Latin Vocabulary
Latin Vocabulary
Latin Vocabulary
a, ab (+ abl.; also used as prefix with verbs) abeo, abire, abii, abitum absens, absentis ac [atque] accedo, accedere, accessi, accessum accendo accendere, accendi, accensum accido, accidere, accidi accipio accipere, accepi, acceptus acer, acris, acre acerbus, a, um Achilles -is, m. ad (+ acc.; also used as prefix with verbs) adeo adire adivi/adii aditum ad o adfero [same as affero] adferre, attuli, allatum adfor [affor] adfari, adfatus sum adhuc (adv) adigo -igere -egi -actum adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, adiutum adloquor [alloquor] alloqui, allocutus sum admitto, admittere, admisi, admissum adsum adess adfui adulescens, adulescentis, m. adulescentia, adulescentiae, f. advenio, advenire, adveni, adventum adversus, a, um aedificium, aedificii, n. aedifico aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus aeger aegra aegrum Aeneas -ae Aeolus -i aequor aequoris, n. aequus, a, um aer, aeris, m.
from, away from, by to go away, depart; to die; to disappear absent, away and, and also to come to, approach; to agree set on fire; inflame; arouse; inspire to fall upon; happen; occur accept, take in, receive, let in sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce (adjective harsh, bitter, grievous greatest of the Greek heroes at Troy to, towards, at, near to, by go to, approach, reach visit, encounter, meet to that degree, so to bring to address, speak to thus far, hitherto; still drive forth to help address, speak to to admit, receive, let in be present, be at hand, near youth; young man youth: adolescence to come; arrive, reach opposite, facing, adversary building, structure build sick, diseased, weary, weak hero of the Aeneid god of the winds the sea, surface of the sea, a level surface level, even; calm; equal, just air, breeze, mist, cloud
aes, aeris, n. aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatum aetas, aetatis, f. aeternus, a, um aether affero, afferre, attuli, allatus Africa -ae Africus -i ager, agri, m. aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum agmen agminis, n. agnosco agnoscere agnovi agnitum ago, agere, egi, actum agricola, agricolae, m. ait / aiunt ala -ae, f. aliquis aliquid aliquot alius alia, aliud alo, alere, alui, altum alter altera, alterum altus -a -um [as noun altum -i ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum amica, amicae, f. amicitia, amicitiae, f. amicus amici, m amicus, a, um amitto amittere amisi amissum amo amare, amavi, amatus amor, amoris, m. amplector amplecti amplexus sum amplus -a -um
bronze to consider, esteem; to judge period, time of life, age eternal, everlasting upper air, ether; air; sky, heaven to bring to; carry; produce Northern Africa the southwest wind field: acre, agral approach, advance; attack; undertake army , column, train, formation, rank, line recognize to drive, lead, do, act; pursue, urge, conduct;.../ deliver (speech); pass, spend (time); imperative = come! farmer says, asserts wing, pinion; military formation (wing) someone, anyone several other, another, else to nourish, support, sustain the other, another, the second of two high, deep; lofty, profound; the sea, heaven] to walk friend, girlfriend friendship friend friendly lose, send away; let go; let slip love, like, cherish love; affection, fondness; as person = Cupid enfold, embrace, wind about big, large
an (particle) Anchises -ae ancilla ancillae, f. anima, animae, f. animadverto, -tere, -ti, -sum animal, animalis, n. animi, animorum, m. animus animi, m annus anni, m ante (+ acc.) antiquus, a, um antrum -i, n. aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum Apollo -onis appareo, apparere, apparui, apparitum appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum appropinquo -quare, -quavi apud (+ acc.) aqua, aquae, f. Aquilo -onis, m. ara arae, f. arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum arbor, arboris, f. ardeo Argivus -a -um argumentum, argumenti, n. arma, armorum, n. ars artis, f artus artus, m. pl. arvum -i, n. arx arcis, f. as, assis, m. Ascanius -i
whether, or Aeneass father slave-girl, slave-woman breath, breath of life; life, existence; shade, soul spirit pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe animal pride, high spirits, courage soul, mind, spirit, heart, courage, daring, feeling year before, in front of, previously ancient, of old, of olden times cave, cavern, grotto uncover, open, disclose, reveal god of music and prophecy appear, show up, occur to call, name (+ dat.) approach, come near to at the house of, at, by, near, with; .../ among; in; before; in the time of; in the works of water: aquatic, aquapark the north wind, wind altar to judge, think tree, trunk, shoot be on fire, burn, blaze Greek, Argive proof, evidence, argument: argument, argumentation arms, weapons: arms, armory, army; war art, skill joints, limbs, frame, body plowed land, cultivated field, field citadel, fortress, stronghold; hill, peak an as (ancient coin) Aeneass son
ascendo ascendere, ascendi, ascensus Asia -ae asper, aspera, asperum aspicio (same as adspicio) at ater atra atrum Athenae, Athenarum, f. atque attollo attollere auctor, auctoris, m. audax, audacis audeo, audere, ausus sum audio audire, audivi, auditus auditor, auditoris, m. aura, aurae aureus, a, um auris, auris, f. Aurora -ae aurum, auri, n. Ausonius -a -um Auster -stri, m. aut (aut ... aut) auxilium, auxilii avarus, a, um averto, avertere, averti, aversum avis -is f. Bacchus, Bacchi basium, basii, n. beatus, a, um bellum, belli, n. bellus, a, um bene beneficium, beneficii, n. bibo bibere, bibi
to climb Asia Minor rough, harsh, bitter look at, look upon, behold; regard but; yet, at least black, dark, sable, dusky; gloomy Athens: Athens and, and also; but, than lift up, raise up; rear author, originator; supporter bold, daring; courageous; rash to dare, venture, risk to hear, listen to listener, hearer breeze, wind, air; vapor golden; gilded; beautiful ear: ear (cognate), aural morning, dawn, personified as goddess of morning gold; riches: aureate, auric Ausonian, Italian the south wind either, or help greedy, avaricious : avarice, avaricious to avert, turn away bird god of wine, son of Jupiter and Semele kiss happy, fortunate, blessed war, fighting pretty, handsome well, satisfactorily, quite (adverb) benefit, kindness, favor: beneficial, beneficiary to drink
bis bonus, -a, -um Boreas -ae brevis, breve cado, cadere, cecidi, casum caecus, a, um caedes -is, f. caelum caeli, n. Caesar, Caesaris, m. calamitas, calamitatis f. campus, campi m. candidus, a, um canis canis, m and f cano, canere, cecini, cantum capio, capere, cepi, captum caput capitis, n careo, carere, carui, cariturum carmen, carminis, n. carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptum Carthago, Carthaginis, f. carus, a, um casa, casae, f. castrum -i n. (usually castra -orum n pl) casus, casus f. causa + gen. causa, causae, f. cavus -a -um cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum celer celeris, celere celeritas, celeritatis f. cella, cellae f. celo, celare, celavi, celatum cena cenae, f
twice, double (adv.) good; kind the north wind, the North short, brief : breve, brief, brevity to fall, fall down, descend blind killing, slaughter, carnage sky, heaven Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar, caesar disaster, calamity plain, level field, surface shining, bright, white; beautiful dog sing, celebrate, chant; recite to capture, take, get: capture, perception head, the summit, person to be without, lack, be deprived from poem, song: charm to harvest, pluck, seize: carp, excerpt Carthage: Carthage, Carthaginian dear, precious, valued : caress, charity house, hut military camp fall, overthrow, ruin, failure; chance;.../ accident: case, casual for the sake of, on account of cause, reason; case, situation hollow, excavated to go, withdraw; yield to, grant, submit quick, fast speed, quickness; speed of action, haste: celerity room; storeroom: cell, cellar conceal; disguise; keep in the dark dinner, meal
