Planning - 2-d Shapes
Planning - 2-d Shapes
Planning - 2-d Shapes
"# %&'()*
AJopteJ ftom o templote cteoteJ by ut. k. koscoe 1
/01 2345"# 14)" uecember 3, 2013
MaLh & ArL - Crades 1 & 2
30 mlnuLes
=%() 2-u Shapes '"4-3"9 Mlss PlldenbrandL
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Level Cne - ComponenL 10 (lll): Medla and 1echnlques: SLudenLs wlll use medla and Lechnlques, wlLh an
emphasls on exploraLlon and dlrecL meLhods ln drawlng, palnLlng, prlnL maklng, sculpLure, fabrlc arLs,
phoLography and Lechnographlc arLs.
Level Cne - ComponenL 10 (lll): Medla and 1echnlques: SLudenLs wlll use medla and Lechnlques, wlLh an
emphasls on exploraLlon and dlrecL meLhods ln drawlng, palnLlng, prlnL maklng, sculpLure, fabrlc arLs,
phoLography and Lechnographlc arLs.
Shape and Space (3-u Cb[ecLs and 2-u Shapes): SLudenLs wlll descrlbe Lhe characLerlsLlcs of 3-u ob[ecLs and
2-u shapes, and analyze Lhe relaLlonshlps among Lhem.
Shape and Space (3-u Cb[ecLs and 2-u Shapes): SLudenLs wlll descrlbe Lhe characLerlsLlcs of 3-u ob[ecLs and
2-u shapes, and analyze Lhe relaLlonshlps among Lhem.
Level Cne - ComponenL 10 (lll): Medla and 1echnlques - ConcepL A. urawlng: SLudenLs wlll use drawlng
Lools Lo make a varleLy of shapes - open, closed forms, sLralghL, curved forms, geomeLrlc (recLangles,
squares, clrcles and Lrlangles) and free form.
Level Cne - ComponenL 10 (lll): Medla and 1echnlques - ConcepL A. urawlng: SLudenLs wlll use drawlng
Lools Lo make a varleLy of shapes - open, closed forms, sLralghL, curved forms, geomeLrlc (recLangles,
squares, clrcles and Lrlangles) and free form.
Shape and Space (3-u Cb[ecLs and 2-u Shapes): 4. SLudenLs wlll compare 2-u shapes Lo parLs of 3-u ob[ecLs
ln Lhe envlronmenL.
Shape and Space (3-u Cb[ecLs and 2-u Shapes): 8. SLudenLs wlll descrlbe, compare and consLrucL 2-u
shapes, lncludlng: Lrlangles, squares, recLangles, clrcles.
Shape and Space (3-u Cb[ecLs and 2-u Shapes): 9. SLudenLs wlll ldenLlfy 2-u shapes as parLs of 3-u ob[ecLs
ln Lhe envlronmenL.
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1. use drawlng Lools Lo make a varleLy of geomeLrlc shapes (recLangles, squares, Lrlangles).
2. Compare 2-u shapes Lo 3-u ob[ecLs ln Lhe envlronmenL.
1. use drawlng Lools Lo make a varleLy of geomeLrlc shapes (recLangles, squares, Lrlangles).
2. uescrlbe 2-u shapes, lncludlng Lrlangles, squares, recLangles, clrcles.
3. ConsLrucL 2-u shapes, lncludlng Lrlangles, squares, recLangles, clrcles.
4. ldenLlfy 2-u shapes as parLs of 3-u ob[ecLs ln Lhe envlronmenL.
>6#"9;4)($%#H Cbserve and llsLen as sLudenLs dlscuss Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of shapes durlng lnLroducLlon (2)
Cbserve and llsLen durlng Lhe group Llme - are sLudenLs able Lo ldenLlfy Lhe shapes,
characLerlsLlcs of Lhem ln learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (2)
Cbserve and llsLen as sLudenLs ldenLlfy 2-u shapes as parLs of 3-u ob[ecLs ln Lhe
envlronmenL ln lnLroducLlon (4)
Cbserve and llsLen as sLudenLs compare 2-u shapes Lo 3-u shapes ln Lhe envlronmenL ln
lnLroducLlon (2)
Cbserve and monlLor as sLudenLs consLrucL 2-u shapes durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (1, 1, 3)
N"O P."#)($%#: Pow many sldes does _______ (2-u shape) have? (2)
Pow many polnLs does _______ (2-u shape) have? (2)
E9$:.-)#+E"9I$9<4%-"#H CompleLed sLocklng or SanLa's bag (1, 1, 3)
!"# %&'()*
AJopteJ ftom o templote cteoteJ by ut. k. koscoe 2
!ACBJFJ8 BA2>=B?A2 ?>J2=!'A1 @C'ABFC!2 CJ1 AP=FE@AJ'
AlberLa rogram of SLudles (MaLh, ArL)
SLocklngs & SanLa's bags
encll crayons
SmarLboard - documenL camera
+,-., /. 0)**.1 SLudenLs creaLe Lhelr legend (grade one's - aL leasL 4 shapes, grade Lwo's - aL leasL 3 shapes).
CuL ouL sLocklngs and SanLa's bags.
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Larller Lhls mornlng, we Lalked abouL dlfferenL klnds of shapes. WhaL were
some of Lhe shapes we dlscussed? (WrlLe Lhem on Lhe board).
Where do we see each of Lhese shapes ln real llfe? WhaL klnds of Lhlngs
would we see Lhese 2-u shapes ln? uo Lhey flL lnLo 3-u ob[ecLs? WhaL klnd of
2-u shape do you see ln Lhls sponge? WhaL abouL ln Lhls 3-u noLebook - whaL
2-u shape ls Lhere? (Pold up a varleLy of 3-u ob[ecLs and have Lhem polnL ouL
whaL Lhe 2-u shape ln lL ls). (2, 4)
We already made a plan - or a legend. uoes anyone know whaL a legend ls?
