman: He says I'm depressed much of the time. Eliza: I am sorry to hear you are depressed. Young woman: It's true. I'm unhappy. Eliza: Do you think coming here will help you not to be unhappy? Young woman: I need some help that much seems certain. Eliza: What would it mean to you if you got some help? Young woman: Perhaps I could learn to get along with my mother. Eliza: Tell me more about your family.

woman: My mother takes care of me.

Eliza: Who else in your family takes care of you? Young woman: My father. Eliza: Your father. Young woman: You are like my father in some ways. Eliza: What resemblance do you see? Young woman: You are not very aggressive but I think you don't want me to notice that. Eliza: What makes you think I am not very aggressive? Young woman: You don't argue with me. Eliza: Why do you think I don't argue with you? Young woman: You are afraid of me. Eliza: Does it please you to believe I am afraid of you?


Spoken English II

Young woman: My father is afraid of everybody. Eliza: What else comes to mind when you think of your father? Young woman: Bullies. Eliza: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your boyfriend made you come here?
AN iNTERViEW wid..

Interviewer: How are you today? Parry: OK. Interviewer: What is your name? Parry: My name is Frank Smith. Interviewer: How old are you? Parry: Twenty-eight. Interviewer: Are you married? Parry: No. Interviewer: What sort of work do you do? Parry: I work in the Post Office. Interviewer: Why are you in the hospital? Parry: I shouldn't be here. Interviewer: Who brought you here? Parry: The police. Interviewer: What trouble did you have with the police? Parry: Cops don't do their jobs. Interviewer: What do they do instead? Parry: Cops arrest the wrong people.





Interviewer: They arrest the right ones sometimes. Parry: The law should get those Italian crooks. Interviewer: Are you Italian? Parry: My background is British, but I was born in this country. Interviewer: Do you know any Italian crooks? Parry: I try to avoid the underworld. Interviewer: Are you afraid of the underworld? Parry: The mafia are the worst gangsters. Interviewer: Are you connected with the mafia? Parry: You know, they know me. Interviewer: How do they know you? Parry: They spy on me. Interviewer: Why do they? Parry: They want to get false evidence to frame me. Interviewer: What do they have against you? Parry: They are out to get me. Interviewer: What for? Parry: I have incriminating evidence against the mafia. Interviewer: Are you sure of all this? Parry: You don't believe me?

S: Dad. Can I borrow the car tomorrow? F: Why do you want to borrow the car? S: I'm going to the beach with Tony.


Spoken English "

F: Last time you borrowed it you had an accident and dented the door.
S: I promise I'll drive carefully this time.

F: And the petrol tank was almost empty.

S: I'll fill it up before I get home. F: Well, OK then, provided you're home by 8. I'm going out tomorrow evening and I need the car.
S: Great. Thanks dad, I'll be home by 7:30.

ClOTJiES sJiop
A: May I help you? C: Yes, I'm looking for a pair of trousers. A: What colour would you like?

C: Black.
A: And what size are you? C: I'm not sure. Can you measure me? A: [measures customer] You're 34" waist. How about these? C: What material are they?

A: Wool.
C: Have you got anything in cotton? A: Yes, these. C: Can I try them on? A: Of course. The fitting room's over there. C: [tries trousers] They're a little long. Have you got anything shorter? A: These are shorter.



C: I'll take them.



A. Good morning, can I help you? C. I hope so. I'm looking for a television. A. The Toshiba TV5 is on special offer this week.
C. How much is it? A. Only 299.95. C. It's a little expensive. Do you have a cheaper one? A. Yes. This one's only 150.

C. What make is it?

A. It's a Panasonic.

C. I'll take it. Do you take credit cards?

A. Yes, we do.

A: Let's go to a movie together. B: I'd love to. When shall we go? A: How about next Friday evening? B: Let me see ..... Oh, I am sorry, I'm having dinner with a friend. A: How about the following Tuesday? B: That'd be great. What shall we see? A: Star Wars? B: No, that's boring. How about Austin Powers? A: Sounds good to me. When shall we meet?


Spoken English


B: Seven? In the Kent Tavern? A: Great, see you there. A: Would you like to come to a movie with me? B: When do you want to go? A: How about next Friday evening? B: I'm sorry, I can't. I'm having dinner with a friend. A: How about the following Tuesday? B: I go to evening class on Tuesdays. A: Oh, maybe some other time? B: Yeah, I'll give you a call.

R: Good evening. How may I help you? G: Have you got any rooms? R: Yes. Single, double or twin? G: Single, please. R: Would you like a room with a shower or a bath? G: Just a shower will do. R: Room 319. That'll be12.S0 a night, including breakfast. How long will you be staying? G: Just a couple of nights. What time is the breakfast served? R: Breakfast is from 7


G: And what time is dinner? R: Dinner's from 6:30 to 8:30. You'd better hurry, the restaurant closes in IS minutes.



G: Thanks.
BookiNG A FLiGlu

A: I'd like to book a flight


Tokyo please.

B: Which airline would you like A: Which is the cheapest? B: When do you want to travel? A: Next week, the 15th.


B: Would you like a return ticket? A: Yes, I'm coming back on the 30th. B: Let me see ....... ABC costs 299.00, but you have to transfer at Hong Kong. XYZ is the cheapest direct flight at 349.00, both tourist class of course. A: How long does the ABC flight take? B: Total time is 15 hours, XYZ takes 11 hours. A: I may as well go with XYZ then. B: How many seats would you like? A: Just the one and could I have vegetarian meals? B: Certainly, there's no extra charge.

C: Good morning, may I have your ticket please? D: Certainly. Can I take this as hand luggage?

c: Yes, that'll be fme.

D: And can I have an aisle seat in the smoking section? C: I'm afraid this is a non-smoking flight sir. But you can have an

Spoken English


aisle seat. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight. D: Thank you.

E: May I see your passpon please? F: Here you are. E: What is the purpose of your visit? F: I'm on business. E: How long will you be staying? F: Fifteen days. E: Thank you very much. Enjoy your stay.

G: Do you have anything to declare, sir? H: Just some wine and cigarettes. G: How much wine do you have? H: Four bottles. G: That's fIne and how many cigarettes? H: I have 20 packets. G: I'm afraid you're only allowed 280 cigarettes. You'll have to pay duty on the rest. H: Oh! How much is it? G: It's 12.00 plus v.A.T. A total of 14.10. H: Here you art.




R: Good evening. How may I help you? G: Have you got any rooms? R: Yes. Single, double or twin? G: Single, please. R: Would you like a room with a shower or a bath? G: Just a shower will do. R: Room 319. That'll be12.S0 a night, including breakfast. How long will you be staying? G: Just a couple of nights. What time is breakfast? R: Breakfast is from 7 to 9. G: And what time is dinner? R: Dinner's from 6:30 to 8:30. You'd better hurry; the restaurant closes in IS minutes. G: Thanks.

P: Where were you last Tuesday evening? S: I was staying in a hotel in Brighton. P: Who were you with? S: I was with my girlfriend, Joan. P: What was the name of the hotel? S: The George and Dragon. P: What was your room number? S: It was 213. P: Did you speak to anyone?


Spoken English


S: Yes. I spoke to the waitress and the barman. P: What was the barman's name? S: His name was Colin?

A: Good morning, can I help you? B: Yes, I'd like to open a deposit account. A: <?ertainly Sir. Would you like a Silver or a Gold account? B: What's the difference? A: You can open a Silver account with just 5. The account comes with a cash card so you can withdraw your money at any time. The Silver account currently pays 5% interest. For the Gold account you need a minimum of 500 and you have to give 14 days notice to withdraw money. The interest rate is 6.5%. B: I'll go for the Silver account. A: How much would you like to deposit? B:500 A: And we'll need two proofs of ID, telephone bill, driving licence, credit card statement, etc. B: I'm sorry, I don't have any of those on me. I'll come back tomorrow.

C: Good morning, I'm the manager, how can I help you? D: We'd like to apply for a mortgage.

e: Have you found a property you're interested in?

D: Yes, we have.



93 11

C: How much would you like to borrow? D: Well, the property is 75,000, but we have a deposit of 25,000 C: So you need a 50,000 loan. Do you have an account with this bank? D: Yes, we both have accounts here. I've had my account for over fifteen years. C: How much do you both earn? D: I earn 15,000 pa and my wife earns 12,500. C: That's fine. Now, would you like to complete this form ........ .

A fAUhyN
A: Good afternoon, can I help you? B: I hope so. I bought this television here about three months ago, but the sound and picture quality are awful. The picture is always flickering and there's a dark line down the left-hand side of the screen. And there's an annoying hissing sound in the background. A: Do you have an outside aerial? B: Yes, I do. A: Have you tried adjusting the aerial? B: Several times. A: Hmmmmm. I'll get our engineers to have a look at it. B: A friend of mine bought the same model here and had exactly the same problems. I want a refund. A: I'm afraid it isn't our policy to give refunds, sir. B: I want to see the manager.


Spoken English


A bAd

A: Good morning, can I help you? B: I'd like to make a complaint about my holiday in Portugal last week. A: I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly was the problem? B: First of all the coach taking us to the hotel broke down and we had to wait for over two hours in the sweltering heat before a replacement arrived. Then when we got to the hotel we found our room hadn't been cleaned. A: Oh dear, did you complain to the hotel staff? B: Of course, but we were told all the chambermaids were off duty. Anyway, that's not all. The people in the room above sounded like they were having all-night parties, every night. I demanded another room but the receptionist told me the hotel was full. A: Oh, I see. B: And to cap it all the food in the hotel restaurant was awful. It was so bad we had to eat out all the time despite having paid for meals in the price of our holiday. A: I do apologise. I'd like to offer you a 20% discount on the price of one of our Autumn breaks as a gesture of goodwill. B: A 20% discount, you must be joking. I want to see the manager.

0: Dartford Police Station. Can I help you?

W: I hope so. My house has been burgled.

0: Where do you live?

W: 2B Southbrook Road.

II Conversation
0: When did you discover the burglary?
W: When I got home from work. About 5 minutes ago.

0: Was anything stolen?

W: Yes. My all my jewellery's gone and my computer too. And

they sprayed graffito all over my walls. 0: How did they get in?
W: They forced the back door.

0: An officer will be round in about half an hour. Please don't touch anything.
FiNdiNG A flAT

A: Hi, what can I do for you? M: I'm interested in the flat in Central Parade. What can you tell me about it? A: It's a conversion on the second floor of a beautiful, four-storey Edwardian house. It has two bedrooms and a large living room overlooking the sea. The kitchen and bathroom have recently been re-fitted. M: Is it centrally heated? A: Yes, it's centrally heated throughout and double-glazed too. M: Does it have a parking space? A: No, but there's plenty of unrestricted parking in Central Parade and nearby. M: How much is it? A: It's 39,995, but I believe the owner would be willing to accept an offer. M: How long is the lease?

11 96

Spoken English


A: There's no lease. The price includes a share of the freehold.


B: Where shall we go for our holiday this year, Ted? T: How about Majorca? It's cheap and good weather is guaranteed. B: I'd rather do something more exciting this year. Have you seen this ad for adventure holidays in Scotland? T: I prefer lying on a beach

hang-gliding and canoeing.

B: But we do that every year. I'd prefer to do something different this time. I'd rather not go anywhere so crowded. T: Well, you have a point. Majorca was very crowded last time. I'd prefer somewhere a little quieter too, but I don't fancy anything too active. B: How about Torquay? The weather's usually good and there are some lovely walks around the coast. T: Sounds OK to me. Would you prefer to stay in a hotel or rent a cottage?

A. Welcome

Smith & Jones, Bert. Do you have any questions?

B. Yes, what time do I have to start work? A. You have to start work at 8.30. B. What do I have


A. You have to type letters, make tea and answer the telephone. B. Do I have

wear a uniform?

A. No, but you must wear a tie.



B. Do I have to work overtime? A. Yes, you have to work overtime every other Saturday.

S. Good morning, I'm doing a survey on family life. Could you spare a few moments to answer some questions? M. Well, I'm rather busy. ... S. It'll only take a minute or two. Are you married? M. Yes, I am. S. And do you have any children? M. Yes, two. S. Have you ever thought about what would happen to your family if you die or you're taken ill? M. No, I haven't. S. Let me tell you about our family protection plan. M. I really must be ........ . S. For only 50 a month this policy covers all medical fees and provides your family with an income equal to your salary in the event of your death. M. I already have insurance, thank you. S. Ah but when did you last incre3.se your premiums? The cost of living is rising all the time and no other policy is as generous as ours. M. I really can't afford 3.IlY more insurance. S. But can you afford not to? Jmt think about your wife and children if anything happens to you. M. As I said .....



Spoken En&lish II

S. As a special offer, for this week onl); we can offer you free cover for three months. Just sign here and your policy will start today. You can cancel any time in the next three months and it won't have cost you a penny: M. I can cancel any time? S. Yes. Just return the cancellation form. There's nothing to lose. M. Oh, very well then.

A: Good afternoon, Fowler's, may I help you? B: Extension 237 please. A: I'm sorry, the lines busy, will you hold? B: Yes, I'll hold.

A: I'm putting you through. C: Marketing, Harry Webb speaking. B: Could I speak to Maurice Caine please? C: I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the moment. B: Do you know when he'll be back? C: He should be back around four. Can I take a message? B: Yes, please ask him to call David Jones on 629 3478 C: 629 3478, right? B: That's right. C: OK, I'll see he gets your message.



W: Good evening.

C: A table for two please.

W: Certainly: Just here, sir.

C: Could we sit by the window? W: I'm


The window tables are ,111 reserved.

W: Arc you ready to order, sir? C: Yes. I'll have tomato soup for starters and my wife would like prawn cocktail. W: One tomato soup and one prawn cocktail. What would you like for main course? C: I'll have the plaice and my wife \vould like the shepherd's pie.
W: I'm afraid the plaice is off.

C: Oh dear. Wbat do you recommend? W: The steak pie is very good. C: OK I'll have that.
W: Would you like anything to drink?

C: Yes, a bottle of red wine please.



