MOS Civil 2

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QUESTION BANK Unit I Part A 1. Define Fluids. 2. Classify The Different Types Of Fluids. 3. What Are The Properties Of Ideal Fluids. 4. Distinguish Between Ideal And Real Fluids. 5. Why Are Some Fluids Classified As Newtonian Fluids? Give Example To Newtonian Fluids. 6. What Are Non-Newtonian Fluids? 7.Define The Term Density. 8.Define The Term Specific Volume. 9.Define Specific Weight. 10. Distinguish Between Mass Density And Specific Weight. 11. What Is Specific Gravity? How Is It Related To Density? 12.Define The Term Pressure. What Are Its Units? 13. Define The Term Absolute Temperature. 14. State Pascals Law. 15. What Is Meant By Stagnation Pressure? 16. What Is The Difference Between Gauge Pressure And Absolute Pressure? 17. What Is Compressibility Of Fluids? 18. Define Compressibility And Viscosity Of A Fluid. 19. State The Newtons Law Of Viscosity 20. Define Dynamic Viscosity. 21. Define The Kinematic Velocity Of Fluid. 22. Define Relative Or Specific Viscosity. 23. What Is Viscosity? What Is The Cause Of It In Liquids And In Gases? 24. What Is The Effect Of Temperature On Viscosity Of Water And That Of Air. 25. What Is Cohesion In Fluids ? 26. What Is Adhesion In Fluids? 27. What Is Surface Tension? 28. Write The Equation Of Surface Tension Of Liquid Jet, Liquid Droplet And Soap Bubble. 29. Define Capillarity. 30. What Are The Parameters Depending On The Magnitude Of Capillary? 31. Explain The Effect Of Property Of Capillarity 32. Explain Capillary Depression. 33. Express 3m Of Water Head In Cm Of Mercury And Pressure In Kpa. 34. No Slip Condition Is Applicable To


35. The Unit Of Viscosity In SI System Is 36. One Stroke Is Equal To 37. One Poise Is Equal To 38. What Is Meant By Continuum? 39. What is control Volume?

Part B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What are the different types of fluids? Explain each type. Define capillary, surface tension and state the factors that affect them? Define Fluid density, specific weight and specific gravity? Define the term Vapour pressure and capillarity? Explain the following terms? 1. Dynamic Viscosity 2. Kinematic viscosity 3. Specific volume. State Newtons law of viscosity and also define the coefficient of viscosity. What is meant by continuum concept of the system? What is control Volume? Derive an expression for continuity equation?

10. Derive an expression for continuity equation in differential form?

Unit - II
Part A
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. State Pascals law? State hydrostatic equation? What is Absolute pressure, Gauge pressure and vacuum pressure? What are the types of pressure measuring instruments? What is Buoyancy law? What is Meta Center? What is Archimedes principle of buoyancy? What is classification of flows? What is meant by velocity measurement?

10. Write short notes on a)Surface floats b)double floats c) Rod floats? 11. Describe two types of current meter? 12. What is stream lines, streak lines and path lines?

Part B 1. Explain briefly 1) Simple manometers and 2) Differential manometers? 2. Give brief explanation and expression on forces on a plan and curved surfaces? 3. Determine the meta centric height with experimental determination?


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What are the conditions of equilibrium of floating body? Derive an expression of continuity equation in one, two and three dimensional forms? Explain in detail stream line, streak line and path line? Derive an expression for stream and velocity potential functions? How are floats used in velocity measurements? Describe the rod float and double float? Explain about hot wire and hot film anemometer used in velocity measurement?

10. Describe Laser Doppler velocimetry ? 11. In a two dimensional continuous flow if u = kx, find v? 12. The velocity components in a two dimension flow of an incompressible fluid are u =2x and v = -2y. State if flow continuous? 13. Determine the velocity components if the velocity potential function is given by pi = log xy?

Unit - III Part A

39. State The Equation Of Continuity To Three Dimensional In Compressible Flow. 40. State Bernoullis Theorem As Applicable To Fluid Flow. 41. What Are The Three Major Assumptions Made In The Derivation Of The Bernoullis Equation? 42. Write Down The Limitations Of Bernoullis Equation. 43. Mention Any 3 Applications Of Bernoullis Theorem. 44. Why Large Reduction Of Diameters From Inlet To Throat Is Not Allowed In Venturimeter? 45. Why Is Co-Efficient Of Discharge Of Venturimeter Always Greater Than Orifice Meter? 46. Write Down The Expression For Discharge Through A Venturimeter Explaining Each Term In It. 47. Why Pressure Difference Is Not Measured Between Throt And Exit? 48. What Is Venturimeter? And Explain Its Basic Principles. 49. What Are The Various Parts In Venturimeter? 50. Why Convergent Portion Is Smaller Than Divergent Portion ? 51 What Is Cavitations In Venturimeter? 52. What Are The Effects Of Cavitations In Venturimeter? 53. Define Co-Efficient Of Friction. 54. What Are The Advantages Of Venturimeter? 55. What Are The Disadvantages Of Venturimeter? 56. What Is Orifice Meter And Mention Its Basic Principle? 57. What Are The Advantages Of Orifice Meter? 58. What Are The Disadvantages Of Orifice Meter? 59.What Is Co-Efficient Velocity? 60. Define Co-Efficient Of Contraction.


