Design and Construction of Gravity Based LNG Tank

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Paper PS6-7

Lisa B. Waters Project Manager Terminale GNL Adriatico Srl Chuck V. Mueller GBS Design Site Manager Paul C. Hellen LNG Tank Design Site Lead Gary L. Hurst GBS Engineering Lead ExxonMobil Development Company

ABSTRACT Construction is under way on the worlds first offshore LNG storage and regasification terminal, to be installed and operated in the Northern Adriatic Sea, about 17 kilometers east of Porto Levante, Italy. The Adriatic LNG (ALNG) Terminal is designed to deliver 8 billion standard cubic meters of gas into the Italian gas grid via a 30" pipeline to shore. Start-up of the terminal is targeted for 2008. The terminal is a large gravity based structure (GBS), housing two steel LNG storage tanks and a topsides re-gasification facility. The overall dimensions of the GBS are 180m long, 88m wide, and 47m high, resting on the seabed at 29m mean sea level. The two 9% Nickel (9%Ni) steel LNG storage tanks each measure 155m long, 33m wide, and 28m high. Each tank weighs approximately 4500mt; the constructed weight of the terminal will be approximately 290,000mt. This paper summarizes key aspects of the design and construction of the concrete GBS and modularized LNG storage tanks, whose construction were both initiated in early 2005. It will discuss some of the unique engineering aspects associated with the facilitys global design, including:

The seismic and metocean considerations that govern the terminal design. The design of the first-of-a-kind 125,000 cubic meter modularized storage tanks, and the engineering challenges associated with their installation and operation inside a confined GBS structure. The construction of the concrete GBS in Algeciras, Spain, and how this relatively undeveloped site was converted to support the construction of a 250,000mt concrete structure, the integration of two 10,000mt LNG tanks and 20,000mt topsides facilities, and marine operations required to initiate transportation of the completed facility to the Adriatic. The unique challenges of the fabrication of the 9%Ni LNG tanks in Ulsan, Korea, and their transportation to the Algeciras site.


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The Adriatic LNG (ALNG) Terminal is an offshore LNG storage and re-gasification terminal under development by Terminale GNL Adriatico Srl, an Italian company owned by Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil, and Edison. The ALNG Terminal is now under construction and, in 2008, will be installed in the Northern Adriatic Sea, about 17 kilometers east of Porto Levante, Italy. The terminal is designed to deliver an annual average of 8.0 billion standard cubic meters of gas. Gas will be delivered to shore via a 30" pipeline which will be tied into the Italian gas grid. A computer rendering of the ALNG Terminal is shown in Figure 1. Eighty percent (80%) of the terminal capacity is reserved for supply of LNG into Italy from Qatars North Field. Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Ltd. (II), (RasGas), a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil, will supply the LNG from its facilities under a 25-year Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA). The remaining twenty percent (20%) of terminal capacity is available for third party supplies. Start-up of the terminal is targeted for 2008. The ALNG Terminal will establish a number of industry "firsts" including:

First offshore LNG import terminal First concrete "gravity based structure" (GBS) used as an LNG terminal First application of proprietary Modular LNG storage tank technology First application of specially adapted LNG offloading arms designed to improve operability in more exposed metocean conditions

Figure 1. Adriatic LNG Terminal


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The ALNG Terminal is a unique facility utilizing innovative technology to provide a safe and efficient offshore LNG offloading, storage, and re-gasification capability. The terminal is a large gravity based structure (GBS) resting on the seabed at 29 meters mean sea level. The structure is 180 meters long by 88 meters wide, with a height of about 47 meters. Approximately 90,000 cubic meters of concrete will be required to build the GBS. Constructed weight of the facility is approximately 290,000mt; the installed weight after adding solid ballast at the installation site is over 640,000mt. The GBS will contain two LNG storage tanks with a total working capacity of 250,000 cubic meters, approximately twice the capacity of a conventional LNG carrier. The recently developed Modular LNG (MLNG) tank technology is being used to enable the tanks to be constructed in parallel with the GBS structure, while meeting all required safety and performance standards. Approximately 20,000 mt of topsides and mooring facilities will be installed directly on the GBS structure. Major process equipment will include four in-tank LNG pumps, five high-pressure send-out pumps, four Open Rack Vaporizers (ORV's) which use seawater as the heating medium, a Waste Heat Recovery LNG Vaporizer (WHRV) which uses waste heat from the turbine generators, and two Boil Off Gas (BOG) compressors. One of the in-tank LNG pumps, one high-pressure LNG pump, and one ORV serve as spare equipment. Three gas turbine generators will provide approximately 31.5 Mega Watts (MW) of electric power. Living quarters will be provided on the terminal for up to 60 people. Figure 2 depicts the design of the Topsides facilities.

