D Praneeth Chakravarthi: Personal Profile
D Praneeth Chakravarthi: Personal Profile
D Praneeth Chakravarthi: Personal Profile
Personal Profile
Date of Birth Father's Name Languages known Nationality Marital Status Address : : : : : : 06-08-1991 D.chandrasekhar Rao English, Telugu and Hindi Indian Single S/o D.chandrasekhar Rao, Gayathrinagar,5-145-34E Kadiri, Anantapur (Dist.). A.P. - 515591
B.TECH (ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING) from KUPPAM Engineering COLLEGE, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, during 2008-2012 with an aggregate of 63% INTERMEDIATE from NARAYANA Jr.college .HYD , Board of Intermediate Education, during 2006-2008 with an aggregate of 73% S.S.C. from Sri Saraswathi vidya mandir School, Kadiri, Board of Secondary Education, with an aggregate of 77%
Software Proficiency
Programming Languages Operating Systems Software Packages Web Software Packages Hardware : Basics of c, Assembly level language (ASM). : Win XP, Win 7. : MS Office, etc. : SAP IN ABAP etc. : Computer Technical Hardware.
Playing cricket Playing Computer Games Designing Images and Videos
Paper Presentation : QR-CODES [Quick response]
Project Work
Title Role Description: : DESIGN OF MAC : Team leader
A new architecture of multiplier-and- accumulator (MAC) for high-speed arithmetic. By combining multiplication with accumulation and devising a hybrid type of carry save adder (CSA), the performance was improved. Since the accumulator that has the largest delay in MAC was merged into CSA, the overall performance was elevated. The proposing method CSA tree uses 1s-complement-based radix-2 modified Booths algorithm (MBA) and has the modified array for the sign extension in order to increase the bit density of the operands. The proposed MAC showed the superior properties to the standard design in many ways and performance twice as much as the previous research in the similar clock frequency
Areas of Interest
Embedded systems & software IT industry
Innovative and Flexible, Self confident, Hard Working, Optimistic. Good Leadership qualities.
I assure you that I will discharge my duties to the entire satisfaction of my superiors and Management and I hereby assured that the information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge.