EE212 L01 Electronics I 2024
EE212 L01 Electronics I 2024
EE212 L01 Electronics I 2024
- Electronics I -
Lecture # 1
29.02.2024 Lecture # 1 1
EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 The Book
Circuit Analysis
and Design
Donald A. Neamen
29.02.2024 Lecture # 1 2
EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 The Book
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Outline
Chapter 1: Semiconductor Materials and Diodes
1.1 Semiconductor Materials and Properties
1.7 Summary
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
• In a passive electrical device, the time average power delivered to the device over an infinite time
period is always greater than or equal to zero. Resistors, capacitors, and inductors, are examples
of passive devices. Inductors and capacitors can store energy, but they cannot deliver an average
power greater than zero over an infinite time interval.
• Active devices, such as dc power supplies, batteries, and ac signal generators, are capable of
supplying particular types of power. Transistors are also considered to be active devices in that
they are capable of supplying more signal power to a load than they receive. This phenomenon is
called amplification. The additional power in the output signal is a result of a redistribution of ac
and dc power within the device.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
In most electronic circuits, there are two inputs.
• One input is from a power supply that provides dc voltages and currents to establish
• The second input is a signal. Time-varying signals from a particular source very
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
Figure shows a signal source that is the output of a compact disc system. The output music signal from
the compact disc system consists of a small time-varying voltage and current, which means that the
signal power is relatively small. The power required to drive the speakers is larger than the output
signal from the compact disc, so the compact disc signal must be amplified before it is capable of
driving the speakers in order that sound can be heard.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
• one deals with the dc input and its circuit response (dc analysis),
• and the other deals with the signal input and the resulting circuit response (ac analysis).
In general, different equivalent circuit models must be used for the dc and ac analyses.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
In this course, we will deal with discrete electronic circuits, that is, circuits
that contain discrete components, such as resistors, capacitors, and
In EE313 Electronics II, we will focus on the types of circuits that are the
building blocks of the IC. For example, we will look at the various circuits that
make up the operational amplifier, an important IC in analog electronics.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
Analog signals
• The voltage signal shown is called an analog signal. The magnitude of an analog signal
can take on any value within limits and may vary continuously with time. Electronic
circuits that process analog signals are called analog circuits.
• An alternative signal is at one of two distinct levels and is called a digital signal. Since the
digital signal has discrete values, it is said to be quantized. Electronic circuits that process
digital signals are called digital circuits.
• In many electronic systems, signals are processed, transmitted, and received in digital
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Before starting Chapter 1:
The following notation is used throughout this course:
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Chapter 1
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Chapter 1
• Since the diode is a nonlinear element, the analysis of circuits containing diodes is
not as straightforward as the analysis of simple linear resistor circuits.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 Chapter 1
In this chapter, we will:
• Examine dc analysis techniques for diode circuits using various models to describe the nonlinear
diode characteristics
• Develop an equivalent circuit for a diode that is used when a small, time-varying signal is applied
to a diode circuit
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Figure shows five noninteracting silicon atoms, with the four valence electrons of each
atom shown as dashed lines emanating from the atom. As silicon atoms come into close
proximity to each other, the valence electrons interact to form a crystal.
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• The final crystal structure is a tetrahedral configuration in which each silicon atom has four
nearest neighbors, as shown in Figure 1.1(b). The valence electrons are shared between atoms,
forming what are called covalent bonds. Germanium, gallium arsenide, and many other
semiconductor materials have the same tetrahedral configuration.
• Figure 1.1(c) is a two-dimensional representation of the lattice formed by the five silicon atoms in
Figure 1.1(a). An important property of such a lattice is that valence electrons are always available
on the outer edge of the silicon crystal so that additional atoms can be added to form very large
single-crystal structures.
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• When silicon atoms come together to form a crystal, the electrons occupy
particular allowed energy bands. At T = 0 K, all valence electrons occupy the
valence energy band.
• In order to break the covalent bond, the valence electron must gain a
minimum energy, Eg, called the bandgap energy. The electrons that gain
this minimum energy now exist in the conduction band and are said to be
free electrons. These free electrons in the conduction band can move
throughout the crystal. The net flow of electrons in the conduction band
generates a current.
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An energy band diagram is shown in Figure 1.4(a).
• The energy Ev is the maximum energy of the valence energy band (electron or hole)
• and the energy Ec is the minimum energy of the conduction energy band. (free electron)
• The bandgap energy Eg is the difference between Ec and Ev (req. energy to break covalent
• and the region between these two energies is called the forbidden bandgap.
