Navamsa Interpretation
Navamsa Interpretation
Navamsa Interpretation
The spiritual essence of a horoscope lies in its Navamsa chart. The sub-divisions of a planetary sign (the sign inhabited by a given planet) have a direct collocation with various phases of his life which in turn has a direct bearing on his spiritual character. Certain underlying principles guide the interpretation of Navamsa. 2. The nine fold divisions are guided by different lords. The lords of first, fourth and seventh Navamsa are of divine significance. 3. The lords of second, fifth and eighth denote spiritual reputation and kindness; 4. whereas the 5. lords of third, sixth and ninth are demonic in significance. 6. Pushkaramasha is the most auspicious element of a Navamsa. Each zodiac rashi or sign has two Pushkara Navamsa. 7. Thus with a sum total of twelve rashis or signs, there are twenty four Pushkara Navamshas. The peculiarity of this lies in the fact that they are owned by beneficial planets. Consequently, such planets during their tenure ship bestow on the concerned individual abundance of wealth, riches and progress. This is particularly true of Jupiter. The concerned planet in pushkara blesses the native with wealth and good prospects. 8. The fifth house of Navamsa chart indicates the spiritual self of a person. One needs to have a look at the placement of Sun and its friendly planets to find out to what extent the efforts of ones good will and action may bear fruits. 9. On the other hand, the rising Ascendant Or Lagna, its lord and the third house have direct connection with the elements of patience and endurance.10. Similarly, the rising lord, the seventh house and its lord, Venus and its friendly bodies have a direct bearing on ones better half. 1. 11. The third house and is lords are associated with overseas settlement and disease. The combined features of the third, seventh, ninth and the twelfth house together with the respective placement of their lords signify overseas travel. 2. 12. Likewise the lagna its lord, the sixth lord and Ketu are linked with diseases whereas Rahu and its transit have a link with the curability of diseases. 3. The planet of the ascending sign and its lord should not ideally occupy the sixth, eighth and twelfth places in a Navamsa. The given locations make for their afflictions leading to anxieties and trouble during their tenureship. 1. Planets weakly positioned in natal chart but heightened in Navamsa are supposed to produce favorable results. The reverse is also true. Planets or aspects denoted by those planets should be equal in strength in both the natal and Navamsa chart so as to produce the desired result. Navamsa predictions 2. Planets strengthened in Navamsa chart are supposed to be thrice more powerful than that in natal chart. 3. A planet occupying the same place in birth as well as that of the Navamsa chart is supposed to be very powerful. 4. Thus prediction should always be made in context of the Navamsa, birth chart and that showing the transitory phases of various planets.
5. The chart is particularly helpful in spheres of marriage, mental matching with ones spouse. It also helps to predict the time of marriage and how delays can be overcome. 1. Analysis of a given Navamsa chart testifies to the general prospects and dispositions of ones life. The ascendant sign and its respective lord bare testimony to the natives colour shape, general nature and the overall mental makeup. 2. Moons Navamsa and that of its ascendant lord usually determine a natives physical look. Effects of Navamsa 3. Transitory effects of Moon in the context of ones birth chart and that of his Navamsa has profound bearing on his nature. The entire set of Navamsa has its prolific bearing on individuals
physical features and that of his innate disposition. Thus houses of a birth chart should be correlated to that of his Navamsa. Conjunction or opposition of planets should be given due priority for predicting results.
USE OF NAVAMSA IN MARRIAGE and TRANSITS Posted on June 6, 2012 by sreenivasdesabhatla Navamsa and Marital happiness 1. Navamsa chart help in analyzing the married life of the spouse and their contribution in the growth of family. 2. It help in assessing the mental compatibility with his spouse and their capacities in life. 3. Further Navamsa chart analyses the timing of marriage and means to counteract the delays. 4. Individual analysis of D-9 chart is also possible for looking at the prospects of ones life. 5. Lagna will talk of ones spouse and spouse qualities, temperament, color, physical appearances, and general disposition. 6. If the Moons Navamsa at birth in the case of bridegroom happens to be the 88th one, when counted from that of the bride, it indicates intense evil (in married life). 7. Similar result will also be the case when the Moons Navamsa happens to be the I08th when counted from that of the bride. 8. At the time of performance of marriage ceremony (Pani-Grahana) no planet should be in the 55th Navamsa, as reckoned from the rising (Ascendant) Navamsa at that time Malefic Navamsa 9. The 36th Navamsa from the Moons Navamsa is Karmabham. The 64th Navamsa from the Moons Navamsa is Sanghatika. The 72nd Navamsa from the Moon s Navamsa is Vainashika. The 96th Navamsa from the Moons Navamsa is Manasa. When malefic planets transit through the above four Navamsa the native suffers from mental anguish, loss of wealth, and such diseases which give much physical pain. When transit conjunction of major planets takes place in the above Navamsa in a nativity, either from the ascendant on the Moon or the Sun, major outstanding event ta kes place in ones life for good or bad. 10. It is also found in practice that the transits of slow moving planets through the above Navamsa from the remaining five planets Rahu, Ketu and extra Saturnine planets, are also productive of results of a significant nature favorable or unfavorable. Similarly transits through the Navamsa of fast moving planets, such as the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus, also give results, which are of small magnitude. 11. Mundane events, such as cyclones, earthquakes, excessive heat, very heavy rains, devastating noods, excessive cold, droughts, big-fires etc can be predicted by the Navamsa position formed by the fast-moving planets such as the Sun. Mars, Mercury and Venus with the four slow moving planets in transit. This principle can be applied to Sayana positions also and the effects of transit of planets can be studied from the Sayana horoscope. The same principle can be extended to even political predictions by referring to the horoscopes of the nations. 12. Any planet if posited in a Navamsa owned by the 8th house sign in Rasi chart is said to be Nidhanamsasthah. It is considered to be highly malefic. 13. Ascendant Navamsa is known as the rising Navamsa or Udit Navamsa or Lagna Navamsa. 14. The first Navamsas in Chara signs; the middle Navamsas in fixed signs and the last Navamsas in Dwiswabhava signs are known as Vargottama Navamsas. The natives born in these Navamsa are leaders in their own right.
