Definitions of Social Problems
Definitions of Social Problems
Definitions of Social Problems
First sketch out your own definition for the term: “social problem”-
Talk about your definition in a small group. What is similar and different about your
definitions? Rethink and revise your definition, and as a group come up with one
definition to put on the board.
Compare and contrast all the definitions, including each definition with your own.
Definition 2 ___________________
Definition 3:_________________
“Let us define social problems as conditions which affect sizable proportions of the
population, which are out of harmony with the values of a significant segment of the
population, and which people feel can be improved or eliminated. A first premise or
axiom, therefore, is that people make interpretations of, and value judgments on,
conditions that affect them. The conditions are not inherently good or bad, but
people define them as problems or not problems.” (Rose, 1957, p. 190)
Definition 5: _________________
Social problems are not the result of an intrinsic malfunction of society, but are a
result of a process of definition in which a given condition is picked out and
identified as a social problem. A social problem does not exist for a society unless it
is recognized by that society [usually by influential members] to exist.” (Blumer,
1971, p. 301) Problems may go through a process or a 5-step “life cycle.”
Definition 6______________
“[D]ifferent groups that are in contact hold different cherished values or interests
and engage in activities that defend or enhance these values, such as labeling
groups with different values from their own as social problems.” (Paraphrased from
Hastings, 1979 cited in Henley, 1986, p. 72)
Definition 7______________
Davis, D. Social Problems Power Point. Retrieved May 13, 2009, from
Long, R. (2007, August 17). Chapter 4: Sociological Perspectives: The Order and
Conflict Model.
Rose, A. M. (1957). Theory for the Study of Social Problems. Social problems, 4(3),