Loss Prevention Standard

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BRE Certification 2003

This standard stipulates the requirements for certification

of suction tanks for automatic pumps for use in automatic
sprinkler system instillations.

This standard is available for information only and should not be used for any other purpose. Its use is subject
to interpretation by LPCB and BRE experts, and we take no responsibility for its use by others. Any distribution
or use of this material may only be done with the written permission of BRE Certification Ltd. Those wishing to
use or reproduce this standard for any purpose other than to obtain approval from LPCB should apply to
enquiries@brecertification.co.uk for a licence. Training is likely to be required and a fee will normally be

BRE Certification 2004

LPS 1268: DRAFT 1D


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BRE Certification 2004

This standard was prepared by Expert Group C and approved by the LPC Fire and Security
Board of BRE Certification Ltd. The LPCB approval requirements are given in Scheme
Document SD037, which should be read in conjunction with this standard. The following
organisations participated in the preparation of this standard:-

Association of British Insurers
Association of Chief Police Officers
Association for Specialist Fire Protection
British Automatic Sprinkler Association
British Fire Protection Systems Association
British Security Industry Association
Confederation of British Industry
Chief & Assistant Fire Chief Officers Association
Door & Shutter Manufacturers Association
Electrical Contractors Association
Fire Sprinkler Association
Franklin Hodge
Health & Safety Executive
International Fire Sprinkler Association
London Fire and Civil Defence Authority
Local Government Association
National Fire Sprinkler Association
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Risk Engineering Data Exchange Group
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Vulcan Tanks


Loss Prevention Standards will be revised by issue of revised editions or amendments.
Details will be posted on our website at www.lpcb.com


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BRE Certification 2004

This standard identifies the evaluation and testing practices for the LPCB approval and
listing of products. LPCB Listing of life safety and security products for inclusion in the Red
Book is based on the following

i. Satisfactory compliance with this LPS1268 including product performance during
testing and audit testing, which must be carried out in association with the LPCB or
its licensees
ii. Satisfactory product construction
iii. Satisfactory manufacturing processes
iv. Satisfactory product performance and service experience
v. Compliance with Scheme Document SD037 Suction Tanks for Fire Pumps for
Automatic Sprinkler Service

NB:- Compliance with this LPS standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal

The LPCB certification requirements are given in Scheme Document SD037, which should
be read in conjunction with this standard.

LPCB offers a full range of services for approval and testing. Listed products appear in the LPCB List of Approved Fire and
Security Products and Services which may be viewed on our website at www.lpcb.com or obtained in hard copy or CD ROM by
contacting us at LPCB, Garston, Herts WD25 9XX.
Tel: +44 (0) 1923 664100, Fax: +44 (0) 1923 664994, E-mail: enquiries@brecertification.co.uk

* NOTE: BRE and BRE Certification are owned by the Foundation for the Built Environment which is a registered charity. The
Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) is part of BRE Certification and lists approved products and services within the fire
and security sectors.
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BRE Certification 2004
Table of Contents

PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS _______________________________________________________ 1
REVISION OF LOSS PREVENTION STANDARDS ____________________________________________ 1
FOREWORD __________________________________________________________________________ 2
1. SCOPE___________________________________________________________________________ 4
2. REQUIREMENTS __________________________________________________________________ 4
2.1 CAPACITY______________________________________________________________________ 4
2.2 PERFORMANCE__________________________________________________________________ 5
2.2.1 Single supply tanks____________________________________________________________ 5
2.2.2 Superior supply tanks__________________________________________________________ 5
2.3 WARRANTY ____________________________________________________________________ 5
2.4 INSPECTION REGIME ______________________________________________________________ 6
2.5 DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND DECLARATION _____________________________________________ 7
2.5.1 Initial application______________________________________________________________ 7
2.5.2 Individual tank design__________________________________________________________ 7
2.6 PUMP CONNECTION_______________________________________________________________ 7
2.8 TANK COVER ___________________________________________________________________ 7
2.9 LINED TANKS ___________________________________________________________________ 8
2.10 MASTIC _______________________________________________________________________ 8
2.11 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT____________________________________________________________ 8
2.12 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS_______________________________________________________ 9
2.13 TRAINING ______________________________________________________________________ 9
3. ASSESSMENT AND INSPECTION_____________________________________________________ 9
4. MARKING AND LABELLING ________________________________________________________ 10
5. ON-GOING ASSESSMENT AND AUDIT _______________________________________________ 10
6. PUBLICATIONS REFERRED TO _____________________________________________________ 11
RECOMMENDATIONS _________________________________________________________________ 13

Appendix A Example Inspection Report Form _______________________________________ 12

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This standard stipulates the requirements for certification of suction tanks for automatic pumps for
use in automatic sprinkler systems.

