Newsletter 11-8-13
Newsletter 11-8-13
Newsletter 11-8-13
Share" #ea"ing
This week we read the books Animal Babies and What Animals Eat. Both were a nice selection of non fiction te!t. The first book gave us some new vocabulary" calf, grassland, cub, pup, #oey, foal. The second selection had predictable te!t so by the second reading, the children were able to use their reading strategies to us the picture cues and get their mouths started to read. $ also made little copies for the children to bring home in their pack and read bags so you hopefully were able to see their reading in action. The children are also starting to nocite our sight words within the books we are reading together which is great. The purpose for learning the sight words is so the children need not stop to decode but rather know them very %uickly for reading and writing.
Classroom Newsletter
Writers Worksho(
3o far we have covered the following4 A picture tells a story, writing the first sounds of words, writing the first and last sounds, a sentence has words, spaces, and a period -still learning other types of punctuation as children area ready.. This weeks focus was list writing. The purpose is for children to focus on writing all the sounds they hear in words. We read the book, The 5irst Thanksgiving and made a class list of what the 1ilgrims were thankful for. The children independently made a list of what they are thankful for today. We talked about past and present and compared. We read the book, There Was an 6ld 7ady Who 3wallowed a 1ie. As a class, we made a list of all the food items she ate in the story. $ndependently, the children made lists for what they would eat for their Thanksgiving dinner.
,lassroom -.(e&tations
Behavior and social learning are #ust as important as academic learning in kindergarten. $ am helping children learn to be independent dressers with winter clothes, hanging coats and backpacks, taking care of backpack materials, cleaning up their table spaces and keeping our room in good order. We are learning to do the right thing even when others may not. We are learning to raise our hand and not shout out. There are too many of us to all shout out our ideas like we may do at home. We are learning to not interrupt when another person is talking. 7ately, we have been missing our free play time at the end of the day because many children are 'playing( and not noticing what needs to be cleaned up before we start our free time. $ am telling the children -love and logic. that $ want them to play but the clock tells the time and that $ cannot change. $ give reminders and do clock checks but it is taking some practice. We are working on two things ?.cleaning up %uietly ;. making sure the room is clean before we sit down. ,ou may wish to talk with your child about our plan and see how it is going each day.
)rien"shi( )east
We will have a classroom family thanksgiving on Tuesday, *ovember ;<th in the afternoon. 1lease send in a labeled baggie of nut free snack item. We will combine our snacks for a friendship snack mi!. We will invite our friends from 8s. Tatum=s class ne!t door to share in our feast. We will play games and celebrate what we have to be thankful for and what the 1ilgrims of the past were thankful for as well. 1lease send in your snack item by 8onday *ovember ;>th.
8onday ??4 1E Tuesday ?;4 8usic Wednesday ?@4 Art Thursday ?A4 1E 5riday ?>4 8usic
Weekly S&he"ule