Agile at Scale
Agile at Scale
Agile at Scale
December 2011
Introduction Contents
1 Introduction 2 Agility-at-scale 3 The basis for agile-at-scale delivery 6 Why IBM The past few years have seen a widespread adoption of agile software development approaches in the software industry. Driven by demands for more software more quickly, many organizations have investigated the approach adopted by high-performing teams to see how it could be replicated. Similarly, the high-performing teams tried to shake off the overly constraining processes that they believed were hampering innovation and creativity. From this trend emerged a series of principles for agile development, most famously captured in the so-called Agile Manifesto, and a series of development practices that encapsulate these principles. A majority of the work on agile software delivery has focused on the software development area, aiming to develop new approaches and techniques for accelerating coding and testing, understanding requirements changes, and coordinating code-build-test activities. However, a broader perspective on agile software delivery is also important. Many organizations are modifying their view of software delivery to support greater exibility throughout the end-to-end lifecycle of their enterprise software delivery. They are looking to apply agile development approaches in all aspects of their delivery. In this paper we discuss the broader view of agility. In particular, we assess the change in approach to enterprise software delivery that agility requires, and focus on the ways in which this agility can be scaled and adopted from a software factory viewpoint in an enterprise software
December 2011
delivery organization. This discussion is based on past experiences with agility at scale deployment at large European banks and insurance organizations.1
In the adoption of agile practices to enterprise software delivery, the context in which ideas and approaches are applied has a signicant impact on their utility and value. Although the key principles may remain consistent, their application in practice can vary widely. Multiple challenges need to be addressed to understand the complexity of the specic enterprise software delivery environment in which an agile approach is applied.
As illustrated in Figure 1, it is helpful to highlight the context for agility in two dimensions: organizational drivers and technical/regulatory drivers. Using these dimensions, we can understand the implications of increasing complexity to the way agility can be applied in practice. At the bottom left of the diagram, where the organizational and technical/regulatory aspects are least complex, we typically see co-located teams with small numbers of developers building applications of limited complexity and minimal deployment risk. Many of the initial agile ideas and approaches began in this context, and techniques such as extreme programming are predominantly applied in this context.
Organizational Drivers
Team size Geographical distribution Organization distribution Entrenched process, people, policy
Mature or existing projects Large teams Complex, multi-platform applications Distributed teams Need for scalability, reproducibility and traceability Maturing projects Multi-platform Growing in complexity Remote or offshore work Greater need for coordination and handoffs
Small team New projects Simple application Co-located Minimal need for documentation
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In the middle of the diagram, increasing complexity forces teams to address additional concerns, including:
Larger team sizes requiring more coordination and transparency into planning and progress Distributed teams supported by remote access, outsourced partnerships, and varied access to artifacts and system knowledge Complex or mission-critical applications requiring greater attention to analysis, architecture and testing procedures Multi-platform deployment environments, often requiring more extensive and rigorous testing, management of multiple variants, and enhanced support mechanisms
In short, we note that complexity issues in enterprise software delivery can have signicant impact on successful delivery. Complexity appears in the architecture of the systems deployed, the processes by which they are created and evolved, the communication paths between individuals, and the organization of teams and projects into hierarchies. Understanding, managing, and eliminating complexity can be viewed as the basis for adoption of agile approaches.
As shown in the top right of the diagram, the most complex situations, we see teams that face an increasing number of challenges, including:
Very large team sizes, teams of teams, and more complex management structures requiring additional focus on coordination and management. At this level, there is an increasing need to standardize best practices to avoid reinvention and miscommunication across artifacts and processes. Distributed and global development, requiring attention to technical, organizational, and cultural issues as the teams interact to collaboratively deliver the solution Compliance needs for domains in which regulatory controls require audits based on process conformance and regular collection of development information from multiple data sources Very complex applications that may include safety-critical or mission-critical components, and hence require complex test environments, dedicated test teams, and careful attention to analysis and architecture properties (such as recovery, fault tolerance, security monitoring and more)
Providing solutions to the business in short release cycles (less than six months but typically a release every one to three months for agile projects) Increasing delivery exibility to change scope as required with minimal impact on schedules and commitments Managing project risks by early identication of problems for easier mitigation of risks Delivering higher quality solutions at a cost that is the same or lower than previously incurred Expanding the sourcing options for projects to enable an increased use of offshore resources
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Furthermore, delivering on these objectives requires focus in three areas: processes, technologies, and people. The following sections highlight the key practices and approaches that can be the starting points for scaling agile delivery.