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum centum Ceres -eris cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum certus, a, um cervix, cervicis, f. ceteri ceterae, cetera cibus cibi, m Cicero onis,m. cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctum circum (+ acc.) circumdo -dare -dedi -datum civis civis, m and f civitas, civitatis, f. clam clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatum clamor clamoris, m clarus, a, um classis -is, f. claudo claudere clausi clausum clementia, clementiae, f. clipeus -i, m. coepi* coepere coepi coeptum cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitum cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum cohors -tis f. colligo -igere -egi -ectum colloquium -ii n. colloquor, colloqui, collocutus sum coma -ae, f. comes, comitis
to dine: cenation, cenacle hundred : centenial, cent, percent, centipede goddess of agriculture; wheat, grain to distinguish, discern, perceive definite, sure, certain : certain neck, nape the rest, the others food M. Tullius Cicero to surround, gird; equip: ceinture, precinct around, about, at, among, near surround, place around, encompass citizen state, citizenship: civity, civilian, civilization silently secretly to proclaim, declare; shout out shout, shouting, noise clear, bright; famous, illustrious fleet, division shut, close, enclose; besiege; conclude, finish mercy, mildness, clemency: clemency, clement round shield to begin to think: cogitation, cogitable, precogitate to learn, recognize; know (perf. tenses);.../ get to know, find out to drive together, bring together, force, compel a troop of soldiers gather, collect; assemble; pick up,.../ infer, reckon [note that there is also colligo -are] conference to speak with; talk over hair; foliage comrade, companion
comitor comitari comitatus committo, committere, commisi, commissum commoveo -movere -movi -motum communis, commune comparo -are complector - i - plexus compleo -plere -plevi -pletum compono -ponere -posui -positum comprehendo, -endere, -ensi, -ensum concedo cedere cessi cessum condo, condere, condidi, conditum confero, conferre, contuli, collatum conficio, conficere, confeci, confectum confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum coniunx, coniugis c. coniuratus, coniurati, m. conor, conari, conatus sum conservo, -are, -avi, -atum consilium consilii, n conspicio -icere, -exi, -ectus constituo, -uere, -ui, -utum consto -stare -stiti -statum consuesco -suescere -suevi -suetum consul, consulis, m. consumo, -sumere, -sumpsi, -sumptum contemno, -temnere, -tempsi, -temptum contendo, -tendere, -tendi, -tentum contineo, continere, continui, contentum contra + acc. contundo, contundere, contudi, contusum conubium -bii, n. convenio convenire, conveni copia, copiae, f. copiae, copiarum, f.
accompany, attend, follow to entrust, commit; join to arouse, disturb common, general to buy, prepare embrace grasp to fill up,complete collect, lay; put to rest, quiet to grasp, seize, arrest;comprehend, understand to withdraw, yield to put together, store; found, establish: condition to bring together, compare; to go (+reflex.) to make, complete, accomplish; do thoroughly to confess, admit, acknowledge, reveal spouse; husband, wife: conjugal conspirator: conjurate (obsolete) to try, attempt: conation, conatus to preserve, conserve, maintain plan, idea, advice, purpose to catch sight of, notice to set up; locate; decide, resolve; establish to stand still (i.e. stop) to become used to consul: consul, consulate to consume, use up to despise, condemn to strive, struggle, contend; hasten to contain against; opposite to; contrary to; face to face to beat, crush, bruise, destroy marriage to come together, gather, meet abundance, supply troops, forces
cor cordis, n. coram (adv) cornu, cornus, n. corona, coronae f. corpus, corporis, n. corripio -ripere, -ripui, -reptum
heart face to face horn,,trumpet horn, wing of an army crown, garland; wealth body: corpse, corporal, corporation, incorporate snatch up, lay hold of; rebuke, chastise; shorten; .../ hasten; seize unlawfully; attack
cotidie cras credo credere, credidi, creditus + dative creo, creare, creavi, creatum cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum crinis -is, m. crudelis, crudele cruentus -a -um culpa, culpae, f. culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum cum (prep. + abl.) cum (conj. + subj.) cunctor, cunctori, cunctatus sum cucupiditas, cupiditatis, f. cupido, cupidinis, f. cupidus, a, um cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum cur? cura, curae, f. curo, curare, curavi, curatum curro, currere, cucurri, cursum currus -i, m. cursus, cursus, m. custodia, custodiae, f. custodio custodire, custodivi, custoditus
daily tomorrow (adverb)te to believe (in), trust; confide (in) to create: create, recreate, creature to increase hair; tail of a comet cruel, severe; harsh, bitter: crude, cruel spotted with blood, bloody, stained fault, blame to blame, censure with; along with; amid; with words expressing.../ strife, contention, etc., against when, since, although (conjunction) delay, linger, hesitate desire, longing, passion desire, passion desirous, eager, fond; desirous of,eager for (+gen.) to desire, wish, long for why? (indeclinable adverb) care, attention; love; anxiety to care for, attend to; heal, cure; take care to run, rush; flow chariot, car, wagon running, race, course, attack; a run, journey protection, custody; pl., guards to guard
custos, custodis c. damno, -are, -avi, -atum Danaus -a -um Dardanius -a -um Dardanus -a -um de (+ ablative) dea deae, f debeo debere, debui, debitus decem decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretum decorus, a, um dedico, dedicare, dedicavi, dedicatum deduco -ducere -duxi -ductum defendo, defendere, defendi, defensum defero, deferre, detuli, delatum deinde (indeclinable adverb) delectatio, delectationis, f. delecto, -are, -avi, -atum deleo, delere, delevi, deletum deligo, deligere, delegi, delectum Delius -a -um demens, dementis demitto demonstro, -are, -avi, -atum descendo descendere, descendi, descensus desero desidero, -are, -avi, -atum desino, -sinere, -sivi, -situm desum -esse -fui deterreo, -ere, -ui, -itum deus dei, m dexter, dextra, dextrum Diana -ae dico dicere, dixi, dictus
to guard, watch; keeper, jailer: custodian to condemn, harm; find fault of Danaus (famous Greek king); pl. the Greeks Trojan, of Dardanus of Dardanus, Trojan from, down from, about; concerning, according to goddess to owe, ought, should, must ten to decree; to separate beautiful; adorned; proper, noble to dedicate lead away to ward off, defend, protect to carry off; transfer; reduce; offer then delight, pleasure, enjoyment to delight, charm, please to destroy, wipe out, erase to choose, select; enrol: delectus of Delos; of Apollo demented, mad; foolish : demented, dementia let down, drop, let fall, shed to point out, show, demonstrate to go down, come down leave, forsake, abandon, desert to desire, long for, miss to give up; abandon, cease, desist be lacking, fail to deter; frighten away, discourage god right, right-hand, right-handed, skilfull sister of Apollo; goddess of the moon and hunt to say, speak, sing, describe, name
dictum -i, n Dido -onis, f. dies, diei, m. (f.) differo, differre, distuli, dilatum difficilis difficile digitus, digiti, m. dignitas, dignitatis, f. dignus, a, um (+ abl.) diligens, diligentis diligentia, diligentiae f. diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum dirus -a -um Dis, Ditis discedo, -dere, -ssi, -ssum discipula, discipulae, f. discipulus, discipuli, m. disco, discere, didici dissimilis, dissimile diu (indeclinable adverb) dives, divitis (ditis) divido -videre -visi -visum divitiae, divitiarum, f. divus -a -um do dare, dedi, datus doceo docere, docui, doctus doctus, a, um doleo, dolere, dolui, doliturum dolororis, m. domi domina dominae, f dominus, domini, m. domo domum domus, domus, f.
