09 07 2014update

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We are the


Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Eastminster Update
803-256-1654 / www.eastminsterpres.org

Volume 38 Number 29

September 7, 2014

Now is the time! Step-in and grow, learn, serve

Wednesday and Sunday classes
we@epc begins September 3


1 COR. 12

Dr. Bradley D. Smith
Dr. Mark E. Durrett
Associate Pastor
Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire
Associate Pastor
Dr. James I. St. John
Parish Associate
Rev. Jonathan S. Wagner
Associate Pastor
Mr. Croskeys Royall
Director of Childrens Ministries
Mrs. Fredna Lee
Director of Music Ministries
Mrs. Lucy Corley and
Mrs. Anita Poole
EDS Co-Directors
Mr. William L. Collins, Jr.
Business Manager
Ms. Julie McDaniel
Member Involvement Coordinator
Our Missionaries:
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia
Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska
Sarah Snapp - Bolivia
Rev. John McCall - Taiwan
Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US
George & Anne Harper - Philippines
Cindy Correll - Port au Prince, Haiti
Dr. John and Gwenda Fletcher - Congo

Sunday, september 7

9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Gym

11:15 a.m. - Jubilee
Dr. Bradley D. Smith
Are You Growing and Building, or
Stagnant and Decaying?
Ephesians 4:11-16

Wednesday evening ADULT seminars

dinner begins at 5:15 p.m. - Classes at 6:15 p.m.
Alpha is a video-based curriculum. (September 3 November 19) Meets on the third floor of the
CLC with dinner together from 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. (optional) and small group discussion from
6:00 - 7:45 p.m. Taught by Mark Rosenbberg.
Back to the Old Testament (September 3 November 19) After a basic review of the Old
Testament timeline, we will look each week at one of the stories or books of the Old Testament. Christian Life Center Rooms 273, 275. Taught by Croskeys Royall.
HEAVEN & HELL - (September 3 October 8; morning and evening classes; 11:00 a.m.12 noon; and 6:157:15 p.m.) Class explores biblical texts on the subject of Heaven and Hell. Christian Life Center
Rooms 269, 271. Taught by Dr. Mark Durrett.
JOURNEYS TO HEAVEN - (October 15 November 19; morning and evening classes; 11:00 a.m.12 noon;
and 6:15-7:15 p.m.) Class explores classic and contemporary accounts of authors describing personal and literary accounts of their travels to Heaven. Christian Life Center Rooms 269, 271.
Taught by Dr. Mark Durrett.
Resurrection hope (GRIEF GROUP) - (The group will meet for 8 weeks, from September 17 to November 5.) A small group for those experiencing the loss of a loved one. If you are
interested, contact Lynn Grandsire at 256-1654 or lgrandsire@eastminsterpres.org.

SUNDAY@5 begins September 7

Sunday evening ADULT classes (5:00 - 6:30 p.m.)
kerygma - Discovering the Bible - (August 17 December 14:) Discovering the Bible
is a methodical introduction to the books of the Bible. Room E -351. Taught by John Arnold
and John Asman.
ACTS OF THE APOSTLES - (September 7 November 23) We will use the Kerygma study Into the
World as our study guide. Room E-357. Taught by Jimmy Long and Danielle Dixon.
We Are the Body - (September 7 November 23) Share, study, pray, join us. Room E-353.
Taught by Dr. Mark Durrett.
epw bible study - (September 21 November 2 - PEACE Service on Sunday, October 12)
Six-week Womens Bible Study taught by Rev. Lynn Grandsire. Keep watching for details.
see Full descriptions of all classes on the EPC website

7 Bradley Lunch Buddies Needed Invest one hour a day, two Tuesdays a month to nurture a 4th grader. Youll gather with other Eastminster members
at Bradley Elementary (corner of Covenant and Pine Belt Roads off Beltline) to share
lunch and reading/interaction from 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. on those Tuesdays with students. Contact Julie McDaniel or Doretha Evans at 256-1654, or call John McArthur at

SUNDAY, September 7

Cookie Collection for First Responders

8:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal
9:00 Worship & Childrens Church
10:00 Jubilee Band Practice