As illustrated in Figure 2, there are typically four layers of concern for a scaled agile delivery approach:
OpenUP and XP
Scrum: The core development ideas of agile delivery are drawn from an agile development method, usually derived from the Scrum method. A majority of small agile development projects use Scrum-based techniques. This experience can be leveraged and the terminology used in Scrum can serve as the basis for software development practices. A scalable agile approach can adopt the familiar ideas of backlogs, sprints, Scrums and the new roles of product owners and Scrum masters, among others. This also opens the opportunity to use a wide range of existing training materials and external consultants. OpenUP and XP: The core ideas of Scrum can be augmented with the broader view taken by OpenUP (the open source version of the IBM Rational Unied Process-RUP) and XP (eXtreme Programming). These approaches introduce a perspective based on agile practices that extends beyond development and into the broader software delivery lifecycle areas. In addition, this enables easier adoption of agile ideas for those who have an experience of waterfall, iterative and the RUP development approaches. The agile delivery process: Customization and packaging can assign a distinct identity and local context (including an organization-specic terminology, logo, graphics and more) to an agile delivery process. This encapsulates the concepts, processes and terminology for agile delivery and expresses them in a vocabulary that is widely used in the organization. Customization and packaging also makes these concepts more readily identiable to the wide range of stakeholders who are involved with enterprise software delivery. The delivery model: The nal concern is to align the agile delivery processes with the pre-existing delivery models in use. Not only are many projects already in-ight using existing development approaches, many new projects can also be a blend of traditional and agile approaches. A clear relationship with the existing delivery approaches is therefore essential, and the touch points must be explicitly dened.
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The resulting agile delivery process will be a balance of innovative agile techniques in the context of the traditional concepts and practices widely understood and in use in the organization.
Finally, agile readiness and competencies should be a primary determinant dictating when to introduce the agile delivery practices into a project. For successfully implementing an agile delivery project, all (potential) participants and stakeholders need to be trained to evolve an agile mindset and develop the required skills. Similarly, essential coordination with other ongoing initiatives that impact the project must be taken into account.
To affect a broad and accelerated rollout of the agile delivery process, a clear model for on-boarding new projects and supporting their transition to the new practices is required. One way to view such a rollout is to think of it as a set of enablement trains that start on a periodic basis. A number of tickets are available for each train, and to obtain a ticket requires that the project passes a set of checks that form a readiness gate. This ensures that projects will be receptive to the agile delivery practices. One of the key challenges that must be addressed concerns the best ways to measure the improvements that are expected from the agile delivery process, and how to interpret these metrics to optimize improvements. As in most organizations, the theme of measurement and metrics is both complex and politicallycharged. Deciding on an appropriate measurement scheme is essential, but comes with many challenges. As a minimal baseline, it is recommended to adopt a simple, two-dimensional scheme for measuring progress in an agile delivery project. IBM has developed this scheme based on its experience with other organizations adopting agile approaches. Two dimensions of measurement can be used for agile delivery process; business-related and agile-related. The business-related metrics are intended to be clear signals to the business owners that the adoption of an agile process is helping deliver more software more quickly and with better quality. The agile-related metrics are used in the agile project teams and by the enterprise software delivery organization to manage and govern those projects.
Firstly, projects must be appropriately prioritized to allocate an adequate window of opportunity for projects to be enabled and to make the switch into new practices that must be accommodated (for example, targeting a project once it is approved and about to be initiated, or during transition of the project from delivery into production). In addition, it is important to understand what kinds of projects are the appropriate targets for introducing agile practices. Given the high investment in maintaining existing systems, a mix of new development and maintenance projects should be considered. Secondly, agile practice roll out should be carried out across the organization and not focused on one area or group. This broad approach is not only to gain wider experience of the adoption, but also to limit risk and resource bottlenecks that can occur with excess concentration in some groups.
