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Neurostructural Integration Technique

A better way to good health! Michael J. Nixon-Livy

The ech!i%ues a!d &r'cedures described i! his (a!ual are &rese! ed s'lely )'r i!)'r$a i'!al a!d discussi'! &ur&'ses* The au h'r a!d NEUROSTRUCTURAL INTE#RATION TECHNI+UE are !' dis&e!si!, $edical ad-ice. dia,!'sis. 'r &rescri& i'!s ei her direc ly 'r i!direc ly* /e $a0e !' rec'$$e!da i'!s 'r re&rese! a i'!s c'!cer!i!, &hysi'l',ical e))ec s )'r a!y ') he re&'r ed ideas. !'r are 1e su,,es i!, ha he $a erials &rese! ed rela e ' a!y ail$e! ') he reader* /he!e-er &ers'!s )i!d he$sel-es i! !eed ') rea $e! by a $edical &r')essi'!al. 1e e!c'ura,e he$ ' see heir duly lice!sed &hysicia!. de! is . '&h hal$'l',is 'r &sych'l',ical &rac i i'!er* Th'se 1h' use he ech!i%ues a!d &r'cedures re&'r ed here d' s' e! irely a heir '1! res&'!sibili y

!"#IAL N$T"

INT%$&'#TI$N ....................................................................... ( $)"%)I"* .............................................................................. + /ha is NST2 ************************************************************************** 3 De-el'&$e! *************************************************************************** 4 I! Prac ice ******************************************************************************* 55 His 'ry ************************************************************************************* 56 C'!di i'!s a!d A&&lica i'!s ************************************************ 53 Case S udies **************************************************************************** 78 T,"$%"TI#AL M$&"L ........................................................... -. 9'1e!:s T1' Rules **************************************************************** 7; Cra!i'<Sacral C'!sidera i'!s *********************************************** 7; The I$&'r a!ce ') (uscles ************************************************** 74 /hy are (uscles s' I$&'r a! ' 'ur Heal h ******************* =7 TA/IN0 1ALAN#"& ............................................................. 2. T1' C'$$'! (isc'!ce& i'!s ********************************************* =; E-alua i!, he (isc'!ce& i'!s ******************************************** =4 /ha ' d' < The Si$&le S'lu i'!. /ha ' d' < The Si$&le S'lu i'!. >Nu ri i'!. /a er. E?ercise@ *************************************************** A= The #'lde! Key *********************************************************************** A4 "L3 ,"L! "#TI$N .............................................................. .4 I!s ruc i'!s ***************************************************************************** ;7 L'1er 9'dy Releases )'r Sacru$ a!d Pel-is ********************* ;= U&&er 9'dy Releases )'r Nec0 a!d Sh'ulders ******************* ;6 A1$'T T," A'T,$% ............................................................. .5 1I1LI$0%A!,/ ....................................................................... 6-

BThe )irs 1eal h is heal h*C Ral&h /ald' E$ers'! < The Conduct of Life There is !' %ues i'! ha he ,rea c'$$'! de!'$i!a 'r ' li)e '! his &la!e is heal h. a!d here is !' %ues i'! ha c'u! less $illi'!s lac0 he abili y ' be able ' achie-e his $'s &reci'us ye )u!da$e! al c'$$'di y* S' 1here are 1e ,'i!, 1r'!, a!d h'1 ca! 1e cha!,e2 This s$all b''0 is si$&ly i! e!ded ' ,i-e a! i! r'duc i'! i! ' he basic 1'r0i!,s ') he Neur's ruc ural I! e,ra i'! Tech!i%ue. a!d ' &rese! i as a &'ssible hera&y ' assis he $illi'!s i! !eed. by &r'-idi!, a s ar i!, &'i! )r'$ 1hich ,''d heal h a!d a be er 1ay ') li)e $ay be achie-ed The b''0 1ill als' $a0e s'$e i$&'r a! dis i!c i'!s be 1ee! hera&y a!d heal h. a!d '))er s'$e e))ec i-e ad-ice )'r s ayi!, bala!ced a!d )ree )r'$ &ai!* I! &ar icular his b''0 a!d he hera&y. 1ill a&&eal ' &r')essi'!al hera&is s 1'r0i!, 1i h s&i!al. s ruc ural a!d $uscul's0ele al dis'rders. a!d 1h'se ,'al i is ' ha-e a heir )i!,er i&s. a ruly re$ar0able 1'rld class !a ural hera&eu ic a&&r'ach*

*hat is N T7
The Neur's ruc ural I! e,ra i'! Tech!i%ue >NST@ is a dy!a$ic a!d s0il)ul &r')essi'!al b'dy1'r0 ech!i%ue. 1hich cle-erly aler s he b'dyDs i!!a e heali!, 1isd'$ ' be ac i-a ed* The resul a! e))ec ') his is a c'$&rehe!si-e re<'r,a!isa i'! ') he $uscula ure ') he b'dy charac erised by a las i!, relie) )r'$ &ai! a!d dys)u!c i'! &lus a! i!crease i! e!er,y le-els* The res&'!se is $'s ') e! &r')'u!dly e))ec i-e a!d s'$e i$es $iracul'us* NST is esse! ially a s') issue hera&y desi,!ed ' release $uscles a!d )ascia i! a $a!!er 1hich is sa)e )'r all a,es. )r'$ !e1b'r!s ' he elderly* I is ') e! called Ec'! e? ual heali!,D as i s $ai! ai$ is ' re<i! e,ra e he b'dy as a 1h'le* I is )'r his reas'! ha here are !' $aF'r c'! rai!dica i'!s. esse! ially re!deri!, he ech!i%ue use)ul )'r a 1ide ra!,e ') c'!di i'!s )r'$ acu e &ai! ' chr'!ic c'!di i'!s* A rea $e! c'$&rises he a&&lica i'! ') se%ue!ces ') s&ecialised E$'-esD '! he b'dy. carried 'u i! a -ery s&eci)ic a!d sys e$a ic $a!!er* There is !' )'rce)ul $a!i&ula i'!. ra her a cr'ss<)ibre $a!'eu-ri!, ') $uscle. e!d'!. li,a$e! 'r !er-e. usi!, -aryi!, &ressure a!d i!c'r&'ra i!, res i!, &eri'ds ' all'1 he b'dy ' res&'!d* Trea $e! ca! be d'!e ei her hr'u,h cl' hi!, 'r direc ly '! he s0i!* Thr'u,h'u he sessi'! he reci&ie! e?&erie!ces dee& rela?a i'!.esse! ially &r'-idi!, he b'dy 1i h a E1i!d'1 ') '&&'r u!i yD ' c'$&rehe!si-ely re<'r,a!ise i sel) -ia he !a ural ac i-a i'! ') -ari'us !eural re)le?es* Subs a! ial relie) is )re%ue! ly a ai!ed a) er he )irs sessi'!.h'1e-er l'!, er$ res'lu i'! is ,e!erally a ai!ed a) er he sec'!d 'r hird sessi'!* A!y1here )r'$ 58 < A; $i!u es is re%uired ' c'$&le e a sessi'! de&e!di!, '! &rese! i!, sy$& '$s* I is c'$$'! )'r i!di-iduals recei-i!, he 1'r0 ' e?&erie!ce a 1ide ra!,e ') res&'!ses such as shi) i!, b'dy aches. h' a!d c'ld )lushes. s1ea i!, a!d a i$es e$' i'!al releases. h'1e-er hese are re,arded as a &'si i-e si,! ha he i!di-idual is re ur!i!, ' a be er s a e ') 1ell bei!,* The real secre as ' 1hy NST 1'r0s is because ') i s u!der&i!!i!, &hil's'&hy* Pu si$&ly. he &hil's'&hy is. ha he b'dy is a self regulating bi'e!er,e ic a!d bi'$echa!ical &he!'$e!a 1hich 1ill c'! i!ue ' re,ula e i sel) )'r as l'!, as i has he

reser-e e!er,y !ecessary ' sus ai! li)e. by he '!,'i!, &r'cess ') bi'l',ical ada& a i'!*

The Aus ralia! b'dy1'r0 ,e!ius. Tho9as A9brose 1owen :4546-45+-; >see < His 'ry@ he 'ri,i!al de-el'&er ') he $e h'd$e h'd.realised ha he b'dy 1'uld re,ula e i sel) a!d re ur! ' bala!ce i) he a&&r'&ria e !eur'l',ical a!d !eur'$uscular c'! e? 1as crea ed s' ha i c'uld* There 1as !e-er he %ues i'! ') i) i c'uld. his 1as i$&lici < he )ac ha he &ers'! had li)e 1as e-ide!ce e!'u,h ha i c'uldG 9'1e! disc'-ered ha here is a &ar icular cycle i! he b'dy >-ari'usly re)erred ' i! ' her $e h'ds as he Cra!i'<Sacral sys e$@ 1hich $us be )ree ' '&era e u!i$&eded. i) he i!di-idual is ' e!F'y ,''d heal ha!d bala!ce* /hils he desc'-ered ha his cycle 1as &rece& ible a a! e!er,e ic le-el he 1as e%ually a1are ') i s &hyical c'$&'!e! s !a$ely he sacru$. c'ccy?. cra!iu$ a!d Te$&'r'$a!dibular H'i! c'$&le? a!d he dural $e$bra!e. 1hich c'!!ec s he$ ' $a0e he$ a )u!c i'!al u!i * O-er a!d ab'-e he i$&'r a!ce ') rec',!isi!, he !eed )'r his sys e$ ' re$ai! u!i$&eded. 1as his e$&hasis a!d i!sis e!ce '! releasing the neuromuscular imbalances throughout the body, 1hich ha-e such a direc i$&ac '! he &r'&er )u!c i'!i!, ') he cycle a!d c'!se%ue! ly he heal h ') he 1h'le b'dy*

It is this point alone which sets NST apart from all otherforms of Osteopathic, Chiropractic and Cranio-Sacral approaches.
I! su$$ary he &'s ula ed ha i) all $uscular i$bala!ces c'uld be released ha he b'dy 1'uld re,ula e i sel). a!d hr'u,h his &r'cess &ai! a!d sy$& '$s 1'uld -a!ish a!d e!er,y le-els i!crease* Fur her$'re he &r'ble$a ic c'!di i'! 1'uld !' re ur!. because i had bee! addressed a i s 'ri,i! see - Theoretical !odel-ne"t section#. 9'1e!Ds real brillia!ce h'1e-er lies i! he ac ual sys e$ he de-ised ' e!able his au '$a ic sys e$a ic re<i! e,ra i'! ' a0e &lace* He rec',!ised ha 1he! he b'dy 1as s i$ula ed i! a -ery &ar icular )ashi'! ha he Eintelligence of the bodyD 1'uld be aler ed >as he &u i @ a!d he &r'cess ') u!ra-elli!, !eur'$uscular c'$&e!sa i'!s 1'uld be,i!* De&e!di!, '! he e? e! ') c'$&e!sa i'! i! he b'dy his u!ra-elli!, &r'cess c'uld a0e a!y1here )r'$ a )e1 $i!u es ' a )e1 days a 1hich i$e he b'dy 1'uld ,' i! ' a !e1 h'ldi!, &a er!* A re<assess$e! 1'uld be re%uired ' e-alua e he clie! a,ai!. he! a!' her sessi'! carried 'u ' res ar he u!ra-elli!, &r'cess '!ce a,ai! i) !ecessary*

In !ractice
I! cli!ical &rac ice. '! a-era,e. i is c'$$'! ' recei-e re&'r s )r'$ clie! s ha hey ca! )eel he b'dy ,'i!, hr'u,h he u!ra-elli!, &r'cess )'r a&&r'?i$a ely 7 < ; days* There is ') e! a -ery si$ilar &a er! e?&erie!ced 1i h b'dy aches 1hich $'-e )r'$ '!e l'ca i'! ' a!' her >e*,* sh'ulder ' 0!ee@. s'$e s1ea i!,. e$' i'!al releases 1i h s'$e clie! s. bu ab'-e all a -ery dee& se!se ') rela?a i'! a!d cha!,e a0i!, &lace* I! addi i'! $a!y clie! s re&'r !' ici!, heir sy$& '$s lea-i!, heir b'dies i! he re-erse 'rder ' 1hich hey arri-ed* The actual application of the techni$ue is interesting in itself,as it is distinctly different from any other techni$ue attempting to achie%e the same goal. Firs ly. usi!, a c'$bi!a i'! ') !eur'l',ical a!d e!er,e ic bl'c0a,e &'i! s. a! i!i ial e$&'rary !a ural seda i'! is a&&lied ' he b'dy* The! usi!, s&eci)ic r'lli!, $' i'!s called mo%es acr'ss desi,!a ed $uscle. e!d'!. !er-e a!d li,a$e! &'i! s. a hree &ar i! e,ra ed b'dy bala!ce is a&&lied. 1hich is &ar ly &er)'r$ed 1i h he clie! i! a &r'!e &'si i'! a!d he! c'$&le ed 1i h he clie! i! he su&i!e &'si i'!* This is ,e!erally c'$&rised ') a c'$bi!a i'! ') )ur her bl'c0a,e a!d release &'i! s*

