Harmonize Your Headaches
Harmonize Your Headaches
Harmonize Your Headaches
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Books. With any kind of discomfort we are looking to move energy to a greater place of harmony. For headaches we are looking to move stuck energy down, away from the head. So the simplest method is to use holds or flows that encourage energy to descend toward the toes. As always in JSJ, there are several different ways of facilitating this. Headaches can be the result of our inability to digest on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. Either way, remember to focus on harmonizing. Try these Methods Hold your thumbs including the pad of the thumb - aka Safety Energy Lock 18 (Fig 1), left then right (or vice versa), until you feel a pulse (or hold for 2 minutes if pulse is not detected). To maximize result, exhale, drop your shoulders, smile and naturally inhale as you hold each thumb. Many people do multiples of 9 exhalations and inhalations, up to 36 times per thumb. You can adapt this breathing practice to each method below. This will also help you destress and relax
Fig 1 Fig 2 Place thumbs or finger or fingers on LEFT and RIGHT base of skull, sitting down, standing or lying down.
Fig 4 Just quietly hold the left and right groins and in a few minutes, more or less, one can feel the tension/stress beginning to melt away in any head discomforts.
Fig 3 (1) Place left finger(s) on base of RIGHT cheek bone (2) Place right finger(s) at center of RIGHT collar bone Hold for 2-3 mins to feel pulse (3) Left finger stays, right finger(s) go to base of LEFT ribcage