Power Factor - Energy Management Series

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Power Factor

kVA (Apparent Power) kVAR (Reactive Power) Power Factor kW (Real Power)

The Energy Management Series



Energy Management Series

Re-published by:

Cos Phi Inc.

240 Huckins St, P.O. Box 24 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5 Ph: (519) 440-0454 Fax: (519) 440-0446 info@cosphi.com www.cosphi.com

Originally published by: Ontario Hydro


As energy costs continue to represent an increasing proportion of the overall cost of doing business, energy management has become an important activity. Understanding power factor and how it affects your companys electricity bill can help reduce power costs. Power Factor gives a reading of overall electricity use efficiency. High power factor indicates that the amount of power doing real work is operating at a high level of efficiency. Conversely, low power factor means poor electricity efficiency which is always costly. Improving power factor can reduce billed peak demand and enhance equipment reliability. Power factor is not an easy subject to discuss without some knowledge of electricity. The section on Electricity basics provides a refresher of electricity and electrical power components.


Electricity Basics
Electrical energy is consumed by end uses called loads. All alternating current loads are comprised in varying degrees of three components: - Resistance - Inductive Reactance - Capacitive Reactance Resistance When electrical energy is consumed in the resistive component, real work is done. Heat is generated or light is emitted The rate of doing real work is measured in watts. Since a watt is a relatively small quantity, kilowatts (1,000 watts) is most commonly used. The same is true for the other measures. The product of the applied voltage and the current flowing in the resistive circuit is real power. Schematically, real power is represented by an arrow pointing to the right.
Figure 1a Arrow Convention Illustrating Real Power kW

Inductive reactance produces magnetomotive forces, enabling machines to operate. Inductivve reactive power is represented by an upwards arrow.
Figure 1b Arrow Convention Illustrating Inductive Reactive Power


The vertical orientation represents reactive power. The upwards direction indicates inductance. The length denotes the amount or magnitude of kVAR.

Capacitive Reactance When electricity is applied to a capacitor, no real work is done. Current and voltage are applied to the load. Their product, reactive power, is measured in kVAR. Capacitive reactive power is represented by a downward arrow.
Figure 1c Arrow Convention Illustrating Capacitive Reactive Power

The left to right direction indicates real power. The lenght denotes the amount or magnitude of real power. Inductive Reactance When electricity is applied to a pure inductor no real work is done. No heat or light is generated. Current and voltage are applied to the load. Their product reactive power, is measured in kilo-volt-amperes-reactive (kVAR). Examples of inductive loads are transformers, motors and lighting ballasts.


The vertical orientation represents reactive power. The downwards sense denotes capacitance. The length denotes the amount of magnitude of kVAR. In summary, two kinds of power exist: 1. Real Power (Resistive Power) 2. Reactive Power - Inductive - Capacitive


Power Triangle Pure resistance, pure capacitance and pure inductance exist only in theory. All real life loads exhibit varying proportions of these three components. Using arrow conventions and vector addition rules a typical industrial plants electrical load can be represented by a power triangle. The power triangle describes the quality of power used.
Figure 2 Power Triangle Illustrating Inductive Reactive Power Reactive Power (kVARI) Real Power (kW)

Apparent Power Total power is referred to as apparent power. It is the vector sum of real power and reactive power and is measured in kilo-volt-amperes (kVA). The hypotenuse closing the power triangle represents apparent power. (See Figure 4.) Billed Demand The maximum rate of electrical consumption or demand charge, measured in kW and the total amount of energy consumed, or energy charge, measured in kWh are calculated each month for billing purpsoes. The demand charges applies to the peak demand at which energy is taken and the energy charge applies to the quality of the electricity consumed during the billing period. Billed demand is calculated according to the way in which electrical power is used. It is made up of two components: 1. Real Power (Resistive) 2. Reactive Power - Inductive - Capacitive Given a fixed maximum rate of real work done (kW) the length of the hypotenuse (kVA) varies depending upon the amount of reactive power (kVAR). Billed demand is based on the peak value of 100 per cent of the kW or 90 per cent of the kVA, whichever is larger. Thus the length of the hypotenuse (kVA) influences the demand portion of the electricity bill. As soon as the kVAR component of the load reaches the point where 90 per cent of the kVA is larger than the total kW, the electrical billing demand charge increases for the same amount of work done. Although only the power absorbed in the resistive component of a load does real work the principle of supplying power at cost dictates that reactive power components must also be billed.

