Pereira V CA - Digest
Pereira V CA - Digest
Pereira V CA - Digest
No. L-81147 June 20, 1989, GANCAYCO, J.:] FACTS: 1. Andres de Guzman Pereira, an employee of the Philippine Air Lines, passed away without a will a. survived by his legitimate spouse of ten months, the herein petitioner Victoria Bringas Pereira, and his sister Rita Pereira Nagac, the herein private respondent. 2. Nagac filed before RTC for the issuance of letters of administration in her favor pertaining to the estate of the deceased Andres de Guzman Pereira. a. REASONS: i. he and Victoria Bringas Pereira are the only surviving heirs of the deceased ii. deceased left no will iii. there are no creditors of the deceased iv. deceased left several properties v. the spouse of the deceased had been working in London as an auxiliary nurse and as such one-half of her salary forms part of the estate of the deceased. b. Victoria opposed: there exists no estate of the deceased for purposes of administration and praying in the alternative, that if an estate does exist, the letters of administration relating to the said estate be issued in her favor as the surviving spouse. c. RULING: appointed Rita Pereira Nagac administratrix of the intestate estate 3. CA: appointed Rita Pereira Nagac administratrix of the intestate estate ISSUE: Is a judicial administration proceeding necessary when the decedent dies intestate without leaving any debts? HELD: 1. GENERAL RULE: when a person dies leaving property, the same should be judicially administered and the competent court should appoint a qualified administrator a. EXCEPTION: when all the heirs are of lawful age and there are no debts due from the estate, they may agree in writing to partition the property without instituting the judicial administration or applying for the appointment of an administrator. 2. Where partition is possible, either in or out of court, the estate should not be burdened with an administration proceeding without good and compelling reasons. a. It has been uniformly held that in such case the judicial administration and the appointment of an administrator are superfluous and unnecessary proceedings . 3. what constitutes "good reason" to warrant a judicial administration of the estate of a deceased when the heirs are all of legal age and there are no creditors will depend on the circumstances of each case. a. questions as to what property belonged to the deceased (and therefore to the heirs) may properly be ventilated in the partition proceedings, especially where such property is in the hands of one heir. b. merely to avoid a multiplicity of suits since the heir seeking such appointment wants to ask for the annulment of certain transfers of property, that same objective could be achieved in an action for partition and the trial court is not justified in issuing letters of administration. c. to have legal capacity to appear in the intestate proceedings