Science Lesson Plan - Curriculum
Science Lesson Plan - Curriculum
Science Lesson Plan - Curriculum
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Sclence, Crade 9
33 mlnuLes
=%() unlL u: LlecLrlcal rlnclples and 1echnologles '"2->"5 Mlss PlldenbrandL
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k1: lnvesLlgaLe and lnLerpreL Lhe use of devlces Lo converL varlous forms of energy Lo elecLrlcal energy, and
elecLrlcal energy Lo oLher forms of energy.
k2: uescrlbe Lechnologles for Lransfer and conLrol of elecLrlcal energy.
S1: Ask quesLlon abouL Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween and among observable varlables, and plan lnvesLlgaLlons
Lo address Lhose quesLlons.
A4: CollaboraLlon
k1.3: lnvesLlgaLe and evaluaLe Lhe use of dlfferenL elecLrodes, elecLrolyLes and elecLrolyLlc concenLraLlons
ln deslgnlng elecLrlcal sLorage cells.
k2.6: Measure volLages and amperages ln clrculLs - apply Chm's law Lo calculaLe reslsLance, volLage and
currenL ln slmple clrculLs.
S1.4: SLaLe a predlcLlon and a hypoLhesls based on background lnformaLlon or an observed paLLern of
A4.1: Work collaboraLlvely ln carrylng ouL lnvesLlgaLlons and ln generaLlng and evaluaLlng ldeas.
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1. lnvesLlgaLe and evaluaLe Lhe use of dlfferenL elecLrodes, elecLrolyLes and elecLrolyLlc concenLraLlons ln deslgnlng
elecLrlcal sLorage cells.
2. Measure volLage ln clrculLs.
3. SLaLe a predlcLlon and a hypoLhesls based on background lnformaLlon.
4. Work collaboraLlvely ln carrylng ouL lnvesLlgaLlons and ln generaLlng and evaluaLlng ldeas.
?8#"5;2)($%#G Cbserve and monlLorlng durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (durlng dlscusslon of background
lnformaLlon, generaLlon of hypoLhesls, conducLlng Lhe lab, and analyzlng resulLs) (1, 2, 3, 4)
CbservaLlon of measurlng volLage durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (2)
N"O P."#)($%#: WhaL ls an elecLrode?" (1)
WhaL ls an elecLrolyLe?" (1)
D5$3.-)#+D"5I$5<2%-"#G Measurlng volLage durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (1)
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AlberLa Sclence rogram of SLudles
Sclence ln AcLlon 9
Sclence ln AcLlon 9 1eacher 8esource maLerlals
ulsLllled waLer, Lap waLer, salL waLer, sugar waLer,
lemon waLer
LlecLrodes (copper, zlnc, brass, alumlnum)
/-.0- ,0 &%''0) SeL up maLerlals for Lhe lesson.
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1,,%),.0) 2-(33%- MaLerlals ouL on Lhe Lable aL Lhe fronL. CuesLlon on Lhe smarLboard - why or
why noL do you Lhlnk frulL can generaLe elecLrlclLy? WrlLe your answer down.
1''%''4%), 05 /-.0-
ulscusslon of how a frulL can llghL a llghLbulb? WhaL ls golng on? uld Lhls work
for Lhose of you who dld experlmenLs abouL Lhls for Lhe lnLegraLed pro[ecL?
WhaL do you Lhlnk was happenlng? Why dld you use Lhe pennles and nalls?
Was Lhere anyLhlng speclal abouL Lhe Lypes of nalls you used?
uL sllde up wlLh learnlng ob[ecLlves and agenda for Lhe day. CuLllne whaL we
wlll be dolng.
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>%(-).)8 1:,.9.,? @A Class lab (based on Chooslng LlecLrolyLes, p. 291)
1oday we are golng Lo do a lab as a class. We are looklng aL cells and baLLerles,
and dlfferenL Lypes of cells. usually when we conducL a lab, we do some
background research beforehand. Why would we do LhaL? (1o help us galn
undersLandlng abouL whaL we are looklng aL, help us flgure ouL whaL we mlghL
need, deLermlne a quesLlon Lo look aL, develop a hypoLhesls, explaln Lhe
purpose of Lhe lab Lo people LhaL may read Lhe lab reporL, eLc).
