Udl Lesson Plan Form Rev1
Udl Lesson Plan Form Rev1
Udl Lesson Plan Form Rev1
Lockhart, Laura Smith, and Taylor Lederman Name of Lesson: Acrostic Poems: All About Me and My Favorite Things URL for Lesson: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lessonplans/acrostic-poems-about-favorite-309.html?tab=2#tabs UDL Lesson Plan Describe the barrier in detail Explain why the students in this classroom are likely to encounter this barrier. One-third of the class has difficulty with writing. Also half of the class does not enjoy writing. Explain the feature(s) of this lesson that create or contribute to this barrier. By having the students each write their own individual poems down on paper. They are doing this with little assistance and must be able to write on their own. Describe a UDL solution and explain how to implement it. Students will be able to work in pairs for their second poem they create. I will pair struggling students with a student who was more successful in writing their first poem. The two students will be able to assist each other in writing. For the student with ASD they will use a text-to-speech piece of technology such as on the computer where Explain why this solution can eliminate the barrier This solution can eliminate the barrier of writing not completely, but it will assist the students that struggle with writing. It allows them to work with a partner that would be able to assist them, and vice versa. This solution can eliminate the barrier of communication and language skills. This will allow the
Barrier 1
Students need to write their own acrostic poems (Two different poems) on paper during the lesson. This may be difficult barrier for students that struggle with writing.
Barrier 2
Students need to be able to communicate together effectively in groups in order to discuss their poems. This may be a barrier for students who struggle with
One student in this classroom has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and has language and social difficulties.
Having student collaborate both in same and big sized groups in which communication and
language skills is necessary. This is also a social setting where students need to work together well in order to successfully discuss and share their poems. Two of the students have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and they struggle to stay on task especially when seatwork is being done and one student has ASD. While students are writing their poems they must sit in their own seats and quietly work on their poems. They are allowed to share ideas and words, but it must be done in an appropriate fashion. Students will also create their final poem by mounting it on paper and drawing pictures this will also be done quietly and at their seats. Students will have to read both their first and second poems out loud to a small group of peers. They will also have to read fellow peers poems to revise the poems. Students will give suggestions to their peers based on what they have read.
Barrier 3
Students will have to stay on task and work quietly on their own poems for different periods of time. They will have to stay in their seats for most of the individual work.
Barrier 4
Students will have to read and revise their peers second poems, in order to make spelling corrections and/or suggestions. This may be a barrier for students that struggle with reading.
About one-quarter of the students read one to two grade levels below their grade placement.
they can type their poem and have it read out loud. This student will write their own poems just as everyone else, but get assistance in sharing it with their peers. Students will be able to trade their regular chairs for an exercise ball. They will be allowed to sit on the ball and bounce on it as much as needed in order to stay focused. They must stay at their seat with the ball and must not bother others with their ball. The balls also must be brought with them to each time they work with groups. Students will be able to write their poem on paper and then type it on the computer into a text to speech device. They will then be able to use this device to read peers poems. This will help both with reading words and reading their peers handwriting. They will
student to still participate in the group settings, but without the pressure and at the ease of having their own poems read out loud. The barrier of staying on task can be eliminated through the use of these balls. The balls will allow the students to keep moving and help keep their attention on their writing and their poems.
This will eliminate the barrier or reading because the poems will be read out loud to the students. They will not have to worry about reading their own poems out loud, especially if they are not confident with that. They will also
not have to worry about this now. Barrier 5 Students need to be able to come up with different words to use in their poems to describe themselves and things that they like. This may be a barrier because they will have to recall words they have heard or find new words to use. For students that struggle to recall words, or think of new words may struggle with this. Four of the students are diagnosed with learning disabilities. They may struggle with recalling or thinking of new words to use in their poems. At the beginning of the lesson students will discuss different words that they could use in their own poems. They will then come up with words on their own to use in their own poems. They will have to spell these words on their own and figure out how to use them appropriately. Students could use different picture dictionaries such as the one that is suggested for the teacher in the lesson; the Little Explorers picture dictionary. This dictionary is interactive and shows not only the word, but also a picture to go with the word.
not have to worry about reading their peers poems. This will eliminate the barrier of students coming up with their own words from recall, memory, or thinking of new words. They will be able to refer to something to find these words. They can continuously look back to this reference in order to use it again or fix what they were trying to spell.