Pre Lab Chromatography
Pre Lab Chromatography
Pre Lab Chromatography
The purpose of this lab is to separate and identify components of a pigment solution using paper chromatography. Background: What is the laboratory activity about? What concepts are being explored in the laboratory? Explain the concepts. This lab is about chromatography and separating and identifying components of a pigment solution. The concept(s) being explored is the use of paper chromatography to separate the components of a mixture. In paper chromatography, small drops of the mixture are concentrated at one end of the paper. The paper is made of cellulose, and pigment molecules adhere to it. Brief Procedure: Materials: List the required materials and equipment for the laboratory activity For this lab you will need: 10 cm x 15 cm piece of filter paper, stapler, chromatography jar and lid, forceps, chromatography solvent, pigment solution, capillary tube, ultraviolet light, rulers, and pencil(s). Methods: Briefly describe how the experiment will be conducted. Include a description of the variable(s) being tested, and identify the control, if applicable. Obtain a piece of filter paper, handle it by the edges to avoid contamination from body oils,, draw a line 1.25-1.5 cm from the base of one of the long sides; this line is the origin. Make dots as stated by the lab manual, prop the filter paper up sp that the origin is not in contact with the table top. Using a capillary tube and spot three dots with the pigment solution; repeat the procedure in # 5 until there are 5-8 drops applied. Staple the short ends of the chromatography but dont let the ends overlap. Obtain jar and pour in enough chromatography solution to cover the bottom of the jar, then place the cap on and let sit for a few minutes to allow air inside the jar, and then follow the lab manual to complete the lab experiment. Hypothesis: State your educated guess about what you think the results will be, and give your reasoning why you think this will occur? I hypothesize that carotenes, and chloraphyll a, will separate out from the pigment solution because it has the greatest affinity for the paper. Also I can make an educated guess to say that Lutein and Xanthophylls will move the fastest because it has a lesser affinity to the paper.