Power Generation & Heat Recovery Living Quarters

Open Rack Vaporizers (ORV) & HP Sendout Pumps

Concrete / GBS Mooring Dolphins

Electrical & Instrument Building (EIB)

Boil-off Gas Compressors Maintenance Building Loading Platform w/ Loading Arms Berthing Structures

Figure 2. Topsides Layout of ALNG Terminal


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Berthing facilities will accommodate a variety of modern LNG carrier sizes. Unloading of an LNG carrier will occur approximately once every three days in order to sustain continuous operation of the terminal. Tanker berthing will be limited to daylight hours, but cargo unloading can continue throughout the night. Total turnaround time for the large tankers is 18 - 24 hours. Tanker mooring is accomplished through the use of mooring hooks installed on the GBS terminal and two 10,000mt concrete mooring dolphins installed on either end of the terminal. A 30-inch diameter, 40-km long pipeline (15 km sea line, 10 km wetlands, 15 km onshore/farmland) will transport gas to shore and onward to a metering station at Cavarzere. As a separate project and investment, Edison will build a new 84-km section of pipeline from Cavarzere to Minerbio for delivery of the gas to the Italian grid.





Figure 3. ALNG Terminal Location and Pipeline Route


The concrete GBS is being constructed in a large casting basin at the Campamento site near Algeciras, Spain. Installation, hook-up, mechanical completion, and commissioning of the LNG tanks and the topsides equipment will also occur in the casting basin. Once this is all accomplished, the casting basin will be flooded and the bund wall removed thereby enabling the completed terminal to be floated out and towed to the final installation site, approximately 1700 nautical miles away.


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During installation at site the terminal will initially be re-ballasted with water to provide sufficient foundation stability for a seasonal storm (10-year return period). Moderate underbase suction will be established temporarily through a number of filters installed in the base slab. Then, terminal on bottom weight of the terminal will be increased by replacing the water with a slurry of 350,000 mt of solid ballast material. Once this is accomplished, the terminal will have sufficient on-bottom weight to provide foundation stability for 100-year storm conditions. Once ballasting and final on-site commissioning are completed, cool-down of the tanks will commence, with the introduction of the first load of LNG from a berthed carrier. Upon completion of the cooldown, the ALNG terminal will be able to re-gasify LNG stored in its tanks and export the gas to shore via pipeline. While the major concrete construction work and the integration and completion of the ALNG terminal are being done in Spain, components of the terminal are being engineered, procured, and fabricated in other part of Spain and countries throughout the world, including Korea, the United States, Canada and Europe.

LNG Tanks Darlington, UK Engineering Procurement LNG Tanks Vancouver, BC Structural Design Transportation Analysis Sunnyvale, CA Structural Analysis

GBS & Mooring Dolphins Oslo, Norway Engineering Procurement

9% Ni Plate Belgium Project Headquarters Milan, Italy External Affairs Regulatory Commercial Project Management Operations LNG Tank Fabrication Ulsan, South Korea

Topsides Houston, TX Engineering Procurement

Mooring Dolphins Venice, Italy Construction

Topsides Fabrication Cadiz, Spain GBS Construction Site Algeciras, Spain LNG Tanks Integration Topsides Integration Mechanical Completion Commissioning LNG Terminal Adriatic Sea Installation Commissioning Start-up Operations Pipeline Fano, Italy Engineering Procurement Construction Mgmt. Commissioning RasGas Doha, Qatar LNG Supply

Figure 4. Worldwide Project Locations


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HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Commitment The Adriatic LNG Project is committed to delivering a safe, reliable and operable facility at minimum cost through simple and effective design. The Project is being developed in compliance with all locally applicable laws and regulations with respect to safety and the environment, and responsible standards in the absence of applicable regulations. Personnel safety is a core value of the Project and the first priority in decisions regarding design options, construction procedures, facilities operation and cost/schedule trade-offs. The overarching goal is an accident free workplace. Underlying this goal is the fundamental belief that all accidents are preventable. To facilitate the protection of personnel and the environment during all phases of the project, safety procedures and processes (including HSE training and emergency response management) have been implemented at all Project sites. The safety motto of the LNG Project is: Nobody Gets Hurt. This motto is translated into all of the languages of the staff and workers who participate in this worldwide project. Project Safety Performance To date, the fabrication and transportation of the tanks and the construction of the GBS have been executed without any serious incidents or injury to people. In fact, for the overall project, there have been no serious injuries after more than 7 million manhours worked. Further, in 2006, the GBS construction site was given a Spanish national safety award. The fabrication of the tanks in Korea and their transportation to Spain has been executed expending about 1.4 million man hours without any serious incidents and lost time resulting from injury to people. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN CONDITIONS Metocean Criteria The ALNG installation site will be under the influence of the Northern Adriatic climate which is known for fast variations in weather conditions. The main winds in the area are the "bora" and the "scirocco." The most noteworthy aspect of the bora is that they sometimes "spill" out of the mountains with an abrupt rise in velocity, spawning squalls and yielding wind speeds of 55 to 70 knots within a couple of hours that can typically last 0,5 to 2 days. The scirocco emerges from the south as tropical continental air that has lifted up moisture from the Mediterranean Sea and produced winds that last from 1 to 3 days. Extreme metocean criteria for the design of the ALNG Terminal are based on a calibrated North Adriatic hindcast for winds and waves which includes 20 continuous years of data plus 34 storms spanning 36 years. Extreme omni-directional and directional metocean criteria were developed for 1-, 5-, 10-, 20-, and 100-year return

