Brahm Rishi Guruvanand Swami
Brahm Rishi Guruvanand Swami
Brahm Rishi Guruvanand Swami
Infuelenced By : Swami Vivekananda and teachings of Lord Mahavira. Basic Info Founded January 12, 1941 Location RC Road C Ramapuram RamaChandra puram Mandalam Tirupati. Chitoor District Andhra Pradesh, India, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 517561 Affiliation With Swami Vivekanand and Mahavir Swami
Awards IIT Kharagpur pass out and record holder with 99.7% unbeaten even today. Won 7 Gold medals at All Religion World Parliament, a common platform for debate on religious ideas, "Jyotish Murmagya" awarded by German Astrological Society. Gender Male Personal Information Om Guruvanand Namah gives the divine relaxation to the m ind. The name of this beautiful mantra itself gives the mission that Guruji want s to fulfill from his inspiring and influential presence, which is Awareness and Peace. I owe my major improvements, success, my frame of mind, vision and the l evel of thinking to Guruji. He is not a tantrik but a religious guide and he is your inner voice and the diffretiator between right and wrong. I thank guruji fo r coming into our lives and improving our blurred vision and showing us the righ t path for the rest of our lives. Personal Interests Contact Phone Email Website Meditation, Jyotish.
Mission : Reach out to as many people as possible to spread the message of awareness, self realization, humanity and peace. Astrology : Guruji possesses exceptional knowledge of 27 different kinds of theories of Astr ology. Vedic Scriptures and Epics : In-depth knowledge of Vedas, Ramayana, Gita, Upanishad, Puran, Aagam, and variou s Hindu and Jain Scriptures. He can recite four vedas by memory. Educational Qualifications : B.Sc in Physics, B.Tech from IIT Kharagpur. Master's degrees in Sankrit, Vedas, Jyotish, Hindi, Vyakaran, and a PHD in Astrology. Honory Academic Services :
Principal and Professor at various universities and colleges including the prest igious BHU. Honors and Awards : "Personality of knowledge" awarded by All World Religion Conference. He has also received the "Jyotish Murmagya" awarded by German Astrological Society. Awards, Honors and Gold medals have been bestowed upon Guruji by numerous organizations a t various ceremonies. Asharam : Situated near the famous Lord Bala Ji temple adjoining Trimula hills in the beau tiful and natural surroundings, the Ashram continues to attract thousands of dev otees every year. Disciples are graced by Guruji's discourses, and participate i n yoga, meditation, Hawans and other spiritual endeavors. Currently the ashram h ouses several temples, gaushalas, and dharmshalas. The future plans include the establishments of heart hospital for less fortunate, a naturopathy center, an or phanage, an eldery home, Mahila Ashram, a school, a technical college, and the E xpansions of gaushalas . ======================= Guruji s spiritual journey began in his infancy under miraculous circumstances. Yo giraj Devrah Baba, one of the most esteemed saints of recent times, brought Guru ji to his ashram to save his life from a terminal illness. Devrah Baba predicted that Guruji would achieve the pinnacle of spirituality and he will use that div ine energy to serve humanity. Yogiraj s predictions have come true. Guruji has invoked all Chakras of his Kundal ini and with 42 years of rigorous Sadhana he has acquire all Siddhis. A few rece nt sages are believed to have reached this ultimate stage of spirituality. And Guruji is using the enormous divine energy that he has acquired, to help tho se in distress and to uplift the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. He has traveled to over 172 countries to teach people the art of liv ing a moral, spiritual life. Guruji has made it very easy for us to understand t he true meaning of religion so we can overcome our Karmic debts while we fulfill our worldly duties. Guruji has participated in several international religious conferences, includin g the All Religion World Conference where he has been honored with The Best Persona lity gold medal numerous times. The Jyotish council of Germany has awarded Guruji Jyotish Marmagya (The Greatest Jyotishagya.) Guru Ji holds numerous degrees including M. Tech. from IIT, PhD in Astrology and Masters in Sanskrit, Vedas, and Jyotish. He has been Honorary Principal and pro fessor at various academic institutions including Banaras Hindu University. ============================== Words of Wisdom When fate closes all doors, our faith opens new doors. The life we live is God s gift to us. The way we live our life is our gift in return to God. We can t change the truth, but the truth can change us. Man judges our actions. God judges our intentions.
Success is made of big things, it takes time. Happiness is made of small things, it takes no time. Man with Intelligence Has many questions Man with Surrender has all the answers