Thrombocytopenia: DR Chamilka Jayasinghe
Thrombocytopenia: DR Chamilka Jayasinghe
Thrombocytopenia: DR Chamilka Jayasinghe
Dr Chamilka Jayasinghe
Introduction & definition Haemopoeisis Mechanism of platelet plug formation Pathophysiology Causes of thrombocytopenia History & examination Laboratory investigations Immune thrombocytopenia
Occurs in 3 phases 1. Vascular spasm 2. Platelet plug formation
primary haemostasis
3. Platelet aggregation:
The ADP acts to make the nearby platelets sticky & adhere to the other recruited platelets,& when the collection is large enough it creates a platelet plug stopping the loss of blood through holes in small vessels.
Platelet defects lead to signs & symptoms of primary haemostasis. 1ry haemostatic disorders are characterized by prolonged bleeding time And the characteristic physical examination findings are petechiae & purpura.
Causes of thrombocytopenia
1. Decreased productioncongenital/acquired 2. Sequestration of platelets within an enlarged spleen or other organ 3. Increased destructionimmune/nonimmune 4. Spurious 5. Dilutional
1. 2.
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura Drug induced thrombocytopenia-immune process/megakaryocyte injury Na valproate,phenytoin,sulfonamides,cotrimoxazole 3.Non immune platelet destruction- DIC/HUS/TTP Kassabach Merrit 4.Sequestration-massive splenomegaly infections,Infiltrative,neoplastic,obstructive,haemolytic conditions 5.Congenital Thrombocytopenic syndrome TAR Wiskott Aldrich syndrome 6. Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenic purpura 7.Acquired disorders causing decreased production Infiltrative disorders-Malignancies-ALL,Lymphomas Aplastic processes acquired/constitutional Platelet function disorders Congenital-Von Willebrand disease,Bernard Soulier,Glanzman Acquired liver ,renal disease ,eosinophilia
Petechiae ,purpura,ecchymoses
Splenomegaly,hepatomegaly* Lymphadenopathy* Haemarthrosis,deep muscle haematomas* Pallor* Features of collagen vascular disorders-SLE* Dysmorphism* * atypical features
Laboratory investigations
FBC Blood picture- platelet clumps,Giant platelets, RBC fragmentation Prolonged bleeding time Platelet function tests Bone marrow examination
Natural history
In 70-80% of children with acute ITP spontaneous resolution will occur within 6 months
FBC Blood picture to exclude other causes of thrombocytopenia
Presence of atypical features e.g organomegaly,significant lymphadenopathy,abnormal blood counts,suspicious blood picture 2. Before starting steroid therapy 3. Not responding to IV Ig therapy 4. Persistent thrombocytopenia beyond 6 months 5.Thrombocytopenia that recurs after initial response to treatment
If atypical presentation
ANA Coombs Ultrasound abdomen HIV testing
Treatment modalities
1. Oral prednisolone 1-4 mg/kg for 2-3 wks or till plt count>20,000/mm3 then taper rapidly 2. IV methylprednisolone 3. IV Immunoglobulin 0.8-1g/kg/day *1-2 days Gives a rapid rise in platelets in 95% of patients 4. IV Anti Rh(D) immunoglobulin in Rhesus positive patients *all are effective in raising platelet count IVIG is the quickest No evidence that any of these treatments reduce complications or mortality from ITP. No influence on progression to chronic ITP. **platelet transfusions are CONTAINDICATED in acute ITP unless in the management of ICH.
Intracranial Haemorrhage
The most feared complication of ITP with a 50% mortality rate Cumulative risk of ICH in newly diagnosed ITP child within 1st year is <1% Risk is highest with platelet count <20,000,history of head trauma,aspirin use &presence of cerebral AV malformation. 50% of all ICH occurs after 1 month of presentation,30% after 6 months
Chronic ITP
Persistent thrombocytopenia after 6 months of onset (20%) Wide spectrum of manifestations -mild symptomless low platelet count -intermittent relapsing symptomatic thrombocytopenia Persistent symptomatic,haemorrhagic disease
Majority will remit with time Exclude other causes of thrombocytopenia (immunodeficiency,lymphoproliferative disorders,collagen disorders &HIV infection) Symptomless children can be left without therapy and followed up in clinic Symptomatic children may require short courses of therapy for relapses Intermittent pulses of IVIg Intermittent anti-Rh(D) antibody treatment 3.Intermittent pulses of steroid