The mo%es are u!i%ue ' 9'1e! Thera&y. rese$bli!, !ei her $assa,e. shia su. acu&ressure. 's e'&a hic. 'r a!y ' her hera&yD s ac i-a i'!. s i$ula i'! 'r releases* The 'bFec ') he mo%e is ' i!)ac r'll '-er desi,!a ed &'i! s >described bel'1@ usi!, )i!,ers 'r hu$bs. )'r he &ur&'se ') crea i!, seda i'! 'r s i$ula i'!* A $'re a&&r'&ria e descri& i'! i! NST &arla!ce. 1'uld be ' say. )'r he &ur&'se ') B'&e!i!, a!d cl'si!, e!er,e ic cha!!els a!d&a h1aysC. ' h'ld. redirec 'r release he c'!,es ed sub le e!er,ies ') he b'dy* 9asically. he s0i! is li,h ly dra1! '-er he desi,!a ed &'i! s i! ei her a la eral 'r $edial direc i'!. &ri'r ' e?ecu i!, he mo%e* A) er his. a li le &ressure is $'$e! arily a&&lied ' he u!derlyi!, s ruc ure. i! he '&&'si e direc i'!. be)'re )i!ally cr'ssi!, he s ruc ure >ie* $uscle. e!d'!. !er-e 'r li,a$e! @1i h a ,e! le &ressure. bac0 i! he direc i'! )r'$ 1here he s0i! 1as i!i ially dra1!* Ty&ically he mo%es are e?ecu ed 1i h'u sli&&i!,. hus &r'duci!, a ,e! le Ebu$&D as he u!derlyi!, s ruc ure is cr'ssed* The 1'r0 ,e!erally c'$$e!ces. i! a &r'!e &'si i'!. ar'u!d he lu$bar area a!d he! %uic0ly $'-es ' he h'racic area be)'re re ur!i!, ' he le,s a!d sacru$* There are a )e1 res i!, &eri'ds be 1ee! he -ari'us se%ue!ces ') mo%es 1hich are carried 'u be)'re $'-i!, he clie! i! ' a su&i!e &'si i'!* As y&ical e?a$&le. Par 5 c'! ai!i!, !i!e bila eral &'i! &er)'r$ed as )'ll'1sI >5@ The ili'c's alis lu$b'ru$ $uscle is seda ed a he le-el ') s&i!al -er ebrae L= by ac i-a i!, i s la eral b'rder* >7@ The l'!,issi$us a!d se$is&i!alis h'racis $uscles are seda ed seda ed si$ul a!e'usly a he le-el ') s&i!al -er ebrae T3 by ac i-a i!, heir c'$$'! i! ersec i'!* >=@ A &re&ara 'ry release is a&&lied ' he sacru$. by cr'ssi!, he c'$$'! i! ersec i'! ') he ,lu eus $a?i$us a!d ,lu eus $edius $uscles. a he le-el ') he su&eri'r as&ec ') he ,lu eal crease* >A@ The sacru$ is s abilised 1hile $'dera e &ressure is a&&lied ' he )ully )le?ed l'1er e? re$i y. $'-i!, i i! ' a la eral direc i'!. hereby crea i!, a ,e! le 'r%ui!, &ressure a he sacr'iliac ar icula i'!* >;@ The c'$$'! a ach$e! ') he ili' ibialis $uscle ,r'u& is released a he ischial uber'si y i! a la eral direc i'!. be)'re hree &'s eri'r releases are a&&lied ' he ili' ibial rac * >6@ The l'!,issi$us a!d se$is&i!alis h'racis $uscles are '!ce a,ai! seda ed si$ul a!e'usly a he le-el ') s&i!al -er ebrae T3JT4 by ac i-a i!, heir c'$$'! i! ersec i'!* >K@ The l'!,issi$us h'racis $uscle is !'1 ac i-a ed i! a la eral direc i'! a he a&&r'?i$a e le-els. ') s&i!al -er ebrae T58.T57 a!d L7 res&ec i-ely* >3@ The l'!,issi$us a!d se$is&i!alis h'racis $uscles are '!ce a,ai! seda ed si$ul a!e'usly a he le-el ') s&i!al -er ebrae T3JT4. by ac i-a i!, heir c'$$'! i! ersec i'! 1hile $'dera e &ressure is a&&lied ' he )ully )le?ed l'1er e? re$i y i! a la eral direc i'!* The &ressure is su))icie! ' crea e a ,e! le i! e,ra i-e 'r%ui!, &ressure. hr'u,h he sacru$. lu$bar a!d l'1er h'racic s&i!e* >4@ The l'!,issi$us h'racis $uscle is !'1 seda ed i! a $edial direc i'! a he a&&r'?i$a e le-els. ') s&i!al -er ebrae T58.T57 a!d L7 res&ec i-ely* The &r'!e 1'r0. i!cludi!, res i!, &eri'ds. usually a0es ab'u ; <5; $i!u es ' &er)'r$* O!ce he clie! is i! he su&i!e &'si i'! addi i'!al releases are a&&lied ' he dia&hra,$. !ec0 a!d 0!ees < his als' a0es a!' her ;"5; $i!u es ' c'$&le e. de&e!di!, '! &rese! i!, sy$& '$s* O her '& i'!al &r'cedures $ay be ble!ded i! ' his i! e,ra ed b'dy bala!ce ' add s&eci)ici y 'r release 1he! !ecessary*

There are '& i'!al &r'cedures )'r he sh'ulders. elb'1s a!d 1ris s. &el-is. a!0les. c'ccy? a!d T*(*H* c'$&le?* O!ce he sessi'! is '-er he clie! is ,i-e! a) ercare rec'$$e!da i'!s 1hich basically re$i!ds he$ ha heir b'dy 1ill ,' hr'u,h a &r'cess ') re<'r,a!isa i'! )'r a )e1 days a!d ' a0e i easy duri!, his i$e by d'i!, !' hi!, '' &hysically s re!u'us* I als' ad-ises ha he clie! 0ee& u& daily 1al0i!, a!d su))icie! i! a0e ') 1a er ' hel& )lush he ly$&ha ic sys e$ a!d assis he $uscula ure ' re ur! %uic0ly ' s able bala!ce*Al h'u,h ' he clie! he sessi'! see$s si$&le. !'!<i!-asi-e a!d ,e! le. he resul s are !e-er heless -ery sur&risi!, a!d ') e! $iracul'us* /hile his is he case )'r he clie! . he &rac i i'!er c'$es ' e?&ec hese re$ar0able resul s. as de&e!dabili y is '!e ') he 0ey charac eris ics ') he NST ech!i%ue* The %ues i'! is ') e! as0ed C1ill NST cure his c'!di i'! 'r ha c'!di i'!L2 The res&'!se is al1ays he sa$e < i! ru h NST will cure nothing& It is simply a process

that enables the body to regulate itself, and throughout this process many many symptoms will disappear.
Tha is ' say ha he sy$& '$s i! he )irs &lace 1ere si$&ly a &r'duc 'r 'u c'$e. ') he c'$&le? $uscular bl'c0a,es e?is i!, i! he b'dy* /hile his $ay a&&ear ' be Fus se$a! ics. he dis i!c i'! is -ery i$&'r a! ' 0ee& i! $i!d* NST is sy!'!y$'us 1i h c'! e? ual heali!, < a l's heali!, ar 1hich is !'1 ha-i!, a resur,e!ce i! $a!y )'r$s. a!d ,ai!i!, &'&ulari y 1i h b' h &rac i i'!ers a!d clie! s ali0e* A!' her 1ell<0!'1! e?a$&le ') a conte"tual healing a&&r'ach is h'$e'&a hy* I! eres i!,ly $a!y i!di-iduals ha-e dubbed NST as ac ile h'$e'&a hyG N' eI The body automatically re-organises itself under certain circumstances %ia an energy conser%ation mechanism, called biological adaptation, which is mediated through its most powerful programme of all - the sur%i%al response.

The 'ri,i!s ') he Neur's ruc ural I! e,ra i'! Tech!i%ue ,' bac0 ' he 54;8Ms i! #eel'!,. Vic 'ria. Aus ralia 1he! sel) &r'clai$ed 's e'&a h T'$ 9'1e! c'$$e!ced ' de-el'& i . a ha i$e si$&ly calli!, his 1'r0 Ds') issue hera&yM* His 1'r0 )irs ly e$er,ed 'u ') ideas ha he had lear!ed )r'$ ' her e?&er s i! !a ural $edici!e. Chi!ese $edici!e a!d hera&eu ic $assa,e. such as he )a$'us (r* Er!ie Sau!ders.)r'$ F'' scray i! Aus ralia* 9'1e! 1as able ' %uic0ly e!ha!ce a!d e?&a!d 1ha he had lear!ed. by usi!, his '1! u!i%ue a!d u!usual ,i) ') bei!, able ' sca! he b'dy 1i h his ha!ds a!d )i!,ers. hereby al$'s u!belie-ably. l'ca i!, bl'c0a,es a!d i$&i!,e$e! s i! !er-'us a!d $uscular sys e$s*

Fur her$'re. he $ade he -i ally i$&'r a! disc'-ery ha c'!sis e! ly u!usual rela i'!shi&s. e?is ed be 1ee! cer ai! heal h c'$&lai! s. a!d &ar icular &a er!s ') $uscular dys)u!c i'!.1i h 1hich his clie! s &rese! ed* The c'$bi!a i'! ') his. $i?ed 1i h a bur!i!, &assi'! ' )i!d s'lu i'!s a!d hel& his )ell'1 $a!. led ' $a!y years ') i! e!si-e cli!ical research a!d e?&eri$e! a i'!. 1hich ul i$a ely resul ed i! he de-el'&$e! ') his u!i%ue sys e$*

9'1e! beca$e )a$'us hr'u,h'u his career )'r bei!, able ' cure he i!curable. a!d )i!d s'lu i'!s 1here !'!e see$ed &'ssible a!d i! $'s cases -ery ra&idly* Fre%ue! ly he 1as hailed as a $iracle 1'r0erG There is absolutely no doubt that 'owen demonstrated, geniusli(e abilities with the de%elopment of his uni$ue wor(. O) !' e1'r hy $e! i'! is he )ac ha Aus ralia! #'-er!$e! i!-es i,a i'! i! 54K; re-ealed hi$ ' be rea i!, s'$e 5=.888 &a ie! s a year* Re$ar0ably. a he hei,h ') his career 9'1e! 1'uld rea u& ' 588 clie! s a day* S' si$&le a!d e))ec i-e 1ere his $e h'ds ha he 1as able ' d' his.res'l-i!, $'s cases i! Fus 1' ' hree sessi'!s*'y his own estimates he achie%ed an ))* success rate. Duri!, a cli!ical career. 1hich las ed a&&r'?i$a ely 76 years. 9'1e! au,h his ech!i%ue ' a -ery s$all !u$ber ') &ri-ile,ed i!di-iduals. >si? i! ' al@ s'$e ') 1h'$ are s ill i! &rac ice 'day i! Aus ralia* I! eres i!,ly. his 1'r0 did !' Fus s '& 1i h hu$a!s. as he )re%ue! ly 1'r0ed 1i h race h'rses a!d ' her a!i$als. achie-i!, 'u s a!di!, resul s as 1ell* A) er his dea h i! 5437 cer ai! i! er&re a i'!s ') 9'1e!Ds earlier 1'r0 e$er,ed. a!d ha-e bee! i! use si!ce ha i$e 1i h -ari'us $assa,e ,r'u&s a!d he ,e!eral &ublic* I 1as !' u! il 5445 ha he au h'r. (ichael H* Ni?'!<Li-y )r'$ Aus ralia. c'$$e!ced he challe!,i!, as0 ') u!ra-elli!, 9'1e!Ms la er. $'re ad-a!ced &ri!ci&les desi,!i!, a sys e$ ail'red s&eci)ically )'r &r')essi'!al b'dy1'r0ers. such as 's e'&a hs. chir'&rac 'rs. &hysi' hera&is s. a!d ' her hera&y ,r'u&s i!cludi!, $assa,e. 0i!esi'l',y a!d earlier 9'1e! $e h'ds* U& u! il his i$e. hese la er 'r ad-a!ced &ri!ci&les 1ere 0!'1! '!ly ' a! e?clusi-e ,r'u& ') i!di-iduals 1h' 1'r0ed cl'sely 1i h 9'1e!* 9y 544; Ni?'!<Li-y had c'$&le ed his research a!d ch're',ra&hed 9'1e!Ms la er 1'r0 i! ' a sys e$.1hich is !'1 s rai,h )'r1ard ' lear! a!d re ai!s he sa$e de,ree ') &'1er a!d e))ec i-e!ess as i did )'r 9'1e!* This ad-a!ced sys e$ is !'1 0!'1! as he Neur's ruc ural I! e,ra i'! Tech!i%ue* Si!ce i s lau!ch i! 5446 i! Fra!ce a he CFK 's e'&a hic c'lle,e. NST c'! i!ues ' $a0e a si,!i)ica! a!d &'si i-e i$&ac '! heal h care sys e$s hr'u,h'u Eur'&e.9ri ai!. he (iddle Eas . USA. Ca!ada. Aus ralia a!d Asia*

