Definition of Analytical Exposition Text

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Analytical Exposition

Definition of Analytical Exposition Text.

Definition of analytical exposition text is actually very easy to understand. Word

“Analytical” means, “examining or liking to examine things very carefully” (Cambridge). That
is, (examining or relating to checking / testing something carefully). Then, the meaning of
exposition, as I have explained in the article about hortatory exposition, that is “a
comprehensive description” or a broad explanation.

Thus, the definition of Analytical Exposition can be understood as a text that tries to provide
a comprehensive explanation of a problem by displaying the opinions that support it

While the main purpose of analytical exposition text is, “to try/attempt to influence the reader
to believe something by presenting one side of the argument.” It means trying to convince
the reader to believe something by giving one side of opinion only. “

Referring to the purpose of analytical exposition, this does not mean that analytical
exposition text contains only one argument, but it contains various arguments that have the
same purpose.

(Translation from the words above).

Pengertian dan Tujuan Analytical Exposition.

Pengertian atau definisi analytical exposition text sebenarnya sangat mudah dipahami.
Secara bahasa, “Analytical” bermakna, “examining or liking to examine things very carefully”
(Cambridge). Artinya, (memeriksa / menguji sesuatu secara hati-hati). Sedangkan makna
exposition sendiri sudah pernah saya jelaskan pada tulisan tentang hortatory exposition,
yaitu “a comprehensive description” atau penjelasan secara luas.
Dengan demikian, pengertian Analytical Exposition bisa dipahami sebagai text yang
mencoba memberikan penjelasan secara komprehensif tentang suatu masalah dengan
menampilkan pendapat-pendapat pendukung secara hati-hati.

Sedangkan tujuan utama analytical exposition text ini adalah, “to attempt to persuade the
reader to believe something by presenting one side of the argument.” Artinya mencoba
meyakinkan pembaca agar mempercayai sesuatu dengan memberikan satu sisi pendapat

Mengacu pada tujuan analytical exposition ini, hal ini tidak bermakna bahwa dalam
analytical exposition berisi satu argumen saja, akan tetapi berisi berbagai argumen yang
memiliki tujuan sama.

In school books in Indonesia it is often mentioned, Analytical exposition text is a text that
elaborates the writer‟s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. It means analytical
exposition text is a text that contains an idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Of course
it is also followed by some argument to support it.

Generic Structure of Analytical exposition Text.

Perbedaan susunan antara hortatory exposition dengan analytical exposition hanyalah pada
struktur terakhirnya saja. Jika hortatory exposition diakhiri dengan recommendation,
analytical expostion diakhiri dengan conclusion.

Every text must have generic structure which is different with another text. Analytical
Exposition Text also has generic structure, those are :

# Thesis : it contains writer‟s opinion about something. It also introduces topics and
indicates the writer‟s position.

Seperti pada jenis teks lainnya, thesis ini berisi pandangan penulis tentang suatu masalah
secara lebih sederhana. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca penjelasan mengenai thesis
statemen pada teks hortatory.

# Series of Argument : it contains the argument to support the writer‟s position. The
number of arguments may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and

Series of Argument berisi beberapa penjelasan lanjutan dari keterangan sederhana dalam
thesis statement. Ketika menulis argument ini, diusahakan agar lebih teliti lagi karena pada
bagian inilah sebuah tulisan bisa mempengaruhi pembaca. Jika perlu, sertakan pendapat
menurut para ahli.

# Reiteration (Conclusion): Restating the writer‟s point of view / to strengthen the thesis.
We can use the following phrase to make conclusion in reiteration :

– From the fact above …

– I personally believe …
– Therefore, my conclusion is …
– In conclusion …

Conclusion sering juga disebut dengan reiteration. Pada bagian ini, kita hanya dituntut untuk
menyimpulkan, atau lebih sederhananya kita mengungkapkan kembali apa yang dijelaskan
pada thesis statement.
Purpose of Analytical Exposition Text.

– To analyze a topic and to persuade the reader that this opinion is correct and supported by
– To convince the reader that the topics presented was an important topic to be discussed or
gained attention by way of providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or

Language Feature of Analytical exposition Text.

# Using Simple Present Tense

# Use word that link argument, such as firstly, secondly, in addition, furthermore
# It contains these phrases :
– From the fact above …
– personally believe ….
– Therefore, my conclusion is ….
– In conclusion …

Contoh Analytical Expositon :

Contoh Analytical Exposition tentang Karir/Pekerjaan :

Career in Translation

Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning

and not the word. According to Nida, translation is called a dynamic equivalence translation
when It tries to bring the precise message in different language.

Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but some of them get trouble in understanding
the actors‟ dialogue. The way that they use to understand about the movie is reading the
translation of running text. If indonesian translation is provided, it will bring the better
understanding for Indonesian moviegoer.

Hollywood movie spread over some Asia countries. Therefore, Arabic translation, Indonesian
translation and Farsi translation are widely needed and that is a big chance for English
master in that countries.

India is likely being an English speaking country. Indian translation grow better than before.
It is also predicted that Indonesia, Malaysia and Filipina will also reach that mark soon.
Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for translation job
Berikut dibawah ini = Terjemahan diatas/ Translation from the words above).

Karir di Jasa Penerjemahan.

Secara fungsional, menerjemahankan berarti mentransfer pesan atau makna dan bukan
kata. Menurut Nida, terjemahan tersebut disebut terjemahan ekuivalensi dinamis ketika akan
mencoba untuk membawa pesan yang tepat dalam bahasa yang berbeda.

Banyak orang suka menonton film Hollywood tetapi banyak mendapatkan kesulitan dalam
memahami dialog para aktor. Jadi cara mereka mendapatkan pemahaman tentang film
adalah membaca teks terjemahan yang berjalan. Jika terjemahan bahasa Indonesia
disediakan, itu akan membawa pemahaman yang lebih baik untuk penonton bioskop di

Film-film Hollywood menyebar di negara-negara Asia lainnya. Oleh karena itu, terjemahan
bahasa Arab, bahasa Indonesia dan terjemahan baasa Farsi secara luas diperlukan dan itu
merupakan kesempatan besar untuk orang yang mahir bahasa Inggris di negara-negara itu.

India kemungkinan menjadi negara berbahasa Inggris. Terjemahan India berkembang lebih
baik dari sebelumnya. Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filipina juga diperkirakan akan segera
mencapai target tersebut. Pekerjaan penerjemahan akan berjumlah besar dan itu
merupakan perkembangan yang baik bagi pencari kerja terjemahan.

Contoh Analytical Exposition tentang Learning English (Belajar Bahasa Inggris):

Why is Learning English Important?

Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own
languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear
about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language.
Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English.

Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and
speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language.
We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various
names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Furthermore, some
countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in
daily communication.

Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to
scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of
many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the
cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technology will
include many countries in economic, social and politics development.

Finally, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top
requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job
applicants who master English are more favorable than ones who do not.

The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global
Berikut dibawah ini = Terjemahan diatas/ Translation from the words above).

Mengapa Belajar Bahasa Inggris Penting?

Bahasa adalah sarana komunikasi. Sebagian besar kelompok masyarakat memiliki bahasa
mereka sendiri. Beberapa di antaranya tampil dalam bahasa global teratas. Kebanyakan
orang di dunia mendengar bahasa Inggris, Arab, dan Mandarin. Namun bahasa Inggris
adalah bahasa lisan paling global. Lalu jika seorang pria ingin menangkap tujuan global, dia
harus menguasai bahasa Inggris.

Semua orang menyadari bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional. Bahasa
Inggris digunakan dalam menulis dan berbicara oleh banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Ini bisa
menjadi bahasa pertama atau kedua. Kami bahkan mendengar bahasa Inggris Inggris,
Amerika, Australia, dan bahkan bahasa Inggris Singapura. Berbagai nama bahasa Inggris
tersebut digunakan sebagai bahasa pertama di negara-negara tersebut. Selanjutnya,
beberapa negara memiliki bahasa sendiri sebagai bahasa ibu tapi juga menggunakan
bahasa Inggris kebanyakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.

Selain penggunaan dalam interaksi sehari-hari, bahasa Inggris juga digunakan sebagai
kunci untuk membuka pintu yang mengarah ke pengetahuan ilmiah dan teknis. Tak heran
jika kita menemukan panduan manual dan petunjuk banyak perangkat yang ditulis dalam
bahasa Inggris. Sekalipun kita memiliki satu pak mi instan, kita akan melihat instruksi
memasak yang juga ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Pengalihan sains dan teknologi ini akan
mencakup banyak negara dalam pengembangan ekonomi, sosial dan politik.

Akhirnya, yang paling mudah dilihat dalam pentingnya belajar bahasa Inggris adalah bahwa
persyaratan paling utama dalam mengisi kesempatan kerja adalah kemampuan berbahasa
Inggris; aktif atau pasif. Pelamar kerja yang menguasai bahasa Inggris lebih baik daripada
yang tidak.