The following types of tanks can be approved for use as pump suction tanks in conjunction with the
LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installations (2
edition) and EN12845 Fixed firefighting systems
Automatic Sprinkler systems Design, installation and maintenance. These tanks can also be used
with any other sprinkler system installation standard that has a requirement for certificated tanks:

Single supply tank: A water storage tank which shall be designed and protected against
corrosion such that the need for emptying the tank for maintenance is
reduced to a period of not less than 1 year*

Superior supply tank: A water storage tank which shall be designed and protected against
corrosion such that the need for emptying the tank for maintenance is
reduced to a period of not less than 10 years*

* Note: These periods exclude the need for maintenance caused by accidental damage.

In accordance with the LPC Rules and EN12845 the following combination of single and superior
supply tanks are acceptable for a duplicate water supply:

Two single supply tanks;
Two superior supply tanks; or
One single and one superior supply tanks.

Each type of tank may be sized such that it may be independent of inflow, i.e. full capacity, or
dependent on inflow, i.e. of reduced capacity subject to the requirements of EN12845 Clause 9.3.

Note: Whilst not part of the LPCB certification process, applicants are advised to seek
approval/acceptance of the tank design from the appropriate national water authority.


2.1 Capacity

Each tank supplied under this approval scheme must not exceed a maximum capacity of

Duplicate sub-divided tanks may have a total capacity not exceeding 2600m
, provided the
dividing wall is structurally capable of supporting either full compartment whilst the other is
empty, and the maximum capacity of each compartment does not exceed 1300m

Note: Authorities having jurisdiction may accept single supply, multi-level tanks or sub-
divided tanks in excess of these maximum capacities, provided that an independent
verification of the tank's design and integrity is submitted by professionally qualified
consultants. Such tanks will not be eligible for listing within the LPCB List of
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Approved Fire and Security Products and Services.

2.2 Performance

2.2.1 Single supply tanks

Each single supply tank shall be designed and installed such that the need for emptying of
the tank for maintenance is reduced to a period of not less than 1 year.

Applications for approval must be supported with independently verified evidence, including
field experience, of the design, materials and construction.

Note: LPCB reserve the right to reject and/or appoint an independent expert to review the
data submitted.

2.2.2 Superior supply tanks

Each superior supply tank shall be designed and installed such that the need for emptying of
the tank for maintenance is reduced to a period of not less than 10 years.

Applications for approval must be supported with independently verified evidence, including
field experience, of the design and materials chosen.

Note: Current industry experience shows that the following designs may be suitable for
achieving the above criteria for superior supply tank design:

Concrete tanks designed and constructed in accordance with BS 8007 (Code
of practice for the design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquid)
with a cover of concrete, metal or glass fibre reinforced plastics are suitable;
Steel tanks galvanised with 600g/m
of galvanising in total (i.e. 300g/m
side) plus a suitable rubber liner such as butyl;
Steel tanks galvanised with 1200g/m
of galvanising in total (i.e. 600g/m
Glass reinforced plastic tanks; and
Glass lined (vitreous enamel) steel tanks with a minimum internal coating of

Note: LPCB reserve the right to reject and/or appoint an independent expert to review the
data submitted.

2.3 Warranty

All approved tanks shall be issued with a minimum warranty covering repair or replacement
due to manufacturing or installation defects for a minimum of 1 year from handover of the
sprinkler installation.

All superior supply tanks shall also be supplied with the option of extending this warranty in
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BRE Certification 2004
suitable increments to a period of not less than 10 years from handover or the sprinkler
installation subject to the requirements of Clause 2.4 being met.

Note: It may be possible to extend the period beyond 10 years subject to on-going
inspection (see Clause 2.4) .

