C1physsyll v2
C1physsyll v2
C1physsyll v2
org Room 321 Description: This class is an introduction to the study of physics. Physics is the branch of science which seeks understanding of the world around us. In our investigation of physics, we will solve problems conceptually and mathematically. I expect all students to complete all homework, to participate in classroom activities, and exhibit good behavior throughout the year. All students should remain respectful to the teacher and classmates. I expect each student to: 1. Be on time: when the bell rings, I expect you to be in your seat ready for the days lesson. 2. Come to class prepared: I expect every student to come to class with their textbook, notebook, homework, calculator, and something to write with. Unless I say otherwise, all of these items are required for every class. 3. Ask for help when needed: If you are having trouble with one of the topics you should ask for help. If you cannot get your questions answered during class, you should make an appointment to meet after school. 4. Be respectful: I expect that you will treat everyone in the classroom with respect. Grading: You will be assessed using the following grading scheme: Tests/Projects Labs/Classwork Quizzes Homework Participation 30 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 10 %
Tests/Projects: All tests will be announced at the beginning of each unit. The tests will contain information from homework, notes, and labs, and textbook readings. If you are absent the day of a test you must schedule a time to make up the test when you get back. Any projects will be assigned with sufficient advanced notice. We will have at least one project per quarter. Tests and projects are typically graded out of 100 points. Labs/Worksheets: Throughout the year we will do multiple types of in-class activities: Practice Worksheets: During class we will do worksheets to practice topics we have just learned. These are for practice and are not usually graded. POGIL groupwork: These activities are done in groups of 3-4 students and ask you to think critically about a particular topic. These activities are typically graded out of 10 points. POGIL activities are due by the beginning of the next class. Laboratories: Labs can either be computer-based simulations or hands-on activities. While you may work in partners/groups to do the activity, you are
required to submit your own reports. Reports could be in the form of worksheets which will be graded out of 25 points. The worksheets are due by the beginning of the next class. If you are asked to write a formal lab report, it will be weighted more heavily and you will be given more time to complete the report. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given periodically throughout the year. Quizzes will be announced in advance and will focus on a small amount of information. Quizzes could contain vocabulary, explanation of a physics concept, mathematical physics problems, or any combination. Quizzes are typically graded out of 10 points. ** If you miss a lab or a quiz you are not expected to make them up. You will be exempt from that assignment. We will do a lot of enrichment activities throughout the quarter, so this will not significantly effect your grade.** Homework: Homework will be given on a regular basis and completion is necessary to understand physics. It is expected that you will complete your homework by the following class. We will go over your homework and you must turn all of it in by the date of the unit test. No homework will be accepted after your take your test. Participation: You are expected to come to every class prepared. Your participation is made up of 10 points and is determined using the following system: 1. Do you come prepared with a notebook, calculator, pencil, and book on most days? (2 point) 2. Do you ask questions when you dont understand something. This includes coming in afterschool? (1 point) 3. Do you answer questions and participate in classroom discussion? (1 point) 4. Do you complete all required in class practice worksheets? (2 point) 5. Do you regularly take notes? (2 point) 6. Are you normally on time and ready for class when the bell rings? (1 point) 7. Do you ever bring in a current events article? (1 point) Discipline: In my class I will enforce all the rules as outlined in the student handbook. A few highlights of these rules include: 1. Use of phones, music players, headphones are restricted in my classroom. While a one of these devices can be used as a calculator on homework or a lab, they may never be used during a quiz or a test. You may only use one of these devices during class with my prior permission. 2. Since our class will take place in a science classroom, you will not be allowed to eat or drink during class. If you have a medical reason why you will need to eat during class, you should bring this to my attention ahead of time. This rule is to protect the health and safety of my students. Extra help is available by appointment after school and during my free periods. The following course outline will be followed in our study of physics. First Quarter Chapter 3: Describing Motion - Velocity Chapter 4: Acceleration Chapter 5: Forces Chapter 6: Vectors Chapter 7: Motion in Two Dimensions
Second Quarter Chapter 8: Universal Gravitation Chapter 9: Momentum and Its Conservation Chapter 10: Work and Energy Chapter 11: Energy Chapter 12: Thermal Energy Chapter 13: States of Matter Third Quarter Chapter 14: Waves Chapter 15: Sound Chapter 16: Light Chapter 17: Reflection and Refraction Chapter 18: Mirrors and Lenses Fourth Quarter Chapter 20: Static Electricity Chapter 22: Current Electricity Chapter 23: Series and Parallel Circuits Chapter 24: Magnetic Fields Chapter 25: Electromagnetic Induction Chapter 26: Electromagnetic and Magnetic Fields