Sunday School

Eastminster First Step
10:15 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
11:15 Jubilee Worship

Worship & Childrens Church
3:00 Troop 10 Court of Honor

Cub Scouts Mtgs.
5:00 Sunday@5 Classes

Officer Training

Jesus Rocks

Sr. & Jr. High Youth
6:00 Youth Meal


7:00 Mens Prayer Breakfast

Property Committee
9:00 Count Team

Fifty Plus Exercise Class
10:00 Senior Fitness
11:30 Worship Ministry Meeting
2:00 Pastors Mtg.
2:30 Program Staff Mtg.
3:10 Staff Mtg.
5:30 Yoga

Stephen Ministry Leader Mtg.
6:00 Cub Scouts

Stephen Ministry Mtg.
6:30 BSF Fellowship
7:00 Troop 10


8:30 OCA Mtg.

9:00 Drop-In Nursery

Youth Council
10:00 Senior Fitness
11:30 PW Fall Gathering Luncheon
11:45 Tuesday Lunch
12:00 Communications Comm.

NED Comm.
1:00 Footcare Ministry
3:00 Exercising for Arthritis
5:00 Champs Steering Comm.

Tai Chi
5:30 Zumba Fitness
6:00 Handbell Rehearsal
6:15 Girls Sr. High Small Group
7:00 Scottish Country Dancing

Zumba Fitness





Drop-In Nursery
Fifty Plus Exercise Class
EDS Chapel
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Bible on Heaven & Hell
Ketchum Brownies
WE@EPC Dinner
Angel Choir
Junior Choir
Child Care
Sr. High Small Group
WE@EPC Classes
Guys Sr. High small group
Chancel Choir


7:00 Jr. High Thursday Prayer Breakfast

9:00 Drop-In Nursery
10:00 Senior Fitness
3:00 Exercising for Arthritis
5:00 Yoga
7:00 Zumba Fitness
7:30 Jubilee Band Practice


9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class

11:00 Support Staff Mtg.

2:00 Flora Team Meal

6:30 BSF Leaders Mtg.

Bring Cookies - September 7

Columbia First Responders are depending on you to bring a dozen or more homemade or
purchased cookies to church with you on September 7, to be distributed to first responders in our
area. Make sure they are well wrapped and leave them on tables in the parlor, or Thompson Hall
for distribution following the 11:15 a.m. worship services.
Would you or your family like to deliver cookies to a nearby fire house, emergency room, or law
enforcement station? E-mail Julie at jmcdaniel@eastminsterpres.org.

Reception for Jon Wagner - September 14

On Sunday, September 14, we will have a reception for Jon Wagner following the 11:15
a.m. worship services, which will be the Wagner familys last Sunday at Eastminster. This
will be held in rooms 269-275 of the Christian Life Center. The church encourages everyone
to let Jon and Elizabeth know what their ministry has meant to you and your family. Notes
of thanks and love offering contributions sent to Eastminster marked Thanks, Jon will be
compiled into a single check and a single scrapbook to be presented at the reception.

Flu Shots - September 23

It is time again for your flu shots! There will be a Flu shot clinic on Tuesday, September 23,
from 10:30 a.m. - 12 noon in CLC Room 263. No appointment necessary, just drop by! If you
bring your Medicare card with you, there will be no charge. All others will have a $25.00 fee.
Stop by and be healthy!

PEP@EPC Kicks off Fall Season

PEP@EPC will host Skip Holbrook, our new Police Chief, on Tuesday, September 23, at
11:45 a.m. in Thompson Hall. Please come out and help us welcome our speaker. He will
bring us up to date on whats going on in Columbia, how we can help, and will answer questions. There will be a fantastic lunch ($6.00) as we kick off our fall season with door prizes
and gifts for this special event. We are planning for 100 folks, so bring your friends, old and
new, and welcome the new faces in the crowd. Make your reservations for this event by calling Mary Baldauf (256-1654) at the church. Space will be limited, so call early.

Have you been missing your favorite hymns?