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periods. The hindcasts were calibrated with measurements taken in the general vicinity of the planned ALNG terminal installation site. Geotechnical Criteria Geotechnical design criteria were based on soil investigations at the GBS site, conventional and advanced laboratory tests conducted on the samples recovered in this investigation, and an engineering interpretation of the results. Seismic Criteria The general region of the ALNG site is characterized as one of moderate seismicity. Seismic hazards were based on a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) performed for the terminal site. An earthquake catalogue was developed, taking into account existing Italian catalogues supplemented by global catalogues and historical records of seismicity in the area. A study of local geology and tectonics was used to define seismotectonic provinces. Seismicity parameters were determined for the provinces by statistical analysis of the earthquake catalogue. Ground motion attenuation was examined using correlations applicable to the seismotectonic environment. PSHA integration was then used to determine uniform hazard spectra applicable to stiff soil conditions. The above philosophy was implemented for the ALNG Project by adopting a two-tier design approach in line with National Fire Protection Standard 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas consisting of:

Operating basis earthquake (OBE) with a 475 year return period, and Safety shutdown earthquake (SSE) with a 5,000 year return period.


General Configuration The ALNG concrete GBS configuration is the result of an extensive optimization process. At an early stage the concept consisted of two breakwater structures in addition to the GBS; and the structure was oriented 30 degrees to the South-North direction thus providing shelter on the West Side of the terminal. Further review of the prevalent metocean conditions at the site, coupled with the decision to use an enhanced LNG offloading arm design made it possible to remove the breakwater structures. The GBS was re-oriented such that the maximum waves (from east) would hit the short end of the GBS. The terminal's North thus became equal to true North. GBS Layout and Functional Requirements The layout of the concrete GBS is governed by a number of factors:

Provide support and containment for 2 large 125.000m LNG tanks Provide buoyancy for the out of dock operation and during tow from Spain to Italy Support the topsides and side wall structures


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Provide compartments for adding ballast to obtain sufficient on bottom weight to allow the foundation of the GBS to withstand wave and seismic loading. Provide a buffer zone on the exterior sides of the GBS to protect the LNG tanks from boat impact in-service and to provide one-compartment damage stability during tow. Provide global box strength for governing conditions (tow, gravity and wave load)

The layout chosen to balance these demands is show in Figure 5. The major GBS compartments are shown and described below. GBS Components:

8 7 6 4 3

1 2 Figure 5. GBS Components

Skirts (1): 1m high corrugated steel skirts surround the GBS perimeter. There are additional internal skirts that divide the GBS footprint into 12 sections. The skirts provide an air cushion during float out and suction to reduce the time for consolidation of the soil beneath the GBS. Base Slab (2): The base slab is 0.7m thick, and is reinforced and post tensioned in both directions. The base slab is designed to support the outer water pressure during floating phases and pressure from soil and ballast in the operation phase. Cellar Walls (3): There are 25 post-tensioned cellar walls (0.4m thick) in the transverse and 5 in the longitudinal direction which divide the GBS into a number of compartments. This 'waffle' design provides stiffening for GBS cellar


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construction and the tank slab and provides for compartments that are filled with solid ballast once the terminal is installed. All outer walls, longitudinal walls and transverse end walls are post tensioned both horizontally and vertically.

Tank Slab (4): The tank slab is 0.6m thick, and is reinforced and post tensioned in both directions. The tank slab forms part of the global box of the GBS, but its primary purpose is to support the modular tanks. The area of the tank slab directly below the tanks is reinforced with cryogenic rebar and has heating conduits to protect the concrete tanks slab from the cryogenic temperatures of the LNG tank. Upper Walls - Outer (5): The upper walls are 0.6m thick, reinforced and post tensioned in both directions. The design of the GBS calls for a double wall around the perimeter and triple walls at the ends. This compartmentalization allows for a damage zone if the GBS were to encounter a boat impact during tow or in place. The interior walls surrounding the tank compartments also have a heating system to protect the GBS from exceeding allowable temperature gradients. Upper Wall - Center (6): The center wall is 1.2m thick, 155m long and 32m high. The center wall provides vertical support for the GBS top slab concrete beams as well as separating the LNG tanks into the gas tight compartments. Top Slab Beams (7): The top slab beams are 2.5m high, 0,8m wide and 35,4 long. In conjunction with the top slab, they provide the support for the topside modules. Top Slab (8): The top slab is 0.5m thick, 88m wide and 180m long and is reinforced and post tensioned in both directions.

