USA Maps
USA Maps
USA Maps
1. Lets find the 7 regions in the USA by colouring them differently: New England blue !id Atlantic light brown Southern !id"#est South #est yellow green red dar% brown
(he last three regions (e)ce*t +%lahoma and (e)as in the South #est $egion, can be -oined into a single region called sim*ly: The West. .. Name the states in each region / "clic% on the state to find their
0. #atch: A Video Tour of the Regions of the United States; States and their Capitals; USA Geography(ZANE EDUCAT !N V DE!S " #isual learning$
* Optional Activity: &lace each city in the right state: New 1or%2 'hicago2 Los Angeles2 &hiladel*hia2 San
3rancisco2 4oston2 Las 5egas2 Seattle2 6onolulu2 7etroit2 St. Louis2 Atlanta2 !iami2 Nash8ille2 6ouston.
American States and their ic!names All the states in the USA ha8e nic%names. 6ere are a few of them:
Ala"ama " 'amellia State2 Alas!a " (he Last 3rontier2 Ari#ona " 9rand 'anyon State2 'o**er State2 Ar!ansas " (he Natural State2 Land of +**ortunity2 $ali%ornia " 9olden State2 $olorado " 'entennial State 2 'olorful 'olorado2 &lorida " Sunshine State2 'a(aii " Aloha State2 &inea**le State2 )llinois " &rairie State2 *ansas " Sunflower State2 +o,isiana " &elican State2 Sugar State2 4ayou State- .aine " &ine (ree State2 .ichigan " 9reat La%es State2 .ississippi " !agnolia State2 .isso,ri " Show !e State- e( .e/ico " Land of Enchantment2 e( 0or! " Em*ire State2 Rhode )sland " +cean State2 Te/as " Lone Star State2 West 1irginia " !ountain State. Tas!: 3ind out why they were named li%e that. 7o regions in your country ha8e nic%names:
American 1al,es
*Activity2 $hoose one o% the %ollo(ing 3,otations on American val,es to comment ,pon. &ind o,t (ho these people (ere or still are. .aya Angelo,2 4)t is time %or parents to teach yo,ng people early on that in diversity there is "ea,ty and there is strength.5 6mily 7ic!inson2 ;Luc% is not chance2 its toil< fortunes e)*ensi8e smile is earned.= 8eter 7r,c!er2 ;(he best way to *redict your future is to create it.=
W.6.9. 7,9ois2 ;Now is the acce*ted time2 not tomorrow2 not some more con8enient season. >t is today that our best wor% can be done and not some future day or future year.=
Amelia 6arhart2 ;(he most difficult thing is the decision to act2 the rest is merely tenacity. (he fears are *a*er tigers. 1ou can do anything you
decide to do. 1ou can act to change and control your life< and the *rocedure2 the *rocess2 is its own reward.= Al"ert 6instein2 ;(he im*ortant thing is to not sto* ?uestioning.=
Ralph Waldo 6merson2 ;(here is a time in e8ery mans education when he arri8es at the con8iction that en8y is ignorance< that imitation is
suicide< that he must ta%e himself for better or worse as his *ortion< that though the wide uni8erse is full of good2 no %ernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on the *lot of ground which is gi8en to him.
9ill ;ates2 ;#ith success2 > ha8e been gi8en great wealth. And with great wealth comes great res*onsibility to gi8e bac% to society2 to see that those
resources are *ut to wor% in the best *ossible way to hel* those in need.=
+angston ',ghes2 ;6old fast to dreams2 for if dreams die2 life is a bro%en winged bird that cannot fly. > ha8e disco8ered in life that there are ways
of getting almost anywhere you want to go2 if you really want to go.=
;arrison *eillor2 ;> thin% the most un"American thing you can say is2 A1ou cant say that.= 6d(ard R. .,rro(2 ;(o be *ersuasi8e we must be belie8able< to be belie8able we must be credible< to be credible we must be truthful. >t is as
sim*le as that.=
.ar! T(ain2 ;A *erson with a new idea is a cran% until the idea succeeds.= Oprah Win%rey2 ;Surround yourself with only *eo*le who are going to lift you higher.
