Articulo Equilibrioquimico 19661
Articulo Equilibrioquimico 19661
Articulo Equilibrioquimico 19661
Many chemical reactions do not proceed to completion; instead, they establish a dynamic equilihrium in which two opposing reactions occur a t the same rate.' For example, mixing solutions containing cerium(1V) and iodide ions gives rise to the reaction
+ 31Gqr=2Cef&, + I&
On the other hand, when cerium(II1) is added to a solution of triiodide ion, significant quantities of cerium(1V) and iodide ions are produced. The extent of either reaction is easily gauged by the intensity of the orange-red color of the triiodide ion. The concentration of this colored ion rapidly reaches a constant level that is independent of the route hy which it is formed. I t makes no difference whether Ce4+ and I- or Ce3+ ; are selected as the original reactants; the same condiand 1 tion of equilihrium will result. In the beginning, if Ce4+ and I- are the original reactants, the concentrations of Ce4+ and I- will he high, and consequently the forward reaction will proceed rapidly. No reverse reaction is possible a t the start, since Ce3+ and I:, are not yet present. As Ce3+ and I; are formed, the reverse reaction will begin slowly and gradually increase in rate as Ce3+ and 1 , accumulate. Meanwhile the forward reaction is slowing down as Ce4+ and I- are heing used up, as shown in Figure 1. Conditions of chemical equilihrium that most chemical reactions can attain may he compared to a person running on a treadmill, which moves faster as the runner increases his speed. When the runner and the treadmill are in equilihrium, the runner is apparently stationary to an observer. If the runner increases his speed, he advances a short distance. However, as the treadmill also moves faster, the runner again appears to he stationary; although, his position is in advance of his previous stationary position. In a reversible reaction, such as
2NOw + Oxg, * 2N02(d
The variation in conwmratim of reactam and pmducts as ahlnction of time. (a)Initially, staidllmlric amolntJofCe4+and I-are mixedandallowedtoreadl equilibrium. (b)Staichiometric amounts of bat and ;I are allowed to react at the same temperature. In both instances, the final equilibrium concenhations of all species are the same.
the other to the left (called the reverse reaction), in which D and E react to form A and B. Accordine t o the Law of Mass Action, the rate of the forward reactLon ; r proportronal lo the concentrations ofthe reactants A and R,whilr the rate of the rrwr.*e rrnctron rsproportlonal to the<oncmtrationof Uand E Thus, the forward reaction has the rate Rater = kf[A][B] and the reverse reaction has the rate Rate, = k,[D][E] where brackets, [ 1, represent the molar concentrations of the enclosed suhstances, and kf and k , are proportionality constants called specific rate constants. Guldherg and Waage assumed that equilihrium results %hen the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, L.e.,
Rater = Rote,
C I4 0
the equilibrium amounts of NO, 02, and NO2 remain constank yet like the runner and the treadmill, the reactions proceed in opposite directions a t the same rate.
The Law of Mass Action In 1864, the Norwegian chemists Cato M. Guldberg and Peter Waaze ~ r o o o s e d that the rate of a chemical reaction is proportion& to the active masses of the reacting substances; the molecular concentration of a substance in solution or in the gas phase is used as a measure of its actiue mass.2 The significance of this statement, which is called the Law of Mass Action (the rate law in kinetics) is more apparent as the quantitative notions of chemical equilihrium are developed. For example, consider the general reversible reaction in which an equilibrium exists between four suhstances A, B, D, and
Therefore, a t equilihrium,
kr[Al[Bl= k,[DlIEl
Writing this equation in a more useful form gives Inasmuch as kt and k , are hoth constants, their ratio kflk, is also a constant, hence
kr - [Dl [El k. [A1 IBI
in which K., is called the equilibrium constant. Althoughthe kinetic arguments used for the derivation of this equilibrium constant are not applicable to complex multistep reactions, they are valid for simple one-step himolecular reactions.
s a review uf basic chemical prmeiples This feature is aimed a and as a reappraisal ol the state of the art. Comments, suggeatims for tupirs, and contributionr should be sent to the
Two reactions are proceeding, one to the right (called the forward reaction), in which A and B react to form D and E and Glasstone, S.,"Textbook of Physical Chemistry," D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1946, p. 817.
feature editor.
and a t equilibrium,
Rr = R,
The expression
. .. .