2.4 Inspection regime

The approval of any tank shall remain valid subject to compliance with the inspection regime
as detailed by the manufacturer. Inspection regimes shall include, but not be limited to
inspection of:

Tank exterior shall be performed annually

Compliance with EN12845 Clause 20;
All safety and information related signs & decals for legibility;
Overflow pipes, and pipe terminations to ensure that they will perform their design
Tank ventilation systems, including screens designed to prevent birds, insects and
debris from entering the tank, for signs of blockage;
Galvanised coating thickness which shall include galvanised coating thickness
measurement at a minimum of 5 locations on two tanks sheets;
The tank exterior for possible damage and signs of corrosion; and
Ladders, locks, platforms, ladder cages etc for corrosion and/or damage that may
have safety implications.

Tank interior shall be performed a minimum of every 5 years for single supply tanks and
10 years for superior supply tanks or earlier if an inspection of the exterior of the tank shows
possible damage or signs of corrosion

Internal sheet and roof coating integrity, particularly in areas where external damage
or internal corrosion may have occurred;
Tank/roof coating, particularly at all fastener locations and at sheet edges for signs of
damage or corrosion;
If the tank is a mastic sealant design then inspect the condition of the sealant used
on all joints, at the tank wall to floor junction, in the area of sumps, and other tank or
floor penetrations for signs of degradation;
If the tank is a lined design then inspect the condition of the liner particularly in the
area of joints, gaskets, eyelets etc for signs of premature degradation;
The galvanised coating on all parts for signs of degradation/corrosion;
Other interior tank components such as vortex inhibitor, ball valve, heater etc for
proper functionality; and
Floor as appropriate for signs of degradation.

It shall be made clear to the tank purchaser that after the first year of installation,
maintenance of LPCB approval is dependent on an inspection regime being in place.

An inspection report shall be produced after each visit and a copy kept by the manufacturer
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for a period of not less than 5 years. An example inspection report is provided in
Appendix A.

2.5 Design Calculations and Declaration

2.5.1 Initial application

Each generic tank design for approval shall be submitted with detailed design calculations
for all stressed parts of the structure, verified by a Chartered Engineer.

All design calculations shall cater for a minimum wind loading in an empty state of 45 m/s

2.5.2 Individual tank design

The manufacturers internal procedures shall be such that each tank design shall cater for a
minimum wind loading in an empty state of 45 m/s .

2.6 Pump connection

Sealing arrangements shall adequately seal the pump test pipes into the tank structure so that
it shall prevent ingress of extraneous matter.

2.7 External protection

Pump suction tanks shall have all external steelwork protected against corrosion.

Where tanks may be installed in particularly corrosive atmospheres added protection may be
necessary. Applicants for approval shall have procedures in place such that this is
highlighted and discussed with the tank purchaser.

Note: Current industry experience shows the following options may be suitable:

Coating in accordance with BS EN ISO 12944 (Paints and varnishes
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems),
Coating in accordance with BS 5493 (Protective coating of iron and steel
structure against corrosion), or equivalent; or
Galvanising of the exterior with a minimum of 300g/m

2.8 Tank cover

All tanks shall be provided with a cover which:

a) Shall be rigid;
b) Excludes daylight;
c) Prevents water from becoming contaminated with extraneous matter;
d) Is designed to withstand snow loadings for the region in which the tank is to be
installed; and
e) Shall be designed such that any part is a minimum of 50mm above the highest water
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level (including supporting structures).

2.9 Lined tanks

2.9.1 Tank liners shall not be manufactured out of fibreglass.

2.9.2 The base of all lined tanks shall be protected in such a way as to prevent damage to the liner
on installation.

Note: Current industry experience shows that three layers of 300g/m
Polyethylene matting
or equivalent is suitable for this purpose.

2.9.3 Bolt heads shall be protected internally to prevent damage to the liner.

2.10 Mastic

Where mastic or similar sealants are used any excess shall be removed from the exterior of
the tank. possibly remove as requirement is aesthetic

