ProSep Company Profile Brochures PDF
ProSep Company Profile Brochures PDF
ProSep Company Profile Brochures PDF
Scrubbers & Demisters Mesh Pad Vane Pack Demisting Cyclones Sweetening CO2 Separation Membranes Grace CA Medal PI H2S Scavenging - ProScav Selective H2S Removal (CAP) Conditioning Membrane Hydrocarbon Dew Pointing & Fuel Gas Conditioning
Primary Separation Vane Inlet Devices Inlet Cyclonic Device Swirl Device Dehydration FWKO Heater Treater Mechanical & Electrostatic Dehydration Desalting Single - and Multi-stage ProSaIt
Process Simulation & Optimization Process Design & Engineering CFD Modeling
Pilot Testing Data Collection & Performance Evaluation
Project Management Procurement & Logistics Cost & Schedule Tracking & Expediting Equipment Design, Fabrication, Assembly, QA/QC, Logistics & Delivery Documentation & Data Books
Installation, Start-Up, Commissioning
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
ProSep offers customized gas dehydration systems, for the removal of water vapor from gas streams, to the oil and gas industry. Dehydrating the gas prevents hydrate formation and reduces corrosion in pipeline transmission and gas injection applications. ProSep designs and fabricates gas dehydration systems using triethylene glycol (TEG) to absorb the moisture from the gas stream.
Lean Glycol Burner Gas Cold Glycol Heat Exchanger Hot Glycol Heat Exchanger Stripping Gas
Glycol Pump
Make Up Dry Gas Flash Drum Sock Filter Carbon Filter Surge Vessel
ProSeps gas dehydration system is designed specifically to meet the required dew point depression for the given gas stream. The water-rich glycol stream is regenerated to high glycol concentrations. A typical glycol dehydration and regeneration system consists of the following components: Gas scrubber (may be integral with the contactor) Glycol contactor Flash drum Glycol filters Reboiler with still column and reflux condenser Stripping column (when required) Surge tank Heat exchangers Glycol pumps
ProSep designs and builds systems to site-specific requirements by engineering every gas dehydration system with the latest process simulation software. The detailed design of the equipment considers performance, operability, reliability and safety. Compact packaged design Easy operation High dehydration capacity Minimal glycol losses Environmentally friendly Reduced on-site time and costs
From the scrubber, the wet gas enters the bottom of the contactor tower for counter-current contact with the glycol, which absorbs the water from the gas. The contactor and internals are optimized for duty. Dehydrated gas is discharged from the top of the tower, while the water-rich glycol is routed to the regeneration process. In the regeneration process, the water-rich glycol is heated in the still column reflux condenser, followed by the glycol/glycol heat exchangers. At this elevated temperature, entrained gas and hydrocarbons are removed from the glycol in the flash drum. Removal of the hydrocarbons helps to prevent foaming in the still column. The flash drum also helps to reduce levels of CO2 and H2S which may be present in the glycol. The still column and reflux condenser recover valuable glycol from the vapors leaving the reboiler. Fractional distillation mechanisms within the packed section of the still column, where the cold rich glycol is fed to the reboiler, achieves this separation. The glycol, once through the still column, enters the reboiler where either a gas fired or electric heater controls the operating temperature.
In cases requiring lower gas dew points, the use of stripping gas achieves a higher TEG purity. The stripping gas is passed over the lean glycol from the reboiler in a counter-current contactor. The stripping gas provides a final stage of TEG dehydration by absorbing an amount of the water. The lean glycol is cooled by the glycol/glycol heat exchangers before entering the surge drum, which provides a buffer volume for the system. Positive displacement pumps pressurizes the lean glycol from the surge drum up to the contactor operating pressure. Prior to the entry into the contactor, the gas/glycol cooler cools the lean glycol to ensure the temperature is approaching the gas temperature.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
ProSep offers high-efficiency membrane separators for nitrogen generation, both to the oil and gas industry and the shipping industry. Through cooperation with leading membrane manufacturers, ProSep has access to state-of-the-art hollow fiber membrane technology. These experienced manufacturers are the market leaders in the areas of development, manufacturing and supply of nitrogen membranes to the international process industry.