krICOnl[H~0I3 = kr[H30+]Z[CO$-]
is only rigorously valid in situations where all reactants and products behave like ideal eases or are comnonents of an ideal Bo~ution.For example, just as conductiviiy in concentrated solutions of strong electrolytes fails to indicate complete ionization, because of the interference of ions with the motions of other ions, the presence of high concentrations of ions interferes with the reactions of any ion. If the rates of reactions in concentrated solutions of strong electrolytes are calculated and compared with the measured rates of these same reactions, there are discrepancies which increase with the increase in concentration. Moreover. these discrenancies will he reflected in the equilihrium cdnstant. 1f thlactiuity of the reacting particle is substitued for its concentration or partial pressure a correct rate of reaction is found and the equilihrium constant will he rieorouslv valid. The correction factor used as a multiplier octhe actual pressure or concentration to produce the actiuity is called the actiuity coefficient (7). The experimentally determined value of the actiuity coefficient varies, not only from one substance to another, but also with pressure, conc&tration, and temperature. he magnitude of the actiuity coefficient is always less than one and approaches unity as the partial pressure or concentration decreises. The actiuity (a) of a reaction component is its molar concentration or partial pressure times an actiuity coefficient (y),or a = y M for solutions and a = y P for gases. The actiuity of a pure liquid or a pure solid, at, constant temperature, is defined as unity. One of the great theoretical outcomes of chemical thermodynamics was the rigorous derivation of equilihrium constants using actiuities, rather than molarities or ~ a r t i anressures. l it is not possible within the icopi d this.nrtirle, it ~lthough can be shown that the thermnd\namicanaloc of the nrecediw . equilibrium-constant expression is
Alternately, assume that the reaction proceeds by the following two-step mechanism:
(Step 1)
(Step 2)
At equilihrium, Rr = R,, and since the ratio of two constants is a third constant
kr kr
- [H3Ot1[HC0;l
R; = k;[HCOJ[Hz0] R; = k:[H30+][COf]
A t equilibrium, R i = R,'and
- UDaE
Freauentlv. as in this discussion. eauilihrium constants are based bn milarities or partial pressures instead of the more exact activities, for three reasons: (1)the measurement of reagents are usually made in grams and put into solutions in terms of erams or moles per liter: (2) the activitv coefficient of any ion changes not oily with its own concentration, hut with that of other ions in the solution; (3) all substances for which equilibria are calculated are either in dilute solutions of their kinds of ions and molecules or are weak electrolytes, so the approximations secured by the use of molarities or partial pressures instead of activities are sufficiently accurate.
General Form of the Equillbrlum Constant
Consequently, the equilibrium-constant expression turns out to be the same; whether based on kinetic arguments or the balanced equation. Thus, for the general reaction:
in which r, s, x, and z represent the coefficients of A, B, D, and E, respectively, in the balanced equation, the formulation of Keq is
Fortunately, i t is not necessary to know the mechanism or rate laws for a reversible reaction to he able to write the equilibrium-constant expression. Even if a reversible reaction proceeds through a series of complicated steps, each individual step is reversible and, a t equilihrium, the reversible reactions proceed a t the same rate in both directions. Thus, the equilibrium-constant expression can be derived from the balanced equation for the overall reaction. Consider the reaction
COacaqi + 3 H z 0 ~ 1 +2H@&l+ CO&I
There are several different but interrelated types of eqnilibrium constants, with the symbol K., generally used to represent any of the various kinds. However, special designations for equilibrium constants are frequently used t o characterize a particular equilihrium system. The symbol K p , for example, indicates a particular equilihrium constant in which the quantities of gaseous reactants and products are expressed in terms of their partial pressures. Concentrations can he related to partial pressures through the ideal gas law (PV = nRT); therefore, the partial pressure for any gaseous reactant or product, that behaves ideally, is proportional to its concentration. Hence, for the gas phase equilibrium:
N21g1 + 3 H w * 2NHl(g~
If the forward reaction is a single-step termolecular reaction, its rate will he expressed as:
Ratef= kr[C02][H20I3
3.52 P-m%
X 10W7
at 1000DK
Likewise, if the reverse reaction is a single-step trimolecular reaction, its rate will be given by the equation: Rate. = k,[H30+I2[CO$-]
802 / Journal of Chemical Education
The symbol K c represents a particular equilihrium constant in which the quantities of reactants and products are expressed in terms of their molarities. The Kc value for the previous reaction is
Two different reactions will generally have different equilihrium constants. At 1000K the reartion involving carbon monoxide, oxygen, and carhon dioxide
2COIgl + 02(g1 = 2COlld
The fact that in the latter reaction K, is greater than Kc in the former reaction means that at 1000K carbon monoxide and oxygen are more completely converted to carhon dioxide than nitroeen and hvdroeen . .. are to ammonia. Thus, the maenitude of theequilibrium runstant may he used to gauge theexcent tt, which a eiven reartion proeresses toward completion. If all other factors are equal, vaiue of Keg > 1indicates a high degree of conversion of reactants to products and a value of K . , < 1indicates a low degree of conversion.