Electrons cannot exist within the forbidden
bandgap. Figure 1.4(b) qualitatively shows an
electron from the valence band gaining enough
energy and moving into the conduction band.
This process is called generation.
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• The net charge in a semiconductor is zero; that is, the semiconductor is neutral.
• If a negatively charged electron breaks its covalent bond and moves away from its
original position, a positively charged “empty” state is created at that position
(Figure 1.3). As the temperature increases, more covalent bonds are broken, and
more free electrons and positive empty states are created. 1The unit eV (electron volt) represents the energy
necessary to move one electron across a potential
difference of 1 V, 1 eV = 1.6 × 10−19 joules.
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• In an intrinsic semiconductor, the densities of electrons and holes are equal, since
the thermally generated electrons and holes are the only source of such particles.
Therefore, we use the notation ni as the intrinsic carrier concentration for the
concentration of the free electrons, as well as that of the holes.
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• The values for B and Eg for several semiconductor materials are given in Table 1.3. The
bandgap energy Eg and coefficient B are not strong functions of temperature.
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• Since the electron and hole concentrations in an intrinsic semiconductor are relatively
small, only very small currents are possible.
• For silicon, the desirable substitutional impurities are from the group
III and V elements (see Table 1.2).
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• The most common group V elements used for this purpose are phosphorus and arsenic.
• For example, when a phosphorus atom substitutes for a silicon atom, as shown in Figure
1.6(a), four of its valence electrons are used to satisfy the covalent bond requirements.
The fifth valence electron is more loosely bound to the phosphorus atom. (serving as a
charge carrier)
• At room temperature, this electron has enough
thermal energy to break the bond, thus being free to
move through the crystal and contribute to the
electron current in the semiconductor. When the fifth
phosphorus valence electron moves into the
conduction band, a positively charged phosphorus ion
is created as shown in Figure 1.6(b).
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• The phosphorus atom is called a donor impurity, since it donates an electron that is free to
• Although the remaining phosphorus atom has a net positive charge, the atom is immobile in
the crystal and cannot contribute to the current.
• Therefore, when a donor impurity is added to a semiconductor, free electrons are created
without generating holes.
• This process is called doping, and it allows us to control the concentration of free electrons in
a semiconductor.
• A semiconductor that contains donor impurity atoms is called an n-type semiconductor (for
the negatively charged electrons) and has a majority of electrons compared to holes.
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• The most common group III element used for silicon doping is boron. When a
boron atom replaces a silicon atom, its three valence electrons are used to satisfy
the covalent bond requirements for three of the four nearest silicon atoms
(Figure 1.7(a)). This leaves one bond position open. At room temperature,
adjacent silicon valence electrons have sufficient thermal energy to move into
this position, thereby creating a hole.
• Because the boron atom has accepted a valence electron, the boron is
therefore called an acceptor impurity.
• n-type
• p-type
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At room temperature (T = 300 K), each donor atom donates a free electron to the semiconductor.
• If the donor concentration Nd is much larger than the intrinsic concentration, we can
approximate no ≈ Nd
Similarly, at room temperature, each acceptor atom accepts a valence electron, creating a hole.
• If the acceptor concentration Na is much larger than the intrinsic concentration, we can
approximate po ≈ Na
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We’ve described the creation of negatively charged electrons and positively charged holes in the
semiconductor. If these charged particles move, a current is generated. These charged electrons
and holes are simply referred to as carriers. The two basic processes which cause electrons and
holes to move in a semiconductor are:
(b) diffusion, which is the flow caused by variations in the concentration, that is, concentration
• Assume an electric field is applied to a semiconductor. The field produces a force that acts on free electrons and holes,
which then experience a net drift velocity and net movement.
• Consider an n-type semiconductor with a large number of free electrons (Figure 1.8(a)). An electric field E applied in
one direction produces a force on the electrons in the opposite direction, because of the electrons’ negative charge.
The electrons get a drift velocity vdn (in cm/s) which is vdn = −μn E (1.7), where μn is a constant called the
electron mobility and has units of cm2/V·s.
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• For low-doped silicon, the value of μn is typically 1350 cm2/V·s. The mobility can be thought of as
a parameter indicating how well an electron can move in a semiconductor.
• The negative sign in Equation (1.7) indicates that the electron drift velocity is opposite to that of
the applied electric field as shown in Figure 1.8(a).
where n is the electron concentration (#/cm3) and e is the magnitude of the electronic charge.
• The conventional drift current is in the opposite direction from the flow of negative charge,
which means that the drift current in an n-type semiconductor is in the same direction as the
applied electric field.