The ProSep Membrane System is designed to generate dry nitrogen from compressed feed air. A typical turnkey system consists of the following components: Feed air compressors (if required) Feed air filter Feed air heater Membrane separators Instrumentation piping and valves The system has the following specifications: Product capacity: 10-2000 Nm3/h Product purity: 90-99.9% Product pressure: Up to 14 barg without product compression
Low maintenance frequency Automatic operation at normal conditions Normal maintenance without shut-down requirements Easy installation and hook-up Adjustable purity
Air at atmospheric pressure enters into the compressor through an intake filter and is compressed to the desired pressure. The compressed air is then dried, purified, and heated to the operating temperature. The membranes selectively remove O2, H2O, and CO2 from the feed, leaving a nitrogen-enriched stream as the primary product, as shown in the illustration. Air separation is accomplished through a solution-diffusion mechanism in modules of hollow fiber polymeric membranes. Each module contains several hundred thousand of these fibers in bundles. Air fed under pressure to one side of the membrane dissolves and diffuses across the polymeric material. It desorbs permeate at the lower pressure side of the membrane. Each constituent dissolves in the polymer matrix to a different extent and permeates at a different rate. As a result, the more rapidly permeating components such as O2, CO2, and water vapor will concentrate in the low pressure stream, which is safely vented to atmosphere. The more slowly permeating components (e.g., nitrogen and argon) are retained in the high pressure stream and are removed as the inert gas product.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
For removal of CO2, H2S, and H2O from natural gas, ProSeps membrane technology provides the upstream oil and gas industry with an easy-to-install, easy-to-operate, flexible, environmentally friendly, cost-effective solution. Our modular skid-mounted membrane separation units house both Grace cellulose acetate (CA) spiral wound and Medal polyimide (PI) hollow fiber membrane modules. Each ProSep membrane separation unit can easily be configured for purchase or lease to meet customer treating requirements.
ABOVE: EOR CO2 recovery plant (87% CO2) using Grace CA spiral wound membranes. Zero hydrocarbon losses -- 100% of permeate gas stream being compressed and reinjected. APPLICATION: EOR CO2 Gas Recovery.
Pipeline Sales Gas Conditioning Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Operations Fuel Gas Conditioning De-bottlenecking Amine Plants
Gas membrane units offer several advantages over amine and other solvent-based gas treatment systems. Among these advantages are the following: Low Capital Investment Simple, Passive Operation Minimal Utilities Required No Corrosive, Toxic Liquids Low Maintenance (No Moving Parts) Wide Range Of Feed Gas Pressures & Compositions Low Weight & Space Requirements
ABOVE: 60 MMSCFD CO2 trimming plant (3.1% CO2) using Grace CA spiral wound membranes. Zero hydrocarbon losses -- 100% of permeate being used for compression fuel. APPLICATION: Pipeline Sales Gas Conditioning.
The ProSep team has designed, engineered, fabricated, installed, and commissioned over 220 membrane separation units for natural gas applications in over 15 different countries. Proven by performance data collected from numerous membrane separation unit installations and close relationships to both CA and PI membrane manufacturing / research efforts, ProSep personnel have extensive experience with gas separation membrane contamination effects and performance characterization over time. ProSep provides operations assistance and technical field service from project execution through commissioning / start-up to post-commissioning service.
gas. Unlike the holes and pores associated with filter technology, the separation relies on the principle that gases dissolve in and diffuse through thin polymer membrane. Certain gases, primarily CO2, H2S, and H2O, will pass through or permeate across the polymer membrane faster than will hydrocarbon gases, due to a difference in the solubility of these gases in the polymer and the rate at which these gases diffuse through the polymer membrane structure. The actual permeability of a given component is a function of the feed gas pressure, feed gas temperature, and component feed gas concentration. Gas membrane separation is a concentration-driven process which is directly related to the pressure of the gas inlet and permeate streams; the component partial pressure difference across the membrane drives the separation. The diagram below illustrates a simple gas membrane process. Given a feed stream of CO2 and CH4 at a given pressure, CO2, being the more permeable component, will more readily pass through the membrane to the lower-pressure side of the membrane and exit as the permeate stream. CH4 remains on the high-pressure side of the membrane and exits as the residue stream with essentially no pressure loss. Both CO2 and CH4 permeate through the membrane, resulting in a residue stream being more concentrated with CH4; the permeate stream, with CO2. Essentially, quickly permeating components will become enriched in the low-pressure permeate stream while slower permeating components (hydrocarbons) are concentrated in the residue stream.
Methane Carbon Dioxide High Pressure
Methane High Pressure
ProSep membrane separation units are designed to selectively reduce the CO2, H2S, and H2O content of natural ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
Carbon Dioxide Low Pressure
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
1st STAGE Sales gas Inlet sour gas Vent / fuel gas Optional preconditioning equipment Heater Recycle gas OPTIONAL 2nd STAGE
Pretreatment skid
Pretreatment skid
A customers experience
In 1994 our clients amine tower developed a small rupture that would have cost an estimated $1.2 million and one year to repair. ProSep personnel refurbished and shipped two small membrane separation unit skids to the site within six weeks and installed them within seven days. In less than two weeks from the time of arrival, 50% CO2 gas was being processed to below 10% CO2. The customer converted the original one-year lease to a purchase, and the two membrane separation unit skids operated for over five years without any replacement of parts or membrane modules. The equipment remains in operation today.