#onditions and A88lications

As he Neur's ruc ural I! e,ra i'! Tech!i%ue is a c'! e? ual a&&r'ach ' heali!, i ca! be a&&lied ' a!y c'!di i'! he hu$a! b'dy is ca&able ') $a!i)es i!,* This is !' ' say ha e-ery c'!di i'! 1ill res&'!d i! he sa$e 1ay* Ad-a!ced de,e!era i-e c'!di i'!s ') e! re%uire a $ul i)ace ed a&&r'ach. ') 1hich he Neur's ruc ural I! e,ra i'! Tech!i%ue $ay )'r$ a! e?ceedi!,ly si,!i)ica! &ar * The )'ll'1i!, lis ') sy$& '$s )re%ue! ly +disappear, i! res&'!se ' a! NST sessi'!I < Cra!ial a!d Te$&'r'$a!dibular H'i! >T*(*H*@ &r'ble$s < Nec0 &r'ble$s i!cludi!, 1hi&lash < Head i!Furies a!d headaches i!cludi!, $i,rai!es < 9ac0 &r'ble$s b' h lu$bar a!d h'racic < Sh'ulder. elb'1. 1ris a!d ha!d < Le, &r'ble$s i!cludi!, ha$s ri!,s. 0!ee a!d a!0les < Sacral. c'ccy? a!d &el-ic &r'ble$s < Scia ic. !eural,ia a!d !euri is < Accide! a!d s&'r i!, i!Furies >acu e 'r chr'!ic@ < (uscul's0ele al dis'rders. rheu$a is$. ar hri is a!d )ibr'$yal,ia < Di,es i-e. i! es i!al a!d uri!ary &r'ble$s < Res&ira 'ry &r'ble$s i!cludi!, as h$a. si!usi is. br'!chi is < (e!s rual. re&r'duc i-e a!d $e!'&ausal dis'rders < 9aby c'lic. ,as ric re)lu? a!d )eedi!, &r'ble$s < Oral. audi 'ry a!d -isual &r'ble$s

< Acu e N chr'!ic )a i,ue a!d slee& dis'rders < S ress c'!di i'!s. e$' i'!al de&ressi'! a!d s'$e lear!i!, J < ADHD di))icul ies /hils he ab'-e lis ') c'!di i'!s. are he $'s y&ical ha res&'!d ' a! NST sessi'!. here are $a!y ' her $'re seri'us c'!di i'!s 1hich res&'!d )a-'urably as 1ell* C'!di i'!s such as Par0i!s'!Ds Disease. (ul i&le Scler'sis. ad-a!ced de,e!era i-e c'!di i'!s. chr'!ic )a i,ue sy!dr'$e a!d ,la!dular )e-er. ' !a$e Fus a )e1* Ty&ically resul s are e? re$ely ,''d re%uiri!, Fus a )e1 sessi'!s sessi'!s ' bri!, ab'u l'!, er$ s abili y* Curre! i! er!a i'!al s a is ics c'!sis e! ly -eri)y ha i! ,e!eral cli!ical &rac ice +<-+.= o> clients require only --2 N T sessions to achieve long ter9 stability >ro9 their condition. A88roxi9ately 4<-4.= o> clients require ?-6 sessions to achieve long ter9 stability. 1hile ;O y&ically su))eri!, )r'$ ad-a!ced de,e!era i-e c'!di i'!s. ,e!erally re%uire '!,'i!, sessi'!al 1'r0* Sessi'!s are ,e!erally s ruc ured '!e ' 1' 1ee0s a&ar .de&e!di!, '! i!di-idual circu$s a!ces* I! su$$ary. i 1'uld be )air ' s a e ha i! he real$ ') structural bodywor(. NST has !' &eerG



A . A! 3 year 'ld ,irl. (*H* ') &rese! ed 1i h i$&aired c''rdi!a i'!.sc'li' ic &el-is. &erce& i'! dis'rder ') he $uscles.a!d hea-y bi!'cular s rabis$us >es&ecially 1he! ired@* The child had &re-i'usly recei-ed he bes &'ssible $edical care a-ailable* A) er he )irs a&&lica i'! ') NST he child said she C)el di))ere! L. a) er he sec'!d a&&lica i'! ') NST she 1as able ' ride her sc'' er a!d 1al0 u& a!d d'1! he s airs. a! ac i-i y she 1as &re-i'usly u!able ' d' 1i h'u he hel& ') s'$e<b'dy else* F'r he )irs i$e i! her li)e she )el &ai! a) er $uscular e?er i'!* A) er he hird a&&lica i'! ') NST her &hysi' hera&is asser ed ha he sc'li' ic &el-is 1as !'1 s rai,h . as 1ere rele-a! &'i! s '! he sca&ulae as 1ell* A he sa$e i$e he c'<'rdi!a i'! a!d &erce& i'! ') he $uscles had i$&r'-ed s' $uch ha e-e! a )'r1ard s'$ersaul 1as &'ssible* A) er he )'ur h a&&lica i'! ') NST < i!credible bu rue < he '&h hal$'l',is asser ed ha he child s%ui! ed !' l'!,er* I! )ac his es 1as carried 'u 1he! he child 1as %ui e ired. ha-i!, c'$e s rai,h )r'$ 'u 1he! he child 1as %ui e ired. ha-i!, c'$e s rai,h )r'$ sch''l* She c'! i!ues ' i$&r'-e* -r. !ichaela '.c(mann,-usseldorf, /ermany* 1 Da-id S* a =8<year<'ld acc'u! a! &rese! ed c'$&lai!i!, ') l'1er bac0 &ai! due ' a )'' ball i!Fury ha had &ersis ed )'r 55 years* Al h'u,h -ery sce& ical duri!, his )irs NST sessi'! he ad$i ed ' )eeli!, 38O be er 1i hi! he )'ll'1i!, days* BO0ay I )eel hea&s be er. bu h'1 c'uld such li,h $'-es '! $y b'dy &'ssibly &r'-ide his $uch relie)C2 His sec'!d -isi c'!-i!ced hi$. as he !'1 re$ai!s abs'lu ely &ai! )ree* 0am 'olger,!elbourne, 1ustralia* # A 65<year<'ld 1'$a! &rese! ed 1i h a -ery l'!, his 'ry ') chr'!ic e!si'! i! he sh'ulders a!d se-ere 1ee0ly $i,rai!e a ac0s a!d chr'!ic i!s'$!ia* She had &re-i'usly ried all'&a hic $edici!e. 's e'&a hy. $assa,e. acu&u!c ure. a!d acc'rdi!, ' her Be-ery hi!, else &'ssible*C She ca$e 1i h a s'$e1ha !e,a i-e a i ude because e-ery hi!, else she had ried &r'-ided '!ly e$&'rary relie)* A) er he )irs sessi'! she 1as slee&i!, be er a!d he e!si'! had ,'!e )r'$ her sh'ulders* She had als' e?&erie!ced a 1ee0 1i h'u a $i,rai!e a ac0* A) er he sec'!d sessi'! her e!er,y le-els 1here -ery hi,h. she 1as &ai! )ree a!d )el B1'!der)ulC* T' da e she has re%uired !' )ur her sessi'!s* 2udith Smale, 1i" en 0ro%ence, 3rance* & A =K<year<'ld 1'$a! &rese! ed 1i h chr'!ic lu$bar bac0 &ai!. e? re$e bila eral e!si'! i! he ,lu eal $uscles. chr'!ic !ec0 a!d sh'ulder &ai!* This c'$&le? c'!di i'! had &ersis ed )'r he las si? years ,radually 1'rse!i!,. 1i h all &re-i'us a e$& s usi!, chir'&rac ic. 's e'&a hic. $assa,e a!d all'&a hic.bri!,i!, '!ly e$&'rary relie)*

She )el ha her c'!di i'! beca$e &ar icularly se-ere 1he! e?&erie!ci!, ele-a ed le-els ') s ress* As a resul ') a rece! cycli!, accide! her c'!di i'! had bec'$e u!bearable ' he &'i! ha she )'u!d he )u!c i'!s ') 1al0i!, 'r li) i!, 'bFec s al$'s i$&'ssible* A) er he )irs sessi'! ') NST she disc'-ered ha she 1as able ' 1al0 $'re )reely a!d he )u!c i'! ') li) i!, 'bFec s '!ce a,ai! beca$e &'ssible* She als' es i$a ed ha her !ec0 a!d bac0 &ai! al h'u,h !' c'$&le ely res'l-ed 1ere ab'u K8O be er* Addi i'!ally he sh'ulder &ai! ha had bee! &rese! )'r s' l'!, had $ys eri'usly -a!ished c'$&le ely* She als' !' ed ha she 1as e?&erie!ci!, !e1 ra!sie! &ai! se!sa i'!s )re%ue! ly i! her le) hi& >a classical NST res&'!se@* E!er,y had rise! ' le-els ha she c'uld '!ly recall ha-i!, e?&erie!ced as a ee!a,er* This le-el ') i$&r'-e$e! 1as sus ai!ed )'r )'ur days a 1hich i$e she had a $ild re,ressi'! 1i h a sli,h re ur! ') he lu$bar bac0 &ai!* O! c'$&le i'! ') her sec'!d sessi'! >K days a) er he )irs sessi'!@ she 1as $'-i!, 1i h c'$&le e )reed'$ a!d al$'s ' al abse!ce ') sy$& '$s* S'$e 5A days a) er her sec'!d sessi'! a hird sessi'! 1as carried 'u a 1here $i!'r c'rrec i'!s 1ere $ade i! a sessi'! las i!, '!ly 78 $i!u es* A) er 1' $'! hs she c'! i!ues ' re$ai! &ai! a!d sy$& '$ )ree* Tamara 3arris , 0hysical Therapist, Te"as 4S1* " A ;;<year<'ld $ale clie! &rese! ed 1i h chr'!ic c'!s i&a i'!.i! es i!al &ai! 1hich had &ersis ed )'r 1' $'!'a i!, a!d di))icul y uri!a i!,* He als' e?&erie!ced i! er$i e! ly s r'!, bac0 &ai! a!d )r'! al headaches* O! e-alua i'! i 1as disc'-ered ha he had se-ere T(H dys)u!c i'! dys)u!c i'! 1i h se!si i-i y. clic0i!, a!d irre,ular Fa1 de-ia i'!* A) er he )irs sessi'! he e?&erie!ced he y&ical reac i'!s ') s1ea i!, a!d $ild !ausea. )'ll'1ed by ' al re ur! ') )u!c i'! ' i! es i!es 1i h !'r$al s ''ls. &r'&er re ur! ') bladder )u!c i'! a!d di$i!ishi!, ') bl'a i!,* His e!er,y le-els 1ere hi,h a!d he had !' i!cide!ce ') headaches 'r bac0 &ai!* I! eres i!,ly he re&'r ed ha his eyesi,h 1as clearer a!d shar&er ha! i had bee! )'r years. a c'!di i'! ha he had !e,lec ed ' $e! i'! a his )irs -isi * A) er his sec'!d sessi'! 1as carried 'u se-e! days la er he c'! i!ues ' re$ai! ' ally sy$& '$ )ree. a!d i! his 1'rds C)eels 78 years y'u!,erL* 2ac$ues-Louis /uignard, Osteopath, /ene%a Swit5erland* 3 A $iddle a,ed 1'$a! &rese! ed 1i h se-ere 0!ee &ai! ha-i!, already scheduled a 0!ee '&era i'! i! Ha!uary 7885* A) er '!e sessi'! ') NST she re$ai!s &ai! )ree. a!d has ca!celled her '&era i'!* 4lri(e Steinbrenner, 6eilpra(ti(erin, Sul5 /ermany* 0 A =3<year<'ld 1'$a! &rese! ed 1i h (e!iereDs Disease a!d he y&ically ass'cia ed sy$& '$s ') !ausea. dizzi!ess a!d sic0!ess '! a cyclic basis* Addi i'!ally she e?&erie!ced heari!, di))icul ies a!d )re%ue! &a!ic a ac0s*Her c'!di i'! had &ersis ed )'r al$'s 78 years*O! e-alua i'! i 1as disc'-ered ha she had chr'!ic T(H a!d &el-ic dys)u!c i'!* A) er her )irs sessi'! she )el e? re$ely ired >a classical NST res&'!se@ a!d s ar ed ' )eel he be,i!!i!,s ') a c'$bi!ed !ausea a!d &a!ic a ac0* H'1e-er a) er a )e1 h'urs he se!sa i'!s had aba ed a!d she s ar ed ' )eel a !e1 se!se ') B1ellbei!,C* A) er hree sessi'!s she re$ai!s sy$& '$ )ree. a res&'!se.1hich has &uzzled her d'c 'rs* She has als' c'$&le ely s '&&ed he usa,e ') all $edica i'!* 7on 0helan, 3ormer -irector of !yotherapy -epartment, /ordon Institute of Technology, /eelong,8ictoria 1ustralia* , A 6K year 'ld $a! &rese! ed su))eri!, )r'$ chr'!ic Par0i!s'!Ds Disease 1hich he had bee! a))lic ed 1i h )'r '-er 53years* He 1as able ' 1al0 '!ly 1i h he assis a!ce ') his 1i)e a!d a 1al0i!, s ic0. a!d dis&layed s r'!, re$bli!, al$'s c'!sis e! ly i! b' h ar$s*