assertion, remark, saying queen of Carthage day, daylight to differ; delay; disperse difficult finger, toe merit, prestige, dignity: dignity worthy, worthy of diligent, careful diligencee, care; frugality to esteem, love ominous, fearful, awful, dreadful, horrible Pluto, god of the underworld to go away, depart student (female) student to teach unlike, different, dissimilar : dissimilar for a long time rich, wealthy, opulent; a rich man (subst.) divide distribute separate wealth, riches of a deity, godlike, divine to give, appoint; grant, bestow; emit, utter to teach taught, learned, skilled to grieve, suffer; hurt, give pain pain, grief, trouble; suffering, anguish at home (adverb): domestic mistress, lady master, lord from home to home house, home
donum doni, n dormio dormire, dormivi, dormitum dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatum dubium, dubii n dubius, a, um duco, ducere, duxi, ductum dulcis, dulce dum duo, duae, duo durus, a, um dux, ducis, m. e, ex (+ abl.; also used as prefix with verbs) ecce! edo -dere -didi -ditum educo, educare, educavi, educatum effero, efferre, extuli, elatum effor effari effatus sum effugio effugere, effugi, effugitum egeo, egere, egui + abl. ego mei (pronoun) egredior, egredi, egressus sum egregius -a -um elephantus, elephanti, m. emo, emere, emi, emptum enim ensis -is, m. eo (adv) eo ire, i(v)i, itum epistula epistulae, f equidem equus equi, m ergo eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptum
gift, present to sleep to doubt, hesitate doubt, question doubtful, dubious, uncertain to lead, take; consider, regard; choose;.../ prolong; conduct, guide sweet, pleasant, agreeable : dulcify while; (with subjunctive) until two hard, harsh, rough, stern, unfeeling leader, guide, commander, general from, out of, out; since; according to look! behold! lo! put forth, bring forth, produce to bring up, educate; bring out to carry out; bring out; raise; bear, produce utter, tell, speak out to escape to need, lack, want I, me to go out distinguished, excellent, eminent elephant to buy; gain, obtain for, namely, that is to say sword to this point, so far, thus far; therefore to go (walk, ride, sail, move) letter, despatch indeed, truly horse therefore, consequently, accordingly to snatch away, take away; rescue
erro, errare, erravi, erratum et etiam Europa -ae Eurus -i evado -vadere -vasi -vasum ex exanimus -a -um excedo -cedere -cessi -cessum excipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum exemplar, exemplaris n. exemplum, exempli n. exeo, exire, exii, exitum exercitus, exercitus, m. exigo, exigere, exegi, exactum exiguus, a, um exitium, exitii, n. exorior, exoriri, exortus sum expedio -ire -ivi and -ii, -itum expello, expellere, expuli, expulsum experior, experiri, expertus sum expleo, explere, explevi, expletum explico, explicare, explicavi, explicatum expono, exponere, exposui, expositum exsilium, exsilii, n. exspecto, -are, -avi, -atum extremus -a -um exuviae -arum, f. pl. fabula, fabulae, f. facilis, facile facio, facere, feci, factum factum, facti, n. fallo fallere fefelli falsum fama, famae, f.
to wander, err, go astray; be in error and, also, even also, even, too, still Europe; Europa (mother of Minos by Zeus) southeast or east wind go out, come away,escape see e lifeless, dead go away, withdraw to take out, except; take, receive, capture; withdraw model, pattern, example; copy sample, specimen, representative; model to go out, exit: exit army to drive out, force out; exact; complete, perfect small; meager; poor destruction, ruin to come out; bring; appear; rise to free from fetters; let loose to drive out, expel, banish: expell to try, test, experience to fill, fill up, complete to unfold, explain; spread out, deploy to set forth, explain, expose exile, banishment to look for, expect, await outermost, utmost, farthest; remotest; tip spoils; relics; skin story, tale, fable easy, agreeable (adv. facile) to make, do, accomplish deed, act trip, fall; err, mistake, deceive oneself; escape notice rumor, report; fame; reputation; tradition
familia, familiae, f. fas (indecl.) fateor, fateri, fassus sum fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatum fatum, fati, n. faveo, favere, favi, fautum felix, felicis femina feminae, f fenestra, fenestrae, f. fero, ferre, tuli, latum ferox ferocis ferrum, ferri, n. festino festinare, festinavi fidelis, fidele fides, fidei, f. fidus -a -um figo figere fixi fixum figura, figurae f. filia filiae, f filius filii, m fines, finium, m. (pl. of finis) finis, finis, m. fio, fieri, factus sum firmus, a, um flamma, flammae f. fleo flere flevi fletum: intransit fluctus -us, m. flumen, fluminis, n. fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum foedo -are -avi -atum foedus, foederis n. for, fari, fatus sum
family, household divine law; with est = it is lawful, it is permitted to confess, admit to weary, tire out fate, death; prediction to favor, befriend, support, back up lucky, fortunate, happy woman window to bear, carry, bring; suffer, endure; say,.../ report: refer, defer, confer fierce, ferocious iron; sword: ferreous hurry faithful, loyal faith, trust, fidelity,trustworthiness;.../ promise, guarantee loyal, faithful, credible fix, fasten, establish; pierce shape, form, figure, image; beauty daughter son boundaries, territory end, limit, boundary, purpose, death to occur, happen, become; be made, be done firm, strong, reliable flame, blaze; ardor; object of love weep, cry,wail wave, tide, billow, surge river, flood to flow make foul, defile, pollute treaty, agreement, contract; league to speak, talk, foretell; confess
foris forma, formae, f. fors fortis, f. fortis forte fortuna, fortunae, f. forum fori, n foveo, fovere, fovi, fotum frater -tris, m. fremo, fremere, fremui, fremitum frigidus, a, um fructus, fructus, m. frustra (adv) fuga, fugae f. fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturum fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi fulgor, fulgoris n. fundo, fundere, fudi, fusum funis -is, m. funus -eris, n. furo, furere, furui furor -oris, m. furtim gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum gaudium, gaudii n. geminus, a, um gemitus -us, m. genitor -oris, m. gens, gentis, f. genu, genus, n. genus, generis, n. gero, gerere, gessi, gestum gladius, gladii m.
outdoors, outside (adverb) form, shape, beauty chance, luck, fortune brave, strong; courageous fortune, luck forum, market place to cherish; fondle, caress brother; companion roar, resound; growl; rage; murmur;.../ clamour, applaud; grumble cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless fruit; produce in vain, for nothing flight; rapid motion; escape; exile to flee, hurry away to flash, shine; glow, gleam lightening, flash; brightness, glory pour, pour out, shed; spread; produce;.../ route, scatter (note that there is also fundo fundare) rope, cable funeral procession, funeral rites, burial; death, murder rage, rave, be out of ones mind raving, rage, madness, fury, passion stealthily, secretly to be glad, rejoice joy: gaudy twin groan, sighing, complaint father clan, race, nation, people knee origin, birth, kind, family, sort, class; stock to carry, bear, manage, conduct (e.g., war); accomplish sword
gloria, gloriae, f. gracilis, gracile gradior, gradi, gressus sum Graius -a -um gratia -ae f. gratus, -a, -um gravis, grave habeo, -ere, -ui, -itum habito -are, -avi, -atus haereo -ere haesi haesum hasta, hastae, f. haud Hecate -es Hector -oris heri heros heroos, m. Hesperia -ae Hesperius -a -um heu hic haec, hoc hic (adv.) hiems (hiemps) -emis f hinc hodie homo hominis, m honestus, a, um honor, honoris, m. hora horae, f horridus, a, um hortor, hortari, hortatus sum hortus horti, m hospes, hospitis m. hostis, hostis, m. huc
glory, fame slender, thin; poor to walk, go, advance Greek grace, favor, goodwill pleasing, agreeable; grateful heavy, serious, important, grievous, burdened to have, hold, support, possess; consider, regard live cling, stick, be fastened; linger, pause spear not, not at all, by no means goddess of the underworld Troys champion, son of Priam yesterday hero, demigod Western Land, Italy western, Hesperian; Italian alas ! this, he, she, it; the latter here winter storm, stormy weather, winter quarters from this place, hence; on either side today (adverb) man, human being distinguished, reputable, respected; worthy honor, esteem; public office hour wild, frightful, rough; unkempt to encourage, urge garden host; guest, visitor, stranger stranger, foreigner, an enemy; pl., the enemy to this place, hither; to this point, so far
humanus, a, um humilis, humile humus, humi, f. iaceo, iacere, iacui iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum iacto -are -avi -atum iam ianua ianuae, f ibi idem, eadem, idem idoneus, a, um igitur ignis, ignis, m. ignosco, -scere, -vi, -tum (+ dat.) Iliacus -a -um Ilium -i ille illa, illud pronoun illic (adv) illuc (adv) imago imaginis, f. immanis -e immortalis, immortale impedio, -ire, -ivi, -itum impello -pellere -puli -pulsum imperator, imperatoris, m. imperium, imperii, n. impero, -are, -avi, -atum (+ dat.) impius, a, um impleo, implere, implevi, impletum imploro -are impono -ere -sui -situm imus in- (joined intensifying or negativing prefix) in + abl.