61. How Can Pressure Be Measured In Pitot Tube? 62. What Do You Understand By Impulse Momentum Equation.

Part - B
1. Obtain an expression for continuity equation in Cartesian coordinates? 2. Sate and prove Bernoullis Theorem. 3. State and explain Bernoullis equation with assumptions? 4. Derive from basic principle the Euler equation of motion in two dimensional flow in x-y co-ordinate system and reduce the equation to get Bernoullis equation for unidirectional streamlined flow? 5. Draw the sectional view of Pitots tube and write its concept to measure velocity of the fluid flow? 6. Differentiate between Venturimeter and Orificemeter? 1. A swimming pool of 8m x 15m is to be filled to a depth of 2.5m. Determine the inflow required in m cube per second for a filling time of 90 minutes. If 40mm pipes are available and the water velocity in each hose is limited to 2m/s, determine the number of hoses required? 2. A 400mm diameter pipe branches into two pipes of diameters 200mm and 250mm respectively. If the average velocity in the 400mm diameter pipe is 2.2m/s, find the discharge in the pipe. Also determine the velocity in 250mm pipe, if the average velocity in 200mm diameter pipe is 2.6m/s? 3. A jet of water from a nozzle of diameter 15mm is directed vertically upwards with a velocity of 12m/s. If the jet remain circular, workout its diameter at a point 3m above the nozzle tip. Neglect any loss of energy? 4. Water flows through a pipe AB of diameter 50mm, which is in series with pipe BC of diameter 75mm in which the velocity is 2m/s. At c the pipe forks and one branch CD is of unknown diameter such that the velocity is 1.5 m/s. The other unknown diameter such that the velocity is 1.5 m/s. The other branch CE is of diameter 25mm and condition are such that the discharge in pipe BC divides so that the discharge in the pipe CD is equal to two times of discharge in CE. Calculate 1. Discharge in pipe AB and CD. 2. Velocity in pipe AB and CE. 3. Diameter of pipe CD. 5. A vertical tube of 1m diameter and 20m long has a pressure head of 5.5m of water at the upper end. When water flows through the pipe at an average velocity of 4.5m/s, calculate the head at the lower end of the pipe when the flow is upward. 6. Water is flowing through a tapering pipe having diameters 300mm and 150mm at sections 1 and 2 respectively. The discharge through the pipe is 40lit/s. The section 1 is 10m above datum and section 2 is 6m above datum. Find the pressure at the section 2, if that at section 1 is 400kN/m square? 7. The discharge through a horizontal tapering pipe is 60lit/s. The diameter at inlet and outlet are 25cm and 15cm respectively. If the water enters at a pressure of 1kgf/centimeter cube, determine the pressure at which it leaves. 8. Oil of specific gravity of 0.90 flows in a pipe 300mm diameter at the rate of 120 lit/s and the pressure at a point A is 25kPa. If the point A is 5.2m above the datum line, calculate the total energy at point A in terms of m of oil?


9. The water is flowing through a taper pipe having diameter 400mm at the bottom end and 250mm at the upper end. The intensity of pressure at the bottom and upper end are 250 and 100 kN per meter square respectively. Calculate the difference in datum head, if the rate of flow through pipe is 30 lit/s? 10. Static pressure rise across a water pump is 200mm of water column. The suction and delivery pipe diameters are 100mm and 80mm respectively. Flow rate is 19.6 lit/s. Assume losses are negligible. Calculate power delivered by pump to the water? 11. Water is drawn from a reservoir through a vertical 300mm diameter pipe by a pump that discharges into a horizontal 150mm diameter pipe. The inlet pressure gauge reads a gauge pressure of -20kPa while the pressure gauge on the discharge side reads an absolute pressure of 150 kPa. Discharge rate is 0.05 meter cube /s. The vertical height between the inlet pressure gauge and exit pressure gauge is 1.5m. Calculate kW input to the water. 12. A 250mm pipe carries oil (specific gravity of 0.8) at a velocity of 20m/s. At points A and B of measurements of pressure and elevation were respectively 100kN/meter square and 60 k N /meter square, 5m and 8m respectively. For steady flow, find the loss of head between A and B and direction of flow? 13. A pipe is 15 cm diameter and is at an elevation of 100m at section A. At section B it is at an elevation of 107m and has a diameter of 30cm. When a discharge of 50lit/s of water is passed through this pipe, the pressure at the section A is 30 KPa. The energy loss in the pipe is 2m. Calculate the pressure at B when the flow is 1. from A to B 2. from B to A? 14. A mercury filled U-tube manometer connected across a Venturimeter records a difference of 30mm. Diameters at the inlet and throat of Venturimeter are 100mm and 50mm respectively. If oil of specific gravity of 0.85 flows through the horizontal pipe. Calculate the discharge. Take Cd = 0.9? 15. A vertical Venturimeter of (d/D) ratio equal to 0.6 is filled in a 0.1m diameter pipe. The throat is 0.2m above the inlet. The meter has a co-efficient of discharge of 0.92. Determine the 1. Pressure difference as recorded by two gauges fitted at the inlet and throat. 2. Difference on a vertical differential mercury manometer (specific gravity of mercury = 13.6) when a liquid of specific gravity 0.8 flows through the meter at the rate of 50 lit/s. 16. An oil of specific gravity 0.85 is flowing through an inclined Venturimeter fitted at a 250mm diameter pipe at the rate of 110lit/s. The Venturimeter is inclined at 60 degree to the vertical and its 120mm diameter throat is 1m from the entrance along its length. The pressure gauges inserted at entrance and throat show pressures of 0.125 0.08 N/mm square respectively. Calculate the discharge co-efficient of Venturimeter. If instead of pressure gauges the entrance and throat of the Venturimeter are connected to the two limbs of a u-tube manometer, determine its reading in m of mercury column. 17. A 300mm x 100mm Venturimeter is provided in a horizontal pipeline to measure the flow of water. The pressure intensity at inlet is 125 KN/meter square while the vacuum pressure head at the throat


