Eutropius' Hannibal: Latin Text With Facing Vocabulary and Commentary
Eutropius' Hannibal: Latin Text With Facing Vocabulary and Commentary
Eutropius' Hannibal: Latin Text With Facing Vocabulary and Commentary
Geoffrey Steadman
Eutropius’ Hannibal
Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary
Beta Edition
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The Latin text comes from Book III of Eutropius’ Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita,
originally edited by F. Ruehl (Teubner, 1887).
ISBN-13: 978-0-9991884-1-5
Page 1 Page 2
ā, ab, abs (away) from by, 33 ad: to, toward; near, 23
annus, -ī m.: year, 12 apud: at, among, in the presence of (acc), 6
bellum, -ī, n.: war, 12 castra, -ōrum n.: camp, 6
capiō, -ere, cēpī, captum: take, seize, 18 cōnsul, -is m.: consul, 16
Carthāginiēnsis, -is m.: Carthaginian, 11 eques, equitis m.: horseman, rider, 6
Carthāgō, Carthāginis f.: Carthage, 4 et: and, also, even, 38
cīvitās. cīvitātis f.: state, city-state, 10 ex, ē: out from, from, out of (abl), 7
contrā: against (acc) in reponse, 11 Fabius, -iī m.: Fabius, 4
cōpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply troops, 5 ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 9
Cornēlius, -ī m.: Cornelius, 4 Ītalia, -ae f.: Italy, 14
cum: with (abl) when, since, although, 25 maximus, -a, -um: greatest; nōmen, Maximus, 4
dō, dare, dedī, datum: give, put grant, 6 multus, -a, -um: much, many, abundant, 10
dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 8 prīmus, -a, -um: first, foremost; early, 4
etiam: also, even, besides, 11 proelium, -iī n.: battle, 7
exercitus, -ūs m.: army, 8 pugna, -ae f.: fight, 5
frāter, -tris m.: brother, 9 quoque: also, 4
Hannibal, -is m.: Hannibal, 48 suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their (own), 5
Hasdrubal, -is m.: Hasdrubal, 9 veniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum: come, 11
hic, haec, hoc: this, these he, she, it, 9 elephantus, -ī m.: elephant, 2
Hispānia, -ae f.: Hispania, 15 septem: seven, 1
in: in, on (abl) , into, against (acc.), 38
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intereā: meanwhile, 7
is, ea, id: this, that he, she, it, 33 accipiō, -ere -cēpī -ceptum: receive, 7
lēgātus, -ī m.: legate, ambassador, envoy, 6 Āfer, -a, -um: African, 8
mīlle (pl. mīlia): thousand, 23 faciō, -ere, fēcī, factum: make, do, 6
mittō, -ere, mīsī, missum: send, let go, 14 habeō, -ēre, habuī, -itus: have, hold, 4
P.: Publius, 7 magnus, -a, -um: great, large; important, 5
per: through, over, across, 7 mīlēs, mīlitis m.: soldier, 5
que: and, as well, 7 nōbilis, -e: noble, 5
quī, quae, quod (quis? quid?): who, which, 35 occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus: kill, strike down, 8
Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman, 26 pāx, pācis f.: peace, 6
Scīpiō, Scīpiōnis m.: Scipio, 28 quam: than, 4
sē: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 9 quīngentī, -ae, -a: five hundred, 5
Sicilia, -ae f.: Sicily, 5 tamen: nevertheless, however, 6
sum, esse, fuī: to be, 47 urbs, urbis, f.: city, 4
ut (utī): as, when (ind) so that, 9 vir, virī m.: man, 4
vincō, -ere, vīcī, victum: conquer, defeat, 11 Aemilius, -iī m.: Aemilius, 3