Real Power (Figure 1a) plus Inductive Reactive Power (Figure 1b) results in a power triangle as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3 Power Triangle Illustrating Capacitive Reactive Power Real Power (kW) Reactive Power (kVARC)

Real Power (Figure 1a) plus Capacitive Reactive Power (Figure 1c) results in a power triangle as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 4 Effect of Capacitance in Reducing Inductive Load (kVARC) Reduces (kVARI) kVARI Resultant Real Power (kW)

Apparent Power (kVA)

Inductive reactive loads are usually greater than capacitive loads. When inductive reactive power is greater it can be reduced by adding capacitive reactive power. The power triangle is adjusted as shown in Figure 4.


What is Power Factor?

The relationship between resistive and reactive load components is called Power Factor. It is a numerical way of expressing the proportions of real power (kW) and apparent power (kVA). As shown in Figure 5 the power triangle is used to derive the forumla for calculating power factor.
Figure 5 Power Factor Forumla Apparent Power (kVA) Reactive Power (kVAR)

Real Power (kW)

Power factor is represented mathematically by the cosine of the angle between real power and apparent power. Formula Power Factor = kW kVA

If kW and kVA are known, the kVAR, a quantity necessary for billing purposes, can be calculated using the Pythagorean Theorem. kVA2 = kW2 + kVAR2 kVAR2 = kVA2 - kW2 kVAR = kVA2 - kW2


Measuring Power Factor

The practical way to measure power factor is to simultaneously measure real power (kW) and apparent power (kVA). All demand meters record the maximum average demand (kW), or rate of power used, over a 15 minute period. The standard commercial/industrial meter used by most municipal utilities is a combination demand and energy meter (see Figure 6). The red pointer tracks the power used, averaged over a 15 minute period. As the red pointer rises, it pushes forward the black pointer which records the maximum demand (kW) reached during the month. The maximum demand reading is converted to a true kW or kVA reading by applying the billing multiplier factor. The billing multiplier for your meters is available from your local utility. Demand measuring meters can accurately discriminate between real power (kW) and apparent power (kVA). When the peak demand is over 50 kW and the power factor is suspected of being less than 90 per cent, both kW and kVA meters are installed (see Figure 7). Meter readings of energy in kWh, power in kW and apparent power in kVA are recorded. The billing multiplier factor is applied to all readings. Digital Demand Recorders (DDRs) track the maximum average demand in 15 minute intervals on magnetic cassette tapes. The tape is computer read each month and can provide detailed load data. DDRs are commonly used for larger customers (See Figure 8). With two meters, one reading kVA and the other reading kW, all the information necessary to determine the power factor is available. The bill now reflects a charge for power based on the larger of 100 per cent of kW or 90 per cent of kVA. When a plant has only one meter installed, other means of gathering the information required to calculate power factor must be adopted. Many capacitor manufacturing companies and electrical contractors conduct power factor surveys. As well, some utilities measure plant power factor.