human lowly, humble ground, earth, soil to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead to throw, hurl: eject throw out; consider, discuss; pronounce, utter, speak now, already; at this time; with a neg., longer, more door there the same : identity, identify, identical suitable, fit, appropriate : idoneity therefore, and so fire to grant pardon to, forgive of Ilium, Trojan Troy, Ilium that, he, she, it there, at that place thither, to that place image; ghost, vision; reminder huge; monstrous, frightful immortal to impede, hinder, prevent strike against, strike, push; set in motion general, commander-in-chief power to command, authority, command, control to give orders to, command wicked, impious, irreverent to fill up, satisfy; finish appeal for aid; implore put on top of lowest, deepest, last highly, more and more; not, unat; in; on; within; among
in + acc. inanis -e incendo -ndere -ndi -nsum incertus, a, um incipio, incipere, incepi, inceptum incola, incolae m. incolo, incolere, incolui incumbo -cumbere -cubui -cubitum inde (adv) indignus, a, um induco -ere -xi -ctum ineo, inire, inii, initum infelix, infelicis infero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum infirmus, a, um ingenium, ingenii, n. ingens ingentis ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum inimicitia, inimicitiae f. inimicus, a, um initium, initii, n. iniuria, iniuriae, f. inquit insequor -i -cutus insidiae, insidiarum, f. insignis -e instituo, instituere, institui, institutum insto -are -stiti insula insulae, f intellego intellegere, intellexi, intellectus intendo, intendere, intendi, intentum inter + acc. interea (adv)
to; into; against; for; towards; until useless, empty, meaningless set fire to, burn; rouse, incite uncertain, doubtful to begin inhabitant to live, dwell; to inhabit lean on, press; bend to; oppress; apply oneself to thence; hence, from that place unworthy, undeserving, shameful lead in, lead on, induce to go in, enter unfortunate, unhappy, wretched; miserable; barren bring in, import; inflict; (mil.) press forward, advance not strong, weak, feeble nature, innate talent huge advance, walk; enter, go into; begin unfriendliness, enmity, hostility: enmity, inimicable enemy, foe; hostile, damaging beginning, commencement injustice, injury, wrong he/she says, he/she said (irregular verb) follow after, pursue; come next, proceed, go on ambush, plot, treachery distinguished, remarkable, prominent to set up, establish, make, institute; build stand forth, step forward; take a stand; press, pursue island; block of flats to understand, realise to hold out; stretch, strain, exert between, among meanwhile, in the meantime
interest, interesse, interfuit interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectum interim (adv) intro intrare, intravi, intratus verb invado, invadere, invasi, invasum invenio, invenire, inveni, inventum invideo, invidere, invidi, invisum invidia, invidiae, f. invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatum Iuppiter Iovis ipse ipsa, ipsum ipse ipsa ipsud ira, irae, f. iratus irata, iratum is ea, id iste ista istud ita (indeclinable adverb) Italia -ae Italus -a -um itaque (indeclinable adverb) item iter, itineris, n. iterum iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum iucundus, a, um iudex, iudicis, m. iudicium, iudicii, n. Iulius -i Iulus -i iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum Iuno -onis Iuppiter, Iovis iuro -are -avi -atum
it concerns, it interests: interest to kill, murder meanwhile, in the "interim" enter enter, attempt; invade to come upon, find to look at with envy, envy, be jealous of envy, jealousy, hatred to invite, summon Jupiter, Jove himself, herself, itself, themselves himself, herself, itself anger, ire angry this, that, he, she, it, them that (of yours) in this way, to such an extent, so; thus? Really?; yes Italy Italian, of Italy and so, therefore in the same, way likewise road, route, journey again, a second time, once more to bid, order, command pleasant, delightful, agreeable judge, juror: judge, judicial judgement, decision, opinion; trial a Roman nomen, or clan name (cf. Gaius Iulius.../ Caesar; the Julians) another name for Ascanius to join: join, junction, yoke goddess of marriage; wife of Jupiter Jupiter, king of the gods swear, take an oath; promise
ius, iuris, n. iussum, iussi n. iustus, a, um iuvenis iuvenis, m iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum Karthago -ginis f. labor -oris, n. labor, labi, lapsus sum laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratum lacrima, lacrimae, f. lacrimo lacrimare, lacrimavi verb laetus, a, um largus -a -um Latini -orum Latinus, a, um Latium -i latus -eris n latus -a -um laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum laus, laudis, f. lector, lectoris, m. legatus, legati m. legio -onis f lego, legere, legi, lectum lentus lenta, lentum leo leonis, m letum -i, n. levis -e levis, leve lex, legis, f. libellus, libelli, m. liber -i ( m. pl.) liber libri, m liber, libera, liberum
right, justice, law command, order just, right young, youthful; as a noun: young person to help, aid, assist Carthage, an ancient city in N. Africa labor, toil, exertion; suffering, hardship slip, slip and fall; slide: lapse, collapse to labor, be in distress tear weep, cry happy, cheerful, joyous, grateful generous, liberal, lavish the people of Latium Latin district in Italy south of the Tiber side, side in general; a wall broad, wide, extensive to praise praise reader legate, envoy a Legion of Roman army,an army in general to pick out, choose, gather, survey; read slow lion death, annihilation smooth (long "e" in stem) light, slight, easy, trivial (short e in stem) law, statute, principle little book children (the -i- is long) book free, honest, "gentlemanly"
liberalis, liberale libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatum libertas, libertatis, f. libertus liberti, m libo, libare, libavi, libatum Libya -ae, f. Libycus -a -um licet, licere, licuit limen, liminis, n. lingua, linguae, f. linquo, linquere, liqui littera, litterae, f. litterae, litterarum, f. litus, litoris, n. loca, locorum, n. loco -are locus -i, m. longus, a, um loquor, loqui, locutus sum lucus -i ludus, ludi, m. lumen -inis, n. luna, lunae, f. lustro -are -avi -atum lux lucis, f. maestus -a -um magis magister, magistri, m. magnanimus, a, um magnitudo -inis f magnus magna, magnum maior, maius maiores, maiorum male
relating to a free person, decent, generous to free, liberate liberty, freedom freedman, former slave to pour a libation; to pour ritually; to sip region of N. Africa of Libya it is permitted, one may (cf. videlicet, scilicet) threshold, door; house, dwelling tongue; language go away, leave, depart from, abandon letter (of alphabet) letter, literature shore, coast places, region place, put, lay; establish place, spot; position; passage (in literature) long; a long period of time ; extended to say, speak, tell, talk grove, often a sacred grove game, sport; school light; pl. eyes moon review, observe, examine; illuminate light, daylight brightness; pl. heavenly bodies sorrowful, dejected, despondent more teacher (male) great-hearted, brave, magnanimous size, expanse, volume big, large, great, huge, mighty, important greater, older ancestors: majority (as in 'join the majority', to die) badly
malus, a, um mando -are maneo manere, mansi manes -ium, m. manus -us, f. mare maris, n Mars, Martis mater matris, f maturus -a -um maximus, -a, -um medicus, medici, m. mediocris, mediocre medius media, medium melior, melius memini, meminisse memor, memoris memoria, memoriae, f. memoro -are mens, mentis, f. mensa, mensae, f. mercator mercatoris, m Mercurius -i merus, a, um meta, metae, f. metus, metus, m. meus mea, meum miles militis, m mille, milia Minerva -ae minime minimus, a, um minor, minus mirabilis, mirabile miror, mirari, miratus sum
bad, wicked, evil ; hostile entrust (to someone) ; commission; order to remain, stay departed spirit, ghost; gods of the lower world; the dead hand; band, troop; team of soldiers; handiwork sea god of war mother; native land ripe, mature; at the right time greatest doctor ordinary, moderate middle, the middle of better to remember; recollect remembering, mindful memory: memory, memorial mention, recount, speak of, tell mind, thought; intention; intellect; memory; feeling, heart table; anyting one eats on merchant Mercury, messenger of the gods; son of Jupiter and Maia pure, undiluted (merum = neat wine) turning post, goal; limit fear, dread, apprehension my, mine soldier thousand Roman name for Athena, goddess of household crafts very little, least, no smallest, least smaller, less amazing, wondrous, remarkable to marvel at, admire, wonder; be astonished
