Epcusa 03 31 2013 Update

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Eastminster Update

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see

Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

803-256-1654 / www.eastminsterpres.org

Volume 37 Number 12

March 31, 2013

Dear Eastminster Family, It is easy, amid the festivities of holidays, to become so preoccupied with celebrating that we overlook that which we celebrate. There was a time, however, when proclaiming Jesus as Messiah or declaring ultimate loyalty to Him would get a person killed. Even today, there are places in the world where people are persecuted for daring to proclaim that Jesus has defeated death and

your old men will dream

ACTS 2:17


Dr. Bradley D. Smith Pastor Dr. Mark E. Durrett Associate Pastor Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire Associate Pastor Rev. Jeffrey S. Smith Associate Pastor Dr. James I. St. John Parish Associate Rev. Jonathan S. Wagner Associate Pastor Mr. Croskeys Royall Director of Childrens Ministries Mrs. Fredna Lee Director of Music Ministries
Our Missionaries: Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska Sarah Snapp - Bolivia Rev. John McCall - Taiwan Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US George & Anne Harper - Philippines

This Sunday will be filled with celebration. Special dresses, tasty meals, time set apart for family, and even Easter baskets will brighten the day. All that is good. Enjoy the celebration. At the same time, let us not forget that which we celebrate. Almighty God has come into the world, lived for us and even died for our sin. In Jesus death and resurrection, he has conquered sin and death so that we, too, may know true life. Even in the face of the darkness of the daily news, even in the face of the darkness of death, we dare to believe Jesus when he says, I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Life in Jesus is revolutionary, life-changing, even worldchanging. That is the good news that draws us from near and far, to celebrate. See you Sunday, Brad

EASTER Worship Schedule

7:00 a.m. Eastminsters Sunrise Service - Courtyard

Easter Sunrise Service

*Childrens Church for 3K5K on Easter Sunday will be held during the 8:45 and 10:30 a.m. services.

Easter Worship Services 8:45 and 10:30 a.m. (Traditional & Jubilee) Easter Celebration

9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Sanctuary 11:15 a.m. Jubilee Dr. Bradley D. Smith I Am the Resurrection and the Life John 11:25

Sunday, march 31

9:45 - 10:30 a.m. - Breakfast - Drop-In Fellowship in the Courtyard

Loaves and Fishes Covered Dish Lunch

Following the 10:30 a.m. Service in the Game Room


The Christian Life Center will be closed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, March 30, 31, and April 1. The church administrative offices will be closed on Monday, April 1. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, April 2.

Easter Church Holiday Closing

WE@EPC will not hold classes nor offer dinner on Wednesday, April 3. Classes resume on Wednesday, April 10 with dinner at 5:15 p.m. and a program to follow.
Easter SUNDAY, march 31
7:00 8:00 8:45 9:00 9:45 10:05 10:130 11:30

WE@EPC takes Wednesday, April 3 Off!

Drop-in Nursery Closed April 2, 3, & 4

The Drop-In Nursery will be closed the week of April 2, 3, and 4 for spring break. They will return to their normal operating schedule on Tuesday, April 9 at 9:00 a.m. See you then!

Sunrise Service Celebration Choir Rehearsal Worship & Childrens Church Jubilee Band Practice Courtyard Celebration Chancel Choir Rehearsal Worship & Childrens Church Jubilee Worship Loaves & Fishes

Monday, April 1

All Church Facilities Closed

TUESDAY, april 2

9:00 Count Team 9:30 Staff Meeting 10:00 Senior Fitness EPW Coordinating Team Savvy Senior Planning 11:45 Tuesday Lunch 12:30 Visitation 4:00 CHAMPS Tutoring 5:00 Tai Chi 5:30 Girls on Run Zumba 6:00 Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 Zumba Fitness Scottish Country Dance

Eastminsters Lost & Found has a variety of articles that folks have left at the church. Are you missing any of these items? prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, dishes (from Joy Gift Tea), childs pink coat (size 4), womans navy blazer (size 10), womans beige coat (size 12), womans black scarf, assorted umbrellas, boys blue wallet with sports balls on itand more! Please drop by Mary Baldaufs office in the Administration Building to claim your longlost belongings! Unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

Have you lost something that we have found?