15. Planets transiting the Navamsas of cuspal points of various houses produce their full effects at that time. Of all the cusps the 10th cusp; next the 4th one and lastly the 7th one, are of utmost importance in descending order. Very often, it is found in practice; transit of Rahu or Ketu through the above referred Navamsas causes tragic happenings during unfavourable Dasa periods. NAVAMSA IN PREDICTION Posted on September 10, 2012 by sreenivasdesabhatla Navamsa has two words Navam meaning nine and Amsa meaning division. SoNavamsa translates into Nine Division. Parasara has described Navamsa in his Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra under the chapter on Divisional charts. It is the 1/9Th division of a rasi. A rasi has 30 degrees and it has to be divided by 9 to get theNavamsa division. So each Navamsa will have 3 20. For the 12 rasis in the chart you get -12 multiplied by 9 a total of 108 Navamsas. This is the basis of calculationof Navamsa. Each Navamsa division is assigned a rasi and this is also explained by MaharishI Parasara as below:(Require Sanskrit 2003 font to read the above sloka) Meaning: The Navamsa calculations are for a movable rasi from the rasi itself, for a fixed rasi from the 9th rasi from it and for a dual rasi from the 5th from it. Deva,Nara and Rakshasa are the designations given from movable rasi. Meaning a movable Navamsa will be Deva, a fixed Navamsa will be Nara or manushya and a Dual Navamsa will be a Rakshasa one- this means that starting from Aries it is deva and moving on to Taurus it is Nara and then the last one Gemini is Rakshasa and then the cycle repeats like Cancer Deva etc.) Here we are going to concentrate only on the calculation part of Navamsa and hence we shall not go into the details of the designations given to the Navamsa divisions as per line 3 of the sloka.I will be giving various methods of calculation Method 1: Each rasi of 30 is divided by 9 and each division of 3 20 is assigned one Navamsa beginning from Aries. Since Aries is a movable sign the 1St Navamsa will be Aries followed by Taurus, Gemini and will go upto Sagittarius which will be the 9Th Navamsa. The next rasi is Taurus which is a fixed sign and hence it should start from the 9Th itself as per sloka and the 9th rasi from Taurus is Capricorn which will be the 1st Navamsa of Taurus 3 20 and will continue till Virgo which will be the last Navamsa of Taurus. Next Gemini is a dual sign and the 1St Navamsa will begin from 1Navamsa Calculation the 5Th from itself which will be Libra and when we count 9 signs from Libra we end up with Gemini. So the next Rasi Cancer will start from Cancer itself and thus all the12 rasis will get completed. a.All the Navamsas are in running order beginning from Aries and ending inPisces and again starting from Aries. For Aries rasi the Navamsa ends inSagittarius and for the next rasi viz. Taurus it begins from Capricorn and soon.