mirus -a -um misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtum miser, misera, miserum misereor, misereri, miseritus sum miseret, miserere, miserit miseror -ari -atus sum mitto, mittere, misi, missum modus, modi, m. moenia, moenium, n. moles -is f molior, moliri, molitus sum mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitum mollis -e moneo -ere -ui -itum mons montis, m monstro, -are, -avi, -atum monumentum, monumenti, n. mora -ae f. morbus, morbi, m. morior, mori, mortuus sum moror, morari, moratus sum mors mortis, f mortalis -e mortuus, a, um mos, moris, m. moveo, movere, movi, motum mox (indeclinable adverb) mulier, mulieris, f. multitudo -inis f multum multus multa, multum mundus, mundi, m. munio, munire, munivi, munitum
wonderful extraordinary to mix, mingle, intermingle miserable, wretched to pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion it distresses/grieves me lament, commiserate; pity; feel sorrow for to send, let go, throw; dismiss measure, bound, limit; manner, method city walls, ramparts; walled city a large rock, lump of stone, earth; boulder;.../ mass, weight; greatness; difficulty, labor, trouble to work at, build, undertake, plan; rouse to soften; make calm yielding, soft, tender, gentle advise, warn mountain; hill; mass, heap to show; point out, reveal; exhibit; advise, urge monument delay, procrastination; obstruction, hindrance disease, illness: morbid to die, expire; decay, wither to delay; stay, stay behind; devote attention to death mortal, transient dead habit, custom, manner; institution; pl., character move, remove, shake; excite, arouse, agitate soon woman; wife multitude, the population much (adverb) much, many (pl.); great, high, abundant world, universe to fortify; strengthen; protect, defend; build
munus (moenus) -eris n murmur murmuris, n. murus -i n. Musa -ae muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatum nam namque nanciscor nancisci na(n)ctus dep narro, narrare, narravi, narratum nascor, nasci, natus sum nasus, nasi, m. nata, natae, f. natura, naturae, f. natus -a -um natus, nati m. nauta nautae, m navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatum navis, navis, f. ne -ne ne nec necesse neco, necare, necavi, necatum neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectum nego, negare, negavi, negatum nemo neminis (irregular) nemus, nemoris n. nepos, nepotis, m. Neptunus -i neque nequiquam nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum neuter, neutra, neutrum
duty, official responsibility; funerary rites, gifts murmur, roar, growling, grumbling, crash wall, fortification a muse; one of the Muses to change, alter, exchange for for get get possession of acquire to tell, report to be born; spring forth, arise nose daughter: native nature born, made, destined, intended son, child sailor to sail ship, boat: navigation, naval, navy (+ subj.) not; in order thatnot, thatnot; lest indeclinable particle (introduces question) whether, or and not, also not; neither...nor necessary, inevitable to murder, kill to neglect to deny, say not no one, nobody wood, forest grandson, descendant Neptune, god of the sea same as nec: and not, also not; neither...nor in vain, without reason not to know, be ignorant neither
nihil nihilum, nihili n. nimis nimium nisi nitor niti nisus or nixus dep nobilis -e noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitum + dat. nolo nolle, nolui nomen, nominis, n. non (indeclinable adverb) nonne ? nos, nostrum nosco, noscere noster nostra, nostrum notus, a, um Notus, Noti novem novus -a -um nox noctis, f noxa, noxae f. nubes, nubis, f. nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptum nullus nulla, nullum num ? numen, numinis n. numerus, numeri, m. Numidae -arum, m./f. numquam (indeclinable adverb) nunc nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum nuntius nuntii, m nutrix, nutricis f. nympha -ae, f.
nothing nothing too, too much too, too much if not; unless lean, rest on, rely on worth knowing; remarkable notable to do harm to, harm, injure not want, refuse, be unwilling name; title not, by no means surely ? we, us to get to know; learn, find out; recognize our well known, familiar; esteemed; customary south wind; the winds nine new, young, fresh; novel night, death harm, injury cloud, mist, vapor to cover, veil; to be married to, marry (+ dat.) not any, no, no one; worthless (indeclinable particle) surely not? divinity, divine will, divine power; god or goddess number Numidians, a people of N. Africa never now to announce, report, relate messenger, message, news nurse nymph; young wife, maiden
o ob (prep. + acc.) obeo, obire, obii, obitum obitus, obitus m oblecto, oblectare, oblectavi, oblectatum obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum obscurus -a -um obsto, obstare, obstiti, obstatum obtineo -tinere -tinui -tentum occasio, occasionis, f. occido, occidere, occidi, occasum occulte occupo -are octo oculus, oculi, m. odi, odisse, osurum odium, odii, n. offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum officium, officii, n. olim (indeclinable adverb) Olympus -i omnino (adv) omnipotens omnis, omne onus -eris, n. opera -ae, f. opinio, opinionis f. opinor, opinari, opinatus sum oportet, oportere, oportuit oppidum, oppidi n. opprimo, -primere, -pressi, -pressum oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatum ops, opis, f. optimus, a, um
O! oh! on account of, for the sake of, for to go up against, meet; die downfall, death, setting (of the sun) to please, amuse, delight; pass time pleasantly to forget dark, shady, obscure; unknown to oppose, hinder hold on, stay remain occasion, opportunity to fall down; die; set (e.g., the sun) secretly occupy, take possession of; take over eight eye to hate hatred to offer duty, service once, some time ago Mt. Olympus, home of the gods all in all, altogether; in general almighty, omnipotent every, all, whole a burden, weighty load work, a job opinion to suppose it is proper, right, necessary town to suppress, overpower, check: oppress to fight against, attack, assault, assail help, aid; pl., resources, power, wealth best
opto, optare, optavi, optatum opus, operis, n. ora -ae f. oratio, orationis, f. orator, oratoris, m. orbis, orbis n. Orcus -i orior, oriri, ortus sum orno, ornare, ornavi, ornatum oro, orare, oravi, oratum ortus, ortus m. os, oris, n. osculum, osculi, n. ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentum ostium -i, n. otium, otii, n. paene paenitet, paenitere, paenituit Pallas -adis/-ados Pallas -antis pando pandere pandi pansum/passum par, paris parens, parentis, m./f. paro, parare, paravi, paratum pars, partis, f. parvus parva, parvum patefacio, patefacere, patefeci, patefactum pateo, patere, patui pater patris, m patientia, patientiae, f. patior, pati, passus sum patria, patriae, f. patrius -a -um pauci paucae, pauca
to choose, select, prefer; wish, desire work, task, labour, toil; deed, accomplishment shore, coast; border, edge, rim speech: oration orator, speaker circle, territory; region; world; shield god of the underworld; the underworld to rise, arise; spring from, appear to equip, furnish, adorn to speak, plead; beg, beseech, entreat rise, origin; birth; source mouth; face, expression kiss to exhibit, show, display door; mouth, entrance leisure, peace almost, nearly it displeases, makes angry, makes sorry another name for Athena/Minerva ally of Aeneas, son of Evander spread out, extend; open, lay open; reveal equal, even, well-balanced, like parent to prepare, provide, get, obtain part, share; direction; side small, short, brief to make open, open; disclose, expose to be open, lie open, be accessible, be evident father suffering; patience, endurance to suffer, endure, bear, permit fatherland, country, native land fatherly; traditional few, a few