Poor Power Factor

Poor power factor increases billed demand. It costs Ontario industry millions of dollars annually. In an electrical circuit with poor power factor a large portion of the current does no useful work and is not registered at the energy (kWh) meter. In order for the utility to maintain the equipment necessary to compensate for the increased reactive power (kVAR), billed demand is increased accordingly. Although reacitve power (kVAR) does no useful work it is necessary to make machinery operate. Most utilities allow a percentage of reactive power to be billed at no additional charge, though this has being phased out over recent years. Poor power factor results in higher than necessary kVAR use and increases electricity costs. Power factor billing charges are levied if the power factor is below 90 per cent. This is sometimes referred to as Power Factor Penalty. The power triangles shown in Figure 9 demonstrate increased billed demand with poor power factor.
Figure 9 Poor Power Factor vs Good Power Factor Poor Power Factor (70%) Apparent Power (kVA) 45 0 Real Power (kW)

The increased apparent power (kVA) shown in the 70 per cent power factor triangle results in increased billed demand, even though the real power remains the same. Poor power factor can be caused by equipment design or operating conditions. Motors, transformers, welding machines, induction heating coils and lighting ballasts are major sources. Lightly loaded induction motors are one of the worst offenders. The factors affecting the power factor of an induction motor are size, speed and load. The larger the motor and the higher the speed, the higher the power factor. The higher the percentage of the rated load, the higher the power factor.

Reactive Power (kVAR)

Good Power Factor (90%) Apparent Power (kVA) 25 0 Real Power (kW) Reactive Power (kVAR)


Power Factor Correction

Determining the amount of reactive power (kVAR) required to improve power factor to 90 per cent is called power factor correction. Reactive power (kVAR) can flow in opposite directions. Lagging kVAR flows in the opposite direction to leading kVAR. Machines that use lagging kVAR are said to be kVAR consumers while machines that use leading kVAR, are said to be kVAR generators. For example, an induction motor which requires kVAR to magnetize its magnetic poles before it can do any work is a kVAR consumer. Lagging power factor occurs when the inductive power requirements are greater than the capacitive power requirements. When lagging power factor occurs the current (amps) follows, or lags, the voltage (volts) in magnitude over time. A typical load with lagging power factor is illustrated schematically in Figure 10.
Figure 10 Power Factor Before Addition of Capacitors Apparent Power (kVA) Figure 11 Power Factor After Addition of Capacitors Apparent Power (kVA) Initial Maximum kVARI Resultant Reactive Power kVARI Capacitive Power Added kVARC

Real Power (kW)

Reactive Power (kVAR)

Real Power (kW)

Calculating the correct amount of capacitance is key to improving power factor. Too little capacitance will not correct a poor power factor. Too much capacitance can cause undesirable effects. A properly determined value of capacitance can nullify inductance and produce unity power factor. Usually only three-phase loads need power factor correction. In most cases power factor is best corrected at the source, for example at each motor. However, for economic reasons power factor correction usually takes place at the meters.

Lagging power factor can be corrected by connecting capacitors to the system. A capacitor is a device that does no work, uses no power (kW), but produces leading kVAR. The current which flows in a capacitor produces leading power factor. This current flows in the opposite direction to that in inductive equipment or machinery. When the two circuits are combined, capacitance reduces the effect of inductance. Figure 11 demonstrates the effect on power factor after the addition of capacitors.


Power Factor Correction and Power Billing Calculations

The following exercise demonstrates a simple way to determine power factor, how to improve it, and the payback perod for capacitor installation. kW x 100% = P.F. kVA For example, if the watt meter reads 900kW and the volt-ampere meter reads 1125 VA, the true kW and kVA can be obtained by applying the billing multiplier factor to each reading. Using a billing multiplier factor of 2000, the peak demands can be calculated as follows: (900 x 2000)/1000 = 1800 kW (1125 x 2000)/1000 = 2250 kVA The power factor is: 1800 kW x 100% = 80% 2250 kVA Assuming these are the peak readings for the month, the bill will be based on 80 per cent power factor. Step 1: Determining Billed Demand The billed demand is the true kW or 90 per cent of the kVA, whichever is greater. 0.90 x 2250 kVA = 2025 kVA Since 2025 kVA is greater than 1800 kW, the billed demand is 2025 kW. While the peak demand is 1800 kW, the billed demand is 2025 kW. The difference of 225 kW is the power factor penalty. In this instance the power bill shows a higher kW figure than the meter indicated. It is not possible to determine whether or not power factor penalty is present if only a kVA meter is installed. 10 Step 2: Drawing the Power Triangle Calculate kVAR using the formula: kVAR = kVA2 - kW2 = 22502 - 18002 = 1350kVAR The power triangle in Figure 12 represents the following values: 1800 kW; 1350 kVAR; 2250 kVA and 80 per cent power factor (Cos 36.90 = 1800 kW/2250 kVA = 0.8). Thus, the power triangle completely describes the quality of power used.
Figure 12 Power Triangle at 80 Per Cent Power Factor Apparent Power 2250 kVA 36.9 0 Real Power 1800 kW