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• Consider a p-type semiconductor with a large number of holes (Figure 1.8(b)). An electric
field E applied in one direction produces a force on the holes in the same direction,
because of the positive charge on the holes.
where μp is a constant called the hole mobility, and again has units of cm2/V·s.
For low-doped silicon, the value of μp is typically 480 cm2/V·s, which is less than half the
value of the electron mobility.
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• The positive sign in Equation (1.9) indicates that the hole drift velocity is in the same
direction as the applied electric field as shown in Figure 1.8(b).
where p is the hole concentration (#/cm3) and e is the magnitude of the electronic charge.
• The conventional drift current is in the same direction as the flow of positive charge,
which means that the drift current in a p-type material is also in the same direction as
the applied electric field.
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• Since a semiconductor contains both electrons and holes, the total drift current
density is the sum of the electron and hole components. The total drift current
density is then written as
J = e n μn E + e p μp E = σE = (1/ρ) E (1.11(a))
σ = e n μn + e p μp (1.11(b))
and where σ is the conductivity of the semiconductor in (Ω·cm)−1 and ρ = 1/σ is the
resistivity of the semiconductor in (Ω·cm).
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• The conductivity, σ, is related to the concentration of electrons and holes (n and p).
• If the electric field is the result of applying a voltage to the semiconductor, then
Equation (1.11(a)) becomes a linear relationship between current and voltage and is
one form of Ohm’s law.
• From Equation (1.11(b)), we see that the conductivity can be changed from strongly
n-type, n >> p, by donor impurity doping to strongly p-type, p >> n, by acceptor
impurity doping.
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• In the diffusion process, particles flow from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration.
This is a statistical phenomenon related to kinetic theory.
• The electrons and holes in a semiconductor are in continuous motion, with an average speed determined by the
temperature, and with the directions randomized by interactions with the lattice atoms. Statistically, we can
assume that, at any particular instant, approximately half of the particles in the high-concentration region are
moving away from that region toward the lower-concentration region.
• We can also assume that, at the same time, approximately half of the particles in the lower-concentration region
are moving toward the high-concentration region. However, by definition, there are fewer particles in the lower-
concentration region than there are in the high-concentration region. Therefore, the net result is a flow of
particles away from the high-concentration region and toward the lower-concentration region. This is the basic
diffusion process.
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• The diffusion current density due to the diffusion of electrons can be written as (for one
Jn = e Dn (dn/dx) (1.12)
where e is the magnitude of the electronic charge, (dn/dx) is the gradient of the electron
concentration, and Dn is the electron diffusion coefficient.
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• In Figure 1.9(b), the hole concentration is a function of distance. The diffusion of holes
from a high-concentration region to a low-concentration region produces a flow of holes in
the negative x direction. (Conventional current is in the direction of the flow of positive
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• The diffusion current density due to the diffusion of holes can be written as (for one
Jp = -e Dp (dp/dx) (1.13)
where e is the magnitude of the electronic charge, dp/dx is the gradient of the hole
concentration, and Dp is the hole diffusion coefficient.
• Note the change in sign between the two diffusion current equations. This change in sign is
due to the difference in sign of the electronic charge between the negatively charged
electron and the positively charged hole. The minus sign is needed so that Jp is positive in
the positive x direction.
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• The mobility values in the drift current equations and the diffusion coefficient values in
the diffusion current equations are not independent quantities. They are related by the
Einstein relation, which is
at room temperature.
• The total current density is the sum of the drift and diffusion components. Fortunately, in
most cases only one component dominates the current at any one time in a given region of
a semiconductor.
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• Up to this point, we have assumed that the semiconductor is in thermal equilibrium. In the
discussion of drift and diffusion currents, we implicitly assumed that equilibrium was not
significantly disturbed. Yet, when a voltage is applied to, or a current exists in, a semiconductor
device, the semiconductor is really not in equilibrium.
• Valence electrons may acquire sufficient energy to break the covalent bond and become free
electrons if they interact with high-energy photons incident on the semiconductor. When this
occurs, both an electron and a hole are produced, thus generating an electron–hole pair. These
additional electrons and holes are called excess electrons and excess holes.
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• When these excess electrons and holes are created, the concentrations of free electrons and
holes increase above their thermal equilibrium values. This may be represented by
n = no + δn (1.15(a))
p = po +δp (1.15(b))
where no and po are the thermal equilibrium concentrations of electrons and holes, and δn and δp
are the excess electron and hole concentrations.
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• If the semiconductor is in a steady-state condition, the creation of excess electrons and holes
will not cause the carrier concentration to increase indefinitely, because a free electron may
recombine with a hole, in a process called electron–hole recombination.