ABOVE: 15 MMSCFD CO2 plant (50% CO2) using Medal PI hollow fiber membranes. Two small membrane skids in the foreground replaced the entire amine facility in the background. APPLICATION: Fuel Gas Conditioning.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
ProDry replaces contacting towers with an inline injector/mixer. This technology has been widely used for H2S removal from gas using scavengers. ProDry saves footprint, weight and operating expenditures related to chemical consumption, storage and handling.
Gas stream
Mixed flow
Building on ProSeps long experience with co-current contacting, a Joint Industry Project (JIP) comprising ConocoPhillips, Total and StatoilHydro is addressing the potential of gas dehydration with the ProSep contactor. The JIP has had encouraging results, verifying: Reduced size and weight at actual process conditions Operational robustness and advantages related to turndown, flooding, foaming and hydrocarbon liquid entrained with feed gas ProDry more competitive the higher the pressure and feed rate
Applications with 1- or 2-stage ProDry: Debottlenecking of existing dehydration units (1-stage ProDry) Fuel gas dehydration (1- and 2-stage ProDry) Dehydration for gas reinjection (1-stage ProDry) Long distance transportation with moderate and low dew point reduction (1- and 2-stage ProDry) Subsea gas dehydration
Some excerpts from the project documentation illustrate the potential of ProDry by comparing it with conventional technology (counter-current absorption towers):
CASE I NEW BUILD DESCrIPTIoN Grass root installations, dew point reduction 54 deg F (30 deg C) (2-stage ProDry). WEIGHT & Weight and space SPACE reductions of 30-35 %. OPEX/CAPEX Slight increase in heat duty due to higher TEG circulation rate approx. 3 %. oPErATIoNAl No risk for flooding BENEFITS and foaming in the ProDry contactor unit. Improved turndown capability.
CASE 2 DEBOTTLENECKING Debottlenecking of existing dehydration units (vertical absorber vessels). Eliminates the need to replace the existing conventional absorber column. Reduced costs through simplified installation and use of the ProDry contactor pipe spool combined with existing tower. No increased performance risk as the ProDry contactor is only replacing a pipe spool. TEG feed to the ProDry can be stopped, corresponding to the normal, conventional gas dehydration operation. No risk for flooding and foaming in the ProDry contactor unit. Reduced overall TEG-rate improves turndown capability.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
The ProMix M100 inline mixer achieves homogenization of multiphase flows with low associated pressure drop and results in separable droplet sizes. Shearing forces in the multiphase flow are controlled and more evenly distributed with the ProMix patented design than in any other mixing device, resulting in uniform droplet distribution.
PRODUCTION CHEMICALS Optimal performance of production chemicals such as flocculants, emulsion breakers, scavengers and inhibitors depend on high fluid exposure which is achieved with the M100 mixer. The M100 performance can prevent overdosing, which is a serious problem not only for operational costs, but also for its effects on the downstream fluid processing. Multiphase mixing The ProMix M100 ensures a homogeneous multiphase distribution in the pipe with low pressure drop. Homogeneous multiphase mixing is essential for accurate sampling in quality control and production monitoring activities. For upstream mass flow meters and heat exchangers, multi-phase mixing is also crucial.
Liquid-Liquid Mixing Gentle but effective mixing of two liquid streams with a low pressure drop is a main application for the M100. The M100 guarantees a homogeneous mix in any part of the process requiring it. Produced Water Treatment The M100 inline mixer is one of the key process components of the CTour produced water treatment system, in which it is used to re-mix condensate and produced water, to extract and coalesce the hydrocarbons in the produced water stream.
In-Depth Analysis and Tailored Channel Design Since the pressure drop can be pre-determined by the geometry of the channel pattern at the inlet and outlet sides of the mixer, the ProMix M100 inline mixer is always tailored to its particular application and can be designed to accommodate a wide turndown.
The mixer has similarities to a cylindrical plug valve with an internal cylinder. By rotating the cylinder, the pressure drop and the degree of mixing can be adjusted. In addition, the cylinder can be designed with a full bore position that allows the pipe to be pigged, which is impossible with static mixers. The internal cylinder at the inlet side is fitted with channels pointing towards a common focus line in the center of the mixing chamber. In this way the whole chamber is utilized and efficient multiphase mixing is achieved with a low pressure drop. At the outlet side, the channels are oriented in parallel to the pipe axis to straighten the flow.
Adjustable degree of mixing Low pressure drop Allows for pigging High turndown ratio Compact design
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
ProSeps onshore and offshore oil process solutions offer the multiple advantages of half a century of deep, trustworthy global project management and execution experience. Whether you decide on individual treating units or fully integrated process trains, any solution we provide will exceed your needs. Our seasoned know-how enables us to give you best-fit technology from our design repertoire and as necessary, to originate new concepts to customize our established applications for your requirements. Our solutions allow for full automation, reduced losses in production, and fewer operational problems. ProSeps flexible approach equips clients to meet codes with everything necessary for a single process unit, an entire process train, or anything in between. Our packages can include everything you need, such as instrumentation, piping, machinery skids, and panel fabrication.