Alpēs, -ium f.: Alps, 2 ante: before, in front of (acc); before, 1
amīca, -ae f.: friend, 1 appellō (1): call (by name), name, 2
nē: lest, that not, so that not, not, 2 dē: down from, about, concerning (abl), 2
pars, partis, f.: part, direction, side, 3 malus, -a, -um: bad, wicked, evil; adv. poorly, 2
populus, -ī m.: people, population, 2 nōn: not, by no means, not at all, 3
Pūnicus, -a, -um: Punic, 3 numquam: never, 1
tum: then, at that time, 3 Paulus, -ī m.: Paulus, 3
senātor, -ōris m.: senator, 2 recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take (back), 4
servus, -ī, m.: slave, 1 teneō, -ēre, -uī, tentum: hold, keep, 2
Terentius, -iī m.: Terentius, 1
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trēs, tria: three, 3
vērus, -a, -um: true, real; adv. vērum, but 1 argentum, -ī n.: silver, 6
Asia, -ae f.: Asia Minor, 1
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duo, duae, duo: two, 2
captīvus, -ī m.: captive, 5 fīlius, -iī m.: son, 1
homō, -inis m/f: person, people, human, 4 glōria, -ae, f.: glory, fame, 3
interficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: kill, slay, 5 octō: eight, 1
omnis, -e: every, all, 9
Page 8
post: after, behind (acc); afterward, next, 6
pugnō (1): to fight, 6 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 2
Claudius, -iī m.: Claudius, 3 animus, -ī m.: mind, soul; heart, passion, 2’
Mārcellus, -ī m.: Marcellus, 3 pecūnia, -ae f.: money, 1
possum, posse, potuī: be able, can, 3
Page 9
quārtus, -a, -um: fourth, 3
senātus, -ūs f.: senate, 3 pondus, -eris n.: weight; pondō, in weight, 5
tōtus. -a, -um: whole, entire, 3 Līvius, -ī m.: Livius, 1
ubi: where, when, 2 Salīnātōr, -is m.: Salinator, 1
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condicio, -ciōnis f.: condition, term, 4 Āfrica, -ae f.: Africa, 4
iubeō, -ēre, iussī, iussum: order, bid, 6 audiō, -īre, -īvī, audītum: hear, listen to, 1
Macedonia, -ae f.: Macedonia, 6 Caecilius, -ī m.: Caecilius, 1
Philippus, -ī m.: Philip, 5 vīgintī: twenty, 3
quattuor: four, 4
Page 11
rēs, reī, f.: matter, affair, situation; restitution, 4
rēx, rēgis m.: king, 5 centum: hundred, 1
Rōma, -ae f.: Rome, 12 nāvis, -is, f.: ship, boat, 1
Sardinia, -ae f.: Sardinia (island), 4 quīnque: five, 1
tempus, -poris n.: time, 4 sed: but, moreover, however, 1
Laevīnus, -ī m.: Laevinus, 3 septimus, -a, -um: seventh, 1
occupō (1): seize, occupy, 1
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sub: under, beneath (abl), 1
ūnus, -a, -um: one, single, 2 Āfricānus, -a, -um: Africanus, 1
victor, -ōris m.: conquerer, vanquisher, 3 ēducō (1): lead out, bring up, rear, train, 1
fīnis, -is m./f.: end, border; territory, 1
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Masinissa, -ae m.: Masinissa, 1
coepī, coepisse, coeptum: begin, 4 memoria, -ae f.: memory, 1
decimus, -a, -um: tenth, 4 videō, -ēre, vīdī, vīsum: see, 1
ingēns (ingentis): huge, immense, vast, 8
Eutropius’ Hannibal: Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita III 1
abstineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold back, 1 nōlō, nōlle, nōluī: not…wish, be unwilling, 1
adficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectum: afflict, 1 oppugnō (1): capture, by assault, attack, 1