1oday, our background lnformaLlon ls looklng aL Lhe componenLs of cells, and
Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of cells - weL cells and dry cells. WlLh a parLner, dlscuss
whaL you Lhlnk weL and dry cells are - make a llsL - you have 1 mlnuLe. Ask for
ldeas abouL whaL Lhey Lhlnk Lhey are.
ln boLh Lypes of cells, we requlre Lwo elecLrodes and an elecLrolyLe. Ask:
kC: WhaL ls an elecLrode?" (1)
kC: WhaL ls an elecLrolyLe?" (1)
1hls ls because a chemlcal reacLlon occurs whlch releases free elecLrons. 1he
elecLrons Lravel Lhrough Lhe elecLrolyLe (whlch conducLs elecLrlclLy because lL
conLalns chemlcals LhaL form lons). lon - aLom or group of aLoms LhaL has
become elecLrlcally charged Lhrough Lhe loss or galn of elecLrons from one
aLom Lo anoLher. LlecLrolyLe reacLs wlLh Lhe Lwo meLals - Lhe elecLrodes. 1haL
makes one elecLrode poslLlvely charged, and Lhe oLher negaLlvely charged.
1he elecLrons leave Lhe negaLlve elecLrodes and reLurn Lo Lhe poslLlve
elecLrodes. CpposlLes aLLracL!
Sclence ln AcLlon 9:
Lach elecLrode ln Lhe weL cell ln llgure 1.21 reacLs dlfferenLly wlLh Lhe elecLrolyLe. 1he acldlc elecLrolyLe gradually eaLs away Lhe zlnc
elecLrode. 1hls process leaves behlnd elecLrons LhaL glve Lhe slowly dlsappearlng elecLrode a negaLlve charge. LvenLually Lhe zlnc
elecLrode musL be replaced. 1he chemlcal reacLlon beLween Lhe copper elecLrode and Lhe acldlc elecLrolyLe leaves Lhe copper wlLh a
poslLlve charge, buL does noL eaL away Lhe copper. LlecLrons Lravel along Lhe wlre from Lhe negaLlve zlnc elecLrode Lo Lhe poslLlve copper
elecLrode. lf you connecLed a wlre from one elecLrode Lo a llghL bulb and anoLher wlre from Lhe llghL Lo Lhe oLher elecLrode, Lhe bulb
would llghL up. 1he elecLrlc currenL flowlng from one elecLrode Lo Lhe oLher provldes Lhe energy for Lhe llghL. Car baLLerles llke Lhe one ln
llgure 1.22 are made up of weL cells."
1hls occurs ln boLh weL and dry cells. ury cells - Lhe elecLrolyLe ls a pasLe and
ls ln a sealed case - llke our common baLLerles. WeL cells - Lhe elecLrolyLe ls a
llquld - usually an acld. Cheaper and easler Lo make usually, buL dangerous
because Lhe elecLrolyLe may be corroslve and you don'L wanL lL Lo splll.
WeL cell: elecLrochemlcal prlmary cell havlng a llquld elecLrolyLe. (SlA 9)
ury cell: cell LhaL has elecLrolyLe ln Lhe form of a pasLe, usually ln a sealed case,
Lhe Lype of cell commonly used ln porLable devlces such as flashllghLs. (SlA 9)
now LhaL we know our background lnformaLlon, we are ready Lo look aL whaL
we are lnvesLlgaLlng - our quesLlon for Lhe lab. Cur quesLlon ls: WhaL Lype of
soluLlon ls Lhe besL elecLrolyLe for a weL cell?"
We are golng Lo LesL a varleLy of dlfferenL soluLlons, and we are golng Lo look
aL Lhe volLage LhaL ls generaLed Lo measure whlch soluLlon ls Lhe besL
elecLrolyLe. Cur soluLlons are: dlsLllled waLer, Lap waLer, sugar waLer, salL
waLer, and lemon waLer.
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1he nexL sLep ln our lab ls generaLlng a hypoLhesls. A hypoLhesls ls whaL we
Lhlnk wlll happen. Should we change our hypoLhesls lf we do Lhe experlmenL
and flnd ouL our hypoLhesls was noL correcL? no! lL ls whaL we Lhlnk wlll
happen - lL ls okay lf lL ls proved wrong aL Lhe end of Lhe experlmenL. We are
maklng an educaLed guess abouL whaL we Lhlnk wlll happen. l would llke
everyone Lo wrlLe whaL Lhey Lhlnk wlll be Lhe besL soluLlon.
