Abc Book
Abc Book
Abc Book
Asexual ReproductionIt is making of offspring from a single parent that looks exactly like the parent. There are is positives and negative to this. A positive is that it is fast and that it can be done so that a bacterium can be anywhere to do so. A negative is that there is no variety so no mutations. Examples would be binary fission and regeneration. This happens in mitosis.
Binary FissionIt is asexual reproduction in which a cell divides into two equal parts. This would come into play with bacteria, where the off springs is exactly identical to the parent cell.
Crossing overIt is the exchange of chromosome segments between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. This makes more variety in sexual reproduction. From the Law of Independent Assortment It shows that this contributes to the variety of every organism.
Law of Dominance
This Law made by Mendelian says that the dominant trait shows out over the Recessive one.
Gel ElectrophoresisIt is a form of testing DNA to see if it has a high number of nucleotides in it of a lower number. It is used in crime investigations if two parents have a child with a average size lives in the gel between the two parents.
DNA Finger printingIt is where you can have you identity locked with you DNA genetic code. Such as you Karyotype or your Blood sample.
Gene TherapyIt is the adding or taking away for genes to help or harm the organism with that DNA code.
Double HelixIt is the shape of the structure that DNA is shaped in.
Incomplete DominanceIt is when Two Dominant alleles combine and mix to forma medium. Ex. Red + White = Pink
Jumping genesThey are genes that move from one location to another on a chromosome. This can make it change color or shape.
KaryotypeIt is a chart that spreads out all the chromosomes on a piece of paper. It can show if there is an extra chromosome is a space or if there is one missing.
Linkage MapIt shows the specific location or loci, of genes on a chromosome.
Mendelians LawsHe used Pee plants to find out these laws. His three laws were Law of independent assortment(second Law), which was the variety from the natural being of the body, Law of segregation(first law), An organism inherits two pairs of genes one from mom and one from dad, and Law of Dominance(third Law), which states that the dominate trait shows out over the recessive one.
NucleotidesAre the building blocks of DNA. They are made up of three main parts the Phosphate group, the ring shaped sugar called deoxyribose, and a nitrogen-containing base.
Oswald AveryAvery and his team conducted three test that later proved that It was the DNA that has been
the transferring principle. First test was the Qualitative test, then the Chemical analysis, finally The
Enzyme Tests.
Punnet SpuareThe punnet square was invented by Mendelain As he worked with pea plants to study about
the combining or DNA from two plants. This would be used to find all the combinations of the
offspring in a trait.
Qualitative and QuantitativeQualitative and Quantitative observations would be the explaining in numbers for Quantitative and the explanation in colors or shapes for Qualitative.
Recombinant DNAIt is genetically engineered DNA that contains genes from more than one organism or species. This would be if tried to make crop plants that that grew more of held vitamins and medicines in them.
Sexual reproductionIt is the making of an offspring with two organisms from the same species. The offspring will be a mixture of the two Parents. This requires gametes from each parent, Sperm from dad and an egg from mom.
Transgenic organismIt is and organism that has one or more genes from another organism inserted into its genome. For example human insulin can be placed in plasmids that are put in bacteria and when it duplicates it makes more insulin to be placed in humans with diabetes.
VirusIt is an infectious particle made only of a stand or DNA or RNA.
Watson and CrickThey made the first to scale model of DNA. They took pictures of DNA from Rosalin Franklin.
X- ChromosomeIt is the female chromosome to mix with the ychromosome from the male. It has much more traits on it than the y- chromosome.
Y- chromosomeIt is the male sex chromosome that has a less number of traits on it from X- chromosome.
ZygoteWhen the egg and sperm meets it forms a single cell called a zygote.