• Both the free electron and the hole disappear causing the excess concentration to reach a
steady-state value. The mean time over which an excess electron and hole exist before
recombination is called the excess carrier lifetime.
• Excess carriers are involved in the current mechanisms of, for example, solar cells and
photodiodes. These devices are discussed in Section 1.5.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
Objective: Determine the properties of a pn junction including the ideal current-voltage characteristics of the
pn junction diode.
• So far, we looked at characteristics of semiconductor materials. The doping produces free electrons or
holes in a semiconductor, and an electric field or a concentration gradient leads to the movement of these
charge carriers. We introduce n-type and p-type dopants into two adjacent sections of a piece of
semiconductor. The p and n sides are called the “anode” and the “cathode,” respectively.
• The real power of semiconductor electronics occurs when p- and n-regions are directly adjacent to each
other, forming a pn junction.
• In most integrated circuit applications, the entire semiconductor material is a single crystal, with one
region doped to be p-type and the adjacent region doped to be n-type.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• We begin with semiconductor devices with the pn junction for three reasons.
(1) The device finds application in many electronic systems, e.g., in adaptors that charge
the batteries of cellphones.
(2) The pn junction is among the simplest semiconductor devices, thus providing a good
entry point into the study of the operation of such complex structures as transistors.
(3) The pn junction also serves as part of transistors. We also use the term “diode” to refer
to pn junctions.
• The pn junction can be considered in three modes: equilibrium, reverse bias, and forward bias.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
Nd : donor concentration
Na : acceptor concentration
ni : intrinsic concentration
pno : hole concentration
npo : electron concentration
(a) is a simplified block diagram of a pn junction. (b) shows the respective p-type and n-type doping
concentrations, assuming uniform doping in each region, as well as the minority carrier concentrations in
each region, assuming thermal equilibrium. (c) is a three-dimensional diagram of the pn junction showing the
cross-sectional area of the device.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• A large density gradient in both the hole and electron concentrations occurs across this junction.
• Initially, there is a diffusion of holes from the p-region into the n-region, and a diffusion of electrons
from the n-region into the p-region.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The flow of holes from the p-region uncovers negatively charged acceptor ions, and the flow of
electrons from the n-region uncovers positively charged donor ions. This action creates a charge
separation, which sets up an electric field oriented in the direction from the positive charge to
the negative charge.
• If no voltage is applied to the pn junction, the diffusion of holes and electrons must eventually
stop. The direction of the induced electric field will cause the resulting force to repel the
diffusion of holes from the p-region and the diffusion of electrons from the n-region.
• Thermal equilibrium occurs when the force produced by the electric field and the force
produced by the density gradient exactly balance.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The positively charged region and the negatively charged region comprise the space-charge
region, or depletion region, of the pn junction, in which there are essentially no mobile electrons
or holes. Because of the electric field in the space-charge region, there is a potential difference
across that region (b).
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• This potential difference is called the built-in potential barrier, or built-in voltage, and is given by
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The potential difference, or built-in potential barrier, across the space-charge region cannot be
measured by a voltmeter because new potential barriers form between the probes of the
voltmeter and the semiconductor, canceling the effects of Vbi .
• The built-in potential barrier is developed to oppose the flow of diffusion currents.
• However, the magnitude of Vbi becomes important when we apply a forward-bias voltage, as
discussed later in this chapter.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The magnitude of the electric field in the space-charge region increases above the thermal
equilibrium value. This increased electric field holds back the holes in the p-region and the
electrons in the n-region, so there is essentially no current across the pn junction.
• The magnitude of the junction capacitance decreases as the reverse-bias voltage (𝑉𝑅 )
• The junction capacitance will affect the switching characteristics of the pn junction.
• The capacitance–voltage characteristics can make the pn junction useful for electrically
tunable resonant circuits.
• Junctions fabricated specifically for this purpose are called varactor diodes. Varactor diodes
can be used in electrically tunable oscillators, such as a Hartley oscillator, discussed in
Chapter 15, or in tuned amplifiers, considered in Chapter 8.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• However, neither the electric field in the space-charge region nor the
applied reverse-bias voltage can increase indefinitely because at some
point, breakdown will occur and a large reverse bias current will be
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The n-region contains many more free electrons than the p-region; the p-region contains many
more holes than the n-region.