adgredior, -ī, -gressum: set out, attack, 2 patefaciō, -ere, -fēcī,: open, disclose, 1
adhūc: still, 1 poena, -ae, f.: punishment, 1
admittō, -ere, -mīsī: allow, permit send, 1 proficīscor, -ī, profectum: set out, depart, 3
aetās, aetātis f.: age, lifetime, generation, time, 2 Pȳrēnaeus, -ī m.: Pyrenee mountains, 1
agō, -ere, ēgī, āctum: spend, live do, lead, 3 relinquō, -ere, -uī, -lictum: leave behind, 1
congregō (1): gather together, assemble, 1 respōnsum, -ī n.: answer, reply, 1
dēnūntiō (1): give notice, warn threaten, 1 Saguntīnī, -ōrum, m.: Saguntinians (people), 1
dūrus, -a, -um: hard, harsh, 1 Saguntum, -ī n.: Saguntum (town), 1
famēs, -is f.: hunger, 1 secundus, -a, -um: second following (acc.), 3
gerō, -ere, gessī, gestus: carry (on), wage, 3 Semprōnius, -iī m.: Sempronius, 3
īdem, eadem, idem: same, 3 socius, -ī m.: ally, companion, comrade, 1
indīcō, -ere, -dīxī: inform, declare, appoint, 2 Ti.: Tiberius, 1
īnferō -ferre -tulī -lātus: bring in, wage, 2 trānseō, -īre, -iī: cross, go over, 3
invius, -a, -um: impassable, 1 ultimus, -a, -um: farthest, last, 1
mandō (1): entrust, give, commit (dat), 1 vīcēsimus, -a, -um: twentieth, 1
1 eōdem annō: in…; abl. time when 7 nē…gereret: that…not…; neg. Ind. command,
inlātum est: pf. pass. īnferō subject of mandārētur
3 Rōmānīs: dat. of special adj. 9 ultimīs poenīs: abl. means
4 annum…vīcēsimum: for…; acc. of duration 10 Carthāginiēnsibus: on…; dat. compound verb
agēns: living; pres. pple 11 profectus est: pf. dep; translate as active
copiīs congregātīs: abl. abs. (et) Ti. Semprōnius (profectus est) in
cl mīlium: of…; gen. of measure Siciliam: asyndeton and ellipsis; add verb
5 Huic: dat. ind. obj. hic [Bellum…est.]: the editor recommends that
ut…abstinēret: ind. command, impf. subj. readers omit this text: likely copied from above
bellō: from…; abl. separation 13 relictō…Hasdrubale: abl. abs.
6 Carthāginem: acc. place to which 14 (in) eā parte: (in) this…; place where
ut mandārētur: so that…; purpose, impf. subj. 15 sibi: for…; dat. of interest, reflexive
2 Eutropius’ Hannibal: Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita III
addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductum: lead to, 1 impetus, -ūs m.: attack, onset, assault, 1
adventus, -ūs m.: arrival, approach, 1 inde: from there, then, afterward, 1
adversus, -a, -um: opposite; against (acc), 1 interimō, -ere, -ēmī, -emptum: take out, kill, 1
amnis, -is m.: river, stream, 1 inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, 2
Arīminum, -ī n.: Ariminum (town on Adriatic), 1 Līgurēs, -um m.: Ligures, Ligurians, 1
caedō, -ere, cecīdī, caesum: kill, slaughter, 1 mox: soon, 3
cēterī, -ae, -a: the others, the rest, remaining, 2 occāsiō, -iōnis f.: opportunity, chance, 1
cognōscō, -ere, -nōvī, -nitum: recognize, know 2 occurrō, -ere: run into, attack (dat), 2
committō, -ere, -mīsī: commit, entrust, 1 pedes, peditis m.: foot soldier; infantry, 2
cōnflīgō, -ere, -īxī, -īctum: dash together, 1 posteā: after this, afterwards, 2
coniungō, -ere, -iūnxī, -iūnctum: join together, 2 Q.: Quintus, 3
dedō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give up, devote, 2 redeō, -īre, -īvī: go/come back, return, 3