While speaking people make common errors. To help you avoid those common errors below arc given some examples. These will help you to avoid the common pitfalls.
Incorrect: John is kindness, so many peopk want to chat with him. Correct: John is so kind that many people want to chat with him. Incorrect: Had you come to Korea? Randy Correct: Have you ever been to Korea, R.mdy? Incorrect: Chan, are your work busy? Correct. Chan, do you have a busy job? Incorrect: I am going to a picnic. Correct: I am going on a picnic. Incorrect: I am a bit in a huny Currcct: I am in a bit of a hurI')~ l1lC(wrect: Ah Ling, What is Hong Kong interesting. Correct: Ah Ling, What is in Hong Kong interesting? Illc,;nwt: I'll date her out this Saturdav.
( I'


I'll take her out on a date [his Saturdar


Common Errors


Incorrect: My house is to ten minute of her. Correct: It is a ten-minute drive from my house to hers. Incorrect: I had told you I am from China. Correct: I have told you before that I am from China. Incorrect: How do you think: to learn the English? Correct: What is your point on learning English? Incorrect: Would you please don't ask me this question, OK? Correct: Would you please not ask me tIlis question, OK? Incorrect: I'm heard music. Correct: I am listening to some music now. Incorrect: I am come from China. Correct: I am from China/ I come from China. Incorrect: OK, I will see you late! Correct: OK, I will see you 'tater! Incorrect: I wish I have ... Correct: I wish I had .... Incorrect: I am going to watch the cinema tonight. Correct: I am going to a movie tonight. Incorrect: I am difficult to learn English. Correct: It is difficult for me to learn English. Incorrect: I still so surprise we were born in same day. Correct: I am so surprised that we were born on the same day. Incorrect: Is there some topic talk about? Correct: Is there any topic to talk about?


Spoken English


Incorrect: Give me a favour! Correct: Please do me a favour! Incorrect: I don't understand the meaning what you say. .. Correct: I don't understand the meaning of what you said .... Incorrect: There are not anything wrong ... Correct: There is nothing wrong .... Incorrect: Why not come yesterday? Correct: Why didn't you come yesterday? Incorrect: What hobby do you like? Correct: What is your hobby? Incorrect: Almost people here I never met before. Correct: Almost all the people here are strangers to me. Incorrect: You must be quite a character. Correct: You are quite a character Incorrect: In fact, Billy really owns some personality to be a VIP. Correct: In fact, Billy really has what it takes to be a VIP. Incorrect: Just now my connection have problem ... Correct: I just had a connection problem ........ . Incorrect: Joei, maybe I will sleepless after I saw his pic ! Correct: Joei, I may be sleepless tonight after seeing his picture! Incorrect: I am so boring today, please bring me fun. Correct: I feel so bored today, please say something funny. Incorrect: Judy: Tom sent his pic to me for long time ago. Correct: Judy: Tom sent me his picture a long time ago.


Common Errors


Incorrect: You can try it more ......... . Correct: You can try a few times .......... . Incorrect: He went to abroad to further his study. Correct: He went abroad to further his study. Incorrect: Because that can let me more to be clear about your talk. Correct: Because that can help me to understand what you said better. Incorrect: Do you live there from the day your born. Correct: Have you lived there since birth? Incorrect: You are very learned. Correct: You are very knowledgeable. Incorrect: I am sorry, my computer have the problem. Correct: I am sorry, there is a problem with my computer. Incorrect: Today; I'll wash my cat. Correct: I'll give my cat a bath today. Incorrect: How many days left for you to quit your position? Correct: How many days are left before you quit your job? Correct: How many days are left until you quit your job? Incorrect: Well, now my connection have problem. Correct: Well, I have some problems with my connection now. Incorrect: I writed the sentences yours down ... Maggie. Correct: I have written down your sentences, Maggie. Incorrect: Did Thailand come into rain season? Correct: Is it the rainy season in Thailand?



Spoken English II

Incon'eet: Well, Peter!!! You must not a material boy; that is my kind too. Con-eet: Well, Peter!!! You are not a materialistic person like me. Ineon-eet: I'm so much pleasing to talk with you. Con-eet: I'm so pleased/happy to talk with you. Ineon-eet: But I had sent it for 3 days. Con-eet: But I sent it 3 days ago. Ineon-eet: How is going everything? Con-eet: How is everything going? Ineon-eet: I don't know how speak it in English. Correct: I don't know how to say it in English. Ineon-eet: How many mountains exist in China? Con-eet: How many mountains are there in China? Ineon-eet: How was your sleeping yesterday? Judy Con-eet: Did you have a good sleep yesterday; Judy? Ineon-eet: You're not get used to it, I guess ......... . Con-eet: You're not used to it, I guess ......... . Ineon-eet: He is trying to look cute to make himself forgiven. Con-cet: He is trying to get away with it by looking cute. Ineon-eet: Chen, you are informed. Thanks for your information. Con-eet: Chen, you are informative. Thanks for your information. Ineon-eet: Why are you come here so often? Con-eet: Why do you come here so often? Ineon-eet: Are you born in Malaysia? Con-eet: Were you born in Malaysia?


Common Errors


Incorrect: Why don't stay more time here? Correct: Why don't you stay a little longer? Incorrect: He was in a hospital and he is recently out of it. Correct: He was discharged from the hospital recently. Incorrect: I'm also from China, but I'm live in Philippines now. Correct: I'm also from China, but I'm living in the Philippines now. Incorrect: But chat room of teacher with this chat room are difference. Right? Correct: But there is difference between the teacher's chat room and this chat room, right? Incorrect: If oneday I am good in English, I would deflnitely admit it. Correct: If someday I am good at English, I will deflnitely admit to it. Incorrect: I have not 2 years meet him Correct: I haven't met him for 2 years. Incorrect: It is simply unimaginable on me not to flght back. Correct: It is simply unimaginable to me not to flght back. Incorrect: I hate my boss, I feel like kicking on his butt. Correct: I hate my boss, I feel like kicking his butt. Incorrect: I do not like English, so, I will go out here. Correct: I don't like English, so I am leaving here now. Incorrect: This is the last time I went there, as the doctor has unravel the stitches. Correct: It was the last time that I had to go there as the doctor took out the stitches.



Spoken English "

Incorrect: Derek, why are you come and go say nothing to us? Correct: Derek, why did you come and go without saying any-

thing to us?
Incorrect: I must to say that your's English is perfect. How did

you learn it?

Correct: I must say that your English is perfect. How did you

learn it?
Incorrect: I want to talk someone. Correct: I want to talk to someone. Incorrect: You are right. Just now I have leisure. Peter Correct: You are right. I was free just now, Peter Incorrect: I'm very sorry for yesterday, but my chief returned and

I must to leave the chatroom at once.

Correct: I am sorry for my abrupt exit yesterday because my boss

suddenly turned up.

Incorrect: I didn't say bye for you yesterday, please don't be angry. Correct: I didn't say bye to you yesterday, please don't be angry. Incorrect: Betty, are you investing on stock market? Correct: Betty, are you investing in the stock market? Incorrect: Can you join me the talk? Correct: Can I join in the talk? Incorrect: We have full off and half off on Sunday. Correct: We are given the option to work either full or half day on

Incorrect: Kelvin, don't be so jealousy! Correct: Kelvin, don't be so jealous!


Common Errors


Inc0'f7ect: The china is coming into rainy weather. C0'f7ect: China is in rainy season now. Inc0'f7ect: All these three cities are similar warm as Malaysia. C0'f7ect: All three of these cities are as warm as Malaysia. Inc0'f7ect: What time of a day now in your country? C0'f7ect: What is the time now in your coWltry? Inc0'f7ect: Comes to think of it, it sounds right! C0'f7ect: Come to think of it, it does sound right! Inc0'f7ect: Last one typhoon let person 4 hundred million damage. C0'f7ect: The latest typhoon has cost the people 400 million damage. Inc0'f7ect: But I'm illiterature computer... . C0'f7ect: But I'm a computer illiterate ... . Inc0'f7ect: I can't follow you two talk now. C0'f7ect: I can't follow what both of you are talking about. InC0'f7ect: You must know she is jealous very much. C0'f7ect: You must know that she is jealous by nature. Inc0'f7ect: Seems nothing changed to me ... C0'f7l(ct: It seems that nothing has changed Inc0'f7ect: Will she come to there soon? C0'f7ect: She will go there soon, won't she? Inc0'f7ect: Today is very slow. C0'f7ect: The connection is slow today. InC0'f7ect: But you know a lot about computer, isn't it? I know nothing at all about it!

me ...



Spoken English II

Correct: But you know a lot about computer, don't you? I myself know nothing about it! Incorrect: The sales of light arms is the main cause of heavy casualty in conflicting nations. Correct: The sale of light arms to conflicting nations is the main cause of heavy causalities. Incorrect: Why you want to know more about me? I am just a small people. Correct: Why do you want to know more about me? I am a nobody. Incorrect: Make sure that it is a high pay job. Correct: Make sure that it is a high paying job. Incorrect: I wonder if there is a comment on the certificate by GE about how good a smdent perform in the course? Correct: I wonder if there is a comment on the certificate by GE about how well a smdent performs in the course? Incorrect: We have lots of rain, because we're in monsoon season. Correct: There is a lot of rain here as we are in monsoon season now. Incorrect: How much is the temperature? Correct: What is the temperature? Incorrect: Don't feel anger with me!!! I'm just kidding. Correct: Don't be mad at me!!! I'm just kidding. Incor,ect: Kitty; your honey was left just now because I told him you will coming soon. Correct: Kitty; your honey has just left as I told him you would be commg soon. Incorrect: I am a Chinese and have been abroad 10 years.


Common Errors

109 11

Correct: I am Chinese and have been in abroad for 10 years. Incorrect: OK, tell me how does he like? Correct: OK, tell me what he looks like? Incorrect: I think you should go to abroad find a job make your life a little bit changed. Correct: I think you should go abroad to find a job and make your life a little bit different for a change. Incorrect: Lilian is living far away with China. Correct: Lilian is living far away from China. Incorrect: I am sure not even one man can control himself if he meet this kind of situation. Correct: I doubt that there is even one man who can control himself in this situation. Incorrect: Are you a saler, Alvin? Correct: Are you a salesman, Alvin? Incorrect: The team bring a lot of happy for football fan in the world but now I doubtful them. Correct: The team used to bring a lot of fun to the soccer fans in the world but I am doubtful of them now. Incorrect: Which kind of car? Correct: What type of car? Incorrect: I think your express will have a little difficult, but that is a lucky thing, I can understand you. Correct: I think you have difficulty in expressing your idea. Luckily, I can understand you. Incorrect: How are you this week? Correct: How have you been this week?

1111 0

Spoken English


Incorrect: I know you are good in computer and English. Correct: I know you are good at computers/computing and English. Incorrect: I think your qualification will surely make you open a computer or English training centre. Correct: I think you can open up a computer or English training centre with your qualifications. Incorrect: I am no exceptional. Correct: I am no exception. Incorrect: My telephone conversation with you for past one and half week has made me feel you as a very firm character. Correct: Having telephoned with you for one week, I think you have a very firm/strong character. Incorrect: It is easy or not get visa? Correct: Is it easy to get visa? Incorrect: I wonder why are you keep study after graduated high school? Correct: I wonder why you keep studying after graduation from high school? Incorrect: He will be great help for you. Correct: He will be of great help to you. Incorrect: Am I a simple girl and has not any brains? Correct: Am I a naive lady who doesn't have intelligence? Incorrect: What sport are you interest? Correct: What sports are you interested in? Incorrect: Can you tell me when are you birthday date? Correct: Can you tell me when your birthday is?


Common Errors



Incorrect: Should we continuous our speak in English language? Correct: Shall we continue speaking in English? Incorrect: Do you like your female staff flirted you when you be a boss? Correct: Would you mind if your staff flirted with you if you were the boss? Incorrect: Where is the students come from? Correct: Where do the students come from? Incorrect: I wonder have you be teacher before? Correct: I wonder if you were a teacher before? Incorrect: How long does the news? Correct: How long does the news last? Incorrect: We better don't tell anothers. Correct: We had better not tell others. Incorrect: I am worry about your English level will getting worse if you talk to me only. Correct: I am worried that your English will get worse if you only talk to me. Incorrect: Come to here is more easy for you. Correct: If you come here it will be easier for you. Incorrect: Are they supported by Taliban or Jran. Correct: Are they supported by the Taliban or Iran. Inconoect: I was/got cancelled our date by her? Correct: She cancelled the date. Incorrect: I will read it today night. Correct: I will read it tonight.


Spoken English


Incorrect: What does different between' seems' and ' seem '? Correct: What is the difference between' seems' and ' seem '? Incorrect: Then I was left this company found a another job. Correct: The-n I left this company and found another job. Incorrect: I am the only one graduated from high schooL Correct: I am the only one graduating from high schooL Incorrect: She told me there is no another way Correct: She told me there was no other way. Incorrect: In fact I want my life had a little bit changed. Correct: In fact I want to have some change in my life. Incorrect: Oh, he has the same car with yours? Correct: Oh, he has the same car like yours? Incorrect: I have been many places in Beijing. I like this city so much. Correct: I have been to many places in Beijing. I like tllls city very much. Incorrect: There are many softwares available these days for various purposes. Correct: There is a lot of software available these days for various purposes. Incorrect: Let me check your pic again see how is your beautiful eyes looks like. ahha Correct: Let me take a look at your pic again and see how beautiful your eyes look like. Haha Incorrect: I am living at Canada now and working as a sales. Correct: I

living in Canada now and working in sales.


Common Errors

Incorrect: How do you think my idea? Correct: What do you think of my idea? Incorrect: Am I complete right? Correct: Am I completely right? Incorrect: Could you correct me this letter? Correct: Would you correct this letter for me? Incorrect: Thanks, I no longer need to wait for anyone else's opinIon anymore. Correct: Thanks, I no longer need to wait for anyone else's opinIon.


A tongue-twister is a sequence of words that is difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly. Even native English speakers fmd the tongue-twisters on this page difikcult to say quickly. Try them yourself. Try to say them as fast as possible, but correctly! A proper copper coffee pot. Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascals ran. Long legged ladies last longer. Pink lorry, yellow lorry. Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather. She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. The sixth sick Sheik's sixth sheep is sick. Swan swam over the pond, Swim swan swim! Swan swam back again Well swum swan! Three grey geese in green fields grazing. We surely shall see the sun shine soon. A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits, mixed biscuits and a



biscuit mixer. A proper copper coffee pot. How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood? A wood-chuck, if a wood-chuck could chuck wood, would chuck as much wood as a wood-chuck could chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood. Long legged ladies last longer. Three grey geese in green fields grazing. We surely shall see the sun shine soon. Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran She sells sea shells on the seashore, the shells she sells are seashells I'm sure. But if she sells sea-shells on the seashore I'm sure she sells seashore shells. What noise annoys an oyster? Any noise annoys an oyster, but noisy noise annoys an oyster most. Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather. Red lorry, yellow lorry. Unique New York. Which witch wished which wicked wish? Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches? The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick. Betty Botter bought some butter, but the butter was so bitter, if Betty Botter put the bitter butter in her batter, the bitter butter would make her batter bitter, so it was better Betty Botter bought some better butter, so the better butter would not make her batter bitter. Bill had a billboard. Bill also had a board bill. The board bill bored Bill so Bill sold the billboard to pay the board bill. Mter ,



Spoken English


Bill sold the billboard to pay the board bill, the board bill no longer bored Bill. Sir Harry Harvey hit his head very hard with a heavy hammer and Happy Henry was hopping mad. However his heavy hammer hadn't hurt his highness hard head. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled pepper? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked? Rhys watched Ross switch his Irish wristwatch for a Swiss wristwatch. I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch. Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear. On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser. Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle. Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks. How much caramel can a canny canonball cram in a camel if a canny canonball can cram caramel in a camel? He threw three free throws. Fresh French fried fly fritters Gig whip, gig whip, gig whip, ... I was born on a pirate ship. Say it while holding your tongue.
2 Y's U R.