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In addition, an informal survey for periodically checking on the agile team pulse is found to be particularly useful in understanding the teams perceptions and in ne-tuning an agile delivery process. Although this is a relatively simple and limited mechanism to monitor status of a projects health, it can give immediate feedback if a project is beginning to experience challenges.
together effectively, communicate in real-time on the primary delivery artifacts, and improve process transparency to plan more effectively and quickly intervene when problems arise. To address this, IBM offers automated agile-at-scale capabilities built around IBM Rational Team Concert software. This provides:
A lightweight team management platform that coordinates team members across a geographically distributed organization Multi-platform support to match the heterogeneous development and delivery technologies in place today Open interfaces and a simple integration approach to ease interconnection of the currently deployed tools Support for agile techniques, and in particular, a clear alignment with Scrum practices.
Rational Team Concert software can be customized according to the agile delivery process. It provides a platform that can be used for many different scaled agile delivery needs.
Why IBM?
IBM offers capabilities to enable scaled agile software delivery that can be implemented and integrated with many environments. We bring a breadth of enterprise software delivery experiences that can accelerate your agile delivery goals whatever your current agile maturity level, in context of your current and future business needs, and adapted to your unique needs and challenges.
December 2011
IBM Rational Team Concert software: A lean collaborative lifecycle management environment that can be used by distributed agile software project teams for integrated agile planning, reporting and process management. IBM Rational Build Forge software: An adaptive process execution framework that is used to automate, orchestrate, manage and track all the processes between each handoff in the assembly line of software development. IBM Rational Quality Manager software: A web-based, centralized test management environment for business, system, and IT decision makers and quality professionals who want a collaborative and customizable solution for test planning, workow control, tracking and metrics reporting. IBM Rational Software Analyzer software: A static analysis tool that can be used for automated software code reviews, bug identication and policy enforcement early in the development cycle. IBM Rational AppScan software: Automated web application security and compliance assessment tools that scan for common application vulnerabilities, generate actionable reports, and help manage regulatory compliance and standards. IBM Rational Requirements Composer software: A requirements management solution that offers textual and visual requirements denition techniques in a collaborative environment.
IBM Rational Application Developer software: Helps Java developers rapidly design, develop, assemble, test, prole and deploy high quality Java/J2EE, Portal, Web/Web 2.0, Web services and SOA applications. IBM Rational Insight software: A lifecycle performance measurement and management solution that offers real-time intelligence for projects and processes with best-practices metrics, dashboards and data-models. It offers transparency and decision-support for teams of all sizes, across geographical locations and using varying development approaches.
We can help you implement scaled agile software delivery strategies tuned to the unique needs of your organization and projects. IBM offers guidance and experience that accelerates scaled agile delivery and allows software development teams to avoid common adoption, implementation and delivery pitfalls:
Industry experts in scaled agile delivery and process excellence help you tune agile strategies to meet the needs of your project or your organization Documented agile practices that can be incrementally adopted and adapted with IBM Rational Method Composer software Expert services offered by IBM Rational Professional Services and the IBM Accelerated Solutions Delivery Practice to assist with scaled agile adoption and project delivery Assessment techniques to manage, measure and incrementally improve your scaled agile adoption using a Measured Capability Improvement Framework (MCIF)
Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 IBM Corporation Software Group Route 100 Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A. Produced in the United States of America December 2011 IBM, the IBM logo,, AppScan, Rational, Rational BuildForge, and Rational Team Concert are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their rst occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol ( or ), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at Copyright and trademark information at Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
For any further information, please contact the author of this whitepaper: Alan W. Brown IBM Rational CTO for Europe
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The author explores the themes of this paper in detail in the forthcoming book, Enterprise Software Delivery: Balancing agility and efficiency in the global software supply chain, Addison Wesley, Spring 2012.
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