is 360mm of mercury. Assuming that 4% of head is lost in between the inlet and throat, find the coefficient of discharge and rate of flow through Venturimeter. 18. The coefficient of discharge for a Venturimeter used for measuring the flow of an incompressible fluid was found to be constant when the rate of flow Q exceeded a certain value. Show that under these conditions, the loss of head hf in the convergent portion of the Venturimeter can be expressed as k1Q square, where K1 is constant. 19. A bend in pipeline converging water gradually reduces from 700mm to 400mm diameter deflects the flow through an angle of 45 degree. Find the magnitude and direction of force exerted on the bend, if the velocity of low at 700mm section is 8m/s and pressure is 350kn/meter square? 20. A pipe having diameter of 300mm carries water under a head of 22m with a velocity of 4m/s. If the axis of the pipe turns through 165 degree. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the bend? 21. 200 litre/s of water is flowing through a 90 degree reducer bend of inlet and outlet diameter is 30cm and 20cm respectively. The pressure at the inlet 200 kN/meter square (gauge) where as the pressure at the exit is atmosphere. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the bend? 22. Water at the rate of 0.2 meter cube/s flowing through a 400mm diameter fire hose, at the end of which a 100mm diameter nozzle is fixed. Calculate the force exerted by the nozzle? 23. Water flows through a 600mm diameter pipe at the end of which there is a reducer connecting to a 400mm diameter pipe. If the gauge pressure at the entrance of the reducer is 450 KN/meter square and the velocity is 2.5 m/s, determine the resultant thrust on the reducer, assuming the rate the frictional loss of head in the reducer is 2m. 24. A vertical jet of water 70mm diameter leaving the nozzle, with a velocity of 10m/s strikes a horizontal and movable disc weighing 200N. The jet is then deflected horizontally. Determine the vertical distance y above the nozzle tip at which the disc will be held in equilibrium? 25. A metal plate 5mm thick and 200mm square swings about a horizontal edge. A horizontal jet of water 15mm in diameter impinges with its axis perpendicular to and 75 mm below the edge of the hinges and keeps its steadily inclined at 25 degree to the vertical. Find the velocity of the jet, if the metal plate has a specific gravity of 8.2?

Unit IV

Part - A

1. Mention The General Characteristics Of Laminar Flow. 2. Write Down Hagen-Poiseuille Equation For Laminar Flow. 3. What Is Boundary Layer? Give A Sketch Of A Boundary-Layer Region Over A Flat Plate. 4. What Is Meant By Laminar Boundary Layer?


5. Describe Briefly Turbulent Boundary Layer. 6. Define Displacement Thickness. 7. Define Momentum Thickness. 8.Define Energy Thickness. 9. Write The Equation For Displacement Thickness And Momentum Thickness. 10. Define The Terms: Drag And Lift 11. What Is Meant By Boundary Layer Separation? 12. State The Effect Of Boundary Layer Separation. 13. Mention The Different Methods To Prevent Boundary Layer Separation. 14. What Are Energy Lines And Hydraulic Gradient Lines? 15. Define Critical Velocity 16. What Is Meant By Transition State. 17. Writ Down The Value Of Reynolds Number For Laminar, Transition And Turbulent Flow. 18.Write Down Four Examples Of Laminar Flow. 19.What Is Physical Significance Of Reynolds Number? 20.Differentiate Between Laminar And Turbulent Flow 21. What Is A Siphon? What Are Its Applications? 22. Write The Formula For Darcy-Weisbach Equation. 23. Where The Darcy Weishbach & Chezys Formulas Are Used? 24.What Is Pipe? 25. Classify The Losses In Pipes. 26. What Are The Losses Experienced By A Fluid When It Is Passing Through A Pipe 27. Write The Equation Of Loss Of Energy Due To Sudden Enlargement. 28. What Are Eddies And Vena Contracta In Pipe Minor Losses? 29. Write The Expression Of Loss Of Energy Due To Sudden Contraction. 30. Write The Expression For Energy Loss Due To Entrance And Exit Of The Pipe. 31. Write The Formula For Loss Of Energy Due To Gradual Enlargement And Also Bend In Pipe. 32. What Are Pipes In Series? 33. What Is Equivalent Pipe ? 34.What Do You Mean By Flow Through Parallel Pipes?