• With zero applied voltage, the built-in potential barrier prevents these majority carriers from
diffusing across the space-charge region; thus, the barrier maintains equilibrium between the
carrier distributions on either side of the pn junction.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The electric fields in the space-charge region are very large compared to those in the remainder
of the p- and n-regions, so essentially all of the applied voltage exists across the pn junction
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The applied electric field, EA, induced by the applied voltage is in the opposite direction from
that of the thermal equilibrium space-charge E-field.
• However, the net electric field is always from the n- to the p-region. The net result is that
the electric field in the space-charge region is lower than the equilibrium value.
• This upsets the delicate balance between diffusion and the E-field force.
• Majority carrier electrons from the n-region diffuse into the p-region, and majority carrier
holes from the p-region diffuse into the n-region.
• The process continues as long as the voltage vD is applied, thus creating a current in the pn
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• This applied voltage polarity (i.e., bias) is known as forward bias. The forward-bias voltage vD must always be less
than the built-in potential barrier Vbi.
• As the majority carriers cross into the opposite regions, they become minority carriers in those regions, causing
the minority carrier concentrations to increase. Figure shows the resulting excess minority carrier concentrations
at the space-charge region edges. These excess minority carriers diffuse into the neutral n- and p-regions, where
they recombine with majority carriers, thus establishing a steady-state condition.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• An applied voltage results in a gradient in the minority carrier concentrations, which in turn causes
diffusion currents.
• In forward bias, the external voltage opposes the built-in potential, raising the diffusion currents
• In reverse bias, the applied voltage enhances the field, prohibiting current flow.
• The theoretical relationship between the voltage and the current in the pn junction is given by
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• For silicon pn junctions, typical values of IS are in the range of 10−18 to 10−12 A.
• The actual value depends on the doping concentrations and is also proportional to the cross-
sectional area of the junction.
• The parameter n is usually called the emission coefficient or ideality factor, and its value is
in the range 1 ≤ n ≤ 2.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The emission coefficient n considers any recombination of electrons and holes in the space-
charge region.
At very low current levels, recombination may be a significant factor and the value of n may be
close to 2.
At higher current levels, recombination is less a factor, and the value of n will be 1.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• In the forward-bias or “on” state, a relatively large current is produced by a fairly small
applied voltage; in the reverse-bias, or “off” state, only a very small current is created.
• The current is in the reverse direction and is a constant, hence the name reverse-bias
saturation current.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
Temperature Effects
• The parameter IS is a function of the intrinsic carrier concentration ni, which in turn is
strongly dependent on temperature.
The value of IS approximately doubles for every 5 °C increase in temperature. The actual reverse-
bias diode current, as a general rule, doubles for every 10 °C rise in temperature.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
Breakdown Voltage
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
Breakdown Voltage
• Under a high reverse bias voltage, pn junctions break down, conducting a very high current.
Depending on the structure and doping levels of the device, two most common breakdown
mechanism “Zener” or “Avalanche” breakdown may occur.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• Avalanche breakdown: As the reverse bias voltage increases, an avalanche effect takes place. Even though the leakage
current is very small, each carrier entering the depletion region experiences a very high electric field and hence a large
acceleration, thus gaining enough energy to break the electrons from their covalent bonds. Called “impact ionization,” this
phenomenon can lead to avalanche: Each electron freed by the impact may itself speed up so much in the field as to
collide with another atom with sufficient energy, thereby freeing one more covalent-bond electron. Now, these two
electrons may again acquire energy and cause more ionizing collisions, rapidly raising the number of free carriers.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• The avalanche breakdown occurs when carriers crossing the space charge region gain sufficient
kinetic energy from the high electric field to be able to break covalent bonds during a collision
• The generated electron–hole pairs can themselves be involved in a collision process generating
additional electron–hole pairs, thus the avalanche process.
• The breakdown voltage is a function of the doping concentrations in the n- and p-regions of the
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.2 THE pn JUNCTION
• Zener breakdown is a result of tunneling of carriers across the junction. This effect is prominent
at very high doping concentrations and results in breakdown voltages less than 5 V.
• The voltage at which breakdown occurs depends on fabrication parameters of the pn junction. A
pn junction is usually rated in terms of its peak inverse voltage or PIV. The PIV of a diode must
never be exceeded in circuit operation if reverse breakdown is to be avoided.
• Diodes can be fabricated with a specifically designed breakdown voltage and are designed to
operate in the breakdown region. These diodes are called Zener diodes.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
Objective: Examine dc analysis techniques for diode circuits using various models to describe
the diode characteristics.
one deals with the dc input and its circuit response (dc analysis),
and the other deals with the signal input and the resulting circuit response (ac analysis).
