Duties and Liabilities of Director in India
Duties and Liabilities of Director in India
Duties and Liabilities of Director in India
© 2009 LEX-47 “A living person has a mind which can have knowledge or
intention and he has hands to carry out his intention. A corporation has none of these, it
must act through living persons”.1.
Human beings have their hands and also possess the mental faculty. They are thus,
capable of taking right decisions and actions. But a corporation, not being the natural
person, is devoid of these essential elements and hence, it can not take an action or a
judgment itself. Rather it requires a channel through, which it can take actions and
The directors of the company thus serve as the required channel to accomplish the
decision-making and action-taking task of the corporation. “A corporation is an artificial
being, invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of law”2. A corporation can
not have the intention. It is only the intention of its agents, which make it liable for the
wrongs in the nature of torts or the criminal wrong.
A corporation has its separate identity than its shareholders and its agents.
Dwelling upon the necessity of the agents for carrying out its task, the role of the
directors of a company becomes of paramount essence.
HALDANE LC in Lennard’s Carrying Co. v. Asiatic Petroleum Co., 1915 AC 705 at p. 713.
MARSHALL J.in Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, (1819) 17 US 518, 636.
The Companies Act, 1956 does not make attempt to define the term “Director”. Rather it
entails the provision of the directors in terms that “director includes any person
occupying the position of a director, by whatever name called” 3. BOWEN LJ. has made
efforts to define the position of the director in following words4:
Directors are described sometimes as agents, sometimes as trustees and
sometimes as managing partners. But each of these expressions is used not as
exhaustive of their powers and responsibilities, but as indicating useful points of
view from which they may for the moment and for the particular purpose be
It is not an easy task to explain the position of the directors in a corporation. They are the
professional hired by the company to carry out its affairs. They are not the servants of the
company, rather officers of the company. In case of Moriarty v. Regent’s Garage & Engg
Co.5, LUSH J. opined that “a director is not a servant of any master. He can not be
described as a servant of the company or of anyone”. In the same case Mc CARDIE LJ.
delivered the opinion that “a director is in fact a director or controller of the company’s
affairs. He is not a servant”6.
Under the Companies Act directors are accountable to for their acts done on behalf of the
company. Besides the statutory duties, which the directors have to perform to ensure
strict compliance with the various provisions of the Act they also have certain duties
which arise out of their fiduciary relationship with the company.
Sec. 2 (13) of the Act.
In Imperial Hydropathic Hotel Co. v. Hampson, (1882) 23 Ch D 1 49 LT 150.
[1921] 1 KB 423.
Ibid at 446.
Statutory Duties:
1. To file return of allotment: Section 75 of the Companies Act, 1956 requires a
company to file with the Registrar, within a period of 30 days, a return of the
allotments stating the specified particulars.
2. Not to issue irredeemable preference share or shares or share redeemable after
20 years: Section 80, as amended by Amendment Act, 1996, forbids a company to
issue irredeemable preference shares or preference shares redeemable beyond 20
years. Directors making any such issue may be held liable as officer in default and
may be subject to fine up to Rs. 10,000/-.
3. To disclose interest7: In respect of contracts with director, Section 299 casts an
obligation on a director to disclose the nature of his concern or interest (direct or
indirect), if any, at a meeting of the Board of directors. The said Section provides
that in case of a proposed contract or arrangement, the required disclosure shall be
made at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the
contract or agreement is first taken into consideration. In the case of any other
contract or arrangement, the disclosure shall be made at the first meeting of the
Board held after the director become interested in the contract or arrangement.
The Delhi High Court in M/s. Raj Cylendrs & Containers v. Hindustan General
Industries Ltd8, has observed that where the directors are personally interested in
the deal, the contract is to the detriment of the company and hence not binding on
4. To disclose receipt from transfer of property9: Any money received by the
directors from the transferee in connection with the transfer of the company’s
property or undertaking must be disclosed to the members of the company and
approved by the company in general meeting. Otherwise, the amount shall be held
by the directors in trust for the company. This money may be in the nature of
compensation for loss of office but in essence may be on account of transfer of
control of the company. But if it is bona fide payment of damages for the breach
Sec. 299-300.