Fakta di atas membuktikan bahwa setiap orang perlu belajar bahasa Inggris jika ia suka
menyapa era global.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Garbage :

Garbage Service need Improvement

There have been many complaints recently about the ABC garbage collection service. The
official department has agreed that the service needs improvement. But nothing has been
done !

In some streets the garbage is collected only once a month because the workmen are not
supervised. In other streets, collection in more frequent but half of the garbage is left in the
road. The workmen are too lazy to pick it up and put it in the trucks.

In some parts of the colony, house-holders are dumping their garbage on the waste land.
This is dangerous and an unhealthy to do. These `dumps‟ may catch fire and they will
certainly attract rats and flies.

It is the duty of the official department to collect all the garbage efficiently and regularly.
Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Library :

The Importance of Library

I personally believe that libraries are among humanity‟s most important institutions for
several reasons.

Firstly, most of humanity‟s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly, libraries

protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the materials into logical
and easily available divisions.

Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide librarians
to help us find what we need.

Finally, libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.

From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are important institutions for humanity.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Electronic Device :

Design of Electronic Device need Improvement

Internet access and e-commerce remains inequitable. Most of designs prevent disabled and
older people to participate in the electronic age.

The barriers include the physical design of facilities, the cost of internet access and the
design of interactive voice-response systems. The Human rights and Equal Opportunity
Commission‟s report on electronic commerce said that technology‟s great potential for
increasing access was not being realized.

The design of „advanced‟ ATMs had made them harder for blind people to use, compared
with earlier models. Machines that once had buttons now relied on screen displays, for
instance. The commission also suggested that students with disabilities needed particular
attention when educational material was provided in electronic form.

We emphasized that the designs of electronic facilities need improvement.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Nation Relationship :

Building Strong Relationship

Since building Indonesian nation in 1945, Indonesia shared a positive and friendly
relationship with Australia.

In 1947 Australia supported Indonesia‟s struggle for independence by placing embargos on

Dutch supplies, arms and troops. Australian dock workers went on strike and significant
numbers of Australians demonstrated in the streets in support of Indonesian independence.
The Dutch were unable to ship supplies through Australian ports during this period.

Much of the support from Australians gave to Indonesians was based on the friendship that
developed between Australian soldiers and the Indonesia people at the end of the Second
World War. There was also a strong anti-imperialist mood among some sections of the
Australian population at that time.
It is significant for Indonesia and Asian neighbors to strengthen the relationship.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Garbage :

Garbage Service need Improvement

There have been many complaints recently about the ABC garbage collection service. The
official department has agreed that the service needs improvement. But nothing has been

In some streets the garbage is collected only once a month because the workmen are not
supervised. In other streets, collection in more frequent but half of the garbage is left in the
road. The workmen are too lazy to pick it up and put it in the trucks.

In some parts of the colony, house-holders are dumping their garbage on the waste land.
This is dangerous and an unhealthy to do. These `dumps‟ may catch fire and they will
certainly attract rats and flies.

It is the duty of the official department to collect all the garbage efficiently and regularly.

Berikut dibawah ini = Terjemahan diatas/ Translation from the words above).

Layanan Sampah Perlu Perbaikan

Ada banyak keluhan baru-baru ini tentang layanan pengumpulan sampah ABC. Departemen
resmi telah sepakat bahwa layanan tersebut perlu perbaikan. Tapi tidak ada yang dilakukan!

Di beberapa jalan sampah dikumpulkan hanya sebulan sekali karena pekerja tidak diawasi.
Di jalan-jalan lain, koleksi lebih sering tapi setengah dari sampah tertinggal di jalan. Para
pekerja terlalu malas untuk mengambilnya dan memasukkannya ke dalam truk.

Di beberapa bagian koloni, pemegang rumah membuang sampah mereka ke tanah limbah.
Ini berbahaya dan tidak sehat untuk dilakukan. „Tempat pembuangan sampah‟ ini mungkin
terbakar dan mereka pasti akan menarik tikus dan lalat.

Itu adalah tugas departemen resmi untuk mengumpulkan semua sampah secara efisien dan

Those are the short examples of analytical exposition text. Hopefully those list above of
analytical exposition able to make you to find easier way to understand the text.

Reference :

Rudi Hartono, Genre of Texts, (Semarang: English Department Faculty of Language and Art
Semarang State University, 2005).
Text Genre, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing, Peter Knapp &
Megan Watkins, New South Wales Press, Ltd : Australia
Mark Andersons and Kathy Andersons, Text Type in English 1-2, Australia:
MacMillanEducation, 2003.

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