Additional Mechanical Systems:

Skirt Evaluation: 27 butterfly values allow water to evacuate during the initial set down of the GBS Soil Drains: 72 soil drains provide for drainage of the skirt compartments once the GBS is installed and to apply base suction for accelerated consolidation of the soil below the GBS. Water and Solid Ballast: A system of piping, valves and pumps has been provided to allow for water ballast to be pumped and distributed during the transportation and installation phases of the GBS and for solid ballast to be installed once the GBS is installed to obtain required on bottom weight for foundation stability. Ventilation System: Both GBS end compartments are ventilated to allow for periodic personnel entry.

GBS Engineering Engineering for the concrete GBS took place in Oslo, Norway, by contractors experienced in North Sea concrete GBS design and construction. Over 6000 structural and mechanical drawings have been issued to the GBS construction subcontractor in Spain, where work packages, consisting of procurement and field construction plans and drawings were developed. With the exception of a handful of special purpose or long lead items, procurement of materials for the concrete GBS was made by the construction subcontractor in Spain.


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A 3-D PDMS model of the ALNG terminal was also developed and maintained during the design process. This model contained all structural, mechanical, piping, and electrical details of the structure and was updated daily. The same updated model was shared with the topsides and LNG tanks engineering teams, so that all disciplines worked from the most current version of the ALNG design. Each component of the ALNG terminal had a single owner who could make changes to the PDMS model, thereby ensuring efficient design change management. Finally, the PDMS model was used for clash checking between the components, thereby eliminating more cumbersome and time consuming scale model building. Figure 6 is an example of the output of one of the 3-D design programs that was used to detail all structural steel that goes into the concrete GBS.

Figure 6. Example of 3-D Graphics used in GBS Design (steel skirt, post-tensioning ducts, and rebar placement at GBS corner) Weight management and control of the ALNG terminal was also handled by a single weight management system. The primary objective of the weight management system is to optimize the float-out weight of the structure, thereby minimizing costly dredging of the bund wall and the tow out channel leading to open waters in the Mediterranean. Since most of the weight of the ALNG terminal (84%) comes from the concrete GBS, this system was maintained in Oslo, and frequently updated at the GBS construction site in Spain. Weight allowances and contingencies were established along the lines of those used in North Sea concrete GBS designs, as well as the recently completed Sakhalin II concrete GBS structure. The weight estimates of the system are updated monthly, taking into account as-built weights, including the in-place weight of the concrete, based on multiple density tests made during each casting sequence. All LNG tank components and topsides modules are weighed prior to GBS installation. The analysis and design of the concrete GBS consisted of a series of global and local analyses, taking into account the geotechnical, seismic, and metocean loads acting on the structure, and the corresponding behavior of the LNG tanks and Topsides components (also seen as loads on the concrete GBS). Non linear finite element


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analyses were performed on the soil foundation to ensure accurate prediction of its performance during seismic and severe storm events. Traditional linear finite element analyses were performed throughout the GBS structure to design a variety of components, including the LNG tanks flooring system, piping and its supports, top slab foundation embedment plates supporting the Topsides modules, and the pipeline tie-in system. Some of the more challenging aspects of the concrete GSB design included:

Structural interfaces between the LNG tanks and the GBS Tank flooring (structurally and thermally induced) Thermal and structural displacements (e.g., post tensioned concrete creep) Top Slab loading during installation of the Topsides Modules Ensuring the design meets all Italian regulatory requirements (first installed structure of its kind in Italian waters)

GBS CONSTRUCTION AND TERMINAL INTEGRATION SITE General In late 2003, following an extensive survey of potential casting basin sites, the Campamento site between Gibraltar and Algeciras, Spain was chosen. Selection of the Campamento construction site provided significant execution benefits to the project, not the least of which was the ability to complete the terminal, including installation of the LNG tanks and the topsides while the GBS was still in the casting basin. To allow completion of the terminal in the casting basin, the basin depth (directly beneath the GBS) was set to 20 meters below LAT and the tow-out channel depth was set at 19.0 m. Figure 7 shows the Campamento construction site prior to the start of GBS construction.


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Figure 7. Campamento Construction Site Prior to ALNG Project Upgrades (Monaco Breakwater structure shown - floated out on August 6, 2002) Construction Site Upgrades Made Prior to Start of GBS Construction Prior to becoming the ALNG Projects primary construction and integration site, the Campamento facility had been chosen by the Port Authorities for the Bay of Algeciras PABA) to be a container harbor. At that time, port construction was work under way. The harbor basin had been excavated to about 15.5m, two of the harbor walls had been constructed and land reclamation was under way towards the South. As a part of the license agreement between the ALNG Project and PABA, the end wall was constructed to a height that allowed easy access to the basin and the basin depth was increased to 21m. Further, an access road system and construction basin drainage system were installed to allow the construction work to start. Figure 8 show the Campamento Site with most of the pre-construction work completed.


