Latin America Overview
Latin America Overview
Latin America Overview
" ass Notes: Be able to locate all physical and political features
*SS6G3 The student wi discuss en*ironmenta issues in Latin America$ a$ 4,& ain the ma5or en*ironmenta concerns o! Latin America re%ardin% the issues o! air &o ution in +e,ico "ity, +e,ico, the destruction o! the rain !orest in 0ra(i , and oi 're ated &o ution in 2ene(ue a$
Class otes: 2ene(ue a: !il "ollution Causes# $th largest producer of oil in the world% half of the countries money comes from sales of oil& Effects# 'amage to the environment including (ake )aracaibo which is the largest lake in South *merica the oil taken from the ground is affecting the land and causing the lake to flood nearby towns and farms& +e,ico: *ir "ollution Causes# )exico is located in a bowl shaped crater and is surrounded by the Sierra )adre )ountains which block the wind and trap in the Smog (Smoke+Fog=Smog)& )exico city is also overcrowded+ !ver ,- million people+ Cars send pollution such as lead% sulfur dioxide% and carbon monoxide into the air& Effects . Breathing problems especially in children and older people (the elderly) 0ra(i : 'eforestation of the *ma/on rain forest /e!orestation: 0umans using chain saws and bulldo/ers to clear large areas of the forest& 1he *ma/on 2ain 3orest supplies the world with 367 o! its o,y%en+ Soy#eans are the main crop grown in areas of deforestation&
*SS6G8 The student wi e,& ain the im&act o! ocation, c imate, distri#ution o! natura resources, and &o&u ation distri#ution on Latin America and the "ari##ean$ a$ "om&are how the ocation, c imate, and natura resources o! +e,ico and 2ene(ue a a!!ect where &eo& e i*e and how they trade$ #$ "om&are how the ocation, c imate, and natura resources o! 0ra(i and "u#a a!!ect where &eo& e i*e and how they trade$
Mexico vs. Venezuela o (ocation: )exico is south of *merica% 4ene/uela is North of (atin *merica o Climate: )exico is dry and warm but varies by region% 4ene/uela is mostly hot and tropical but cooler in the mountains o atural 2esources: Both have petroleum% natural gas% iron ore% gold% silver% and minerals& 4ene/uela sells oil to Cuba at a reduced price& o "opulation: )exico has over triple the amount of people that 4ene/uela has+ o 1rade: Both countries make money from tourism (people coming for vacation) o *31*: orth *merican 3ree 1rade *greement# *n agreement of free trade /ones between Canada% )exico% and the 5&S&*& Brazil vs. Cuba o (ocation: Bra/il is almost the whole eastern side of South *merica+ Cuba is an island in the Caribbean Sea about -6 miles from 3lorida+ o Climate: Bra/il is hot and tropical but Cuba is tropical and cooled down by trade winds (think how the 5nited 7ingdom is warmed by the 8ulf Stream current in 9urope+) o atural 2esources: Bra/il produces one#third of the world:s coffee% Cuba also exports coffee and they both also export sugar cane& o "opulation: Bra/il is the largest country in South *merica and Cuba is a small island so there are many more people living in Bra/il than Cuba&
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o 1rade: Cuba is a communist country therefore; *merica has an em#ar%o on Cuba which trades with 4ene/uela& Bra/il trades mainly with the 5nited States&
SS6G4 The student wi descri#e the cu tura characteristics o! &eo& e who i*e in Latin America and the "ari##ean$ a$ /escri#e the resu ts o! # endin% o! ethnic %rou&s in Latin America and the "ari##ean$
1here are < ma=or groups in this region: Nati*e Americans who were already living there% 4uro&eans who came over during exploration% and A!ricans who were brought over to become slaves& 1hese < ma=or groups intermarried (got together) and created new cultures o +esti(os: ative *merican and 9uropean# mostly in 4ene/uela today o +u attoes: *frican and 9uropean# mostly in Bra/il% "anama% and >est ?ndies (?slands) 2eligion: 1hese groups also blended their cultures and religions one example is 9/ay o! the /ead@ in )exico and 9uropean 2oman Catholic 9A Saints: /ay; The main re i%ion in Latin America is )oman "atho ic