AIR 1998 Del. 418.
Sec. 319.
of contract, then it is protected by sec. 321(3). Even no director other than the
managing director or whole time director can receive any such payment from the
company itself.
5. To disclose receipt of compensation from transferee of shares10: If the loss of
office results from the transfer (under certain conditions) of all or any of the
shares of the company, its directors would not receive any compensation from the
transferee unless the same has been approved by the company in general meeting
before the transfer takes place. If the approval is not sought or the proposal is not
approved, any money received by the directors shall be held in trust for the
shareholders, who have sold their shares.
6. Duty to attend Board meetings: A number of powers of the company are
exercised by the Board of directors in their meetings held from time to time.
Although a director may not be able to attend all the meetings but if he fails to
attend three consecutive meetings or all meetings for a period of three months
whichever is longer, without permission of the Board, his office shall
automatically fall vacant11.
7. Other Duties:
A. To convene statutory, Annual General meeting (AGM) and also
extraordinary general meetings12.
B. To prepare and place at the AGM along with the balance sheet and profit
& loss account a report on the company’s affairs including the report of
the Board of Directors13.
C. To authenticate and approve annual financial statement14.
Section 283(1)(g).
Section 165,166 &169.
Section 173, 210 & 217.
Section 215.
Section 224.
Section 233B
F. To make a declaration of solvency in the case of Members voluntary
winding up17.
General Duties:
1. Duty of good faith: The directors must act in the best interest of the company.
Interest of the company implies the interest of the present and future members of
the company on the footing that company would be continued as going concern.
In Burland v. Earle18, the director was instructed to purchase some property for
the company. But he first purchased the same for himself and then sold it to the
company for the profit. The lower court held him liable for the profit so made,
which in equity belonged to the company. But the Judicial Committee of the Privy
Council set aside the decision of the lower court.
A director can not escape from his duty to account for his profit by resigning from
his office of director in order to obtain a profit thereafter19.
2. Duty of care: the directors of a company must discharge their duties and
obligations with skill and diligence as expected from a reasonable person of his
knowledge and experience. A director must display care in performance of work
assigned to him. He is, however, not expected to display an extraordinary care but
that much which a man of ordinary prudence would take in his own case. Any
provision in the company’s Articles or in any agreement that excludes the liability
of the directors for negligence, default, misfeasance, breach of duty or breach of
trust, is void. The company cannot even indemnify the directors against such
liability. In Jorchester Finance Co. Ltd. v. Stebbing20, it has been held that the
duty of care extends uniformly to all the directors of a company, whether they are
executive or non-executive directors.
In G.D. Bhargava v. Regitrar of Companies21, the High Court of Allahabad ruled
that protection under Section 633 of the Companies Act shall not be available,
Section 488.
(1902) AC 83 (PC).
Industrial Development Consultant Ltd. v. Cooley, (1972) 2 All ER 162.
(1989) BCLC 498.
(1970) 40 Comp Cas 664.
where the negligence of the director amounts to an offence so as to attract the
provisions of the IPC relating to fraud or forgery.
3. Duty not to delegate: Director being an agent is bound by the maxim delegatus
non potest delegare, which means a delegatee can not further delegate. Thus, a
director must perform his functions personally. However, he may delegate his in
certain conditions.
Liability to the company:
1. Breach of fiduciary duty: where a director acts dishonestly to the interest of the
company, he will be held liable for breach of fiduciary duty. Most of the powers
of directors are powers in trust, and therefore, should be exercised in the interest
of the company and not in the interest of the directors or any section of members.
2. Ultra vires acts: Directors are supposed to act within the parameters of the
provisions of the Companies Act, Memorandum and Articles of Association, since
these lay down the limits to the activities of the company and consequently to the
powers of the Board of directors. Further, the powers of the directors may be
limited in terms of specific restrictions contained in the Articles of Association.
