Microlite20 PDF
Microlite20 PDF
Microlite20 PDF
This is a tri$$ed*do"n, s'&$iniat're 4ersion o% the 5ri$ary 1antasy SRD r'les (see li#ense %or $ore in%o) that has &een designed to &e @'i#0 and easy to !lay. The goal "as to #reate a si$!ler ga$e, &'t one "here all o% the reso'r#es o% 5ri$ary 1antasy SRD ($onsters, s!ells, ad4ent'res and e@'i!$ent) #o'ld &e 'sed "itho't #on4ersion.
There are 3 stats : Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX) and Mind (MIND). Roll 4d , dro! lo"est di#e. Total re$aining 3 di#e and allo#ate to one o% the stats. Re!eat %or re$aining stats. Stat &on's ( (ST)T*+,)-., ro'nd do"n.
9it 5oints ( STR Stat / +d -3e4el. I% 95 rea#h ,, 'n#ons#io's and near death. 1'rther da$age dire#tly red'#es STR. I% that rea#hes ,, death. Roll d., / DEX &on's %or initiati4e order. E4eryone #an do one thing ea#h t'rn> $o4e, atta#0, #ast a s!ell, et#. Melee atta#0 &on's ( STR &on's / 3e4el Missile atta#0 &on's ( DEX &on's / 3e4el Magi# atta#0 &on's ( MIND &on's / 3e4el )dd atta#0 &on's to d., roll. I% higher than yo'r o!!onentHs )r$o'r 2lass ()2), itFs a hit. Nat'ral ., is a'to$ati#ally a #riti#al doing $axi$'$ da$age.
Humans get /+ to all s0ill rolls Elves get /. MIND Dwarves get /. STR Halflings get /. DEX
The #lasses are 1ighter, Rog'e, Mage, 2leri#. 2hara#ters &egin at 1ighters and Rog'es #an 'se DEX &on's / 3e4el as Melee atta#0 3e4el +. &on's instead i% "ielding a light "ea!on. 1ighters and Rog'es #an "ield . light "ea!ons and atta#0 "ith &oth in a ro'nd i% they ta0e Fighters "ear any 0ind o% ar$o'r and 'se shields. They ha4e a a *. !enalty on all atta#0 rolls that ro'nd. Ra!iers #o'nt as light /3 &on's to 5hysi#al and add /+ to all atta#0 and da$age rolls. "ea!ons, &'t yo' #annot "ield t"o ra!iers at the sa$e ti$e. th This in#reases &y /+ at 6 le4el and e4ery %i4e le4els on Rogues #an 'se light ar$o'r. They ha4e a /3 &on's to I% the total &on's is / or $ore a se#ond atta#0 #an &e $ade "ith S'&ter%'ge. I% they s'##ess%'lly Snea0 ('s'ally s'&/DEX, &'t a *6 !enalty. I% the total &on's is /++ or $ore a third atta#0 #an de!ends on sit'ation) '! on a %oe they #an add their S'&ter%'ge &e $ade at *+,. 1or exa$!le, i% the total &on's is /+., three s0ill ran0 to the da$age o% their %irst atta#0 atta#0s #an &e $ade at /+.-/A-/.. Magi "ear no ar$o'r. They #an #ast ar#ane s!ells, and gain a /3 &on's to 7no"ledge )dd STR &on's to Melee da$age, x. %or .*handed "ea!ons. Clerics #an "ear light or $edi'$ ar$o'r. They #ast di4ine s!ells )r$o'r 2lass ()2) ( +, / DEX &on's / )r$o'r &on's. and gain /3 &on's to 2o$$'ni#ation. ) 2leri# #an T'rn 8ndead "ith a s'##ess%'l Magi# )tta#0. D2 is the #'rrent 9it 5oints o% the Other Hazards 8ndead. I% the D2 is ex#eeded &y +, it is destroyed. This #an &e 1alling : +d da$age !er +,H, hal% da$age on 5hys/DEX sa4e. 'sed (. / 3e4el / MIND :on's) ti$es !er day. D2(de!th %allen in %eet
There are ;'st 4 s0ills : 5hysi#al, S'&ter%'ge, 7no"ledge and 2o$$'ni#ation. Roll higher than the gi4en Di%%i#'lty 2lass to s'##eed. S0ill ran0 ( yo'r le4el / any &on's d'e to yo'r #lass or ra#e. S0ill roll ( d., / s0ill ran0 / "hate4er stat &on's is $ost a!!li#a&le to the 'se / sit'ation $odi%iers
S!i0es : add /+ !oint to %alling da$age !er +,H %allen, $ax /+, 5oison : 5hys/STR sa4e to a4oid or %or hal%, de!ending on !oison. E%%e#t 4aries "ith !oison ty!e. Extre$e 9eat I 2old : I% not "earing s'ita&le !rote#tion, 5hys/STR sa4e on#e e4ery +, $in'tes (D2 +6, /+ !er !re4io's #he#0), ta0ing +d da$age on ea#h %ailed sa4e.