Reactive Power 1350 kVAR

Step 3: Power Factor Correction Worksheet at 80 Per Cent Power Factor The Power Factor Correction Worksheet (page xx) highlights the potential benefits and monthly cost and savings that can be obtained by improving power factor. It summarizes the demand portion of the power bill and all power factor calculation components. The following values have been recorded on the worksheet: Present P.F. kVA kW kVAR 80% 2250 1800 1350 Step 5: Calculating Required kVAR for 90 Per Cent Power Factor Installing capacitors will raise the power factor to 90 per cent. While there is no change to the kW meter reading, the kVA meter shows a reduction. The Power Factor Improvement Table is used to determine the kVAR of capacitors required to improve the power factor. The left hand column indicates the existing power factor. The top row of numbers indicates the desired power factor. Accordingly 0.266 x kW will determine the required kVAR of capacitors required to increase the power factor to 90 per cent. 0.266 x 1800 kW = 480 kVAR Installing 480 kVAR of capacitors will improve power factor to 90 per cent. Step 6: Power Factor Correction Worksheet at 90 Per Cent Power Factor Using the Power Factor Correction Worksheet, the new demand charge and the resulting savings can be determined. Improving power factor to 90 per cent reduces total kVAR to: 1350 kVAR - 480 kVAR = 870 kVAR The kVA is now:

These figures are used to calculate the demand charges at 80 per cent power factor using the General Service Rate Structure. The energy consumption charge (kWh) is ignored for this calculation as it is unaffected by the power factor. Step 4: Total Cost at 80 Per Cent Power Factor The billed demand is 90 per cent of the kVA. 2250 x 0.90 = 2025 Billed Demand kW In calculating the demand charge, the first 50 kW are not billed. This eliminates small power users paying demand charges and power factor penalites (This reduction has been phased out in Ontario). Gross Demand Charge: 2025kW - 50 kW = 1975kW x $3.50/kW = $6,912.50 Transformer allowances are available to customers who own their own transformers. Allowances range in value from $0.45 to $1.40 per kW of billed demand, depending on the utility and the primary supply voltage. In this example the customer is eligible for $0.60 per billed kW allowance. Transformer allowance: 2025 kW x $0.60 = $1,215.00 Net Demand Charge: $6,912.50 - $1,215 =$5,697.50

800 kW 0.90 P.F.

= 2000 kVA


The following values have been recorded on the worksheet: Required P.F. kVA kW kVAR 90% 2000 1800 870 Step 9: Improved Power Factor Savings By maintaining the power factor at 80 per cent the customer in effect pays a power factor penalty of $652.00 each month. Correcting the power factor increases efficiency and reduces energy costs significantly. In this example improving the power factor to 90 per cent realizes substantial monthly savings of $625.00, an 11.45 per cent overall reduction in the monthly power bill. Although the same maximum rate of work as been done with the same peak demand, the customer now benefits from the annual savings of close to $8,000. Step 10: Determining Payback In Step 5 the required kVAR of capacitors needed to improve the power factor to 90 per cent was calculated at 480 kVAR. Using 1987 estimated rates of $25 per kVAR, the cost for installing 480 kVAR of capacitors is $12,000. Annual savings of almost $8,000 generate a payback period of approximately18 months.