Part B 1. 2. 3. Derive Hagen Poiseuile equation and state the assumptions made? What is boundary layer and write its type of thickness? Write short notes on 1) Laminar boundary layer 2) Turbulent boundary layer 3) Displacement thickness 4) Energy thickness 5) Momentum thickness 6) Drag coefficients? 4. 5. Write short notes on hydraulic gradient in pipe flow? Describe briefly the development of laminar and turbulent flows in circular pipes?


6. 7. 8. 9. Derive and expression for Darcy Weibach formula? Obtain the expression for Maximum efficiency of power transmission through pipes? State Kirchaffs law and briefly explain with suitable example. Explain the types of minor losses in pipes?

10. An oil of viscosity 0.023 N-s/meter square flows between two large infinite parallel plates by a distance of 15mm. Calculate the 1. The pressure gradient along the flow 2. the maximum velocity and 3. the shear stress at the walls, if the average velocity is 0.35m/s. 11. Fluid of density 1200 kg/meter cube and viscosity of 0.1 poise flow between two infinite parallel plates separated by a distance of 18mm. If the discharge is 0.8 litres/s per unit width of the plate, calculate the pressure drop per unit length? 12. Two parallel are kept 25mm apart have laminar flow of oil (viscosity of 10 poise) between them with a maximum pressure drop of 0.5N/centimeter square for a length of 1.5m. The width of the plat is 250mm. Calculate the rate of flow of oil between the plates? 13. A oil of viscosity 1.5 N-s/meter square flows between two parallel fixed plates which are kept at a distance of 60mm apart. The maximum velocity of oil is 2m/s. Calculate: 1. The discharge per m length, 2. The shear stress at the plates, 3. The pressure difference between two points of 10m apart along the direction of flow, 4. The velocity gradient at the plates, 5. The velocity at 18mm from the plate? 14. A plunger of length 200mm and diameter 125mm reciprocates in the 200.2mm diameter cylinder. The plunger and cylinder arrangement is used to pump the fluid of viscosity 0.5N-s/meter square. Calculate the leakage past the plunger at an instant when the pressure difference between the two ends of the plunger is 10m of water? 15. An oil container in a truck has a horizontal crack in its end wall which is 400mm wide and 40mm thick in the direction of the flow. The pressure difference between two ends of the crack is 12kPa and the crack area has a gap of 0.3mm between the parallel surfaces. Calculate: 1. Volume of the oil leakage per hour through the crack. 2. Maximum leakage velocity 3. Shear stress and velocity gradient at the boundary. 16. Lubricating oil of specific gravity 0.84 and dynamic viscosity 0.137 N-s/meter square is pumped at a rate of 0.024 meter cube/s through a 0.17 diameter 400m long horizontal pipe. Calculate the pressure drop, average shear stress at the wall of the pipe and the power required to maintain the flow? Problems o Flow through Pipes 17. Calculate the power required to maintain to maintain 0.06 meter cube/s of oil (specific gravity 0.75) through a steel pipe 300mm diameter and 130m long. Take coefficient of friction f= 0.04 in the Darcy relation. 18. A pipeline 0.4m in diameter and 1250m long has a slope of 1 in 150 for the first 750m and 1 in 100 for the next 500m. The pressure at the upper end of the pipeline is 120 kPa and at the lower end is 70kPa. Taking f=0.025, determine the discharge through the pipe.


19. A pump is used to supply 5litres per second of water from a reservoir to a point 400m from the reservoir at the same level as the reservoir surface. Diameter of the pipe is 32mmm and friction factor can be assumed as 0.0009. Calculate the power supplied by the pump to the water. 20. A smooth pipe conveys 7.5 li/s of water with a head loss of 80mm per 10m lengths. Viscosity of water is 10 power 6 meter /s. friction factor in the Darcys equation is given by f=0.316/ (Re) power 0.25, Determine the diameter of the pipe. 21. An engineering college having 1200 students is to be supplied with water from reservoir 12km away. Water is to be supplied at the rate of 50 litres per head per day and half of the daily supply is pumped in 8hrs. If the head loss due to friction is 55m, find the diameter of the pipe. Take f= 0.004. Problems on Boundary Layer 22. A rectangular plate of 6m long x 4m wide is kept immersed in water which moves with a velocity of

0.6m/s. Calculate the thickness of boundary later at a distance of 2.0m from the leading edge. Take kinematics viscosity of water as 1.1x 10 power of -6 meter square/s. 23. A stream lined train has 200m long 3m wide on the top surface. Find the thickness of boundary layer at a distance of 30m from the leading edge when the train is running at 75km/hr. Take kinematics viscosity of air as 1.6x 10 power of -5 meter square/s. Also find out the thickness of boundary later at the trailing edge? 24. The velocity distribution in the boundary later is given by u/U = y/lamda where, u= velocity at a distance y from the flat plate and u =U at y= lamda. Lamda = boundary layer thickness. Determine the value of 1. The displacement thickness, 2. Momentum thickness, 3. Energy thickness.