En#o'nter 3e4el ( 9it Di#e o% de%eated $onsters, or the gi4en E3 %or the tra!, sit'ation, et#. )dd /+ %or ea#h do'&ling o% the 1or exa$!le, 2li$&ing "o'ld 'se 5hysi#al / STR &on's. Dodging n'$&er o% %oes. eg: + 0o&old ( E3+. . 0o&olds ( E3.. 4 0o&olds ( a %alling ro#0 is 5hysi#al / DEX &on's. 1inding a tra! is E33, et#. S'&ter%'ge / MIND &on's. Disa&ling a tra! is S'&ter%'ge / DEX &on's. )dd '! the En#o'nter 3e4els (E3s) o% e4ery en#o'nter yo' ta0e !art in. ?hen the total ( +, x yo'r #'rrent le4el, yo'F4e ad4an#ed Note that there are no <sa4ing thro"s= in this ga$e> 'se 5hysi#al to the next le4el. Reset the total to , a%ter ad4an#ing. / STR or DEX &on's %or 1ortit'de and Re%lex sa4es. Sa4ing against $agi# (?ill sa4e) is 's'ally MIND &on's / yo'r le4el. Ea#h le4el adds: /+d to 9it 5oints Magic /+ to all atta#0 rolls Magi #an #ast any ar#ane s!ell, and 2leri#s any di4ine s!ell, "ith a /+ to all s0ills s!ell le4el e@'al or &elo" +-. their #lass le4el, ro'nded '!. They ha4e a##ess to all ar#ane s!ells in the SRD s!ell list. I% the le4el di4ides &y three (i.e. le4el 3, ,C,et#.) add + !oint to STR, DEX or MIND. 2asting a s!ell o% any 0ind #osts 9it 5oints. The #ost is + / do'&le the le4el o% the s!ell &eing #ast: 1ighters gain /+ to their atta#0 and da$age rolls at le4els 6,+,,+6,et#. S ell!Level , + . 3 4 6 A B C H"!Cost + 3 6 A C ++ +3 +6 +A +C 2leri#s and Magi gain a##ess to ne" s!ell le4els at le4els 3,6,A,C,et#. This loss cannot &e healed nor$ally &'t is re#o4ered a%ter B ho'rs rest. There is no need to $e$oriDe s!ells in ad4an#e. E(am le The +st le4el ad4ent'rers ha4e ;'st #o$!leted a d'ngeon E'st &e#a'se a #hara#ter #an #ast any s!ell, doesnFt $ean that ad4ent're, and de%eated 6 E3+ en#o'nters, an E3. tra! and the they sho'ld. 2hoose s!ells that s'it the #hara#ter. Sele#t one E33 leader. ThatFs a total o% E3+,, so they all ad4an#e to le4el .. st Gsignat'reF s!ell !er s!ell le4el %ro$ + '!"ard that they !re%er to They need to de%eat another ., En#o'nter 3e4els to rea#h 3e4el 'se o4er any other. These s!ells are easier to #ast d'e to 3. %a$iliarity, #osting + less 95 to 'se. The Di%%i#'lty 2lass (D2) %or all s!ells is #0!$!Caster!Level!$!Caster%s!MI&D!'onus
Level Advancement