Notice the minus sign between the power factor columns on the kVAR line of the worksheet. The difference signifies the capacitive kVAR added. Step 7: Power Triangle at 90 Per Cent Power Factor The power triangle in Figure 13 represents the following values: 1800 kW; 870 kVAR; 2000 kVAR; and 90 per cent power factor (Cos 25.80 = 1800 kW / 2000 kVA = 0.9). Thus, the power triangle completely describes the quality of power used when the power factor has been improved.
Figure 13 Power Tirangle at 90 Per Cent Power Factor Apparent Power 2000 kVA 25 0 Real Power 1800 kW

Reactive Power 870 kVAR

Step 8: Total Cost at 90 Per Cent Power Factor The billed demand is now the same as the metered kW reading of 1800 kW. 2000 kVA x 0.90 = 1800 Billed Demand kW The demand charge is calculated as follows: First 50 kW: No Charge Gross Demand Charge: 1800 kW - 50 kW = 1750 kW x $3.50/kW = $6,125.00 Transformer Allowance: 1800 kW x $0.60 = $1,080.00 Net Demand Charge: $6,125.00 - $1,080.00 = $5,045.00



Power Factor Correction Worksheet

Supply Authority Customer

Your Hydro
Rate Designation

ABC Company

October 1987
Present P.F. Required P.F.


80% 2250 1800 1350


90% 2000 1800 870 1800

$ $

= 480


DEMAND CHARGE: First 50 kW @ no charge Next 4950 kW @ $3.50/kW Total Less, Transformer Allowance @ $0.60/Billed kW NET CHARGE