differō, -ferre,: delay, put off; differ, 2 Semprōnius, -iī m.: Sempronius, 3
diffugiō, -ere, -fūgī: flee apart, escape, 1 trādō, -dere, -didī, -ditum: hand over, say, 2
Flāminius, -ī m.: Flaminius, 2 trāiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -iectum: pierce, 1
frangō, -ere, frēgī, frāctum: break, 2 Trebia, -ae f.: Trebia (river in NW Italy), 1
fugō (1): put to flight, 2 Tuscia, -ae f.: Tuscany (Etruscan region), 1
Gallus, -a, -um: Gallic, Gaul, 1 vulnerō (1): wound, 1
Gracchus, -ī m.: Gracchus, 2
abeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go away, depart, 1 inpatientia, -ae f.: impatience, 1
aliter: otherwise, in another way, 1 L.: Lucius, 3
alter, -era, -erum: other (of 2), one, 2 manūmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: manumit, 1
ambō, -ae, -ō: both, two together, 3 mentiō, mentiōnis f.: mention, 1
Āpūlia, -ae f.: Apulia, 2 moneō, -ēre, -uī, monitum: warn, 1
aut: or, aut...aut: either…or, 3 nēmō: no one, 1
callidus, -a, -um: clever, skilful, adroit, 1 nūllus, -a, -um: none, no, not any, 2
Cannae, -ārum, f.: Cannae, 1 pereō, -īre, periī: pass away, perish, 3
condō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: found, establish, 1 praetōrius, -iī m.: praetorian (of that rank), 1
cōnsulāris, -is m.: consular, 1 quadrāgēsimus, -a, -um: fortieth, 1
contrādīcō, -ere, -dīxī, -dictum: oppose, 1 quīngentēsimus, -a, -um: five hundredth, 1
differō, -ferre,: delay, put off; differ, 2 sauciō (1): wound, 1
dignor, -ārī, dignātum: deem, think worthy, 1 succēdō, -ere, -cessī: come up to (dat), 1
enim: for, indeed, in truth, 2 Varrō, Varrōnis m.: Varro, 2
gravis, -e: heavy, serious, important, 1 vīcus, -ī m.: village, town, 1
inpatiēns, inpatientis: impatient, unfeeling, 1
1 Quīngentēsimō…annō: in…; abl. time when inpatiēntiā: because of…; abl. cause
ā condīta urbe: from the founding of the city; contrādīcente alterō cōnsule: abl. abs.
lit. ‘from the city having been founded’ the PPP 10 nūllō proeliō: in…; abl. time when
is often translated as an abstract noun Pūnicō bellō: in…; abl. time when
3 abiēns: nom. pres. pple. abeō 11 gravius: comparative adv.
ut…vincerent: that…; ind. command with In eō (proeliō): in this (battle)
impf. subj. 12 captī (sunt) aut occīsī (sunt)
4 aliter…quam: otherwise than…; adv. aliter mīlitum, equitum: partitive gen. pl.
and a clause of comparison 14 in quibus malīs: in these; a connective
5 differendō: by…; gerund (-ing) + abl. of means relative (translate as demon.)
Vērum: but; adverbial acc. often adversative 15 manūmissī (sunt)
6 Cum…esset: when there…; impf. subj. sum mīlitēs: nom. pred. following factī sunt
4 Eutropius’ Hannibal: Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita III
1 Quō tempore: at this…; connective relative 9 ūnō tempore: in…; abl. time whens
(translate as demon.) and abl. time when (in) quattuor locīs
4 ut…acciperet: (namely) that…; ind. command pugnābātur: it…; impersonal impf. pass.; often
with impf. subj. in apposition to condiciōne we translate this pass. in the active: ‘they…’
dēlētīs Rōmānīs: abl. abs. 10 eius: gen. sg. is
(Philippus) ipse: Philip himself Is: he; i.e. the other Hasdrubal
5 captīs…lēgātīs: abl. abs. 13 missus fuerat: plpf. pass.