&ame )ni$al (s$all) eg :adger )n0heg :'g&ear 2ho0er Deinony#ho's (Ra!tor) Dire Rat Dragon (yo'ng Red) D"ar% Earth Ele$ental (large) El% Nargoyle No&lin Nri%%on 9al%ling 9ellho'nd 9ill Niant 9o&go&lin 9'$an 2o$$oner Inse#t (s$all) eg S!ider 7o&old Ogre Or# O"l&ear R'st Monster Shado" S0eleton ?arrior Stirge Stone Nole$ Troll ?ere"ol% (hy&rid %or$) ?ight ?ol% ?y4ern Po$&ie Hit!Dice 9D +dB/. ( h!) 9D 3d+,/+. (.B h!) 9D 3dB/3 (+ h!) 9D 3dB/3 (+ h!) 9D 4dB/+ (34 h!) 9D +dB/+ (6 h!) 9D +3d+./3C (+.3 h!) 9D +dB/. ( h!) 9D BdB/3. ( B h!) 9D +dB (4 h!) 9D 4dB/+C (3A h!) 9D +dB/+ (6 h!) 9D Ad+,/.+ (6C h!) 9D +dB/+ (6 h!) 9D 4dB/4 (.. h!) 9D +.dB/4B (+,. h!) 9D +dB/. ( h!) 9D +dB/+ (6 h!) 9D +dB (4 h!) 9D +dB (4 h!) 9D 4dB/++ (.C h!) 9D +dB/+ (6 h!) 9D 6d+,/.6 (6. h!) 9D 6dB/6 (.A h!) 9D 3d+. (+C h!) 9D +d+. ( h!) 9D +d+, (6 h!) 9D +4d+,/3, (+,A h!) 9D dB/3 ( 3 h!) 9D 3dB/A (., h!) 9D 4d+. (. h!) 9D .dB/4 (+3 h!) 9D Ad+./+4 (6C h!) 9D .d+./3 (+ h!) *rmour!Class )2 +6 )2 +B )2 +A )2 +A )2 + )2 +6 )2 .+ )2 + )2 +B )2 +6 )2 + )2 +6 )2 +A )2 + )2 + )2 ., )2 +6 )2 +. )2 +4 )2 +6 )2 + )2 +3 )2 +6 )2 +B )2 +3 )2 +6 )2 + )2 . )2 + )2 + )2 +6 )2 +4 )2 +B )2 ++ *ttac) 2la" /4 (+d.*+) :ite /A (.d /A !l's +d4 a#id) Morningstar /6 (+dB/.) or ;a4elin /3 (+d /.) Tenta#le / (+d3/3) Talons / (.d /4) :ite /4 (+d4 !l's disease) :ite /., (.d /A) or &reath +,d+, D2.4 !hys/DEX to dodge %or hal% ?araxe /3 (+d+,/+) or short&o" /+ (+d ) Sla$ /+. (.dB/A) 3ongs"ord /. (+dB/+) or long&o" /3 (+dB) 2la" / (+d4/.) Morningstar /. (+d ) or ;a4elin /3 (+d4) :ite /++ (.d /4) Shorts"ord /3 (+d ) or light #ross&o" /3 (+d ) :ite /6 (+dB/+ !l's +d %ire) Nreat#l'& /+ (.dB/+,) or ro#0 /B (.d /A) 3ongs"ord /. (+dB/+) or ;a4elin /. (+d /+) Dagger /+ (+d /+) or sling /+ (+d4) :ite /4 (+d4*. !l's !oison) S!ear /+ (+d *+) or sling /3 (+d3) Nreat#l'& /B (.dB/A) or ;a4elin /+ (+dB/6) 1al#hion /4 (.d4/4) or ;a4elin /+ (+d /3) 2la" /C (+d /6) )ntennae to'#h /3 (r'st) In#or!oreal to'#h /3 (+d Str) S#i$itar /+ (+d /+) or #la" /+ $elee (+d4/+) To'#h /A (atta#h) Sla$ /+B (.d+,/C) 2la" /C (+d / ) 2la" /4 (+d4/.) Sla$ /3 (+d4/+ !l's energy drain) :ite /3 (+d /+) Sting /+, (+d /4 !l's !oison) or Talon /+, (.d /4) or :ite /+, (.dB/4) Sla$ /. (+d /+) or #l'& /. (+d /+)
S)ills: )ll #reat'res ha4e a &on's to all s0ills e@'al to their Sample Characters Morris-!Human!Rogue.# n'$&er o% 9it Di#e. I% the #reat're is intelligent, add /3 to one STR +. (/+), DEX +6 (/.), MIND +. (/+) s0ill. )dd stat &on'ses to s'it and as logi# di#tates. This is h! +3, )2 +6 (St'dded 3eather), 5aired Shorts"ords, /,-/,, d intentionally 0e!t o!en J i% yo' need a snea0y &'g&ear, assign the S'&ter%'ge /6, all others L /. /3 &on's to S'&ter%'ge> i% a "arrior, gi4e /3 to 5hysi#al> %or a /en+ric)-!Dwarf!Fighter.# s!ell*#aster assign the /3 to 7no"ledge or 2o$$'ni#ation and STR + (/3), DEX +3 (/+), MIND ++ (/,) gi4e le4els o% Mage or 2leri# (see &elo"). h! +A, )2 +A (2hain$ail / shield), 3ongs"ord /6, dB/4 Monster!