The benefits of partnering with ProSep abound, from horizontal flow separation technology, to the ease with which we can incorporate mechanical coalescers in combination with electrostatic grids, to thermal treaters that combine both heating and coalescing capabilities in one efficient process unit. We strengthen our offering with ProSalt, an injector / mixer system that allows for improved efficiency in dilution water consumption and downstream dehydration for desalting systems.
Individual Treating Units to Fully Integrated Process Trains Mechanical and Electrostatic Coalescing Internals Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Desalting Systems Onshore and Offshore Designs Global Project Management and Execution
As the name implies, only free water is removed from the production inlet stream, leaving the emulsified water in the outlet oil stream. The percentage of emulsified water in that stream depends on the oil API gravity. Meeting this requirement requires operating at a particular treating viscosity combined with a calculated retention time. We address the treating viscosity requirements by heating the production stream as shown in the diagram (left) with scavenged heat or by adding internal firetubes to the FWKO itself.
Electrostatic Desalter
desalting technology
A system can desalt by two methods: (1) dehydration and (2) dilution, or changing the produced water solution concentration. Most of the salt (99.99%) is in solution in the water, so removing the water associated with the oil also removes the salt at the same time. If the salt concentration is very high, however, then even removing 98% or more of the associated water may not meet the oil salt content specification. The next step is to reduce the salt concentration in the associated water by mixing it with dilution water with no salt (freshwater) or a smaller concentration of salt (brackish water). Again, several stages of dehydration and dilution may be required to meet specification. This is dependent on the inlet production cut and salt concentration. The ability to introduce the dilution water into the process stream without creating an emulsion and at the same time developing a homogeneous mixture between the dilution water and the brackish produced water is essential to this design. ProSep offers ProSalt an injector / mixer system that improves efficiency in water consumption and downstream dehydration.
ProSeps separation technology is based on a horizontal flow regime. From FWKOs to desalters, the horizontal flow pattern allows us to provide two-phase and three-phase designs that maximize vessel utilization for each component. As the process progresses through the vessel and the water droplets suspended in the oil phase coalesce into larger droplets, they finally reach the critical particle diameter where Stokes Law begins to apply. Stokes Law defines the terminal settling velocity of a particle of a particular size as it falls through a fluid. The terminal settling velocity is perpendicular to the horizontal process flow velocity. This can be particularly critical in equipment designed to produce 0.5% BS&W or less where the droplet population is reduced and smaller coalesced droplets may be formed. As you can see from the vector analysis below, a unit utilizing an upflow design creates a velocity vector directly opposite to the vector created by Stokes Law. The conclusion is that if all parameters in Stokes Law are fixed, a horizontal flow regime can remove a smaller droplet size, which translates into a more efficient system. A big advantage with a horizontal flow regime comes with the design of a vertical electrostatic grid system. As the oil phase progresses downstream through the vessel it can be exposed to multiple stages of electrostatic fields of varying potentials. Built-in adjustability allows these fields to match the water content remaining in the oil phase, thus ensuring complete and efficient dehydration. One additional advantage is the facility to incorporate mechanical coalescers in combination with the electrostatic grids. These coalescers can be placed in the process stream to provide either bulk or polished coalescence.
one problem. This can be illustrated by designs that allow the following: Operation with a gas phase, thus eliminating the need for a degassing vessel before an electrostatic dehydrator. Installation of mechanical coalescers in the inlet section to reduce the water cut to acceptable levels before entering the electrostatic field, thus increasing the inlet water cut that a dehydrator can process. Placement of firetubes in various locations in process systems to improve efficiency and streamline necessary equipment.