The Forward and Reverse Reactions Since equations for chemical reactions may he written in a variety of different but equivalent ways, each value for an equilihrium must always he accompanied by the specific equation which it represents. For example, in the reaction
CuL, + +A&,
concentration, which affect the rate of any reaction will also affect the equilihrium; that is, these same parameters can change the halance between the two opposing reactions. T o understand the nroblem more clearlv. " . aeain consider the analogy hetwee'a chemical system in equilihrium and a oersou runnine on a treadmill which increases its speed as the person advances. If the person while running and apparently remaining stationary with respect to some fixed point, increases his speed he advances; hut as he does so the speed of treadmill also increases and aeain the runner comes to an apparent stationary position. For the second time, the runner and the treadmill are in astateof equilihrium, but the runner has now orcuyied a position farthe; forward. If, on the other hand, the runner tires he runs slower. Momentarily he shifts his position backward; hut since the treadmill i i readjusted to a slower rate, the runner will soon assume a new position of eauilihrium. nurine " the short interval that the runner advances or falls hack, the position of equilibrium is shifted. In a analoeous manner. the eauilihrium position of a chemical reaccon may be sGfted; and it is customary w speak of a shift in euuilibrium to the riahr or to the left with reference to'the chemical equation f& the reaction taking place. Thus, in the eauilihrium between nitroeen, hydrogen, and . . ammonia as represented by the equation-
N w + 3 H w * 2NH31g)
* CU&I + 2Agb
all these substances are present in definite amounts and the reaction is proceeding in both directions. If now, t)y some influence, the equilibrium is affected so that more ammonia is formed; the equilihrium id &hifledto the right. During the change from one equilibrium pusition to another, the reaction proceeds mumenurrily ft~iter from left to right than from right to left. This situation is analoguus to the momentary shift in the position of the runner on the treadmill when he is inspired to run faster.
Quantitatively, for any reversible reaction the value of the eauilihrium constant for the reverse reaction is the reciprocal i f t h e equilibrium constant for the forward reaction. 1;other words,
L e ha teller's Principle and Chemical Equlllbrlum Extensive studies of reversible reactions and the equilibria associated with them led the French chemist, Henri Louis Le Chatelier (1888), to make a simple generalization, commonly referred to as Le Chatelier's Principle:
A system at equilibrium, when subjected to any stress (such as change in temperature, pressure, or concentration of matter) so that equilibrium is disturbed, will tend to adjust itselfso as to remoue the stress and re-establish equilibrium.
As illustrated in the last two equations, i t is customary to exclude the concentration terms for solids from the equilibrium expression. The concentrations of the silver and copper solids &e constant, hence the respective equilihrium-constant expressions are simplified by comhining the constants. Similarly, the concentration of a pure liquid is constant, hence its concentration term is also excluded from the equilibriumconstant expression. For example, consider the reaction
Of the three stresses, only a change in temperature will affect the magnitude of the equilihrium constant. For example,
Nzie] + 3H21g)% 2NHxs1 Nxg) + 3H21g)= 2 N H w NZI~ +I3Hzw = 2NH31x)
Temp ( O K )
623 123 1000
The Effect of Temperature on an Equillbrium All chemical reactions are accompanied hy energy changes. Some reactions are exothermic-produce heat durine the reaction; others are endotherrnic-ibsorb heat from thesurroundings. In the reaction
Faclors Influencing - Equillbrium . At equilibrium a chemical reaction is proceeding in the forward and reverse directions with equal velocities, thus it is expected that the parameters, such as temperature and
nitrogen and hydrogen, in comhining to from ammonia, produce heat. When ammonia decomposes into nitrogen and hydrogen (the reverse reaction), an equivalent amount of heat must he ahsorhed. When this system is at equilibrium, no heat change occurs. A quantitative relationship between the equilibrium constant and temuerature can he derived from the Arrhenius equation for the specific rate constant, since the equilihrium constant. K.,. is eaual to the ratio krlk.. . . The soecific . . rate constant foi'the foiward reaction is
k c = *@-EaIRT
while the corresponding expression for the reverse reaction is k, = A , ~ - E o / R T Substitution shows the temperature dependence of K,,,
the position of the equilibrium shifts to the left. Converselv. removal of a comonnent from an eauilibrium system favors the reaction whirh'replaces it. Fur example, the removal of sulfur trioxide from the enuilibrium svstem shifts the position of equilihrium to the right. The forward rate will momentarily be greater than the reverse rate; the system is temporarily out of equilihrium and sulfur trioxide molecules will he produced faster than they are used up in the reverse reaction. Similarly, if part of the sulfur dioxide or oxygen is removed, the reverse reaction, forming more sulfur dioxide and oxygen, will be favored. The Effect of Pressure on Equilibrium: A Special Case of Changing Concentration Change of pressure is insignificant for liquids and solids because of their low compressihilitv, but i t is extremelv important for gases because the molarity of a gas, a t constant temperature, is directly proportional to its partial pressure (PV = nRT).Therefore, as the external pressure on agaseons system increases, the substances undergo compression and the molarity increases. 1.e Chatelier's principle indicates that, if a .stress is placed on a rerrrsihle system by increasing the oressure. that rhemiral rhanee will he favored whirh will tend ~~-~~~ to reduce the pressure. For a gaseous system, the increase in oressure is achieved bv increasine the total number of molecules per unit volume. This procesi will favor the net chemical chance that will reduce the total number of molecules ner unit volume. Consider the reversible reaction