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Figure 8. Upgraded Campamento Construction Site GBS Construction Execution The construction of the GBS includes several challenges such as strict quality requirements which are over and above what is normally required in the onshore civil industry in Spain. This includes amongst others material quality, concrete mix design, traceability and dimensional control. The integration of the tanks has resulted in an execution model where the GBS will be constructed both horizontally and vertically at the same time at multiple locations resulting in strict requirements to control of safety and simultaneous operations. As a part of the preparations for the slipform operations, a full scale mock-up was conducted simulating one of the corner sections of the cellar walls. The lessons learned from this activity were incorporated into the planning of the work. Also other mock-ups have been conducted of construction details requiring clarification of constructability issues. Figure 9 summarizes the construction sequence of the concrete GBS


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Figure 9. Concrete GBS Construction Sequence GBS foundation and Skirt Installation To allow for construction of the Bottom Slab, the entire footprint of the GBS in the casting basin was leveled by infill of compacted gravel to form the support for the concrete works. At the same time, a system of concrete recesses was build to allow for the steel skirts to be installed. The skirts were all prefabricated in sections in Norway and transported by road to Spain. The sections were welded out hanging freely in the recesses such that the weight of the terminal would not be supported by them but by the compacted gravel. The construction work is shown in Figure 10.


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Figure 10. Preparation of Basin for GBS Skirts and Bottom Slab Concrete Batching Plants and Rebar Preparation To support the concreting work, 2 concrete batching plants were installed on the site. Each plant has the capacity to support the full production of any part of the GBS such that a back-up existed at all times. The majority of the ordinary reinforcement steel is precut at the steel mills and transported by land to the site while some specialist rebar details are being fabricated at site. Bottom Slab The Bottom Slab consisting of reinforced concrete was constructed in 4 sections. The installation of rebar and post tensioning ducts were started in one end of the slab progressing towards the far end of the GBS. Construction joints were installed and prepared thoroughly prior to pouring of each section. Starter bars for the cellar walls were also installed along with mechanical equipment and piping required for the float out of the GBS and eventually, installation at the site offshore Italy. Cellar Walls The cellar walls were constructed using slip forms. The slipforms were planned for a high degree of reuse as the GBS walls in total would be cast by executing a total of 11 separate slipform operations. A total of 6 operations were required for the completion of the cellar walls. As soon as the first base slab section was cast and sufficiently cured, the first cellar wall slipform took place. As casting of the bottom slab progressed, the cellar wall slipforming followed, creating several simultaneous work faces. Each of the slipform operations took about one week to complete, with a construction rate between 1-2m per 24 hours. Figure 11 show the casting of the bottom slab and cellar walls.


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Figure 11. Bottom Slab and Cellar Wall Construction LNG Tank Base Slab In order to construct the LNG tank base slab, formwork was erected on top of the cellar wall compartments to form the basis for the construction work. As for the bottom slab, also this slab was constructed in 4 sections. An added complexity compared to the bottom slab was the installation of the heating conduit system required to control the temperature in the concrete in the operations phase and a number of embedment plates for later installation of the steel liner in the tank compartment. Upper Walls The upper walls were also constructed using slipforms, using the same equipment and forms that were used on the cellar walls. A total of 5 operations are required for the completion of the upper walls. The last one, however, will not be executed until the LNG tanks are installed in the tank compartments. As soon as the first tank slab sections were cast and sufficiently cured, the first upper wall slipform took. As casting of the tank slab progressed, the execution of the upper wall construction followed, once again, creating several simultaneous work faces. Each of the slipform operations took about three weeks to complete with a construction rate between 1-2m per 24 hours. Added complexities for the upper walls compared to the cellar walls were the installation of heating ducts in the walls in the tank compartment and a high number of embedment plates for later installation of wall lining, anodes and mechanical equipment. Figure 12 shows the tank slab and upper wall construction.


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Figure 12. Tank Slab and Upper Wall Construction Prefabrication and Installation of 40 Roof Beams The terminal roof is supported by a total of 40 beams, 20 in each tank compartment. Each of the beams, weighing about 210 tons, were pre-fabricated at the GBS yard, transported by multi wheel trailers down to the GBS and lifted in place by use of a super lift crane. All the lifts were successfully executed without any major incidents. Figure 13 shows a precast beams awaiting installation.

Figure 13. Roof Beam at Pre-fab Site


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Figure 14. First Roof Beam being lifted into place

Construction of the Concrete GBS

The scenery at the Campamento site has continued to change as more of the ALNG concrete GBS has been constructed. On the following page, Figure 15 presents a photo history of the construction through December, 2006.