O! si i!,. he re$bli!, 1'rse!ed added ' 1hich his already s$all s a ure 1as $ade ' l''0 s$aller. as he 1as se-erely hu!ched as a resul ') a &r',ressi-ely 1'rse!i!, 0i)'sis* Psych'l',ically. he 1as de&ressed a!d dishear e!ed 1i h li)e ,e!erally. a c'!di i'! 1hich 1as e?acerba ed by he side e))ec s ') $edica i'! he 1as a0i!,. ha caused hi$ ' halluci!a e a!d screa$ a i$a,i!ary i$a,es* A he e!d ') he hir y<$i!u e sessi'! he 1as able ' lea-e he able 1i h a !' iceably i!creased se!se ') c'$)'r . a!d i 1as 'b-i'us ha his re$bli!, had di$i!ished si,!i)ica! ly* Tha !i,h a h'$e he sa u& s rai,h )'r he )irs i$e i! $a!y years a!d 1as able ' $ai! ai! his !e1 &'s ure )'r he )'ll'1i!, 1' days* A) er )i-e sessi'!s he !' l'!,er !eeds his 1al0i!, s ic0. a!d he re$bli!, '!ly rea&&ears )'r sh'r &eri'ds. )r'$ i$e ' i$e* The 0i)'sis has c'$&le ely disa&&eared a!d acc'rdi!, ' his 1i)e. he has bec'$e he &ers'! ha she used ' 0!'1 s'$e e! years earlier* He !'1 recei-es )'r !i,h ly sessi'!s ' 0ee& his c'!di i'! s able. a!d has a0e! hi$sel) ')) his $edica i'! c'$&le ely* 2ean Claude 0igout, Osteopath, 3ormer -irector C39 Institute, 1i" en 0ro%ence, 3rance. Au h'rs N' eI /hile he ab'-e case ') Par0i!s'!Ms Disease re&rese! s a $'re di))icul si ua i'!. re%uiri!, '!,'i!, sessi'!al 1'r0. $a!y $a!y cases d' !' re%uire such a! e? e!si-e rea $e! &r',ra$$e. ') e! i$&r'-i!, a!d s abilisi!, i! hree ' si? sessi'!s a!d 1i h'u he !eed )'r '!,'i!, 1'r0*

T,"$%"TI#AL M$&"L - 1owen@s Two %ules

As !' scie! i)ically &r'-e! he're ical $'del e?is s. e?&lai!i!, 1hy 9'1e!Ms 1'r0 is s' c'!sis e! ly e))ec i-e. 1e 1ill !eed ' rely '! 'bser-a i'! a!d c'$$'! se!se ' &r'-ide s'$e use)ul ,uideli!es* 9'1e! al1ays i!sis ed '! 1' si$&le rules )'r e-eryb'dy ' achie-e success 1i h his $e h'd* Re$'-e all $uscular c'$&e!sa i'!s a!d irre,ular e!si'!s.s' ha b' h sides ') he b'dy are e-e!* E!sure ha he Ecycle ') he b'dyD has c'$e bac0 i! ' bala!ce* /hile hese 1' rules see$ s'$e1ha si$&le. a!d e-e! de-'id ') a!y scie! i)ic -alidi y. i) 1e a!alyse he$ a li le a!d a&&ly s'$e $'der! day a!a '$ical a!d &hysi'l',ical i!si,h ' he$. 1e disc'-er s'$e i! eres i!, )ac s ab'u he )u!c i'!i!, ') he b'dy ,e!erally. a!d he desi,! $'del ar'u!d 1hich $uch ') he ech!i%ue 1as buil *

#ranio- acral #onsiderations

Firs ly. i) 1e l''0 a h'1 1e all s ar ed 'ur bi'l',ical e?is e!ce. 1e !eed l''0 !' )ur her ha! 1he! s&er$a 'z'a )er ilised a! '-u$* Scie!ce has 0!'1! )'r se-eral decades !'1. ha a he $'$e! a s&er$ )er ilises a! e,,. ha a $i!u e elec rical char,e is e-ide! acr'ss he e,,. 1hich has a &'si i-e a!d !e,a i-e &ulse. a!d is ac ually $easurable* I! eres i!,ly. here is a -ery direc li!e ') c'$$u!ica i'! acr'ss he e,, )r'$ &'si i-e ' !e,a i-e &'les. 1hich c'$$u!i ca es al'!, a -ery s&eci)ic a?is* The &ulse 'scilla es i! a rhy h$ic )ashi'! al'!, his a?is a he a&&r'?i$a e ra e ') 7 <53 cycles &er $i!u e* As e$bry'l',ical de-el'&$e! ,e s u!der1ay 1i h he ra&id $ul i&lica i'! ') cells. he rhy h$ic &ulse re$ai!s c'!s a! .c'$$u!ica i!, al'!, i s a?is* I) 1e c'! i!ue ' )'ll'1 he u!)'ldi!, ') he e$bry' hr'u,h i s -ari'us s a,es. u! il i de-el'&s i! ' a )'e us a a&&r'?i$a ely 48 days. 1e disc'-er a! e-e! $'re i! eres i!, i! )ac * The &'si i-e e!d ') he &ulse has si ua ed i sel) a he '& ') he cra!iu$ 1hile he !e,a i-e &ulse has si ua ed i sel) a he -ery i& ') he -er ebral s&i!al c'lu$!* I$&'r a! ly he a?is !'1 )'ll'1s he &a h1ay ') he s&i!al c'lu$! i sel)* There is

'b-i'usly a &'1er)ul e!er,e ic c'!!ec i'! be 1ee! he c'ccy?.cra!iu$ a!d s&i!al c'lu$!. as he sa$e &ulse is !'1 )'u!d ' be 'scilla i!, be 1ee! b' h e!ds ') he b'dy* I! -ari'us heal h $'dali ies. such as cra!i'<sacral. 's e'&a hy a!d a&&lied 0i!esi'l',y. his &ulse is -ari'usly re)erred ' as he Pri$ary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$ 'r Pri$ary Res&ira 'ry Rhy h$* Si,!i)ica! ly he '!ly i$e ha he rhy h$ ac ually s '&s is 1he! dea h a0es &lace* 9'1e! 1as able ' de er$i!e 1he! his rhy h$ had c'$e bac0 i! ' bala!ce as a resul ') he 1'r0 ha he had d'!e. a!d used i c'!s a! ly as his ,au,e* Dr* /illia$ Su herla!d 1h' )irs ide! i)ied he 1ell 0!'1! Cra!i'<Sacral Sys e$. c'!sidered his rhy h$ ' be he $'s )u!da$e! al ') all sys e$s. su,,es i!, ha i 1as e-e! $'re &ri$ary ha! res&ira i'! i sel)* The Pri$ary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$. s' called. because i ,'-er!s Dcellular res&ira i'!M hr'u,h'u he b'dy. is a he -ery c're ') 'ur bei!,. a!d belie-ed by Su herla!d ' be he -ery s'urce ') li)e i sel) 9'1e! a!d Su herla!d a,reed ha a )ree a!d u!res ric ed rhy h$ic $' i'! is a! i!dica i'! ') a heal h N -i ali y hr'u,h'u he b'dy* 9' h als' a,reed ha ' her &ar s ') he b'dy c'uld be bl'c0ed i!de&e!de! ly ') he $ai! cra!i'<sacr'Jc'ccy,eal rhy h$. su,,es i!, ha he rhy h$ is i! )ac &erce& ible i! all &ar s ') he b'dy 1he! l''0ed )'r. h'1e-er $'s &erce& ible be 1ee! he cra!ial a!d sacr'Jc'ccy,eal c'$&le?es* Pri'r ' a baby a0i!, i s )irs brea h. his Pri$ary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$ '&era es i!de&e!de! ly. h'1e-er 1he! he !e1 b'r! baby a0es i s )irs brea h i! er!al $echa!ical $'-e$e! s ar s )'r he )irs i$e. ,i-i!, rise ' a!' her -ery i$&'r a! $echa!ical cycle i! he b'dy. 0!'1! as he Sec'!dary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$.s' called because ') i s direc rela i'!shi& ' brea hi!,* C'!sider 1ha ha&&e!s 1he! a !e1b'r! brea hes i!* Firs ly he dia&ra,h$ dis e!ds &ressurisi!, he -isceral 'r,a!s bel'1 i .a!d )'rci!, he$ i! ' he &el-ic )l''r* This &ressurisi!, ') he &el-ic )l''r causes a $echa!ical $'-e$e! ') he i!!'$i!a e >&el-ic@ b'!es i! a! a! eri'la eral )ashi'!. a!d a! i$$edia e a!d reci&r'cal $'-e$e! ') he sacru$* S r'!,ly c'!!ec ed ' he a! eri'r as&ec ') he sec'!d sacral se,$e! is he i!)eri'r a ach$e! ') he Dura (a er > he 'u,h ube li0e c'-eri!, ') he s&i!al c'rd@* The su&eri'r as&ec ') he Dura (a er a aches i sel) )ir$ly ' he hird a!d sec'!d cer-ical -er ebral b'dies be)'re Fu$&i!, he a las a!d re<a achi!, i sel) )ir$ly ' he )'ra$e! $a,!u$ a!d he! ac ually c'! i!ui!, c'! i!ui!, '! ' li!e he cra!ial -aul i sel)* As he sacru$ b'!e $'-es i! res&'!se ' res&ira i'!. i d'es s' a! eri'rly a i s a&e? >i!)eri'r as&ec @ causi!, he 4;O i!elas ic Dura (a er. ' &ull '! he cra!iu$* This &ulli!, '! he cra!iu$ !'1 causes a )le?i!, ') he cra!ial &la es ri,,eri!, -ari'us re)le?es i! he cra!ial su ures. )ur her ,i-i!, rise ' !eur'l',ically ac i-a e a re&ea ') he brea hi!, cycle '!ce a,ai!* As 1i h he Pri$ary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$ !eedi!, ' '&era e u!i$&eded )'r heal h N -i ali y. s' '' 1i h he $'re $echa!ical Sec'!dary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$G The c'!se%ue!ces ') i !' d'i!, s' ha-e diab'lical 'u c'$es )'r he b'dy a!d heal h ') he i!di-idual. ha are y&ically $edia ed hr'u,h he ce! ral. &eri&heral a!d au '!'$ic !er-'us sys e$s a!d he! )ur her re)lec ed i! e!er,e ically 1as e)ul $uscular c'$&e!sa i'!s a!d a h's ') ' her sec'!dary sy$& '$s*