rē cognitā: abl. abs. occīsa (sunt)…captī (sunt): main verbs
7 T. Mānlium Torquātum (īre): add inf. eō, 15 subācta (sunt): pf. pass.
8 ea: this one; i.e. Sardinia Rōmam: acc. place to which
sollicitāta: PPP
6 Eutropius’ Hannibal: Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita III
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, 2 mīliārium, -iī n.: mile-stone, 1
ambō, -ae, -ō: both, two together, 3 mox: soon, 3
Campānia, -ae f.: Campania, 2 perferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātus: carry, endure, 1
cāsus, -ūs m.: misfortune, chance, accident, 1 porta, -ae f.: gate, 1
Cn.: Gnaeus, 2 postquam: after, when; after that, 3
dēcipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: catch, deceive, 1 praeda, -ae f.: plunder, loot, spoils, 3
enim: for, indeed, in truth, 2 Sulpicius, -iī m.: Sulpicius, 1
Fulvius, -ī m.: Fulvius, 2 Syrācūsānus, -a, -um: Syracusan, of Syracuse, 1
integer, -gra, -grum: whole, intact, unharmed, 1 tertius, -a, -um: third, 2
magis: more, rather, 1 usque: up to, until; all the way, 2
Māgō, Māgōnis m.: Mago, 2 victor, -ōris m.: conquerer, vanquisher, 3
maneō, -ēre, mansī: stay, wait, wait for, 1 virtūs, -ūtis f.: valor, manhood, 1
metus, -ūs f.: dread, fear, 1
adgredior, -ī, -gressum: set out, attack, 2 Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 1
aetās, aetātis f.: age, lifetime, generation, time, 2 Hannō, -ōnis m.: Hanno, 2
Agrigentum, -ī n.: Agrigentum, 1 Hispānī, -ōrum m.: Spanish, 3
amīcitia, -ae, f.: friendship; alliance, 3 ibīdem: in the same place, 2
apparātus, -ūs m.: equipment, provision, 1 ita: so, thus, 3
Attalus, -ī m.: Attalus, 1 nascor, nascī, nātum: be born, 1
aurum, -ī n.: gold, 3 nūllus, -a, -um: none, no, not any, 2
Cn.: Gnaeus, 2 obsēs, obsidis m./f.: hostage, 3
dēditiō, -ōnis f.: surrrender, capitulation, 1 oppidum, -ī n.: town, 1
expugnō (1): capture by assault, 2 posterior, -ius: later, posterior, next, 1
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 3 proficīscor, -ī, profectum: set out, depart, 3
frangō, -ere, frēgī, frāctum: break, 2 quīdam, quaedam, quoddam: certain, some, 2
Fulvius, -ī m.: Fulvius, 2 regredior, -ī, regressum: step back, 2
gerō, -ere, gessī, gestus: carry (on), wage, 3 subitō: immediately, straightaway, 1
3 profectus: having set out; dep. PPP 12 nātus: dep. PPP; i.e. how old is Scipio
4 eum: i.e. Hannō vir…prīmus: i.e. a leader, in apposition to P.
Rōmam: acc. place to which Cornēlius Scīpiō
[Macedonia frācta]: omit 13 et…et…: both (in)…and (in)…; abl. time
7 ingentī glōriā: with…; abl. of manner, 3rd decl. when; suā, ‘his own,’ refers to Scipiō
i-stem abl. 14 Is: i.e. Scīpiō
regressus est: pf. dep.: translate as active Carthāginem Hispāniae: Carthage of
8 adgressus: dep. PPP: translate as ‘having Xed’ Hispania; i.e. Carthago Nova (modern
ad Hispāniās: i.e. two regions of Hispania: Cartagena, Spain), on the SE coast and named
Hispania Citerior, ‘Nearer Hispania,’ on the after the mother city Carthage in Libya
east coast and Hispania Ulterior, ‘Further 16 obsidēs: The Carthaginians had take hostages
Hispania’ on the southern coast from noble families to enforce civil obedience.
10 occīsīs duōbus Scīpiōnibus: abl. abs.
annōs…quattuor et vīgintī: for…; duration
8 Eutropius’ Hannibal: Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita III
agō, -ere, ēgī, āctum: spend, live; do, lead, 3 nam: for, 2
Carthalō, -ōnis m.: Carthalo (person), 1 nūntius, -iī m.: messenger, message, 1
dedō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give up, devote, 2 obsēs, obsidis m./f.: hostage, 3