(A legend ls someLhlng LhaL glves us lnformaLlon abouL a map, or a plan. lL
ofLen uses symbols - refer Lo Lhe map on Lhe board and show Lhe legend - lL
helps us Lo flgure ouL whaL Lhe plcLure means). We made our own legends,
and we wlll be uslng Lhem Lo help us wlLh our plcLure we are creaLlng.
3 mlnuLes
9,'1*-/-.1 /. :.7; llrsL, we are golng Lo look aL how dlfferenL shapes can flL LogeLher.
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<)',1-18 2=/->-/; ?@ Llke we Lalked abouL Lhls mornlng already, we are golng Lhrough elf Lralnlng.
1hls elf Lralnlng lnvolves ldenLlfylng dlfferenL shapes.
Llves have a blg [ob Lo do - Lhey wrap presenLs, and Lry Lo flL as many as Lhey
can lnLo sLocklngs and SanLa's bag. We are golng Lo pracLlce dolng LhaL Loday.
1he dlfferenL shapes are golng Lo represenL dlfferenL shapes of presenLs.
We are noL golng Lo use a clrcle shape, because lL would be really Lrlcky Lo
wrap someLhlng LhaL ls a clrcle, wouldn'L lL? So we wlll puL Lhe clrcle shaped
presenLs lnLo boxes.
1hese are Lhe shapes of boxes LhaL we have (refer Lo whlLeboard).
WhaL we need Lo do ls flgure ouL how many boxes we can flL lnLo our sLocklng
(grade Lwo's) or bag (grade one's).
Pere ls my bag LhaL l am worklng on.
So flrsL, we are golng Lo draw a shape - wlLh a ruler! l am golng Lo sLarL wlLh
Lhe LrlcklesL shape LhaL l have on my legend. lL ls an ocLagon.
jNote - use tbese poestloos wbeo tolkloq oboot tbe sbopes tbot l om pottloq
loto my exomple boq.
(kO. now mooy slJes Joes _______ (2-u sbope) bove? (2))
(kO. now mooy polots Joes _______ (2-u sbope) bove? (2))]
Pow many sldes does an ocLagon have? (8) Can l make my ocLagon any slze?
(no, lL has Lo be Lhe same slze as Lhe one on my legend). My legend says LhaL
ocLagons are purple, so l am golng Lo colour Lhls one ln. 1haL way l wlll be
able Lo counL how many l have aL Lhe end. (Colour lL ln)
now l am golng Lo puL ln anoLher shape. l wanL Lo make lL as close as l can and
noL leave any open space, lf LhaL ls posslble. LeLs Lry a Lrlangle. Pow many
sldes does a Lrlangle have? Pow many polnLs does lL have? My legend says
LhaL Lrlangles are whaL colour? (Colour lL ln)
1ry one more shape - ask a sLudenL whaL shape l should Lry Lo flL ln. (uraw
and colour lL)
We are golng Lo begln wlLh Lhe end ln mlnd - our end ln mlnd ls LhaL we are
Lrylng Lo geL as many presenLs (shapes) as posslble lnLo our sLocklng or bag!
Ask a sLudenL Lo descrlbe whaL Lhelr [ob ls.
SanLa's elves really have Lo concenLraLe - so whaL should we do Lo help us
20 mlnuLes
!"# %&'()*
AJopteJ ftom o templote cteoteJ by ut. k. koscoe 3
concenLraLe whlle we are Lralnlng? (CuleL, focus, slL nexL Lo someone we can
work nexL Lo, eLc)
(1, 1, 2, 3)
Assessmeots/ ulffeteotlotloo. Cbserve and llsLen durlng Lhe group Llme - are sLudenLs able Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
shapes, characLerlsLlcs of Lhem. (2)
Assess lf sLudenLs undersLand Lhe dlrecLlons for Lhe acLlvlLy - havlng a sLudenL
repeaL lL back wlll help me know lf Lhey undersLand lL, and clarlfy for oLher
sLudenLs as well.
Cbserve and monlLor as sLudenLs consLrucL 2-u shapes durlng learnlng acLlvlLy
#1 (1, 1, 3)
Crade one's - SanLa's bag. Crade Lwo's - sLocklng. (SanLa's bag ls a slmpler
shape - less curves and easler Lo flL Lhe sLralghL edged shapes lnLo).
Crade one's - larger graph paper. Crade Lwo's - smaller graph paper. Crade
Lwo's wlll be able Lo flL more shapes ln.
lf Lhe sLudenLs are sLruggllng wlLh uslng Lhe ruler, Lhen allow Lhem Lo do lL
lor sLudenLs LhaL flnlsh fllllng Lhelr sLocklng or bag wlLhln Lhls lesson:
now you are golng Lo counL Lhe number of each shape LhaL you have. Add
Lhem up and wrlLe Lhe number beslde Lhe shape on your legend.
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2**)**3)1/ .4 <)',1-18A We looked aL a loL of dlfferenL 2-u shapes Loday! Are Lhere some shapes LhaL
you have been flndlng easler Lo flL LogeLher? Why do you Lhlnk LhaL ls? uoes
lL have Lo do wlLh how many sldes Lhey have? Are Lhe ones wlLh more sldes
Lrlckler Lo pack?
(CollecL sLocklngs and SanLa's bags for formaLlve assessmenL) (1, 1, 3)
3 mlnuLes
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CommenL on Lhelr work - nolse level, beglnnlng wlLh Lhe end ln mlnd.
lnLo above
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Challenge sLudenLs Lo Lry anoLher wlLh more klnds of shapes and flL more lnLo Lhe sLocklng or