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
• The analysis of nonlinear electronic circuits is not as straightforward as the analysis of linear
electric circuits. However, there are electronic functions that can be implemented only by
nonlinear circuits.
• Examples include the generation of dc voltages from sinusoidal voltages and the implementation
of logic functions.
• In this section, we will develop the dc analysis and modeling techniques of diode circuits.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
• Large-signal models are initially developed that describe the behavior of the device with
relatively large changes in voltages and currents. These models simplify the analysis of diode
circuits and make the analysis of relatively complex circuits much easier.
• In the next section, we will consider a small-signal model of the diode that will describe the
behavior of the pn junction with small changes in voltages and currents.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
29.02.2024 Lecture # 1 93
EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
• One diode circuit is the rectifier circuit shown in Figure 1.27(a). Assume that the input
voltage vI is a sinusoidal signal, as shown in Figure 1.27(b), and the diode is an ideal diode
(see Figure 1.26(a)).
• During the positive half-cycle of the sinusoidal input, a forward-bias current exists in the
diode and the voltage across the diode is zero. The equivalent circuit for this condition is
shown in Figure 1.27(c). The output voltage vO is then equal to the input voltage.
• During the negative half-cycle of the sinusoidal input, the diode is reverse biased. The
equivalent circuit for this condition is shown in Figure 1.27(d). In this part of the cycle, the
diode acts as an open circuit, the current is zero, and the output voltage is zero.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
• Over the entire cycle, the input signal is sinusoidal and has a zero average value; however,
the output signal contains only positive values and therefore has a positive average value.
Thus, this circuit is said to rectify the input signal, which is the first step in generating a dc
voltage from a sinusoidal (ac) voltage.
• The graphical analysis technique involves plotting two simultaneous equations and locating
their point of intersection, which is the solution to the two equations.
We will use both techniques to solve the circuit equations, which include the diode equation.
These equations are difficult to solve by hand because they contain both linear and
exponential terms.
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
The diode voltage VD and current ID are related by the ideal diode equation as (1.22)
Example 1.8: Determine the diode voltage and current for the circuit shown before. Consider a diode
with a given reverse-saturation current of IS = 10−13 A.
Solution using iteration
• First try VD = 0.60 V, the right side of Eq. (1.24) is 2.7 V, so the eq. is not balanced and try again.
• Next try VD = 0.65 V, the right side of Eq. (1.24) is 15.1 V. Again, the eq. is not balanced.
• But we can see that the solution for VD is between 0.6 and 0.65 V. If we continue the guesses, we will
be able to show that, when VD = 0.619 V, the right side of Eq. (1.24) is 4.99 V, which is essentially
equal to the value of the left side of the equation.
• The current in the circuit can then be determined by dividing the voltage difference across the
resistor by the resistance, or
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EE212 Electronics I
Solution using graphical approach Lecture # 1 1.3 DIODE CIRCUITS: DC ANALYSIS AND MODELS
• To use a graphical approach to analyze the circuit, we go back to Kirchhoff’s voltage law, as expressed
by Eq. (1.21(a)), which was VPS = ID R + VD.
• This equation gives a linear relation between the diode current ID and the diode voltage VD for a
given power supply voltage VPS and resistance R.
• This equation is referred to as the circuit load line, and is usually plotted on a graph with the current
ID as the vertical axis and the voltage VD as the horizontal axis.
• From Eq. (1.21(b)), we see that if ID = 0, then VD = VPS which is the horizontal axis intercept.
• If VD = 0, then ID = VPS /R which is the vertical axis intercept. The load line can be drawn between
these two points. From Eq. (1.21(b)), we see that the slope of the load line is −1/R.
• The second plot in the figure is that of Eq. (1.22), which is the
ideal diode equation relating the diode current and voltage.
The intersection of the load line and the device characteristics
curve provides the dc current ID ≈ 2.2 mA through the diode
and the dc voltage VD ≈ 0.62 V across the diode. This point is
referred to as the quiescent point, or the Q-point.
• The graphical analysis method can yield accurate results, but it
is somewhat impractical.
Example 1.9: Determine the diode voltage and current in the circuit, using a piecewise linear model.
Solution using piecewise linear model
Determine the power dissipated in the diode. Assume piecewise linear diode parameters of Vγ = 0.6 V
and rf = 10Ω.
• This solution, using the piecewise linear model, is nearly equal to the solution obtained in Example
Solution using piecewise linear model
1.8, in which the ideal diode equation was used. However, the analysis using the piecewise-linear
model in this example is by far easier than using the actual diode I–V characteristics as was done in
Example 1.8.
