Brosur Multi Block Retaining Wall System
Brosur Multi Block Retaining Wall System
Brosur Multi Block Retaining Wall System
Bridge abutments.
Concrete Panels
Precast concrete facing panels - either
Full-height panel wall (Netherlands). full height or incremental - may be man-
ufactured by casting in short starter
lengths of the appropriate Tensar
geogrid at the rear. Once placed or
propped in position, the main geogrid
length is simply attached to the starter
length by forming a full-strength con-
Dewsbury wall construction.
nection. The panel mould may be
designed to accommodate a number of
attractive face styles.
Marine Units
These substantial precast concrete units
Incremental panel wall (UK).
are well suited to aggressive marine
conditions. The geometry of the face
units means no propping is required
during construction.
Harbour wall with masonry pattern finish to the Marine units (UK).
(1) Carbon black inhibits attack by UV light. Determined in accordance with BS 2782:Part 4:Method 452B:1993. Any section of grid
fully exposed to sunlight can be expected to retain 90% of its quality control strength for periods in excess of 40 years in temper-
ature climates and 20 years in tropical climates.
(2) Determined in accordance with BS EN ISO 10319:1996 and as lower 95% confidence limit in accordance with
ISO 2602:1980 (BS 2846:Part 2:1981).
(3) Determined in accordance with GRI Test Method GG2-87, and expressed as a % of the quality control strength.
(4) Determined as a lower bound using standard extrapolation techniques to creep rupture data obtained following the test proce-
dure in BS EN ISO 13431:1999 for 120 year design life.
(5) In-soil temperature.
(6) Tensar RE geogrids are inert to all chemicals naturally found in soils and have no solvents at ambient temperature. They are not
susceptible to hydrolysis and are resistant to aqueous solutions of salts, acids and alkalis (pH 2.0 to 12.5) and are non-biodegrad-
(7) All quoted dimensions and values are typical unless stated otherwise.
Data sheets are also available for 60 year creep rupture strengths and Tensar SR geogrids.
Contact Tensar International or your local distributor to receive further
literature covering Tensar products and applications.
Also available on request are product specifications, installation guides
and specification notes.
The complete range of Tensar literature consists of:
• Tensar Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering A guide to the products
and their applications
• Ground Stabilisation Reinforcing unbound layers
in roads and trafficked areas
• Steep Slopes Constructing embankments
with steep slopes
• Retaining Walls Constructing retaining walls in reinforced soil
• Foundations over Piles Constructing over weak ground
without settlement
• Basal Reinforcement Constructing embankments over
weak ground
• Railways Reinforcing ballast under railway track
• Asphalt Pavements Reinforcing asphalt layers
in roads and trafficked areas
• Erosion Controlling erosion on soil and rock slopes
The information in this brochure is supplied by Tensar International free of charge. Tensar
International do not assume any duty of care to you or any third party. No liability for negligence
(other than for death and personal injury) can arise from any use of or reliance on the information
in this brochure or use of any Tensar International product mentioned. Tensar International will
not be liable if this brochure contains any misrepresentation or misstatement. Determination of
the suitability for any project of the information and any Tensar International product mentioned in
it must be made by your engineer or other professional advisor who has full knowledge of the proj-
ect. You, together with any such engineer or advisor, must assume all risk of loss and damage of
any kind arising from use of the information or any product of Tensar International other than the
risk of death and personal injury. If you or any third party subsequently purchases a product
referred to in this brochure or any other Tensar International product the entire terms of the con-
tract of purchase and the entire obligation of Tensar International relating to the product or arising
from its use shall be as set out in Tensar International's Standard Conditions in force at the time of
purchase, a copy of which may be requested from Tensar International.