The I98ortance o> Muscles

/he!e-er here is &ai! 'r dys)u!c i'! ') a!y s'r i! he b'dy.i s re)lec i'! ca! al1ays be )'u!d 'r raced bac0 ' '!e 'r b' h ') hese -i al sys e$s. by 1ay ') lac0 ') )lue!cy a!d res ric i'! i! ei her* Fur her$'re ass'cia ed re)lec ed i$bala!ces $ay be )'u!d i! he !eur'$uscular sys e$. 1hich s' ') e! are $a!i)es ed as a! u!e-e!!ess ') e!si'! be 1ee! ei her side ') he b'dy* Si,!i)ica! ly. his 1as 9'1e!Ms i!i ial dia,!'s ic ,uide 1he! e-alua i!, his clie! s*

Interestingly much of 'owen+s wor( has been designed around the release and integration of the Secondary 7espiratory !echanism %ia direct acti%ation and release to the muscular systems, which are intimately connected to it.
A %uic0 ,li$&se a he Neur's ruc ural I! e,ra i'! Tech!i%ue i! e,ra ed b'dy bala!ce 1ill accura ely a es ' his* As a si$&le e?a$&le. '!e '!ly !eed c'!sider he Sacr's&i!alis $uscle >Erec 'r S&i!ae ,r'u&@ ' u!ders a!d he -as array ') de ailed c'!!ec i'!s ha i has ' he sacru$. s&i!al c'lu$! a!d cra!iu$* Clearly. he Sacr's&i!alis $uscle is a dy!a$ic a!d )u!c i'!al neuromuscular bridge be 1ee! he sacru$ a!d cra!iu$* A!y u!ila eral 'r bila eral i$bala!ces here)'re. i! his $uscle ,r'u& al'!e 1ill ha-e a! i$$edia e i$&ac '! he &r'&er )u!c i'!i!, ') he Sec'!dary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$ a!d i!deed he Pri$ary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$ 1hich is s' direc ly e))ec ed by he )'r$er a&&lyi!, a! e!er,e ic Edra,D'! i * Fur her$'re i is -ery si$&le ' 'bser-e he resul a! $echa!ical &er urba i'!s i! he i!di-idualDs s ruc ure. a!d ' u!ders a!d h'1 easily ha !er-e i$&i!,e$e! $ay resul )r'$ his. causi!, i s '1! array ') subse%ue! a!d here)'re u!a-'idable 1as e)ul $uscular c'! rac i'!s* The Sacr's&i!alis $uscle e?a$&le is Fus '!e ') $a!y e?a$&les ha $ay be 'bser-ed hr'u,h'u he b'dy* O!e '!ly has ' hi!0 ab'u he Ha$s ri!,. Adduc 'rs. Te!s'r Fascia La e.Sar 'ri'us $uscles i! he l'1er e? re$i ies 'r La issi$us D'rsi.Rh'$b'ids. U&&er a!d L'1er Tra&ezius a!d Del 'id $uscles i! he u&&er b'dy. ' !a$e Fus a )e1* Si$&le 'bser-a i'!s such as hese 1ill ,i-e a dee&er a&&recia i'! ') Fus h'1 dra$a ically. &'1er)ully a!d i$$edia ely.$uscular i$bala!ces ca! i$&ac he Pri$ary a!d Sec'!dary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$s. &'s ural i! e,ri y a!d i!deed he 1h'le heal h ') he i!di-idual *

Note: It is muscles which mo%e bones, and not the other way around&
Theoretical Model

Vie1ed )r'$ P's eri'r ' A! eri'rI Le) adduc 'rs 1ea0* #e!u -arus '! 1ea0 side* Pel-is ele-a i'! '! '&&'si e side* /i h 0i!d &er$issi'! )r'$I 58. P,* =7


Da-id S* /al herI A&&lied Ki!esi'l',y* Sy!'&sis* C'l'rad'I Sys e$s DC 5433. E?* 7<

Tensegrity refers to Tensional-Integrity. In this simple model the solid bars represent the bones while the cables represent the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. The system maintains structural integrity when the cables are balanced bilaterally. Note that the cables (muscles & connective tissue) bear most of the weight through tension and not the solid bars (bones). Imbalance in cables poor structure and then a host of associated health problems. Why are Muscles so Important to our Health? Deane Juhan in his book JOB'S BODY beautifully emphasises why muscular balance is so important to our health. !"very swallow of food, every breath of air, the distribution of every drop of blood, every e#ploration, every defence, even reproduction of the species - all are muscular activities. $nd the degree to which the muscular system is compromised, the entire organism is wea%ened, limited. It is really not going too far to regard musculature as the primary organ of the body,the dominant tissue of animal life. It ma%es up the ma&ority of our weight and bul%. It is by far the largest energy consumer. 'hat we

normally regard as our !vital organs(are, from another point of view, really only visceral support systems for the growth,function, and maintenance of the muscles. $fter all, it is these !vital organs( - lungs,heart, stomach, liver, intestines, various glands large and small etc. - which must respond to the level of activity of the muscles, and not usually the other way around. To be sure there are many factors contributing to the rate at which these digestive and circulatory !boiler wor%s( ta%e in, metaboli)e, and distribute* $ge, se#, si)e, growth rate,menstrual cycle, infection or disease, body temperature, sleep or wa%efulness, hormones,and emotional states all play significant roles in our energy needs. +ut, all these influences on metabolic rate are small compared with the effects of muscular activity. "ven minimal increases in muscle tone significantly increase metabolic rate, and severe e#ercise may raise heat production fifteen fold. $nd when we reflect that muscle holding a chronic pattern of tension is wor%ing &ust as hard and re,uires &ust as much metabolic support as does muscle that is e#ercising actively and getting actual wor% done, it becomes clear why and how muscular tension plays such a large and diffuse role in our physical and mental health. Nor is it difficult to understand why bodywor% which effectively addresses chronic and wasteful contractions can contribute so much towards changes for the better in our physical processes,our feelings, and our behaviour(. -uscles ma%e up appro#imately ./0 of our bul% and are by far the largest energy consumer in the body. It is the muscles which lead. a!d de$a!d ha he 'r,a!s )'ll'1 by &r'duci!, e!er,y ' sus ai! heir ac i-i y* The above model %nown as the 1enn "ffect clearly shows the amount of bloodflow hence physiological support that muscles demand relative to other parts of body.+loc%ed muscles demand huge support with many negative conse,uences. -easurements are in milliliters of blood flow per minute* 2onse,uently in all therapeutic endeavours, the significance of the intimate relationship which e#ists between the muscles &organs should be ac%nowledged at all times, and underestimated to the practitioners3 and clients peril and disadvantage.

. 4aving muscular bloc%ages in the body can be li%ened to driving a car with the handbra%e left on. 5ou can drive at a predetermined speed, but you cause rapid 3wear and tear3, use copious amounts of energy and will potentially cause damage. Lea-i!, $uscular bl'c0a,es i! he b'dy li erally )la e!s 'ur li)e ba eries. crea i!, a si ua i'! 1here 1e c'uld be usi!, 1' days 1'r h ') 'ur &reci'us li)e e!er,y i! e-ery cale!dar day ha &asses* N' '!ly 1ill his e%ua e ' lac0 ') e!er,y. a $yriad ') recurri!, r'ubles'$e sy$& '$s. bu i 1ill als' &redis&'se us ' disease. causi!, &re$a ure a,i!, a!d e-e! dea h* A $uscular sys e$. 1hich is i! ,''d bala!ce a!d 1ell '!ed.1ill ha-e as i s cl'se c'$&a!i'!. a reci&r'cally 1ell bala!ced -isceral sys e$* I! his c'! e? he i$&'r a!ce ') re,ular e?ercise $us be e$&hasised see - Staying 'alanced-ne"t section#*

Clearly the ad%antages of using NST o%er other systems attempting to achie%e the same outcome are clear. ;hen we balance the 0rimary and Secondary 7espiratory !echanisms %ia a comprehensi%e comprehensi%e release and balancing of the neuromuscular system, we achie%e long term results. TA/IN0 1ALAN#"& - Two #o99on Misconce8tions
F'r se-eral years i! cli!ical &rac ice I ha-e 'bser-ed li erally h'usa!ds ') clie! s !ai-ely belie-i!, i! 1' c'$$'! $isc'!ce& i'!s a) er NST rea $e! *

<. ;hen their symptoms ha%e been remo%ed, that they now ha%e good health, and are therefore as healthy as they could possibly be. =. Now that their symptoms ha%e been remo%ed, they can carry on as before and e%erything should stay in place.
There are s'$e $aF'r &r'ble$s 1i h his y&e ') hi!0i!, ha 1ill basically lead ' u!!ecessary c'!se%ue!ces )'r '!,'i!, heal h. i) !' cha!,ed* 9e)'re e-alua i!, hese $isc'!ce& i'!s le Ds c'!sider s'$e basic re%uire$e! s ha he hu$a! b'dy has i) i!deed heal h is ,'i!, ' 'ccur* /hile he rela i'!shi&s be 1ee! E$e al a!d )leshD $ay be s'$e1ha e!u'us. !'!e heless c'$&ari!, cars ' b'dies ca! hel& shed s'$e li,h '! h'1 be er 1e $ay u!ders a!d he !eeds ') he li-i!, hu$a! 'r,a!is$G /e all 0!'1 ha cars !eed )uel. a!d !' Fus a!y )uel. i has ' be -ery. -ery s&eci)ic. ' her1ise he car 1ill !' &er)'r$ '' 1ell a!d &erha&s e-e! seize<u& a!d brea0<d'1!* /e all 0!'1 ha cars !eed 1a er. because 1i h'u i here 1'uld be !' c''li!, sys e$ a!d he car 1'uld '-erhea a!d brea0d'1!* /e all 0!'1 ha cars !eed ' be used. as i) hey are le) si i!, idle i! he ele$e! s )'r '' l'!,. hey s ar ' c'rr'de b' h i! er!ally a!d e? er!ally. l''0 errible a!d bec'$e i$&'ssible ' s ar a!d e-e! $'re di))icul ' ac ually use* /i h a li le i$a,i!a i'! i is easy ' see ha 1e hu$a!s ha-e si$ilar basic re%uire$e! s )'r 1ellbei!, a!d )u!c i'!* 3irstly. 1e als' !eed )uel. a!d !' Fus a!y )uel. i has ' be -ery.-ery s&eci)ic. ' her1ise 1e 1ill s ar ' de-el'& !u ri i'!al de)icie!cies.1hich i! all li0elih''d 1ill lead ' '!e ') h'usa!ds ') di))ere! dis'rders* I is es i$a ed i! he USA ha K8O ') -isi s ' he d'c 'r are as a direc resul ') a !u ri i'!al de)icie!cy* /he! y'u c'!sider ha e-ery day 'ur b'dies !eed 68 (i!erals. 56 Vi a$i!s. 57 A$i!' Acids a!d = Fa y Acids ' s ay i! '& c'!di i'!* A!d )ur her. ha $'s &e'&le i! /es er! ci-ilised c'u! ries are luc0y ' ,e 7;O ') ha . i s !' sur&risi!, ha 1e are $a!i)es i!, s' $a!y sy$& '$s '! such a re,ular basis as a resul ') s&eci)ic !u ri i'!al de)icie!cies*

Never before in our history has there been such an abundance of food on the planet, and never before in our history has our food supply been so denatured and lacking in specific nutrition.
The reas'!s 1hy are %ui e si$&leI #e!erally a,ricul ural &rac ices are desi,!ed ' $a?i$ise &r')i s )'r )ar$ers 1hile i,!'ri!, )u!da$e! al re%uire$e! s )'r hu$a! bi'l',ical e?is e!ce* The ,'-er!$e! s ha all'1 such &rac ices ' a0e &lace. are $'re res&'!sible ha! he )ar$ers.bu he! 1ha ca! ,'-er!$e! s d' 1he! hey are )i!a!cially su&&'r ed by lar,e $ul i<!a i'!al c'$&a!ies. 1h' &r')i e!'r$'usly )r'$ &e'&le ,e i!, sic0* S'$e &har$aceu ical c'$&a!ies are a classical e?a$&le ') his* O her reas'!s )'r l'1 s&eci)ic !u ri i'! i! 'ur )''d su&&ly are. '-er re)i!i!,. '-er &r'cessi!,. '-er hea i!,. e?cessi-e ar i)icial addi i-es a!d &reser-a i-es. cle-er bu u!heal hy &ac0a,i!, &rac ices. a!d he lis ,'es '!*

