Basic Elex 1 Syllabus
Basic Elex 1 Syllabus
Basic Elex 1 Syllabus
This course introduces the students the tools needed to design simple electronic circuits. Both DC and AC circuits will be covered. It also gives a brief introduction to semiconductor devices.
Course Objectives:
1. 2. 3. . !. To To To To To become familiar with fundamental electronic circuits. learn to use common electronic instrumentation. learn computer design aids. become familiar with circuit fabrication and testing. be able to design electronics circuits to perform realistic tas"s.
Textbook: Basic #lectronics $%th ed.& b' Bernard (rob Teach )ourself #lectricit' and #lectronics $3 rd ed.& b' *tan (ibilisco I. Direct Current
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Basic ph'sical concepts #lectrical units +easuring Devices Basic dc circuits Direct,current circuit anal'sis -esistors Cells and batteries +agnetism
lternatin! Current
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Alternating current basics Inductance Capacitance .hase Inductive reactance Capacitive reactance Impedance and admittance -/C circuit anal'sis .ower and resonance in ac circuits
Basic Electronics 1
Basic Electronics 1