Inlet Momentum Management (Momentum Breakers, Vane Diffusers, Cyclonic Distributors) Gas Demisting (Mesh and Vane Mist Extractors, Axial Flow Cyclonic Demisters) Viscosity Enhancement (Firetubes, Heating Coils) Plug Flow Distribution (Perforated Plates) Oil Phase Coalescence (Mechanical Elements, Vertical Electrostatic Grids) Outlet Phase Management (Vortex Breakers, Weirs) Solids Removal (Sand Wash and Extraction Systems) Firetube Protection (Detection and Wash Systems)
Liquid stabilization through the removal of gas Removal of free water from the oil phase Removal of emulsified water from the oil phase to a specified level, or in the case of desalting, to allow the salt to meet a specified maximum Reduction of salt concentration, which may be required to meet specified maximum (via dilution water)
In order to provide the flexibility demanded by todays business model, ProSep utilizes a modular design system to develop equipment that can provide solutions to more than
Upflow Design Horizontal Flow Design
A Customers Experience
ProSep personnel were involved in the supply of an advanced design horizontal coalescer installed in the Gulf of Mexico platform in 1998, where the coalescers design enabled it to significantly exceed design capacity while simplifying operations. Design features that aid in enhancing performance include: horizontal flow to minimize water carry-over with the bulk oil phase, cyclonic inlet device to smooth the pipe-tovessel transition and degas the oil at inlet conditions, baffles to distribute oil flow evenly across the vessel cross section, multiple externally adjustable electrostatic grids to vary field density and allow improved coalescence, and enhanced coalescence packing to optimize removal of water droplets coalesced by the electrostatic field. The existing upflow coalescer was frequently unable to achieve 1.0% BS&W in oil effluent at less than 50% of its design flow rate, while the horizontal flow electrostatic treater consistently provides <0.4% BS&W at 120% of design capacity. The equipment has become the standard design approach for this client.
ABOVE: The 50,000 BOPD horizontal electrostatic treater (left) consistently exceeds design capacity, while the conventional treater (right) is unable to meet its 35,000 BOPD design capacity. This is accomplished with a treater that is only slightly larger than the conventional treater. APPLICATION: Crude Oil Dehydration
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
Desalting is a crucial step for crude oil downstream refining processes since both the free water and emulsified water contain salt, which can cause corrosion, leading to failure of critical process equipment, i.e. hydrocracker.
Number of droplets
Droplet size
The graph shows a uniform droplet size distribution at separable droplet sizes and high exposure area while maintaining a low pressure drop.
The ProSalt systems efficient injection and mixing technology holds the key to effective salt content removal, efficient utilization of wash water and chemicals, and improved crudewater separability. Besides increased treatment capacity, the technology allows reduced wash water requirements, reduction in oil in water content, and low installation costs and thus high returns on investment. ProSalt is a robust, flanged spool piece that replaces the conventional static mixer and mixing valve with a novel inline injection/mixer assembly. This assembly requires minimum maintenance, has a high turndown ratio, and provides unobstructed flow conditions while providing efficient mixing of various production chemicals and / or dilution water used in desalting.
The injector / mixer system generates a homogeneous phase flow over the pipe cross-section in combination with a pressure drop that is significantly lower than conventional mixing methods, while controlling shear forces. This achieves an improved oil-water separation, with less emulsion. ProSalt has demonstrated operational benefits for most crude oil / wash water flow rates over a wide range of specified pressure drops.
Reduced pressure drop (40-70%) Reduced wash-water consumption (20-40%) Improved oil-water separation Reduced residence time in coalescer / separator High turndown ratio Easy process modification - low installation cost and high return on investment Reduced chemical consumption Flanged unit, no operator involvement requirement Maintenance-free
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
Since accumulation of sand can interfere with the oil treating process and become detrimental, sand removal is an important function in many primary separation vessels, FWKOs, and treaters. Most crude oils contain varying quantities of solids and heavier, more viscous oils carry additional entrained solids from producing formations. Accumulations of such solids may cause firetube failures, plugged nozzles, and obstructions that disrupt flow patterns and vessel operations. Managing the build-up of solids is essential to trouble-free operations. Through efficient removal techniques and optimized sequencing, operators will appreciate substantially simplified annual plant turnaround activities. Frequent shutdowns for cleanout and their resulting production losses will cease to be an issue.
Typical Sand Jet Dump Station. Multiple sand jet / dump stations provide for calibrated solids removals sequencing.
ProCleans efficient automated solids removal system design addresses these important objectives: Prevent disruption to the steady-state process Prevent large accumulations that may be difficult to remove Operate reliably (automated rather than operatordependent) Reduce corrosion and abrasion damage caused by solids build-up Minimize use of jetting fluids Adjust for actual solids loading
Developed through years of field experience, ProClean accomplishes its objectives with these features: Multiple stations for localized, targeted removal Jetting fluids that direct solids into the individual sand pan area of influence Independently operating stations Brief duration jet / dump cycles calculated for optimum vessel maintenance Minimal jetting requirement for flushing clean Process stability with automation Optimized placement of components for longevity
The primary components (i.e., the sand pan and dump piping and the jet wash piping) of the ProClean solids removal system are bolted in and completely and easily removable from the vessel. The individual station control valves are externally mounted (not shown) and operate simultaneously. An adjustable PLC panel controls the individual stations to match exact process requirements. Other sand removal systems typically consist of a single jet wash / dump assembly operating over the full vessel length which consumes excessive jet wash water while disrupting vessel interface levels. With the ProClean system, the operator can better control the solids removal process by being able to calibrate the operating frequency and sequencing of the independent stations to match actual solids deposition.