PypoLhesls answers Lhe quesLlon - relaLes Lhe manlpulaLed Lo respondlng
varlable. ManlpulaLed varlable - whaL are we changlng? 1ype of soluLlon.
8espondlng varlable - whaL are we measurlng? volLage. ConLrolled varlable -
whaL ls sLaylng Lhe same? LlecLrodes.
We are golng Lo dlscuss Lhe procedure now. We are golng Lo do Lhls lab as a
class - and we wlll share our daLa.
1) CeL lnLo your parLners
2) llnd your asslgned soluLlon
3) CeL 1 zlnc elecLrode and 1 copper elecLrode
4) CeL 1 mulLlmeLer
3) CeL 2 alllgaLor cllps
6) SeL Lhe mulLlmeLer Lo 200 mv readlng
7) 8ecord Lhe volLage
8) 8epeaL 3 Llmes (collecL 3 volLage readlngs)
9) CalculaLe Lhe average
10) uL maLerlals back where Lhey came from
11) Co back Lo your spoL
?ou wlll have 7 mlnuLes Lo do Lhls. Can someone Lell me whaL you are dolng -
repeaL lL Lo Lhe class. Any quesLlons abouL whaL you are dolng?
AfLer Lhe 7 mlnuLes ls up, everyone come back. now we are golng Lo share our
resulLs and puL Lhem lnLo a Lable.
Who LesLed dlsLllled waLer? 1ap waLer? Sugar waLer? SalL waLer? Lemon
waLer? (CalculaLe Lhe average for each soluLlon).
Concluslon - whaL dld we learn Lhrough Lhls lab? LeLs look back Lo our orlglnal
quesLlon - dld we flnd ouL Lhe answer from lL? Whlch soluLlon was Lhe besL
elecLrolyLe? Why do you Lhlnk lL was?
(1, 2, 3, 4)
!44&44+&5%46 07((&)&5%7#%7*58 Cbserve and monlLorlng durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (durlng dlscusslon of
background lnformaLlon, generaLlon of hypoLhesls, conducLlng Lhe lab, and
analyzlng resulLs) (1, 2, 3, 4)
CbservaLlon of measurlng volLage durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (2)
use of key quesLlons:
WhaL ls an elecLrode?" (1)
WhaL ls an elecLrolyLe?" (1)
Measurlng volLage durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (1)
rovlde LemplaLe for Lable for sLudenLs LhaL would llke lL Lo help Lhem organlze
Lhe lnformaLlon. use of hands-on acLlvlLy, powerpolnL as vlsual, dlscusslons.
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1''%''4%), 05 >%(-).)8B WhaL abouL Lhe elecLrodes? uo you Lhlnk lL maLLers whlch elecLrode we
would use ln Lhe soluLlon? uo you Lhlnk uslng Lhe same Lwo elecLrodes -
perhaps Lwo zlnc elecLrodes - would generaLe volLage? Why noL? (need a
dlfference - creaLes a reacLlon LhaL allows Lhe elecLrons Lo flow and creaLe a
C-()'.,.0) C0 D%E, >%''0) 1omorrow we are golng Lo dlscuss rechargeable cells and elecLrochemlsLry.
We are Lhen golng Lo be movlng lnLo Lhe nexL Loplc! 8emlnder LhaL Lhere wlll
be a qulz on Wednesday.
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Move lnLo Lalklng abouL rechargeable cells - Lhey work because Lhe reacLlon can be reversed.
lf Lhe reacLlon can be reversed, Lhen Lhe reacLlon can occur agaln!
8aLLery - when more Lhan one cell ls connecLed LogeLher!
LlecLrolysls - uslng baLLerles Lo spllL molecules lnLo Lhelr elemenLs. Can produce chlorlne Lo
add Lo drlnklng waLer Lhrough Lhls process.
LlecLrochemlsLry - sLudy of chemlcal reacLlons lnvolvlng elecLrlclLy.
LlecLroplaLlng - layerlng cheaper meLals wlLh gold or sllver. lmmerse Lhe cheaper meLal ln an
elecLrolyLe soluLlon, connecL elecLrlclLy, and Lhe flow of elecLrlclLy causes Lhe meLal LhaL wlll
be Lhe coaLlng (poslLlve elecLrode) Lo deposlL onLo Lhe negaLlve elecLrode (Lhe ob[ecL LhaL you
wanL Lo be plaLed, or covered, wlLh Lhe oLher meLal).