Unit V Part - A
1.Give The Dimensions Of Following Physical Quantities (A) Pressure (B) Surface Tension (C) Dynamic Viscosity (D) Kinematic Viscosity 2. State The Fourier Law Of Dimensional Homogeneity 3. What Is Dimensionally Homogeneous Equation? Give Example. 4. What Are The Uses Of Dimensional Homogeneity 5.What Are The Points To Be Remembered While Deriving Expressions Using Dimensional Analysis? 6.State The Methods Of Dimensional Analysis. 7. How Are Equations Derived In Raleighs Method? 8. State The Buckingham Theorem . 9. Describe Briefly The Selection Of Repeating Variables In Buckingham Theorem. 10. Define Weber Number.


11. Define Reynolds Number. 12. Define Mach Number. 13. State The Limitations Of Dimensional Analysis 14. What Are The Advantages Of Model Testing. 15. Mention The Applications Of Model Testing. 16.Define Similitude. 17.What Are The Similarities Between Model And Prototype? 18. What Is Meant By Kinematic Similarity 19. In Fluid Flow What Do

es Dynamic Similarity Mean? What Are The Non Dimensional Numbers Associated With Dynamic Similarity? 20. Mention The Significance Of Reynolds Model Law. 21.State Froudes Model Law 22. Write Down The Scale Ratio For Discharge, Energy And Momentum. 23.State The Euler Model Law And Give Its Significance.


24. Submarine Is Tested In The Air Tunnel. Identify The Model Law Applicable 25. Mention Types Of Models 26. What Is Meant By Undistorted Models 27. Define The Term Scale Effect 28.State 3 Demerits Of A Distorted Model 29.Obtain Scale Ratio Of Discharge For Distorted Models

Part - B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain briefly Rayleighs Method? Explain briefly Buckingham Pi Method? What is Similitude and explain different similarities in model and prototype analysis? Explain in detail about model or similarity laws? What are the types of models? Explain them? What is scale effects in model and also explain the scale ratio for distorted models?


UNIT I - CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY PART-A 1) What are all the types of cement? 2) Write the ASTM classifications of cement? 3) What are all the uses of rapid hardening cement? 4) Write the usage of quick settling cement? 5) Define hydration of the cement? 6) Differentiate dry process and wet process of manufacturing cement?


7) Define batching, what are all the methods of batching? 8) What are all the raw materials of the cement? 9) Write notes on steam curing. 10) Define non destructive testing. 11) Write the requirement of supervision needed when concreting. 12) What are all the transporting equipment needed to transport the concrete? 13) Which is the efficient type of vibrator used to compact the concrete? 14) What are all the types of concrete test? PART-B 15) Explain the manufacturing of cement with neat sketches and flow chart 16) Explain briefly about the chemicals used in concrete and their advantages 17) Write the step by step procedure for BIS mix design 18) Explain the procedure of compression test on concrete 19) What are all the different types of curing of concrete explain detailedly 20) What are all the different methods adopting to transport concrete explain detailedly?

UNIT II - CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES PART-A 21) What are all the steps involved in site clearance? 22) How will you mark a site for setting out a foundation? 23) Define the term masonry. 24) Explain the sequence of operation in construction with an example. 25) What is composite masonry? 26) What are all the types of ashlar masonry? 27) Differentiate English bond and Flemish bond. 28) Write notes on zig-zag bond


29) Write notes on temporary shed 30) What are all the types of scaffolding? 31) Write notes on centring 32) Define dampness 33) What are all the causes of dampness? 34) What are all the types of damp proofing courses? 35) What are all the different types of bonds in masonry PART-B 36) Write the fire protective requirement of the building 37) Explain the various types of foundation with neat sketches 38) Explain the various types of stone masonry with neat sketches 39) Make a comparison between stone masonry and brick masonry 40) Explain the various types of flooring with neat sketches 41) Explain the various types of trusses with neat sketches 42) Explain the various types of roof finishes with neat sketches 43) Write notes on acoustic of the building 44) Write the step by step procedure of laying of brick 45) What are all the various types of roof finishes

UNIT III - SUB STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION PART-A 46) Define box jacking 47) Differentiate pie jacking and box jacking 48) Write notes on under water construction of diaphragm walls 49) What are all the techniques adopted for tunneling? 50) What are all te different types of coffer dams? 51) Write short note on well foundation. 52) Write notes on sheet piles. 53) Define anchoring.