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March 2005

June, 2005

Steel Skirt Recesses & Gravel Infill

September, 2005

Steel Skirt Installation

December, 2005

Base Slab Construction

March, 2006

Cellar Wall Slipforming

June, 2006

Tank Slab Construction

September, 2006

Upper Wall Slipforming

December, 2006

Roof Beam Installation

Roof Slab Formwork Installation

Figure 15 - Construction of the Concrete GBS


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Ongoing and Scheduled Construction Work As of the end of December, 2006, the following construction work remains to be completed on the concrete GBS prior to being fully ready to initiate the integration work for the ALNG facility:

Completing installation and weld out of 3mm steel liner vapor barrier on tank walls and tank slab Installation of the proprietary floor insulation system for the tank slab and installation of the secondary containment system Installation of formwork for the roof slab that later on will be constructed in 4 sections. Initially 3 sections will be completed while the last one will be constructed once the tank sections have been installed and the last upper wall slip form has been completed. Erection and execution of the end wall slip form. This will be a challenging operation to be executed in parallel with completion of the tank installation and weld out inside the tank compartments Preparation of foundations for the lifting towers that will allow for the topside modules to be installed Preparation of tank weld out area outside the GBS to allow for a minimum of 2 sections to be joined outside the GBS

The ALNG Projects goal and highest priority is to ensure that all of this work is completed safely and without incident. MODULAR LNG STORAGE TANK ENGINEERING AND FABRICATION Background on MLNG Concept ExxonMobil's Modular LNG (MLNG) Tank design was first conceived in 1996 and has undergone significant engineering and development work to position it for use on the ALNG Project. The basic design consists of a self-standing, prismatic tank having internal rib stiffeners with lateral and longitudinal trusses constructed entirely of 9% nickel steel. The internal truss system allows for the tank wall thickness to be considerably thinner than that of other prismatic tanks that have previously been used in LNG carrier applications. The basic tank geometry is conducive to panel line fabrication methods and automated welding procedures resulting in a more efficient and tightly controlled manufacturing process. Figure 16 shows the internal framing configuration of the MLNG tank.


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Figure 16. Schematic of MLNG Tank

The MLNG tank is designed to rest on a continuous layer of rigid insulation on the GBS floor and to resist lateral movement by friction between the tank and the insulation. Two MLNG tanks will be installed in the GBS, each with a net volume of 125,000 cubic meters. The net volume of each tank takes into account the minimum allowable liquid level required to re-start the in-tank pumps and the normal maximum fill level. Each tank is 33m wide, 28m high and 155 m long. MLNG Tank Structural Integrity The MLNG tanks are designed not to leak at anytime during the design life of the terminal. This is accomplished through the application of a rigorous fracture mechanics approach. In addition to the design basis of no-leak, an added safety measure has been adopted by utilizing the leak-before-failure philosophy. An initial defect size that would create a through thickness crack is assumed. This crack is then analyzed for growth during repeated stress cycles. The final crack size is compared to the critical crack size that would cause immediate rupture of the tank to ensure the stable crack size is not exceeded and if a leak is ever detected the tank can be safely decommissioned prior to a rupture and sudden loss of containment. Coupled with the fact the assumed initial defect size is detectable with a high degree of confidence by a typical inspection program, this methodology is inherently conservative. An extensive seismic analysis of the tanks has been conducted to ensure the tanks can withstand both the Operating basis earthquake (OBE) and the Safety shutdown earthquake (SSE). The seismic design analyses included an assessment of potential LNG sloshing loads within the tanks. A quality control program consistent with the best practices for LNG containment structures was implemented for the fabrication and assembly stages. Quality control measures include 100% NDT inspection of all welds on the pressure shell. A dimensional control program was used to minimize distortion and out-of-tolerance.


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The strength and integrity of the MLNG tank will be tested by means of a hydropneumatic test in which water is filled to above the equivalent LNG load line and the remainder of the tank is pressurized. This tests both the tightness and strength of the tank. This test will be conducted once the tanks are installed in the GBS. Interspace Systems The interspace, consisting of the annular space between the GBS and MLNG tanks, contains several systems that form part of the overall LNG containment system.

Moisture Barrier: 3mm carbon steel liner applied to the GBS concrete floor, walls and roof to prevent moisture ingress. Base Insulation: Structurally sound insulating materials such as cellular glass, aerated concrete, densified wood and balsa wood to insulate tank and act as its foundation. Secondary Containment: 9% Ni steel cryogenic barrier sized to contain any credible leak event, consistent with the leak before break philosophy, is provided as an extra measure of safety. Wall / Roof Insulation: Fiberglass, resilient blankets and perlite installed in the interspace to insulate the tank.