• Because the forward diode resistance rf in Example 1.9 is much smaller than the circuit resistance
R, the diode current ID is essentially independent of the value of rf .
• If the cut-in voltage is 0.7 V instead of 0.6 V, the calculated diode current will be 2.15 mA, which is
not significantly different from the previous results.
• Therefore, the calculated diode current is not a strong function of the cut-in voltage. Consequently,
we will often assume a cut-in voltage of 0.7 V for silicon pn junction diodes.
• The concept of the load line and the piecewise linear model can be combined in diode circuit
analyses. From Kirchhoff’s voltage law, the load line for the circuit and for the piecewise linear
model of the diode can be written as VPS = ID R + Vγ where Vγ is the diode cut-in voltage. We can
assume Vγ = 0.7V. Various load lines can be determined and plotted for the following circuit
A: VPS = 5 V, R = 2kΩ
B: VPS = 5 V, R = 4kΩ
The load line for condition A is plotted in Figure. Also
C: VPS = 2.5 V, R = 2kΩ plotted in the figure are the piecewise linear
• Figure 1.32(b) shows the same piecewise linear characteristics of the diode. In addition, all
four load lines, defined by the conditions listed in A, B, C, and D are plotted on the figure.
• We see that the Q-point of the diode is a function of the load line. The Q-point changes
for each load line.
The load line concept is also useful when the diode is reverse biased. Figure 1.33 (a) shows
the same diode circuit as before, but with the direction of the diode reversed.
• The diode current ID and voltage VD shown are the usual forward-biased parameters.
• Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law, we can write VPS = IPS R − VD = −ID R − VD (1.25(a))
where ID = −IPS .
• Eq. (1.25(b)) is the load line equation. The two end points are found by setting ID = 0, which yields VD = − VPS =
−5V, and by setting VD = 0, which yields ID = − VPS/R = −5/2 = −2.5mA.
• The diode characteristics and the load line are plotted in Figure 1.33(b). We see that the load line is in the
third quadrant, where it intersects the diode characteristics curve at VD = −5V and ID = 0, demonstrating that
the diode is reverse biased.
• One of the earliest, and now the most widely used, circuit analysis programs is the
simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE).
• One outgrowth of SPICE is PSpice, which is designed for use on personal computers.
• The two dc diode models used in the hand analysis of diode circuits are: the ideal diode equation
and the piecewise linear approximation.
• For the ideal diode equation, the reverse-saturation current IS must be specified. For the piecewise
linear model, the cut-in voltage Vγ and forward diode resistance rf must be specified. In most cases,
however, rf is assumed to be zero unless otherwise given.
• The particular model that should be used in a specific application or situation is a compromise
between accuracy and ease of calculation.
Objective: Develop an equivalent circuit for a diode that is used when a small, time-varying
signal is applied to a diode circuit.
• Up to this point, we have only looked at the dc characteristics of the pn junction diode.
• When semiconductor devices with pn junctions are used in linear amplifier circuits, the
time-varying, or ac, characteristics of the pn junction become important, because sinusoidal
signals may be superimposed on the dc currents and voltages.
Figure 1.35: AC circuit analysis: (a) circuit with combined dc and sinusoidal input
voltages, (b) sinusoidal diode current superimposed on the quiescent current, (c)
sinusoidal diode voltage superimposed on the quiescent value.
Current–Voltage Relationships
• Since the input voltage contains a dc component with an ac signal superimposed, the diode current
will also contain a dc component with an ac signal superimposed (Figure 1.35b). Here, IDQ is the dc
quiescent diode current.
• The diode voltage will contain a dc value with an ac signal superimposed (Figure 1.35c). Assume
that the ac signal is small compared to the dc component, so that a linear ac model can be
developed from the nonlinear diode.
• If the ac signal is “small,” then vd << VT , and we can expand the exponential function into a
linear series, as follows:
• The diode current–voltage relationship from Equation (1.27) can then be written as
Circuit Analysis
• To analyze the circuit shown in Figure 1.35(a), we first perform a dc analysis and
then an ac analysis. These two types of analyses will use two equivalent circuits.
• Figure 1.36(a) is the dc equivalent circuit that we have seen previously. If the diode
is forward biased, then the voltage across the diode is the piecewise linear turn-on
• Figure 1.36(b) is the ac equivalent circuit. The diode has been replaced by its
equivalent resistance rd . All parameters in this circuit are the small-signal time-
varying parameters.
Circuit Analysis
Example 1.11: Analyze the circuit shown in Figure (a). Assume circuit and
Solution: Analysis into two parts: the dc analysis and the ac analysis.