Out of respect for fellow worshipers, please do not enter the sanctuary if a pastor is speaking to the congregation. Please remain in the narthex and enter during the opening hymn, or if the hymn has concluded, please wait and enter during the Gloria Patri. You will be able to hear the worship service in the narthex as you wait. Thank you. The Christian Life Center will host a summer basketball skills camp for rising 1st - 6th grade boys and girls, June 24 - 27. This camp is conducted by The Greatest Champion. For more information, contact Bill Ketchin (bketchin@eastminsterpres.org or call 256-1654) or check out their website at www.thegreatestchampion.org. Hold the date for the 2013 Annual Sportsmans Banquet. It will be held on Thursday, May 16, beginning at 5:00 p.m. in Thompson Hall. This years guest speaker is baseball great, and Sumter native, Bobby Richardson. Keep watching for the details! Students, K-5 through 5th grade will present the musical, the Story of Gods Creation. It will be presented on April 24, the last evening of WE@EPC at 6:30 p.m. Come for dinner in Thompson Hall at 5:15 p.m., and remain for the program in Thompson Hall. In memory of Cheryl Glazebrook, given by Kelly & Gary Davis, Dr. & Mrs. March Seabrook.

Worship Etiquette

Summer Basketball Skills Camp, June 24 - 27

WEDNESDAY, april 3
9:00 9:30

Fifty Plus Exercise Class Prayer Shawl Ministry

THURSDAY, april 4

5:00 Yoga 5:30 Girls on the Run Zumba 7:00 Zumba Fitness 7:30 Jubilee Band Practice

Sportsmans Banquet

FRIDAY, april 5

9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class 11:00 Support Staff Mtg. 5:00 Tapp/Mikell Wedding Rehearsal

Gods Creation the Musical

SATURDAY, april 6

10:30 Tapp/Mikell Wedding

For our loved ones . . .

As 30 + kids gather to eat breakfast, pray and walk to school at 7:15 a.m., parents and youth leaders huddle around the coffee pot and enjoy!

Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself, not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you .to do.
The following children completed the Worship Discovery class and received a Bible for their accomplishment: Grey Abramson, Thomas Anders, Gracie Andrews, Tilden Atkins, Michael Balthazor, McLaurin Bankhead, Gardiner Bankhead, Mary Elizabeth Barber, Zachary Beitz, Rucker Brannon, Marian Chapman, Lindsey Davis, Aiden Dempsey, Landon Denemark, William Dennis, Thomas Dennis, William Felder, Olivia Freeman, Katie Harrison, Mims Horger, Jack Hudson, William Hudson, Adam Hunt, Mae Ketchum, Jonas Lindsay, Mary Margaret Mann, Charlie McCabe, Ellen McCutchen, Kate McInnis, Sydney Mims, Sarah Harper Murdock, Jackson Osborne, Nettie Phillips, Merrick Richardson, Davis Rivers, Jones Searcy, Libby Tompkins, Campbell Wall, Conner Wolfe, and Luke Williams.


EPC Prayer List Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith is to be in prayer for one another. Contact the church office at 256-1654 to be included on this Prayer List. EPC Special Concerns Walker Pearce, Boots Fuller, Remer Waguestack, those serving in our military, Stephen Ministers & their care receivers and all those in need of Gods special care. In Extended Care Margaret Zeigler Hospitalized this week

Bibles for Worship Discovery

The EPW Sisters in Christ Luncheon will be Tuesday, April 16, at 11:30 a.m. in Thompson Hall. The speaker is Todd McClinton, Assistant Headmaster at Jubilee Academy, a school for disadvantaged youth. Please come hear how this school is changing young lives right here in Columbia. Soup, salad and dessert will be served for $5.00. Please call Mary at the church for reservations, 256-1654 or mbaldauf@eastminsterpres.org.

Presbyterian Womens Luncheon

Births Congratulations and love to:

Kyle & Katie Johnson, on the birth of their daughter, Ella Harris Johnson, March 19, 2013. Erin & Brad Dampier, on the birth of their daughter, Kenley Ryan Dampier, March 22, 2013.
Deaths Congregational love and sympathy are extended to:

The Magnum Volley spring youth league will begin on April 8. The spring league is specifically for girls grades 1 through 6, and is a training league designed to help younger girls learn and practice the fundamentals of the sport. The spring league session runs for 8 weeks with practice each week and 3 scheduled game dates. Cost is $80. For more information and to register contact Eric Schick 803730-6100 or magnumyouthvolleyball@gmail.com. Registration deadline is April 5th. The last Jesus Rocks of the year will be from 6:00-10:00 p.m., April 26. Pizza! Games! Bible Study Blast! Movies! Popcorn! Midnight Basketball! Bring $3.00 for pizza and wear sneakers. Parents, we need help in shifts for this night. If you can help for the 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. shift or the 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. shift, please email Susie Horger at shorger@richlandone.org.