Secondly. Fus as cars !eed 1a er. hey 1ill '-erhea a!d brea0d'1!. s' d' 1e*
H'1e-er he reas'!s )'r hu$a!s re%uiri!, c'rrec a$'u! s ') daily 1a er i! a0e are )ar $'re cri ical a!d c'$&le?* /a er is i! i$a ely i!-'l-ed i! al$'s e-ery )u!c i'! ') he b'dy ha y'u care ' hi!0 ab'u * The sys e$s 1hich rely cri ically '! i . are he ly$&ha ic. $uscular. !er-'us. -ascular. e!d'cri!e.di,es i-e. uri!ary. i$$u!e a!d res&ira 'ry* Fur her$'re 1a er &lays a! esse! ial r'le i! he s ruc ural heal h ') he s&i!al c'lu$! i sel). by hydra i!, he i! er-er ebral discs. s' ha hey ha-e he a&&r'&ria e le-els ') hydr's a ic &ressure* This is s' cri ical i! &re-e! i!, de,e!era i-e s&i!al &r'ble$s a!d e!suri!, ha he Sec'!dary Res&ira 'ry (echa!is$ see -Theoretical !odel# has he )luidi y ') $'-e$e! s' esse! ial )'r i s '& i$al )u!c i'! a!d he '-erall heal h ') he b'dy* A de)icie!cy ') 1a er i! he b'dy '! a c'!sis e! basis. ca!.li0e !u ri i'!al de)icie!cies. lead ' a $yriad ') sy$& '$a ic c'!di i'!s. a!d &redis&'se us ' $'re seri'us diseases by crea i!, a !e,a i-e bi'che$ical c'! e? 1i hi! he b'dy 1hich is c'!duci-e ' -iruses. bac eria a!d ul i$a ely de,e!era i'! see- 'I'LIO/7106>, 'atmanghelid?, 3.#.Thirdly. as 1i h cars 1e als' !eed c'!s a! usa,e. leas 1e )all i! ' disuse* The &'&ular sayi!, Aif you don+t use it you+ll loose itA is es&ecially rue ') he hu$a! b'dy* L''0i!, bac0 '-er 'ur e-'lu i'!ary &r',ress as a s&ecies. 1e disc'-er ha )'r al$'s c'u! less $ille!!ia. 1e ha-e bee! a s&ecies ha has relied '! 'ur sur-i-al a!d de-el'&$e! . hr'u,h i! e!se i! erac i'! 1i h 'ur e!-ir'!$e! * /e ha-e lar,ely d'!e his by e!,a,i!, i! &r'li)ic a!d rele! less Ehu! i!, a!d ,a heri!,D* The i$&'r a! i$&lica i'! here )'r 'ur b'dies. is ha we ha%e been designed to mo%e& A )ur her i$&lica i'! is ha 'ur s re!, h. -i ali y a!d heal h are i! er 1i!ed s' i! i$a ely 1i h hese ac i-i ies. ha i) 1e d' !' d' he$ 1e are i!-i i!,. ra&id de eri'ra i'! hr'u,h a 1ea0e!i!, ') 'ur $uscular sys e$ a!d he!ce &hysi'l',y. li erally accelera i!, &re$a ure a,i!, a!d dea h see - -eane 2uhan,s statement in Theoretical !odel#* The be!e)i s ') re,ular e?ercise are al$'s li$i less* S'$e &ri!ci&al be!e)i s h'1e-er. are ha 1e ha-e $'re -i ali y. s a$i!a. e!dur a!ce a!d s re!, h* Our $e$'ry bec'$es shar&er. 1e l''0 be er a!d ca! e!F'y a hei,h e!ed se!se ') e$' i'!al 1ellbei!, hereby e?&erie!ci!, hi,her le-els ') F'y. hr'u,h he !a ural e!d'r&hi! releases ha c'$e au '$a ically duri!, a!d a) er e?ercise* I! su$$ary. !u ri i'!. 1a er a!d e?ercise are hree -i al a!d esse! ial i!,redie! s ' 'b ai!i!, a!d sus ai!i!, ,''d heal h.a!d staying balanced after correctional NST sessions* "valuating the Misconce8tions - L''0i!, bac0 a 'ur 1' $isc'!ce& i'!s 1e ca! !'1 s ar ' u!ders a!d 1hy &erha&s hey are $isc'!ce& i'!s. h'1e-er ' be clear le Ms l''0 a he$ a,ai!* !isconception <. (a!y clie! s belie-e ha I @;hen their symptoms ha%e been remo%ed that they now ha%e good health,and are therefore as healthy as they could possibly beA. 0eople seriously belie%e this& Fur her ' his hi!0i!, hey belie-e ha a &rac i i'!er is a &r')essi'!al. 1i h ,i-e! &'1ers 1h' has li erally abs'l-ed he$ '!ce )i!a!cial &ay$e! has a0e! &lace* They here)'re ,e!erally carry '! as usual a) er a rea $e! . 1he! )'r he 1a! ') a li le se!sible ad-ice )r'$ heir heal h &rac i i'!er. c'uld be '! a! e! irely di))ere! r'ad < he r'ad ' rue heal h. i) ha is i! )ac 1ha hey are i!deed l''0i!, )'rG /ood health and being free of pain and symptoms are two entirely separate things&

#''d heal h as 1e ha-e see! has -ery li le ' d' 1i h he re$'-al sy$& '$s -ia cle-er hera&eu ic 1'r0. 1he her i be NST 'r a!y hi!, else* #''d heal h is he '!,'i!, 'u c'$e ') c'llec i-e res&'!ses ' li-i!, a li)es yle 1hich is desi,!ed ar'u!d c'rrec !u ri i'!. hydra i'! a!d e?ercise* note - spiritual, emo a0e! &lace* They here)'re ,e!erally carry '! as usual a) er a tional and recreational etc. considerations, although im-portant,ha%e been omitted here and will be co%ered in a 9ei!, )ree ') sy$& '$s is !' d'ub a desirable 'u c'$e ') ,''d hera&eu ic 1'r0. a!d i $ay be a )irs s e& bac0 ' ,''d heal h. bu i! !' 1ay d'es i c'!s i u e ,''d heal h*

No techni$ue, no matter how good it is, can be a replacement for poor lifestyle choices.
I is -i al ha &r')essi'!al heal h &rac i i'!ers i!)'r$ heir clie! s ') he i$&'r a! dis i!c i'! be 1ee! bei!, sy$& '$ )ree a!d bei!, heal hy* Prac i i'!ers ca! he! rec'$$e!d a -arie y ') ' her ch'ices. >i!cludi!, re)erri!, ' ' her &r')essi'!als i) !ecessary@. 1hereby clie! s $ay i$&r'-e heir heal h. sh'uld hey choose ' d' s'G !isconception =. Al h'u,h i s'u!ds a bi li0e 5*. d'es i! )ac ha-e ' be -ie1ed 1i h sli,h ly di))ere! e$&hasis* (a!y clie! s belie-e ha I BNow that their symptoms ha%e been remo%ed, they can carry on as before and e%erything should stay in place.@ O-er he years a!d i! &ar icular i! he early days. be)'re I beca$e a li le 1iser. clie! s 1'uld c'$e bac0 ' he cli!ic a!d sayI @ ;ell doc, you did a great ?ob in the beginning because the pain completely %anished for two wee(s, but then it returned again - is there something that you forgot or can you fi" it a bit better this timeCA

later#* 9ei!, '-erly e! husias ic a!d 9ei!, '-erly e! husias ic a!d 'bli,i!, I 1'uld d' $y bes ' hel&. i! )ac i$e a!d i$e a,ai! i! s'$e cases. u! il '!e day he li,h )i!ally 1e! '!G There 1as !' hi!, 1r'!, 1i h he hera&y ha I 1as d'i!,Q i! )ac i 1as -ery ,''d* The &r'ble$ 1as ha he i!di-iduals c'!cer!ed 1ere ,'i!, bac0 i! ' heir !'r$al daily r'u i!es a!d d'i!, &recisely he sa$e hi!,s ha had caused he &r'ble$s i! he )irs &laceG S'$e had bac0 &r'ble$s a!d 1ere ,'i!, bac0 h'$e a!d slee&i!, i! he sa$e 'ld sa,,i!, bed ha hey had bee! usi!, )'r he las 1e! y years 'r ,'i!, bac0 ' 1'r0 a!d si i!, )'r c'u! less h'urs a day 1i h'u a!y si,!i)ica! $'-e$e! * O hers I disc'-ered. 1ere ,'i!, bac0 h'$e a!d c'! i!ui!, ' dri!0 i!su))icie! a$'u! s ') 1a er 'r c'!su$i!, )''ds ha 1ere c'$&le ely de-'id ') ade%ua e -i a$i! a!d $i!eral le-els. hereby crea i!, i! er!al c'!di i'!s ha Fus si$&ly 1ere u!able ' su&&'r he c'rrec i'!s ha I had d'!e* S ill ' hers 1ere ,'i!, bac0 ' heir h'$e 'r 1'r0 si ua i'!s.1here hey 1ere e!c'u! eri!, hi,h le-els ') s ress a!dJ'r e$' i'!al di))icul ies. hereby usi!, -as a$'u! s ') Ec'&i!, e!er,yDa!d e))ec i-ely &u i!, heir $uscular sys e$s i! ' &er&e ually Eu!bala!ced e!si'!D s a es*

(a!y had c'$bi!a i'!s. ') all ') hese hi!,s ,'i!, '!. ye s ill 1'!dered 1ha had d'!e 1r'!,G (y clie! s 1ere u!1i i!,ly sab' a,i!, he 1'r0 ha hey had &aid )'r a!d ha I had d'!eG S' he s'lu i'! i! he e!d beca$e clear* I !eeded ' as0 all ') he ri,h %ues i'!s a he %ery first session, s' ha I c'uld $a0e -alid a!d use)ul a) ercare rec'$$e!da i'!s ha 1'uld e!sure ha . a leas $y clie! s 1ere a1are ') 1ha !' ' d'* I) hey ch'se !' ' lis e!. he! i 1as clear ha hey 0!e1 ha hey 1'uld !eed $'re 1'r0 ' re$'-e heir sy$& '$s 'r de eri'ra e e-e! )as er* I$&'r a! ly I 1as able ' say ' he$. i s all a $a er ') ch'ice. your choice& I! c'!clusi'!I NST is Fus a! i! er-e! i'! hera&y 1hich all'1s he b'dy ' re,ula e i sel) be er hereby eli$i!a i!, sy$& '$s* #''d heal h '! he ' her ha!d c'$es )r'$ c'!sis e! ly $a0i!, i! elli,e! li)es yle ch'ices* I is 1'r h s a i!, he &'i! a,ai!I No techni$ue, no matter how good it is, can be a

replacement for poor lifestyle choices&

The )'ll'1i!, dia,ra$ 1ill hel& ' 'u li!e 1ha 1e ha-e bee! c'!sideri!,*

Ch'ice ') Li)es yleI Pr'&er Li)es yle Ch'ices a!d Disci&li!e are re%uired ' a ai! a!d he! $ai! ai! Heal h a!d +uali y ') Li)e* NST hel&s ' crea e a )resh s ar bu ca!!' '-erc'$e &''r li)es yle ch'ices*

*hat to do - The Nutrition

i98le olution - There are hree si$&le rec'$$e!da i'!s re,ardi!, !u ri i'!.1a er a!d e?ercise ha I ha-e used 1i h $y clie! s '-er he years ha ha-e li erally ra!s)'r$ed he %uali y ') $a!y $a!y li-es*
There are 1' basic !u ri i'!al rec'$$e!da i'!s ha are si$&le ' )'ll'1. 1ill b''s e!er,y a!d -i ali y. i$&r'-e %uali y ') li)e a!d are c'!sis e! ly e))ec i-e* Firs ly. 'ur ,e!eral i! a0e ') )''d !eeds ' be bala!ced be 1ee! acid a!d al0ali!e )''d ,r'u&s. a he ra i' ') a&&r'?i$a ely K8O Al0ali!e )''ds ' =8O Acid )'r$i!, )''ds* A his ra i' he l0ali!eJAcid >&h@ bala!ce ') he b'dy 1ill be ar'u!d K*A&h >!' e< his is