The directors shall be held personally liable for acts beyond the aforesaid limits,
being ultra vires the company or the directors.
3. Negligence: As long as the directors act within their powers with reasonable skill
and care as expected of them as prudent businessman, they discharge their duties
to the company. But where they fail to exercise reasonable care, skill and
diligence, they shall be deemed to have acted negligently in discharge of their
duties and consequently shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom.
4. Mala fide acts: Directors are the trustee for the moneys and property of the
company handled by them, as well as exercises of the powers vested in them. If
they dishonestly or in a mala fide manner, exercise their powers and perform their
duties, they will be liable for breach of trust and may be required to make good
the loss or damage suffered by the company by reason of such mala fide acts.
They are also accountable to the company for any secret profits they might have
made in course of performance of duties on behalf of the company. Directors can
also be held liable for their acts of .misfeasance. i.e., misconduct or willful misuse
of powers.
C. Failure to repay application monies when application for listing of
securities are not made or is refused: Under section 73(2) .Where the
permission for listing of the shares of the company has not been applied or
such permission having been applied for, has not been granted, the
company shall forthwith repay without interest all monies received from
the applicants in pursuance of the prospectus, and, if any such money is
not repaid within eight days after the company becomes liable to repay,
the company and every director of the company who is an officer in
default shall, on and from the expiry of the eighth day, be jointly and
severely liable to repay that money with interest at such rate, not less than
four per cent and not more than fifteen per cent, as may be prescribed,
having regard to the length of the period of delay in making the repayment
of such money.
3. Unlimited liability: Directors will also be held personally liable to the third
parties where their liability is made unlimited in pursuance of section 322(i.e.,
vide Memorandum) or section 323(i.e., vide alterations of Memorandum by
passing special resolution). By virtue of section 322, the Memorandum of a
company may make the liability of any or all directors, or manager unlimited. In
that case, the directors, manager and the member who proposes a person for
appointment as director or manager must add to the proposal for appointment as a
statement that the liability of the person holding the office will be unlimited.
Notice in writing to the effect that the liability of the person will be unlimited
must be given to him by the following or one of the following persons, namely:
the promoters, the directors, manager and officers of the company before he
accepts the appointment.
Further, in case of limited liability Company, the company may, if authorized by
the articles, by passing resolution alter its Memorandum so as to render the
liability of its directors or of any director or manager unlimited. But the alteration
making the liability of director or directors or manager unlimited will be effective
only if the concerned officer consents to his liability being made unlimited. This
alteration also, unless specifically consented to by any or all directors will not
have any effect until expiry of the current term of office.
4. Fraudulent trading: Directors may also be made personally liable for the debts
or liabilities of a company by an order of the court under section 542. Such an
order shall be made by the court where the directors have been found guilty of
fraudulent trading. Section 542(1), in this regard, provides that if in the course of
the winding up of a company, it appears that any business of the company has
been carried on, with intent to defraud creditors of the company or any other
person, or for any fraudulent purpose, the court, on the application of the Official
Liquidator, or the liquidator or any creditor or contributory of the company may if
it thinks it proper so to do, declare that any persons who were knowingly parties
to the carrying on business in the manner aforesaid shall be personally responsible
without any limitation of liability, for all or any of the debts or other liabilities of
the company as the court may direct.
Further, section 542(3) provides that every person who was knowingly a party to
the carrying on of the business in the manner aforesaid, shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine which may
extend to fifty thousand rupees, or with both.
Liability for acts of co-directors:
A director is the agent of the company except for matters to be dealt with by the company
in general meeting and not of the other members of the Board. Accordingly, nothing done
by the Board can impose liability on a director who did not participate in the Board’s
action or did not know about it. To incur liability he must either be a party to the
wrongful act or later consent to it.