54) What is well point explain? 55) Define dewatering? PART-B 56) Explain under water construction of diaphragm walls with neat sketches. 57) Write the operation procedure for caissons 58) Explain the various types of sheet piles. 59) Explain the methods of piling 60) Write notes on Dewatering and stand by Plant equipment for underground open excavation.

UNIT IV - SUPER STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION PART-A 61) Define bridge decks 62) What are all the types of off shore platforms? 63) What are all the specials forms for shells? 64) What is the major technique adopted for heavy decks? 65) Define the term pre stress concrete 66) Define sky scrapers 67) Define articulated structures 68) What are all the light weight components of tall structures? 69) Define support structures 70) What are all the types of domes? 71) What are all the usage of adopting domes? 72) Define space decks 73) What are all the usage of space decks 74) What is all the usage of pre stress concrete? PART-B 75) Write notes on material handling 76) Explain the types of bridge decks with sketch 77) What is the procedure of erecting heavy decks 78) Write detailed notes on erecting light weight components on tall structures


79) Explain the method of Erection of articulated structures 80) Write notes on braced domes and space decks

UNIT V - CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PART-A 81) What are all the major earth moving operations? 82) Define tractors. 83) What are all the operations conducted with the help of tractors? 84) Write the parts of a motor graders. 85) Define scrapers. 86) What are all the parts of scraper? 87) How can scrapers help to increase the speed of construction? 88) Write short notes on earth movers. 89) What are all the various forms of earth movers? 90) Write short notes on pile driving equipment. 91) Differentiate single acting hammer and double acting hammer 92) What are all the compacting equipments? 93) What is TBM explain shortly. 94) What is the need of equipment management in site? PART-B 95) Write notes on trenching equipment. 96) What are all the points should be considered while selecting an earth work equipment 97) Explain the important and working of tractors and scrapers. 98) Explain the equipment used for mixing and compaction of concrete. 99) Explain briefly about the various pile driving equipments. 100) Write notes on equipment used for erection of structures.


7. SURVEYING-I Question Bank _______________________________________________________________________ UNIT-I INTRODUCTION AND CHAIN SURVEYING 1. Define surveying. 2. State two primary divisions of surveying. 3. Enumerate the fundamental parameters of surveying measurement? 4. State the basic principles of surveying. 5. State the basic assumptions of plane surveying. 6. Differentiate between plan and map. 7. Enumerate the essential elements of a map. 8. What are the classifications of survey? 9. What do you understand by measurement in surveying practice?

CHENNAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 10. Define significant figures and rounding off of a measurement. Explain their relevance in

11. List the different types of errors in survey measurement and state their significance 12. Describe how you would range a survey line between two stations which are not intervisible? 13. What do you mean by limiting length of off set in chain surveying? 14. What are the equipments used to measure right angle in the chain surveying? 15. Enumerate the instruments used for measurement of lengths of survey lines 16. Distinguish between perpendicular offset and oblique offset, with neat sketches. 17. Which of the following scale is the smallest and largest respectively:
(i) 1 cm = 10 meter. (ii) 1: 10,000. (iii) R.F=1/100, 000 (iii) 1cm=1000 Km

18. The distance between two stations were repeated 10 times and observed to be as follows: 500.335m,
500.360m; 501.345m, 500.395m, 500.420m, 500.355m, 500.315m, 500.360m, 500.415m, and 500.325m. Justify, if there is any observation having gross error.

19. Illustrate with neat sketches, various types of obstacles encountered in chain surveying. 20. A survey line PQ intersects a pond. To overcome these obstacle two stations A and B were taken on
either side of the pond. A line AC, 90 m long was laid down on the left of AB, and a second line AD, 130 m long was laid down on the right of AB. If points C, B and D are on the same straight line and CB = 75 m and BD = 78 m, determine the length AB.


1. 2. 3. Tabulate the differences between different types of meridians along with differences in their utilities. What is magnetic declination? What do you understand by plane table survey? What are the advantages and dis-advantages of Plane Tabling? List the different accessories used in plane tabling along with their uses. 4. 5. 6. Describe the steps involved in setting up of a Plane Table. Explain the different operation involved in temporary adjustment of plane table surveying. Enumerate the different types of plane tabling and highlight the topographical conditions under each is generally used. 7. 8. 9. Describe the method of orientation of plane table by Backsight method. Define "three point problem" in Plane Tabling. What do you understand by "Trial and Error" method of solving Three point problem?

10. Explain the basic Lehmann's Rule for reducing the number of trials. Further, state the additional rules for special cases. 11. Define Bearing. 12. Define Dip and Declination 13. Define local attraction


14. Define W.C.B. 15. What is the use of plane table Survey? 16. Draw and explain the prismatic compass. 17. Write merits and demerits of the plane table. 18. Explain the instruments used in plane table surveying 19. Explain two point problem with diagram 20. Explain Bessels method with diagram. 21. Define bearing of lines and true meridian in compass surveying. 22. What is orienting the table in plane table surveys? 23. What do you understand by quadrantal bearing of a line?