2 Y's U B.




2 Y's 4 me! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thicker, say it quicker! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Don't eat with your mouth full! I'll chew and chew until my jaws drop. How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets?



Phrasal verbs are part of a large group of verbs called 'multi-word verbs'. Phrasal verbs and other multi-word verbs are an important part of the English language. Multi-word verbs, including phrasal verbs, are very common, especially in spoken English. A multi-word verb is a verb like 'pick up', 'turn on' or 'get on with'. For convenience, many people refer to all multi-word verbs as phrasal verbs. These verbs consist of a basic verb + another word or words. The other word(s) can be prepositions and/or adverbs. The two or three words that make up multi-word verbs form a short 'phrase'-which is why these verbs are often all called 'phrasal verbs'. The important thing to remember is that a multi-word verb is still a verb. 'Get' is a verb. 'Get up', is also a verb, a different verb. 'Get' and 'get up' are two different verbs. They do not have the same meaning. So you should treat each multi-word verb as a separate verb and learn it like any other verb. Look at these examples. You can see that there are three types of multi-word verb: single-word verb

direct your eyes ill a certain direction take care of

You must look before you leap. Who is lookingaf ter the baby?

multi prepositional -word verbs verbs

look after


Phrasal Verbs


phrasal verbs

look up

search for a find information in a reference book

You can nd look up my number in the tele -phone di -rectory.

phrasal -prepositional verbs

look forward anticipate I look for to with pleasure ward to meeting you.

Some of the phrasal verbs are: Account for = explain

Example: They had to account for all the money that had gone mlssmg
Act on = take action because of something like information received

Example: The police were acting on a tip from an informer and caught the gang red-handed.
Aim at = tatzJet

Example: The magazine is aimed at teenagers.

Answer back = reply rudely to someone in authority

Example: Her mother was shocked when she started answering her back and refusing to help.
Ask for = provoke a negative reaction

Example: You're asking for trouble.

Ask in = invite somebody into your house

Example: Jon's at the door. Ask him in.

Ask out = invite someone for a date

" 120

Spoken English


Example: He wanted

ask her out but was too shy.

Back away = retreat or go backwards

Example: The crowd backed away when the man pulled a knife.
Back down = retract or withdraw your position or proposal in an argument

Example: She refused to back down and was fired.

Back out = fail to keep an arrangement or promise

Example: He backed out two days before the holiday so we gave the ticket to his sister.
Back up = make a copy of computer data

Example: You should always back up important files and documents so that you won't lose all your work if something goes wrong with the hardware.
Back up = support

Example: The rest of the staff backed her up when she complained about working conditions.
Barge in = enter a place and interrupt people rudely

Example: They barged into my office without knocking and started talking even though I was on the phone.
Be along = arrive

Example: The next bus should be along in the next quarter of an hour or so.
Be away = be

on holiday, etc.

Example: She's away on business for three weeks.

Be cut up = be upset

Example: She was very cut up about coming second as she thought she deserved to win.


Phrasal Verbs


Be down = be depressed

Example: He's been down since his partner left him.

Be down = be reduced or less

Example: The firm's profits are down by ten percent this quarter.
Be down with = be ill

Example: Gul is down with some bug and is off work today.
Be in = be at h()11'1,&

Example: They are never in, I always get their answer phone.
Be in = be submitted, arrive

Example: The application form must be in by 3pm on Friday.

Be in on = be involved in

Example: Susan was the only one who wasn't in on the plan.
Be off = be bad (offood)

Example: This yoghurt must be off, it smells foul.

Be off = depart, leave

Example: I'm offhome, it's five o'clock.

Be on = be functioning (of machines)

Example: The computer's on.

Be on = take place

The show is on for the next three months.

Be out = be absent from a place

Example: She's out on a visit for the day.

Be out of = have no more left

Example: We're out of coffee so I'll have to go and get some.


Spoken English


Be shagged out = be exhausted

Example: We were completely shagged out after we'd carried the

suitcases downstairs.
Be snowed under = have too much work
Example: We're completely snowed under at work because it's the

end of the tax year.

Be taken aback = be shocked or surprised
Example: I was taken aback when I saw him because he's lost all

his hair.
Be up = be out of bed
Example: She's not up yet.

Be up = have increased or risen

Example: The company's profits are up by fifteen percent.

Be up = when the time for something finishes or expires

Example: Time's up, please finish your drinks and leave.

Be up to = be good enough
Example: He's not up to the job. Get someone else.

Be up to

= doing something naughty or wrong

Example: What are those kids up to?

Beat down = strong sunshine

Example: The sun was really beating down and we couldn't stay

Beat up = attack violently
Example: The mugger beat him up and stole his wallet.

Bed down = sleep somewhere less comfortable than normal

Example: We had to bed down on the floor for the night.


Phrasal Verbs


Beef up = make something stronger or more solid Example: The company beefed up their case when they saw that the public wouldn't accept their first explanation of the accident. Black out = fall unconscious Example: He blacked out and collapsed on the floor. Black out = lose light Example: Everything blacked out when the power supply failed, Blank out

= censor text so that words cannot be read

Example: The email addresses were blanked out in the documents shown to the court. Blank out = have a temporary memory failure Example: I was so nervous in the interview that I just blanked out and couldn't answer their questions properly. Blare out = a loud sound or music Example: The music was blaring out and I couldn't get to sleep. Blast off = leave the ground- spaceship or rocket Example: The space shuttle blasted off on schedule yesterday. Blaze away = fire a gun repeatedly Example: The shooters blazed away at the pheasants. Blow down = when the wind forces something to fall Example: A tree was blown down in the storm. Blowout = extinguish
candles~ matches~


Example: She blew the candles out on her birthday cake. Blow over = when a scandal gets flt;!Jotten Example: The scandal blew over within a fortnight when the press found someone else to attack.

Blow up = explode

Spoken English


Example: The bomb blew up without any warning. Bog down

= slow make progress

Example: Yasini got bogged down in his research and didn't fInish the project in time. Boil down to

= amount to

Example: It all boils down to money at the end of the day. Book up

= reserve

Example: The flight's fully booked up. I'll have to go the following day. Boot up = Start a computer Example: He booted up the computer and started work. Boss about

= use excessive authority to control people = lack courage to do smnething

Example: She bosses everyone about. Bottle out

Example: She was going to tell her boss exactly what she thought, but bottled out in the end. Bottle up = not express your feelings Example: She bottled up her feelings even though she was furious with them and kept quiet. Bottom out = pass the lowest point and start rising Example: The recession bottomed out and the economy is recovering well. Branch out

= move into a different area of business~ etc.


Example: The supermarkets have branched out into banking. Break away = leave an usually to form a new one


Phrasal Verbs


Example: The SD P broke away from the Labour Party. Break down = end negotiations unsuccessfully Example: The talks between management and the unions broke down acrimoniously. Break down

= start crying

Example: He broke down in tears. Break down = stop working Example: My car's broken down, so I came by taxi. Break in = go into a building to steal something Example: The burglars broke in and stole the TV and video. Break in = interrupt something Example: I'm sorry to break in on your conversation, but there's a

problem ...
Break in = train a horse to be ridden Example: It took ages to break the horse in. Break off = break a piece from something Example: She broke off a square of chocolate and gave it to her

Break off = end a relationship Example: She broke off their engagement when she found out that

he'd been unfaithful.

Break through

= pass a

barrier or obstacle

Example: The crowd broke through the police barriers and attacked

the hunters.
Break up

= break into many pieces

Example: The plate broke up when he dropped it on the floor.


SpokenEnglish "

Break up = close an educational institution for the holidays

Example: Schools break up at the end of June for the summer holidays.
Break up

= finish a relationship

Example: They had been going out for a couple of years before they broke up.
Bring about = make something happen

Example: The changes to the law were brought about by the government because so many people were ignoring the old one.
Bring back = cause someone to remember

Example: Visiting myoId school brought back memories of when I was a pupil there.
Bring back

= return

Example: He took the calculator home yesterday and hasn't brought it back yet.
Bring down = make a government fall

Example: The vote of no-confidence brought the government down.

Bring down = make something cheaper

Example: The improvements in technology have brought the prices of computers down considerably in recent months.
Bring forward = make something happen earlier than originally planned

The meeting has been brought forward to this Friday insteaa of next week because some people couldn't make it then.
Bring in

= earn

Example: The job brings in two thousand dollars a month.

Bring on = cause something to happen or speed up the process


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Getting wet in the rain yesterday brought on my cold. Bring out = release or publish Example: The band are bringing out a new CD in the autumn. Bring out in = cause a health problem or reaction Example: It was the lobster that brought me out in this rash all over my body. Bring round anaesthetic

= make smneone wake up from unconsciousness or an

Example: The doctors brought him round a few hours after the operation. Bring up = m.ention Example: They didn't bring the subject up at the meeting. Bring up = raise a child Example: My parents brought me up strictly. Brush up = improve a skill quickly Example: She took a two-week course to brush up her Spanish before travelling around South and Central America. Budge up = move to make space for someone Example: We had to budge up to let the fourth person in the back of the car. Build up = develop a company Example: She built the business up from nothing into a market leader in less than a decade. Build up = increase Example: Tension has been building up ever since the government passed the unpopular law. Bump into

= meet by chance

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Example: I bumped into Helen on the underground the other day.

Bump off = kill

Example: The drug dealer was bumped off by a rival gang.

Bunk off = notgo to school when you should

Example: I used to bunk off school and go into town.

Burn down = burn completely

They had to completely rebuild the museum after the old one
burned down.

Burn off = remove by burning or similar process

Example: I burn off a lot of calories in the gym.

Burn out ingjob

= lose enthusiasm and &ne1lJY to continue in a demand-

Example: Jennie burnt out after ten years working as a futures broker and went to live in the country.

Burst into

= catch fire very quickly

Example: The car burst into flames and the driver died as he didn't

have time to get out.

Burst into = laugh., cry or clap loudly
Example: She burst into laughter when she heard the joke

Butt in = interrupt
Example: I hope you don't mind me butting in on your conversa-

tion, bit I couldn't help hearing what you said ....

Butter up = praise or flatter someone excessively
Example: I tried buttering my tutor up but she still wouldn't let me hand it in late.

Buy in = force a CD or record into the charts by buying lots of copies


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Joe Meek's last hit, 'Singin' the Blues', was probably bought in at number 40, but failed to go any higher. Buyout = buy somebody's share in a company Example: His business partners bought him out to get rid of him. Call after = name someone after somebody else Example: She was called Rose after her late grandmother. Call for = demand Example: The Opposition party called for the Minister's' resigna-

tion after the scandal broke.

Call for = go to collect something Example: The courier calledfor your parcel, but I told him it wasn't

ready yet.
Call for

= telephone for something

Example: I'll call for a cab right away. Call for = go and collect someone to take them out Example: I'll call for you at seven, so be ready because the film

starts at half past.

Call for = require Example: An emergency like this calls for some pretty drastic ac-

Call in = get someone to come and do a job Example: We had to call in a plumber because the sink was leaking

and I had no idea how to fix it.

Call in = stop and visit Example: I called in on Jenny on my way home because she's not very well at the moment and I wanted to see if she needed any-



Spoken English


Call off = cancel

Example: The concert had to be called off because the singer went down with a bad case of flu.
Call off = order someone to stop attacking

Example: Call off your lawyers. We can work something out.

Call on = ask for help

Example: The President called on the wealthy countries for financial aid after the floods destroyed much of the country's agriculture.
Call on

= visit

Example: As we were in the area, we called on my sister-in-law.

Call up = summon someone for military service

Example: The army called up the reserve soldiers when the war broke out.
Call up

= telephone = stop being angry or emotionally excited

Example: I called him up as soon as I got to a phone to tell him the news.
Calm down

Example: When I lose my temper, it takes ages for me to calm down again.
Carried away = get so emotional that you lose control

Example: The team got earned away when they won the championship that they started shouting and throwing things around.
Carry off = win

Example: She carried off the first prize in the competition.

Carry on = continue

Example: Carry on quietly with your work until the substitute


Phrasal Verbs


teacher arrives.
Carry out

= peiform a task

Example: The government is carrying out test on growing genetically modified crops. Carry out = food bought from a restaurant to take away Example: I'm



cook- let's get a carry-out.

Catch on = become popular Example: Many critics were shocked when techno caught on in the clubs. Catch on = finally understand what is going on Example: Everyone else realised what was happening, but it took Henry ages to catch on. Catt:h up = get work, etc, ttp to date. Example: I was ill for a fortnight and now I've got to catch up on the work I missed. Chance upon = fina something by accident Example: I chanced upon a very rare book in car boot sale and bought it tor 65p. Cha1'lJe with = accuse somebody of a crime Example: She was arrested in customs last night and has been char;ged with smuggling. Chase up = ensure that someone remembers to do something Ey;ample: The

is chasing me up about my overdue books.

Cheat on = be sexually unfaithful r.xample: She cheated on me with my friend. Check in = register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport


Spo}en English


Example: They checked in at the Ritz yesterday. Check into = register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport Example: They checked into the Ritz yesterday. Check out = pay the bill when leaving a hotel Example: She checked out and took a cab to the airport. Check out = die Example: She checked out last week, the funeral's tomorrow. Check out of = settle up and pay before leaving a hotel Example: Guests have to check out of the hotel before midday. Cheer up = be less unhappy Example: Come on, CHEER Up, it isn't all bad, you know. Chew over = think about an issue Example: He asked for a few days to chew the matter over before he made a final decision. Chicken out

= be too afraid to do something

Example: I chickened out of the bungee jumping when I saw how high it was. Chill out = relax Example: I'm staying at home and chilling out this evening. Chuck up

= vomit, be sick

Example: He got ridiculously drunk and chucked up in the back of the minicab on the way home. Clean out = tidy up thoroughly and throwaway unwanted things. Example: I really must clean the study out, there's stuff all over the floor and piles of paper everywhere. Clean up = tidy and clean


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Clean this bedroom up, it's a disgrace.

Clear out = tidy up thoroughly and throwaway unwanted stuff.

Example: I spent the whole weekend clearing out the attic as it was full of papers and other junk.

Clear up

= the end of an infection

Example: I took the antihistamines and the rash cleared up right

Clear up = tidy up
Example: I'd better clear away the mess before leave.