0 $6,912.50 $6,912.50 $1,215.00

0 $6,125.00 $6,125.00 $1,080.00

Monthly Saving

$5,697.50 - $5,045.00 $652.00 $12,000.00 18




Table 1 - Power Factor Improvement

Desired Power Factor in Per Cent
80 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0.982 .937 .893 .850 .809 .769 .730 .692 .655 .618 .584 .549 .515 .483 .450 .419 .388 .358 .329 .299 .270 .242 .213 .186 .159 .132 .105 .079 .053 .026 .000 81 1.008 .962 .919 .876 .835 .795 .756 .718 .681 .644 .610 .575 .541 .509 .476 .445 .414 .384 .355 .325 .296 .268 .239 .212 .185 .158 .131 .105 .079 .052 .026 .000 82 1.034 .989 .945 .902 .861 .821 .782 .744 .707 .670 .636 .601 .567 .535 .502 .471 .440 .410 .381 .351 .322 .294 .265 .238 .211 .184 .157 .131 .105 .078 .052 .026 .000 83 1.060 1.015 .971 .928 .887 .847 .808 .770 .733 .696 .662 .627 .593 .561 .528 .497 .466 .436 .407 .377 .348 .320 .291 .264 .237 .210 .183 .157 .131 .104 .078 .052 .026 .000 84 1.086 1.041 .997 .954 .913 .873 .834 .796 .759 .722 .688 .653 .619 .587 .554 .523 .492 .462 .433 .403 .374 .346 .317 .290 .263 .236 .209 .183 .157 .130 .104 .078 .052 .026 .000 85 1.112 1.067 1.023 .980 .939 .899 .860 .822 .785 .748 .714 .679 .645 .613 .580 .549 .518 .488 .459 .429 .400 .372 .343 .316 .289 .262 . 235 .209 .183 .156 .130 .104 .078 .052 .026 .000 86 1.139 1.094 1.050 1.007 .966 .926 .887 .849 .812 .775 .741 .706 .672 .640 .607 .576 .545 .515 .486 .456 .427 .399 .370 .343 .316 .289 .262 .236 .210 .183 .157 .131 .105 .079 .053 .027 87 1.165 1.120 1.076 1.033 .992 .952 .913 .875 .838 .801 .767 .732 .698 .666 .633 .602 .571 .541 .512 .482 .453 .425 .396 .369 .342 .315 .288 .262 .236 .209 .183 .157 .131 .105 .079 .053 .026 88 1.192 1.147 1.103 1.060 1.019 .979 .940 .902 .865 .828 .794 .759 .725 .693 .660 .629 .598 .568 .539 .509 .480 .452 .423 .396 .369 .342 .315 .289 .263 .236 .210 .184 .158 .132 .106 .080 .053 .027 89 1.220 1.175 1.131 1.088 1.047 1.007 .968 .930 .893 .856 .822 .787 .753 .721 .688 .657 .626 .596 .567 .537 .508 .480 .451 .424 .397 .370 .343 .317 .291 .264 .238 .212 .186 .160 .134 .108 .081 .055 .028 91 1.276 1.231 1.187 1.144 1.103 1.063 1.024 .986 .949 .912 .878 . 843 .809 .777 .744 .713 .682 .652 .623 .593 .564 .536 .507 .480 .453 .426 .399 .373 .347 .320 .294 .268 .242 .216 .190 .164 .137 .111 .084 .056 .028 90 1.248 1.203 1.159 1.116 1.075 1.035 .996 .958 .921 .884 .850 .815 .781 .749 .716 .685 .654 .624 .595 .565 .536 .508 .479 .452 .425 .398 .371 .345 .319 .292 .266 .240 .214 .188 .162 .136 .109 .082 .056 .028 92 1.306 1.261 1.217 1.174 1.133 1.090 1.051 1.013 .976 .939 .905 .870 .836 .804 .771 .740 .709 .679 .650 .620 .591 .563 .534 .507 .480 .453 .426 .400 .374 .347 .321 .295 .269 .243 .217 .191 .167 .141 .114 .086 .058 .030 93 1.337 1.292 1.248 1.205 1.164 1.124 1.085 1.047 1.010 .973 .939 .904 .870 .838 .805 .774 .743 .713 .684 .654 .625 .597 .568 .541 .514 .487 .460 .434 .408 .381 .355 .329 .303 .277 .251 .225 .198 .172 .145 .117 .089 .061 .031 94 1.369 1.324 1.280 1.237 1.196 1.156 1.117 1.079 1.042 1.005 .971 . 936 .902 .870 .837 .806 .775 .745 .716 .866 .657 .629 .600 .573 .546 .519 .492 .466 .440 .413 .387 .361 .335 .309 .283 .257 .230 .204 .177 .149 .121 .093 .063 .032 95 1.403 1.358 1.314 1.271 1.230 1.190 1.151 1.113 1.076 1.039 1.005 .970 .936 .904 .871 .840 .809 .779 .750 .720 .691 .663 .634 .607 .580 .553 .526 .500 .474 .447 .421 .395 .369 .343 .317 .291 .265 .238 .211 .183 .155 .127 .097 .066 .034 96 1.442 1.395 1.351 1.308 1.267 1.228 1.189 1.151 1.114 1.077 1.043 1.008 .974 .942 .909 .878 .847 .817 .788 .758 .729 .701 .672 .645 .618 .591 .564 .538 .512 .485 .459 .433 .407 .381 .355 .329 .301 .275 .248 .220 .192 .164 .134 .103 .071 .037 97 1.481 1.436 1.392 1.349 1.308 1.268 1.229 1.191 1.154 1.117 1.083 1.048 1.014 .982 .949 .918 .887 .857 .828 .798 .769 .741 .712 .685 .658 .631 .604 .578 .552 .525 .499 .473 .447 .421 .395 .369 .343 .317 .290 .262 .234 .206 .176 .145 .113 .079 .042 98 1.529 1.484 1.440 1.397 1.356 1.316 1.277 1.239 1.202 1.165 1.131 1.096 1.062 1.030 .997 .966 .935 .905 .876 .840 .811 .783 .754 .727 .700 .673 .652 .620 .594 .567 .541 .515 .489 .463 .437 .417 .390 .364 .337 .309 .281 .253 .223 .192 .160 .126 .089 .047 99 1.590 1.544 1.500 1.457 1.416 1.377 1.338 1.300 1.263 1.226 1.192 1.157 1.123 1.091 1.058 1.027 .996 .966 .937 .907 .878 .850 .821 .794 .767 .740 .713 .687 .661 .634 .608 .582 .556 .530 .504 .478 .451 .425 .398 .370 .342 .314 .284 .253 .221 .187 .150 .108 .061 100 1.732 1.687 1.643 1.600 1.559 1.519 1.480 1.442 1.405 1.368 1.334 1.299 1.265 1.233 1.200 1.169 1.138 1.108 1.079 1.049 1.020 .992 .963 .936 .909 .882 .855 .829 .803 .776 .750 .724 .698 .672 .645 .620 .593 .567 .540 .512 .484 .456 .426 .395 .363 .328 .292 .251 .203 .142