dispertiō, -īre, -ivī: disperse, distribute, 1 parēns, -rentis m.: parent, ancestor, 1
ēgregius, -a, -um: excellent, outstanding, 1 praeda, -ae f.: plunder, loot, spoils, 3
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 3 prior, prius: before, earlier (adv. prius), 2
fiscus, -ī m.: public treasury, 1 Q.: Quintus, 3
fugō (1): put to flight, 2 quārē: for this reason; quā rē, why, 1
Hispānī, -ōrum m.: Spanish, 3 reddō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give back, render, 2
ibi: there, in that place, 1 referō, -ferre, -tulī: report, bring back, 2
ibīdem: in the same place, 2 rūrsus: again, backward, back, 2
īnsequor, -sequī, -secūtum: follow, ensue, 1 Tarentum, -ī n.: Tarentum, 1
L.: Lucius, 3 trānseō, -īre, -iī: cross, go over, 3
laetitia, -ae f.: happiness, joy, delight, 1 vēnditor, -ōris m.: vendor, seller, 1
Māgō, Māgōnis m.: Mago, 2 vēndō, -ere, vendidī: sell, 1
accēdō, -ere, -cessī: come to, approach, 2 inclitus, -a, -um: famed, renowned, 1
amīcitia, -ae, f.: friendship; alliance, 3 īnsidiae, -ārum f.: ambush, trap, 1
Ap.: Appius, 1 itaque: and so, 1
atque: and, and also, and even, 2 iter, itineris n.: way, route, path; journey, 1
aurum, -ī n.: gold, 3 M.: Marcus, 3
aut: or, aut...aut: either…or, 3 Nerō, Nerōnis m.: Nero, 1
conpōnō, -ere, -posuī: arrange; collect, 1 obsēs, obsidis m./f.: hostage, 3
dēspērō (1): despair, feel no hope, 1 Pīcēnum, -ī, n.: Picenum (region on Adriatic), 1
diffīdō, -ere, -fidī, -fīsum: distrust, have no poscō, -ere, poposcī: ask, demand, 1
confidence in (dat), 1 postquam: after, when; after that, 3
diū: for a long time; diūtius, longer, 1 proficīscor, -ī, profectum: set out, depart, 3
ēventus, -ūs m.: outcome, result, 1 referō, -ferre, -tulī: to report, bring back, 2
ēvocō (1): call out, challenge, 2 retineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum: hold back, 1
gerō, -ere, gessī, gestus: carry (on), wage, 3 rūrsus: again, backward, back, 2
iam: now, already, soon, 1 Sēna, -ae f.: Sena (Etruscan town, now Siena), 1
īdem, eadem, idem: same, 3 strēnuus, -a, -um: active, energetic, strenous, 1
incidō, -ere, -cīdī: fall into, fall upon, 1 tertius, -a, -um: third, 2
adeō (ad eō): so, to this point, to such a degree, 1 Numida, -ae m.: a nomad; Numidian, 2
agō, -ere, ēgī, āctum: spend, live; do, lead, 3 Numidia, -ae f.: Numidia, 1
bene: well, 2 posteāquam: after, 1
Brittī, -ōrum m.: Britti (people, toe of Italy), 2 pūtō (1): think, consider, 1
coniungō, -ere, -iūnxī, -iūnctum: join together, 2 Q.: Quintus, 3
dēserō, -ere, -uī, -sertum: desert, 2 quīdam, quaedam, quoddam: certain, some, 2
dīvīnus, -a, -um: divine, 1 redeō, -īre, -īvī: go/come back, return, 3
exīstimō (1): judge, consider, think, 1 secundus, -a, -um: second; following (acc.), 3
ferē: almost, nearly; in general, 3 sermō, sermōnis m.: conversation, talk, 1
Hannō, -ōnis m.: Hanno, 2 spolium, -iī n.: spoils, booty, 1
īnfīnītus, -a, -um: infinite, unending, 1 Syphāx, Syphacis m.: Syphax, 2
insum, -esse, -fuī: be in, 1 trādō, -dere, -didī, -ditum: hand over, say, 2
invādō, -ere, -vāsī: rush upon, attack, 1 Valērius, -ī m.: Valerius, 2
L.: Lucius, 3 vastō (1): lay waste, 1
nūmen, -inis n.: divine power, approval, 1
16 Q. Caeciliiō…cōnsulibus: abl. abs., add ut putārētur: so that he…; i.e. Scipio; result
‘being’ clause with impf. pass. subj.
Rōmānīs: dat. ind. obj. 22 Is: i.e. Scipio
18 Annō quārtō decimō: abl. time when eius: gen. sg. is
19 multa: neut. acc. pl. substantive (add ‘things’) 23 Secundō proeliō: abl. time when
ēgerat: had done 24 xi mīlibus occīsīs: abl. abs.