,e!eral a!d 1ill -ary )r'$ i!di-idual ' i!di-idual@ A his ra i' he b'dy is able ' $ai! ai! 'rder a!d bala!ce a a bi'che$ical le-el. crea i!, a heal hy c'! e? )'r he '& i$al )u!c i'!i!, ') a h's ') i$&'r a! $e ab'lic )u!c i'!s* Fur her$'re le-els ') uric acid are 0e& i! heal hy chec0. e!abli!, he b'dy ' e?cre e ' her $e ab'lic 1as e &r'duc s $uch $'re si$&ly* The resul ') his is si$&ly be er '-erall heal h* Esse! ially his $ea!s ha K8O ') 'ur i! a0e sh'uld be c'$&rised ') )rui a!d -e,e ables. 1hile he ' her =8O sh'uld be $ade u& ') &r' ei! a!d c'$&le? carb'hydra e )''ds* F'r clie! s 1h' ha-e his bala!ce ' her1ise. I rec'$$e!d ha hey u!der a0e a ,radual ra!si i'! ' he K8J=8 die . ra her ha! c'!-er i!, '-er!i,h . 1hich ca! be a li le u!se li!, b' h &hysi'l',ically a!d e-e! &sych'l',ically* A! a-era,e ra!si i'! &eri'd is ab'u 1' $'! hs* Kee&i!,

,e!eral )''d ,r'u&s i! bala!ce all'1s he hu$a! 'r,a!is$ ' 0ee& har$)ul acids i! chec0 N hel&s crea e hi,h -i ali y*

Sec'!dly. 'ur )''d !eeds ' be re&' e! ised 1i h s&eci)ic !u rie! s* A -ery e))ec i-e a!d reliable br'ad<s&ec ru$ !u ri i'!al su&&le$e! a i'! a&&r'ach. 1hich sui s al$'s e-eryb' as )'ll'1s* Ta0e ;<58$l ') c'!ce! ra ed c'll'idal $i!erals '!e ' 1' i$es &er day* I) c'll'idal ca!D be )'u!d. $ul i chela ed $i!erals are a ,''d al er!a i-e* Ta0e a hi,h %uali y $ul i<-i a$i! able 'r ca&sule >sus ai!ed release i) &'ssible@. ha c'! ai!s hi,h Vi * C. a$i!'acids a!d a! i'?ida! s. '!e ' 1' i$es &er day* Ta0e ;< 58$l ') hi,h %uali y 'il. c'! ai!i!, esse! ialE '$e,a =D )a y acids >sal$'! 'r li!seed 'il

are b' h ,''d@ '!e ' 1' i$es &er day* N' eI Al1ays a0e su&&le$e! s duri!, 'r a) er $eals* The ab'-e daily &r',ra$$e 1ill &r'-ide a -ery ,''d ,e!eral le-el ') s&eci)ic !u ri i'!al su&&le$e! a i'!* These days here are hu!dreds ') su&&le$e! s a!d !e1 &r'duc s )re%ue! ly c'$i!, '! ' he $ar0e a!d i ca! be c'!)usi!, 0!'1i!, e?ac ly 1ha ' a0e a!d 1ha !' '* T' a lar,e e? e! i bec'$es a %ues i'! ') &ers'!al rial a!d err'r. ' disc'-er 1ha else i) a!y hi!,. '!e c'uld add ' he ab'-e &r',ra$$e ' e-e! )ur her e!ha!ce heal h* Other food products that are definitely worth considering are: -6- (methylsulfonylmethane), 6pirulina, 2hlorella or other green products, 7elp, $pple cider vinegar, -olasses, Nutritional yeast. 5our health food store will be happy to advise you. Important note* 5ou can dramatically enhance nutritional upta%e with deto#ification. 8eriodical or seasonal cleansing of the 9internal landscape: of the body is not only essential but will deliver immediate results in terms of higher energy levels, better sleep, better loo%s, clearer thoughts, dramatically enhanced levels of nutritional upta%e and conse,uently better health and longevity. If the trillions of cells of the body are bathed in filthy body fluids (as is typical with about ;<0 of people in western civili)ation) nutrition struggles to fully penetrate the cell walls and perform its &ob effectively. It:s a bit li%e hoping to breathe life giving fresh air under e#treme physical e#ercise with a dirty linen sac% tied firmly over your head= The result* you bloc% o#ygen to the lungs almost turning blue and dying in the process>but not ,uite= $nything from herbal cleansing programmes, &uice diets and fasting will wor% well. 5our health care practitioner will be able to advise you on how to proceed. $dditionally, ma%ing sure that the large intestine is wor%ing well, evidenced by consistent and daily, copious bowel movements is essential. This was 2leopatra:s famous hidden secret in fact which attributed to her e#treme beauty. It:s well recorded that 2leopatra used senna leaves as a daily la#ative to %eep her bowels regular thereby ensuring there was no significant to#ic build-up to prevent her inner cells from shining= Note* see The -iracle of 1asting by 8aul +ragg in bibliography.


A si$&le rule )'r 1a er i! a0e. is ' dri!0 6 <58 ,lasses ') &ure 1a er daily*The c'rrec i!di-idual a$'u! 1ill de&e!d ' s'$e e? e! de&e!d '! b'dy 1ei,h . 'ccu&a i'!. e!-ir'!$e! . cli$a e a!d seas'!* Re,ardless ') he ab'-e. 6?7;8$l ,lasses &er day is a ,''d $i!i$u$ i! a0e* A use)ul a!d si$&le rule ' de er$i!e y'ur ,e!eral 1a er i! a0e is ' $ul i&ly y'ur b'dy 1ei,h by 7. a!d he! di-ide his )i,ure by 588* This 1ill ,i-e y'u he li res &er day ha y'u !eed ' a0e* E?a$&leI 9'dy 1ei,h is K; 0, R 7 S 5;8. !'1 di-ide by 588 S 5*; li res a day* N' eI I) y'u are usi!, b' led 1a er. $a0e sure ' read he label '! he b' le ' de er$i!e he dry residue ha he 1a er c'! ai!s* Dry residue is he residue ha re$ai!s a) er '!e li re ') 1a er is b'iled u! il i c'$&le ely e-a&'ra es* I is ,e!erally sh'1! '! he b' le i! $,Jl >$illi,ra$s &er li re@* Dry residue is i!'r,a!icJ$e allic $i!erals ha ca!!' be abs'rbed by he b'dy. are di))icul ' e?cre e. a!d 1he! a0e! )'r years '! e!d. ca! cause F'i! a!d ' her heal h &r'ble$s* The l'1er he le-el he be er he 1a er* A!y hi!, less ha! 7;8$,Jl is acce& able* 8ol%ic is %ui e ,''d )'r e?a$&le. bu here are ' her bra!ds 1i h $uch l'1er le-els ha ca! be )'u!d*Ob-i'usly he!. he hi,her he le-el he 1'rse he 1a er* A!y hi!, i! e?cess ') ;88$,Jl I 1'uld a-'id*I) y'u are usi!, a& 1a er. ry )il eri!, i hr'u,h a 7e%erse Osmosis water )il er* T'u 1ill !e-er ,' bac0 ' dri!0i!, a& 1a er a,ai!G "xercise - The rule )'r e?ercise is si$&le* A!y )'r$ ') e?ercise ha u ilises he $aF'r $uscles ') he b'dy e,* /al0i!,. H',,i!,.Reb'u!di!, >s$all ra$&'li!e@. S1i$$i!,. Da!ci!,*

All ') he ab'-e 1ill e?ercise he b'dy i! a ,''d ,l'bal se!se. h'1e-er c'$bi!a i'!s are 1ell 1'r h c'!sideri!, e,* H',,i!, a!d S1i$$i!,* The !e? i$&'r a! hi!, ' re$e$ber ab'u e?ercise. is ha i !eeds ' be d'!e a leas )i-e 'u ') e-ery se-e! days. ' s ar sh'1i!, s'$e 1'r h1hile a!d sus ai!able resul s* A!' her ,''d idea is ' i!clude i! y'ur re,ular &r',ra$$e a s re chi!, 'r i! e,ra i-e e?ercise ha s re!,h e! he c're $uscles e,* T',a. Tai Chi a!d Pila es are all e?celle! * I) y'u ha-e !' bee! e?ercisi!, )'r s'$e i$e he! i is al1ays 1ise ' build u& sl'1ly. a!d !' ' &ush bey'!d se!sible li$i s a a!y i$e* I) )'r e?a$&le y'u 1'uld li0e ' s ar F',,i!, a!d ha-e !e-er d'!e i be)'re. s ar by 1al0i!, )'r he )irs 1ee0. he! al er!a e be 1ee! 1al0i!, a!d F',,i!, )'r he !e? 1ee0 i*e* 1al0 )'r 1' hu!dred $e res he! F', )'r 1' hu!dred $e ers e c* /he! y'u )eel ha y'ur s a$i!a is s ar i!, ' build. ry F',,i!, '!ly* Perha&s 1' 0il'$e res 1'uld be a ,''d s ar i!, &'i! * O!ce y'u )eel c'$)'r able 1i h his. Fus e? e!d he dis a!ce a li le 'r ry a c'urse 1i h a )e1 ,e! le hills i! i * /i hi! a )e1 $'! hs y'u 1ill disc'-er ha y'u ha-e s ar ed ' build a -ery sus ai!able le-el ') )i !ess *

The 0olden Bey

All ') he ab'-e rec'$$e!da i'!s are ried a!d &r'-e! $e h'ds )'r i$&r'-i!, y'ur le-el ') heal h. i!creasi!, -i ali y a!d i$&r'-i!, %uali y ') li)e. h'1e-er here is '!e golden (ey 1hich 1ill $a?i$ise y'ur resul s i! he sh'r es &'ssible i$e )ra$e.a!d ac ually e!able y'u ' crea e a 1h'le !e1 li)es yle* C'!-ersely 1i h'u his 0ey !' hi!, 1ill 1'r0GPr'bably he $'s c'$$'!ly as0ed %ues i'! by clie! s re,ardi!, he ab'-e hree rec'$$e!da i'!s is. h'1 l'!, sh'uld I d' his )'r2 The res&'!se is si$&le* T'u sh'uld '!ly c'! i!ue ' )'ll'1 hese rec'$$e!da i'!s. )'r as l'!, as y'u 1a! ' )eel ,''dG Pe'&le ') e! bec'$e %ui e &er&le?ed by his res&'!se. as i) i 1ere a F'0e* 9u i! )ac i is he bes &'ssible res&'!se ha '!e c'uld ,i-e* All ') he ab'-e are desi,!ed ' i$&r'-e heal h a!d rebuild he b'dy* Nu ri i'!al Su&&le$e! a i'! ') i sel) 1ill !' cure a!y hi!, i! he sh'r er$. bu a0e i consistently a!d rele! lessly a!d i 1ill &r'duce $iracles by rebuildi!, y'ur bl''dG Dri!0i!, c'rrec a$'u! s ') 1a er )'r a 1ee0 'r 1' 1ill d' li le ' i$&r'-e y'ur l'!, er$ heal h. bu d' i consistently a!d i 1ill ra!s)'r$ y'ur &hysi'l',yG The sa$e a&&lies ' e?ercise* Ru!!i!, ar'u!d he &ar0 )'r a )e1 1ee0s 1ill d' &reci'us li le ' build &'1er a!d e!dura!ce.bu d' i consistently a!d a 1h'le !e1 e?&erie!ce ') y'ur rela i'!shi& be 1ee! y'u a!d y'ur b'dy 1ill e$er,e* T'u 1ill s ar ' u!ders a!d 1ha -i ali y isG Clearly he golden (ey is consistency& I is he '!,'i!, daily &rac ice ') he ab'-e rec'$$e!da i'!s ha is ,'i!, ' crea e heal hy bl''d )r'$ 1hich 1e ca! build heal hy issue a!d hereby sus ai! a &'1er)ul &hysi'l',y* A &'1er)ul &hysi'l',y builds -i ali y a!d -i ali y crea es %uali y ') li)e a!d l'!,e-i y*

Staying balanced - it+s ?ust a $uestion of choice&

"L3 ,"L!


