Nursing Law and Ethics
Nursing Law and Ethics
Nursing Law and Ethics
- She took care of British soldiers and - Philippine Medical school December
organized a pool of nurses, educated 10, 1907
them - Philippine General Hospital School of
Nursing (1913)
ORIGIN IN THE PHILIPPINES - St. Luke’s hospital school of nursing
- Known anthropologist Dr. F Landa ( 1903)
Jocano ; found human skullcap and - St. Paul’s School of Nursing, Manila
portions of the jaw in Tabon cave in ( 1900)
Palawan - Mary Johnston Hospital School of
- Found out that there were already Nursing (1907)
people existing during the pre-historic - Ilo-ilo Mission Hospital Training School
times and reason to believe that they of nurses ( 1906)
have already used health care practice
for the sick in their caves First Nursing Law
- Superstitions ( dwende, manghihilot, - RA 2808 ; An act regulating the
mangkukulam, albolario, etc) practice of nursing profession in the
Philippines” march 01, 1919
- Many other laws up to the present RA
9173 Philippine Nursing act of 2002
a. If enrollment less than 1,000 students CLINICAL FACILITIES AND RESOURCES FOR
= 50 periodicals RLE
b. 1,001 – 3,000 students = 75 - Clinical facilities and resources for RLE
periodicals a. Lying in
c. If over 3,000= 1,000 periodicals b. Schools and structural establishment
d. There must be an extensive Filipiniana c. Community agencies
collection d. Outpatient clinics
e. Current Filipiniana titles , separate this e. General and specialty hospitals
from the General section
f. Apply a weeding program ( remove Minimum requirements of the hospitals for
the obsolete and outdated articles ) , RLE
must be relevant and up to date a. Hospital should be independently
owned or operated by the institution
LIBRARY QUARTERS • Or utilized by the college according
a. Adequate space for housing the library to an agreement
collection b. Minimum of 100 beds and min bed
b. Accessible to all occupancy of 80%
c. Attractive, safe and suitable space for • Accredited by the DOH, bureau of
workroom licensing and regulation
d. Offices and lounge c. Conducive environment , coordination
e. Size of library must be proportionate and cooperation
to size of population d. Staffing must be qualified professional
f. Adequately lighted and non-professional personnel
g. Properly ventilated e. Adequate physical facilities, supplies
h. Open and accessible even beyond and equipment for effective nursing
class hours care and students learning
RESEARCH AND LABORATORY FACILITIES f. Community health agencies used for
- Improve and advance nursing care , RLE
educational management and other 1. Conference room
aspects of nursing program 2. Library
- Promote utilization of research findings 3. Comfort room
- There must be a budget for this 4. Dressing room
- Comply with rules and policies for 5. Lounge
laboratories 6. Locker
a. Adequate space g. Faculty and nursing personnel of the
b. Adequate instrument and equipment affiliation agency must work together
c. Hospital setting in the planning, implementation and
d. At least 2 doors, one for entrance and evaluation of RLE
one for exit
e. Fire extinguisher near the door ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
- College has the right to impose
Nursing skills laboratory minimum requirements for admission
a. Classroom that can accommodate - CMO 30 advises
maximum of 48-50 students at one a. Upper 40% is already deleted
time b. There must be well-defined admission,
b. Must be like amphitheatre in style promotion and retention policies
c. There must be a demonstration room published and made known to the
• One bed for 8 students at one students
given time c. Admission quota – depending on the
• Complete equipments and supplies capacity of the nursing school and
they should provide the ff:
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Ratings a. adultery
- 75% passing mark with a rating not b. bigamy
below 60% in any subject c. blackmail
- If you get a subject below 60% you d. bribery
should get at least 75% in the e. criminal conspiracy
repeated subject ( retake) f. smuggling of opium
- The new nursing law deleted the g. embezzlement
refresher course requirement h. estafa
( unlimited number of takes) i. extortion
j. fabrication or evidence
Oath taking is mandatory k. foregery
- So you could get your certificate of l. libel
registration/ professional license and m. murder
your professional identification card n. perjury
- This will be renewed every3 years o. seduction under promise of marriage
( PRC License)
- For renewal you need 60 units of CPE Immoral and dishonorable conduct
(continuing professional education ) - contrary to standards of moral conduct
- But the CPE has been temporarily - whether illegal or not
suspended - morality is subjective
b. Leadership
c. Confidence
d. Innovativeness and creativeness
e. Analysis and planning