est factus: pf. pass., cōnsul is nom. pred. 25 Āfrīs: with…; dat. of compound verb
20 missus (est) eius: gen. sg. is
Cuī virō…inesse: that in this man…; ind. disc. 27 Rōmam: acc. place to which
with a connective relative that is also a dative Quā rē audītā: this matter…; abl. abs. with a
of compound verb connective relative
21 exīstimābātur: it…; impersonal impf. pass. 28 (Hannibal) ipse: (Hannibal) himself
Eutropius’ Hannibal: Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita III 11
addō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: bring to, add, 1 līberō (1): free, release, 1
amplus, -a, -um: ample, full, spacious, 1 lībra, -ae f.: pound (12 oz.); balance/scales, 1
arbitrium, -iī n.: judgment, decision, 1 novus, -a, -um: new, strange, 1
colloquium, -ī n.: conversation, conference, 1 perfidia, -ae f.: treachery, 1
diēs, -ēī m./f.: day, time, season, 1 perfuga, -ae m.: fugitive, 1
dīmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: dismiss, 2 petō, -ere, -īvī, petītum: seek, head for; attack, 2
eō, īre, iī: go, 2 prior, prius: before, earlier (adv. prius), 2
fiō, fierī, factum: be made, become, 1 propter: on account of, because of, 1
frequēns, frequentis: crowded, 1 quadrāgintā: forty, 1
hostīlis, -e: hostile, of the enemy, 1 quousque: until what time, till when, how long, 1
īdem, eadem, idem: same, 3 reddō, -ere, -didī, -ditum: give back, render, 2
indūtiae, -ārum f.: a truce, 1 regredior, -ī, regressum: step back, 2
interim: meanwhile, in the meantime, 1 trīginta: thirty, 2
ita: so, thus, 3 turbō (1): throw in confusion, disturb, 1
1 annō septīmō decimō: abl. time when 10 Hannibale veniente: abl. abs.
ab eō: abl. agent, i.e. Scipio 11 Multa hostīlia: neut. nom. pl., add ‘things’
3 Rōmam: acc. place to which 12 venientēs: pres. pple
Quadrāgintā…diēbus hīs: abl. time when iubente Scīpiōne: abl. abs.
4 quousque…possent: until which time…; dīmissī (sunt)
subj. of anticipation; impf. subj. possum 14 ventum esset: they…; impersonal plpf. pass.,
Rōmam: acc. place to which translate as plpf active and add subject
regredī: dep. pres. inf. īsdem condiciōnibus: on..; abl. time when
5 pondō: in weight; abl. of respect 15 (pāx) data est
argentī: of…; gen. of material quibus prius (pāx data est): on which (peace
7 hīs condiciōnibus: on…; abl. of manner was given); ellipsis, relative and abl. manner
nē…habērent: that…not…; neg. ind. command additīs…centum mīlibus: 100 thousand
quam…nāvēs: than…; clause of comparison pounds…; abl. abs.; lībrārum is partitve gen.
8 ut…darent…redderent: that…; ind. command quīngentīs mīlibus…: to…; dat. of compound
12 Eutropius’ Hannibal: Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita III
amīcitia, -ae, f.: friendship; alliance, 3 Numida, -ae m.: a nomad; Numidian, 2
at: but; at least, 1 octōginta: eighty, 1
aurum, -ī n.: gold, 3 ostendō, -ere, ostendī: show, 1
certāmen, -minis n.: struggle, contest, 1 paene: almost, nearly, 1
cēterī, -ae, -a: the others, the rest, remaining, 2 perītus, -a, -um: experienced, skilled, 1
circumdūcō, -ere, -dūxī: lead around, 1 postrēmō,: at last, finally; abl. as adv., 1
cōpiōsus, -a, -um: abundant, well-supplied, 1 prandium, -iī n.: lunch, 1
deinde: then, thereupon, 1 quālis, -e: which (sort/kind), 1
dīmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: dismiss, 2 recēdō, -ere, -cessī: go/draw back, withdraw 1
displiceō, -ere, -uī: displease, dissatisfy (dat), 1 redeō, -īre, -īvī: go/come back, return, 3
ēvādō, -ere, -vāsī, -vāsum: go, escape, 1 renūntiō, (1): bring back word, report, 1
explōrātor, -ōris m.: scout, spy, 1 secundus, -a, -um: second; following (acc.), 3
īnferō -ferre -tulī -lātus: bring in, wage, 2 supellectilis (supellex),-is f.: goods, furniture, 1
īnstruō, -ere, -xī, -ctum: set up, arrange, 1 triumphō (1): celebrate a triumph, 1
inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventum: find, 2 ūllus, -a, -um: any, 1
mox: soon, 3 uterque utra- utrum-: each (of 2), both, 1
nōnus, -a, -um: ninth, 1 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 1
18 īnfertur…bellum: war is carried out cum…: since…; causal clause with impf. subj.