Click through

= open an advertisement on the Internet

Example: Only a tiny fraction of users ever bother clicking through

the banner adverts.

Climb down = accept that you are wrong and change your position
Example: The Prime Minister had to climb down over his tax pro-

posals because there was so much opposition from the members of his own party.

Close down = close a business permanently

Example: The firm closed down during the recession because it

couldn't compete with the cut-price imports pouring in.

Close down = close a shop, branch or business permanently

Example: The banks have closed down a lot of branches in villages

over the last few years.

Cloud over = get very cloudy

Example: The morning started bright and warm, but it clouded over around midday and poured with rain.

r.mne across = find by accident



Spoken English


Example: I came across myoid school reports when I was clearing

out my desk.
Come across = agree to have sex with someone Example: I was surprised when she came across on the first night. Come across = the way other people see you Example: He came across as shy because he spoke so quietly. Come apart = break into pieces Example: It came apart when I tried

lift it off the floor and I

had to glue it back together.

Come before = appear in court chat;!Jed with a crime or offence Example: He came before the court on charges of speeding. Come down

= rain

Example: Just look at the rain coming down! I'm not going out in

Come down = travel Example: When you're next in London, come down and see us. Come down on = criticise heavily Example: The management really came down on him for losing

the contract.
Come from

= country or town where you were born

Example: She comes from Somalia. Come in = arrive for flights Example: The plane came in at two-thirty in the morning. Come in = place or ranking in a competition, etc. Example: I did my best but came in last but one in the race.


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Reports are just coming in of an assassination attempt on the President. Come into = be important or relevant Example: Money doesn't come into it, I simply will not do it under any circumstances. Come into = inherit Example: She came into a lot of money when her grandmother died. Come into use = start being used Example: The computerised system came into use at the end of last year. Come off = when something breaks off Example: I picked it up and the handle came off in my hand. Come off it = I don't believe what you're saying Example: Come off it, tell me the truth for goodness' sake. Come on = encouragement Example: Come on, don't give up now when you're so close to finishing. Come on = start an illness Example: I've got a bit of a headache. I hope it doesn't mean I've got flu coming on. Come on

= start functioning

(machines, etc.)

Example: The central heating comes on automatically an hour before I have to get up. Come out

= a secret is revealed

Example: The details of the scandal came out in the press and she had to resign.



Spoken English


Come out = be published or otherwise available to the public

Example: The band's new CD is coming out in September.

Come out

= disappear when washed

Example: The red wine I spilt just will not come out of the carpet no matter what I try to clean it with.
Come out = let people know that you are lesbian or gay

Example: She came out at university and has been living with her partner, Jane, for the last couple of years.
Come out = when the sun appears

Example: It started cloudy, but then the sun came out and we all went to the park.
Come out in = have a rash or similar skin problem

Example: She came out in a nasty rash after touching the poisonous plant by mistake.
Come over = feel strange

Example: I came over all faint and weak because my sugar level was too low. (British)
Come round = become

wake up from anaesthetic

Example: She came round and learned that the operation had been a complete success.
Come round = change your opinion

Example: At first she didn't like the idea, but she came round to our way of thinking in the end.
Come through = arrive (messages and information)

Example: News is coming through of a major accident on the M25, where freezing fog has been making driving conditions extremely dangerous.


Phrasal Verbs


Come to = become conscious) wake up from anaesthetic

Example: She came to an hour after the operation.

Come to = result in

Example: The two men started arguing but they soon came to blows and started fighting in earnest.
Come up = appear

Example: I'll be late home tonight because something's come up at work has to be ready for tomorrow morning.
Come up = rise (the sun)

Example: The sun came up just as we reached the outskirts of the town.
Come up against = encounter problems or difficulties

Example: They came up against a lot of opposition to their plans for an out-of-town supermarket development.
Come up with = think of a solution) excuse) etc.

Example: Nobody could come up with a satisfactory explanation for the accident.
Come upon

= find by chance

Example: I came upon the book in a little second-hand bookshop in Dorset.

Conk out = fall fast asleep

Example: I was exhausted and conked out on the sofa.

Cool down = get cooler

Example: I left the tea for a minute until it had cooled down enough to drink.
Cool down = become calm

Example: It took me ages to cool down after the argument.


Spoken English


Cop out = choose an easy alternative

Example: She was going to take a Master's degree but copped out and chose the Diploma course instead.
Could do with

= need or want something

Example: I could really do with a cup of tea.

Count in

= include or involve
= use more authority than usual

Example: If you're going on that skiing holiday, you can count me in, I'd love to go.
Crack down

Example: The police always crack down on drink-driving offences over the Christmas period.
Crack up

= have a nervous breakdown

Example: He cracked up after his son died and had to take a couple of months off work.
Crack up = have bad

on a mobile phone

Example: You'll have to talk louder- you're cracking up.

Crash out = sleep at someone:1s house because you are too tired:1 drunk:1 etc. to leave

Example: Dave crashed out at a friend's flat after the end-of-term party.
Crop up = appear unexpectedly

Example: I'm going to be late tonight as something has just cropped up at work.
Cross out

= put as line through some writing to show it is wrong

= reduce

Example: She crossed out her mistakes and wrote the correct answers above them.
Cut back


Phrasal Verbs



Example: The firm cut back production because sales were sluggish.

Cut down = consume less

Example: I'm trying to cut down the amount of coffee I drink during the day.

Cut down = shoot

Example: A lot of soldiers were cut down by enemy fire as they stormed the airport.

Cut down on = reduce

Example: Doctors advised her to cut down on the amount of saturated fats in her diet.

Cut it out = stop your unfair or unreasonable behaviour

Example: Will you two idiots cut it out and keep quiet.

Cut off = disconnect

Example: The telephone'S been cut off because we didn't pay the bill.

Cut off = isolate or make inaccessible

Example: The heavy snow has blocked many roads and cut off a number of villages.

Cut out = exclude

Example: I'm cutting out salt from my diet.

Cut out = when an engine or motor stops

Example: The car cut out at the traffic lights just as they went green.

Dawn on = finally realise or understand something

Example: The truth only dawned on me much later.

Die away = become quieter or inaudible (of a sound)

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Spoken English II

Example: The last notes died away and the audience burst into applause.
Die down

= decrease or become quieter

Example: It was on the front pages of all the papers for a few days, but the interest gradually died down.
Die out

= become extinct or disappear

Example: Some scientists say that the dinosaurs died out when a comet hit the earth and caused a nuclear winter. Dig in = start eating greedily Example: We were starving so we really dug in when the food finally did arrive. Dig into = reach inside to get something Example: She dug into her handbag and pulled out a bunch of keys. Dig up = .find something secret Example: The reporters eventually dug up the truth about the affair. Do away with =
abotish~ get

rid of

Example: The United Kingdom did away with the death penalty in 1965. Do out of = cheat somebody out of something that is rightfully theirs Example: They lied on the reference and did me out of any chance of getting the job. Do up = close or fasten


Example: You must do up your safety belt in the back of cars and taxis now. Do up

= repair and renovate


Phrasal Verbs


Example: It took them six months to do up the house before they could actually move in. Doze off = fall asleep Example: The movie was a bit boring and I dozed off halfway through. Drag on = be unnecessarily long Example: The meeting dragged on for two and a half hours. Draw up = prepare a contract Example: The contract was drawn up by our solicitor. Draw up = when a vehicle stops Example: The police car drew up alongside him at the red lights and asked him to pull over. Dream of = not think or consider Example: I wouldn't even dream of telling her that. Dream up = invent something, have an idea Example: They dreamed up the scheme for the improvements and it was accepted by the board. Dredge up = discover thi11gs about someone~ past Example: The newspapers dredged up the details of his affair with his research assistant. Dress up = dress very smartly Example: It's an informal party so there's no need to dress up. Drink up = finish a drink Example: Drinlz up, please, it's closing time. Drive off = drive away from a place Example: She slammed the car door shut and drove off without


Spoken English


saying a word.

Drop ill, = visit without having made arrangetnents

Example: I was in the area so I dropped in at the office to see her.

Drop out = quit a course

Example: She dropped out of college and.went straight into a good job.
Dwell on = spend a lot of time on something

Example: The programme dwelled on little other than the scandal.

Dwell upon = spend a lot of time on something

Example: She dwelt upon the economic situation in her speech.

Ease off = reduce pressure

Example: She eased off the accelerator to let the car slow down.
Ease up = relax, calm down

'Camplc: She asked her teacher to ease up because she was feeling verv strc<;scd.

= eat il1 a restaurant

Example: ",Oc couldn't be bothered to cook so wc atc out last night.

Eat up = eat all of something

E-':{lmplc: If YOll don't cat up your greens, you won't get any desscrt.
Edge up =


Example: She ct[rred up behind the bus at the red light.


= ellcotwage

Example: The other students egged him ing with the teacher.
Eke out

when he started argu-

= make something like lIwney last as long as possible


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Most students have to eke out their income because they have so little money to live on. Embark on

= start a project or venture

Example: Piere embarked on an MBA at Instead last autumn. Embark upon = start a project or venture Example: Fernando has just embarked upon a completely new direction professionally. End up = become or do something unplanned Example: We couldn't get tickets for Egypt so we ended up going to Turkey instead. Enter for = join or enter a competition Example: They entered for the national championship but weren't good enough. Eye up = look carefully at someone Example: The guy eyed the other man up because he was behaving suspiciously. Face up to = accept an unpleasant truth Example: Many people find it hard to face up to the fact tlUt they are getting old. Fall back = retreat Example: The army fell back after losing the battle. Fall down = fall on the ground Example: I slipped on the ice andfell down. Fall down = have a weak point Example: The argument falls dmvn when you look at ho\\' much it'll cost. Fall for = be attracted to somebody, fall in love

Fall for = believe a lie or a piece of deception

Spoken English


Example: He fell for her the moment their eyes met.

Example: He fell for my story and allowed me yet another extension for the submission of my thesis. Fall in

= collapse

Example: The ceiling fell in hurting a lot of people. Fall off = decrease Example: The membership fell off dramatically when the chairperson resigned. Fall out = argue and be on bad terms with someone Example: They fell out over the decision and hardly speak other any more. Fall out = lose hair Example: He's started getting worried about baldness because his hair is falling out rather quickly. Fall over = fall on the ground Example: I slipped on the ice andfell over. Fall through = be unsuccessful Example: The plans fell through when planning permission was refused. Fathom out = understand something Example: I couldn't fathom out what she wanted from me. (British) Feel up to


=feel capable ofdoing something

Example: I'm so tired. I don't think. I feel up to going out tonight. Fight off =fight an attacker and force them back


Phrasal Verbs
to fight

the muggers off and they

Example: The old lady managed didn't get her purse.

Figure out = find the answer to a problem

Example: The police couldn't figure out how the burglars had got into the warehouse.
File away = put a docu'I1'lent in the correct place for storage in a filing system

Example: I filed a copy of the letter away for my records.

Fill in = complete a form (UK)

Example: I filled in the application form and posted it off.

Fill in on = give someone information

Example: I'm sorry I missed the meeting, could you fill me in on what happened.
Fill out = complete a fimn (US)

Example: I filled out the application form and mailed it.

Fill up = fill something completely

Example: I stopped at the garage and filled up with petrol.

Filter out = remove something unwanted

Example: It filters out all the impurities and chemicals in tap water so that it tastes better.
Find out = discover

Example: I went to the library to find out all I could about the life and work of Joe Meek.
Finish off = finish completely

Example: They finished off all the chocolates and had to go to the all-night garage to buy some more.
Fire away = ask questions

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Spoken English II

Example: What do you want to know? fire away and I'll tell you.
Fire up = Start a computer

Example: She fired up the computer and printed out a hard copy of the fIles.
Fit in = get on in a group ofpeople

Example: I didn't fit in with the other people working there so I left and found another job.
Fit in = have enough time or space for something

Example: I didn't have time to fit in another appointment.

Fix up = make an arrangement

Example: He fixed up an appointment for me to see a specialist.

Flesh out

= add more details or information

Example: The recent government report fleshed out the draft proposals.
Flog off = sell something cheaply to get rid of it

Example: The council flogged off the land cheaply to a developer who had close links to a few of the councillors. (British)
Focus on = concentrate

Example: The report focuses on the company's weak points.

Fold up = make a sheet ofpaper smaller

Example: Darren folded up the letter and put it in an envelope.

Geek out = talk at length about computing

Example: Henry always geeks out at parties and bores all the nonspecialists, nearly everyone within earshot, to death.
Get around = become known

Example: It didn't take long for the news to get around once it got


Phrasal Verbs


into the newspapers.

Get around to = finally manage to do smnething

Example: It always takes me ages to get around to replying to letters.

Get at = criticise
Example: His boss is always getting at him for arriving late.

Get at = mean
Example: What do you think she's getting at~ I've no idea what she wants.

Get away = escape

Example: The robbers got away in a stolen car, which the police later found abandoned.

Get away = go on holiday or for a short break

Example: We love to get away from everything and relax in the country.

Get away with = not get caught doing smnething wrong

Example: Thieves got away with two Picassos, which were never found.

Get back = return

Example: The train was held up so we didn't get back home until midnight.

Get behind with = be late paying instalnumts for smnething.

Example: If you get behind with mongage payments, you might lose your home.

Get by = have just enough money to_live on

Example: They're finding it increasingly difficult to get by since their daughter was born.


Spoken English II

Get down = depress someone Example: The miserable weather in winter really gets me down. Get down to = start work '

Example: I find it extremely difficult toget down to doing any revi-

sion for examinations.

Get in = arrange for someone to do a job Example: The air conditioning has broken down, we'll have to get a technician in to fix it.
Get in = arrive (train" plane" etc.)

Example: Her plane gets in at 2am our time. Get in = arrive home Example: She didn't get in till twelve o'clock because she'd been

out for a few drinks with her mates.

Get in = enter a car or taxi Example: The taxi pulled up and we got in. Get off = escape punishment Example: He got off on a technicality and left the court as a free

Get off = leave a bus" train" etc. EXample: We got off the bus and walked to my house. Get off with = have casual sex with Example: He got off with her at the party. Get on = continue doing something Example: The teacher asked the pupils to get on with some work

quietly as she had to leave the classroom.

Get on = enter a bus" train" plane" etc.


Phrasal Verbs


Example: We got on the train at Plymouth and went up to London.

Get on = make progress

Example: How are yougetting on with your Spanish lessons?

Get on well = have a good relationship

Example: Fortunatel); I get on well with my boss.

Get out of = avoid doing something you dislike

Example: I said I wasn't feeling well andgot out of the extra work.
Get out of = leave a car, van, etc.

Example: We got out of the taxi and paid the driver.

Get over = recover

Example: It took me ages to get over the bout of flu.