paulus, a, um pauper, pauperis paupertas, paupertatis, f. pax pacis, f pectus, pectoris, n. pecunia pecuniae, f peior, peius pelagus -i, m. pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum Penates -ium pendeo pendere pependi penitus per (+ acc.) perduco -ducere -duxi -ductum peregrinor, peregrinari, peregrinatus sum pereo, perire, perii, peritum perfero -ferre -tuli -latum perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfectum Pergama -orum (Pergamon -i) n. pergo perrexi perrectum periculum periculi, n pernocto, pernoctare, pernoctavi, pernoctatum perpetuus, a, um persuadeo, -suadere, -suasi, -suasum (+ dat.) perterritus -a, -um pertineo -tinere -tinui pervenio -venire -veni -ventum pes pedis, m. pessimus, a, um peto petere, petivi, petitus philosophia, philosophiae, f. philosophus, philosophi, m. Phoebus -i
small, little poor; as subst. a poor man, pauper poverty, humble circumstances: pauper, poverty peace breast, chest, heart money worse : impair, pejorative sea to strike, push, drive out, banish: pulse, repell, expell household gods, gods of the state hang, be suspended; loiter inwardly, deeply; thoroughly through, along; throughout, during; by means of bring through conduct; to travel abroad, wander to pass away, be destroyed, perish carry through, bring to the end, complete to finish; execute; bring about, accomplish Troy proceed, go on, hasten danger to spend the night eternal, perpetual, continuous to make sweet to, persuade terrified reach, extend, pertain to arrive (come through); through);.../ penetrate (= get through) foot, leg; a foot (measurement) worst to make for, seek, beg/ask for; aim at, attack, scan philosophy philosopher Apollo
Phoenices -um Phryges -um Phrygius -a -um pietastatis, f. piger, pigra, pigrum pius, a, um placeo, placere, placui, placitum + dat. plebs, plebis, f. plenus, a, um plurimum plurimus, a, um plus, pluris poena, poenae, f. Poeni -orum poeta, poetae, m. polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sum pondus -eris n. pono, ponere, posui, positum pontus -i, m. populus -i, m. porta -ae, f. porto, portare, portavi, portatum portus -us, m. posco poscere poposci possum posse, potui post (older poste) (adv) post (prep. + acc.) ostea (adv) postquam potens, potentis potestas -tatis f prae (prep. + abl.) praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum praeceps -cipitis
Phoenicians Trojans, Phrygians Phrygian, Trojan devotion, dutiful conduct, sense of duty; love lazy, slow loyal, dutiful, pious, religously observant to be pleasing to, please the common people, populace, plebeians full most, very much most more penalty, punishment Carthaginians poet promise weight, a weight,mass load put, place; establish; lay down sea people, nation door, gate; avenue, entrance, outlet to carry, bring port, harbor, haven ask for strongly demand; request; beg can, be able after, afterwards, later; further on after, behind; inferior to afterwards, next after, when powerful, able, strong power, rule in front of, before to offer, provide head-first, headlong; rushing onwards
praeda -ae f praefero, praeferre, praetuli, praelatum praeficio, praeficere, praefeci, praefectus praemium, praemii, n. praesto (adv/adj) praesto, praestare, praestiti, praestitum praesum, praeesse, praefui praeter (prep. + acc.) precor, precari, precatus sum premo premere, pressi, pressum pretium, pretii n. Priamus -i primo primum primus prima, primum princeps, principis principium, principii, n. prior, prius pristinus, a, um priusquam (adv) pro (prep. + abl.) probitas, probitatis, f. probo, probare, probavi, probatum procedo -cedere -cessi -cessum procul prodeo -ire -ii -itum produco -ducere -duxi -ductum proelium -i n. proficiscor, -ficisci, -fectus sum progredior, -gredi, -gressus sum prohibeo, -ere, -ui, -itum proles -is, f. promitto, -mittere, -misi, -missum
booty plunder, loot (mil.) to carry in front of; offer; give preference to to put in charge reward ready at hand, ready on the spot to excel; show, offer, supply, furnish be in charge, be present before, in front of ; in comparison with;.../ in the face of, under the pressure of beg, wish, pray; ask, entreat, request press, pursue; overpower; bury; conceal; restrain price, value: price, precious Priam, king of Troy at first, at the beginning at first, in the first place first, foremost, chief; excellent chief, foremost beginning former, previous, prior, first ancient; former, previous before, earlier than in front of, before, instead of, on behalf of; in return for uprightness, honesty to test; approve; recommend go ahead, go on, proceed in the distance, far, from afar (sometimes prep. + gen.) come forward; go forth bring forward, forth; bring into view battle, fight to set out, start to go, come forth, go forward, march forward to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit offspring, children, descendants, progeny; race to send forth; promise
pronuntio, -are, -avi, -atum pronus -a -um prope (+ acc.) propero -are -avi -atum propono -ponere -posui -positum propter (prep. + acc.) prosum, prodesse, profui provideo -videre -vidi -visum provincia, provinciae proximus, a, um publicus, a, um pudet, pudere, puduit, puditus est pudicus, a, um puella, puellae, f. puer, pueri, m. pugna -ae f. pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatum pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum punio punire, punivi, punitus puppis -is, f. puto, putare, putavi, putatum Pyrrhus -i, qua quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum qualis quale quam quam? quam! (indeclinable adverb) quamquam quando (adv) quantus, a, um quare quasi quattuor -que
to pronounce, announce, proclaim bending forward, leaning forward; prone near rush, hurry be in haste; rush to (do something) set forth, expose, exhibit on account of, because to be useful, benefit, (with dat.) see ahead, perceive in advance province; territory nearest, next public it shames, make ashamed modest, chaste girl boy; pl., children fight any fight; battle (mil) to fight beautiful, handsome; fine, noble to punish stern, poop; ship to reckon, suppose, suppose, think, imagine Achilles son where? how? in any way to seek, look for, strive for, ask, inquire what sort?; of such a kind, such as how; how much; than how ? how ! although when?; at any time, ever; since, because how large, how great, how much wherefore, why, because of which as if, as it were four and (enclitic)
queror, queri, questus sum qui quae quod qui? quae? quod? quia (adv) quid quidam, quaedam, quiddam quidem nequidem quin quinque Quirites -ium/-um quis, quid (indef.) quis? quid? quisquis quodquod/quicquid/quidquid quo quo? (indeclinable adverb) quoad quod quomodo? quondam quoniam quoque quot radius, radii m. rapidus -a -um rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum ratio, rationis, f. re- (prefix used with verbs) recipio, recipere, recepi, receptum recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatum recognosco, -noscere, -novi, -nitum recreo, -are, -avi, -atum recuso, -are, -avi, -atum reddo -dere -didi -ditum
to complain, lament who, which; what; that what? which? what kind? : quiddity, quoddity since what? (pronoun) a certain one, thing; someone, something indeed not even why not?; but, indeed five : quintuplets Romans anyone, anything, someone, something who? what? whoever, whatever; everyone who where; at which time to where? as long as, as far as; quoad hoc (to this extent) because how? once, at some time, at one time; sometimes since, seeing that, because also, too how many, as many as ray, rod fierce; rushing, swift to seize, snatch, carry away:tear, pluck; drive reckoning, account, reason, judgment, manner back to take back, regain, admit, receive to recite to recognize, recollect to restore, revive; refresh, cheer to refuse: recuse hand over; give back, return, restore; reply, answer
redeo redire, redii reduco -ducere -duxi -ductum refero, referre, rettuli, relatum regina, reginae, f. regio -onis f regius -a -um regnum -i, n. rego, regere, rexi, rectum reicio -icere -ieci -iectum relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum reliquus (relicus) -a -um remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansum remedium, remedii, n. remissio, remissionis, f. remitto -mittere -misi -missum removeo, removere, removi, remotum Remus -i reperio, reperire, repperi, repertum repono -ponere -posui -positum requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietum requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitum res publica, rei publicae, f. res, rei, f. resisto -sistere -stiti respicio -spicere -spexi -spectum respondeo, -ndere, -ndi, -nsum restituo -uere -ui -utum retego, retegere, retexi, retectum retineo -tinere -tinui -tentum reverto, revertere, reverti, reversum reviso revisere rex, regis, m.
