Ahwan Autocomp
Ahwan Autocomp
Ahwan Autocomp
A budding final year Electrical Engineering undergraduate keen to start a career in a professional landscaping
company and looking forward to an internship with a full-time opportunity.
Summer Intern | Integrated Test Range (ITR), June 2022 – July 2022
Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Chandipur, Odisha, India
Designed and simulated a three loop servo control system for a tracking RADAR.
Implemented the design using MATLAB SIMULINK.
Lead a team of 4 members to research and develop various design strategies for implementing the
control system
2nd runners up at Dare to Dream 3.0 organized by Defence Research and Development Organization
(DRDO), India.
Finalists at L&T TechGium, National Level Hackathon 2021-22.
2nd Runners up at Clean Energy Ideathon conducted by IEEE chapter IIT BBSR and GRIET,
Hyderabad, India.
National finalists and among the top 50 teams at UNDP S.O.L.V.E.D Challenge 2021 conducted in
collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. Of India.
Description: The project aims at designing a resonant inductive power transfer based wireless charging system
for electric vehicles.
Work done
Lead a team of 6 members throughout the project.
Designed a mathematical model of the wireless charging system and calculated the design parameters
Designed and simulated various power converters.
Designed a control system model for overvoltage and overcharging protection of battery.
Simulation Software Used
Renewable Energy based dynamic charging and battery management system in electric vehicles
Description: The project aims at designing a dynamic charging system for EVs using alternate energy generation
methods along with a Battery Management System (BMS).
Work done
Designed the solar energy harvesting and wind energy harvesting subsystem.
Integrated the solar energy harvesting subsystem and wind energy harvesting subsystem into a single system
Simulation software used
Description: This project aims at designing a semi-autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle with an onboard
integrated sensor module to detect various chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear explosives in real time.
The project was awarded as the 2nd runners up at Dare to Dream 3.0 competition organized by Defence Research
and development Organization (DRDO), India with a prize money of 3 lakh INR.
Work done
Researched on the CBRN explosive detection methods currently in use.
Designed and simulated various sensor modules
Integrated the sensor modules on a common platform for parallel operation
Designed the power management circuitry of the overall system