Get over with = do something unpleasant rather than delaying it

any nwre

Example: Igot the test over with rather than have to worry about it any longer.
Get round\around = persuade someone

Example: She didn't want to let me do it, but I succeeded ingetting round her. (In American English 'around' is used)
Get round\around to

= finally manage to do something

Example: It always takes me ages to get round to writing letters. (In American English 'around' is used)
Get through = contact

Example: I tried calling her mobile phone, but I couldn'tget through.

Get to = annoy, irritate

Example: Don't let her get to you, she's just in a bad mood.
Get together = meet socially


Spoken English


Example: We got together in the pub for a drink. Get up = get out of bed Example: Iget up at seven o'clock on weekdays, but lie in till noon at the weekend. Get up = organise Example: They got up a list of two hundred people who were opposed to the local council's plans. Get up to = do something wrong or naughty Example: The children are always getting up to some trouble or other. Give away = entrust your daughter to her husband during the marnage ceremony Example: He gave his daughter away and told the groom to lOOK after her. Give away = tell a secret Example: She didn't give anything away about the party so it came as a complete surprise to me. Give back = return something you-'ve borrowed Example: Igave her back the twenty pounds she'd lent to me. Give in = stop doing something because it-'s too hard or requires too much energy Example: I couldn't fInish the crossword puzzle and had to give in and look at the answers. Give in

= submit homework., etc.

Example: The projects have to be given in three weeks before we break up for the end of term. (British) Give off = emit pollution or something else unpleasant


Phrasal Verbs


Example: The police stopped the van because it was giving off a lot of black smoke. Give out = distribute Example: Somebody was giving leaflets out in front of the underground station. Give out = stop working Example: I'd been having trouble with my laptop and it finally gave out at the weekend. Give up = stop doing something that had been a habit Example: I gave up taking sugar in tea and coffee to lose weight. Give up on = lose faith in or stop believing in something or someone Example: I gave up on them when I heard what they were saying about me behind my back. Gloss over = try to minimise the importance of something Example: The Minister tried to gloss over the report that was critical of her department.

Go about = deal with something

Example: How should Igo about telling her the bad news?

Go after = chase, try to get

Example: The bird went after the pigeon, but it flew away.

Go against = lose a decision or a verdict of a court

Example: If the decision goes against me, I'll go bankrupt.

Go ahead = proceed
Example: The construction of the bypass went ahead despite the protests from environmentalists.

Go along with

= accept a decision or su.!1!Jestion

11 152

Spoken English II

Example: I didn't really agree but went along with the decision because I was in the minority.
Go by

= the passing of time

Example: Ten years went by before we saw each other again.

Go by

= trust or depend on for correct information

Example: Don'tgo by watch, it's usually a bit slow.

Go down = decrease) get smaller

Example: The price of scanners has gone down recently.

Go down = sink

Example: The Titanic went down after it hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage.
Go down = sunset

Example: The sun went down at seven o'clock.

Go down with = fall ill

Example: She went down with a virus. (British- Americans use 'come down with')
Go for

= attack = be attracted to

Example: The neighbour'S dog went for the postman and bit him.
Go for

Example: She tends to go for guys like him.

Go for = choose) select

Example: I'll go for the soup of the day, followed by the duck.
Go in = go to hospital for

surger'JJ etc.

Example: He went in for a triple bypass operation two days ago.

Go in for = enter a competition


Phrasal Verbs


Example: He went in for the photography prize, but didn't win.

Go into = discuss in some detail

Example: They refused to go into exactly what was wrong

Go into = enter a profession

Example: She went into banking after she'd finished university.

Go off = explode (bomb)) start ringing (alarm)

Example: The fire alarm went off because someone was smoking in the toilets.
Go off = go bad

Example: The milk went offbccause I forgot to put it in the fridge.

Go off = start to dislike

Example: I went off her when she lied to me. (British)

Go on = continue

Example: He went on and on talking and I was so bored.

Go on = happen

Example: There are loads of people out in the street, what's going on?
Go on about = talk too much

Example: He's always going on about his kids.

Go out = stops burning

Example: The candle went out and left us in darkness.

Go out with = have a relationship with

Example: He's been going out with his girlfriend for around six months now.
Go through

= experience

Go through = read again

Spoken English

Example: You wouldn't believe what I went through when I was ill!

Example: I went through my notes before the exam. Go through with = do or complete sotnething you've agreed to Example: He did promise, but I doubt that he'llgo through with it. Go under = go bankrupt Example: Many small shops are going under because they cannot

compete with the supermarkets.

Go up = rise Example: The price of petrol has gone up sharply because of the

increase in duty in the Government's budget.

Go up to

= approach

Example: She went up to him and asked him if he wanted a drink. Go with = combine nicely Example: Does this tie go with my shin? Go without

= not have
to go

Example: I had

without lunch today because I didn't have any

Grass up = report someone to a person in authority Example: She didn't Grow into
to grass

them up, even though they'd been

bullying her badly. (British)

=grow to fit lat;ge clothes

Example: The jacket's a bit big, but she'll grow into it. Grow out of = grow too lat;ge for clothes Example: He grew out of those shoes in no time at all. Grow up = mature, becotne adult


Phrasal Verbs


Example: He grew up in the West Country. Hand down = pass on to the next generation Example: The jewellery has been handed down in my family for generations. Hand in = submit work for appraisal Example: I handed my homework in late as usual. Hand out = distribute Example: The teacher handed out the worksheet to the class. Hand over = give Example: The robbers told the clerk to hand (JVer all the money. Hang on = wait Example: Could you hang on for a moment till she's free. Hang out = spend time socially Example: He hangs out in the pub The Monarch, he's there most of the nights. Hang up = end a phone call Example: I lost my temper and hung up on her. Harp on = talk repeatedly about something Example: I was late twice last week and my boss keeps harping on about it. Have on = be wearing Example: What did Joan have on at the party? Heat up = make food hot Example: He heated the soup up in the microwave. Help out = give assistance



Spoken English "

Example: She really helped me out when I was going through my

Hit on = have an idea
Example: I suddenly hit on the solution

Hold back = not show etnotion

Example: It was really hard to hold back the tears.

Hold down = keep a job

Example: He's so unreliable that he can never hold down a job for

more than a couple of months.

Hold off = when bad weather doesn>t appear
Example: The rain held offuntil we'd got back home.

Hold on = wait
Example: Could you hold on for a minute, she'll be free in a mo-

Hold up = delay when travelling
Example: I was held up by the terrible traffic and arrived half an

hour late for my appointment.

Hold up

= rob with violence or threats thereof

Example: Two armed men held up the bank in High Street this

morning and got away with 75,000.

Home in on

= tatyet

Example: The government is homing in on benefit fraud.

Iron out = remove small problems or irregularities

Example: The management team ironed out the tax problems be-

fore they gave the project the OK.

Jam on = apply or operate something forcefully


Phrasal Verbs

157 11

Example: Jackjammed on the brakes when the rabbit ran in front

of his car.
Jazz up = make som.ething more interesting or attractive Example: The show was getting stale so they jazzed it up with

some new scenes.

Jot down

= make a quick note

Example: I jotted down her number on a scrap of paper and I can't

find it now.
Keep at = continue with som.ething difficult Example: She found the course hard but she kept at it and com-

pleted it successfully.
Keep off = not talk about
Example: She kept off the subject of her divorce.

Keep on = continue
Example: He kept on trying and succeeded in the end. Keep up = not let som.eone go to bed Example: My neighbours kept me up till after 4 am with their loud

music last night.

Keep up at

= continue, not quit

Example: Learning a language is difficult, but if you keep up at it, you'll succeed in the end.

Keep up with = move at the same rate

Example: He walks too fast and it's really hard to keep up with


Keep up with = stay up to date

Example: It's hard to keep up with all the latest improvements and breakthroughs in technology nowadays.

11 158

Spoken English II

Key in = enter numbers or information into a computer or electronic system

Example: It took me ages to key in all the information into the database.
Kick in

= when a drug starts to take effect

Example: Her hay fever didn't feel half as bad once the antihistamines had kicked in.
Kick off = start a game offootball

Example: The match kicks off at three o'clock.

Kick out = expel

Example: The family kicked the au pair out when they found out that she was planning to move to work for another household.
Knock down

= demolish = hit and injure someone

Example: They knocked down the old church and built a block of flats in its place.
Knock down

Example: The car knocked her down and she broke her arm.
Knock off = finish work for the day

Example: We knocked off early on Friday to avoid the rush hour queues.
Knock out = hit and make somebody unconscious

Example: The reigning middleweight champion knocked out the challenger in the fourth round of the fight.
Lar:!Je it up

= have a good time when intoxicated

Example: They were la1lJing it up in the rave.

Lay doWn

= establish rules or procedures

Example: The rules of the sport were laid down early in the nine-

" Phrasal Verbs


teenth century.
Layoff = make an employee redundant
Example: The hotel laid off twenty staff because tourist numbers

were down.
Lay on =


Example: They laid on a buffet lunch at the conference.

Layout = spend money

Example: They laid out thousands of pounds on their wedding

Lead to = result in
Example: The investigation led to the arrest of a number of sus-

Leave on = not turn off
Example: Leave the TV on, I want to hear the football results.

Leave out = not include

Example: He was left out of the side because he hasn't been play-

ing too well lately.

Let down = disappoint, foil to keep an arrangement
Example: She failed to turn up and I felt badly let down.

Let in = allow someone to enter

Example: The door staff didn't let him in the nightclub because he

was wearmg Jeans.

Let off = not punish
Example: The judge let him off with a fme rather than a prison

sentence since it was his first offence.

Let on = tell a secret

Let out = allow to leave or go out

Spoken English \\

Example: I didn't mean to let on about the party, I just said it without thinking.

Example: The convict was let out of prison after serving five years of an eight-year sentence. Let out = make a sound Example: He let out a huge sigh of relief when he heard the results. Lift off = leave the ground- rocket or spaceship Example: 5-4-3-2-1- we have lift-off! Light up = light or start smoking a cigarette Example: Asif lit up as soon as he got out of the building. Listen out for

= listen for a particular noise or sound

Example: They put their coats on and listened out for the minicab. Live it up = have a good time by spending a lot ofnwney Example: She's been living it up like crazy since she won the lottery. Live off = use money earned Example: They find it hard to live off the money they make. Live on = use money for basic necessities Example: They have to live on $200 a week. Lock up

= close all doors,

windows, etc.

Example: She locked up after everyone had left and went home. Log off = exit a computer system Example: When she'd finished working on the spreadsheet, she logged off and left the office.


Phrasal Verbs


Log on = enter a computiir system

Example: He entered his password for the college intranet and logged on.
Log out = exit a computer system

Example: Danny closed the programs and logged out when it was time to go home.
Look after = take care

Example: Their auntie looked after them while their mother was in hospital.
Look back = think about the past

Example: Old people often look back on over their lives.

Look down on = have a low opinion of

Example: He looks down on his colleagues because he thinks he's better than they are.
Look For = try to find

Example: I've been looking for all their hidden flies, but I can't fmd them anywhere.
Look forward to = wait for or anticipate smnething pleasant

Example: I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Look in = 'l'nake a quick visit

Example: I'll look in on them on my way home.

Look in on = visit briefly to see if everything's all right

Example: I'm going to look in on Gran on the way home tonight as she's been a bit unwell recently.
Look into

= research~


Example: We'll look into the problem and come back to you when we have the information.



Spoken Enghsh II

Look on

= watch something like a crime without helping

Example: The crowd just looked on as the old lady was mugged.

Look out = be careful

Example: Look out, you're going to drop that!

Look round

= inspect a house

Example: We looked round the house and decided that we didn't

like it enough to buy it.

Look up = consult a reference work for a specific piece of information.

phonebook, etc.)

Example: I didn't know the correct spelling so I had to look it up in

the dictionary.
Look up to = respect
Example: She's looks up to her mother.

Make for

= head in a certain direction

Example: We made for home when it started raining.

Make into

= change something into something else

Example: Many churches have been made into flats in recent years.

Make it up to = try to compensate for doing something wrong

Example: He tried to make it up to her, but she wouldn't speak to

Make off with

= steal

Example: Thieves made off with over a million dollars in the rob-

Make out = make a cheque payable to sumebody
Example: Please make the cheque out to RGM Productions Ltd.

Make out = pretend


Phrasal Verbs


Example: He made out that he was ill so that he didn't have to go to school. Make up = stop being angry with smneone Example: They are always arguing, but they make up again very quickly. Make up for = compensate Example: I sent her a present to try to make up for my appalling behaviour. Mark down = give a student a lower grade for a particular reason Example: Students who gave obviously rehearsed answers were marked down, while those who spoke naturally were rewarded accordingly. Meet wiph = have something happen to you

They met with some problems they hadn't anticipated.

Mix up = confuse Example: I always mix those two sisters up because they look so like each other. Mouth off = speak angrtly about something Example: I always get angry and start mouthing off when the news is on TV. Move on = change the subject or your job Example: She moved on to another company where the salary was considerably better. Move on = make people nwve from a place Example: The police moved the crowd on because they were holding up the traffic. Mull over

= think about an issue or problem



Spoken English


Example: She said that she'd had to mull it over before deciding what was Nag at

= repeatedly criticise someone verbally

Example: My boss is always nagging at me about my arriving a few minutes late for work. Note down = write something short like a phone number for future reference. Example: She noted down my fax number so that she could send me the documents when she got to the office. Open up = start to talk freely about something Example: She hates to open up and discuss her feelings. Opt for = choose Example: I opted for an endowment mortgage and lost a lot of money. Opt out = choose not to be part of something Example: The UK opted out of a lot of EU legislation on working hours and conditions. Owe to

= be the reason for something

Example: She owes her success to hard work and determination.

Own up = confess
Example: Nobody owned up to breaking the window. Pan out = the way a situation develops Example: I don't know how things will pan out now the company's been taken over. Pass away = die Example: Sadly, Georgia's uncle passed away yesterday after a short illness.


Phrasal Verbs


Pass on = give a 1n&ssage to s01n&One Example: I'll pass the message on when she gets here. Pass out = faint, lose consciousness Example: He got so drunk that he passed out. Pay back = repay money borrowed Example: I paid baclz the twenty pounds I'd borrowed. Pay back = take revenge on Example: I'm going to pay him back for that insult. Pay for = purchase Example: I paid twenty pounds for the book. Pay into = deposit money Example: I paid the cash into my account. Payoff = completely repay a debt Example: The mortgage will be paid off in twenty-five years. Payoff = produce a profitable or successful result Example: Their patience paid off when he finally showed up and signed the contract. Perk up = feel better or happier Example: She was ill in bed with flu, but she perked up a bit when some friends dropped by. Pick at = eat unwillingly Example: I wasn't very hungry so I just picked at my food. Pick out = choose Example: She picked out the ones she wanted to take and left the rest.


Spoken English


Pick out = choose or select Example: The victim couldn't pick out her attacker from the photos the police showed her. Pick up

= improve

Example: Sales picked up a bit during the Christmas period. Pick up = learn quickly Example: She picked up Spanish in six months. Pile up = accumulate Example: Work just keeps on piling up and I really can't manage to get it all done. Pipe down

= be quiet (often as an imperative) = try to tnake something seem less important

Example: The lecturer asked the students to pipe down and pay attention. Play down

Example: The Government has tried to play down the importance of the minister's resignation. Plug in

= connect tnachines to the electricity supply

Example: He plugged the TV in and turned it on full blast. Plump for = choose Example: I plumped for the steak frites. Point out = make someone aware of something Example: He pointed out that I only had two weeks to get the whole thing fInished. Polish off = finish Example: She polishes off half a bottle of neat spirits every night. Pop out

=go out for a short time


Phrasal Verbs


Example: I'm just popping out to the shops. Do you need anything while I'm out? Pop up = appear, like windows and boxes opening on a computer screen. Example: The dialogue box popped up when I pressed Enter. Pour down = rain hard Example: It poured down all day so we had to remain indoors. Prattle on = talk too much Example: Geoff just prattled on rather than give a straight answer. Price up = charge more for something Example: In rural areas where they have a monopoly, some garages price up fuel because there's nowhere else to buy it. Print out = make a hard copy of a computer document Example: He printed out the letter and checked through it carefully. Pull away

= when a vehicle moves from a place

Example: The car pulled away from the lights at high speed. Pull in = when a train arrives at a station Example: The train pulled in and we rushed to meet her as she got off. Pull off = manage to do something difficult or tricky Example: No-one thought that she would be able to do it, but she pulled it off in the end. Pull up = slow and stop a car Example: The cab pulled up outside my house and I got out. Push in = get in a queue without waiting



Spoken English


Example: She just pushed in the queue in front of me at the supermarket checkout. Put away = put something back in the correct place Example: He put the dictionary back on the shelf after he'd fmished the crossword. Put back = rearrange something for a later time Example: The AGM has been put back until July the seventeenth. Put by = save for the future Example: I try to put some money by every month towards our summer holiday. Put down = kill an animal because it's
old~ ill~


Example: He had his dog put down because it was in a lot of pain from its tumours. Put in = install Example: They had to put in a whole new central heating system because the house was so cold. Put in for

= make a request

Example: He put in for a transfer to the new branch. Put off = postpone Example: The concert's been put offuntil next month because the singer's got a throat infection. Put off = stop liking something or somebody Example: I was really put off by the way he eats with his mouth open. Put on = get fat Example: He's put on a lot of weight since he gave up smoking. Put out = broadcast


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Several charities put out an appeal on TV for money for the victims of the flooding in Mozambique. Put out = disturb or trouble someone Example: Would it be putting you out greatly if I asked to change to another day. Put out

= extinguish a

cigarette, fire, etc.

Example: He put out his cigarette before entering the building. Put through = connect someone by phone Example: Could you put me through to extension 259 please. Put towards = make a financial contribution Example: She put $250 towards the cost of the repairs and we had to pay the rest. Put up = allow someone to stay at your house for a night or a few days. Example: She put me up for the night because I'd missed the last bus and there were no night buses running. Put up = increase prices, taxes, duties, etc. Example: The government has put tuition fees for undergraduate students up again. Put up with = tolerate Example: I can't put up with my neighbour's noise any longer, it's driving me mad. QJtieten down = fall silent Example: The audience quietened down when the lights were switched off in the auditorium and the play was ready to begin. Rat on

= inform authorities about someone's wrongdoings

Example: She ratted to the police on her neighbours because they


Spoken English "

were smuggling alcohol from France.

Rattle off = quote figures rapidly

Example: She rattled offload of statistics which nobody could un-

Read off = read a list aloud for sfJ'l'fle(}ne to write down
Example: I read off the figures and she wrote them down in her

Read out = read aloud rather than silently
Example: The teacher read out the names of the students who'd

Reckon on = the minimum expected
Example: Jeff says we can reckon on there being at least fifty people

there tonight.
Ring back = return a phone call
Example: I phoned and left a message this morning but she still hasn't called me back.

Ring off = finish a phone conversation

Example: Dave rang off guiltily when he saw his boss coming.

Ring up = telephone
Example: Helen rang up earlier.

Rip off = charge excessively or obtain money unfairly

Example: Tourists get ripped off a lot when they don't speak the

Round off = finish something in a satisfactory manner
Example: Winning the FA Cup rounded off a wonderful season for


Rule out

= exclude

Phrasal Verbs


Example: The Government quickly ruled out the possibility of a

relaxation of the law.

Run away = Escape from people chasing you
Example: He ran away from his attackers.

Run down = hit a pedestrian with a vehicle

Example: The minicab ran him down on the zebra crossing.

Run down = lose energy or power

Example: You should only recharge the battery when it has fully run dawn.

Run into = cost

Example: The project has run into millions of dollars without any

prospect of a return on this investment.

Run into = meet by accident
Example: I ran into James in a bar in the City on Friday.

Run off = make photocopies

Example: Could you run off two hundred copies of this report,

Run on = be powered by
Example: The van runs on diesel.

Run out of = have none left

Example: We've run out of sugar, I'm going to the shops for some.

Run over

= explain quickly

Example: Could you run over that point again, I'm afraid I didn't

quite understand it.

Run over = hit with a vehicle
Example: The driver couldn't stop in time and ran the fox over


Spoken English


when it ran in front of his car.

Run through

= practise a dramatic work like a play quickly

knife~ sword~

Example: The cast ran through the play the day before it opened

to the public.
Run through = stab or wound deeply with a etc.

Example: The musketeer ran his enemy through with a sword and

killed him.
Save up = for money for a particular purpose Example: He's saving up to buy a car. Scare off = make someone so frightened that he or she away Example: The vicious Doberman guard-dog scared the burglars away. Screw up

= do badly or fail = make a 'l'nCSS~ ruin

Example: David screwed up his oral exam but still managed to scrape

a pass.
Screw up

Example: He screwed up the whole project and lost his job. See into

= accompany someone into an office

Example: Her secretary saw me into her office. See off = chase s01nebody or sO'l'nCthing away Example: A cat came into the back garden but the dog soon saw it off. See off = go to the airport, station~ etc.~ to say goodbye to someone Example: I went to the station to see them off. See out = accompany a guest to your front door when they are

leaving your house


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Are you sure you're going? I'll get your coats and see you out. See through = continue with something to the end Example: They had a lot of difficulties in implementing the project, but the team saw it through successfully. See through = realise someone is lying or being deceitful Example: The police quickly saw through her disguise and arrested her. See to = deal with something Example: He saw to the arrangements and everything ran smoothly and efficiently. Sell out = have no more of something left because it has been bought Example: The tickets for the Primal Scream concert at the Brixton Academy sold out in a couple of hours. Sell out = lose all artistic integrity in return for commercial success Example: Most bands sell out when they sign to a major record label and forget all their principles when pursuing chart success. Sell out = sell all available tickets Example: The concert completely sold out months in advance. Send back = return something Example: I sent my food back because it was overcooked. Send for = ask someone to come and help Example: I had leaking.
Send in

send for a plumber because the radiator was

= orde'l" people into a place to handle a problem


Spoken English


Example: The police were sent in to quell the riot as the protesters had started burning cars and wrecking shops.
Send in

= write to get information

Example: If you want to enter the competition, you have to send in for an entry form.
Send off = expel a sports player from a match

Example: The football striker was sent off for arguing with the referee's decision.
Send off = post a letter

Example: I must send this letter off today otherwise it won't get there in time.
Send offfor = order something by post

Example: I sent offfor some jeans that I liked in the catalogue.

Send out = send something to a lot ofpeople

Example: They sent out a mail shot to all their existing customers.
Send out for = order takeaway food by phone

Example: We couldn't be bothered to cook, so we sent out for a plzza.

Set about

= start doing something

Example: We set about the cleaning and got it done before lunchtime.
Set aside

= overturn a = cost

court verdict or decision

Example: The Appeal Court set aside the guilty verdict because the evidence was unsatisfactory and declared her not guilty.
Set back

Example: The car repairs set me back eight hundred pounds.

Set in = change season noticeably


Phrasal Verbs


Example: Winter has set in, it's started snowing.

Set off = explode a bomb

Example: Terrorists set off a car bomb in the city centre last night. Fortunately, no-one was hurt or killed.
Set off = ring an alarm

Example: The smoke set the fire alarm off.

Set off = start a journey

Example: We set off for work at seven-thirty.

Set out = displa!YJ show

Example: The figures are set out in the council's annual report.
Set out = start a journey

Example: The explorers set out for the South Pole yesterday mornmg.
Set up = prepare equipment, software, etc., for use

Example: The technician set up the computer network perfectly.

Set up = start a company

Example: They set up a dot com company and floated it a couple of years later on the Stock Exchange and made an absolute fortune.
Settle down = start living a fixed and routine life

Example: After years of partying and drinking, she finally got married and settled down.
Settle in = get used to

Example: It took him a while to fettle in when he moved to Japan.

Settle on = agree

Example: They couldn't agree at first on a name for their daughter, but fmally settled on Alice.

11 176

Spoken English II

Sex up = change information to make it more attractive to the reader \listener Example: The government denied that they had sexed up the re-

port to make the front page.

Shake off = get rid of an illness Example: It took me ages to shake off the cough. Shoot off = leave promptly and quickly Example: I'll have to shoot off as soon as the lesson ftnishes, other-

wise I'll miss my train.

Shoot up = increase quickly Example: The share prices of internet companies have been shooting up lately. Shop around = look around for the best price, quality, etc. Example: If you shop around, you can fmd some real bargains for

air tickets.
Show in = take someone into an office Example: The secretary showed me in to speak to the manager. Show off = behave in a way so as to attract attention Example: The children were showing off and irritated me. Shut down = close a business, shop, etc. Example: The shop shut down when the out-of-town supermarket

Shut down = turn a computer off Example: You should close all programs before you shut a computer down. Side with = support someone Example: The lecturer sided with her students and got sacked for .


Phrasal Verbs


her pains.
Sift through

= examine a lot of things carefully

Example: We had to sift through thousands of files before we found

what we were looking for.

Sink in = slowly come to be understood Example: The truth fmally sank in about her death when it was

broadcast on Tv.
Sit around = sit idly, doing nothing Example: They just sat around while the others did all the work. Sit in = occupy a building to protest about something Example: The students sat in the Library as a protest against the

increase in tuition fees.

Sit on = be on a cmnmittee Example: She's sat on the fmance committee from the beginning. Sit throueh = stay till the end of something dull Example: I was bored and wanted to leave halfway through, but we sat through the film. Slag off = criticise heavily Example: The concert was terrible and all the papers slagged the

band off.
Sleep off = sleep in order to recover from excess alcohol, druos, etc. Example: She went to bed to sleep off the effects of the tequila. Sleep on = think about something Example: My boss said she'd have to sleep on it when I asked her

for a raise.
Sleep oper = spend the night at someone else's house



Spoken English


Example: The au pair made tea for the friends who were sleeping (JVer. Sleep through' = not wake up Example: I slept through the storm even though the wind blew some slates off the roof. Slip out = leave discreetly Example: The party was really dull so we slipped out and went to the pub instead. Slip up

= make an error

Example: The waitress slipped up and didn't bring us what we had ordered. Sober up = stop showing the effects of alcohol or drugs Example: Keith sobered up a bit when we left the pub and walked home. Soldier on

= continue even when things get difficult

Example: Life got hard for my dog when he went blind, but he just soldiered on and never complained. Sort out

= resolve a problem

Example: Has the firm sorted out its tax problems yet? Sort out = solve a problem Example: There were a lot of problems at first, but they've all been sorted out now. Sound out = check what someone thinks about an Example: You should sound her out go ahead with the plan.

issue~ idea~


get her opinion before you

Spark off = cause somethi~ usually unpleasan; to happen Example: The riot was sparked offby the police raid on the club.


Phrasal Verbs


Speak out = talk openly and freely Example: People are afraid to speak out in oppressive political regImes. Speak up = Talk more loudly Example: They couldn't hear the speaker and asked him to speak up a bit. Split up = divide into groups Example: The teacher split the class up into groups of four. Sptit up

= finish a relationship

Example: They are always splitting up and then getting back together again. Spur on = encourage someone to continue Example: The thought of the bonus spurred her on to complete the work on time. Squeeze up = get more people into a space than normal or comfortable Example: Four of us had to squeeze up in the back of the car. Stand by = support someone Example: He stood by her throughout the trial as he believed her to be innocent. Stand for

= accept or tolerate behaviour

Example: I'm not going to stand for their rudeness any longer. Stand for = the words represented by certain initials Example: 'WHAT do the letters BBC stand for? ' 'British Broadcasting Corporation.' Stand in for = substitute someone temporarily Example: She had to stand in for the editor while he was on holi-


Spoken English


day. Stand out

= be extraordinary and different

Example: She stood out from the crowd in selection and was offered the job.

Start up = open a business

Example: The firm started up on a shoestring budget.

Stay in

= notgo out

Example: I'm going to stay in and chill tonight, I can't be bothered to go out.

Stay on = remain longer than anticipated

Example: She stayed on after she graduated to do a Master's degree.

Stay out = notgo home

Example: We stayed out all night.

Stay up

= notgo to bed

Example: The children stayed up until way past their bedtime.

Steer clear of = avoid

Example: He's trying to steer clear of his lecturer because he hasn't finished his assignment yet.

Step in = get involved by interrupting something

Example: I had to step in when they started fighting.

Step up = increase
Example: The police have stepped up the pressure on beggars working the Underground.

Stick to = not change

Example: The Prime Minister decided to stick to the original plan


Phrasal Verbs


despite the criticism in the media.

Stir up = make trouble for someone else

Example: He stirred things up by complaining to senior management about his line manager.
Stop off = break a journey

Example: We stopped off for lunch about halfway there, then carried on driving.
Stub out

= extinguish a cigarette

Example: He stubbed his cigarette out in a saucer because he couldn't fmd an ashtray.
Sum up = summarise

Example: At the end of the lecture, she summed up the main points again.
Summon up = get the energy or courage to do something

Example: Andrea couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to apply for the position.
Suss out = come to understand

Example: It took her ages to suss out what was going on.
Take after = look like, resemble

Example: He takes after his mother.

Take apart = take something to pieces

Example: She took the photocopier apart to see what had got stuck in it.
Take aside = get someone alone to talk to them

Example: The teacher took her aside and said that she'd failed the exam.
Take back = make someone nostalgic

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Spoken English


Example: That song always takes me back to when I was at univer-

Take back

= retract a statemen~ admit that something was wrong

Example: I had to take back everything bad I'd said about them

when I learned how they'd helped out.