#$ 4,& ain why Latin America is a re%ion #ased on the an%ua%es o! -ortu%uese and S&anish$ 1he Spanish language comes from Spain in 9urope% Spanish explorers conAuered )exico which is why it is the largest Spanish speaking country today 1he "ortuguese language comes from "ortugal in 9urope% "ortugal claimed Bra/il which is why it is the *c$ 4*a uate how the iteracy rate a!!ects the standard o! i*in%$ Literacy: 1he ability to read and write Literacy )ate: 1he amount of people in a country that can read and write Standard o! i*in%: the economic level (how well or bad) people live in a country ?f a country has a high literac rate the people are educated and the countr !ill "ros"er #$o !ell%% low literacy rate the people are not educated and the country will suffer economically& SS611 The student wi descri#e the im&act o! 4uro&ean contact on Latin America a$ /escri#e the encounter and conse<uences o! the con! ict #etween the S&anish and the A(tecs and =ncas and the ro es o! "ortes, +onte(uma, -i(arro, and Atahua &a$ 1he A(tecs were the most powerful civili/ation in )exico; their capital city was in an extinct volcano that had become a swampy lake called Tenochtit an which today is )exico City& 1he */tecs spoke a language called Nahuat $ 1he */tecs sacri!iced animals and humans to their gods as part of their culture and also had a complex system for mathematics% a calendar% and an irrigation system (getting water from one place to another)& 1he */tecs were ruled by >in% +onte(uma who welcomed Cortes and the Spanish into 1enochtitlan thinking the !ere go$s returning to the */tecs& Cortes took Montezuma "risoner in his own palace& &he 'ztecs !ere con(uere$ b the S"anish ex"lorer )ernan Cortes. 1he Spanish destroyed the city and */tec culture& 1he =ncas lived along the western coast of South *merica their capital city of "usco was in "eru& 1he ?nca made beautiful gold% silver% and bron/e arts& 1he ?nca created terraces or flat areas on the side of the *ndes )ountains to farm on& 1he ?nca had a math and accounting system which helped them become the wealthiest of all the native people+ 1hey spoke a language called ?uechua and much of their cultures including farming on terraces still survive today& 1he Spanish explorer named @rancisco -i(arro who was made a *iceroy or Spanish governor over lands by the Spanish 7ing for setting out to conAuer the ?nca when he met with the ?ncan ruler Atahua &a who was called BSa&a =nca; meaning they were close to being 8ods& "i/arro met *tahualpa and took him prisoner and demanded that the people fill a room with silver and gold in order for him to be released& 1he ?ncan people gave "i/arro gold and silver but "i/arro killed *tahualpa anyway+ #$ 4,& ain the im&act o! the "o um#ian 4,chan%e on Latin America and 4uro&e in terms o! the dec ine o! the indi%enous &o&u ation, a%ricu tura chan%e, and the introduction o! the horse$ 1he "o um#ian 4,chan%e is named for Christopher Columbus because his discovery of the 9New Aor d; (*mericas) started the voyages to the new world& *s the Spanish spread throughout (atin *merica the indi%enous &o&u ation (native people) began to decline (go down) because of diseases being brought by the 9uropeans from the 9. d Aor d; (9urope% *frica% and *sia)& Slaves from *frica were also part of this exchange&
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1he Columbian 9xchange also included food% plants% and animals& ?ncluding the horse which was brought from 9urope it helped the native people to hunt and battle&
SS613 The student wi e,& ain the de*e o&ment o! Latin America and the "ari##ean !rom 4uro&ean co onies to inde&endent nations$ a$ /escri#e the in! uence o! A!rican s a*ery on the de*e o&ment o! the Americas$ Slaves were brought over from *frica as a way to build workers from their & antations Blarge farms) the *fricans could not run away like the indigenous% or get sick and die as easily& 0owever% many did die on the voyage across the At antic .cean called Bthe Mi$$le *assage@ )ost of these plantations grew su%ar cane which was made into sugar% molasses% and rum& #$ /escri#e the in! uence o! the S&anish and the -ortu%uese on the an%ua%e and re i%ions o! Latin America$ BA ready /iscussedC c$ 4,& ain the Latin American inde&endence mo*ementD inc ude the im&ortance o! Toussaint L:.*erture, Simon 0o i*ar, and +i%ue 1ida %o$ Toussaint L :.*erture: (0aiti) was a famous black freedom fighter& 0e led many of the slave revolts in Saint 'omingue which today is 1aiti+ 0e later became governor& Simon 0o i*ar: (South *merica) (ed many wars for freedom and independence in South America$ 0e fought against Spanish rule& 0e was from a wealthy family and well educator and wanted to liberate (free) all of his people% he was called +&he ,iberator +i%ue 1ida %o: B)exico) +&he Father of Mexican .n$e"en$ence- 3ather 0idalgo was a priest to lead a peasant army against the Spanish army in )exico& SS618 The student wi ana y(e im&ortant 36th century issues in Latin America and the "ari##ean$ a$ 4,& ain the im&act o! the "u#an )e*o ution$ 3ulgencio 0atista: /ictator of Cuba before Castro& (ife for the Cuban people was horrible under his rule& Castro le$ a grou" of rebels against Batista and won% making