(where Z, a constant, is the ratio of AyIA,). Thus, for exnthermic reactions K,, decreases as temperature increases, and for endothermic reactions K., increases as temperature increases. In other words, increasing the temperature will shift the position of equilibrium to the left for an exothermic reaction; whereas, increasing the temperature will shift the position of equilihrium to the right for an endothermic reaction. This simplified derivation supports the generalization of Le Chatelier. According to Le Chatelier's principle, if heat is added to the nitrogen, hydrogen, ammonia system (increase of temperature), the system will change in such a way as to minimize the stress. T o relieve the stress (increase of temoerature). . . the system will absorb heat, i.e., the formation of nitrogen and hvdrocen from ammonia will be favored since this reaction ahsorl~s heat. In reality, pan of the heat is used u ) incrense the temperature of the svstem and pan is used toshifi the eouiThe Effect of Changlng Concentration on the Position of Equilibrium Another way to put a stress on a system is to alter the cnncentration of one or more of the components. This can be accomplished by adding or removing one or more of the equilibrium species. For example, consider the equilibrium
+ 02id = 2c02ig)
A total of three moles of carbon monoxide and oxygen form only two moles of carbon dioxide. The formation of carbon dioxide will therefore decrease the total number of molecules in the system, and the total gaseous pressure will therefore be reduced. Thus, increasing the total external pressure on the system will favor the conversion of carbon monoxide and oxygen to carbon dioxide. Conversely, a decrease in the total external pressure will favor the dissociation of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide and oxygen. i t dissoIf PC15 is injected into a closed system a t 523"K, ciates to an equilibrium state: pC15~ =PCIw + Claig) Since there are two moles of gaseous product compared to only one mole of gaseous reactant, an increase in the external pressure will cause a shift in the equilibrium to the left, i.e., less PCls dissociates: whereas a decrease in the external pressurewill favor the dissociation of PClb. In other words, there is a shift in the eauilihrium t o the rieht. Certain gaseous reactions are not affecied by changes in pressure, for example: In this rase there are two moles of reactants and two moles of product. Changes in the external pressure have no effect on this system hecause thereareequal numbersof m(~lecules on huth sides of the equation. Catalysts and Equilibrium While catalysts are used to increase the rate of a reaction, they cannot change the numerical value of the equilibrium constant and hence cannot change the relative amounts of reactants and products present a t equilibrium. However, the catalyst may greatly reduce the timenecessary for theestablishment of equilil~rium. This is extremely important from an industrial viewpoint, since the rate a t which aproduct can be produced is a primary consideration. Catalysts may be used effectively in manv reactions which allow conversion of onlv a small percentage of reactants into products (position df equilibrium shifted far to the left) because, from a production standpoint, it is far mnre important to ohtain a small yield in a few minutes than to obtain a large yield in several days.
A stress can be placed on this system by adding sulfur dioxide, oxveen. " - . or both. In either event. the oroduct of the molar concentrations in the denominator of the equilibrium-constant expression exceeds the equilibrium value, and the ratio If the molar of the molar concentrations is now less than Keg. concentration of sulfur dioxide is increased. the reaction rate to the right will increase, and the change which tends to use up sulfur dioxide and oxygen and thus remove the stress will be favored. This conforms to Le Chatelier's principle which indicates that the equilibrium system will shift so as to minimize the stress. Sulfur dioxide and oxygen will he used up faster than they are formed, and the molar concentration of sulfur trioxide d l increase. However, as the molarity of sulfur trioxide increases, the rate of its dissociation into sulfur dioxide and oxygen will also increase. Eventually, the forward and reverse reactions will attain equal rates and equilihrium will be re-established. The stress nlaced on the svstem. when the concentration of sulfur dioxide was increased, will have been removed by changes in the molarites of all the substances such that the value of K,, is restored. Note that when the concentration of sulfur dioxide is increased. the net chances whichurrur in the system are such that theconcentratiooof oxygen is decreased while the concentration of sulfur trioxide is increased. In other words, oxygen can he used up mnre completely and sulfur trioxide can he produced more efficiently byincreasing the concentration bf sulfur dioxide. On the other hand, the introduction of more sulfur trinxide into the system favors the reverse reaction, more sulfur dioxide and oxygen are formed while some sulfur trioxide is consumed, i.e.,
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