C u r r e n t P o w e r F a c t o r



Improving System Reliability

Correcting power factor by installing capacitors The power triangle for this load is: reduces billed demand. Assuming that the voltage remains unchanged by the introduction of capaciApparent Power Reactive 104 kVA tors, the reduction in kVA will result in a decrease Power in current (amperes). Reducing current helps to 63 kVAR 36.9 increase electrical equipment reliability by optiReal Power 83 kW mizing and not overloading existing systems. The following example demonstrates how The Power Factor Improvement Table is used to approaching 90 per cent power factor reduces determine the kVAR of capacitors required to the current drawn. increase the power factor to 90 per cent. The nameplate on a 100 hp, 3-phase motor indicates that it draws 100 amps at 100 volts at 0.266 x 83 KW = 22 kVAR full load. The kW input can be calculated using the formula If capacitors producing 22 leading kVAR are added, the lagging 63 kVAR drawn by the motor hp x 0.746 kW = would be reduced to 41 kVAR. The power % efficiency triangle for this load at 90 per cent power factor is: For a 3-phase motor of 90 per cent efficiency, the input is 83kW. The kVA required can be calcuApparent Power Reactive lated using the following forumula: 92.2 kVA

25.8 0

Power 41 kVAR


= 3 x kilo-volts x amps

Real Power 83 kW

kVA input

= 3 x 0.600 kV x 100 amps = 104 kVA

At 600 volts, 92.2 kVA results in a draw of only 89 amps. 3 x 0.600 kV x 89 amps = 92.2 kVA Adding capacitors to the motor has decreased the current drawn from 100 amps to 89 amps, a reduction of 11 per cent.

Power Factor = 83 kW / 104 kVA = 80%


= (1042 - 832) = 63 kVAR



Capacitor Installation Pointers

Contactors When capacitors are installed at the inductive load side of the switchgear, contactors supplying machinery may need to be upgraded. Fuses Non-renewable or HRC type fuses are recommended. They are less likely to heat up than renewable fuses. Harmonics Capacitors installed either in series or parallel to inductive loads can create tank circuits. Unstable resonances within the tank circuits can cause stress to connected equipment and voltage variations within the plant. Harmonics generated by solid state rectification can blow protective fuses. Harmonic voltages and currents can create low impedance circuits when capacitors have been added. Location The preferred location for capacitors is in the switch room, on the load side of the meter. There is less likelihood of capacitos being accidentally disconnected in this location. As well, there is often unused space and adequate wire size available. Maintenance While capacitors require little maintenance, they should be accessible for inspection of fuses and terminals. Capacitors should be frequently checked with a clamp-on ammeter to be sure they are operating. Operation Once capacitors are installed they must be left on continuously. If a capacitor is left off for only 15 minutes during the load period, it may as well not have been installed for the entire month. Switching Manual switching is preferred. The capacitors should be left on at all times when a load is running, unless, for example, there is excessive voltage during light load periods. Wiring Since capacitors have 100 per cent load factor, all wiring should be maximum copper crosssection. All switches should be of extra heavy duty construction.



Capacitors can store extremely large voltages, even when not connected or in use. Extreme caution must be exercised when handling them. Always insist that experienced personnel and licensed contractors install electrical equipment. All electrical equipment installations must be inspected by the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)

For more information on Power Factor, Harmonics, Energy Management visit www.cosphi.com The Solution Company


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