Hazardous voltage exits inside the UPS (includes the connection terminals ! Ca"le connection and maintenance should "e done "# $ro%essional or &uali%ied $ersonnel! The UPS has its o'n internal $o'er source ("atteries ! The out$ut terminals ma# "e live even 'hen the UPS is not connected to the AC su$$l#! (C ca$acitors are em$lo#ed in this unit! Hazardous voltage still exists even 'hen the unit is not energized! (o not touch an# $art o% the inside o% the UPS!
)A*NIN+ !
,e sure to o$erate the UPS 'ithin the rated $o'er level! Prevent direct ex$osure to direct sunlight- rain or contaminating environment! Onl# &uali%ied technicians should re$lace the "atteries! Since "atteries have high short.circuit current ca$acit#- mista/es in connection or disconnection can cause severe "urns or death to servicing $ersonnel!