Thus, the absence of a director from meeting of the Board does not make him
liable for the fraudulent act of a co-director on the ground that he ought to have
discovered the fraud.
Contractual Liability:
Directors are bound to use fair and reasonable diligence in discharging the duties and to
act honestly, and act with such care as is reasonably expected from him, having regard to
his knowledge and experience. In R.K. Dalmia and others v. The Delhi Administration22,
it was held that “A director will be personally liable on a company contract when he has
accepted personal liability either expressly or impliedly. Directors are the agents or the
trustees of a Company”.
Civil Liability to the Company:
Director’s liability to the Company may arise where
• the directors are guilty of negligence,
• the directors committed breach of trust,
• there has been misfeasance and
• the director has acted ultra vires and the funds of the company have been applied
for such an act.
A director is required to act honestly and diligently applying his mind and discharging his
duties as a man of prudence of his ability and knowledge would do. It has been explained
in the duties of directors as to what is standard or due care and diligence expected from
him as explained by Justice Romer in Re City Aquintable Fire Insurance Company23.
AIR 1962 SC 1821.
Ltd [1925] Ch 407.
Any willful misconduct or culpable negligence falls within the category of
misfeasance. It was held in Re Duomatic Ltd24, “A director has to act in the way in which
a man of affairs dealing with his own affairs with reasonable care, and circumspection
could reasonably be expected to act.....”
Criminal liability:
A director may be held criminally liable for any offence committed by the company,
where he has aided, abetted, counseled, or procured the commission of the offence. Just
as individuals owe a duty not to harm or injure others in society without justification, so
do companies owe a duty not to poison our water and food, not to pollute our rivers,
beaches and air, not to allow their workplaces to endanger the lives and safety of their
employees and the public, and not to sell commodities, or provide transport, that will kill
or injure people.
[1969] 2 Ch 365.
JT 2003(suppl. 2) SC 99] ; (2003)11 SCC 405.
JT 2005 (5) SC 267; (2005) 4 SCC 50.
prescribed under section 6(1) (i) is imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than
six months and with fine.
The question for consideration before court was: Whether a company or a
corporation being a juristic person, can be prosecuted for an offence for which mandatory
punishment prescribed is imprisonment and fine Prosecution is pre-requisite for inflicting
any punishment. It is clear from Standard Charted case that prosecution can be initiated
and fine can be imposed even when imprisonment is given as mandatory punishment
with fine.
48 Company Cases 85.
omission complained of or have otherwise not acted honestly or reasonably or have
financial involvement in the company.
• Contractual Relief. Any contract between the directors and the
company, or any similar provision in the Articles which attempts
to exempt the directors from liability for negligence, default or
breach of trust towards the company is void.
However, directors may exclude their liability to third parties by
means of an express contractual provision or a disclaimer.
• Judicial Relief. The court has power to relieve a director from some
civil or criminal liabilities for negligence, default or breach of
trust if it is satisfied that the director has acted honestly and
reasonably and in all the circumstances he ought fairly to be
excused. This is not however available in respect of all defaults,
in particular it is not available in a case of wrongful trading.
They are (1) that directors must act in good faith in what they believe to be the in the best
interest of the company (2) they must not exercise powers conferred upon them for
purposes different from those for which they are conferred. (3) that they must not fetter
their discretion as to how they shall act and (4) that without the informed consent of the
company, they must not place themselves in a position in which their personal interests or
duty to other persons are liable to conflict with the duties to the company.
• Iyer, L V V, ‘Guide to Company Directors’ Powers, Rights, Duties &
Liabilities’, 2nd Edn, Wadhwa & Company, Nagpur, 2003.
• Singh, Avtar, ‘Company Law,’ 14th Edn, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow,
• Companies Act, 1956.
• http://www.iba.org.in/events/2.2Hsu_Ying.PPT.
• http://www.nam-aon.com/pdfs/NAMDOH105.pdf.
• http://www.icsi.edu/cs/December2006/Articles/Directors
• http://ssrn.com/abstract=930402
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