24. What is plane table surveying? When is it preferred? 25. A survey line AB crosses a river obliquely. P and Q are two points selected on the line one at each end of the river. Another line EPF is run parallel to the centre line of the river and point E is such that angle QEP is right angle and EP = PF = 100 m. A third point G is set at a distance of 150 m from P such that angle GFP is also right angle. Compute the distance PQ. 26. The magnetic bearing of a line was found to be N 60 30' W in 1992, when the declination was 5 10' E. find its present magnetic bearing, if declination is 3 W.
27. The bearing taken for two lines are as follows: Line AB BC Compute the interior angle at B. 28. Following are the observed magnetic bearings of the traverse legs: Line FB BB PQ 74 20' 256 00' QR 107 20' 286 20' RS 224 50' 44 50' SP 200 15' 126 00' Fore Bearing S 37 30' E 223 15' (WCB) Back Bearing 322 30' (WCB) N 44 15' E

29. At what stations local attraction is suspected? Determine the correct bearings of the traverse legs and also calculate the included angles. 30. What are the precautions to be adopted in using the Compass? 31. The bearings of the sides of a traverse ABCDE are as follows : Side AB BC CD DE Fore bearing 107 15' 22 0' 281 30' 189 15' 9 15' Back bearing 287 15' 202 0' 101 30'


EA 124 45' 304 45'

Compute the interior angles of the traverse.


1. Why levels are usually called as spirit level? 2. Explain the importance of level tube in a leveling instrument. 3. Explain the chief feature of a digital level. 4. State the differences in the temporary adjustment of a dumpy level and an IOP level. 5. State the difference between a dumpy level and a digital level. 6. Enumerate the order in which the permanent adjustment of a tilting level are carried out. 7. Describe the two peg method of permanent adjustment of a dumpy level State and explain the basic
principle of leveling.

8. Enumerate the difference between rise and fall method (of reduction of level) and height of
instrument method.

9. Enlist the classification of levelling. 10. What are the special features of precise system of levelling? 11. What are the uses of contours? 12. How do you compute the reservoir volume? 13. Define sensitivity of a bubble tube. State any two factors affecting the same. 14. Distinguish between differential levelling and reciprocal leveling 15. What do you understand by reciprocal leveling 16. What are the different types of levelling instruments used in leveling. 17. In the two-peg test of a level, the following observations are taken:
Instrument at M Staff reading on A Staff reading on B 3.612 m 3.248 m P 1.862 m 0.946

M is equidistant from A and B, P is 40 m from A and 240 m from B. What is the true difference in elevation between the two points? With the level in the same position at P, to what staff reading on B should the line of sight be adjusted? What is the corresponding staff reading on A for a horizontal line of sight? Check these two staff readings against the true difference in elevation, previously determined.

18. Data from a differential leveling have been found in the order of B.S., F.S..... etc. starting with the
initial reading on B.M. (elevation 150.485 m) are as follows : 1.205, 1.860, 0.125, 1.915, 0.395, 2.615,


0.880, 1.760, 1.960, 0.920, 2.595, 0.915, 2.255, 0.515, 2.305, 1.170. The final reading closes on B.M.. Put the data in a complete field note form and carry out reduction of level by Height of instrument method. All units are in meters.

19. The following reciprocal levels were taken on two stations P and Q:
Instrument station P Q Average near readings, meter 2.165 2.335 Average distant, readings, meter 3.810 0.910 R.L of P = 101.345 m Distance, PQ = 1645 Km

Determine the elevation of Q and the error due to refraction when the collimation error is 0.003m downward per 100m.

20. A surveyor standing on seashore can just see the top of a ship through the telescope of a levelling
instrument. The height of the line of sight at instrument location is 1.65 meter above msl and the top of ship is 50 meter above sea level. How far is the ship from the surveyor?

21. The following notes refer to the reciprocal levels taken with one level:
Staff Readings on Instrument Station Near Station P Q Find (i) the true R.L. of Q; combined correction for curvature and refraction the error in collimation adjustment of the instrument. 1.03 2.74 Further station 1.630 0.950 Distance PQ = 800 m R.L. of P = 450 m Remarks

22. The areas enclosed by contours on the upstream face of dam in a hydro-electric project as
Contour (m) Area (hectares) 800 31.41 790 26.74 780 24.89 770 22.23 760 19.37 750 17.74 740 12.91 730 5.35

The lowest draw down level is 733 m. compute the full reservoir capacity

23. In levelling between two points A and B on opposite banks of a river, the level was set up near A and
the staff readings on A and B were 1.60 m and 2.44 m respectively. The level was then moved and set up near B, and the respective readings on A and B were 0.70 and 1.26. Find the true difference of level between A and B.