• For the dc analysis, set vi = 0 and determine the dc quiescent current from Figure 1.36(a)
• For the ac analysis, consider only the ac signals and parameters in the circuit. Set VPS = 0.
The ac Kirchhoff Voltage Law (KVL) equation becomes vi = id rd + id R = id (rd + R) where rd
is the small-signal diode diffusion resistance. From Eq. (1.32),
Comment: Divide the circuit analysis into a dc analysis and an ac analysis. Use separate
equivalent circuit models for each analysis.
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Frequency Response
• In the previous analysis, we implicitly assumed that the frequency of the ac signal was small enough that
capacitance effects in the circuit would be negligible.
• If the frequency of the ac input signal increases, the diffusion capacitance associated with a forward-biased
pn junction becomes important. The source of the diffusion capacitance is shown in Figure 1.37.
• The same process is occurring with the minority carrier electrons in the p-region.
• The diffusion capacitance is the change in the stored minority carrier charge that is caused
by a change in the voltage, or
• The diffusion capacitance Cd is normally much larger than the junction capacitance Cj,
because of the magnitude of the charges involved.
Y = gd + jωCd (1.34)
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Lecture # 1
EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.5 OTHER DIODE TYPES
• There are many other types of diodes with specialized characteristics that are useful in
particular applications.
• We will briefly consider the solar cell, photodiode, light-emitting diode, Schottky diode,
and Zener diode.
• The generated photocurrent will produce a voltage across • Solar cells are usually fabricated from
the load, which means that the solar cell has supplied silicon, but may be made from GaAs or
power. other III–V compound semiconductors.
1.5.2 Photodiode
• Photodetectors are devices that convert optical signals into electrical signals.
• An example is the photodiode, which is similar to a solar cell except that the pn junction is
operated with a reverse-bias voltage. Incident photons or light waves create excess electrons and
holes in the space-charge region. These excess carriers are quickly separated and swept out of the
space-charge region by the electric field, thus creating a “photocurrent.” This generated
photocurrent is directly proportional to the incident photon flux.
• Therefore, LEDs are fabricated from GaAs or other compound semiconductor materials.
• In an LED, the diode current is directly proportional to the recombination rate, which means that
the output light intensity is also proportional to the diode current.
• Monolithic arrays of LEDs are fabricated for numeric and alphanumeric displays, such as the
readout of a digital voltmeter.
The current in a Schottky diode results from the flow of majority carriers (electrons) over the
potential barrier at the metallurgical junction. This means that there is no minority carrier
storage in the Schottky diode, so the switching time from a forward bias to a reverse bias is
very short compared to that of a pn junction diode. The storage time, ts , for a Schottky diode is
essentially zero (the length of time required for the minority carrier concentrations at the
space-charge region edges to reach the thermal equilibrium values).
• The reverse-saturation current IS for a Schottky diode is larger than that of a pn junction diode for
comparable device areas. This property means that it takes less forward bias voltage to induce a
particular current compared to a pn junction diode. (an application of this in Chapter 17)
Example 1.12 The reverse saturation currents of a pn junction diode and a Schottky diode
are IS = 10−12 A and 10−8 A, respectively. Determine the forward-bias voltages required to
produce 1 mA in each diode.
• Diodes, called Zener diodes, can be designed and fabricated to provide a specified
breakdown voltage VZo.
• The large current that may exist at breakdown can cause heating effects and catastrophic
failure of the diode due to the large power dissipation in the device.
• However, diodes can be operated in the breakdown region by limiting the current to a
value within the capabilities of the device. Such a diode can be used as a constant-voltage
reference in a circuit.
• The diode breakdown voltage is essentially constant over a wide range of currents and
temperatures. The slope of the I–V characteristics curve in breakdown is quite large, so the
incremental resistance rz is small. Typically, rz is in the range of a few ohms or tens of
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EE212 Electronics I Lecture # 1 1.5 OTHER DIODE TYPES
• The voltage VZ is the Zener breakdown voltage, and the current IZ is the reverse-bias
current when the diode is operating in the breakdown region.
Design Example 1.13 Consider a simple constant-voltage reference circuit and design the
value of resistance required to limit the current in this circuit. Assume that the Zener diode
breakdown voltage is VZ = 5.6 V and the Zener resistance is rz = 0. The current in the diode is
to be limited to 3 mA.
• The resistance external to the Zener diode limits the current when the diode is operating in the breakdown region.
• In the circuit shown in the figure, the output voltage will remain constant at 5.6 V, even though the power supply
voltage and the resistance may change over a limited range. Hence, this circuit provides a constant output voltage.