(he 'ascades 'oastal $anges Sierra Ne8ada 8latea,s2 >ntermountain &lateaus /between the $oc%ies2 the 'ascades and the Sierra Ne8ada, (he 9reat 4asin /between the Sierra Ne8ada and the $oc%ies, 'olorado &lateau /in the South of the 9reat 4asin, +Dar% &lateau 7eserts2 (he 9reat 4asin /between the Sierra Ne8ada and the $oc%ies, !oha8e 7esert Sonoran 7esert 'hiuhuahuan 7esert /New !e)ico, #hite Sands /New !e)ico,2 &ainted 7esert /AriDona,
&oint out what a com*osite 8olcano is made of. #hich mountain in #ashington State is a com*osite 8olcano: #hat ty*e of 8olcano is !t Iilauea in 6awaii:
Almost none
hot or cold
s*arse " succulents /li%e cactus,2 sage brush
s*arse " insects2 arachnids2 re*tiles and birds /often nocturnal,
$haparal (scr,"> T,ndra Taiga (coni%ero,s %orest> Temperate 7ecid,o,s &orest ;rassland Tropical rain %orest S(amp $ave (terrestrial>
hot summer2 cool winter cold cool year"round cool season and warm season
*oor *ermafrost /froDen soil, *oor2 roc%y soil fertile soil fertile soil *oor2 thin soil nutrient"rich soil roc%s
shrubs2 some woodland /li%e scrub oa%, lichens and mosses conifers deciduous trees grasses /few or no trees, many *lants many *lants almost no *lants
drought and fire"ada*ted animals migrating animals many mammals2 birds2 insects2 arachnids2 etc. many mammals2 birds2 re*tiles2 insects2 arachnids2 etc. many mammals2 birds2 insects2 arachnids2 etc. many animals many animals few animals
wet season2 dry warm to hot /often with a season cold season, 8ery wet 8ery wet 8ariable always warm warm cool /and dar%,
Tas!: Name as many *lants and animals as you can in each terrestrial biome.
&oint out The Spirit,al and $,lt,ral Signi%icance o% 4ernbaum2 in his article National Parks, National Legacy.
(he remar%able landsca*es and features of nature *reser8ed in national *ar%s ha8e the *ower to awa%en an e)traordinary sense of wonder. (he ethereal rise of a *ea% in mist2 the smooth glide of an eagle in flight2 the bright slant of sunbeams *iercing the de*ths of a *rime8al forest J such glim*ses of natural beauty can mo8e *eo*le in ine)*licable ways. National *ar%s trans*ort 8isitors far outside the confines of routine e)istence2 to awe"ins*iring realms of mystery and s*lendor2 go8erned by forces beyond our control. >ndeed2 these sanctuaries of uns*oiled nature re*resent *laces of s*iritual renewal where we can return to the source of our being and reco8er the freshness of a new beginning. >n addition to their scientific 8alue as re*ositories of geological and biological di8ersity and %nowledge2 national *ar%s ha8e *rofound s*iritual and cultural significance for the American *eo*le. National *ar%s function as cultural icons of heritage and identity. 3or many2 they *reser8e the *ristine essence and *ioneering s*irit of the United States. National *ar%s enshrine im*ortant American 8alues and as*irations. (he high *ea%s and dee* canyons of *ar%s such as Alas%as 7enali and the 9rand 'anyon embody the ma-esty and grandeur of the United States e)tolled in the national hymn ;America the 4eautiful.= (he 8ast landsca*es and untrammeled *laces *reser8ed within the National &ar% System ser8e as reminders of the ?uest for freedom and inde*endence that lies at the heart of American culture and history. 6igh mountains and remote wilderness areas in *ar%s such as 9rand (eton /#yoming,2 North 'ascades /#ashington,2 and #rangell"St. Elias /Alas%a, *ro8ide o**ortunities for the %inds of challenge and ad8enture that build character and contribute to Americas can"do s*irit. !any go to *rime8al forests and ?uiet s*ots in $edwood /'alifornia,2 $oc%y !ountain /'olorado,2 and other national *ar%s as natural cathedrals2 see%ing to find *eace and contem*lation and to reco8er a sense of who they are and what is im*ortant in life. 3inally2 national *ar%s hold s*ecial 8alue and attraction for *eo*le of all cultures2 both in the United States and around the world. &eo*le from all o8er the world come to 8isit national *ar%s in the United States to learn about
establishing similar sanctuaries in their own countries. America=s 4"est idea5 has become a model for *rotecting s*ecial *laces around the Earth and a ma-or contribution to world culture. Activity: !a%e u* a *hoto gallery of the most well"%nown *ar%s in the USA. #atch 8ideos on: E8erglades2 1ellowstone2 #estern &ar%s2 the #est.