24. Explain profile levelling with suitable example. 25. Enlist and explain the types of errors in leveling. 26. The following perpendicular offsets were taken from a chain line to a hedge :
Chainage in m 0 Offset in m 10 6.10 20 7.63 40 4.58 60 5.49 8.54

Calculate the area between the chain line and the hedge using Simpsons method.

CHENNAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 27. Write about the Prismoidal Correction to be applied to volume computation. UNIT-IV THEODALOITE SURVEYING 1. Enumereate the different parts of a vernier theodolite and explain their function. 2. Differentiate between Clamp screw and Tangent screw. 3. What do you mean by temporary 'adjustment' of a theodolite ? 4. Describe in breif the steps of temporary adjustment in proper order. 5. Enumerate the fundamental lines of a theodolite instrument and state their relationship in a
permanently adjusted instrument

6. Explain the use of Bowditchs rule in traverse computation. 7. Name the different cases of omitted measurements in theodolite surveying. 8. How is a simple curve set out by using one theodolite and one chain? 9. Name the two methods of measuring horizontal angles using a theodolite. 10. What is an anallatic lens? 11. In order to reduce the error in measurement of vertical angle a set of measurements are taken and
find the average angle as 9 02' 05? form a height of instrument as 1.565m to a target height 2.165m. If the elevation of the instrument station is 189.250m above mean sea level, find the elevation of staff station. Assume any data, if required.

12. Calculate the independent coordinates of the stations from the following observation of a traverse
assuming independent coordinates of station A as (10000, 10000): Line Length (m) WCB AB 89.31 45 10' BC 219.76 72 05' CD 151.18 161 52' DE 159.10 228 43' EA 232.26 300 42'

Use Bowditch Rule for adjustment of errors.

13. In a traverse ABCDEFG, the line BA is taken as the reference meredian, the coordinates of the sides
AB, BC, CD, DE and EF are Line Northing (m) Easting AB 1190.9 0 BC 565.3 736.4 CD 590.5 796.8 DE 606.9 -468.0 EF 1017.2 370.4

If the bearing of FG is 284 13' and its length is 896.0m, find the length and bearing of GA.

14. In a closed traverse ABCDE running anti-clockwise, calculate the missing data:


Line AB BC CD DE EA Length (m) 343.56 371.08 ? 417.66 457.25 W.C.B. 245 18' ? 113 37' 37 25' 321 42'

15. State and explain omitted measurements in theodolite surveying. 16. The interior angles of a closed traverse ABCDEF are as follows :
, 60 40'; , 201 38'; , 93 19'; , 69 48'; , 210 13' and , 84 22'. Compute the deflection angles of the traverse.


1. 2. 3. 4. Briefly explain reverse curves and shift of a transition curve .State the relationship between the radius of a curve and the degree of the curve. What are transition curves? A railway curve is to be tangential to each of the following lines: 5. 8. Lines AB 6. 9. W.C.B. 0 7. Length (m)

10. 13. 220 16. -

11. BC 14. CD

12. 90 15. 140

Determine the salient parameters of the simple circular curve. 17. Two straights AB and BC meet in an inaccessible point B and are to be connected by a simple curve of 600 m radius. Two points P and Q were selected on AB and BC respectively and the following data were obtained. R APQ = 150, R CQP = 160, PQ = 150.0 m 18. Calculate the salient elements of the simple circular curve. Considering the chainage of point P to be 1000 m. 19. Two tangents intersect at chainage 2380 m, the deflection angle being 50 30'. Compute the necessary data for setting out a 5.7 curve to connect the two tangents if it is intended to set out the curve by Rankine's Method of tangential angles. Take the length of the normal chord as 30 m. Also, tabulate the values of the deflection angles for setting out with a theodolite having least count of 20". 20. Two straights AB and BC meet at an inaccessible point B. They are to be connected by a simple circular curve of 500 m radius. Two points P and Q are selected on AB and BC respectively, and the following data are obtained: RAPQ = 157 22' ; RCQP = 164 38' ; PQ = 200 m.


21. Calculate the necessary data for setting out the curve by the method of deflection angle. The nominal length of chord is 30 m. Assume any data missing. 22. A transition curve of length 230 m joins a straight to a circular curve of radius 800 m. What is the angle turned by the transition curve and what is the necessary shift?. Find the length of offset to the transition at a distance 150 m from the short along the tangent. 23. Two straights AB and BC intersect at chainage 1000 m, the deflection angle being 40. It is proposed to insert a right-handed circular curve 400 m radius with a cubic parabola of 90 m length at each end. The circular curve is to be set out with pegs at 20 m intervals and the transition curves at 10 m intervals. Find the 24. Chainage at the begining and end of the combined curve 25. Chainages at the junction of the transition curve with circular curves 26. tangential angles for the first two points on the first transition curve 27. tangential angles for the first two points on the circular curves 28. Enumerate the classification of curves in Engineering surveys.

29. Two straights intersect at a deflection angle of 80? and are connected by a circular curve of radius 10
chains. Find the length of each end tangent, the curve, and the long chord, the Apex distance; the Mid ordinate of the curve and the Degree of the curve.

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