Ramos v. Ortuzar
Ramos v. Ortuzar
Ramos v. Ortuzar
Boomsri Rodolfo
Percy A. Hill, an American and retired officer of the Philippine Constabulary, cohabited with
Martina Ramos in Munoz, then a barrio of San Juan de Guimba, province of Nueva Ecija, from 1905 to
1914 and had with her six children, two of whom are Richard Hill and Marvin Hill and the others died in
infancy. He started acquiring lands by purchase or homestead and improving and cultivating them until
at the time of his death on July 23, 1937, his holdings were worth over P100,000.
In 1914, Percy A. Hill canonically married an American woman by the name of Helen
Livingstone and of that union three children were born, all of whom now reside in the United States.
Helen Livingstone died in 1922, and in 1924, Hill married Caridad Ortuzar by whom he had one
daughter. It is Caridad Ortuzar and all the children had by her and Helen Livingstone. Another
defendant in the case was Maximo Bustos, who purchased the property sold by the heirs of Hill.
On September 3, 1937, proceedings for the settlement of Percy A. Hill's estate were
commenced and Caridad Ortuzar was appointed administratrix. During the Intestate proceedings,
Marvin and Richard Hill intervened claiming to be the deceaseds children. The court conducted a
hearing as to the rights of the two but declared in order that they are not rightful heirs of Hill, thereby
excluding them from participating in the distribution of the estate. Marving and Richard failed to appeal
the dedcision.
By order of the court, the administratrix on April 2, 1940 submitted an accounting and a project
of partition, and both of these having been approved, distribution of the estate was made accordingly
and the estate was closed. On March 27, 1947, the declared heirs and distributes (Caridad Ortuzar,
her daughter and the deceased's children by Helen Livingstone) sold six tracts of land left by Hill to
Maximo Bustos for P120,000, this being the sale which the trial court would annul.
Six years after the partition, Martina came before the CFI claiming that she was the lawful wife
and her children were the legitimate kids of the deceased. The CFI decided against her because no
certificate of marriage was produced and no record was made in the civil registry. The court also found
out that during the duration of the alleged marriage, the deceased came to Martina and introduced
another wife. Because of this, Martina asked the deceased to have another house constructed for her
right in front of their old house. The court said that this act of a lawful wife is unbelievable because
why would she instantly give up her right to use the house that the two of them built together.
ISSUE: WON Martina, after six years could still raise the issues already answered by the CFI in the
special proceedings?
Percy Hill died on July 23, 1937, after which, on September 3 of the same year, the intestate
proceedings for the settlement of his estate started. However, the records of these proceedings
Arcaina Austria Baadera Cheng Coloquio Diploma Fajardo Layno Lim, J. Villarin, L. Villarin, P.1
DIGEST, SY 2016-2017 Special Atty. Boomsri Rodolfo
disappeared from the files of the court, however, the court docket for the special proceedings cases
were not lost or destroyed.
Based on the entries, it is culled that in Percy Hills intestate proceedings, Richard and Marvin
Hill intervened, or sought to intervene, on the allegation that they were the deceased's legitimate sons
entitled to share in the inheritance. Before intervention was allowed, the Hill brothers were required to
establish their right and interest in the estate as a forced heirs (this covers both natural, legitimate,
illegitimate). However, after the hearing, the petition to intervene was denied, whereupon the would be
intervenors took steps to appeal was disapproved. (Although the reasons for the disapproval is not
shown in the entries, extraneous evidence states that the record on appeal was filed out of time).
There being no other matters to attend to the administratrix submitted a final accounting and a project
of partition by order of the court, both were in due time approved, the partition was carried out, and the
expediente was closed.
It thus appears beyond doubt that all the facts raised in the present suit were alleged,
discussed, and definitely adjudicated in the expediente of Hill's intestate. Thus, it is res judicta.
Moreover (the important part), the only instance that the Court can think of in which a party
interested in a probate proceeding may have a final liquidation SET ASIDE is when he is left out by
reason of circumstances beyond his control or through mistake or inadvertence not imputable to
However even then, the better practice to secure relief is reopening of the same case by
proper motion within the reglementary period, instead of an independent action of the effect of which if
successful, would be, as in the instant case, for another court or judge to throw out a decision or order
already final and executed and reshuffle properties long ago distributed and disposed of.
Arcaina Austria Baadera Cheng Coloquio Diploma Fajardo Layno Lim, J. Villarin, L. Villarin, P.2