b.The 9 Navamsas of a rasi is assigned to one movable, one fixed and one dual sign. Look at Ar (movable), Le (fixed) and Sg (dual) all get the same Navamsa. Similarly for the group Ta, Vi and Cp and so on. An example will clarify the position. Suppose Mercury is at 3d-25m in Capr Sign. Cap is an earthy sign. We will count from itself. It is upto 3d-20 in Capr and upto 6d-40 in Aqua. So Merc is in Aqua Navamsa. Sun is in 13d-55m in Sagitt. It is a Fiery Sign. So start counting from the 5th House there off. That is count from Ari. Upto 3-20 1st , upto 6-40 -2nd , upto 10-00-3rd , Upto 13-20 -4th , Upto 16-40 5th Navamsa. So Sun is in 5th Navamsa. Counting from Aries, 5th one is Leo. So Sun is in Leo Navamsa. I think its clear now, how to calculate the Navamsa. Dont depend on the Software. Learn the fundamentals, otherwise You will be in problem when there is no current or You are travelling and wants to give prediction etc. Navamsa in Sanskrit means the Nineth Division. (Nav means Nine and amsa means a division or planetary portion). Navamsa chart is the most important astrology chart after Rashi Chart or Birth Chart for Vedic Astrology Predictions and interpretations. By interpreting the Birth Chart and Navamsa Charts, astrologers can obtain considerable information about a persons life. MARRIAGE COMPATEBILITY AN INTRODUCTION 1. The main indicators of marriage are Libra and its lord, as far as men are concerned. The seventh from Libra being Aries, the chief indicators of marriage for a woman are Aries and Mars. In a womans chart, the Moon too must be taken into consideration since the menstrual period is regulated by Moon and Mars; and in a mans nativity Sun too must be examined carefully. 2. Usually the Parents takes the Horoscopes of prospective Bride and Bridegroom to their family Purohit instead of a Professional Astrologer as they feel are expensive. Though the Marriage expenses are more than 5 Lakhs for a middle class Marriage to Crores for High profile celebrities. But they hesitate to Pay a few thousands to a ProfessionalAstrologer who can save their Marriage Mmishaps if any found in the Chart, and give correct guidance, and suggest remedies to mitigate the evil. 3. What the Purohits usually does is to see the compatibility Charts [Vadhu Vara Guna melana Chakram] printed in all the Panchangas and see if there is 18 points are more or not, for the Stars of the Moon of the Bride and Bridegroom. If it is, then they feel the Horoscopes matches and suggest to fix the Muhurtam for Marriage. It is called Ashta koota Guna or Dasa koota guna matching. It is partly for mental compatibility between the would be couple. 4. But they forget that it is for a prima facie consideration ONLY and should not be taken as a final verdict. It is like admitting the Case in the Court on prima facie consideration, and not the final judgement. I had rejected charts with 30 points matching out of 36 Gunas, after studying the two charts individually for a happy married life. 5. In addition to the mental Compatibility with two stars of the bride and Groom, Physical compatibility, adjustability of the bride within the New family setup, and possibility of any extramarital adventures , Longevity of both the Partners, and also the Kuja or Mangala Dosha.
6. Calculating the Doshas in the individual charts and comparing the Dosha Samyam is a must while matching the Horoscopes. 7. Another important thing an Astrologer should not forget while matching is the Sexual Compatebility of the couple by calculating the Beeja Sputam of the Boy and Khetra Sputam of the girl and see if there is minimum requirement or not. This gives an idea of the prospects of Child birth. If any negative aspects are found in the chart of either of the couple, suggestion needs to be made for medical intervention. 8. Saptamsa Chart which gives an idea of the Prospects of Child birth must be studied in addition to the Navamsa Chart. 1. These preliminary observations will be taken up for a scrutiny. A strong, well-placed and unafflicted Venus gives a harmonious and balanced marital life of man. A similar Mars governs the balanced sex life of a woman. These are the two basic planets. 2. Venus is to be examined with the Sun, and Mars with the Moon. The position of Venus in a male chart is to be compared with that of Mars in the wifes chart; and a similar comparison between the Sun in the Husbands chart and the Moon in the wifes is necessary. Whether they aspect one another, they are in square or trine to one another, or they are inimical to one another must be carefully noted. 3. The next step is to see whether the Navamsa chart of the wife agrees with the Rasi chart of the husband, and whether the Rasi chart of the wife agrees with the Navamsa chart of the husband. 4. Now we have to consider the possible effects resulting from positions of the planets in seventh and eighth. a) The Sun in the seventh indicates a successful marriage; and in the eighth a successful interest in the affairs where the strongest feelings are involved and in matters of sex. b) The Moon in the seventh makes one change his attitude frequently towards those intimately related to him; and he hopes the marriage partner to be motherly. The eighth house position stimulates these interests. c) Mercury in the seventh can either advance or related reciprocity of feelings and emotions; and in the eighth he affects the emotions roused by others. d) Venus in the seventh is a very good indication of happy marriage and of the ability to live with others in peace and happiness. If this Venus is afflicted, there may be disappointment in this direction. In the eighth Venus secures a balanced sex life if it is not afflicted. e) Mars in the seventh makes one forceful in intimate relationships. If afflicted, it might bring about irritation and quarrels. In the eighth it makes sex life very important for the native. f) The seventh house Jupiter is very good for marriage life. In the eight it brings prosperity through marriage. g) Saturn in the seventh brings about frustration and disappointment in marriage, if it is afflicted. In the eighth, it makes one serious in matters concerning sex. to be continued