*+vancement: To $a0e a to'gher $onster, add $ore 5hysi#al /4, all others L /+ 9it Di#e> ea#h additional 9D adds one to their s0ill and #o$&at Cholmer-!Elven!Mage.# &on'ses. 1or ea#h do'&ling o% the 9it Di#e, in#rease the di#e siDe STR +. (/+), DEX +3 (/+), MIND + (/3) h! +3, )2 ++ (Ro&es), M'artersta%% /., d /+ %or atta#0s (ie, d4*Kd , d *KdB, et#). 7no"ledge /4, all others L /+ )lternati4ely, add #lass le4els to intelligent $onsters. Start "ith S!ells: )ll , and +st le4el ar#ane s!ells. the &ase 9it Di#e and add le4els o% 1ighter, Rog'e, Mage or 2leri# 0arna'as-!Halfling!Cleric.# as re@'ired. STR +, (/,), DEX + (/3), MIND +3 (/+) Create!,our!own:!)ssign 9it Di#e (dB %or $ost things, d+. %or h! ++, )2 +B (2hain$ail), Morningstar /+, dB Dragons and 8ndead). )tta#0 &on's and s0ill le4el ( n'$&er o% 2o$$'ni#ation /4, all others L /+ 9it Di#e. I% itHs an intelligent #ritter, /3 &on's to one s0ill. )dd stat S!ells: )ll , and +st le4el di4ine s!ells. &on'ses to s'it.
The %ollo"ing text is the !ro!erty o% ?iDards o% the 2oast, In#. and is 2o!yright .,,, ?iDards o% the 2oast, In# (Q?iDardsQ). )ll Rights Reser4ed. +. De%initions: (a)Q2ontri&'torsQ $eans the #o!yright and-or trade$ar0 o"ners "ho ha4e #ontri&'ted O!en Na$e 2ontent> (&)QDeri4ati4e MaterialQ $eans #o!yrighted $aterial in#l'ding deri4ati4e "or0s and translations (in#l'ding into other #o$!'ter lang'ages), !otation, $odi%i#ation, #orre#tion, addition, extension, '!grade, i$!ro4e$ent, #o$!ilation, a&ridg$ent or other %or$ in "hi#h an existing "or0 $ay &e re#ast, trans%or$ed or ada!ted> (#) QDistri&'teQ $eans to re!rod'#e, li#ense, rent, lease, sell, &road#ast, !'&li#ly dis!lay, trans$it or other"ise distri&'te>QO!en Na$e 2ontentQ $eans the ga$e $e#hani# and in#l'des the $ethods, !ro#ed'res, !ro#esses and ro'tines to the extent s'#h #ontent does not e$&ody the 5rod'#t Identity and is an enhan#e$ent o4er the !rior art and any additional #ontent #learly identi%ied as O!en Na$e 2ontent &y the 2ontri&'tor, and $eans any "or0 #o4ered &y this 3i#ense, in#l'ding translations and deri4ati4e "or0s 'nder #o!yright la", &'t s!e#i%i#ally ex#l'des 5rod'#t Identity. (e) Q5rod'#t IdentityQ $eans !rod'#t and !rod'#t line na$es, logos and identi%ying $ar0s in#l'ding trade dress> arti%a#ts> #reat'res #hara#ters> stories, storylines, !lots, the$ati# ele$ents, dialog'e, in#idents, lang'age, art"or0, sy$&ols, designs, de!i#tions, li0enesses, %or$ats, !oses, #on#e!ts, the$es and gra!hi#, !hotogra!hi# and other 4is'al or a'dio re!resentations> na$es and des#ri!tions o% #hara#ters, s!ells, en#hant$ents, !ersonalities, tea$s, !ersonas, li0enesses and s!e#ial a&ilities> !la#es, lo#ations, en4iron$ents, #reat'res, e@'i!