Sathyabama University: (Established Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Sathyabama University: (Established Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Sathyabama University: (Established Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
5. With the low frequency small signal equalent circuit define the
parameter of a JFET.
11. (a) Draw the Bridge Rectifier circuit and explain its operation.
(b) Explain the operation of Zener Regulator circuit.
12. Draw the circuit of transistor series voltage Regulator and explain
its operation and Regulation.
13. Draw the small signal model of CE amplifier and derive the
expression for its Ai, Av, Ri, and Ro.
14. What is meant by Biasing? Explain the different types of biasing
and derive an expression for its stability factor.
15. Derive the expression for Ai, Av, Ri and Ro of common source
amplifier under small signal low frequency condition.
16. With neat sketch describe the working N- Channel EMOSFET.
Define threshold voltage. What is the relation between drain and
gate voltage?
19. What is the effect of Cbc on the input circuit of a BJT amplifier
at High frequencies?
20. With neat sketch explain the principle of operation of cascode
amplifier and also derive an expression for its performance