Cpsel 1
Cpsel 1
Cpsel 1
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. 1-1 Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators. 1-2 Communicate and implement the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the mission of the school as a standards-based educational system. 1-3 Leverage and marshal sufficient resources to implement and attain the vision for all students and subgroups of students. 1-4 Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision. 1-5 Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure integration, articulation, and consistency with the vision. 1-6 Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning. Past experiences that may meet this standard: (If you have engaged in prior Leadership work) Collaborated with leadership team to write the mission and vision statement for new charter elementary school Collaborated with leadership team to re-write the mission and vision statement for Rosemont Middle School Led professional developments for teachers school wide Led Department meetings and professional development Participated at School Site Council Meetings Fundraiser Chairperson- initiated and coordinated fundraisers to support Ararat Charter School Association Participated in updating the School Plan Participated in planning and/or conducting faculty meetings Participated in school wide instructional cabinet meetings as a department chair member Participated in district wide meetings to improve instruction representing the Career Education Technical classes and the Arts Conducted curriculum committee meetings for Consumer Science courses Participated in Charter School Board meetings Participated, planned and facilitated Charter School Trustee and Fundraiser meetings Experiences from my Leadership Project that meet this standard: Developed this program to meet the needs of the at-risk students at our school-site Led faculty meeting to introduce the program and communicate the desired results with the collaborated help of all staff members Collaborated with other teachers and community members to run our weekly sessions addressing bullying, social/emotional health, studying/organization skills Identified barriers and worked with principal to get community resources for donations to help run the program Reinforcing our mission and vision to create a safe and thriving environment for ALL students as it aligns to the bullying program and addresses our community need to prevent suicide Facilitating and directing weekly sessions as an emergent program to meet the needs of the students Other Additional Field Experience activities that meet this standard: (If you need additional experiences) Created my own mission and vision in my personal and professional life aligning to the mission and vision at my school site, as an educator and future administrator. Participated in discussion and analysis of ways to address, appreciate and respond to cultural differences at our school site. Analyzed a break down of scores by students API subgroups to look for trends and to identify strengths and weaknesses. Made plans next year to identify areas that need improvement, present a plan to the faculty and target these students.