Vessel cutaway. ProClean solids removal systems sand jet / sand dump (pan and piping) assembly is easy to install.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
Handle surges and slugs of oil and still deliver a 50-150 mg/l OiW concentration with ProSeps ProPlate Corrugated Plate Interceptors (CPIs) and ProSkim Vertical Skimmers. Where available pressure is less than 50 psig, or high inlet oil concentrations are expected, ProPlate or ProSkim will often prove a better option for separation than hydrocyclones.
Onshore and offshore production Reneries and industrial and petrochemical plants Produced water treatment Storm water / wash water treatment Ethylene quench water treatment
ProPlate CPI
ProPlate CPIs are designed to provide the same removal efficiency as a traditional gravity separator in a much smaller vessel, making them ideal for xed-platform as well as landbased installations. ProPlate CPIs are atmospheric tanks or pressurized vessels that are equipped with polypropylene or stainless steel packs designed to enhance coalescence and separation by decreasing the distance the oil droplet must travel to be removed from the continuous phase. For oating applications with low pressure proles, a CPI can be designed as a liquid-packed pressure vessel, mitigating the problems traditional atmospheric CPIs have with wave motions.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
As part of effectively treating large volumes of produced water, the ProSpin hydrocyclone separates liquids that have different densities, especially oil and water, by taking advantage of gravity and centrifugal forces. The ProSpin hydrocyclone is an excellent primary separation solution in most offshore applications where sufficient process pressure is available, since it has a small footprint and is highly efficient at separating free oil from water.
Customizable size and materials Small footprint Good turndown No moving parts Simple controls Minimal maintenance No external utilities Quality construction Motion-insensitive No chemicals
With sufficient pressure from the separator or a pump to serve as a driver, the hydrocyclone takes in oily water at the tangential entrance and moves it through the reducing section. The fluid travels through the narrowing chamber, flowing along the walls and accelerating as it progresses, developing forces that are needed to separate the oil from the water.
UPSTREAM PRODUCTION Produced water treatment for re-injection or disposal Bulk water removal Pre-separation ahead of an IGF or DGF DOWNSTREAM REFINING AND PROCESSING Desalter water processing API separator replacement Ethylene quench water treatment The denser fluid moves to the walls of the hydrocyclone and is removed at the downstream fluid outlet (underflow). The less dense fluid is drawn into the low-pressure core and, by applying a back pressure to the outlet, flows back up the hydrocyclone to be removed at the upstream outlet orifice (overflow). The ProSpin is unaffected by ship or platform motions and delivers typical removal efficiencies of 85-95% of all oil droplets >12-15 microns with effluent quality of 25-100 mg/l OiW.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
NORWAY +47 55 52 94 00
To recover oil and to condition waters for overboard discharge, re-injection or further polishing through filtration, ProSeps ProFloat Flotation Systems deliver highly efficient removal of oil and solids (10,000 to 100,000 BPWD with a separation efficiency of up to 98%) while completely containing the process. ProFloat is ideal for secondary treatment of produced and wastewaters in refineries, petrochemical plants and in the oilfield. The solution can integrate into existing systems as standalone vessels or be fully skid-mounted as a turnkey package.
Skimmed oil
Recycle pump
Clean water
Dirty water
Contained, gas-tight design Compact skid design Simple and reliable design and operation No internal moving parts, no specialty parts needed Availability of pressurized operation Low skim rates Operational and environmental safety Minimal energy requirements
The highly efficient, motion-insensitive vertical induced gas flotation (IGF) process, with its small footprint, is ideal for space-limited installations, and especially for floating production applications. The process begins by providing a venturi-type eductor with pressurized water, which passes through and creates a vacuum at the gas suction port. The gas drawn from the vapor space in the IGF is induced into the recycle stream via an eductor. The gas is then thoroughly mixed with the water and contaminants through the aid of a static mixing device. This homogenous mixture is then released into a separation vessel. Floated oil and solids are skimmed from the surface of the vessel, and clarified effluent exits from the bottom of the vessel. ProSeps IGF has a vertical design that uses Stokes law by reducing the apparent density of oils and solids by their attachment to the finely dispersed gas bubble population in the separation vessel, and by increased droplet size and buoyancy through coalescence.
Minimization of the liquid surface area susceptible to motion can be accomplished via the use of a compact and lightweight vertical single-cell or multiple vertical single-cell IGFs, as it is much easier to hold the liquid level control of a vertical vessel during operation due to its relatively small liquid surface area.