Piping: Stainless steel piping routed between the tank roof and the underside of the GBS roof to provide the connection from the MLNG tanks to the topsides process equipment. The annular space between the MLNG tanks and the GBS structure will be charged with nitrogen and equipped with a fiber optic leak detection system for monitoring temperature and gas detectors for early warning of cracks in the tank shell. The tank insulation system is designed to allow any escaping liquid to flow downwards to be discharged into the secondary containment system.

GBS Concrete Wall Perlite Interspace Insulation Heating Conduits

Moisture Barrier Wall Insulation Blankets

Secondary Containment

Leveling Screed Base Insulation Moisture Barrier

Figure 17. Components of the Interspace System Bottom Corner


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Installation of Moisture Barrier

Figure 18. Installation of Moisture Barriers in Tank Compartments

Third Party Review The ALNG Project has engaged the services of Lloyds Register (LR) to perform a third party review of the MLNG tank design for this application. LR has previously provided an Approval in Principle for the tank design concept and also a General Approval. A review of the detailed design and an independent assessment has been initiated by LR which will lead to an Approval for a Specific Application, which is the highest level of approval in LRs three-tier approval process. Tank Engineering Challenges Unique engineering and design challenges associated with the first of a kind technology were met by a problem-solving oriented team with a range of expertise and various methods and resources. Described below are some of the more unique engineering challenges encountered during design and how the Project Team handled them:

Applicable Design Codes. There are few design codes or specifications directly
applicable to prismatic LNG tanks in a regasification facility. This meant that the initial design concept and basis for design acceptance criteria had to be formulated by compilation of relevant codes and practices. This was achieved with input from engineering experts experienced in the fields of offshore and onshore structural steel design, onshore cryogenic tank design, ship design, pressure vessel design, fluid dynamic analysis and fatigue and fracture mechanics analysis.

Combined Structural and Thermal Behaviors. Expert companies were hired to perform large scale, linear and non-linear, finite element modeling in combination aforementioned computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to assess the structural integrity of


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the tanks and unique effects of cooling down a rectangular tank with a fully integrated roof of such dimensions and structural configuration as the MLNG tanks. In addition to assessment of normal operational and temporary loads (e.g., from transportation, hydrotest, commissioning, etc.), thermal gradients and seismic loads, unique as a result of the interface of the stand-alone tanks with the GBS, also had to be carefully considered. Of significant importance was the potential for the GBS to hog or sag depending on geotechnical conditions and settlement at site which could lead to an uneven foundation for the tanks, coupled with the other loads previously mentioned.

Special Materials. A range of material property test programs were undertaken to

validate and verify the range of mechanical design properties of 9% Ni MLNG tank steel, such as, CTOD, S-N fatigue curves, and full stress strain curves. Some of these tests which were carried out at both ambient and cryogenic temperatures as well as on 9% Ni parent material and weld metal. Welds were of particular concern since, contrary to typical steel design, the welds are of lower strength, or are under matched, compared to the parent metal. This undermatching was taken into consideration throughout the structural design of the MLNG tanks. Scale modeling was conducted to investigate the effect of internal tank stiffeners and frames to the in-tank pump inlet conditions to ensure pump performance is maintained despite the proximity of the tank internal structural members to the pumps. MLNG Tank Fabrication and Transportation The fabrication of the MLNG tanks brought together a unique combination of standard sizes, shapes and methods used in the shipbuilding industry with the aforementioned materials commonly used for onshore LNG tanks. The MLNG tanks were fabricated in a shipyard in South Korea. The 9% Ni material was procured in Europe and transported to South Korea for fabrication. The fabricators were able to use their knowledge of ship construction and panel line fabrication to perform a majority of the subassembly work in covered workshops with automated welding procedures to expedite the fabrication while maintaining high quality workmanship. The total fabrication duration of the tanks was 14 months from the time of the initial steel cutting to the time the tanks left Korea. The tank fabrication work consumed 1.3 million man hours and was executed without any recordable incidents. Each of the two tanks were constructed in three sections, with the two end sections being 51m long and the middle section being 53m long, in order to facilitate a range of potential marine transportation scenarios that could be competitively tendered. Each section was then further divided into approx 50 blocks per section which were fabricated in covered workshops. Each block ranged in size from 25 to 50mt in weight. At this size, the fabricator could maximize the amount of automated welding in a controlled work environment and the blocks could be rotated and turned over multiple times during welding operations in the shops to maximize the use of down hand-welding. The blocks were then transferred out of the workshops for erection into subassemblies, ranging in size from 100mt to 220mt in weight. These subassemblies were then erected to complete one of the three tank sections, each weighing approximately 1500mt.

MLNG Pump Performance Validation.


