Training Courses
Training Courses
Training Courses
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Testimonials CRM, USA Accrideted Courses Basic Course In Semenology & IUI Advanced Course In ICSI Int
Hands on Session
Efficiency, skill and speed coupled with precision and gentleness are the ideal requirements of a successful embryologist. In the
learning curve, there are multitudes of essentialities to which an embryologist is exposed to; the one of utmost importance is
"Actual hands-on training" – on a one to one basis. In EART an actual Working Laboratory like atmosphere and gadgets like stereo
zoom microscopes and Manipulators, all provide the candidate with the utmost training facilities.
The concept of "hands on", "one to one training" and ample assistance from the training faculty offer maximum opportunity to the
candidate to sharpen his skills. The flexibility in the training courses cater to the individual's specific needs, and hence are made
available as "Introductory", 'beginners" or "Advanced'. All hands on sessions will be preceded by a thorough theory lecture relating
to the functioning, handling and subsequent maintenance of that specific gadget, to help the candidate make the gadget more user
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