This si$&le illus ra ed SELF HELP SECTION is desi,!ed ' &r'-ide a! easy ' use se%ue!ce ') releases. ha 1'r0 e))ec i-ely as b' h a &re-e! a i-e sys e$. ' assis i! Ds ayi!, bala!cedM. a!d a sys e$ ') e))ec i-e s'lu i'!s )'r reduci!, a!d eli$i!a i!, $uscle e!si'! a!d &ai!. sh'uld his 'ccur* The releases are i! 1' &ar sI L'1er b'dy a!d u&&er b'dy* A %uic0 ,la!ce 1ill re-eal ha hese releases are !'!e ' her ha! classical T',a e?ercises. h'1e-er hey ha-e bee! s&ecially selec ed )'r he &recise u!l'c0i!, e))ec ha hey ha-e '! he b'dy. 1he! &er)'r$ed i! he c'$bi!a i'! a!d 'rder i! 1hich hey are illus ra ed*

I! y&ical NST )ashi'! he l'1er b'dy is addressed )irs . 1i h he i! e! i'! ') u!l'c0i!, he sacru$ a!d &el-is. a!d he $uscle sys e$s ha are direc ly c'!!ec ed ' he$* This is d'!e i! he clear belie) ha he sacru$ $us be released )irs . be)'re he u&&er b'dy ca! a!d 1ill release i sel) e))ec i-ely* I! su$$ary. '!ce he l'1er b'dy releases ha-e bee! carried 'u . he !ec0 $ay he! be released. )'ll'1ed l',ically by he sh'ulder releases* I is i$&'r a! ' u!ders a!d ha he bes be!e)i s 1ill be achie-ed 1he! he releases are d'!e as a c'$&le e se . 1i h re&e i i'!s as i!dica ed. a!d !' Fus i!di-idual e?ercises* F'r his reas'! i 1ill be 1ise ' all'1 a leas )i) ee! $i!u es 'c'$&le e he se%ue!ce*

I is al1ays a ,''d idea ' dri!0 a lar,e ,lass >=88<A88$l@ ') &ure 1a er )i) ee! $i!u es be)'re d'i!, his se%ue!ce. a!d 1i hi! )i-e $i!u es ') i s c'$&le i'!* This si$&le &rac ice 1ill assis 1i h ly$&ha ic drai!a,e. !er-e a!d $uscle )u!c i'!. )le?ibili y a!d -i ali y. he!ce $a?i$isi!, be!e)icial resul s* I 1ill be esse! ial ' 1ear s') . l''se a!d c'$)'r able cl' hi!,.1hich is !' '' bul0y* Ti,h cl' hi!, 1ill '!ly res ric $'-e$e! * /he! usi!, his se%ue!ce. re$e$ber !e-er ' &ush bey'!d se!sible li$i sG I) a a!y i$e y'u e?&erie!ce u!due s rai! 'r &ai!. i$$edia ely s '&. a!d ,e! ly c'$e 'u ') 1ha e-er &'si i'! y'u are i!* A re<a e$& $ay be carried 'u he )'ll'1i!, day a!d he sa$e &recau i'! sh'uld be 'bser-ed* Fur her$'re. all &'si i'!al releases 1ill be ,rea ly )acili a ed by ,e! le rhy h$ic brea hi!, hr'u,h'u . 1hich ca! be d'!e by sl'1ly i!hali!, a!d e?hali!,. e?clusi-ely hr'u,h he !'s rils* Si$&ly )'ll'1 he s e&s i!dica ed !e? ' each illus ra i'!.re$e$beri!, ' re&ea he &'si i'!al release hree i$es be)'re a0i!, a res ') '!e $i!u e be 1ee! each release* The desi,!a ed res i!, &eri'ds are i$&'r a! . i! e!abli!, he $uscles ' e))ec i-ely res&'!d ' he release Fus carried 'u * Res i!, i$e $ay be i!creased i) desired. bu !' reduced* As a! adFu!c i-e re$edy )'r &r'ble$a ic si ua i'!s. ry a0i!, s'$e !agnesium 0hosphate D-. h'$e'&a hic Tissue Sal .readily a-ailable a $'s &har$acies* This si$&le !a ural &r'duc 1ill hel& ' %uic0ly relie-e $uscle s&as$s a!d cra$&s*

4. Lower 1ody %eleases >or

acru9 and !elvis

$) ?ie face down with your elbows bent as if beginning a normal push up. 6lowly push your body off the floor until you feel resistance in the lower bac%. 5our abdomen and legs should remain in contact with the floor. +reathe slowly and rhythmically (nostrils only) while holding the position for @/-A/ seconds then gently release, returning to rest in original position for @/-A/ seconds.Perform 3 repetitions and then rest for a full minute in prone position with arms lon by side and head to one side. +) +eginning on all fours, slowly move into the illustrated position. 8ush the leading %nee forward until a stretch is felt in the hips andBor groin and hold. +reathe slowly and rhythmically (nostrils only) while holding the position for @/-A/ seconds, then slowly release returning to rest in original position (all fours) for @/-A/ seconds. Cepeat on opposite side. Perform 3 repetitions of this se!uence and then rest for a full minute in prone position with arms lon by side and head to one side.

2) +egin by laying flat on your bac% then slowly move into the illustrated position (an%le twisted across opposite %nee). 6lowly bring the lower leg towards the head causing a stretch in the buttoc%s on the twisted leg side, and hold. +reathe slowly and rhythmically (nostrils only)while holding the position for @/A/seconds, then slowly release returning to rest in original position (flat on bac%) for @/-A/seconds. Cepeat on opposite side.Perform 3 repetitions of this se!uence and then rest for a full minute in supine position with arms lon by side.

D) +egin by laying flat on your bac% then slowly move into the illustrated position (an%le twisted across opposite %nee, body rotated loo%ing over diagonally opposite shoulder and hand flat on floor). Esing the elbow of the free arm, push it bac% into the side of the twisted leg to create more of a tor,ue in the bac% and hold. +reathe slowly and rhythmically (nostrils only) while holding the position for @/-A/seconds, then slowly release returning to rest in original position (flat on bac%) for @/-A/seconds. Cepeat on opposite side.Perform 3 repetitions of this se!uence and then rest for a full minute "flat on back# with arms lon by side. ") +egin in a sitting position then slowly move into the illustrated position. +ring the soles of the feet together and hold in place with the hands. 8ull the body forward to create a mild stretch in the groin and lower bac% and hold. +reathe slowly and rhythmically (nostrils only) while holding the position for @/-A/seconds, then release returning to rest in original position (sitting resting on hands)for @/A/seconds.Perform 3 repetitions of this se!uence and then rest for a full minute in supine position with arms

lon by side and head to one side.

-. '88er 1ody %eleases >or NecC and


$) +egin in a sitting or standing position. Fently and slowly pull the chin into the chest and then from this position slowly and gently commence slow circular motions with a tendency to stretch the head to the shoulders and bac%, as you go in one direction for G-< times. 6top and then repeat the same in the opposite direction. Cest for @/-A/ seconds breathing rhythmically throughout (nostrils only).$epeat this se!uence 3 times and then rest in a sittin position for % minute. +) +egin in a sitting or standing position. 8lace the hand around the opposite side of the head gently pulling the head towards the left shoulder creating a stretch in nec% and shoulder muscles bac% and hold. +reathe slowly and rhythmically (nostrils only) while holding the position for @/-A/ seconds, then release returning head to rest in original position (in the middle) for @/-A/ seconds.$epeat on the opposite side. $epeat this se!uence 3 times and then rest in a sittin position for % minute.

2) +egin in a sitting or standing position. 8lace two fingers on the chin and push downwards. $t the same time, gently raise your head against the finger hold causing a stretch in the muscles at the bac% of the nec% and hold. +reathe slowly and rhythmically (nostrils only) while holding the position for @/-A/ seconds, then

release returning head to rest in original position (in the middle) for @/-A/ seconds.$epeat this se!uence 3 times and then rest in a sittin position for % minute. D) +egin in a sitting or standing position with arms straight. Esing small slow circular motions roll one shoulder in a bac%wards directions for G-< times. 6top momentarily, and then roll the shoulder in a forwards direction for G-< times. Cest for @/-A/ seconds breathing rhythmically throughout (nostrils only). Cepeat on the opposite side.$epeat this se!uence 3 times and then rest in a sitting position for < minute. ") +egin in a sitting or standing position with arm pulled across the upper body as illustrated.4old the position for @/-A/ seconds while gently stretching the shoulder muscles and breathing rhythmically throughout (nostrils only). Cepeat on the opposite side.7epeat this se$uence E times and then rest in a sitting
position for < minute.

(ichael H* Ni?'!<Li-y is a! i! er!a i'!al eacher a!d heal h &rac i i'!er 1h' 1as b'r! i! Aus ralia i! 54;A*He s ar ed his career i! c'$&le$e! ary $edici!e i! 54KA.u!der a0i!, c'$&rehe!si-e s udies a!d &rac ice i! !u ri i'!al scie!ce. &sych'l',y. hu$a! rela i'!s a!d -ari'us b'dy1'r0 hera&ies*He h'lds addi i'!al Di&l'$as i! A&&lied Physi'l',y a!d S'lu i'! F'cused Thera&y >Eric0s'!ia! Psych'l',y@* Realisi!, he &r')'u!d i$&'r a!ce ') he rela i'!shi& be 1ee! b'dy1'r0. !u ri i'! a!d &sych'l',y he ra! a -ery busy a!d success)ul cli!ical &rac ice i! (elb'ur!e. Aus ralia 1i h 1'rld re0!'1!ed Ki!esi'l',is a!d researcher Dr* Charles Krebs.s&ecialisi!, i! s ruc ural a!d s&i!al &r'ble$s. &sych'l',ical di))icul ies a!d &r')'u!d lear!i!, di))icul ies* He als' s&e! s'$e ; years as a &r')essi'!al a hle e. 1here he had '!,'i!, e?&'sure ' he ri,'r'us de$a!ds ') daily rai!i!, schedules. a!d he subse%ue! i!Furies 1hich 'ccurred* I 1as duri!, his i$e ha he had he '&&'r u!i y ' a&&recia e he i$&'r a!ce a!d !ecessi y ') b'dy1'r0 ech!i%ues ha 1ere %uic0. e))ec i-e a!d las i!,* (ichael is dedica ed ' a $issi'! ') $a0i!, a-ailable ' he 1'rld )'r$s ') !a ural hera&y ha ha-e he ca&aci y ' %uic0ly a!d e))ec i-ely relie-e &ai! a!d ' bri!, bala!ce bac0 i! ' he li-es ') he $a!y i!di-iduals 1h' see0 relie) a!d be er heal h *

9a $a!,helidF. F*<- 6ow to deal with 'ac( 0ain and 7heumatoid 2oint 0ain - #l'bal Heal h S'lu i'!s I!c*. Falls Church. Vir,i!ia. USA. 5445* 9lac0. Dea!*<- Inner ;isdom - Ta&es ry Press. S&ri!,-ille. U ah. USA. 5448* 9ra,,. Paul C*<- The !iracle of 3asting - Heal h Scie!ce. Sa! a 9arbara. Cali)'r!ia. USA. 54K4* De Har!e e. (aF'r 9er ra!d<- The 0hilosophy, 1rt and Science of Sacro Occipital Techni$ue - Third Fdition (aF'r 9er ra!d De Har!e e. Nebras0a Ci y. Nebras0a. USA. 546K* #erber. Richard. (*D*< - 8ibrational !edicine -9ear N C'$&a!y. Sa! a Fe. N(. USA. 5433* #'rd'! Libby N S$ar 9ria! <- Tom 'owen, 0ersonal 7eflections 9TAV N 9TASA. Hear </ell Heali!, Ce! re. Har 1ell. (elb'ur!e. Aus ralia* Huha!. Dea!e <- 2ob+s 'ody S a i'! Hill Press I!c*. 9arry '1!. Ne1 T'r0. USA. 543K* (i!dell. Earl <- Farl !indellGs Supplement 'ible Fireside. Ne1 T'r0. NT. USA. 5433* Ni?'!<Li-y. (ichael <- Neurostructural Integration Techni$ue, 'asic !anual I! er!a i'!al I!s i u e ') A&&lied Heal h Ser-ices. (elb'ur!e. Aus ralia. 5446* Selye. Ha!s<- The Stress of Life (c#ra1 < Hill 9''0 C'*. Ne1 T'r0. USA. 543A* Si!clair. Ia! <- >ou can o%ercome 1sthma Ia! Si!clair. Ryde. NS/. Aus ralia. 544=* T'r 'ra. A!a,!'s a0's <- 0rinciples of 1natomy and 0hysiology - Si"th Fdition Har&er a!d R'1e Publishers. Ne1 T'r0. USA. 5448* U&led,er. H'h! N Vrede-'',d H'! <- Craniosacral Therapy Eas la!d Press. Sea le. /ashi!, '!. USA. 543=* /allach. H*D* a!d La! (a S- 7are Farths- 3orbidden CuresH D'uble Ha&&i!ess Publishi!, C'*. 9'!i a. Ca. USA. 5446* /al her. Da-id S* <- 1pplied 9inesiology I Synopsis -Sys e$s DC. Puebl'. C'l'rad'. USA. 5433*<7888*

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