2.11 Ancillary Equipment

All tanks shall be provided with the following:
a) A permanently attached access ladder generally to BS 4211 (Ladders for Permanent
Access) which shall incorporate a platform and guard-rail from which a person shall be
able to test and/or maintain the ball valves whilst keeping both feet on the platform. The
bottom section of the ladder shall be removable or otherwise protected to prevent
unauthorised access to the tank
Where the tank is installed in restricted height conditions (such as inside a building),
alternative arrangements shall be provided to enable access to the ball vales;
b) A ball or float valve for maintaining the required level of water in the tank;
c) An access opening in the tank cover of such size and location to enable the testing,
maintenance and replacement of the ball valve equipment. The cover of this opening
shall be permanently attached by hinged or other means and shall be secured in such a
manner as to be capable of being opened by hand;
d) A device which shall show the total amount of water present in the tank, and which
monitors the quantity of water down to below the suction pipe outlet to the pumps. This
device shall be capable of being maintained without draining the tank.
It may be possible for the gauge and associated fittings to be supplied separately to the
tank for fitting in the pump house if required. If such an arrangement is provided, the
gauge shall be suitable for use in suction conditions or be protected from such.
Note "cat and mouse" type indicators are not adequate;
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e) An immersion heater or other means to prevent the ball valves and the water in the
vicinity of the ball valves from freezing. Any immersion heater provided must be of a
type which shall not burn out when exposed to the air, e.g. when the water level in the
tank is lowered below the immersion heater. The heater shall be of the dual element
type. Each element shall be capable of operating independently and preventing water in
the vicinity of the ball valves from freezing and capable of being maintained or removed
without draining the tank;
f) A drainage facility that can completely drain the tank;
g) An LPCB approved Vortex inhibitor;
h) An efficient overflow arrangement in compliance with the relevant water authority
requirements; and
i) An access hatch at the base of lined tank with a minimum opening of 600x600mm

2.12 Environmental Conditions

All tanks shall be designed to meet the requirements of Clause 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 in all expected
water and external environment conditions. Where special designs are required for certain
conditions these shall not be supplied as LPCB approved unless submitted for evaluation.

2.13 Training

Suitable procedures shall be in place within the manufacturers quality management system to
ensure adequate training of personnel involved in the design, manufacture and installation of
storage tanks.


An inspection of a filled tank of similar design and being not less than three years old shall
be conducted by the LPCB such that conformity with technical documentation supplied by
the applicant and the requirements of Section 2 of this standard can be assessed.

The tank need not necessarily be installed in a sprinkler installation;
Where inspection of all ancillary items is not feasible, review of specifications
may be sufficient;
LPCB also reserve the right to inspect an empty tank, or a tank in the process
of construction where deemed appropriate;
LPCB reserve the right to involve independent qualified structural and corrosion
specialists to examine the specification and tank (either empty or full) to verify
compliance with this standard; and
Where appropriate, tests may also be carried out as part of the evaluation.

Note: The three-year period may be extended, should this be considered appropriate
by the LPCB.
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Only pump suction tanks which are and continue to be approved by the LPCB as complying
with the requirements of LPS1268 may be described directly, indirectly or by implication by
reference to Loss Prevention Standard 1268 or LPS1268.

Marking requirements are given in LPCB Scheme Document SD037.

5. On-going assessment and audit

Requirements for the on-going approval and LPCB Red Book Listing of pump suction tanks are
given in LPCB Scheme Document SD037.

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LPCB Red Book : List of Approved Fire and Security Products and Services

BS 4211 : Ladders for Permanent Access

BS 5493 : Protective coating of iron and steel structure against corrosion

BS 8007 : Code of practice for the design of concrete structures for
retaining aqueous liquids

BS EN ISO 12944 : Paints and varnishes Corrosion protection of steel structures
by protective paint systems

PN103 : BRE Certification: Use of the BRE Certification Mark(s)

LPC Rules : LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installations

EN12845 : Fixed firefighting systems Automatic Sprinkler systems
Design, installation and maintenance

SD037 : LPCB Scheme Document 037 - suction tanks for fire pumps for
automatic sprinkler systems

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Appendix A Example Inspection Report Form



Date Of Inspection:
Inspected by:

Tank Details

Date of erection LPCB Ref. No.
Tank Type Mastic Lined
Capacity m
Height m
Material Galvanised Glass Other

Inspection Type Internal External

Tank Condition - External

General appearance
(signs of corrosion etc)

Thickness of galvanising
(where applicable)
Top row (4 locations at 2 nearest corners each side of ladder)

Bottom row (5 locations each corner & centre of 1 bottom plate)

TL BR BL Centre

Evidence of leakage?

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Tank Condition - Internal

General condition

Lining present Y/N



The following recommendations are made based on the inspection carried out
1. Health and Safety

2. Significant Damage or Corrosion

3. Minor

Assessor signature: Date:

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BRE Certification 2004
Amendments Issued Since Publication


LPS 1268 Draft 1a

LPS 1268 Draft 1b

LPS 1268 Draft 1d


Initial internal (LPCB) draft

Initial public draft

Public comments incorporated




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