$ent, $agi#al or s'!ernat'ral a&ilities or e%%e#ts, logos, sy$&ols, or gra!hi# designs> and any other trade$ar0 or registered trade$ar0 #learly identi%ied as 5rod'#t identity &y the o"ner o% the 5rod'#t Identity, and "hi#h s!e#i%i#ally ex#l'des the O!en Na$e 2ontent> (%) QTrade$ar0Q $eans the logos, na$es, $ar0, sign, $otto, designs that are 'sed &y a 2ontri&'tor to identi%y itsel% or its !rod'#ts or the asso#iated !rod'#ts #ontri&'ted to the O!en Na$e 3i#ense &y the 2ontri&'tor (g) Q8seQ, Q8sedQ or Q8singQ $eans to 'se, Distri&'te, #o!y, edit, %or$at, $odi%y, translate and other"ise #reate Deri4ati4e Material o% O!en Na$e 2ontent. (h) QRo'Q or QRo'rQ $eans the li#ensee in ter$s o% this agree$ent. .. The 3i#ense: This 3i#ense a!!lies to any O!en Na$e 2ontent that #ontains a noti#e indi#ating that the O!en Na$e 2ontent $ay only &e 8sed 'nder and in ter$s o% this 3i#ense. Ro' $'st a%%ix s'#h a noti#e to any O!en Na$e 2ontent that yo' 8se. No ter$s $ay &e added to or s'&tra#ted %ro$ this 3i#ense ex#e!t as des#ri&ed &y the 3i#ense itsel%. No other ter$s or #onditions $ay &e a!!lied to any O!en Na$e 2ontent distri&'ted 'sing this 3i#ense. 3.O%%er and )##e!tan#e: :y 8sing the O!en Na$e 2ontent Ro' indi#ate Ro'r a##e!tan#e o% the ter$s o% this 3i#ense. 4. Nrant and 2onsideration: In #onsideration %or agreeing to 'se this 3i#ense, the 2ontri&'tors grant Ro' a !er!et'al, "orld"ide, royalty*%ree, non*ex#l'si4e li#ense "ith the exa#t ter$s o% this 3i#ense to 8se, the O!en Na$e 2ontent. 6.Re!resentation o% )'thority to 2ontri&'te: I% Ro' are #ontri&'ting original $aterial as O!en Na$e 2ontent, Ro' re!resent that Ro'r 2ontri&'tions are Ro'r original #reation and-or Ro' ha4e s'%%i#ient rights to grant the rights #on4eyed &y this 3i#ense. .Noti#e o% 3i#ense 2o!yright: Ro' $'st '!date the 2O5RRIN9T NOTI2E !ortion o% this 3i#ense to in#l'de the exa#t text o% the 2O5RRIN9T NOTI2E o% any O!en Na$e 2ontent Ro' are #o!ying, $odi%ying or distri&'ting, and Ro' $'st add the title, the #o!yright date, and the #o!yright holderHs na$e to the 2O5RRIN9T NOTI2E o% any original O!en Na$e 2ontent yo' Distri&'te. A. 8se o% 5rod'#t Identity: Ro' agree not to 8se any 5rod'#t Identity, in#l'ding as an indi#ation as to #o$!ati&ility, ex#e!t as ex!ressly li#ensed in another, inde!endent )gree$ent "ith the o"ner o% ea#h ele$ent o% that 5rod'#t Identity. Ro' agree not to