19 Carthāginī: on…; dat. of compounds 26 ipsō Hannibale captō: abl. abs.
circumdūcī: to be…; pass. inf. 27 prīmum, deinde, postrēmō: first, then, at last
21 ostendī… darī dīmittīque: to be…; pass. infs. 28 Inventa (sunt)
hīs: to…; dat. ind. obj. i.e. explorātōrēs argentī: of silver; gen. of materials
ut renūntiārent: so that…might…; purpose 29 post id certāmen: after this contest
23 quae…vīdissent: (the things) which…; plpf. ingentī glōriā: with…; abl. of manner, i-stem
subj. of subordinate verb in a purpose clause 31 ex eō: from this (victory), as a result of this
25 (in) ūllā memoriā coeptus est: began; often dep. with pass. inf.
Eutropius’ Hannibal pp. 1-2 13
trāiēcit. 20
occurrit = convēnit
IX. P. Cornēlius Scīpiō Hannibalī prīmus occurrit. Commissō commissō proeliō = factā
proeliō, fugātīs suīs ipse vulnerātus in castra rediit. Semprōnius suīs (mīlitibus)
Maximus. Is eum differendō pugnam ab impetū frēgit, mox differendō = nōn faciēns
occīdō, -ere, -cīdī, -cīsus: kill, strike down, 8 Salīnātōr, -is m.: Salinator, 1
occupō (1): seize, occupy, 1 Sardinia, -ae f.: Sardinia (island), 4
octō: eight, 1 Scīpiō, Scīpiōnis m.: Scipio, 28
omnis, -e: every, all, 9 sē: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 9
sed: but, moreover, however, 1
P.: Publius, 7
senātor, -ōris m.: senator, 2
pars, partis, f.: part, direction, side, 3
senātus, -ūs f.: senate, 3
Paulus, -ī m.: Paulus, 3
septem: seven, 1
pāx, pācis f.: peace, 6
septimus, -a, -um: seventh, 1
pecūnia, -ae f.: money, 1
servus, -ī, m.: slave, 1
per: through, over, across, 7
Sicilia, -ae f.: Sicily, 5
Philippus, -ī m.: Philip, 5
sub: under, beneath (abl), 1
pondus, -eris n.: weight; pondō, in weight, 5
sum, esse, fuī: to be, 47
populus, -ī m.: people, population, 2
suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their (own), 5
possum, posse, potuī: be able, can, 3
post: after, behind (acc); afterward, next, 6 tamen: nevertheless, however, 6
prīmus, -a, -um: first, foremost; early, 4 tempus, -poris n.: time, 4
proelium, -iī n.: battle, 7 teneō, -ēre, -uī, tentum: hold, keep, 2
pugna, -ae f.: fight, 5 Terentius, -iī m.: Terentius, 1
pugnō (1): to fight, 6 tōtus. -a, -um: whole, entire, 3
Pūnicus, -a, -um: Punic, 3 trēs, tria: three, 3
tum: then, at that time, 3
quam: than, 4
quārtus, -a, -um: fourth, 3 ubi: where, when, 2
quattuor: four, 4 ūnus, -a, -um: one, single, 2
que: and, as well, 7 urbs, urbis, f.: city, 4
quī, quae, quod (quis? quid?): who, which, 35 ut (utī): as, when (ind) so that, 9
quīngentī, -ae, -a: five hundred, 5
veniō, -īre, vēnī, ventum: come, 11
quīnque: five, 1
vērus, -a, -um: true, real; adv. vērum, but 1
quoque: also, 4
victor, -ōris m.: conquerer, vanquisher, 3
recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum: take (back), 4 videō, -ēre, vīdī, vīsum: see, 1
rēs, reī, f.: matter, affair, situation; restitution, 4 vīgintī: twenty, 3
rēx, rēgis m.: king, 5 vincō, -ere, vīcī, victum: conquer, defeat, 11
vir, virī m.: man, 4
Rōma, -ae f.: Rome, 12
Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman, 26