EPC Offers Girls Volleyball

Jesus Rocks - Almost Lock-In - April 26

Pete & Donna Strom, on the death of his mother, Grace Neal Strom, March 22, 2013. Grandchildren, Margaret & Caroline Strom.
On weekends a minister is on call. If you have a crisis which one of the ministers needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and leave a message. A minister will return your call.

The 2013 Eastminster Senior High Urban Mission Trip will be in Nashville, TN. The total cost of this trip is $320.00 which includes transportation, lodging, programming, and the majority of meals. Scholarships are available. Please return your registration and the full payment by Friday, April 5, 2013. (If you have misplaced your form, additional forms are available on Tricias desk.) If you have time to spare and would like to help out in the Christian Life Center, give Bill Ketchin a call at 256-1654 or e-mail him at bketchin@eastminsterpres.org. We need helpful smiling faces to greet and direct our many visitors.

Senior High Urban Mission Trip - June 9 - 15, 2013

Volunteer in the Christian Life Center

Dont miss out! Send your information to share with the congregation to updates@eastminsterpres.org. Please have your information in by Wednesday, March 27, to be shared in our next newsletter on April 7, 2013.

Deadline for UPDATE

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3200 Trenholm Road Columbia, South Carolina 29204

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Update for March 31, 2013

One Great Hour of Sharing - March 31

Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share Gods love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36 percent of undesignated gifts, while Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receives 32 percent. Expressing our gratitude for the abundance and safety for our own lives and lifestyle, lets all bring a little extra to share with others in desperate situations on Easter Sunday. Please use the Special Offering envelope in your stewardship packet and mark One Great Hour of Sharing or write the offering name on your check memo line. Special offering envelopes are also available in the pews.

Serving on Sunday March 31

OFFICERS PRAYER: Elder Matthew Burns DEACONS: Jane Shuler & Becky Smythe Deacon Tiffany Beitz (Jubilee) Deacon Sharon Besley (Jubilee) GREETERS: (8:45) Buz & Amy Teas Mark & Laurie & Childress Amy Bolin & Martha Mason Michael & Aimee Schraibman (10:30) Pat Fuller Suzie Wattenbarger Robert & Sally McWilliams Jan & Andy Lowrey INFANT ROOM - CLC 119 (8:45) Kim & Bill Osborne (10:30) Mandy & Danny DAlberto TODDLER ROOM - CLC 117 (8:45) Brian & Jennifer St. John (10:30) Bett & Jac Carrington 2-K ROOM - CLC 115 (8:45) Albert & Harper James (10:30) Alec & Rachel Chaplin CHILDRENS CHURCH 103 - 3K (8:45) OHara & Ashby Howard (10:30) Jerry & Mary Frances Jowers CHILDRENS CHURCH 105 - 4K (8:45) Jason & Tricia Reeves (10:30) David & Kelley Ross CHILDRENS CHURCH 107 - 5K (8:45) Drew & Sharon Williams (10:30) John & Melanie Alphin

Pastors Class Party

If you have been attending the Pastors Class, join us for a party at the home of Mike and Robin Gorman, 3 Governors Hill, 29201. We will begin gathering between 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. We are asking you to bring either an entre, side dish, drinks, a salad, rolls, or a dessert. Please RSVP to the Gormans at 803- 7659817 or email rgorman@sc.rr.com or Peter Zornow 803-542-7071, or email zornowpd@juno.com. This will help in our planning.

Shred 360 at Eastminster

On Wednesday, May 8 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. the Shred 360 truck will be in the CLC parking lot accepting up to 5 boxes or bags of paper to be shreded. This event is open to the community and is a food drive for Harvest Hope Food Bank. When you come to shred, bring canned food to donate.

Put June 17th-June 20th from 9:00 a.m. - noon on your calendar. VBS is for 4K-rising 6th grade. (Rising 5th and Rising 6th graders will have their own track for the week that will include some off-site activities) Registration starts soon! Want to help? E-mail Harper James harperajames@yahoo.com.

Vacation Bible School 2013 is coming!!!

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