indi#ate #o$!ati&ility or #o*ada!ta&ility "ith any Trade$ar0 or Registered Trade$ar0 in #on;'n#tion "ith a "or0 #ontaining O!en Na$e 2ontent ex#e!t as ex!ressly li#ensed in another, inde!endent )gree$ent "ith the o"ner o% s'#h Trade$ar0 or Registered Trade$ar0. The 'se o% any 5rod'#t Identity in O!en Na$e 2ontent does not #onstit'te a #hallenge to the o"nershi! o% that 5rod'#t Identity. The o"ner o% any 5rod'#t Identity 'sed in O!en Na$e 2ontent shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that 5rod'#t Identity. B. Identi%i#ation: I% yo' distri&'te O!en Na$e 2ontent Ro' $'st #learly indi#ate "hi#h !ortions o% the "or0 that yo' are distri&'ting are O!en Na$e 2ontent. C. 8!dating the 3i#ense: ?iDards or its designated )gents $ay !'&lish '!dated 4ersions o% this 3i#ense. Ro' $ay 'se any a'thoriDed 4ersion o% this 3i#ense to #o!y, $odi%y and distri&'te any O!en Na$e 2ontent originally distri&'ted 'nder any 4ersion o% this 3i#ense. +, 2o!y o% this 3i#ense: Ro' M8ST in#l'de a #o!y o% this 3i#ense "ith e4ery #o!y o% the O!en Na$e 2ontent Ro' Distri&'te. ++. 8se o% 2ontri&'tor 2redits: Ro' $ay not $ar0et or ad4ertise the O!en Na$e 2ontent 'sing the na$e o% any 2ontri&'tor 'nless Ro' ha4e "ritten !er$ission %ro$ the 2ontri&'tor to do so. +. Ina&ility to 2o$!ly: I% it is i$!ossi&le %or Ro' to #o$!ly "ith any o% the ter$s o% this 3i#ense "ith res!e#t to so$e or all o% the O!en Na$e 2ontent d'e to stat'te, ;'di#ial order, or go4ern$ental reg'lation then Ro' $ay not 8se any O!en Na$e Material so a%%e#ted. +3 Ter$ination: This 3i#ense "ill ter$inate a'to$ati#ally i% Ro' %ail to #o$!ly "ith all ter$s herein and %ail to #'re s'#h &rea#h "ithin 3, days o% &e#o$ing a"are o% the &rea#h. )ll s'&li#enses shall s'r4i4e the ter$ination o% this 3i#ense. +4 Re%or$ation: I% any !ro4ision o% this 3i#ense is held to &e 'nen%or#ea&le, s'#h !ro4ision shall &e re%or$ed only to the extent ne#essary to $a0e it en%or#ea&le. +6 2O5RRIN9T NOTI2E O!en Na$e 3i#ense 4 +., 2o!yright .,,,, ?iDards o% the 2oast, In#. Syste$ Re%eren#e Do#'$ent 2o!yright .,,,*.,,3, ?iDards o% the 2oast, In#.> )'thors Eonathan T"eet, Monte 2oo0, S0i! ?illia$s, Ri#h :a0er, )ndy 2ollins, Da4id Noonan, Ri#h Red$an, :r'#e R. 2ordell, Eohn D. Rateli%%, Tho$as Reid, Ea$es ?yatt, &ased on original $aterial &y E. Nary Nygax and Da4e )rneson. Mi#rolite., S .,, , Ro&in T. Sta#ey (ro&inLgrey"'l%.net) UEnd o% 3i#enseV This !rod'#t is +,,W O!en Na$e 2ontent ex#e!t %or 5rod'#t Identity, as !er the O!en Na$e 3i#ense a&o4e. 5rod'#t Identity in#l'des Mi#rolite., and Ro&in T. Sta#ey.