Take down = make notes or write down in full
Example: The police took down his answers to their questions.

Take down = remove

Example: People take down their Christmas decorations twelve

days after Christmas.

Take in = absorb information
Example: The lecture was rather boring and I didn't take in much

of what the lecturer said.

Take in = deceive
Example: Nobody was taken in by her unbelievable excuse.

Take in

= make clothes smaller

Example: The jacket was far too big around the shoulders, so I had it taken in so that I could wear it.

Take it out on = abuse someone because you're angry

Example: Whenever things go wrong, he always shouts and takes it out on me, even if I had nothing to do with the problem.

Take off = make great progress

Example: The software house really took off when they produced

the latest version of their DTP package.

Take off = reduce the price of an item
Example: They've taken ten percent off designer frames for glasses.

Take off = when a plane departs or leaves the ground


Phrasal Verbs


Example: The flight for Dublin took off on time.

Take on = allow passengers on a ship or aeroplane

Example: The plane stopped at Zurich to take on some passengers.

Take on = assume


Example: She took on the task of indexing the book.

Take on = employ

Example: The council has had to take on twenty extra employees to handle their increased workload.
Take out = borrow a library book

Example: I took out all the books I needed for my essay from the library.
Take out

= borrow money from a bank or other official lender

Example: Jackie and Anil took out a mortgage to buy a bigger flat.
Take out = extract or remove

Example: The dentist took out all of my wisdom teeth before they started causing any problems.
Take out = go out socially with someone, especially a date

Example: He took her out to a restaurant last Friday night.

Take out = obtain insurance

Example: I took out some health insurance before I went backpacking around Latin America.
Take over = assume control of a company or organisation

Example: The bank was taken aver by a Hong Kong bank that needed to buy a bank to get into the British market.
Take to = make a habit of something

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Example: He's taken to wearing a baseball cap since his hair started thinning more noticeably. Take up = fill or occupy time or space Example: An awful lot of my time at work is taken up with pointless bureaucracy nowadays. Take up = make clothes shorter Example: The trousers were too long so I took them up to make them fit. Take up = start a new
hobb~ pastime~


Example: He took up squash as he felt he had to lose some weight. Talk into

= persuade someone to do something

Example: She didn't want to let me go, but I finally managed to talk her into it. Talk out of = persuade someone not to do something Example: He was going to drive home after drinking half a bottle of wine, but his friends talked him out of it. Tear apart = disturb or upset greatly Example: People were torn apart when news of the train crash came through. Tear down

= demolish

Example: The estate was torn down so that they could develop the land into luxury flats. Tear off = remove part of a form or letter using your hands and not scissors Example: She tore the slip off the bottom of the form and sent it with her cheque. Tear up

= rip into pieces


Phrasal Verbs


Example: He tore the fax up and threw the bits of paper in the bin. Tell apart

= see a difference between two things

Example: They're identical twins so I cannot tell them apart. Tell off = chide, talk angrily to someone about something they've done wrong. Example: His fiancee told him off for arriving nearly an hour late. Think over = consider something carefully Example: I've thought it over and have made up my mind, I'm

going to take the job in Leeds.

Think through = consider all the possibilities and outcomes of a situation Example: The plan fell through because they hadn't thought it through properly. Throwaway = discard something when no longer needed Example: I threw the alarm clock away because it had stopped

Throw out = get rid of Example: I threw out all myoId clothes to make some space in my

Throw up = vomit Example: The prawns she ate at lunch made her throw up and she

had to go home early.

Tide over = use something carefully so as not to finish it Example: This 50 will have to tide me over until I get paid. Tidy up

= put things in the correct place in a room

Example: I tidied up my bedroom because it was a complete mess. Tire of =get bored of something

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Spoken English II

Example: She soon tired of the course and dropped out. Tone down = make something sound more moderate Example: The Minister tried to tone down what she had said when the press started attacking her. Top off = finish something in a special way Example: He complained for an hour and to top it offstarted shouting

his head off.

Top up = refill something that isn/t empty yet Example: Shall I top up your drink while I'm pouring myseff one? Track down

=find after a long search

Example: It took me ages to track them down in the crowd at the

football game.
Trade in . = exchange something old as part of the price of something new Example: She traded in her old car for the new model. Trade off =

make a deal or compromise

Example: A longer working week was traded off for a pay rise. Trade up = buy lat:!Jer or more expensive items Example: British wine drinkers have traded up over the last few

years from cheap plonk to expensive wines.

Try on = put clothes on to see

if they fit

Example: I tried the jacket art before I bought it. Try out

= test

Example: Scientists are trying out a new drug in the fight against the disease. Turn against = stop liking and start disliking


Phrasal Verbs


Example: The public turned against the government when they

became arrogant and ceased to listen.

Turn away = not allow someone to enter a place

Example: The doorman turned him away from the nightclub be-

cause he was wearing trainers.

Turn down = reduce volume, temperature, etc.

Example: The room was too hot, so she turned the heating down.

Turn down = reject an offer, invitation, etc.

Example: They offered her the job, but she turned it down.

Turn in = go to bed
Example: I turned in at half past eleven because I had an early

start the next morning.

Turn into = become

Example: Tadpoles turn into frogs.

Turn on = cause someone to feel attraction or pleasure

Example: He really turns me on.

Turn on = start a machine

Example: I turned the radio on to get the weather forecast.

Turn out = produce

Example: The factory turns out three thousand units a day.

Turn out = produce an unexpected result

Example: It looked as if we were going to fail, but it turned out well in the end.

Turn out = stop a light

Example: She turned out the lights and went to bed.

Turn to = try to get help

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Spoken English II

Example: She had nobody to turn to when her husband died. Turn up = appear Example: She didn't turn up for class today. Turn up = increase volume:J temperature:J etc. Example: I turned the music up full blast. 1Ype up = type a finished version Example: She typed up her lecture notes and printed them out. Use up = finish or consume all of something Example: We used up all the olive oil. lUJke up

= stop sleeping

Example: I woke up at half past six this morning. lUJlk on = continue walking Example: I saw the accident but just walked on as I didn't want to have to give a statement. lUJlk out on = leave somebody angrily Example: He walked out on his wife last year. lUJnt out = want to leave a relationship or arrangement Example: Jackie wanted out of her marriage. lUJrm up = do exercises before a sport Example: The team warmed up half an hour before the volleyball match. Wash away = when floods or waves completely renuJve a structure:J building:J etc. Example: The ice cream stall on the beach was washed away in the storm last night. Wash up

= clean everything used to prepare food and eat it


Phrasal Verbs



Example: The children washed up after lunch.

l*Jtch over = keep an eye on something or someone to check that there:Js no trouble

Example: The lecmrer watched over the smdents as they did the experiment.
Water down = make something weaker and less effective

Example: The Freedom of Information Act was watered down by the Government and didn't give ordinary people much access to official data flies
Wear away = erode:J remove gradually

Example: The lawn has been worn away by people walking across it and it's just bare soil now with hardly a blade of grass.
Wear down = make something weaker

Example: The stress of my job is wearing me down.

Wear off = stop having an effict

Example: The anaesthetic wore off and my tooth started hurting.

Wear out = use something until it stops working

Example: She played the video so many times that she wore the tape out.
Whip out = remove quickly

Example: The police officer whipped out her radio and called for back-up.
Wimp out = not be brave enough to do something

Example: I was going to have the hottest curry on the menu, but I wimped out and had a mild lamb Korma instead.
Wind down = relax

Example: I'm going to wind down in the country this weekend and


Spoken English


do nothing.
Wind up = close a company because i-rs unprofitable

Example: The company was wound up when the creditors demanded payment.
Wire up = make electrical connections

Example: She wired her new stereo system up as soon as she got home.
Wise up = stop being stupid

Example: His supervisor told him to wise up and start following the rules or else he'd lose his job.
UVrk off = exercise to remove stress or weight

Example: She goes to the gym to work off her anger.

UVrk on = improve or develop

Example: Scientists are working on genetically modified crops and foods.

Work out = end nicely

Example: Things were going wrong for them but fortunately it all worked out in the end.
UVrk out = find the answer or solution

Example: I couldn't work out all the answers to the crossword puzzle.
urap up = cover in paper

Example: They wrapped up the presents then put a ribbon around them.
urap up

= dress warmly

Example: u+ap up carefully or you'll catch your death of cold outside in that rain.


Phrasal Verbs


Write down = make notes

Example: I wrote her mobile number down on a scrap of paper and I've lost it.
Write in = send a letter to a TV station~ etc.

Example: They asked viewers to write in with their opinions and suggestions.
Write off = destroy a car in an accident

Example: He wrote the car off in an accident on the motorway.

Yield to = surrender

Example: I tried hard to resist, but in the end I yielded to temptation and ate it all.
Zoom in = focus more closely

Example: The camera zoomed in on his face.

Prepositional verbs are a group of multi-word verbs made from a verb plus another word or words. Many people refer to all multiword verbs as phrasal verbs. Prepositional verbs are made of: verb + preposition Because a preposition always has an object, all prepositional verbs have direct objects. Here are some examples of prepositional verbs:

meaning have faith in the existence of take care of discuss await

examples I believe in He is looking after Did you talk about

verbs believe in look after talk about wait for

direct ob ject God. the dog. me?

John is waiting Mary. for

Prepositional verbs cannot be separated. That means that we cannot put the direct object between the two parts. For example, we must say 'look after the baby'. We cannot say 'look the baby after':
PhRASAl"'PREposiTioNAl VERbs


Prepositional Verbs

193 11

Phrasal-prepositional verbs are a small group of multi-word verbs made from a verb plus another word or words. Many people refer to all multi-word verbs as phrasal verbs. We make a distinction between three types of multi-word verbs: prepositional verbs, phrasal verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs. We will look at phrasal-prepositional verbs. Phrasal-prepositional verbs are made of: verb sition

+ adverb + prepo-

Look at these examples of phrasal-prepositional verbs: phrasal -prepositional verbs get on with put up with meaning examples direct ob ject his wife. your atti -tude. seemg you. eggs.

have a friendly relationship with tolerate

He doesn't get on with I won't put up with I look forward to We have run out of

look forward to anticipate with pleasure run out of use up, exhaust

Because phrasal-prepositional verbs end with a preposition, there is always a direct object. And, like prepositional verbs, phrasalprepositional verbs cannot be separated. Look at these examples:
phrasal prepositional verbs are inseparable We

ran out of ran out of





A cliche is not just something that lots of people say, it is something that lots of people say and it conveys some sort of idea or message. A cliche is, in other words, a metaphor characterised by its overuse. Thin red line Chase a rainbow Like a three ring circus Weak as a rat Bag and baggage Lesser of two evils Fish or cut bait Cut the coat according to the cloth Going around in circles A bucket full of something Within an ace of

In a pig's eye
Let sleeping dogs lay Stem the tide




Down in the mouth Leading edge or cutting edge You don't believe that fat meat is greasy Hoist by his own petard To the bitter end You bet! Chew him out Mare's nest I love being free, it's the best way to be Hang in there Clear as mud Clean as a hound's tooth Quick on the draw Lightning strikes twice Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades Catbird seat Lay there like a beached whale Dead right Pour the baby out with the bathwater Turn of the tide Horney as a two peckered mink Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am! Rise and shine The quiet before the storm


Spoken English


Grin and bear it Kiss and tell By the book Cottage by the lake On the brink of disaster Beyond the pale The squeaky wheel gets the grease Dance the night away Clear as mud A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush Not worth the powder to blow it up Hand over hand Sight unseen Eating out of my hand He's no slouch There are plenty more fish in the sea Plumb the depths Ace in the hole Well and good Balls to the wall Yawning gulf Ivory tower From head to heels Read the tea leaves




Like shooting fish in a barrel One french fry short of a happy meal Sacred cow When the cats are away the mice will play Get lost (go away) Clear as mud Don't look a gift horse in the mouth Pull a rabbit out of the hat Salt of the earth Not one red cent Close shave Old guard Serious as a heart attack Don't go away mad. Just go away. Fit as a fiddle Always look at the bright side of life Off the wall Turn the screw Who opened the cattle guard? He was in his golden years Break a leg! Settle your hash On the rampage Are you hard of hearing


Spoken English


Make it plain and clear One sandwich short of a picnic Ready for the funny farm Buy for a song Practice your plan Older than the crust on my grandma's underpants Statistics are for losers Every man has his price Blow your own horn Here's your hat, what's your hurry Busier than a one-armed paperhanger. Bats in the belfry Too clever by half The enemy is at the gate Every cloud has a silver lining The golden age A no-win situation It's raining cats and dogs He'd give you the shirt off his back There's no fool like an old fool This is a turd hunt A feather in his cap A very pretty box with a bow but nothing inside. Time has passed him by




Sticks to the ribs From bad to worse The third degree Eat my shorts There will come a day when all the work is finished Dr when it is too late to finish it By the book Like a breath of fresh air Unvarnished truth Keeping on top of things Turn up the pressure At loggerheads Use other door Start from scratch Keep the pot boiling America, the melting pot of the world Mould the minds of our youth Red-letter day Find yourself in a hole. To have

to hold

Dance your away around it You look like somebody shot at and missed, shit at and hit Tower of strength Quicker than shit through a goose It ain't over until the fat lady sings


Spoken English II

That takes the cake The eternal verities Needless to say Spit and polish Cast into outer darkness Turn something into a roo The early bird catches the worm Smart cookie Strut your stuff Red on a Tomato Hold at bay Happy smoke (marijauna) Crazy as a loon You could hear a pin drop Make your own breaks He's a few fries short of a happy meal Click up your heels Month of Sundays Put the arm on Hit the nail on the head Rubber duck Live dangerously You can't win 'em all The long and the short of it




Idiot box (TV) Get ripped to shreds Slicker than a wet weasel on a linoleum floor Clutch shot to win the game Life sucks and then you die ... Little bird told me Cardinal sin
As fate would have it

Living doll A chip off the old block Nutty as a fruitcake Couldn't care less Bloody but unbowed A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
An Albatross around the neck

At wits' end Do a good turn You get what you give Fork it over Keep your fmgers crossed With flying colours Sweating like a whore in church Play fast and loose Busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger


Spoken English


he went a ways down the road You can choose your friends and you can choose your enemies, but you can't chose family!