Paper PS6-7

Prior to starting work on the main tanks, the fabricator built an initial Fabrication Trial Structure (FTS), which was comprised of three separate blocks. The FTS work began a month ahead of the actual tank fabrication and was intended to establish the shrinkage allowances for the 9% material and to verify that the dimensions of the blocks could be maintained. The FTS was also used as a learning tool by the fabricator to help validate their fabrication methods and manpower planning before they began the main tank fabrication. In addition, the FTS was used to verify the quality of the welds and welders, identify additional welding procedures, and verify the extensive NDE activities. The fabricator used many techniques to maximize production output. For instance, they prefabricated multiple jigs and supports which were repetitively used to hold odd shaped pieces so the pieces could be welded automatically or down-hand very easily. Once blocks were erected a majority of the scaffold erection and welding had already been completed, so only a small percentage of the work remained for the outdoor welding and working at height activities. A pictorial of the tank fabrication sequence is seen, on the following page, in Figure 19.


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Plate Cutting

Stiffener Assembly

Stiffener Welding

Sub Block Fabrication

Block Fabrication

Block Fabrication

Outdoor Erection

Bracing Block Fabrication

Side Panel Erection

Second Side Panel Erection

Third Side Panel Erection

End Panel Erection

Roof Block Erection

Final Roof Block Erection

Tank Section Complete

Figure 19. MLNG Tank Fabrication


Paper PS6-7

Once the erection of each tank section was completed, the scaffolding was removed and the tanks were thoroughly cleaned. They were then transferred to a storage area via roller trailers and barges. Once all six sections fabricated, they were transported in one shipment aboard a heavy lift vessel to the Algeciras GBS Construction site. A specific weather routing plan was developed to ensure there was no wave contact with the tank sections that overhung the deck of the transport. The transport was safely and successfully completed during November and December 2006. The 6 tank sections were offloaded at the GBS construction site to a temporary storage area. Each section will be transported into the one of the two concrete GBS tank compartments, where it will be fit-up and welded to the other tank sections.

Figure 20. Arrival and Storage of MLNG Tank Sections in Spain Tank Fabrication and Transportation Challenges The primary fabrication challenge was associated with the distinct welding procedures, techniques and training required to successfully, efficiently and reliably weld 9% Nickel steel. Following on from the initial weld trials that confirmed parameters and production rates, a range of welding processes were used in fabricating the tank, including submerged arc, gas metal arc and shielded metal arc welding. A substantial welder training program was required to qualify the number of welders necessary to complete the job on schedule. Additionally, special attention had to be paid to scheduling around the welding of the large volume of nondestructive testing that was specified. This included radiography, dye penetrant and ultrasonic examination. Magnetic particle inspection was not permitted due to the sensitivity of 9% Ni to magnetization and subsequent welding problems. This particular sensitivity to magnetization also meant that special care was required in handling and storage of approximately 11,000mt of 9% Ni plates as magnetic handling was not permitted and proximity to high voltage power lines had to be limited. Although the cargo weight of the tanks on the transportation vessel was not particularly significant, the sheer size of the tanks meant that all 6 tank sections would overhang the starboard and port sides of the cargo deck. The MLNG tanks structures were not specifically designed for wave or impact loading that might occur with wave run-up on the vessel in particular seastates and headings. As a result, extensive analytical and statistical analysis was performed to predict seastates and headings that could result in water contact with the tank sections such that they could be avoided.


Paper PS6-7

Wave basin model testing (Figure 21) was also conducted to validate and verify the analytical results obtained. This information was then used to define the weather routing plan and wave avoidance criteria for the sea journey from South Korea to Spain.

Figure 21. Model Basin Testing of MLNG and Transport Vessel Due to draft limitations at the fabricators quay, the each tank section was first loaded onto a barge and transported to the Ulsan Port where it could be directly loaded from the barge to the moored transport vessel. This added another level of complexity to the load out operation. In spite of these complexities, the tank sections were safely loaded out and secured in approximately 2 weeks time. FUTURE PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND CHALLENGES With the recent arrival of the MLNG tanks to the Algeciras site, the ALNG project is entering a new phase of execution the integration of the various tanks and topsides components with the concrete GBS. This includes the installation and joining of the LNG tanks inside the GBS, and the delivery and installation of the various topsides components, and then the connection of the piping, electrical and instrumentation systems between the various components (mechanical completion). Once completed, the systems will each be brought o life, tested and commissioned, and with a few exceptions, done so prior to the loadout and transportation of the facility to Italy.


Paper PS6-7

While each area of the ALNG has its unique challenges, the common one is safety of the workers and staff of the project, as we transition from one phase of work to the next, and one execution site to the next. This usually accompanied by changes in work scope, and work cultures, thereby challenging the Project team to continue to apply safety focus and motivation that works for each work area. As we move from the onshore integration and commissioning phase of the work in Spain to the offshore installation and startup phases off the coast of Italy, we will be constantly challenged to live up to the Projects safety motto: Nobody Gets Hurt!

Figure 22. ALNG Concrete GBS and Delivered MLNG Tank Sections (January 2007)


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