Then the new Presbyterian hymnal Glory to God is the one for you! It includes Leaning on
the Everlasting Arms, Standing on the Promises, Rock of Ages, and His Eye Is On the Sparrow, just to
name a few. . .

Are you longing for contemporary songs?

Then the new Presbyterian hymnal Glory to God is the one for you, too! It includes On
Eagles Wings, Surely It Is God Who Saves Me, You Are Mine, I Love You, Lord, Sanctuary, and You
Are Holy, plus many more.
Support Eastminsters Hymnal Campaign, by contributing for new hymnals at $20.00 each
in memory or in honor of loved ones. Go to www.eastminsterpres.org for on-line dedication
forms or visit the CLC or Receptionists area for forms. Deadline has been extended to September 9!

Eastminster Youth Basketball

It is time to sign-up for the new basketball season. Boys

and girls, 1st grade through high school, are invited to register. Registrations will end on October 1. You may register on
line at www.eastminsterpres.org/ministries/CLC/forms. If
you have questions please contact Bill Ketchin at 256-1654 or

Moms, Looking for Morning Childcare?

Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning

from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Eastminsters Drop-In
Nursery is open for infants 6 weeks through 4 years of
age. If this is your first time, forms may be completed
the first day the child attends. There is a $45.00 fee due
each September (pro-rated throughout the year) with
a $10.00 fee for each additional child. Hourly rates are $6.00 per hour for the
first child and $2.00 per hour for each additional child. You may either be billed
monthly, or at the end of each day, your preference. If attending, we ask that you
label all items you bring, especially sippy cups and diapers, and pack a change of
clothes each time you come. If you have questions, please call Francine Barry,
Drop-In Director, at 256-1654 ext. 161. To receive notifications of closings or other
pertinent information pertaining to the Drop In via a text message, please do the
following: Text: EPCDROPIN; To: 68398.

Jesus Rocks, September 7

JESUS ROCKS is HAVING a Good News Party for all EPC

1st-5th graders. Join us in Thompson Hall on Sunday, September 7, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. for pizza and an event where
we figure out Gods Good News for Us! Bring $3.00 for pizza
and as much of that Sundays newspaper as you can spare. SEE

Mens Monday Morning Prayer Breakfast

Calling all men for a Bible study opportunity! Youre always welcome to join us at
7:00 a.m. each Monday morning (excluding holidays) as we gather in Thompson
Hall for a full breakfast, for an enriching, enlightening Bible study, for great fellowship, and for prayer. We conclude at 8:00 a.m., whether our teacher-of-the-day
is finished or not, so that everyone can get on to the office, the shop or the golf
course. No reservations needed. We hope to see you there!

Junior and Senior High Youth Begins September 7


EPC Prayer List
Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith
is to be in prayer for one another. Contact
the church office at 256-1654 to be included
on this Prayer List.
EPC Special Concerns
Remer Waguespack, Bill McInnis, Dave
Steven, and those serving in our military,
Stephen Ministers and their care receivers,
and all those in need of Gods special care.
Eugenia DeHart
Congregational love and sympathy
are extended to:
Jenny & Forrest Hairston, on the death of
her father, Rusty Stout, August 25, 2014.
Granddaughter, Mary Kathryn Hairston.

Warren & Donna Propst, on the death

of his mother, Helen Propst, August 28,
2014. Grandchildren, Charles, Edwin &
James Propst.
On weekends a minister is on call. If you
have a crisis which one of the ministers
needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and
leave a message. A minister will return
your call.

Sunday night youth is from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Middle School Youth will meet in the
Arts & Crafts Room, and Senior High Youth will meet in the Multi-Purpose Room.
They will come together for dinner in Thompson Hall.

First Step Class (New Members)

Eastminsters new member class begins on September 7, at 10:00 a.m. in room

E-250 of the Education Building. The twelve-week course introduces class members not only to what we believe, but also to how we can grow as Gods people.
The class will join the church on November 23. If you would like to register for
this class, contact Julie McDaniel (jmcdaniel@eastminsterpres.org).

For our loved ones . . .