It ain't over until the fat lady sings

Wild and woolly As plain as the nose on your face Hop on over to my house You have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull the wool over my eyes
Go fly a kite

Every Tom, Dick and Harry He's a quick study Let the cat out of the bag So let it be written, so let it be done I'm all over

like a fat kid on a smartie

Like a bump on a pickle Sadder and wiser Old guard Cry me a river No matter where you go, there you are Got hosed (cheated) Wages of sin Land of milk and honey Bottoms up As big as a whale




Take a bullet for you Wet behind the ears Stone cold sober Hurry dog eats raw meat. Needless to say High-water mark Had eyes that would burn a hole right through you Can't see beyond the end of his nose Youthful folly Strain at a net and swallow a camel Hasn't got a pot to piss in (nor a window to throw it out) Hop on over to my house Pencil thin eyebrows So Hungry He Could Eat The North End Out Of A South Bound Cow
Good To Go

A picture is worth a thousand words Not on your life The night of all nights Stray off the reservation The grass is always greener.. He's so mean he could make a worm jump He's off his rocker. Chicken hearted First saw the light of day


Spoken English


Counting on it Green with envy Honest Injun Don't give up your day job The cotton belt
It was like a circus

I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole Take a licking and keep on ticking Whatever lifts your skirt A chink in the armour Against all hope
Full of himself

Be your own man You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar Home is where the heart is Que sera, sera Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater Early to bed and early to rise makes a man health, wealthy and wise. He thinks he's shit on a stick but he's only a fart on a twig Put on the back burner Hit with an ugly stick Jumpy as peas on a hot griddle The powers that be Close enough for government work.

1\ Cliche


Feeling blue Done to death As fate would have it Child of nature Pop a cherry All good deeds go unpunished An accident waiting to happen By and large In his cups Come to your defence Beauty only skin deep, ugly goes through to the bone. Mind over matter Bust in the teeth Chasing geese Hern and haw Just between you and me Draw the long bow Ticket to stardom Sly like a fox Read him like an open book It's raining harder than a cow pissing on a flat rock Cradled in the lap of luxury Familiarity breeds contempt Golden age


Spoken English


Until hell freezes over Rough and tumble Dead letter If you can't stand the kitchen, get a real job Eyeing the girls Take a crap Pillar of the community Serious as a heart attack I would help you out but I did not see where you came in. Hold your own More here than meets the eye Kick the dog and cat Many hands make light work Shape up or ship out! Finishing touch At your beck and call The time is ripe Pull the wool over his eyes Strange bedfellows Battle royal The check is in the mail Wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers! Put all your eggs in one basket It ain't broke. Don't ftx it.




Steal his thunder On a short leash Take umbrage Big honcho Run with the hare, hunt with the hounds The wheat belt.


Slangs are used in highly informal speech that is outside conventional or standard usage and consists both of coined words and phrases, and of new or extended meanings attached to established terms. Slang develops from the attempt to find fresh and vigorous, colourful, pungent or humorous expression and generally either passes into disuse or comes to have a more formal status. Slangs are used as an informal speech and make the language more user friendly. It makes spoken English more colourful and helps you express your thoughts in a better manner. Examples of some common slangs, along with their meanings and examples are given below:

Definition: Someone who is just like everyone else, a normal person.

Example: 1) Mickey is your average Joe - he likes football, hates

opera and thinks it's a crime to do any work on weekends. Etymology: 1\.verage' means 'in the middle' or 'not extreme' and 'Joe' is a common male name. So 'average Joe' refers to a man who is not extremely different from everyone else. Synonyms: regular guy





Definition: Someone who isn't very smart, a stupid person.

Example: 1) Susan and Jim are such airheads - they love sports but they are failing all of their classes at school!

Etymology: If your head is filled with air instead of brains, you probably can't think very well.
Synonyms: ditz

Definition: An unpleasant or backwards place, an ugly and undesirable city or area.

Example: 1) Some people think Detroit is the armpit of America.

Etymology: Sometimes an 'armpit' (where the arm meets the body) has a strong and offensive odour.
Synonyms: dump
AppLE of My

Definition: One's favourite person, the one you love

Example: 1) Miranda is the apple of my eye - I love her more than anything on earth.

Etymology: In Old English, the pupil of the eye(the round, dark centre) was called the 'apple'. It was thought that the pupil was a round object much like an apple (a piece of fruit). When you look at someone, their reflection appears in your pupil. So if someone is the 'apple of your eye', he or she is someone that you look at a lot and enjoy seeing.
AU RiqliT

Definition: Encouragement, praise for something well done.

11 210

Spoken English II

If-xample: 1) All right! You won the spelling contest.

Synonyms: way to go

Definition: The subject fmds him or herself in trouble, to be in a

bad situation.
Example: 1) Mr. Kearny, your ass is grass! What did you do to my

computer flies while I was away?

Definition: Sane, rational, of sound mind.

Example: 1) Be careful when you talk to Gary. Mter the car acci-

dent, he hasn't been all-there.


Definition: Having all of your resources in one place, putting your

money or hopes or future into one thing.

Example: 1) You don't want to keep all of your eggs in one basket.

You might lose everything!

Etymology: 'Eggs' are delicate and if all of your eggs were in one container and that container was damaged, you might lose all of your eggs in one quick and painful moment.

Definition: In prison or jail, incarcerated.

Example: 1) My brother Charlie tried to rob a bank, but the cops

caught him and now he's behind bars.

Etymology: Prison inmates are locked behind metal bars, which prevent their escape.




Synonyms: up the river, in the slammer, under glass

biG s~OT
Definition: An important or prominent person in society, someone who commands a lot of influence and power. Example: 1) Those big shots on Wall Street think they can buy the world with their money. .. Synonyms: VIP
bUMP off

Definition: To kill or murder, to assassinate. Example: 1) Igor got bumped off last week. The police have no clue who did it. Etymology: When you 'bump' something, you give it a little push. 'Off' means 'not on'. So if you 'bump' someone 'off', you push him toward the end of his life. Synonyms: rub out

Definition: An episode of heavy drinking, a period of any kind of unusually intense behaviour. Example: 1) Mter losing my job, I was so depressed that I went on a three day bender. Etymology: Comes from the 19th century sense of the word 'bender', which was used for anything great or spectacular

bElls ANd


Definition: Excessive or unnecessary features on something, showy or flashy parts.


Spoken English


Example: 1) My father bought a new computer with all the bells and whistles. I think it even makes toast. Etymology: 'Bells' and 'whistles' make noise and attract attention, but they are not a necessary part of most things. Synonyms: frills, extras
biTE T!-IE bullET

Definition: To confront a painfully difficult situation, to have a major problem in one's hands. Example: 1) After .my Jimmy stole money from my company, I had to bite the bullet and fire him.
bRiNG !-lOME T!-IE

Definition: To earn money and support your family. Example: 1) My wife brings home the bacon while I stay at home and take care of the kids. Etymology: 'Bacon' is food (a salty meat made from pork). When you have a job and make money, you bring food and other necessities home for your spouse and children.

Definition: To get someone's telephone number. Example: 1) I need a date for tomorrow night, so I'm going to try to bust some digits tonight. Etymology: 'Digits' are numbers and 'bust' means 'break open'. So the phrase suggests that you're getting some numbers from a source that has to be opened up.




Definition: Extremely tired, lacking energy, worn out from working too much.
Example: 1) I was completely burned out after working on a big project for three weeks straight.

Etymology: When you are 'burned out' you have no more fuel to burn. You are without energy, like a candle that has consumed all of its wax. Synonyms: wiped out, worn out, pooped

Definition: Not an urgent priority. To put something on the 'back burner' is to put something off until later.
Example: 1) We worked hard on the project at first, but when a new project came along, we put it on the back burner.

Etymology: 'The 'back burner' of a stove is where you put things that are slowly cooking and that you can leave alone for a while.

Definition: A troublemaker, someone who has a bad attitude and causes trouble.
Example: 1) Emily is a real bad egg - she's always starting fights and causing trouble.

Etymology: In this phrase, 'egg' means 'person' or 'individual'. This is probably because the human head looks a lot like an egg. A bad egg, then, is a simply a bad person. There is a similar phrase to describe a good person - a 'good egg'.

Definition: to stop existing, to stop performing as a business.

Example: 1) A lot of Internet companies went belly-up in 2001.


SpokenEnglish "

Etymology: when a fish dies, it floats to the top of the water with its belly up.

Synonyms: to go under, to go bankrupt

blAck OUT
Definition: To pass out, to lose consciousness.
Example: 1) Mter running a 3:25 mile, David blacked out on the


blAck SJiEEP
Definition: Someone in a group or family who has a bad reputation, a misfit or outcast.
Example: 1) Ted is the black sheep of our family out of school and hasn't had a job in years.

he dropped

Etymology: Years ago, the wool from black sheep was less valuable than wool from white sheep. As a result, farmers were not happy when black sheep were born and considered them to be the undesirable members of the flock.

Definition: A term denoting importance or priority.

Example: 1) You didn't finish your project? No biggie, Professor

Rolands extended the deadline.

Synonyms: big deal


Definition: To ramble about something irrelevant, small talk, chatting freely.

Example: 1) I'd love to sit here and chew the fat with you, but I've




got a dentist's appointment at 10.

Synonyms: shoot the breeze


Definition: To die.
Example: 1) Old man Douglas croaked last week.

Etymology: 'Croak' refers to the sound that some animals make when they die.

Definition: To be quiet, stop talking.

Example: 1) Close your head, Rich! The professor is about to address the class.

Synonyms: shut up

Definition: Something which is very obvious and clear, not requiring further explanation.
Example: 1) Stop asking me questions-the instructions are cut and dry.



Definition: Loss of courage, fear.

Example: 1) Lisa wanted to jump off the high diving board, but she got cold feet once she got up there.

Etymology: If your 'feet' are 'cold', you can't walk or move forward very well - you are frozen in one place.


Spoken English



Definition: To fail or stop functioning.

Example: 1) My computer crashed just when I was going to print

my paper!

Definition: The coding placed on the hard drive of a computer that

stores information about the user and makes it available to Web sites.
Example: 1) My computer rings a little bell every time a cookie is

sent to the hard drive.


Definition: Somebody who is likely to suffer negative consequences,

an outlook that is not favourable.

Example: 1) Dan is dead meat unless he can get an extension for

his project due date.


Definition: Very common, typical or ordinary.

Example: 1) Blonde actresses are a dime a dozen in Hollywood.
diRTY old MAN

Definition: A person who has an unhealthy interest in sexual mat-

ters, usually referring to an older man who is interested in young girls.

Example: 1) That dirty old man in the park tried to touch me!




Definition: A weak individual who is regularly used and abused by others. Example: 1) Ned will never get anywhere until he stops being such a doormat. Etymology: A 'doormat' is where people wipe their feet before entering a house, so someone who is called a 'doormat' is someone who gets 'stepped on' or abused by other people.

Definition: A homosexual man who dresses like a woman. Example: 1) The drag queens on the subway are wearing gold dresses!

Definition: Until the very last possible moment, just before the end, almost at the conclusion of something, close to the deadline. Example: 1) The race was down to the wire and the audience was hushed in silence.

Definition: American paper money. Example: 1) It seems like Bill Gates has all the dead presidents in the world. Etymology: American dollar bills are decorated with pictures of great American heroes, most of whom are deceased former Presidents. Synonyms: bucks

Spoken English


Definition: One who is shot at with a gun is said to 'eat lead', as an exclamation, the phrase is directed toward the intended target. Example: 1) "Eat lead!" yelled the bank robber as he fired his gun at the police outside.

Etymology: A bullet is made of lead so when a gun is fired at someone, the intended target might be 'eating lead' - that is, bringing the bullet inside their body.

Definition: Spectacular, terrific. Example: 1) We had an epic party. It didn't end till 7 a.m. the next day! Synonyms: groovy, rad, cool

Definition: Very simple, extremely easy. Example: 1) The job was easy as pie and we finished up an hour early.

Etymology: 'Pie' is a tasty, sweet dish that is easy to make and even easier to eat.
Synonyms: piece of cake

Definition: A taunt, be envious of someone for whatever reason, to cause jealousy. Example: 1) Phil is going to found the next Microsoft. Eat your heart out, Bill Gates!

Elbow qREASF




Definition: Manual labour, hard work, usually indicates that not enough effort is being put forth. Example: 1) Put some elbow grease into it! That piano has to go upstairs to the third floor.
Flip OUT

Definition: To lose one's professionalism, to be overly anxious or paranoid, to lose control of one's emotions. Example: 1) Don't flip out just yet, you still have three days to fInish your assignment. Synonyms: spaz out, lose one's cool

Definition: Quickly prepared food, usually served by large chains such as McDonalds. Example: 1) I'm sick of McDonalds - can't we have something besides fast food for a change? Etymology: 'Fast' means quick and 'food' is anything you can eat. 'Fast food' is food you order and get in a minute or two, without having to sit and wait for it. Synonyms: junk food

Definition: A person who has great wealth and power, a tycoon. Example: 1) Many of the city's fat cats eat at that steak restaurant on First Avenue. Etymology: This term comes from the 1920s, when it was used to describe wealthy contributors to American political parties. Synonyms: big shot


Spoken English


Definition: To indicate that somebody should proceed, give approval for continuing an action or taking one. Example: 1) If you have any questions during the lecture, don't be afraid to ask. Just fire away! Synonyms: give someone hell

Definition: Software available on the Internet at no cost, programs and applications distributed for free. Example: 1) A small business can save a lot of money by using freeware.

Definition: An opening or particularly promising opportunity. Example: 1) Working as an intern is one way to get your foot in the door of a big corporation.

Definition: A student in their first year of undergraduate college education. Example: 1) I hate these frosh-they ask the stupidest questions and have the worst attitudes.

Definition: A detective or private investigator. Example: 1) Captain Harris assigned two gumshoes to the case.

Etymology: Refers to the rubber sole on the shoes of many police




officers. The phrase is frequently heard in the movies, especially in older fIlm noir detective flims from the 1940s.

Definition: Openly homosexual in sexual orientation. Example: 1) A recent social phenomenon that has swept the nation is "gay pride." Synonyms: queer, fag

Definition: A phrase meaning 'leave now!' or 'get out of here'. Example: 1) Get lost, pal. We don't need your kind around here. Synonyms: scram, get outta here

Definition: To offer support, to give aid to someone in need. Example: 1) I'm going to get behind Robert's plan and do everything I can to help make it work.

Definition: To proceed with something, to start or continue doing something, can also be used in the sense of 'hurry up!' Example: 1) I'm going to get going on my paper and try to fInish it by tomorrow.

Definition: A problem or error, a flaw that causes great confusion or trouble.


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Example: 1) Because of a glitch in hardware connections, my new computer game did not work.

Definition: Stimulation of our skin cells by fright or the cold, causing visible patches to form and hair to stand on end, often used in the sense of being cowardly and nervous. Example: 1) That film was so scary I had goose bumps the whole time.

Definition: To make secret, to conceal something from others. Example: 1) Dave has really gone underground with his plans for the new computer.


Spoken English



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