himself dictator& >hen @ide "astro became leader of Cuba he made it a communist country& Castro declared that all property owned by Cubans and *mericans were now property of the government+ 1he 5nited States placed an em#ar%o on Cuban goods including sugar cane& 1he 5&S& also did not allow travel by *mericans to or from Cuba& 1he So*iet Union became friends with Cuba they bought the sugar cane and supplied them with weapons and goods& >hen the So*iet Union Collapsed Cubans struggled& The "u#an +issi e "risis: *n event that almost started nuclear war+ "u#a %a*e the So*iet Union &ermission to #ui d a missi e aunchin% com& e, in "u#a # remember Cuba is -6 miles from 3lorida% very close to the 5&S& )issiles launched from this site in Cuba could easily reach 5&S& cities& "resident Cohn 3& 7ennedy demanded they be removed until the Soviet 5nion agreed to remove the missiles and the 5&S& did not invade Cuba& #$4,& ain the im&act and &o itica outcomes o! the Ea&atista %uerri a mo*ement in +e,ico$ Dapatistas: a group of )exicans who support improving rights and living conditions (0ousing) for )exico:s indigenous people (original people)& 1he Dapatistas did not agree with *31* 1he Dapatistas took over several small town in )exico to rebel the government *SS6"G1 The student wi com&are and contrast *arious !orms o! %o*ernment$ a$ /escri#e the ways %o*ernment systems distri#ute &ower: unitary, con!ederation, and !edera $ Unitary: "ower E Central 8overnment "on!ederation: "owerE StatesF2egions @edera : "owerE 'ivided between Central 8overnment and StatesF2egions c$ 4,& ain how %o*ernments determine citi(en &artici&ation: autocratic, o i%archic, and democratic$ Autocracy: !ne person holds all the power% the people have no rights . i%archy: * small group of people have all the power and it is usually based on wealth or power
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/emocracy: 1he people hold the power they have the right to vote and speak out on the government:s actions d$/escri#e the two &redominate !orms o! democratic %o*ernments: &ar iamentary and &residentia $ -ar iamentary System: the "arliament elects the head of government% and they can also vote the head of government out& 1he people vote for the members of parliament -residentia System: 1he power is separated so there is no one branch with too much power& 1he people vote for a president& SS6"G3 The student wi e,& ain the structures o! nationa %o*ernments in Latin America and the "ari##ean$ a$ "om&are the !edera 're&u# ican systems o! the @ederati*e )e&u# ic o! 0ra(i B0ra(i C and the United +e,ican States B+e,icoC to the dictatorshi& o! the )e&u# ic o! "u#a B"u#aC, distin%uishin% the !orm o! eadershi& and the ro e o! the citi(en in terms o! *otin% and &ersona !reedoms$
0ra(i : 3ederative 2epublic# 1he power is divided between the central government and state governments& 1hey also have a presidential democracy where citi/ens elect president and members of legislature& "resident serves G year term& +e,ico: 3ederal 2epublic# power is divided between the central government and state governments% presidential democracy& "resident serves H year term& Cuba: unitary government% communist dictatorship run by 3idel Castro& Citi/ens '! !1 elect the president+
3or 5nit $ study packet% attach: (atin *merica map otes from the movie B(atin *merica: 1he "eople@ Iour government graphic organi/er from 5nit , *ll of your (atin *merica government notes from JJJJJJJJJJJJJ 3or the remaining standards% answer the following Auestions: ,& >hat is the literacy rate and how does it affect the standard of living in a countryK
L& >hat are the main languages spoken in (atin *mericaK *lso% why are these an%ua%es s&o>en in Latin AmericaF M& >hat economic benefits do countries with a lot of arable (farmable) land haveK
-& >hy would coastal areas in a country be more heavily populated than the mountainous regions (answer with a complete sentence)K
,6& 0ow might natural resources affect the population density of an area (answer with a complete sentence)K
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,,& 0ow might climate affect the population density of an area (answer with a complete sentence)K
,L& 0ow might location affect the population density of an area (answer with a complete sentence)K
,<& >hat (three) ethnic groups have blended to create the people of (atin *mericaK *lso% how did they a %et to Latin America and why were they thereF
,G& >hat are the three environmental issues we:ve discussed in (atin *mericaK Bname the issues and the countries they ha&&en inC
,$& >hy does deforestation occurK *lso% how does it im&act the en*ironmentF