go back, come back, return bring back; recall to mind to carry back, bring back; repeat, answer, speak, say queen direction, area; region royal, regal, kingly kingdom; royalty to rule, guide, direct; guide throw, hurl, shove; reject to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert the rest, the remainder to remain, stay cure, remedy letting go, release; relaxation send back, drive back, return;.../ push back; loosen, relax, give up move back; put away; withdraw; remove Romuluss brother to find, discover, learn, get put back, restore; stretch out; lay aside, store to rest to seek, ask for, miss, need, require state, commonwealth, republic thing, matter, business, affair, incident; state;.../ pl. exploits, world stop, stay still; take a stand, oppose look back, look around for gaze at, think back upon to answer, reply set up,again renew restore to uncover, reveal hold back, hold fast; check restrain; retain in mind to turn back: revert look back; revisit king
rideo, ridere, risi, risum ridiculus, a, um robur (robor) -oris n rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum Roma Romae, f (Romae: at/in Rome) Romanus Romana, Romanum Romulus -i ruina, ruinae f. rumor, rumoris, m. ruo, ruere, rui, rutus rursus / rursum rus, ruris, n. rusticor, rusticari, rusticatus sum sacer sacra sacrum sacerdos, sacerdotis, m. sacroare -avi -atum saepe (indeclinable adverb) saevus -a -um sal, salis, m. salus, salutis, f. saluto salutare, salutavi, salutatus salveo, salvere salvus, a, um sanguis -inis, m. sanus, a, um sapiens, sapientis sapiens, sapientis, m. sapientia, sapientiae, f. sapio, sapere, sapui satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatum satis sator, satoris, m. satura, saturae, f. saxum, saxi, n.
to laugh, laugh at; smile laughable, ridiculous oak; hardwood timber, lumber; strength, force (mil.) to ask Rome Roman first king and founder of Rome ruin, destruction rumor, gossip to fall, rush; fall down, tumble backward, back; on the other hand; again the country, countryside: rustic, rural to live in the country holy, sacred priest consecrate, dedicate, devote; hallow, sanctify often savage, fierce, ferocious; terrible salt; wit health, safety; greeting greet to be well safe, sound blood; race, family; bloodshed, slaughter sound, healthy, sane wise, judicious wise man, philosopher wisdom, knowledge to have good taste; have good sense, be wise to satisfy, sate enough, sufficient sower, planter; begetter, father; founder satire rock, stone; boulder
scelus, sceleris, n. scientia, scientiae, f. scio, scire, scivi, scitum scopulus -i, m. scribo scribere, scripsi, scriptus scriptor, scriptoris, m. se sui seco -are -ui -tum secundus, a, um sed sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum sedes, sedis, f. semel semper senator senatoris, m senectus, senectutis, f. senex, senis, m. sensus, sensus, m. sententia, sententiae, f. sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum septem sequor, sequi, secutus sum sereno, serenare, serenavi, serenatum sermonis, m. serva, servae, f. servio, servire, servivi, servitum servitus, servitutis, f. servo, servare, servavi, servatum servus servi, m sese seu / sive sex si (indeclinable conjunction) Sibylla -ae, f.
evil deed, crime knowledge: science to know rock, cliff, crag, ledge to write writer pronoun himself, herself, itself, themselves cut, reap, carve; operate, divide second; favorable; following (wind, etc.) but to sit: hold court seat, dwelling-place; foundation once, a single time always senator old age old (man) sense, feeling feeling, thought; opinion; sentence to feel, perceive, think seven to follow, pursue; accompany to make clear, brighten; cheer up, soothe speech, conversation; talk, report, rumor slave (female) (+ dat.) to be a slave to, serve slavery, servitude to preserve, keep, save slave (same as se) himself, herself, itself, themselves whether, or if six if, when Sibyl, prophetess
sic (indeclinable adverb) Siculus -a -um sidus, sideris, n. signum, signi, n. silva silvae, f similis, simile simul sine (+ abl.) singuli -ae -a sinister, sinistra, sinistrum sino sinere sivi/sii situm sinus -i, m. socius, socii m. sol, solis, m. solacium, solacii, n. soleo, solere, solitus sum sollers, sollertis m. solumi, n. solus sola, solum solvo solvere solui solutum somnus, somni, m. sono sonere sonui sonitum soror, sororis, f. sors sortis, f. spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsum species, speciei f. specto spectare, spectavi, spectatus speculum, speculi, n. spero, sperare, speravi, speratum spes -ei f. spiritus, spiritus, m. spolia -orum n. pl. sponte
thus, in this way of Sicily; Sicilian constellation, star; group of stars; the sky; heaven sign, signal, seal, indication wood, forest similar, resembling all together,as one; at the same time (as) without single separate one at a time left, left-hand; wrong, perverse, unfavourable let, leave; allow, permit; leave alone bay; fold; bosom associate, companion; friend, ally sun comfort, relief: solace to be accustomed skilled, expert; cunning ground, base, foundation alone, lonely, only, single, sole, on one's own loosen, unbind; separate, disengage; dissolve;.../ melt; open; fulfil, perform; pay, deliver, release; acquit sleep, dream resound, make a noise; speak, express sister fate, lot; prophecy; destiny, fortune to scatter, strew, sprinkle appearance look at, watch, see mirror to hope for, hope; look for, expect; despair hope; Hope = (Deity) breath, spirit, soul arms stripped from an enemy; booty of ones own free will, spontaneously (sua sponte)
spumo spumare spumavi spumatum statim statua, statuae f. statuo -uere -ui -utum stella, stellae, f. sterno sternere stravi stratum sto stare steti statum strideo stridere stridi studeo, studere, studui studium, studii, n. stultus stulta, stultum Styx, Stygis/Stygos (acc. often Styga) suavis, suave sub (+ abl.) sub (+ acc.) subeo -ire -ivi/ii -itum subito sublimis, sublime submitto -ere subrideo, -ridere, -risi, -risum subsequor -sequi -secutus sui, sibi, se, se sum, esse, fui, futurum summus summa, summum super (+ acc.) super (+ abl.) superbus -a -um superior, superius supero, superare, superavi, superatum supersum, superesse, superfui superus, a, um supplex -icis supra
foam, froth; be foamy at once, immediately statue set down place locate; stand still star, planet spread out; overthrow, level, flatten stand; be built; linger, remain make a harsh noise, hiss, creak, whistle (+ dat.) to direct one's zeal to, be eager for, study eagerness, zeal, pursuit stupid, foolish river of the underworld sweet under, below, beneath; under the power of to; about; a little before; to a position under;.../ up to; directly after go under, enter; come up, advance; support; follow suddenly elevated, lofty; heroic, noble; on high let grow, permit; hold up hands (in prayer); to smile down upon follow after, follow up on; follow along -self to be highest, greatest, loftiest, supreme; top (of) above, on, over; beyond; on top of; besides about; concerning; in addition to proud, arrogant, insolent, overbearing, haughty higher; the gods above to be above, surpass; overcome, conquer to be left over; survive above, upper suppliant, beseeching, entreating (adv.) above on top; higher; over;.../