Single pumps (vs. multiple internal mixing mechanisms) Compact, customizable skid-mounted equipment Insensitive to FPSO and floating platform motions Low skimmed oil rates (typically 1-3%), minimizing downstream tankage Simple set it and go operation Low chemical consumption Low maintenance / operator intervention
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
When treatment of produced waters needs to go beyond the results of secondary treatment (typically 15-25 mg/l of oil and/or solids), ProSep provides high-performance tertiary treatment equipment. The ProShell Deep Bed Nutshell Filter can remove 98% of non-water soluble hydrocarbons and particulates greater than 5 microns in most cases, while significantly reducing or eliminating the need for large quantities of backwash water, scouring, and surfactants.
Deep bed design for contaminant retention reduces backwash frequency Influent stream utilization eliminates backwash water storage tanks and pumps System uses lowest backwash volume of available technologies Backwash cycle fully fluidizes and regenerates the media bed without additional air scouring Green technology aids in achieving zero discharge Nutshell media prevents the fouling / plugging typical of sand and multi-media filters Equipment has very low maintenance requirements
Stainless steel internals and high-reliability backwash pump ensure >99% operational uptime Media attrition measures <5% annually
The unique qualities of crushed pecan / walnut shells make for a media that is oleophobic and elastic, yet extremely hard and durable. These characteristics of the ProShell Deep Bed Nutshell Filter lead to greatly diminished media attrition rates combined with maximum performance. Under normal operating conditions, with a nominal inlet oil concentration of 50 mg/l or less and a comparable solids inlet concentration, nutshell filters will produce an effluent with less than 5 mg/l of dispersed oil and suspended solids without the addition of chemicals.
The ProShell Deep Bed Nutshell Filter System features a highly durable media screen supported at vessel bottom and an engineered fluidization path that successfully cleanses the media of oil and particles. The fluidization nozzle is strategically located to insure complete and rapid fluidization of the media bed, reducing backwash water volumes; the scrubber screen has been designed to retain the media within the filter vessel while efficiently drawing contaminants from the vessel. Raw feed water is used during all stages of the backwash cycle. The nutshell filtration cycle begins when dirty fluid enters the vessel through a valve. As the contaminated fluid is forced through the media bed under pressure, oil and solids are trapped and accumulate within the bed. Clean, filtered water is discharged from the bottom of the vessel. The backwash process consists of 1) fluidizing the bed to dislodge contaminants, 2) discharging the contaminant-laden water, 3) delaying for one cycle which allows for the settling of the media bed, and 4) rinsing to remove any residual contaminants from the media bed prior to bring the filter back online.
conditioned and ground to a uniform size. The ratio of walnut to pecan shells maximizes contaminant retention while minimizing media attrition.
Available upon request.
The ProShell Deep Bed Nutshell Filter is filled with a blend of pecan and walnut shells which are specially
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
NORWAY +47 55 52 94 00
Produced water outlet 200-1000 ppm
a vehicle in facilitating Zero Harmful Discharges legislation in the North Sea. It is expected to influence future discharge legisaltion in other coutries as well since it is being considered the new best available technology for treating produced waters.
Prediction of performance Process definition for implementation of CTour process Configuration and specification of equipment for full-scale installation Project support Commissioning, start-up assistance, and project support Field testing
The unique CTour process will meet current and future requirements for water treatment.
The CTour process treats approximately 2 MBPD of produced water offshore Norway which corresponds to two-thirds of the countrys total. Detailed references available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
The TORRTM de-oiling technology, with its small footprint and ability to replace less efficient de-oiling equipment, offers the best available process in the treatment of produced water for offshore producers and operators. The TORRTM technology exceeds todays discharge regulations and will address future regulations. The scaleable technology addresses future increases in water cut. Adding compact TORRTM vessels requires very little real estate when water cuts increase.