In memory of Jerry Foster, given by M/M Chris Twitty, Mary Ann & Cantey
In memory of Toby Cassels, given by M/M Chris Twitty.
In memory of Mary Ann McGee, given by Dennis Daye.
In memory of Walter Hayden, given by M/M Chris Twitty, Cynthia Barron.
In honor of Don Barton, given by King & Augusta Dixon.

Wednesday Evening Meals are Back!

We invite everyone to share a meal on Wednesday evenings with your church

family beginning at 5:15 p.m. Meal prices are $6.00 for adults, $3.00 for children
8 and under and a household cap of $25.00 for a family. We ask that you register
online or call the receptionist (256-1654) so we have enough food prepared. We
hope you will come enjoy good food, fellowship, family and friends!

Deadline for UPDATE

Dont miss out! Send your information to share with the congregation to
Please have your information in by
Wednesday, September 17, to be
shared in our next newsletter on September 28, 2014.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

3200 Trenholm Road
Columbia, South Carolina 29204

Nonprofit Org.
Columbia, SC

Update for September 7, 2014

September 14, PEACE Service

The PEACE Service offers you a place to come away and be quiet before the
Lord. It is a service where we pray for all kinds of needs and celebrate the Lords
Supper together. If you desire a quiet place of worship, join us at 5:00 p.m. in
the Adult Reception Hall. A nursery is available in the Drop-In nursery rooms
in the CLC.

EPC Womens Fall Gathering Luncheon

We encourage ALL women to attend (not limited to Circle members) for this
time of food, fun, and fellowship. The luncheon is Tuesday, September 9, at
11:30 a.m. in Thompson Hall. In addition to a wonderful lunch ($7.00), there
will be a short installation of officers along with the years first Circle lesson presented by Lynn Grandsire. Our Circle study this year will be from the
Kerygma Sowing Tears, Reaping Joy book, which will be available for sale
($13.00) along with the new circle directories. Please e-mail Mary (mbaldauf@
eastminsterpres.org) to make your lunch reservation.

Kitchen Committee
Volunteer Opportunity!

Would you like to become part of a

lively group that provides a huge service for
Eastminster and has fun with old and new
friends at the same time? If your answer
is YES, please consider joining the EPC Kitchen Committee! We volunteer
to help Eastminsters kitchen staff by setting up, serving, and cleaning up after
church meals. Mostly we help with the meals for WE@EPC on Wednesday
evenings. You may have also seen us in our aprons at Sunday congregational
meals and special receptions. We are organized into four teams that rotate during eight months of the yearSeptember, October, November and January and
repeat in February, March, April and May. Each team serves for one month during the fall and one month during the spring. Team members volunteer for the
meals that fit their schedule. On the job training is provided. Team members
receive a discount on their meal cost when working. Call Katie Evatt at 803920-5558 or e-mail krevatt@yahoo.com to join one of the Kitchen Committee

Serving on Sunday
september 7
Deacon Alex Dillard
DEACONS: Betsy McDonald & Tom Griffin
Elder Bill McDow (Jubilee)
Deacon Field Wardlaw (Jubilee)
Ushers: Bill Coggins & Randy Liggitt
(9:00) Susie Horger
William & Kappy Hubbard
Ginger Foster & Lloyd Hendricks
Larry & Risa Hudson
(11:15) Jerry & Mary Frances Jowers
Ross & Happy Holmes
Charles & Caroline Jenkins
Jane Kerr Williams
Elizabeth Helmboldt
Bosie & Liz Martin
(9:00) Laura & Justin Self
(11:15) Ashley & Edward Rawl
(9:00) Staff
(11:15) Elizabeth & Christian Rasor
2-K ROOM - CLC 119
(9:00) Nathan & Kennedy Natvig
(11:15) Kim & Bill Osborne
(9:00) Matt & Andrea Reynolds
(11:15) Drew & Joni Richardson
(9:00) Justin & Chollet Helfer
(11:15) Jordan & Ryan Horton
(9:00) Ryan & Jenna Burke
(11:15) John & Chris Carrington

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