(prep + acc.) above on top; higher supremus, a, um surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum suscipio, suscipere, suscepi, susceptum suspendo, suspendere, suspendi, suspensum sustineo, sustinere, sustinui, sustentum suus sua, suum taberna tabernae, f taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitum talis -e tam tamen tandem tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum tantum tantus, a, um tantus .. quantus taurus -i, m. te tectum -i, n. tego tegere, texi, tectum tellus temere tempestas -tatis, f. templum templi, n tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatum tempus -oris, n. tendo tendere tetendi tensum/tentum teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum ter tergum -i, n. terra, terrae, f. -uris, f. telum -i highest, upper, last to get up, arise; stand up; ascend to undertake; support to hang up, suspend; interrupt to support; check; put off (pronoun) his, her, its, their (own) shop, inn to be silent, leave unmentioned such, of such a kind so however, nevertheless, still at last, finally; pray now to touch only; so much, so greatly so large, so great, so much, of such a size just as muchas bull; bullock you (pronoun) house, dwelling; roof; cover, cover over, hide; shelter; dissemble, keep secret earth, globe, land, ground spear, shaft, javelin; weapon rashly, blindly storm, tempest; disturbance; season, period of.../ time; multitude temple, sanctuary, shrine to test, try, attempt; urge: tempt time; occasion, opportunity; tense stretch, extend; present; aim; exert, strive hold, keep, have; occupy; hold back; reach three times back, rear; hide, leather earth, land; soil
terreo, terrere, terrui, territum Teucri -orum thalamus -i, m. timeo timere, timui timor, timoris, m. tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratum tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum torqueo torquere torsi tortum torus -i m. tot totus, a, um trado, tradere, tradidi, traditum traho trahere traxi tractum trans (+ acc.) transeo, transire, transii, transitum transitus, transitus, m. tremo tremere tremui tremitum tres, tria tristis, triste Troiaae, f. Troianus -a -um Tros (n. pl. Troes, gen. pl. Troum) tu tui tum / tunc turba, turbae, f. turbo turbare turbavi turbatum turpis, turpe tutus -a -um tuus tua, tuum tyrannus, tyranni, m. Tyrius -a -um ubi
to terrify, frighten Trojans inner room, chamber; marriage bed to fear, be afraid fear to bear, endure to raise, lift up; erect, extol, exalt; take.../ away, remove, destroy: twist, bend, turn; torture, torment sofa, couch, bed so many, such a number of whole, entire, all to give over, surrender; hand down,.../ transmit,teach draw, drag, lead, bring across, over, beyond, through to go across, cross; pass over, ignore passing over, transit, transition tremble, shake, quake three sad, sorrowful; joyless, grim, severe Troy Trojan Trojan (Troas = female Trojan) you (singular) then, at that time, in those times; further mob, crowd, disturbance disturb, make an uproar ugly, shameful, base, disgraceful safe, secure your (singular), yours tyrant Tyrian, of Tyre; Phoenician; Carthaginian when, where, where? (conjunction)
ullus -a -um ultimus, a, um ultra + acc. umbra -ae f. umerus -i, m. una unda, undae f. unde (adv) undique (adv) unus, a, um urbanus, a, um urbs, urbis, f. urgeo -ere ursi (urgueo) urna, urnae f. usus, usus m. ut (uti) (+ subjunctive) ut uter, utra, utrum uterus -i m. utilis, utile utor, uti, usus sum uxor uxoris, f. vadum -i n. vale! valete! valeo, valere, valui, valiturum validus, a, um varius -a -um vastus -a -um vatesis, m./f. -ve vehementer vel velox -ocis velum -i n.
any, any one farthest, extreme on the other side, beyond shadow, shade shoulder, upper arm at once, together, at the same time wave; water (esp. pl.) from where whence from all sides one, only, single, alone of the city, urban city; the City of Rome press urge; urge on; press on hard (mil); crowd around urn use, advantage, enjoyment, possession that, so that, in order that how?; as, when either, which (of two) womb; belly useful, advantageous (+ abl.) to use; enjoy, experience wife a ford on a river; shallows hoals, the sea seas goodbye, farewell! to be strong; have power; be well; say goodbye strong, healthy various, variegated; changing, variable; fickle unoccupied; vast, immense, huge seer, prophet (enclitic) or, or if you will violently, loudly or, or indeed; certainly ("vel vel " = "either or") fast speedy quick sail, sailcloth, cloth covering
velut / veluti (adv / conj) vendo vendere, vendidi, venditus venia, veniae f. venio venire, veni ventus, venti, m. Venus -eris, f. verbum, verbi, n. vereor, vereri, veritus sum veritas, veritatis, f. vero versus, versus, m. vertex/vortex -icis, m. verto vertere verti versum verusa -um Vesper -ris /-ri, m. Vesta -ae vestigium -i, n. vestis -is, f. vetus, veteris via viae, f. vicinus/a, vicini/ae, m./f. victoria, victoriae, f. video videre, vidi, visus videor, videri, visus sum vigilia -iae f. vigor, vigoris m. villa villae, f. vinco vincere, vici, victus vinculum -i, n. vinum vini, n. violo, violare, violavi, violatum vir viri, m. virgo -ginis, f.
just as, even as, like, as if just, as if to sell; be up for sale, hireable favor, kindness to come, go wind goddess of Love; Aeneass mother word to show reverence for, respect truth but; in truth, indeed, to be sure, however verse; poetry (pl.) whirlpool, vortex turn, direct, change; twist; destroy true, real, actual, genuine the evening star goddess of the hearth step, footprint, track; trace, vestige (esp. common in pl.) clothing, attire, garments old, aged street, road, way, path; method, mode neighbor victory to see, observe, understand, perceive to be seen, seem being awake, insomnia; a "watch" (mil);.../ vigilance carefulness liveliness, vigor, activity house, country villa to conquer, win, be victorious chain, rope, fetter; bond wine to violate, dishonor; outrage man, husband young woman, virgin
virtus, virtutis, f. vis vis (acc. vim) vita vitae, f. vitium, vitii, n. vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatum vivo vivere, vixi vivus, a, um vix (adv) voco vocare, vocavi, vocatus volo velle volo -are -avi -atum volo, velle, volui voluntas -tatis f. voluptas, voluptatis, f. volvo volvere volvi volutum vos vestrum vox, vocis, f. vulgus, vulgi, m. vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratum vulnus, vulneris, n. vultus -us m. Zephyrus -i m.
manliness, courage, excellence, virtue; strength force, violence; vires -ium (pl.): strength, forces life fault, crime; vice to avoid, shun to live, be alive (vixi often = I am dead) alive, living hardly, barely, scarcely call, name, invite, invoke wish, want, desire fly to wish, want, be willing, will will,wish, desire; preference pleasure turn, roll; ordain, decree; glide you (plural) voice, word; cry, call; saying the common people, mob, rabble to wound, harm, distress wound, injury face, appearance; expression west wind