Small footprint and low weight 1000 ppm down to discharge regulation Better polishing for reinjection applications Removes and recovers oil droplets larger than 2 microns Maximum flow rate per vessel of 60,000 BWPF Same high de-oiling efficiency during production start-up periods No additional treatment required for recovered oil
Minimal pressure drop and maintenance and minimal operation costs Recovered hydrocarbons can be <0.5% BSW High flow rate turndown No moving internal parts No added heat or chemicals Operational temperatures up to 90C Solids handing capabilities Reduced process complexity
The TORRTM process consists of two inline pressure vessels, and an optional third vessel can be used as a standby. Produced water enters the TORRTM unit for treatment and then passes through the core of multiple continuous coalescing elements. The continuous coalescing element adsorbs the small oil droplets, coalesces them to large oil globules and then desorbs them. Gravity separation principles remove these large coalesced globules, which then rise to the top of the vessel. Any solution gas accumulating with the oil at the top of the vessel will be safely recovered. The oil and/or gas collected at the top of the vessel are recuperated and returned to a suitable collection unit. The TORRTM technology treated produced water exceeds discharge regulations.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
NORWAY +47 55 52 94 00
ProSep offers customized skid packaged solutions for offshore or onshore applications. In seawater applications, raw seawater is drawn from a certain depth, typically about 100 ft, through seawater lift pumps. The raw seawater is then chlorinated using an electrochlorinator to prevent biological growth in the downstream equipment. The electrochlorinator generates sodium hypochlorite by electrolysis of seawater. Coarse Strainers are located downstream of the seawater lift pumps. Used in seawater injection system applications, they remove large oceanic contaminants such as silt, algae and crustaceans and are typically rated for 80-100 microns. However, other micron ratings can be used depending on customer requirements. Coarse Strainers are self-cleaning, allowing uninterrupted continuous flow at full capacity during backwash. Filtered seawater from the Coarse Strainers is then routed to either the Multi-media filters or Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes depending on the treatment process selected. ProSep offers vertical multi-media filter vessels which provide high efficiency (98%) removal of particulates greater than 2-5 microns. The ultrafiltration process provides higher quality water than multi-media filters. It is lighter and occupies less plot area than multi-media filters making it ideal for offshore floating platforms where plot area is a premium and significant weight savings can be realized. ProSep will work with different UF membrane manufacturers to meet customer requirements. Treated water will have to be deaerated before it can be injected. Deoxygenation or deaeration removes dissolved oxygen to control corrosion and/or aerobic bacteria activity. ProSep manufactures conventional deaeration equipment such as vacuum stripping or fuel gas stripping packed towers. Water from the deaerator tower can undergo further filtration or polishing steps by using cartridge filters to provide absolute filtration performance prior to being injected. In addition, ProSep has in-house expertise to design and deliver Reverse Osmosis Membrane Packaged Systems for both brackish (aquifer) water and seawater desalination.
ProSep provides process, mechanical, vessel, instrumentation and electrical designs for fabrication. The detailed design of the equipment considers performance, operability, reliability and safety based on experience and industry codes. ProSep designs and builds water injection systems to customer or ProSep specifications. Compact skid packaged design Easy operation and minimal maintenance Reduced on-site time and costs Ongoing support throughout the life of the equipment
ProSeps Water Injection Systems can be deployed for any seawater, river, lake or aquifer water. Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms (Fixed Platforms, FPSO, TLPs) can benefit from ProSeps compact designs for water injection for enhanced oil recovery applications.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00
ProSep offers well-designed media filter systems for the removal of solids from liquid streams. The systems are supplied as turnkey, skid-mounted equipment packages and have been delivered to many locations worldwide. The packages typically consist of (1) filter vessels, (2) air blowers, (3) instrumentation, (4) base frame, (5) filter media and internals, (6) piping and valves and (7) control facilities.
ProSep maintains contact with the client and keeps up with any necessary service of the plant through continuous followup throughout its lifetime. This field experience, along with ongoing research programs, ensures that ProSep continually deliver state-of-the-art offerings.
Seawater treatment for injection into oil reservoirs Seawater treatment in general Produced water treatment Effluent water treatment Freshwater treatment
Customized design Automatic control High deposits holding capacity Removal of particles (down to 2 m) from water Seawater-resistant materials available
For removal of particles from water down to 2 m in size, granular media filters, also known as sand filters and deep bed filters, are the most widely used filter type.
The type of media and number of layers depend mainly on the clients filtration requirements and operational conditions. Headers and laterals distribute the water entering the filter across the entire filter area. The upper media layer matches the characteristics of the lower layers in the filter to ensure maximum utilization of the total filter bed. Typically, the system uses anthracite, garnet and sand. The particles are collected in the whole filter bed, where the depth filtration principle ensures a high deposits holding capacity. The filters are vertical or horizontal pressure vessels with leg, skirt, or saddle supporting. They are constructed of carbon steel, painted externally and internally with epoxy, and lined either with rubber or glass flake reinforced epoxy or vinylester. Vessels made form seawater resistant materials are also available. Either a nozzle plate or a grid made of V-shaped wire covering the cross sectional area of the filter supports the granular media. The support collects the filtered water in filtration mode and evenly distributes the backwash and scour in cleaning mode. Granular media filters are cleaned by reversing the flow direction through the filter bed or baskwashing the bed, thereby dislodging and flushing out the solids collected within the bed. To achieve the required cleaning intensity of the bed, the cleaning cycle includes an air scour. Backwashing of a filter can be initiated by timer, high pressure drop or reduced filtrate quality. Manual initiation of the backwash is also possible.
Available upon request.
About ProSep
ProSep is a technology-based process solutions provider for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and commercializes technologies to separate oil, gas and water generated by oil and gas production.
ProSeps innovative offerings have been awarded three Spotlight on New Technology Awards from the annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in 2005 and onwards, comprising the proprietary technologies ProScav, CTour and ProSalt.
Norway +47 55 52 94 00